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Cheri....so much better news about Rachel. Thoughts and prayers as she (and your family) go through this trying time. Hugs

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Cheri, I am happy for you and wish you and your daughter continued health and success.

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Recap on the vacation....was the best ever. Missed not doing the daily thing with all of you but made a decision early on to concentrate on "family and friends". Tanker, DH, friends and I had the best ever. Didn't really ever sleep in...but got a lot of rest. Spent days out and about but spent most of our evenings at the house and just hanging out.

Spending time with FIL after 8 years of dialysis with MIL and regretfully losing her was what he needed and it came right back to make us feel like we did just what we should have. Spending the time we did with Eva, her DH and her wonderful friends got us out of the box and we are very thankful for that experience. Looking forward to spending time with "Newfound Friends".

Heading out to Indio and Palm Desert was a wonderful experience. Sitting at the local Palm Springs Starbucks for just an hour or so was an experience. Sitting on Janet's patio and watching her cute cat and puppas and Zoey playing, was heartwarming. Spending time with Janet, Plyll and her DH was one of those moments you never forget.

All in all, would do it all over again. Was two months out of our life that we will never forget. Eva provided us with a stepping stone for vacations to come. By providing us with a true picture of her state (AZ), we have so many things we want to see and investigate.

Have a busy couple of days coming up. Was unpacked about an hour after we got home and have a bit of laundry done. Kidney stone hit about an hour ago...payback is such a bi_ch....travelling seems to be a bit tough on my body. Anyway...lost 2lbs about a week into the vacation. Gained it back and am 2 lbs up when I weighed when I got home. Things are good and no worries. No loss at least (which seems to happen on vaca) and I ate like a little pig. (To the Newbies...not the norm).

Had a great visit with DS that works with us. He had a path plowed for us to get into the yard. Tanker loves DS and was just beside himself when he saw him. Made a nice dinner...had a nice visit...he was happy to see mom and dad and we are all looking forward to his 30th bday party on Sat. night. Hired a band (good band), provided nice food (GF's choice) and his gift is two nights at a nice hotel and two nice dinners for him and his GF without the kids and we will take the kids on the weekend they decide to get away.

So, am I all caught up now? Maybe. Not sure. Have an appt to get younger tomorrow. DS's GF has been my hairdresser for about 7 yrs and she is going to cut a lot off. I tried to grow it out but know I look much better in shorter hair. Color and a highlight also.

So, will talk to you all tomorrow. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite. Sending the love...

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Linda - what you say makes sense.

Okay so I have been hiding. I have been reading but still avoiding. I know I need to be here for my family and owe it to myself to get better ecspecially with being Diabetic and have high blood pressure and anxiety issues. I really do take to heart what everyone says to me but I feel Like I am in front of a big hill. I can get through day 1 of the pouch test but cave and eat carbs and sweets. Maybe I just need to follow the Protein only as linda mentioned above. I am really sick about talking, and thinking about my weight, it runs in my family on my moms side (the weight issues) I hate it. It is like I can get so far and sabatoge myself. (My Mom does the same thing she had gastric bypass in 2000 but even though she lost the weight had a Tummy Tuck and abreast reduction she still complains about her weight. Which is where I get it from, I believe. I want to give up except for this board and all the friends I have here. I have a friend who is very overweight but she is a debbie downer and it gets harder and harder to talk to her (I try to motivate her hoping she will motivate me back but when she stops working out she talks me into doing the same) . Then I have a friend from childhood who has always been thin and she says i need to give all my concerns and troubles over to GOD and he will help me. Besides all of this my depression and mood swings are up do to my T.O.M. is on right now. Sorry I am just have been down a couple of days with all this hormonal stuff. My son is always there for me to go walking ,play tennis etc but sometimes I get home from work and want to sleep or our schedules conflict he comes home from school and I am going to work. I do take time for me everyday and have a bath at night so it is just me and a good book for a the least 15 mins but sometimes I get more time. I can do so much more but with my stressors at home about money and the health insurance, taxes and praying a full time position will open soon takes it tolls. Usually my meds I am on work but not during my hormally time. I need to make friends with someone who is into fitness or something so I can have that push right in front of me calling me out on my BS. (I can't afford a trainer or I would do that.) This board is great for that but I have not found anyone local. Oh on the last episode of HEAVY the woman Jill was from Gainesville, GA right next to me. She was a closet eater and hid her food litterally in the closet. I don't hid it I just am a food addict ecspecially to the wrong foods, comfort foods. I looked up what it would cost to go to that place in Hilton Head but it is way to much money. Sorry for the long downer post but that is where am am right now. I feel ashamed and defeatded. I go to the Dr and pay $90 to say the same thing and admit to not excersing I might not go. Besides even though I want a fill not sure I really need it I would mostly want it for my head anyway and we all know they do not do that yet. I know my post was all over the place so I hope you all could keep up.

HUGS! You sound so stressed out. I think Linda gave good advice about eating Protein and veggies. I know you must get tired of sugar free Snacks, but there are some good recipes out there. Sam's has good Protein Bars. Like you user name says........you gotta take it "One day at a Time". You vent all you want......it helps to get it out. We are here for you! I hope you get on full time soon.

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Welcome home Apples!!! Sounds like a great birthday party and gift for DS. Our family is getting together on Saturday for my birthday. Yes, I am going to eat cake. One piece! When is DS's birthday? I thought it was on the 8th too.

Lori......baby yet?

Eva, glad you checked in.

Joyce, now you have me worried.....Check in!

Jodi, you too. No report after the endoscopy? Are you okay?

Laura......loved the Birthday Pics of Nels!

Julie......you amaze me! You never let that pain get you down for long. Enjoy the hot tub!

Cheri, I am so glad your DD called you. I know her illness is very serious, but that is good news about it not spreading. I will continue to pray for a complete recovery.

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Well just got in a big fight w/Andrew ..... OMG I am so glad he doesn't live here any more .... He's on my computer - ask him when he's getting off - I have things to do - he says in a minute then I'm on it and he comes an interrups me looking up his stuff - then a big fight ensued... He's never coming back or calling me ya right he'll need me before I need him.. OMG I forgot how much of a drama king he is... Well there went my day - now I am friggin pissed off.. Then got Joseph calling to skype for Brooke's bday - forgot I hadn't installed skype camera hooked up but hadn't down loaded skype - so had to do that - with all this other stuff going on - then Kaitlin tells me her friend might come w/her at easter - well don't you think you should ask first.. OMG ENTITLEMENT WTF is wrong w/kids now a days ..

Ok - now it's time to calm down - Reading your guys post helped me do that - it's just a fight nothing major and it will blow over.

Cheri - Great news .... Like you said still a rough road a head - but with prayer and posititive energy you and family will get through this.

Melissa - Hugs Hugs Hugs.. I wish you could afford to see a shrink - I think you need some major counseling... I wish that you could see that you are a wonderful woman and deserve to be healthy... You need to really understand this... You are loved.

Apples - Glad you made it home safe - your toothbrush should arrive in a couple of days :0) - just mailed it off today - it got buried on my desk ;0)

I really had a good day - busy at work - but didn't have gym tonite - was looking forward to a nice evening - I guess I really have gotten use to doing as I like on my schedule and time table - Well I need to go cook it's almost 8 - Idol will be on in a few - I still got to chill - I want to send and most likely will Andrew a scathing email about how rude he is..

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Andrew just called and apoligized :0) But he still a little butthead....

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Janet...hugs on the Andrew/entitlement/kid butt head issues...know what you are talking about. Apologies are great but it could happen all over again. Sit back, relax and know you did the best job you could do. You were there for the kid and he is testing the waters. Independence but still needs you to pluck at once and awhile. Not easy...never easy. He will surprise you someday and be that well-rounded young man you raised him to be. (We all hope that for our kids). Thanks for sending the package. Eva lucked out...don't think I left anything at her house. Hugs

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Welcome home Apples!!! Sounds like a great birthday party and gift for DS. Our family is getting together on Saturday for my birthday. Yes, I am going to eat cake. One piece! When is DS's birthday? I thought it was on the 8th too.

Lori......baby yet?

Eva, glad you checked in.

Joyce, now you have me worried.....Check in!

Jodi, you too. No report after the endoscopy? Are you okay?

Laura......loved the Birthday Pics of Nels!

Julie......you amaze me! You never let that pain get you down for long. Enjoy the hot tub!

Cheri, I am so glad your DD called you. I know her illness is very serious, but that is good news about it not spreading. I will continue to pray for a complete recovery.

Yep...oldest DS was born at 10:03AM on March 8, 1981. Beautiful baby boy...looks just like his dad but has a lot of mom's traits. Was so happy to meet him that day.

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Well Lori, It looks like my prediction might come true for the baby I am expecting to come into my life!!! My best friend just called me at 10:45 and said that her Water had just broken and she was on the way to the hospital! EEK! She is so nervous and sounded like she was going to have a panic attack on the phone. Now, I'm nervous. I just poured myself a glass of wine. I'm nervous for her, and for lots of other things. Like, the future. It sounds so dumb, but she has been my best friend since 6th grade, and I am scared that her having a baby is somehow going to change her, or change our relationship in some way. Of course I thought of this before, but now it is real. I know this is sounding so selfish, but I think it's probably normal. Right? Anyhow, her dad is the weatherman for the Detroit area, and he was just on tv, grinning ear to ear and kind of giggling! The anchorwoman was joking with him not to let the secret out! It was cute. Anyhow, I cannot wait to hear what is going on with your DD and Katelyn!!! Anytime now!!!! This is soooo exciting!!!!

Linda~ You never cease to amaze me!!! You really do have some wonderful insight into this whole journey of ours, don't you? I mean, you have it down pat! I appreciate you sharing so much about your daily menus and your personal experiences with eating. I just need to break this carb addiction! This might sound crazy, but today I had such headaches, even after I had my massage. I think it was the carb withdrawl that Kay Bailey talks about. I'm sure I just trashed all of that with my glass of wine tonight! LOL. It's liquid though!

Cheri~ I am so sorry that your daughter has to go through all of this. I am not very good at talking about things like this because I just don't know what to say. Just know that I am thinking about you and your DD and praying for the both of you. I did see that you got some good news today about the cancer not metasticizing (sp) to other areas of her body. Hopefully this will make the road ahead a little easier. Love you girl, hang in there.

Janet~ Like my dad says "All guys are dumb". Period. I suppose your Andrew can now be placed into this category now that he is out on his own? Glad he knew to call and apologize though.

Apples~ I am so glad that your adventure went so well! It sounds like such an amazing time! I am so happy for you. You really deserve all of this happiness and fun in your life! I cannot wait to hear more about it, and about the "Love Shack"! Also, looking forward to hearing about the party you are having for DS 30th! Sounds like a great time!

Eva~ Girl, you never know it, I might really show up one day! LOL It sounds like you have been so super duper busy. WOW!

Ok, well, I wanted to go to bed at 10, but now with all of this drama, it is going to be tough to sleep! EEK! Prayers for the safe arrival of baby Adam!



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Meredith...you are going to be so enthralled with this new baby that it can only enrich the relationship you have with your childhood friend. Enjoy!....And....BACK AWAY FROM THE CARBS!!!! LOL. Don't you want to be the healthiest momma ever? If/when you have children....so important to set a healthy example for them. Be able to chase them around, and, being happy with yourself will instill confidence in them. Something to shoot for, right????

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Apples~ I just have to put my mind to it, and I really have. I just finished day 2 of the 5DPT and tomorrow it is on to soft Protein. I'm ready. Also, I cannot wait for this little one, he is going to be such a joy, but you know what I mean, it's just kinda scary anyway. I love kids, but don't want any. It is just not for me. I've never really wanted them. Andrew feels the same way. I asked him what if I ever change my mind? I don't think I will, but if that ever happens, I'm sure he will be open to whatever. He's good like that. But, really, I don't think thats gonna happen. Not in the plans. Thanks for your encouragement. You are awesome! Now I cannt sleep!!!!

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Morning to all. Don't have too much time so this will be short. We had a nice evening - took Bryan to the casino for his b-day dinner. He works at the university cafeteria and normally works nights -- this week is spring break for the school so he was free for dinner this week - his b-day is also March 8 -- so we went for seafood buffet which the casino moved to Wednesday nights (used to be Fridays). So we enjoyed our crab and prime rib dinner - Bryan's was free for his birthday month -- mine was child's price -- $8.00 minus a $3 coupon they had sent me and Dennis paid full price -- so was $23 for all three of us to eat all you can eat crab buffet. I ate crab and a few bites of prime rib and a couple of the garlic dill pickles they have and a few bites of fresh strawberries -- they have amazing pies there but I just don't go near the dessert area and I'm fine.

Melissa, if you could just do the 5 days without breaking it I think you'd get excited about your weight loss again. Pick a week where you know you won't be hormonal -- where your schedule looks busy and then try to stick to the 5 day pouch test. Weigh yourself the first morning and then weight yourself again on the morning of day 6 and I think that will help excite you again. Then try to spend at least 150 mins. a week on some type of exercise -- walk, playing tennis, etc. It doesn't have to be a one hour grind at the gym -- until you start losing again and feeling some energy return you aren't going to feel like exercising much. The carbs really do make you feel lethargic - I was exhausted all the time when I was eating carbs. First just try to rid your body of the carbs -- not sure if you like the things I mentioned, but if you do they should help get you over the hump. Like I mentioned yesterday - feed that carb monster -- and then after a few days it will back down and not be rearing up it's ugly head. Whenever you want to eat, eat -- the first two days you can include sf pudding and Jello -- so buy them and eat them -- add a little Protein powder to it and try that. I think once you see (and feel) the results after 5 days you'll get back on track. Good luck, I'm here for you.

Meredith -- one glass of wine is okay--

Gotta run to class.



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Good Morning Peeps...

Meredith - It's ok to not want babies - an old man at my 1st job said once - some pple are made to be moms and some aren't - I know that so many pple want others to have babies - but sometimes it just not what you want - like yesterday any my fight w/Andrew - OMG why have kids LOL jking LOL.. But I understand.. Your relationship will change - but all relationships change every day and it doesn't mean in a bad way.. Just diff..

Apples - He's just a butt head - can be a DRAMA QUEEN at times - Kaitlin needed to ask 1st - just not pop it on me - espeically when the girl was on skype w/us - you know like when the kids come and ask if someone can spend the night and they are standing right there LOL..

Not much to report - watch Idol - my early fav was Pia and she did an excellent job - loved the 2 15 yr olds - Haley (alicia keys) too.. can't wait til tonite to see who moves on..

Well time for the shower will cbl - 78 today...

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Good morning. No baby yet! DH and I have decided to go to Denver on Saturday if she isn't born before then. That way we are there for the inducing day and earlier if she comes sooner. Just gotta get through today and tomorrow, but if I get the call my bag is half packed and ready to go!

Karen, welcome home! Happy bday to DS if I forget. My DD was born in 1981 too, only September. Where is his party going to be? Is it a surprise?

Janet, hugs on the kid issues. This generation seems to have even more of an entitlement attitude. Maybe I'm just older and notice it more but the pace of life is so much quicker in this day of instant messaging, ATM's, computers etc. We want what we want, when we want it and the younger generation even more so cause they grew up with it. We at least remember having to wait for the letter in the mail, only call long distance occassionally cause it was so expensive, etc.

Melissa, my opinion (throw it out if you want) is that you need to stop looking outside yourself and look in. Only you have the power to do this. Your friend that is a downer, if she brings you down, you might have to do the hard thing and seperate yourself. You also can't make her want to do this, she has to want it for herself just as you have to want it for yourself. Your God friend, sure you need God, but He won't do this for you, you have to take the steps and do it for yourself. Hormones? Always going to be there, every month you can count on them. Stress? job, money, health insurance? Yep gonna be there too, but they are also things you can only control so much. Something you can control is what you eat, what you exercise, etc. Focus on that. Don't let those issues make you give up on yourself. Janet is one of the busiest people on this board, she works full time, til recently was raising a teenager, stress of losing some family members, taking care of an estate, etc. but she has always found time for herself, her exercise, etc. She is a perfect example of someone for you to follow, she didn't let life stop her and took the power to change her life instead of looking for excuses in her life to say she couldn't. LInda, too, look how busy she is with work, practically raising a grandchild, step daughter in and out of hospital, etc. but she doesn't look outwards to those things either to prevent her from focusing on herself. She even has to deal with the fibromyalgia pain and finds a way. Look at Cheri, the stressful job she has teaching those kids and going through the losses she has this year, plus she sings, has a very ill daughter and parent but she is still very focused and determined. Those are just a few examples of the wonderful successes here. You can do this too but you have to stop looking outwards for reasons that you can't and look inwards for reasons that you can and need to do this. If you can't afford to talk to someone is there a clergy member or something available? You can do this, we all have faith in you.

Linda, that dinner sounds so yummy! I've been wanting DH and I to drive to Wendover NV to check out their buffet.

Meredith, it's perfectly fine to not want kids. And what's so great is you know that before you have them. Sure your friendship is going to change with your friend but she's still going to need her friend and that baby is going to need Auntie Meredith! Is he/she born yet?

Cheri, so glad the news was good for your DD and she has a great chance of beating this. Also that she's reaching out to you.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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