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Janet, that store is probably Anthropology or something like that. We have one here downtown. I like it. I don't do pastels either usually. I pass on most of those, but still manage to do enough damage in that store. LOL (Loft).

Finally stopped snowing. Supposed to be in mid 50's by midweek so that will be nice.

Cheri, sounds like a lot of work packing up your folks. DH's folks have been in the same house about 50 yrs and when I see all they have in that small brick home I can only imagine what's there that I can't see in the attic, basement, etc.

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Good Evening All...Phyll....beautiful orange Bracelet you posted on Facebook. Very special that you made that for your friend. Very special.

Cheri...you are on my mind. So much for you to deal with when it comes to your DD and father. You are strong and might feel very challenged in the next few months but hold onto being positive and deal with it the best you can. Good job on cleaning up and putting it out there to your DH on what you need. Good way of taking care of YOU. Hugs.

Janet...looked up that bra....might order. I have been wearing a minimizer lately. Don't like the way it looks in T-shirts but comfy. Your "girls" looked very nice last time I saw you (TMI...but who care amongst friends). Same bra?

Great...I'm so iffy on the thread lately that when that little babe finally does come, I am going to have to go back and figure out who wins the bet. Only thing that matters is having that little one home and in her parents arms and getting your DD back to good health. I am sure you will see her through it.

Linda...sounds like you guys have had all you can handle with your DSD...hugs. Hope she can get it and get on the road to recovery. Sucks. Hugs.

Had a great but heart wrenching day. Took some things over to the new/old place to store for next year and years to come. Had a very nice visit with the previous owners and others in the RV park. Had to peel ourselves away because we had a lunch date with my adopted bro and his wife. Spent a few hours with them and then went over to help DH's dad while he purchased a more permenant place at his RV park. It was the saddest thing to see him bawling in the driveway as we left. I will never forget the moment. He hugged us so hard and thanked us a number of times for doing what we have. It just killed us...both DH and I had tears streaming. FIL is such a lovely person. Just really hate leaving him here but he has so many ppl watching out for him and soooooooooo many widows that vie for his attention that he will be fine. 87 and the cool guy in the RV park. If I ever left this earth b/4 DH, that's what I would want for him. Don't want him living on TV dinner only and being lonely.

Have our route planned for the drive home. Sounds like there should not be any "weather obstacles" to deal with. Just want to be sure to make the bday party for Joe, our oldest DS. A very well-planned party by his GF. We were silent partners in all of it. Let her plan, plan, plan and will help with the cost.

Gonna miss that Eva...such a joy to have been able to have spent as much time as we have with her and her DH. Just happy that DH and I were able to meet half way...we are close to his DF...I am close to adopted bro and wife and also within an hour from Eva...weekly roadtrips and lunch with her. It's been very special.

Gotta hit the hay....love to all...sleep tight.

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Good morning beautiful banders!

Cheri – Glad things are going as well as they can. You are in my prayers!! xxoo

All - I having a great weekend with my DH and feeling recharged. I stitch strips are now all off and it feels so good!

I discovered these yummy Protein meatless buffalo wings made by Veggie patch – great dinner with some fat free Blue Cheese!

Great news my father-in-laws house closed and he got asking price. He is all settled in his new senior living and happy. Once the stress of the house is behind us (March 18) we can get him back on track and less stressed. He has done amazing as these are all huge decisions.

Yesterday & last night we got about 3 inches of snow. Since west coaster don’t have snow tires and don’t know how to drive in the snow for the morning I will do house chores and get out for a walk in the winter wonderland.

Busy work week ahead!

Everyone enjoy your Sunday and have a great week!



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Good Sunday Morning,

I've been on a pain jag.... no-stop since Friday night.... Keeps me from sleeping. I've tried everything to get it to break..... but nothing works for any length of time.... So, I just have to keep plugging away... Think I'm going to stay home from church......You all have a great Sunday...... Will talk to you all later onn if I'm up to it..... Julie

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Good Morning! I have been keeping up with reading everyone’s posts but haven’t posted myself lately. I have been rather busy but it has been a good busy. My Dad is pretty much back to taking care of himself. He still comes for dinner every night but that has been the arrangement since my Mom passed 8 years ago. The only thing he can’t do is drive and quite frankly, I think he should just give it up completely. Time will tell. My DH had his knee scoped on Thursday and he can’t drive for a week or so. Because DH was the main person driving Dad to PT, the doctor ordered home PT. Wow, what a relief! I know now that if Dad ever needs PT in the future that you just have to say the magic words – he lives alone and has no means of transportation. Live and learn. I am just putting it out there in case any of you run into a similar situation.

We took my daughter, sister, niece and my nieces 18 month old to the Wilderness Water park in the WI Dells this past week. What fun!! Such a great place to take kids of every age, even my DH had a blast (of course he qualifies as a kid). They had a huge area that was 6 inches deep for the little ones with lots of cascading or spraying Water. For the big kids there were water slides that took you, in what I describe as a hamster tube, outside and then brought you back in for the final splash. I went down one with DH in a raft built for two but I have to admit I am not much for rides. It was a great way to spend some time with family and have some fun.

I have been exercising three times a week and I am feeling good. I meet with my trainer on Mondays, TRX class on Wednesday and I have kickboxing class on Saturday. This has been working well and is a nice variety. I have only been doing classes the last month or so and I am really enjoying them. Ha, who would have ever thought I, Ms. couch potato, would ever say that. In another month I will have to start thinking about running again. I have been doing just enough of that indoors to keep me strong but let’s face it, winter in Chicago is not good for outdoor running; I really prefer to run outside.

Cheri, hugs on your situation. I have been thinking about you. Do enough for you to stay strong. It is hard to take care of yourself when others are hurting but you must be sure to save enough time for yourself.

Charlene, it sounds like your mom is doing well and that you are too. I am so glad. Thanks for asking about me. Everything is fine, I have just been enjoying life lately and haven’t posted.

Apples, it sound like you had a wonderful time in AZ. I am glad you and DH were able to find a place to call your home when the winters in MN get to be too much. Your FIL sounds like such a sweetie. I know it must be hard to leave him but the women in his RV park will look out for him. I wish my Dad were more social and would consider going to senior or assisted living. I think it would be so much better for him to be around people. Safe driving on the way home.

Janet, you are on top of things like always. I enjoy reading your posts. You can cut through the crap and get to the hearth of things like no one else. Good job on the shopping. I wish it was easier to post pictures here so we could see you in your new stuff.

Linda, I enjoyed Merry’s pictures on FB. She is a joy. What can I say about your SD situation except hugs. I have a SD too and completely understand what you had to say about having to step back at times because we are not their moms. It’s funny, my husband has always said I should treat her as my own but there have been times that I realized that while he said the words, his actions told me to back off. I have a great relationship with my SD, she is now an awesome 24 year old woman but I know what you mean. It is a fine line we walk sometimes.

OK, gotta go, Charlie, my Labrador is trying to push his way in to my keyboard area. That tells me he needs some attention.

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Morning everyone. Not much to report here. Got my housecleaning done yesterday and then DH and I spent the afternoon and evening trying to catch up on shows we recorded on TIVO. There's always so much to watch. LOL. We were a bit behind cause with Aylah here we don't watch as much. Katie seems to be doing well -- so far so good.

No baby yet -- I'm really surprised -- now she's going to make everyone wait for her arrival. LOL. I can't wait to see pics of her. Lori have a safe trip to Denver - I bet you'll be going soon soon soon.

Haven't planned much - weather is icky -- had no more snow but roads are still covered and icy so we won't be driving anywhere far. Am thinking about taking today off from exercise -- my last day off was Feb. 11 and I'm sore and tired so think it would be a good idea.

Apples, have a safe trip home -- yes, it's so hard to leave loved ones - -I cry so easy -- your DFIL sounds so sweet -- so happy you'll be spending winters visiting him -- it'll be something for him to look forward to.

Sandy glad you posted -- was wondering if everything was okay with you. Glad you finally got your DF in home PT -- we've used it many times.

Cheri, happy you resolved issues with your DH -- good for you -- glad you got that cleared up. LIke you said you don't need that with everything else you are dealing with. Will be sending positive thoughts and prayers on a daily basis.

Janet, that bra looks fabulous! I'll be buying one for sure just as soon as I can -- perfect for me -- I saved the page and hopefully will be able to find it again. I can't wait to get one. Thanks for sharing.

Julie, so sorry you are having more pain. Have they figured out what is causing it? Is there anywhere you can go that you haven't been to before? Sending hugs and prayers for you too.

Kristy - enjoy the snow. LOL. Be careful if you drive -- I'm sure it will melt soon - at least you have a good attitude about it. Glad to hear things went well for your FIL too.

Well, better get moving - I'll cbl.


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Morning everyone,

DH and I had a completely worthless day yesterday. We watched TV from morning until midnight. We do this so rarely that I figure we make up for those weeks when we don't even turn the TV on.

It rained here last night and snowed on the surrounding mountains. It's beautiful. The snow should melt fairly quickly so we have to enjoy the view while we can. It didn't freeze last night, but it's supposed to tonight. Back to covering everything again. UG!

Cheri, glad you were able to resolve the one issue...it certainly didn't help to have that with everything else going on in your family.

Janet, no oxtails huh? I'm not surprised...you can use very inexpensive cuts of beef and do the same thing. Get some with nice bones in it.

Apples' DH gave us a huge bag of spinach that he picked up from somewhere. It's fresh home grown spinach, so I made a little spinach Soup with chicken broth, onions, and a couple of eggs broken in there. It was really good. I got my Iron in yesterday.

I'm going to miss them too. It's been very nice having them around. Our DH's got along really well, but of course both of them are very nice people and find common ground no matter the situation. Hopefully next year they'll stay around a little longer. It just seems like the time flew by.

I have to make up for not working yesterday. I have two autocad drawings to do and some more workbook entries. I also need to study Spanish and work on my power point presentation. Yes, I keep myself busy. It's a good thing.

Hope everyone has a really nice Sunday.


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Good Morning Peeps. Happy Sunday !!! Can't beleive the weekend is over already...

Apples - Hugs on leaving AZ I bet it's hard - Well next yr you can hopefully stay longer.. Thanks for the ta ta (girls) complement - but no that was my PADDED J C Pennys bra - the bra from Soma doesn't give me boobs like that one but it's COMFORTORABLE.. I really really mean that - So you girls w/boobs - you will love them too (Soma's is part of Chico') my bra is the 1st thing that comes off when I get home at night - yesterday wasn't in a big hurry ;0)

Julie - Hugs on the pain - Get Woman's Day magazine (green cover Says ready for spring & then Chronic Pain)- I glanced at mine last - I was thinking of you as I skimmed the artical - if you can't get it let me know I will cut it out and mail it too you..

Sandy :0) Glad you are busy in a good way and that Dad is on the mends.. Ya trying to post a pic here is like an act of congress

Kristi - I would be one of those pple who couldn't drive in the snow too...

Well not much to report - stayed up way too late playing spades on the computer - I love playing spades - went to bed about 2 up at 7 (dogs) don't know if I am going to pilos this morning - a bit pooped and got some stuff I want to get done..

Lori - Yep that's the store - I loved the Loft at MofA and the one in the Vegas Mall and they use to have outlet at Cabazon - but those were the only 3 that I ever found stuff at... I always go in them - How was that cute outfit you ordered a while back..

Well our weather pple love hype we were suppose to get this BIG RAIN storm yesterday, events got cancelled because of the hype - Indio got a couple sprinkles in the a.m. and I mean 2 drops - It was dark cloudy and that was it the only thing that they were right about is that it's cold (37 this a.m.) but that's it..

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Morning everyone,

DH and I had a completely worthless day yesterday. We watched TV from morning until midnight. We do this so rarely that I figure we make up for those weeks when we don't even turn the TV on.

It rained here last night and snowed on the surrounding mountains. It's beautiful. The snow should melt fairly quickly so we have to enjoy the view while we can. It didn't freeze last night, but it's supposed to tonight. Back to covering everything again. UG!

Cheri, glad you were able to resolve the one issue...it certainly didn't help to have that with everything else going on in your family.

Janet, no oxtails huh? I'm not surprised...you can use very inexpensive cuts of beef and do the same thing. Get some with nice bones in it.

Apples' DH gave us a huge bag of spinach that he picked up from somewhere. It's fresh home grown spinach, so I made a little spinach Soup with chicken broth, onions, and a couple of eggs broken in there. It was really good. I got my Iron in yesterday.

I'm going to miss them too. It's been very nice having them around. Our DH's got along really well, but of course both of them are very nice people and find common ground no matter the situation. Hopefully next year they'll stay around a little longer. It just seems like the time flew by.

I have to make up for not working yesterday. I have two autocad drawings to do and some more workbook entries. I also need to study Spanish and work on my power point presentation. Yes, I keep myself busy. It's a good thing.

Hope everyone has a really nice Sunday.


Eva - It's good to have days like that ;0) - I have to becareful of most beef - stringy meat (even oxtails sometime) get stuck... Your soup sounds good..

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Good morning almost afternoon. Not much new around here, no baby yet. GRRR Doesn't she know we are all ready to meet her?

Janet, I love that outfit I got a while back at the Loft. It is navy and gray mostly with a white blouse under it. I get so many complements when I wear it too. Guess navy is my color. LOL I've been staying up late playing 'Word Chaos' on the computer.

Apples, does FIL live full time in AZ now? I was thinking he was just down for winters too but by his good bye it sounded more permanent. What kind of place did you buy? Is it a 'park model' or whatever they call them? do you have pics? I sure wish I had made it down while you were there. I was waiting for DH and that was my first mistake. That and well the trips to Denver and Hawaii. Next year for sure with or without DH!

Eva, how goes the espanol? Are you taking it just because? or is there a reason like some future travels etc?

Sandy, nice to hear from you!

Julie, hope the pain gets better. This has been going on too long. Any hopes for goign back to mayo or anything?

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Hope you all had a great weekend. Today was a bit of a challenge...extreme vertigo...just something I get once in awhile. Disappointed cuz we were going to go out for dinner with Eva and DH. Thank goodness I got up early yesterday and got most of the cleaning done b/4 we headed out for the day. Wanted to have the house as clean as when found it when we arrived here. Worked out to be a wonderful place to stay.

DH has the car packed, we will drop off the cable boxes in the morning on our way out of town and head for MN. Will try to keep up with posts at hotels but if I don't post, will talk to you all when I get home. Wishing you all a good week.

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Hi Everyone,

Was in class today from 7:30-5. I'm brushing up on and getting more ideas for using Interactive Metronome to help kids with all kinds of learning problems. It's like Occupational Therapy to a beat. For some reason it helps dyslexia, Learning Disabilities of all kinds, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Sensory Integration, Parkinson's Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury. It works better than OT by itself. It retrains or rewires the brain where the glitches are occurring. I might get a set-up for my classroom. I ordered it with my extra Title I funds but that's no guarantee it'll be approved by CPS (Chicago Public Schools) who administer and approve the funding. It's hard for them to see the connection between doing physical movements (that tap a sensor that measures and provides feedback to how close to the beat you are) and huge improvements in memory, attention, reading, and math, but the scientific evidence and studies are there. It works because it fixes the glitches interfering with learning.

So I'm still recovering from being up all night with my dad the night before last, but I slept well last night and was pretty with-it throughout today's seminar. Lots of hands-on and discussion though, and that always helps. My parent's 60th anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks. That's pretty amazing.

Back to work early tomorrow. My boss told me today that I can use my sick days for family leave and there is a former Discovery teacher who is available to sub for me. So I'm free to be there for Rachel and my parents as needed. I had a very hard time telling people at work Friday about what was going on. That really made it very real for me. I've posted a connection to a support page started for her on FB. She already has almost 200 supporters. As a former cop and with her husband still a cop the whole "blue" family is standing behind them.

I'm going to give her a call now and see if she's talking. She doesn't always want to talk to people and screens her calls. I hate being the one screened out, but her moods have been highly unpredictable. I'm hoping we can achieve more closeness again. I want to be more than her babysitter.


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Good Evening Gang

Quite here today ;0) - I went to Clarks and got lite Pasta - Fiber Gourmet Pasta http://www6.netrition.com/fiber_gourmet_light_pasta.html- it's really good !!! - Target and Dollar Tree to see Andrew - got some Easter baskets - Kids will be here for Easter Took a nap - watching Oscar's don't know why didn't see any of the films...

Cheri continued hugs and prayers - I saw on FB Laura's home from Vacation..

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Watching the Oscars. They are so strange this year. Especially the woman that won and dropped the F bomb. Trashy. I was turned off.

Had a terrible eating week. I couldn't get back on track from the vacation. That was my problem when I was super fat. It was like I was always on vacation. So, tomorrow I'm starting the 5 day pouch test and then I'm going back to aerobics on Tuesday.

Lori~ I'm holding out for the 3rd!!!! I know you are wanting to meet that little girl so badly! We are waiting for our little guy (best friends baby) here too! How exciting!!!!!

Cheri~ I am soo soo soo sorry to hear about your DD (dad too). I will pray for the both of them, and for you. I cannot imagine how difficult this must be for you.

Laura~ Looks like you had so much fun on your vacation!!!! Jealous! Looks like I will be in FL April 5-13th. I was talking to my aunt and she was not keen on the idea of driving any further than 20 min in any direction. I will have to work on her. We will see. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable driving her car. I don't have a fancy car, and she has a Benz. I would feel like a real jerk if something happened to her car. Hmmm. We will figure it out.

Apples~ Have a safe trip back. Sorry you had to leave and come back to this snowy business. It's crap. Lets hope that your weather is going to get better where you live like ours is supposed to here. It is 32 here today and got up to 37, so things are melting. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid 40's and tonight and all day tomorrow we are supposed to have thunderstorms. I would rather have 1" of rain than 11 inches of snow! I think.....

Linda~ The time with my sis and her pups was fantastic!!!! Her house is extremely small and only 2 bedrooms. My dad slept on the twin bed in the spare room, mom slept on the couch with their dog (a cock-a-poo named Piper), and I slept in my sister double bed with her and the two pups (an overweight 22 lb "miniature" long haired weiner dog, and an 80 lb mutt). Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well because I was sleeping on "their side" of the bed. Funny though!!! I did get to see a lot of sights, and got to meet the newest addition to our family, her horse Tank! I think she put the pics of us up on FB. It was a great time and we ended up staying another day because we got over a foot of snow down state and didn't want to chance it with the drive in the weather. I miss her and "the boys" already! Hugs to you on the issues with Katie. That little Aylah is so beautiful though!!! You can see her loving spirit in her eyes.

Julie~ Feel better girl! Have you tried walking? My father struggles with severe pain on a daily basis caused by many things. He has been very sick for years. Since I was about 5 or 6. The other day he was telling me that the only thing that helps him is walking. Even if it is just around the block. I don't know if that will help, just a thought.

Janet~ Lori is right!!! I love how you keep it real and tell it like it is. I've only been to the reg Anthropologie store and not the outlet. I'm interested now though!!!

Eva~ Aren't you sad your visitors are leaving? Can I come now? LOL

Ok, sorry I know I missed a few. I'm so sorry. It's been a few days since I posted. I guess I better go back and reread and re-post later!

More later. Love all of you so very much!


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Good Evening Gang! I just put my two grands to bed. Their parents are at an Oscar dinner. Evidently, it must be like a Super Bowl Party. My son has a blog that a radio personality follows. So, he was invited to this party. All I know is my two year old DGS has become super active in the last month. It is hard to believe he was the one that was so ill when he was born. He has worn me out this evening. My DGD is the gifted kid that spends all her time on my ipad. I only let her download the free games, but she has a ton of them.

Apples.......Happy Trails! Prayers for your safe return. Eva is definitely the "hostess with the mostest"!

Cheri......Hugs and prayers for you!

Janet.....I forgot your Andrew works at Dollar Tree. I went there yesterday and bought hair brushes for the women and girls being baptized today. I got me one too. The had a mirror on one end and a collapsible brush on the other end. I can't believe they were only a dollar. What is Clarks?

Sndy.....glad you checked in and dad is doing well. My mother called me today and said she thought she was getting another bladder infection. Ugh! Here we go again. I think assisted living is sooner than later.

Joyce.....where are you?

Jessica.....you too?



Meredith......how the snow now?

Lori...baby? My prediction has passed.....Now I predict my birthday.....March 8 @ 3pm. That's when I was born sixty years ago.

Linda......glad Katie is better. We can always hope and pray she will turn things around.

Phyl...do you feel better?

Kristi....new weight loss?

LauraK....what did you do this weekend?

Laura.....wanna know about your vacation!

Dang, the two year old just got up.....and the six year old is whining.......Kids please come home and get YOUR KIDS! Goodnight!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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