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Thanks Arlene, I posted this in the 50s as well but was just so excited, I had to post here too.

Today went to 'the' SIL's but before going my daughter and I stopped at this shopping area near her house that always looked intriguing. NO WONDER!! Ann Taylor was there! I found a shortsleeved blouse on the clearance rack, debated about spending $20 on it still but decided what the heck. Went to pay and it was even cheaper $9, it was meant to be. Then we went to Gap and they had some casual/dressier slacks on sale. Didn't have a 14 so I thought what the heck, I'll try on the 12. IT FIT!!!!! and longs too! I was so excited, I started tearing up. Now I do have to hold my breath and really suck it in to fasten them, but soon they will fit comfortably. Besides I don't volunteer at the hospital for a week yet. LOL That's what I got them for. It may take a couple weeks to wear them. And the blouse was the perfect color to match them.

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LORI, WOOHOO! MY goal is to get out of the x's and the w's. I have a squatty body so it will take awhile, but I am up for the challenge.

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I keep a food journal - I keep my calories at anywhere between 900 to 1200 daily - If I want a treat (every now and then - like really once a month) I budget the treat in my calorie totals - So say I want 2 Cookies that are 200 calories - write them down and don't go over budget.

I am not a Atkins girl - I follow a WW type eating plan cuz I have to have my starches - I limit them - but usually have 1/2 c of rice for dinner nightly.

If you are hungry - eat extra veggies - this is where my WW training comes in - Veggies are the lowest in calories use I can't believe it's not butter spray) - so if I am still hungry after lunch or dinner - I eat an extra serving of veggies.

Your next fill hopefully will give you restriction but until then - you can make good food choices - keep your food low fat - sugar free and limited carbs - Write it down - read labels - know what a serving size is and how many calories are in that serving - 200 calories on Cookies is a waste to me 99.9% of the time - I rather have a meal or something substantial to eat that is going to provide me with some nutrition and stick with me for more than 1 hour.

When I am hungry I look for distractions - I get on the computer - go clean out a drawer - Iron some clothes - clean the bathroom - and this usually helps too - LBT has become my transfer addiction :confused:

Also - are you exercising - if you have over eaten then you need to pay yourself back with some extra exercise to burn off those additional calories..

Hope I have helped - You can do this...

You seem to have made this your lifestyle. Congratulations. I started on my pre-op diet today and am having no problem getting 70 grams of Protein (doc's number). I've been drinking Protein drinks, ate a Protein Bar, 1/2 cup cottage cheese and a freshly juiced drink of carrots, apple, brocolli, celery and parsley. I just made the famous WW Cabbage Soup and it's delicious. I haven't read anywhere of anyone eating this Soup. It's perfect for solving hunger problems, good for you, low in calories and I'm thinking it might be okay for the "mushie" stage. As I remember it is only 20 calories per cup. I'm going to eat some now and freeze some for later. I'll be banded on 1/14/09.

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Is the "Team 300 pounds plus" group.

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Happy New Year to Everyone this NYear evening. I didn't party last night. DH and I stayed home. He ordered chinese. I couldn't eat it. meat wouldn't work so I had some cheese and mixed vegetables. Well in the last six months I have lost 55 lbs and I am thrilled. Now in 2009 I just pray I can get this other 55 lbs off. I kind of got off track during Dec. Gained 3 lbs and also took it back off but have kind of been putting off exercise. Also, I checked myself today on Daily plate and decided its not how much I eat but its what I eat. The calories add up quick. I haven't had a fill in 7 weeks and I go to Dr. next Tuesday. I was hungry today but I don't think I need a fill but not sure. I have 2.7cc in a 4cc band. I have had trouble with meat off and on this last month and doesn't that usually signal that you don't need a fill if you can't eat meat really well. Today I had coffee (2 cups) and 1 cup of oatmeal made with skim milk, L was one 3 oz can of chicken breast with l tsp Miracle Whip and a large cup of cooked mixed vegetables, Protein bar for snack, supper was another healthy choice dinner, snack was crystal light. I think I had about 900 cal. I also figured in a Protein bullet but I haven't had it and probably won't since I feel plenty full. Girls, talk to me and tell me I can get this other 55 off. I think I have the after Christmas blues. I don't know. didn't feel like walking today. I had a great holiday and got all the decorations down. I don't know. Talk to me girls. Oh and hey, Do any of you people at all on here collect Polish Pottery (stoneware). I first saw it on QVC two days ago and I fell in love. It is pricey and I need to talk to another collector about it before I make a decision on whether I want to start it or not. Go look at it on QVC. It is gorgeous!!!


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Becky, when you eat meat, are you cutting up really small? Are you chewing a lot? I'd guess if you are having trouble with meat, you probably don't need a fill. But then your lunch was 3 oz of chicken and 1 cup of veggies. To me, if I ate the 3 oz of chicken first there's no way I could still eat 1 cup of veggies. I can only eat 1/2 to 1 cup at a time. But I also don't have a problem with most meats. i do have trouble with dry chicken breasts or over cooked meat. I got a burger for lunch that was very well done and it went down but was a little more difficult. just the patty no bun). These bands do seem fickle. I know I can eat more some days than others. Heck even some meals than others. Right when I think i can eat anything, have no restriction and need a fill, then wham I have great restriction and am relieved I didn't get another as I don't want to be too tight either. You are halfway there in half a year. You can get the rest of the way. The holidays are over, our routines are returning. You were on such a great roll with your walking, now is the time to get back at that, get the rest of the junk out of the house and remember why you did this in the first place and how far you've come. You'll get there! We have a band anniversary to Celebrate in June, let's make it to or much closer to our goals by then.

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thanks Long, I do tend to get ahead of myself with eating too fast but I will try cutting up meat very small. I ate a large cup of cooked vegetables also. I don't know. How many calories do you get in a day? This is confusing.


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Becky, I haven't logged my food in awhile but when I did I was getting about 700 - 900 calories a day. Usually one day would be over 1000. I didn't mean to insinuate you were getting too many calories as I am sure the cooked veggies had very few. I tend to go more by the volume of my food and try to stay at 1/2 cup portions. I know Janet said 1/2 cup didn't work for her and she stayed at 1 cup portions at least. Even when I do my meat, I measure it in volume not by weight. Even though 4 oz is 1/2 cup but 4 oz weight wise isn't always 1/2 cup if that makes sense. I didn't mean to cause confusion. What works for me may not work for another. Now that the holidays are over, I do plan on tracking my food again on daily plate as I am afraid I've gotten away from it and that my guesstimates may have grown, that means measuring my food once again as well. Just to make sure my eyeballing portions is still correct. I figure it never hurts to give myself a 'refresher course'.

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Are we talking about the group on Sparkpeople? Give me specific directions to get onto the group and I'll do it!


Is the "Team 300 pounds plus" group.

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For the first time in a very long time, I wanted a cookie (or many cookies!), and I talked myself out of it. I had a 60 calorie sugar free pudding (thank you Janet!), instead and it worked. The cookie craving went away. I am truly amazed. I can't believe this worked. I'm not saying it will work each and every time, but I'm going to do everything in my power to see that I can make it work each and every time. I feel optimistic that I can actually do this for the first time in a long, long time. Yay me!


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Belated Happy New Years Ladies !!!

I went out Wed nite - my Gf & I had dinner scallops & butternut raviolis - very good - then when to this bar - my gf lived a sheltered life and she never really went out on new years eve - her dh was a player - he was out and she was home - I didn't want to go out cuz I have been there done that - but figured I would be nice and go along. Went to this place that had a live band - it had a mixed group of pple - older lady in her mink stole and then some 20-30 something kids - well we stayed for 2 drinks - and left at 10:30 - I just am not in the party mood - came home watched a little tv and was in bed by 11:30

I gotta say it was the 1st new years I wasn't up at midnight - well I did here all the fireworks etc going off though..

Yesterday LAZY day watched the 1st 48 hours marathon on A&E all day and I mean ALL DAY and all night...

Was up at 6 - at the gym by 7:15 - did my 3 miles burned 312 calories - and now home...

Need to take down the Xmas decorations - but don't feel like it yet - so we will see what I end up doing for the day..

Bonnie - Yes Ya you !!! I am so very happy for you !!! Skinny Cow is just as good - This is a learning process as I have said a million times before and I am still learning myself.. Keeping track of your food is empowering - It's fun to know that you are in control... Not that stupid food - as you progress you will get stronger every day... WTG on walking in the snow... I gotta say you are doing better than I would in that situation - I am cold all the time now that I have lost my insulation..

Judy - Welcome !!!! Yes this is a lifetime lifestyle change and not a diet - I REALLY REALLY feel that this is how you must look at the lap band surgery or any wls if you want to be successful in the long run... I would ck w/your doc on the Soup being a mushie - most likely would be but ck w/him or her to be sure.

I feel that homemade foods are more satisfying that the canned or frozen meals - I made cream of navy bean or pinto bean Soups during my full liquid stage - it was better than the canned cream of ck soup.

1/14 - Fantastic - prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery..

Becky Hugs GF you are ok - You will get the weight off - I have no doubt in that ... Yes it is about what you are eating - calories do add up super fast and that's why I am a propionate of tracking as a learning tool... I don't think that eating a cup of veggie is bad as long as they weren't loaded with butter:tongue:. Again - I have never worried that I can eat more than a cup of food per meal - it's about what I am eating (calories) 4 oz of fish 150 - 1/2 c rice 120 - 1/2 cup veggie 35 = 305 c for dinner - bf & lunch keep around 200 each and then 2 healthy Snacks 100 to 200 max - and you will do great. Talk to your doc about the fill issue - the canned chick & mayo - really would be considered a mushie not a hard Protein. Make it a point to practice cutting up your meat into tiny bites - chewing and eating slowly before your next visit - see how you do...

Again - the band for me doesn't really take away my hunger - and I hate that pple expect it too - yesterday during the first 48 hour marathon - there were tons of commercials for the realize band - not once did it say it takes away your hunger like the Allergan band commercial did - I liked that - cuz when they advertize that the band takes away your hunger I think it's setting pple up for failure - cuz they will still be hungry - it's natural to be hungry... Skinny pple get hungry - skinny pple want Cookies - candies - ice cream - it's just that their brains are wired diff than ours then know when to stop - food is not their drug of choice.. Our issues with food is really mental as i have said before..

Lori - Congrats on your 12's - that fantastic !!!! And you are so right - what works for me may not work for you - we all have to find out what works for us and stick with it

Charlene - you will get out the the plus sizes ~~~

PJ I will be making arrangement this month - will let you know when I am going to TX

OK gang I gotta pay bills :biggrin: I will ck back later..

Happy New Years !!!

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On the pottery stuff on QVC - I saw it too - I wanted the dessert plates - cuz that's the size of plates I eat off of.. But the one I liked sold out - I need to go check out the website... I am worth having something nice to eat off of :) so I think that's where I am headed right now since it's quite here right now... I agree it's a little pricey - but really beautiful - I don't entertain so I don't know if I would buy all those pieces - heck my GS - DS - DIL would not appreciate a beautiful dish - Well my DIL might :tongue2:

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I remember that Polish Stoneware at QVC when I worked there. We would only have a piece or two in the store. The outlets had it a lot at some really good prices but most of the outlets are in PA or DE. I liked it but wasn't crazy about blue. I think having a special plate to eat off of sounds like a great idea. I eat off the dessert plates now too. Yesterday I had lunch at Chili's with my daughter. I got the Burger Bites which was 4 mini cheeseburger. I got them w/o cheese since I am not a fan of cheese. I ate the meat off of 2 of them and brought 2 home so had them for dinner tonight (just the patty part). Reheating them though made them a little dry and harder to get down. I drenched them in lots of ketchup that helped a little.

Our weather is crazy, we had 63 wonderful degrees today and expecting a snowstorm tomorrow. That's Colorado for ya!

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I remember that Polish Stoneware at QVC when I worked there. We would only have a piece or two in the store. The outlets had it a lot at some really good prices but most of the outlets are in PA or DE. I liked it but wasn't crazy about blue. I think having a special plate to eat off of sounds like a great idea. I eat off the dessert plates now too. Yesterday I had lunch at Chili's with my daughter. I got the Burger Bites which was 4 mini cheeseburger. I got them w/o cheese since I am not a fan of cheese. I ate the meat off of 2 of them and brought 2 home so had them for dinner tonight (just the patty part). Reheating them though made them a little dry and harder to get down. I drenched them in lots of ketchup that helped a little.

Our weather is crazy, we had 63 wonderful degrees today and expecting a snowstorm tomorrow. That's Colorado for ya!

I just looked at them - I can't justify 63 + tax & shipping for 2 dessert plates right now - or maybe I'm just not in the mood to buy them - who know's tomorrow I might buy all of it.. Not really - just kidding:tt2:

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Well, I bought alot from QVC this year for Christmas, but those days came to a stop today.....my husband got a call that is still furloughed till further notice. It just doesn't seem right that all these companies are furloughing employees week by week. I am sure it has something to do with them paying unemployment. Hopefully, they will call him back next week. I haven't seen it this bad since he got out of the service in 72. Well, one good thing, since being banded I love Beans. Is that a good Protein ???because I might be eating alot of them.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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