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Morning to all............. by the time I finish typing this post it will be afternoon, but oh well...... Hope all are fine and happy....... My DH is vacuuming my living room rug.... Company tonight for my big church meeting.... I have to just straighten up a bit other places, clean the bathroom, and then bake some bars..... Otherwise I'm ready except for knowing just how to approach this problem between some members and the pastor...... Hope God gives me some guidance and I don't end up making things worse......

I hope all of you having nice weather enjoy it..... We are below zero again.... Just a nasty cold snap I guess.... Should start warming up in March I hope. Everyone have a great day..... Maybe talk to you later tonight after my meeting..... Love you guys............ Julie

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I pick March 3rd at 2:27 am

I'm baaaack!!!!!

Got home yesterday. A whole day late because there was so much snow downstate. Over a foot in 18 hours. Crazy because where I was, in Petoskey, MI where there are ski mountains and resorts (Boyne Mountain, Boyne Highlands, and Nubs Nob) we got ZERO! Unreal. Thats Michigan for ya! It was a great visit, although it was tough to sleep since my sisters house is so small and there were 4 adults and 3 dogs there. But nevertheless, we really enjoyed the visit. It is just so beautiful up there. I forgot my camera, so I will have to wait for Courtney to post the pics from her camera on FB so I can steal them and post them myself.

Cheri~ I understand too. We are kinda playing that "game" right now too.

I'm really feeling that great today. The combo of the lack of sleep, snow shoveling when I got home, and working today, my body has had it. I'm achy and feel feverish, but I'm sure I don't have one, just too much going on. Don't mean to whine and complain, just the way it is. I'm going to watch Modern Family, take a shower and hit the hay.

Laura~ I'm so sorry that you have a lot going on in your mind right now. I too am so close with my dad and would be very upset if the same thing was going on in our lives. Just know that I am thinking of him (and you) and praying for his well being. I'm not very good with saying much in these situations, just know that I am thinking of you.

I was kinda bad with my food while on vacation, but maintained my weight, so I am okay with that. Tomorrow I am back on the train with you Arlene!

Ok, show is almost on.

Will write more tomorrow. Night all!


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[size="5"][color="#4169e1"]Good Evening Gang

Think I should change my date to 3/2 @ 4:30 p.m. - That's when my Brooke was born ;0)

Not much to report - busy work - gym - very very tight today - ate omellett for  bf just find - then tried to eat salad  at lunch  -  had about 4 bite - and that's it - still feeling full - 2 cups coffee  this a.m. and 1 bottle of Water  this morning -..

Idol tonite ;0)

That's about it nothing exciting - think I am going to shower get comfortable and hit the couch...

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Okay, I'm picking March 5th....I'm sure she'll have it before then, but hey, it's not a picked date....time 3am or something like that in the middle of the night.

Had a good day with Apples and her DH. Drove to Tombstone and saw a shootout....hahaha....they tried to be funny, had lunch then went to Bisbee and visited the history and mineral museum. The Minnesotans got to see the Lavender pit, which is a bit hole in the ground, but not nearly as big as the active working open pit copper mines around here. They do have some beautiful mineral specimens in the museum. Copper, gold, silver, malachite, turquoise, galena, pyrite, azurite, gypsum, and a few others I can't remember....nice specimens that were pulled out of the local mines.

Tomorrow is house cleaning since I'm having company for dinner. Need to get my butt in gear and get it done. I've been doing a little here and there, but now I have no excuses...have to get it all done.

Hope everyone has a good night.


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I got to play the devil in a skit in chapel today. Hysterical. Also sang in a quartet. Great blend of voices. Went and made phone calls after school to raise money for the school again. If any of you have watched "Waiting for Superman" you'll know why Roseland Christian is an important alternative to our failing public schools, particularly in "at-risk" areas of the city. I think of one 70+ grandmother who has custody of her grandson after his father died. She went back to driving a CTA bus in order to send Marquise to Roseland Christian instead of a public school. How'd you like to be 70+ and driving a city bus in Chicago. Marquise is the one who said, "Mrs. Flory loves all of us, we just get on her nerves sometimes!"

Pounds. I've decided to have mini-goals on my way to my goal of getting back to 160# just like I did while losing the weight. I'm stabilizing at 165 right now and then I'll work for getting to 164 and stabilizing and then 163 and so on. Works much better for me than the all or nothing thinking that says I want to lost the 5 #'s right now! Then when I don't, I eat. All or nothing thinking. Huge part of our stinkin' thinking.


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Good Evening All..a quick check-in b/4 hitting the hay....Had a wonderful and very informative day. Both DH and I reallhy enjoyed ANOTHER day with Eva. Our tour guide. This women is a wealth of info and gives us such a start on learning and enjoying our new state. Also, woke up in a bitchy mood (doesn''t happen very often) and spending the day with Eva and DH brought me out of it. It was a day not to be forgotten.

Got home about 7pm and made a batch of chili for FIL...will make a pan of bars in the morning for him to take to his clubhouse for shared treats.

Laura..breaks my heart to hear of the anxiety you feel with your dad's illness. I know what you are going through and and can only say keep living in the moment. I hope you have the best vacation ever. As i've stated b/4 would love to suprise DH and our kids with a trip to Atlantis. Chrismas gift one of these years. Hugs.

Julie...sorry to hear of your returned pain and having it happen in public and trying to deal with it. Also, church politics...yuck...hope things went well with your meeting tonight.

Cheri...I can see why your students love you. You are so very passionate about your school. Love you for that.

Meredith...DH and I love the U.P. and was one of our best road trips. At least you recognize that you did not eat the best on vacation and are getting back to where you know you should be with your eating. Treats are OK and there are ways to make up for it. Shave a few calories off here and there during the week.

Phyll...hope you are back home and done with spending $$$ on the RV...racks up fast, doesn't it? As Arlene stated, maybe a sinus infection? If you are still getting headaches and fever. Maybe check in with a doc? Hugs on not feeling well. Hi to DH and was still talking today about his dinner he made and served us a couple of weeks ago.

Linda...woohoo on recognizing and taking action on the cr card/retirement/mortgage situation. So easy to put things on cr card. Working with cash is a good reality check.

Janet...weird, but, certs were one of my favorite things to do...that and claims. I imagine next week will be just as hairy if your co-worker is still on vacation. Tough covering for someone but hope you see the same when you have time off.

Things are winding down with this vacation and going back to reality is starting to look real. We have a good life in MN...just not looking forward to another couple months of cold weather. Hard to believe that 5 weeks after we land at home, we will (maybe, depending on if snow is melted) be able to open up the lake place. Today was the first time ever that I have heard DH say that is does not have the passion for the upcoming farm year that he has had each and every year I have been with him. I think he is at the age where he really needs to back off from the physically intense work and let DS take over. I think he's just plain tired and DS is showing more and more interest in taking the reins...a good thing.

Well, gotta get up early and do some baking b/4 DH heads out to help FIL. I haven't made the decision yet if I will hang with Tanker or all three of us will make the trip to see FIL. Invited to dinner at Eva's tomorrow and looking forward to her good cooking. We are hosting her and her DH Friday evening for what my DH calls "the best fish stew" and maybe some homemade bread.

Didn't address half of you...no guilt...but sorry about that. Love to all. sleep tight.

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ok guys........ this one is LITERALLY a fly by! LOL. I leave in an hour to go to the airport...haha.

Everyone take care......... I will have laptop but not sure I will be on LBT or not. ; ) Too busy with the beach, the dolphins and my two favorite boys!

xoxo Peas

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Morning. Had Zumba last night followed by elliptical -- didn't do weights though as I've been having problems with shoulder pain again - seeing my ortho surgeon next week for check up on hip and mentioned shoulder problem so they will check it out while I'm there. Almost feels like the joint goes out of place when I move it sometimes -- very painful. I'm praying I don't need surgery -- that's the very last thing I want to go through. Then came home and had to fill goodie bags as it's Aylah's turn to give treats at the pizza party at school today. Katie had already bought everything so I just had to fill them -- but took about 45 mins-- 16 in her class. LOL. She's so cute -- such a little mother hen in helping me.

So I haven't watched Idol yet -- no time -- it was 8 before I ate -- did watch Survivor though. Ii don't think Russell will last long this time. I think it's so funny he thinks the farmer guy is dumb and doesn't know what he's doing. LOL. Should be fun if they lose immunity challenge next week with Russell thinking he's got the game under control. I like Boston Rob but can't believe these people are listening to him and going along with what he wants to do. Unbelieveable. I think he may have a shot at winning since everyone is playing "his" game. Felt almost sorry for Matt last night. LOL. Loved the look on the girl's face though. Isn't that Phillip a piece of work? LOL. Where do they find these people?

My luncheon yesterday was very nice -- About 30 of us received awards -- they do a very nice job. I got a nice jacket with a fleece removable lining and $600 -- my 5th anniversary gifts. Interesting to hear the company statistics -- we actually hired over 100 people in 2010 -- never laid anyone off -- quite an accomplishment during this economy.

Gotta get going -- Water aerobics at 6 a.m.

See ya all later.


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Okay, I'm picking March 5th....I'm sure she'll have it before then, but hey, it's not a picked date....time 3am or something like that in the middle of the night.

Had a good day with Apples and her DH. Drove to Tombstone and saw a shootout....hahaha....they tried to be funny, had lunch then went to Bisbee and visited the history and mineral museum. The Minnesotans got to see the Lavender pit, which is a bit hole in the ground, but not nearly as big as the active working open pit copper mines around here. They do have some beautiful mineral specimens in the museum. Copper, gold, silver, malachite, turquoise, galena, pyrite, azurite, gypsum, and a few others I can't remember....nice specimens that were pulled out of the local mines.

Tomorrow is house cleaning since I'm having company for dinner. Need to get my butt in gear and get it done. I've been doing a little here and there, but now I have no excuses...have to get it all done.

Hope everyone has a good night.


The saying goes in my family that while the shoot out was happening my great grandfather was robbing the bank LOL

don't know if it's true or not but have heard the story LOL

It's good to have company - corners get cleaned LOL ..

I got to play the devil in a skit in chapel today. Hysterical. Also sang in a quartet. Great blend of voices. Went and made phone calls after school to raise money for the school again. If any of you have watched "Waiting for Superman" you'll know why Roseland Christian is an important alternative to our failing public schools, particularly in "at-risk" areas of the city. I think of one 70+ grandmother who has custody of her grandson after his father died. She went back to driving a CTA bus in order to send Marquise to Roseland Christian instead of a public school. How'd you like to be 70+ and driving a city bus in Chicago. Marquise is the one who said, "Mrs. Flory loves all of us, we just get on her nerves sometimes!"

Pounds. I've decided to have mini-goals on my way to my goal of getting back to 160# just like I did while losing the weight. I'm stabilizing at 165 right now and then I'll work for getting to 164 and stabilizing and then 163 and so on. Works much better for me than the all or nothing thinking that says I want to lost the 5 #'s right now! Then when I don't, I eat. All or nothing thinking. Huge part of our stinkin' thinking.


Cheri aka the Beast - would love to see you in a play especially as the devil LOL I bet that was cute - Yep we can't have the all or nothing thinking - it's all about moderation - that all or none thinking will cause us to fail... I learn that a while back - when I was telling my uncle about my exercise - he said don't do so much that you make it unenjoyable cuz you will quit...

name='ljv52' timestamp='1298547571' post='1577995']

Morning. Had Zumba last night followed by elliptical -- didn't do weights though as I've been having problems with shoulder pain again - seeing my ortho surgeon next week for check up on hip and mentioned shoulder problem so they will check it out while I'm there. Almost feels like the joint goes out of place when I move it sometimes -- very painful. I'm praying I don't need surgery -- that's the very last thing I want to go through. Then came home and had to fill goodie bags as it's Aylah's turn to give treats at the pizza party at school today. Katie had already bought everything so I just had to fill them -- but took about 45 mins-- 16 in her class. LOL. She's so cute -- such a little mother hen in helping me.

So I haven't watched Idol yet -- no time -- it was 8 before I ate -- did watch Survivor though. Ii don't think Russell will last long this time. I think it's so funny he thinks the farmer guy is dumb and doesn't know what he's doing. LOL. Should be fun if they lose immunity challenge next week with Russell thinking he's got the game under control. I like Boston Rob but can't believe these people are listening to him and going along with what he wants to do. Unbelieveable. I think he may have a shot at winning since everyone is playing "his" game. Felt almost sorry for Matt last night. LOL. Loved the look on the girl's face though. Isn't that Phillip a piece of work? LOL. Where do they find these people?

My luncheon yesterday was very nice -- About 30 of us received awards -- they do a very nice job. I got a nice jacket with a fleece removable lining and $600 -- my 5th anniversary gifts. Interesting to hear the company statistics -- we actually hired over 100 people in 2010 -- never laid anyone off -- quite an accomplishment during this economy.

Gotta get going -- Water aerobics at 6 a.m.

See ya all later.


I didn't get a chance to watch either - I dvr'd them - will watch tonite - I knew that Russell and the farmer had confirtation.

WTG on your award and no layoffs !!! Hope the shoulder is ok

Heard from our Chris - he's been busy - promises to be on this weekend..

Well like I said - I was in bed at 9 last night - just pooped..!

Laura - Have fun on Vacation and I know I didn't mention continued prayer about Dad ... Know they are there..

Dinner last night was pt shake & popcorn - was very tight last night. Feel good this a.m. coffee going down fine - no gurgling - too Soup out for lunch

Apples - I hate mindless work - don't mind claim - but I rather do an application that has 20 locations - 100 building - 100 vehicle - making sure everything is just right - I'm not a day to day paper pusher - also - I scan my endorsement and keep them on my computer that I have to send w/cert - no one else does - so everytime you have to do a cert and send certs you have to pull files - scan the forms- where if they are on your computer you save a few steps.. They are great when I am on vacation - so I really don't mind helping - I just like to complain ;0) - hate the extra work - See I'm not nice some times - I know they pay me to work - but I don't like working that hard LOL - I am not a great employee - work gets done but at my pace not rushed.. I hate being rushed..

Well that's about it for me - today is my friday - massage at 5 - shopping on El Paseo (our Rodeo Drive) doubt I buy much - unless it's on the sale rack - I haven't shopped a lot of stores on this street - just chico's & black and white - will hit Lori's fav storw Loft ;0)

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[b]Hi all.....I see we are back up and running right! Yea.

I have spent the last hour and half reading all the posts from only the last week (lol) and have realized once again how much I have missed you guys!!

I am going today for my endoscopy so have another 45 min till mom picks me up to bring me to the office. My apt. is at 11:30. Am starving right about now and would like to get this over as I could really use my "Grande Latte" Decaf of course so its counted as a liquid. Apparently the band looks as if it has slipped from 45 to 65 degrees however we wont know if the stomach is a little above the band or not because of the angle, so need to go in and see if this is the case. If so.....the band will be be emptied and we hope that it will correct itself and then begin adding solution back in again slowely. Not looking forward to that!!! Nor, can I afford it as Insurance does not pay for fills. They are $200 a pop. but...at this stage im not exactly looking to loose alot more but....dont want to start gaining! just hoping that even if it did....its not a problem and can stay this way.

Bas Mitzvah plan is coming along and the RSVPs are coming in. The music and phtography has finiallly been taken care of....in the end my nephew who is 21....and plays in a band who is a DJ for weddings etc....called me after I posted on Facebook that I was llooking for someone.....he saw it and phoned to ask why I didnt ask him to do this?? Well, I did think of it but didnt think it was appropriate since he is invited to the party and didnt want to ask him to work at the same time! He laughed and said hed be happy to do this for Dassi and me....well that was relief! I was really at witts end thinking about what to do as I have allready over exeeded my budget and will be really struggling for the next six months after....so could not fathom another 500-600 bucks and that would be on the cheap end. The photography....I now have someone who does camp photos....a young guy who is doing this for charity so to say....the nephew of the parent who I work for.....he volenteered. He will do all the party stuff....no stills or family shots jsut basic party...he is in charge of that area...I was told as long as you have someone totally in charge who is not invited to the party who has taken these types of candids before is fine. For the stills and the family shots and important ceremonial shots, table shots etc My friends sister in law who I did invite to the party as her daughter and mine have been friends since they were little asked if I was using anyone as she does photography on the side....and she volenteered when she heard I didnt have anyone....so I made a deal with her that if she does all these photos....then this would be her present from the family as there are four of them.....and no present would be accepted. lol. She was reluctant but I said wouldnt do this any other way.....so she said okay! SO...am now set except of course paying for it all. That will not be fun! So far.... I have a thousand cash on hand as of today. Allready paid a thousand for the invitations and the party favors decorations etc. I need another 550 seperate for the magician and then probably another 3 for the restaurant. hmmm lovely. By the 13th I should have enough money for that but best have nothing unexpected....like relatives showing up unexpectedly lol!! Getting excited now that things are coming together.....working on the songs for the candle lighting service....tonight! Fun!!!

Thanks to all who have been asking!! And, nope didnt get my dress yet, am picking up Dassis Sunday...completely ready!! Cant wait to see it. oh no....its 45 minuets allready!! Mom is here.....wanted to address everyones posts but not going to be able to now!!! darn it!

So,,,,,to be continured!!!!

Have a great day eveyone till them...........


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so sorry about the shouting....didnt mean to it just sort of happened...didnt even do anything to change it! lol . sooooory~!

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Morning everyone,

Well, my meeting went okay last night.... We got through it and everyone said I handled it well.... So, the proof will be in the next couple weeks and how those people interact with each other in church and etc..... I just want it to be over.....

DH is taking a morning nap.... He got up early and then fell asleep......

Jodi, sounds like you are going all out for Dassi.... you are a good mother.... don't bankrupt yourself..... she'll love whatever you do for her..... Have some fun, too...... would be a shame to spend all that money and you not have a great time.....

Apples, your time is winding down.... but you do have the lake to look forward to..... that's good.... I've seen that same thing in my DH.... Not quite as anxious to work as hard as he has all these years.... I think his body is just tired.... He is a real go getter and never really sits still very long..... Enjoy your last few days.....

Today is a laundry day..... there usually isn't that much for just the two of us, but I have sheets and towels today, too..... So, I should see if I can get dressed before noon today.... You all have a great day..... talk to you later... Hugs........... Julie

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okay........... this site is behaving weird again.... my post is double spaced...... I didn't do that either.... Somebody has really got this place screwed up good.... can't even post a picture any more..... Not good......

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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