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I can only speak for myself and for the things I've read up on. For me, fruit triggers carb cravings big time. I can't stop eating it. I am borderline diabetic which makes me insulin resistant and highly sensitive to all carbs, even the supposedly low glycemic ones. Apples make my stomach growl with hunger shortly after eating one. One grape is never enough.

The basic rules of the band are simple but we try to cheat all the time, especially with fruit. We are supposed to eat Protein first and foremost and mostly. Then, after we've had our Protein, we can add some vegetables, then, if there's room, a little fruit. We should not snack on fruit because without the protein it will shoot our blood sugar up and create cravings. We should not eat fruit first for the same reasons. Fruit keeps our carb cravings alive and well. It keeps us from losing weight because it takes us out of ketosis. Some of us are able to limit our fruit intake but I see those who eat a lot of fruit doing extreme calorie restriction because they don't lose weight easily. If they eliminated the fruit, they could probably eat more calories.

The fact is, you can eat more calories if you stick to protein and have very little carbs. You should increase your good fats and the fats that are in meat and dairy and you will not gain weight you will lose weight as long as you're not eating carbs. Your body will burn the fat instead of the carbs and you will lose weight. The fats and protein will bring your cravings under control once your body gets rid of the carbs. It may take a few days to get to that point and you may have to hang on by your fingernails for a few days until you've purged yourself from carbs.

At the end of a meal of protein with a little veggies, a strawberry or two or a wedge of apple won't raise your blood sugar but they will if you eat them first or alone. Frankly, I would not add fruit back into your diet until you've completely eliminated carbs for at least a week or two.

Also, water(liquids) should not be taken for at least half an hour before, during, and half an hour after a meal. Your food will stay in your pouch longer and you will experience a lot less hunger if you follow that simple rule. Do not add a lot of sauce to your meat as it turns it into a slider and it will not stay in your stomach and make you feel full.

If you follow Kaye Bailey's pouch test you will get back on track. Once you are eating denser Proteins she stresses only eating the meat you can eat in 15 minutes chewing well and slowly. Everytime you get hungry eat protein. You should not be able to eat more than a cup of food or 3 to 4 oz of dense meat at a time if you have proper restriction and if you haven't stretch out your pouch. Following the pouch test will shrink your pouch back where it belongs.

If you follow her guidelines you will not have to track calories or pts or carbs to the point of insanity or rebellion. We all know what protein and meat are and we all know what carbs are. Step Away From The Carbs.

Does that mean I follow this all the time? No. I blow it. Frequently. But if I get back on it and follow the KISS formula-Keep It Simple Stupid- I can get back on track without much damage and lose the weight very quickly.

We all use the excuse that fruits and nuts are good for you but they are not good for us if they trigger carb cravings. We are not normal when it comes to food. We can not eat what might be good for people who do not have our disease. If it triggers our cravings we can't eat it. If it keeps us from losing weight even though we're on a starvation diet we can't eat it.

I am writing this for me just as much as I am for you. I, too, am struggling with the never-ending winter blues. I am struggling with going stir-crazy, with a daughter who's been distant and hurtful, with the horrible deaths of two of my students, with arthritis pain exacerbated by automobile injury, with a high stress job. I have gained weight. 80% of us gain back 10-30 lbs. Of that 80%, 20% gain it all back. We need to arrest that trend and get back to that grim determination that made us fight for the band and fight to get the weight off. It was horrible being fat. It was horrible not being able to move my body with any agility. It was horrible not being able to keep up or play with my grandkids. It was horrible feeling ugly. It was horrible knowing I was killing myself. I need to remember how horrible it was. I do not want to go back there.

Today I was able to easily maneuver from the passenger side of a vehicle to the driver's side in order to get out of the car because the passenger door was wedged against a snow bank. I couldn't have done that before. I can turn over in bed easily and sleep on my stomach. I can climb 47 steps in a row at work and not breathe hard. I can lay on the bed with my grandson's and wrestle with them and grab and tickle them balance them up in the air on my feet and chase them or get chased by them all over the house. I can dance with my husband. I can walk for an hour.

Get angry at your disease not at yourself. Go after it with single-minded determination the same way you would if you had cancer. Do not give up and do not give in.

Post your feelings, admit your failures, ask for help, and follow the rules of the band.

Protein First, Foremost, and Mostly

Some Veggies

A Tiny Bit of Fruit If You Still Have Room

When Hungry Eat Protein

No Water For Half an Hour Before, During or Half an Hour After A Meal

Plenty of Water or liquids Between Meals

Most of us were given this plan by our Dr.'s and nutritionists.


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I can only speak for myself and for the things I've read up on. For me, fruit triggers carb cravings big time. I can't stop eating it. I am borderline diabetic which makes me insulin resistant and highly sensitive to all carbs, even the supposedly low glycemic ones. Apples make my stomach growl with hunger shortly after eating one. One grape is never enough.

The basic rules of the band are simple but we try to cheat all the time, especially with fruit. We are supposed to eat Protein first and foremost and mostly. Then, after we've had our Protein, we can add some vegetables, then, if there's room, a little fruit. We should not snack on fruit because without the protein it will shoot our blood sugar up and create cravings. We should not eat fruit first for the same reasons. Fruit keeps our carb cravings alive and well. It keeps us from losing weight because it takes us out of ketosis. Some of us are able to limit our fruit intake but I see those who eat a lot of fruit doing extreme calorie restriction because they don't lose weight easily. If they eliminated the fruit, they could probably eat more calories.

The fact is, you can eat more calories if you stick to protein and have very little carbs. You should increase your good fats and the fats that are in meat and dairy and you will not gain weight you will lose weight as long as you're not eating carbs. Your body will burn the fat instead of the carbs and you will lose weight. The fats and protein will bring your cravings under control once your body gets rid of the carbs. It may take a few days to get to that point and you may have to hang on by your fingernails for a few days until you've purged yourself from carbs.

At the end of a meal of protein with a little veggies, a strawberry or two or a wedge of apple won't raise your blood sugar but they will if you eat them first or alone. Frankly, I would not add fruit back into your diet until you've completely eliminated carbs for at least a week or two.

Also, water(liquids) should not be taken for at least half an hour before, during, and half an hour after a meal. Your food will stay in your pouch longer and you will experience a lot less hunger if you follow that simple rule. Do not add a lot of sauce to your meat as it turns it into a slider and it will not stay in your stomach and make you feel full.

If you follow Kaye Bailey's pouch test you will get back on track. Once you are eating denser Proteins she stresses only eating the meat you can eat in 15 minutes chewing well and slowly. Everytime you get hungry eat protein. You should not be able to eat more than a cup of food or 3 to 4 oz of dense meat at a time if you have proper restriction and if you haven't stretch out your pouch. Following the pouch test will shrink your pouch back where it belongs.

If you follow her guidelines you will not have to track calories or pts or carbs to the point of insanity or rebellion. We all know what protein and meat are and we all know what carbs are. Step Away From The Carbs.

Does that mean I follow this all the time? No. I blow it. Frequently. But if I get back on it and follow the KISS formula-Keep It Simple Stupid- I can get back on track without much damage and lose the weight very quickly.

We all use the excuse that fruits and nuts are good for you but they are not good for us if they trigger carb cravings. We are not normal when it comes to food. We can not eat what might be good for people who do not have our disease. If it triggers our cravings we can't eat it. If it keeps us from losing weight even though we're on a starvation diet we can't eat it.

I am writing this for me just as much as I am for you. I, too, am struggling with the never-ending winter blues. I am struggling with going stir-crazy, with a daughter who's been distant and hurtful, with the horrible deaths of two of my students, with arthritis pain exacerbated by automobile injury, with a high stress job. I have gained weight. 80% of us gain back 10-30 lbs. Of that 80%, 20% gain it all back. We need to arrest that trend and get back to that grim determination that made us fight for the band and fight to get the weight off. It was horrible being fat. It was horrible not being able to move my body with any agility. It was horrible not being able to keep up or play with my grandkids. It was horrible feeling ugly. It was horrible knowing I was killing myself. I need to remember how horrible it was. I do not want to go back there.

Today I was able to easily maneuver from the passenger side of a vehicle to the driver's side in order to get out of the car because the passenger door was wedged against a snow bank. I couldn't have done that before. I can turn over in bed easily and sleep on my stomach. I can climb 47 steps in a row at work and not breathe hard. I can lay on the bed with my grandson's and wrestle with them and grab and tickle them balance them up in the air on my feet and chase them or get chased by them all over the house. I can dance with my husband. I can walk for an hour.

Get angry at your disease not at yourself. Go after it with single-minded determination the same way you would if you had cancer. Do not give up and do not give in.

Post your feelings, admit your failures, ask for help, and follow the rules of the band.

Protein First, Foremost, and Mostly

Some Veggies

A Tiny Bit of Fruit If You Still Have Room

When Hungry Eat Protein

No Water For Half an Hour Before, During or Half an Hour After A Meal

Plenty of Water or liquids Between Meals

Most of us were given this plan by our Dr.'s and nutritionists.


Thank you so much for posting this. I have printed it and will keep reading it over and over to get it to sink in. Thanks to everyone for all of your support through my journey. My ups my downs everything.

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Get angry at your disease not at yourself. Go after it with single-minded determination the same way you would if you had cancer. Do not give up and do not give in.

Post your feelings, admit your failures, ask for help, and follow the rules of the band.

Protein First, Foremost, and Mostly

Some Veggies

A Tiny Bit of fruit If You Still Have Room

When Hungry Eat Protein

No Water For Half an Hour Before, During or Half an Hour After A Meal

Plenty of Water or Liquids Between Meals

Thanks Cheri!

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We stopped by the Mission, but my friend was unable to walk for long. It was so incredible. Loved Tubac - hope you & Karen enjoyed your time there.

Morning...glad to see you all. This is a fly by, have a date with Apples and her DH. We are site seeing today.

It's over 30 already this morning. Uncovered some of my plants....all the euphorbias are mush and so are a couple of the other plants. Oh well.....plants come and plants go.

Okay, I'm off to San Xavier Mission, the Titan Missile Museaum, and Tubac.

Have a great day.


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Trainer really worked me out yesterday. Very sore today. Still hugh piles of snow all over the city.

Jessica, I hear you about how hard this is. I'm fighting and it's mostly mental.

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Cheri very well said. I agree -- when I did the pouch test I eliminated all fruit during that time -- I followed all the rules of the 5 day pouch test -- including eating for only 15 mins. when I was eating Protein and I discovered how little it takes to satisfy my hunger. After doing that pouch test I was able to get my eating back on track and lose weight -- as you know I do eat fruit -- but it doesn't trigger my hunger -- it satisfies my need for fruit -- and that's all. I do limit the amount of it I eat however, and I do try to eat the fruits low on the glycemic scale. I have been consistently losing 1 to 2 lbs. per week and I have increased the fats (good ones) in my food intake which really satisfies my hunger - I never really feel hungry between meals and therefore can follow the no snack rule easily. When I was at the beauty shop today for my getting younger appt. a new issue of Readers Digest was there talking about the same thing -- cutting carbs, increasing fats and eating mostly Protein -- not a diet but a lifestyle change. Part of the article that interested me was about how 20 or so years ago we were told that if we cut the fats out of our diet we would lose weight -- well, I believed that and followed such diet and did lose weight but boy was it easy to gain it back -- I did keep it off for several years but once I stopped exercising and eating carbs, the weight came back so quickly and also MOSTLY IN MY BELLY that it was fairly scary -- this article mentioned that exact phenonomen. So live and learn -- that's what it's all about.

Melissa, stop agonizing over what you've lost and regained. Please look at it as a new start -- just start again and quit thinking "oh, if only I hadn't gained this much back" -- it isn't doing you any good -- it's depressing to think about it and it probably makes you want to eat more. Try instead to say, I will eat no carbs JUST for TODAY - Just TODAY I will do it -- even if it means going to bed early. Try it --- get up and be determined to make it just ONE day -- and when you get hungry EAT PROTEIN and nothing else. You'll find you're hunger is satisfied very quickly. I found Day 3 of the 5 DPT the most interesting -- after two days of liquids only you eat soft protein -- like canned chicken or tuna and she says to eat it only with lemon juice or if you must, a very small amount of mayo -- like 1 teaspoon for the entire can -- that's what I do -- I mix 1 small teaspoon of mayo into one can and it's still very dry - then you eat it slowly and chew it well but only for 15 mins. -- but what is amazing is you find you get full long before that 15 mins. is up. And you stay full -- try it. It's amazing. That's why I recommend the 5DPT -- because after you do it you realize that that small amount of food (1/2 cup or so) is really truly enough food for you to eat and stay full for hours.

Jessica I think since you're unable to exercise right now that if you could do the 5 day pouch test you'd feel better and you'd probably lose a few pounds and that will help lift you out of your funk. The first time I did it I felt amazing afterward - yes it's hard the first few days and yes you will have cravings but you can and will make it through. Several tricks -- brush your teeth and floss so that you are not tempted to eat anything in the evening. Or I've even gone to bed early when I've had food cravings.

Arelene, glad you didn't get the snow -- sorry the kids were disappointed - I'm sure they were. In LA they used to truck in some snow at one of the amuzement parks for the kids to play in -- they should do that down in your area.

Enjoyed my zumba class this morning -- would like to have it every Sat. The instructor said maybe every other one -- she'll think about it. Then I did 15 mins. on the elleptical and did my weights -- so I'm good.

Watched Robin Hood with Russell Crowe tonight -- pretty good movie - I have netflix and I only get one at a time so I'm a bit behind in my movie watching.

It's so nice out (high of 35 and very sunny today again) we are giong to the casino in the morning. Hope we win money too!

Going to post some pics of Aylah on FB -- some of her in the deep snow. She's so cute. They're coming over tomorrow to watch the superbowl. I made some crock pot pulled pork today for them to eat tomorrow during the game.


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Hi friends, I'm way behind again....... Not much good to report..... It's winter here still, too...... Had a few nicer days, but now the yuck comes....

I'm feeling awful, both with pain and a cold... Nothing fun about that.... Laromi stayed over tonight so DD and her DH could have a kid free night at home. Was fun to have her here with us like old times.. Bailey is with her mother............

I only read the last page so didn't get too much news on everyone yet.. Maybe tomorrow I will feel better and more able to post... I'm thinking of all of you always and sure do miss being here more....... For now I'm sending hugs and good wishes for a good night's sleep and a wonderful Sunday ahead.... Love to all....................... Julie

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Ok, sorry I was so negative on my last post. I just had a rough day, and then there was the unpredicted snow.

Anyhow, I too am with you gals! This morning my doctor suggested that I do one week of 700 calories of liquids (boost and yogurt) and exercise for 30 minutes on 4-5 of those days and see how much my body loses. He wants us to figure out exactly how many calories my body needs NOW to lose the last 20 lbs. I think this is a good plan, it is similar to the pouch test, but a little longer. Heck, if I could do 2 weeks of liquids pre-banding, I sure as heck can do it now! This will all start on Monday as tomorrow could be too tempting and I don't want to do that to myself. I'm excited now! I have that newbie feeling again! Melissa, hop on board with with me! We can do this together!

Cheri and Linda~ Thank you both for the words of support that all of us need to hear. Now, can you band my brain? LOL

Well, thats about all for now.

Love you all!


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Your journey is very motivating! Sounds like I am were you came from. I hope to be at the same stage as you over the next year.

I am self pay and being banded this wed, feb 9.

Those that want to connect for support & this journey to sucess feel free to friend me.

Good luck all!



Great Idea - I will do it right now !!


I am Janet and I am a recovering food addict :wink2:

I was banded 7/17/07 - My starting weight was 250 - I'm 5'4

Today (just over 10 months out) I am 154 - size 8 pants (was 18/20) Medium tops (was 22/24)

I got banded as I wanted to extend the years that I have left on this planet and to do that I knew that I needed to lose weight.

The band has been the tool I needed. For the first time in my life I have been able to achieve this goal (actually getting to my goal weight)

If you want a buddy - support - help - suggestions - Please feel free to call upon me - I will gladly share my journey with you - the journey is still on going and by helping you I will be helping me (staying motivated and accountable) and then one day you can pay it forward and help someone else.

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Hit back space a couple times and lost my post. Aargh.

Main point. I am more powerful than my disease. I am more powerful than depression, injury, painful relationships, age, physical pain, uncooperative relatives, and cravings. When I fall off the horse I need to pick myself up, dust myself off, and get back on again. I control what goes into my mouth. No one is holding a gun to my head force feeding me carbs. I know what works. I know what triggers cravings. I can't have carbs. Period. End of story.

I have 10 lbs to lose. Thank God I preplanned for relapse and lost 10 extra lbs and am still at an acceptable BMI. But I don't like the extra weight around my middle (which is exactly where I gained it. I don't like feeling sick and having my heart race after a carb binge. And I want to arrest this weight gain before it goes any farther.

I rely on God, but he doesn't do the work for me. If I want a reprieve from my carb cravings I have to stop eating carbs. The cravings will subside. There is no easier softer way. There is no easy answer or solution. But if I tough it out for 5 days of no carbs, it will be much easier. Like Linda said, just for today, just for this moment, I will not eat carbs. One moment at a time, I can do without carbs.

That's my part of the food equation. To deal with life I use the serenity prayer. "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."


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Cheri, I know how you feel and you will do it -- you're at exactly the place i was when I first went back to basics with the 5DPT. Meredith, you are wise to wait to start until tomorrow. I think your doctor is a little low on his calorie though -- why only 700 calories? I'm like Cheri - it's not the calories -- it's WHAT you are putting in your mouth. If I ate 700 calories of only carbs - I would be ravenously hungry and weak. However, if I ate only 700 calories of Protein I'd probably make it through the day - but after a day or two would feel pretty weak on so few calories -- especially during exercise. Most Protein shakes are around 150 to 200 calories.

Julie, so happy to hear from you but sorry you're suffering. Have you had any doctor visits lately? I just don't understand why no one can seem to help you. It makes no sense to me. When is your new GB due? I can't remember -- May? I bet the girls are both getting excited.

Kristi congratulations on your decision to get the band. Hope you'll keep coming back -- we're all here for you -- if you have any questions feel free to ask.

On our way to the casino -- snowed a bit but think we'll be okay. Will it ever end????? I'm really sick of winter.


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Good Morning Peeps

Hugs for all of you struggling... Cheri's advice is to be following - You just gotta do it - plan and simple - plan - journal and exercise... Budget your calorie to feed you when you are the most hungry.

Melissa - Hugs on your fall - hope you are going to be ok.. I eat more than 1 pudding cup -

Linda - you are so right on what you eat more than how much ... Protein..

Julie - I've been thinking of you ;0) Hugs...

Kristi - Welcome !!!! Hugs Prayers for a safe surgery & speedy recovery !!!

Well - not much to report - organizing - washing - changing bedding in anticipation of Apples & Eva's visit next Friday - Did a little shopping - played fb games

Food yesterday

BF coffee 2 cups - 4 oz pt

Lunch- Zip (busy)

Dinner - 2 tacos

Snack - Oj & almonds

Well gotta get ready for the gym - then nails and veggie shopping ;0)

Blessed Sunday Peeps

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if your stomach offends you....

Girl, you said it like it is... I loved your post... I am keeping it...FOREVER~!~


Candice (peaches9)

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Cheri - loved your great advice. So well said.

Linda - Aylah's pix on FB are darling. She reminds of of "true joy".

Kristi - welcome. Wishing you a safe surgery and speedy recovery.

Hello to all my friends here. Stay warm. We are expecting more snow here in KC tomorrow too. Yuk.

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We're back -- not big winners, but only spent what we could afford to -- DH ended up $10 ahead but not me. LOL. We are seldom lucky at the casino on the same day.

Everyone watched the big game tonight? I made a pot of kraut and kielbasa yesterday for the gang to have sandwiches and just popped my famous carb free stuffed mushrooms in the oven. Here's the recipe -- I have been perfecting this recipe for about 20 years.

These keep well and are just as good reheated in the microwave -- actually I think they get better with age.

I line two cookie sheets with foil.

3 packages of fresh large mushrooms

2 8 oz. pkgs. of "light" cream cheese (not fat free) softened to room temperature

1/2 C. shredded swiss cheese

1/2 C. shredded smoked gouda cheese

1/4 C. fresh grated parmesean cheese

4 green onions, sliced thinly including greens

2 teaspoons Worcheshire sauce

1/2 C. butter, melted

1 T. lemon juice

Garlic powder, salt and pepper

Clean mushrooms by wiping with towel and remove stems witih spoon -- gently scrape around opening to make it larger and reserve these tender scrapings in bowl. Place mushrooms on cookie sheets. Melt butter and add lemon juice after melting. Spoon butter/lemon juice onto each mushroom cap. Season mushroom with salt, pepper and garlic powder.

Mix cheeses together with mushroom scraping, onions and worscestshire sauce. Add about 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder into cheese mixture and mix well. Heap cheese mixture on top of each cap -- be generous - use all the cheese. Bake at 375 for 25 to 30 minutes or until slightly browned on top. There will be juice -- remove from cookie sheets with slotted spoon.

Please don't switch out the cheeses -- I really have been perfecting this for 20 years and these cheese give it the best flavor.

Enjoy -- lots of fat in them, but no carbs.

Not much else happening here -- my DH is out shoveling the driveway from the 2 or so inches we got last night - but it's over 30 and warm so not too bad.

Arlene, how's your thumb?

Melissa, I am so very sorry you fell -- glad nothing is broken. Please be careful.

Talk to you all later.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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