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Good Morning Kelley. I am glad you found us and hope you will fill us in a bit more about you and what is going on.

Apples, I love the thought of retiring to AZ. My DH and I are looking at Flagstaff as our spot. We will be visiting there again in May and will get with some real estate people and try to get a feel for the cost of housing in the area. We really like Flagstaff because you still get the seasons but can escape the colder weather when you need a break by driving a couple of hours. Also, with all of the pines it has a feel of upper Wisconsin, which we love. I agree with you about humidity. I find it oppressing and prefer AZ because it is so dry. One word of caution though, once you buy something your DH will start coming out of vacation mode and go into homeowner mode. That’s normal though, once something is yours you will spend more time on it and less time on relaxing. For this very reason we will be looking into condos or town houses. There is still work to be done with a condo but it is reduced. Our retirement is 6 years away so it is time for us to start thinking and looking. I don’t think we will buy this trip, just do some serious looking and trying to get a feel of daily like rather than vacation.

Cheri, that is awesome that you have some help. It will make it easier on you and benefit the children. Having someone who is familiar with grant writing is such an advantage. They know just what to say and how to say it. I am happy for you.

I am heading up to Kenosha this morning for a conference so I need to get moving. I just wanted to check in and say hi. Things are quieting down here with my Dad. He is able to function fairly well now and doesn’t require so much assistance. I think he only has 2 more weeks of PT. My DH has been taking care of most of those appointments which had been a huge help. I will have to go and pick up his laundry tomorrow and run the vacuum cleaner around.

Oh yeah, I start my new yoga class tomorrow. I am looking forward to that. I have never tried yoga before so I hope I like it. Joining this class puts me at the goal my trainer has for me of having 4 structured exercise days per week. I meet with her 2 times, have TRX and now yoga. My husband can’t believe the fact that I have become an exercise junky since a year or so ago he couldn’t even get me to go walking. Life is good so good now. I love that I can participate in activities and enjoy things and it is because of losing weight and exercising that I can do the things I love.

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Morning everyone. Newbie Kelley welcome and yes, please don't be shy about speaking up and telling us about yourself. We are here to suport you every day -- actually several times a day if you need it. When were you banded? By your ticker I see that you started at about where I did -- 245 -- You've lost 28 pounds -- congratulations on the band and the weight loss. Are you exercising? Do you journal your foods? Just tell us a bit about where you are at so we can help.

Apples, you are going to make me cry - thank you for the kind words. So exciting you are buying a place in AZ -- I love the western U.S. and Sandy, we drove through Flagstaff on our way to Iowa -- in fact we spent the night there and I loved it -- it reminds me of Reno in many ways -- it will be a lovely place to retire. I never understood why people love Florida so much - I prefer the dry heat to the humidity as well. I think that's another reason Vegas grew so much -- people liked the weather, among other things.

AI has been so much better this year - now girls, I didn't expect to like either Steven Tyler or JLo as judges but boy was I wrong -- I am in love them as judges. Steven just cracked me up the other night -- he's so funny but also so sweet -- and JLo is just as sweet as she can be but not a phony sweet (as Paula was) and not irritating. I never liked Cara -- not sure why -- just didn't care for her. Of course, Randy has always been a good judge. Nice change and so happy they are showing more of the good singers during auditions than the crap that they used to show -- limiting it nicely this year. WTG AI!! That last girl last night -- Wow!! I can't believe how many fabulous singers the 15 year olds have turned out -- unbelieveable. So happy they changed the age limit - but surely they will have to have parents witih them in Hollywood. I hope.

Took today off from exercise -- was going to get up early and do something at home but had some trouble falling asleep last night. We had Aylah for a few hours and I somehow managed to cut the heck out of my left index finger while making a salad. I love my shart knife! A friend called while I was making it and I was so hungry I didn't want to stop making my salad and the phone slipped and well, I cut my finger big time. And the bad thing is we use that finger for everything. LOL. So that's my excuse, flimsy though it is for taking the day off. LOL.

Janet happy birthday tomorrow -- want to be sure I don't miss wishing you a wonderful year of continued success and for it to be the best year of your life!! Hope you're enjoying the family's visit.

Not much planned for the weekend - I want to go to Des Moines and go to Sam's -- I'm out of everything -- chicken, my salad greens, etc. So hopefully the weather will continue to be good and we can get up there tomorrow. It's been cold but decent here -- even sunny yesterday.

Great -- thinking of you in Denver - hope all is well.

Eva -- Made the sauce and had with my chicken the other night -- Wow really really really delish. Thanks again.

Cheri - so happy for you to have a principal and her daughter to help you and the school! Those kids are so lucky to have the three of you!

Time to get ready for work -- at least it's TGIF!!! Have a good one everybody.

Linda :D

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Good Morning! I thought I would drop in before walking to my DDs to get DGD. My pup is scratching my arm as I type. He heard me say "walk" to DH. I took a break from my mother yesterday. My DS took her to the doctor. She is getting her snap back and wanting to go back to her apartment. Maybe in a week or so.

Apples, great decision on the AZ. I love the weather in their winters. FL is too much like Texas......too humid and cold! Enjoy your trip with Eva.....want to hear all about it.

Linda, I have not watched AI this time. I am recording it though. I save my recorded stuff for weekends when nothing is on TV.

Welcome Kelley!

Meredith.....good look on changing careers. You won't regret it.

Janet, yep BBQ here is brisket, ribs, chicken, sausage. Your BBQ is our Mexican food. I love it all. I had fish and broccoli last night. I am not overeating.....I am not active enough to burn off what I am eating. So, I better get busy. I will check in later!

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Morning All...just a fly-by...

Welcome Kelly...as others have stated. If you are willing, share a little about yourself with us. If you need support, you've come to the right place. You were talking about your family making fried chicken and it does not work for you. You are the only one that has control of what goes in your mouth. Either have an alternative plan or just plain don't eat things that you know bother you. Yes, it would be nice to have support from your family but you are the one that needs to ask for it and put your foot down about things coming into the house if it is a trigger for you. Hugs on what you are going through.

Sandy.....should have clarified. When I said we are looking for a "humble abode" I meant very humble. We most likely will spend only 2 months in the winter down here and are not ready to buy a house yet or maybe not ever. What we are looking at are park models that are already set up and furnished in an RV park. We are about 10 yrs away from retirement. Our dream is to be Phyll and DH and travel in a motorhome. Obligations do not allow that yet. I do like your idea of condo....less work.

OK...gotta cut out. Gotta get the walk in and then meet Eva at the museum by 10. You all have a great day.

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Another fly by....ok Janet, I take that Happy Birthday back....I'll wish you another wonderful day tomorrow....LOL.

Charlene, I did make sausage....just Breakfast sausage, no casings and I sort of played with the seasonings. Finally got some that I liked, but I made eleven 12oz packages and froze it. The stuff you buy in the store has nitrates or nitrites, its expensive, salty, and when you buy pork at $.99 /lb, it really doesn't take that long to chop it, grind it, mix it, freeze it....okay, well maybe it does take a while, but I did it over 3 days so it wasn't too bad. No I did not add jalapenos....I can add them later. Just wanted something basic to start with.

School is going well, but I need to study more Spanish. Thanks everyone for writing to me in Spanish. I actually understand most of it, just can't respond yet. I already have my writing assignment done for next week. So far, those are fun and not the chore they could be.

Anyone that wants to retire here, welcome. Arizona vs Florida....Arizona is dry, we do not have Water in our rivers, we do not have large trees everywhere nor is there much grass. Florida, Water in rivers, large and profuse trees, lots of grass....in other words, it's green there. It's rather brown here. Although in my little piece of the desert, there is lots of vegetation. It's not barren or flat. There are 4 mountain ranges surrounding Tucson, not like Great's in SLC, but they are mountains. We do get cold, snow, heat, no seasons to speak of, but you learn to appreciate what we do have.

Okay, gotta go meet Apples. Later


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Eva, I have a recipe for Breakfast sausage that uses ground turkey. You can't even tell that it''s not pork. Well you can certainly tell by the price difference. Thanks for reminding me about making sausage.

Sandy, glad your Dad is doing better and you are getting some relief.

Welcome aboard Kelley.

Kelly, glad you are enjoying school. Are you still getting your walks in? Miss your cheery posts.

Arlene, dang you need time to take care of yourself. I guess you will have to be called a "hero Sandwich" for all you do for both ends of your families.


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Another fly by....ok Janet, I take that Happy Birthday back....I'll wish you another wonderful day tomorrow....LOL.

Charlene, I did make sausage....just Breakfast sausage, no casings and I sort of played with the seasonings. Finally got some that I liked, but I made eleven 12oz packages and froze it. The stuff you buy in the store has nitrates or nitrites, its expensive, salty, and when you buy pork at $.99 /lb, it really doesn't take that long to chop it, grind it, mix it, freeze it....okay, well maybe it does take a while, but I did it over 3 days so it wasn't too bad. No I did not add jalapenos....I can add them later. Just wanted something basic to start with.

School is going well, but I need to study more Spanish. Thanks everyone for writing to me in Spanish. I actually understand most of it, just can't respond yet. I already have my writing assignment done for next week. So far, those are fun and not the chore they could be.

Anyone that wants to retire here, welcome. Arizona vs Florida....Arizona is dry, we do not have Water in our rivers, we do not have large trees everywhere nor is there much grass. Florida, Water in rivers, large and profuse trees, lots of grass....in other words, it's green there. It's rather brown here. Although in my little piece of the desert, there is lots of vegetation. It's not barren or flat. There are 4 mountain ranges surrounding Tucson, not like Great's in SLC, but they are mountains. We do get cold, snow, heat, no seasons to speak of, but you learn to appreciate what we do have.

Okay, gotta go meet Apples. Later


The sausage sounds like a great idea. I thought you were doing it in casings. I like ground sausage better. I usually have to peel off the casing because it tends to get stuck. Good description of both states. I didn't mean to say Fl was too cold.......it is humid. Today is a great day.....plenty of sunshine. I walked to my DD's home and picked up my DGD. I put in about 2 miles. I am so frustrated. My hunger is back. I am once again going to make an appointment with Dr. Davis. I got sidetracked with my mother, but I need to take care of myself too.

You and Apples have a great time!

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Just got back from the AZ Sonoran Desert Museum. I had a great time. We got to see a screech owl up close. They are really small. Apples and her DH finally saw a javalina...not too exciting, they were sleeping, but we were fairly close.

I'm ready for a nap. This is what happens with me after a day in the sun. Tomorrow will probably be as bad since Apples and I are going to a arts and craft show in Phoenix at the state fairgrounds.

I guess I need to do something constructive. BBL


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Hi all. Everyone must be busy --Eva glad you and Apples and her DH had a nice afternoon -- hope you enjoyed your nap!

It was 42 degrees and sunny here today! That's the warmest we've seen since way before Christmas. It was like Spring -- honestly -- I came home for lunch and it was so beautiful -- it was tempting but I went back to work and didn't play hookie -- would have been too obvious. But, I felt so good after work that I decided to go workout at the gym -- so I did 40 mins. on the eliptical and about 1/2 hour on weight machines - came home and showered and made dinner -- watched the news -- just terrible about Egypt - really scary.

Well, hoping all of you have a nice evening and weekend. BBL


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Oh goodness Ladies! I need a bunch like you in my life. I have beenfeeling so alone and so unsupported by my husband and family because they haven't much cared to learnhow to support me. Obviously if I am invited to my parents for dinner and they have forgotten I can't eat friend chicken, I have a problem. And my husband brings into the house half gallons of ice cream. Boy...everyday life can be harder when you are banded!

Thank you for being the positive thread I needed to happen across. It was so nice to read about people just like me and know that we are here to support each other.

Take care and God Bless!


Welcome Kelly many of us are dealing with similar issues and so me have things under control. Ask any question you want we are all here for you.

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Hi all. Everyone must be busy --Eva glad you and Apples and her DH had a nice afternoon -- hope you enjoyed your nap!

It was 42 degrees and sunny here today! That's the warmest we've seen since way before Christmas. It was like Spring -- honestly -- I came home for lunch and it was so beautiful -- it was tempting but I went back to work and didn't play hookie -- would have been too obvious. But, I felt so good after work that I decided to go workout at the gym -- so I did 40 mins. on the eliptical and about 1/2 hour on weight machines - came home and showered and made dinner -- watched the news -- just terrible about Egypt - really scary.

Well, hoping all of you have a nice evening and weekend. BBL


Well I took myself out on a date tonight. I drove to our next over town and saw the Movie The Kings Speech. It was really, really good.. Colin Firth did an amazing job. The theatre was packed, not a free seat even in the front rows. When have you last been to a movie where people CLAPPED at the end? Weird eh?

I came outside to find 2 more inches of FRESH snow on my car... when will it end??? All you northern gals know what I am talking about this winter has been brutal, just about everywhere...

Yes the news in Eqypt is scary, I am so glad that I got to see it earlier this month before all the rioting started!!! Yikes!!!

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Lions and tigers and bears...OH MY! Not really but almost. What a wonderful museum/zoo. We had the advantage of having our own (Eva) tour guide. This girl loves her state of AZ and has a wealth of native knowlegde flowing. DH and I soaked it up and walked away with a day we will never forget. Eva talked...we listened and we learned so much about AZ environment.

Some day we will have a LBT girl's week in MN at the farm and at the lake and you will all be able to see what keeps us there in the summer months. You can all climb 80 feet up to the top of a grain bin, see the 4500 head dairy farm off two miles from us. I will take you all out to the field and give you a tour of agricultural tiling and what it takes to dig it in. Of course, we will take time to see the Mall of America. Not sure if there is a Coach Outlet or an Ann Taylor store(Lori) but I am sure fun will be had by all.

I am looking forward to Cheri showing us her city in June. Looking forward to meeting all I have not met. I am thinking that next summer (2012) will be on me. Will need to rent a van to get you all out to West Central MN and back but will work that out. Only problem I have with inviting everyone to my home...we are simple people and basically quite boring. Our population does not allow for much social stimulation. We have that figured out though. We make our own fun. Some of the best times we have had are on our patio in front of the house or our deck at the lake (and some really good food and drinks).

Tired...gotta sign off. Shower, bed, coffee and breakfast with DH b/4 Eva and I hit the road.....

JANET....I most likely will not be online in the morning. I LOVE you and I wish for you a very happy birthday.

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Well I took myself out on a date tonight. I drove to our next over town and saw the Movie The Kings Speech. It was really, really good.. Colin Firth did an amazing job. The theatre was packed, not a free seat even in the front rows. When have you last been to a movie where people CLAPPED at the end? Weird eh?

I came outside to find 2 more inches of FRESH snow on my car... when will it end??? All you northern gals know what I am talking about this winter has been brutal, just about everywhere...

Yes the news in Eqypt is scary, I am so glad that I got to see it earlier this month before all the rioting started!!! Yikes!!!


Peaches...I LOVE Collin Firth....so talented and a wild and crazy guy. OK...you are my sister in the snow dept. We were able to escape for a bit (and you too, I heard). Beautiful weather here. Egypt....OMG...I just do not understand. Saw some of the news...so brutal and so crazy. I will say it again...I do not understand but would if I lived there. FREEDOM...that's why I don't understand. I cannot fathom what it is like for the ordinary citizen.

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I, too, am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in June. I've been thinking that my house can serve as the center for get-togethers in between activities. People can stay in nearby inexpensive hotels, but, if those who like to cook want to take over my kitchen for a few of the meals or for providing healthy Snacks we can have a great time in-between outings and have a nice place to stay up late and talk. There are also plenty of restaurants at all price ranges near me, grocery stores, etc. I'm close to expressways and trains.

Sandi, you and I should meet and plan itinerary choices. We have those who are more mobile than others. I'm available evenings but Sat. afternoons or Sun. aft. are best.

Tomorrow I'm meeting an old friend for lunch. We raised our kids together and she is now a chaplain at a hospital. She interned at a church in Roseland with close ties to my school, so I know we have a lot of the same passions. It's hard to make friends when you work all week and try to see grandchildren on weekends, so renewing an old friendship seems like a win/win. I'm trying to fullfill that resolution to get myself some girlfriends this year.

Babysat my grandsons tonight. That's always a wrestlemania event. Favorite game--tickle zombie. They're the zombies; I catch and tickle. Read them a few books. Gotta call my sis and see if they're back in their home. They had an oven fire when they put the oven on clean and left the house. Soot everywhere. Burned out stove and some cabinets destroyed. Insurance company took over and put them in a hotel while they clean the house and clean or replace all objects in it.


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Apples, I completely understand your ideas about AZ. If we could get away for Jan and Feb we would too. I like your idea about a park. I haven’t been to one but after seeing Phyl’s pictures on face book I understand the attraction. The sense of community seems to be very high. That is so important. Until we retire, we have 4 weeks a year vacation so we won’t be moving until then. We have started to look though and will continue to do so. One consideration for us on whether we go condo or not is if they allow dogs. I will not leave Charlie behind. Wherever we go, he goes. 20 some years ago when I divorced my first husband, I wanted to go into a condo because I wasn’t sure I could handle a house by myself. The condos I looked at had a limit of 30 pounds for a dog. Well, that would have taken care of one leg and maybe a tail of the German Shepard I had. To make a long story short, I bought a small 2 bedroom ranch near my parents so I could keep the dog. We still live in that house as we figured it was more than enough for 2 people. My step daughter lived with her mom and had her own bedroom by us when she came on the weekend. It worked for us then and still does.

We have two trains of thoughts and I am not sure what we will go with. One is to get a larger condo in AZ and move permanently. The other is to get a small condo in both AZ and Chicago and do the snow bird thing. Time will tell us what to do. I figure if I have a grandbaby by then I will want to commute.

Cheri, Sat or Sun work for me. Maybe the girls can give us some ideas of what they would be interested in. We have a lot to choose from. A dinner cruise on the lake with an afternoon at Navy Pier is always a winner. There is the list of museums: art, natural history, science and industry, planetarium. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is world class. A walk at the marina followed by lunch. Millennium park. There is so much more. Give us a few ideas, outside, inside, museum, show, dinner, shopping and we can make a plan. Heck, we can even do a Segway tour of downtown. Check out this link to see the tours available http://www.chicagosegwaytour.com/ . I have never done the tour but would like to.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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