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Good afternoon.

Happy Bandiversary LInda!!

Apples, are you going to buy a place in AZ? you must really like it down there.

My workout today consisted of snowshovelling, the heavy wet kind. Aerobic and strength all in one. DH will be so happy to see the whole 3 car driveway cleared.

Arlene, I am seeing DD this weekend for the baby shower. Be gone for a few days. What's lexapro? A FM Drug??

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Great -- it's an anti depressant -- that's what they prescribe for FM. Enjoy your time in Denver this week - sorry about the snow. I hope it's not coming this way -- I'm sick of that white crap!!!


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Hi everyone.

Thought you might enjoy this. Had an eighth grade male student tell me today I was a "beast" (aka: winner) in my skinny jeans today. Actually they were my leggings but its the thought that counts. African-American tutor who was in my room just cracked up.

Also had to scold a few sixth graders. One of the girls asked if I didn't love them. One of the boys reassured her, "Mrs. Flory loves all of us. She just gets irritated with us sometimes." He should know.

Posted a very naughty looking group of grandchildren on FB today. Hope you all saw it. Otherwise go to my profile.


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Linda, thanks for the definition, my mom has diagnosed herself with FM so was curious what it was. No dr has concluded the same thing though. The snow if it comes your way, the good thing was it was a fast mover but we got about 4 inches.

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Good afternoon.

Happy Bandiversary LInda!!

Apples, are you going to buy a place in AZ? you must really like it down there.

My workout today consisted of snowshovelling, the heavy wet kind. Aerobic and strength all in one. DH will be so happy to see the whole 3 car driveway cleared.

Arlene, I am seeing DD this weekend for the baby shower. Be gone for a few days. What's lexapro? A FM Drug??

Lori, I take Lexapro because the Savella for the FM gave me panic attacks. The dr asked me today if it had Rheumatoid Arthritis. I don't think so, but you know I have never been tested. I may ask the thyroid doctor to test me. I have an appointment in March. All I know is the Savella helps with the pain .......and the Lexapro controls the anxiety side effect.......I'm good except when those dang cold fronts blow in.

I know the shower will be so much fun. I just love baby showers.

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Hey All...you guys are the best. So encouraging.

Cheri...the beast? I thought you were the "Bomb"! Guess it's just the terminology with the age difference. Bet you looked great in those skinnies. You are a very beautiful woman and you carry yourself well. So cute what the little guy said about you just being irritated. They know you love them. We know you love them.

Laura....Atlantis...what a wonderful trip. DH and I have this table topic game and one of the questions on his card that he asked me was "What would be the ideal trip for you?". My answer...Atlantis. We


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Ok...that totally locked up and posted without me doing anything....whine.

As I was saying...we decided that maybe Atlantis for our 35th anniverysary (Nov 10, 2015). But, always said we would go back to San Diego to stay at the Del Coronodo. We spent a couple of weeks there in 1983. As others have said...great memories for your family. Your dad would rather see you do your trip than to sit around and worry about him. Hugs.

Linda...Happy Bandiversary....boy...you can sure eek it out. LOL. Just set your bandiversary 4 days earlier than it is and just keep getting those congrats! Love ya. So cool how you were explaining about being not winded during Zumba. Now, I have this DH that is on a dead run 24/7. You know what the biggest challenge of this trip is? The big ole' Tanker and the little ole' DH keeping up with me when we walk. We try to take two walks a day and poor DH is behind me panting and trying to keep up. The poor little guy pulled a muscle in his calf last week and was house-bound for a day trying to recover. Point is....I have more energy than I ever though I would have again. I could hardly walk 3 yrs ago. I am on a dead run and tired is not in my vocabulary.

Great...wish we all could go to your DD's baby shower. I feel like I have known you forever and feel like I wanna be there. I promise I wouldn't pat her tummy (that drives me nuts when ppl do that). I'd even make some muffins for the shower. You just enjoy. Wear your Ann Taylor and outshine the MIL. Have fun.

Arlene...you're the best daughter. But, I bet it helps that your mom is an angel to deal with. She sounds so sweet. It makes me miss my Lucille. I miss her so much but every day I remember so many things that she taught me and how she treated me. Totally unconditional love. I had never known that until I met her. I never mind taking care of anyone. What has always bothered me is the resistance . Your mom sounds like she just lets you do what you need to do for her. Lucille was that way. She would just except what I did for her and be happy about it. Hugs for all the time this has taken away from your life. Nothing you will every be sorry you did though.

Janet...can't remember if I said "Woohoo on balancing whatever you balanced". Damn...that's a good feeling isn't it? Happy you had a good time with Jodi, Dassi, Phyll and her DH. Dassi looks just like I imagined. She is such a beautiful girl.

Julie...sorry your pain ruled during the shower. I sure hope this new doc will take a look at the whole picture and be able to start anew with you.

Jodi...hope you had a great trip. Also hope that family things went OK. Dassi is such a pretty little thing.

LauraK...Hi...love ya and looking forward to meeting you. It's been a long time a comin'.

OK...this is coming from a girl that cannot sleep past 5:30am...I slept till 8:30 today. OMG. Had a leisurely Breakfast. Showered. Took a 2 mile walk. Made lunch and then went shopping with DH. Came back home and made a sugar free pumpkin pie for sweet FIL. Tomorrow we are heading out early to "shop" for a humble abode somewhere in AZ and then play Bingo with FIL. It will be a late night as Bingo does not conclude until 10:30 and we have a drive to get home after.

Friday we are doing a museum with Eva. We were going to do it last week but my long gate put DH in pain and he needed the day to recoup. We are looking forward to it. I think Thursday will be a "me" day.

Love to all...will check in soon. sleep tight...

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Good Evening Gang..

Had a good workout at boot camp tonite - missed going to the show w/Jodi though - she called at 5:30 but I was gone to the gym - My DS called too - left message that I go to the gym too much - I called back and told him that I go to the gym so that I can be a hot 56 yr old Mom - that pple would mistake me for his GF LOL

Yep Charlene - Proud you didn't buy any junk !!!

Sandy they wanted to much $$ for those doliphin pictures like $80 bucks - we could review them on a kiosk - we took pics of the pic off the kiosk - and they came out just as good and I only had to pay normal printing LOL

Great have fun at the shower this weekend

Going to meet Jodi for lunch tomorrow !!! My calendar is pretty full this weekend - DS coming in on Thursday - will go buy new bbq on friday - having bbq on Saturday and I have a hair appointment Sat morning - Will have to shop for bbq on Friday - but my DIL will be here to help..

Cheri - You are a beast ;0)

Linda - I hear you on classes - I see so many younger ones walking out.. I think you have d one a fantastic job !!!! You have changed !!! You are living the lifetime lifestyle change - your light bulb went off... Be Proud of all that you have done

LauraK - looking forward to seeing the family - but by Monday will be glad they are going ;0) Sunday will be good though cuz they will be going to see DIL Mom - so I will have a few hrs of relaxation ;0)

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Janet..that doesn't happen often..posted at the exact same time. Have a great time with family this weekend and hope you have a great Birthday BBQ. I love you and respect you and thank you for all you have done for me. I remember seeing your avatar and reading your posts a couple of year ago and thinking "OMG...I want to be as successful as her...I want to follow her and see what she has to say". So, that's what I did and here we sit today...thank you for that. Loves.

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Morning everyone. Not much new here. Katie is doing better -- she always does better when she goes off the crap -- we'll see how long it lasts -- she told her dad she is going to go back to church, etc. etc. Keeping my fingers crossed she won't fall off the wagon again.

Had lunch with some gfs yesterday -- don't get to do that too often and I decided I really miss it and need to try to do it at least once a month - good for me to be out around people I really like and relate to.

Charlene, hoping your cousin gets the job done! It's nice that she's willing to help out. Good going on not buying junk food!!! Whoo Hoo!!!

LauraK, thanks -- you are just too sweet. You look fabulous too. fI didn't know you weren't doing zumba any more -- thought you were. The class I'm taking is taught by a good friend of mine who just recently learned and became certified to teach it. So she's not all that great either -- we're all learning together -- there's been huge numbers of people coming to her class - like 30 to 40 and for a small town that's incredible - just shows how many people want to exercise when it's fun. There's a good mix of people too -- young, old and fat and thin - everyone is having a good time. Love that music!!

Janet, thanks for the kind words. You are an inspiration to all of us - without your guidance and love, don't know if any of us would be where we're at today -- or if we would have stayed there. I credit you and this group with helping me to stay on track -- being accountable -- that's important.

Great -- have a wonderful time in Denver -- enjoy the shower -- wear something fabulous from Ann Taylor - have a great time.

Cheri - too funny about the "beast" - love it, love it , love it. I hope you growled!! LOL.

Apples, I am PROUD of you for sleeping in and relaxing - you deserve it -- keep it up!! Hope you find the perfect place to buy!!!

Gotta get to work -- happy hump day!!!!


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Good morning gang!

Janet, I love, love , love BBQ. You will have an awesome birthday celebration. You are a "hot mama". Thanks for helping us to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Linda, getting out with people that love you and you love is such a boost. Our church offers Zumba on Tuesday nights. I might go check it out.

I hope to make WW chicken Gumbo this afternoon. It is the best recipe and you can eat so much more than regular gumbo.

Getting ready to go walk this morning. The sky is clear and sun is beaming down. YAY! My pup will be so happy.

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Morning ladies,

I was surprised by all the responses to the recipe. Thanks, hope you enjoy it.

Yesterday, I was so annoyed (angry) for really no good reason but it resulted in my stomach being really tight. It's a good lesson that your emotions can certainly affect your physical body. Yes, I'm over it...it had to do with emissions testing on my car and all is well.

Laura, although I can't respond to what you said in Spanish, I did understand it and Si, senora. Your trip sounds wonderful and you share a birthday with two of my very good friends. I'd love to swim with the dolphins. Haven't done that yet, but it's something to look forward to.

Janet, what happened to your old BBQ? Is it permanently broken? Have fun with your kids this weekend. Sounds like you are having a good time with Jodi too.

Charlene, it's probably good that you are letting others deal with your Mom for a little while. I think everyone needs a break. Don't eat too much of that gumbo.

My project for today and maybe tomorrow is grinding pork. It was on sale for 99 cents/lb. I buy Jimmy Dean lower fat Breakfast sausage for DH, but it's around $5 or $4.50 for 12 oz. It's getting way too expensive. So I'm going to make my own and then I can control how much fat is actually in the sausage. I'll grind it, season it, and freeze it in individual packages. Many years ago, I made my own Italian sausage and some others. I even used casings and stuffed them. It's a lot of work and since finding our local sausage shop, I haven't done that, but this breakfast sausage thing shouldn't be that hard and at least I'll know exactly what's in the sausage.

Okay, I have to print out my homework (first writing assignment due today), go for a walk, and make sausage.



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Good Morning Gang !!!

Apples, Linda, Charlene - You are all way too kind - I thank you all here for helping me be accountable too !!!

This is a give & take relationship - we are all here for each other...

Charlene - BBQ in the desert normally is mexican ;0) not BBQ as you know it ;0) My Uncle is making chilli Beans and I will be cooking (bbqing) chicken & beef fajatias - We will most likely make a mac salad - Mex rice - guacamole - chips - home made salsa.. And hopefully someone buys me a bday cake...

Nothing wrong w/my bbq - it's out of propane - I have a gas bib where the bbq is - so I can get a natural gas bbq and never have to run out of gas again !!! I always am forgetting to exchange tank - and they are a hassle, I have an older bbq (7 yrs) so I can't order new guts to convert to natural gas - So that's one of Josephs chores when he's here - we are going to get a bbq - he has to fix my fan in my bed room - and I think I have a couple more house hold chores for him too..

Well gang - I got some very very sad news last night - my Sis called and my BIL does have prostrate cancer and had a bone scan as they think it has matastized (sp) won't know for sure til Thursday - but they can't operate on the prostrate - he starts radiation - he's 60 ...

Well going to lunch w/Jodi today - then gym tonite - gotta get some food for when kids get here thursday - so that means some shopping after gym - then need to vacuum and mop (spilt a glass of cranberry juice last nite as I was going to bed - wipped it up but saw some spots this a.m. that I missed)

Will try and get back on tonite if time allow..

Love you all - You all are a big reason that I have maintained - being a mentor is a big responsbility and has kept me honest ;0)

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Janet, I love fajitas too! Yep, our BBQ is different. We had our grill connected to natural gas so we would have to buy tanks. My DH said it doesn't get hot enough for him. I am sure he is hinting for a new one. Your dinner sounds delish!

So sorry about your BIL's diagnosis. I wonder if he has had cancer for awhile. This is really going to be difficult for your sis since she is in such poor health. HUGS and Prayers for them and your too.

Eva, making sausage......you are amazing! Are you going to throw in a little jalapenos?

Linda, good to hear your SD is on the wagon again. I am sure it is very hard to trust her. My DD and her boyfriend( yes the jerk) have started going to church with us. Only God can change a heart. I hope for the best for my DD, but they have broken up about six times. It is hard for me to believe this will last.....I'm just saying......

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Good afternoon. Happy Birthday Janet, you deserve and awesome day. I agree with the others, thank you for providing the place and being such a role model for us. I remember when I found your first post here and I was struggling with telling others I was having surgery. Wow that was over 2 yrs ago, going on 3. Thank you. I remember thinking I wanna be just like her when I grow up!

I just made an appt with my lap band dr in Denver for while I am there. Not sure if I want or need a fill but going to talk about it.

BBQ for us usually means hot dogs and hamburgers for some reason when we say that we mean that other wise it is grilling and we are grilling steak, etc. LOL Weird, I know.

Janet, sorry to hear about BIL, hope it hasn't spread.

Eva, mi Espanol is muy mal, pero puedo comprendo paquita (sp). Tengo tres anos en la escuela mucho anos ago.

Arlene, glad you got a little break from your mom, not that you needed one because she is difficult or anything but just that you need one once in awhile even from pleasant chores. Gotta recharge those batteries.

Well my bags are almost packed for Denver tomorrow. Had to get a bigger bag as I have been buying too many baby clothes. LOL It'll be empty coming home. I do have an Ann Taylor outfit packed for the shower. LOL

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