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8_6_45.gifLORI, Sounds like you made out like a bandit on the leather jacket. I did not got shopping. I am not going to buy until the scales start moving down again. I need a fill, but my appt. is not until Jan. 19th. I am going to see if I can get worked in next week. I here ya on the weight gain. It is probably Water gain from the salt and carbs. You can shake that off in a day or so.

Glad to see you had a good Christmas. I was blessed too to have all my kids together and enjoying each other's company. I am especially blessed to have had my mother for another year.

Well, girl, we better get back on the bandwagon! We have a whole NEW YEAR to reach our personal goals.:thumbup::thumbup::smile:

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Janet I hope you had a Merry Christmas too! Of course I ate too much. I am not weighing till Monday. I got stuck on a deviled egg. So I will just add that to my list of "no! no! " foods. Of course the sliders slid right down with no problems. I left all the sweets at my DS's. Tomorrow it's "back to the future"......walk.....journal......walk....journal. I am ready for a NEW YEAR!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


Hey Charlene - Those egg whites will do it to you every time if you don't chew :thumbup: We think they are soft but oh my - they are really just rubber if you take a big bite and don't chew.. - Glad you are getting back on track :Yawn:

Had a Great Christmas - Enjoyed the time with the family - oh my did my back ache Xmas Eve with all the wraping - We had tons of presents!!

Hi Gang! This is Christmas night!. My family has all gone to their homes and so it is now just me and DH. I hope all of you had a safe and very fun holiday. I know I did. My kids all loved everything that we gave them and my grandboys really had a good time. I didn't "overeat" because the band won't let me but I have noticed today that it seems very hard for me to eat Protein. If I don't go real, real slow then I have been getting stuck very easily. I gotta get back on it tomorrow also and back to walking. I had alot of compliments over the last week. Everybody thought I was looking good.:thumbup: I just hope I can get back in the groove and follow the plan without too much problem. I hope I didn't mess up my weight loss momentum cause I was going real steady. Tonight I am really tired from all of this. Tried to get a nap today but didn't happen, so early to bed. Love ya all. Beckyo:teeth_smile:

Hi Becky - Remember - take the word Hope out of your vocabulary :w00t: I will get back on tract Really the little extra calories that you have may even spur a lose - I find that's why it's good to vary your calories... So glad that pple noticed your weight loss - that in its self is very motivational... Sweet Dreams :tongue:

hello was band in may lost so much weight inthe beginning i thought this would be easy sailing well now iam at a stand still the weather is cold so i can't walk or jog and i hate the gym even though i pay for a membership just needed to vent! and i am over eatting like a PIG more borded then anything:(

Ladiekappa - Welcome !!

As you are finding out - the band isn't the cure all to our issues with food - but it's a great tool - once you start working it.. And that's what you gotta do - there is no way around that - so get your butt in gear - eat healthy - get your butt to the gym - do you hate the gym more than you hate being fat :smile: - I don't think so :tongue: so just go... I was a total slug bug pre-band - heck I sat on my butt 24/7 - now I am at the gym 3-4 days a week.

I to eat out of boredom - so what I do when I am bored is get on the computer - go in the bathroom give myself a facial - or condition my hair - clean out a drawer - ya just gotta find something else to do than standing in front of the fridge looking for something to eat - heck call a gf - just find a distraction... It really does work...

Hi there,

Gosh this is big, every once in a while I have trouble with fonts and it won't let me change them, so please forgive the hugeness.

I had a great Chrsitmas. Ate too much and am up about 4 lbs total. Some has to be Water retention but I know from some of the foods I ate that it can't be all. I also seem to be getting quite loose again so will monitor it and see if I need a fill. Last night I took my sox off and I had a big ring around my ankle so I know they were puffy. I got Ann Taylor gift cards for a total of $75, a Visa gift card for $100 and $200 cash for clothes, from hubby, kids and others. I am set!! I plan on saving some for some spring clothes. Today I went bargain hunting. My biggest bargain was a leather jacket at Penney's. They were marked from $225 to $49.99 until 1pm today. I had to work til 1030 so was worried they wouldnt' have any left. They did, and then when I checked out she asked if I had the coupon for $10 more off, I didn't but she gave it to me anyway so got it for $39.99!!! I got to Ann Taylor and tried to use one of the gift cards and they said it had 0 value. My daughter is upset but luckily still has the receipt so once she can get it to me, I hope to be able to get that rectified. I did get a sweater there.

We had Christmas eve here and Christmas day at my inlaws. I took all the left over goodies there in zip loc bags and left them, so thehouse is almost purged of all the bad slider foods that I nibble on way too much if they are around.

Hope you all had a great Christmas!

I was just thinking, this is going to be the first New Years in like forever, that my resolution won't be to lose 100 lbs!! WOO HOO!!

Lori - You made out like a bandit..:biggrin: Way to go.:wink: What a great steal on the leather coat :thumbup:

I got a Tom-Tom - Bluetooth for the car the kind that goes on your visor - a ceramic cat my gd made - blouse - lotion - Itune card.

Those 4 lbs has to be mostly Water - I know that you didn't eat 14,000 calories (3500 for 1 lbs)

Yep Charlene - Back on tract today - !!!!

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Good Morning Gang...

How was everyone's evening... All the sugar Cookies are offically gone :thumbup:

I gotta get dressed and get my butt to the gym in just a few (see I practice what I preach:sneaky:)

Am on my 2nd cup of coffee it's a little cold this morning 40 :smile: I know for some of you that's warm - but for a desert rat like me it's cold..

Well gotta get dressed... I will ck back after the gym...

Hugs - Janet

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Good morning. Oh do I ache this morning. My rec center (gym) closes down each year from Christmas to New Years for cleaning and maintainance. We reopen on Jan 2nd. Well since I now work there, guess who does all that cleaning and maintainance? We do! So I still go a workout. My job yesterday was windows. Some are very high up. So my legs got a stair (ladder) stepper workout. Up the ladder, wash a window, down the ladder, move it, back up for the next window, you get the picture. So my legs really hurt as does my shoulder I guess from all the window washing motion. I never want to see another window! We get the weekend off and then clean Mon and Tues. The goal is to finish on Tues. then we can have Wed off and of course New Years, before we go back and get ready for the rush of New Year's resolution workouters. At that time we will open at 530.

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Good Morning Gang...

How was everyone's evening... All the sugar Cookies are officially gone :thumbup:

I gotta get dressed and get my butt to the gym in just a few (see I practice what I preach:sneaky:)

Am on my 2nd cup of coffee it's a little cold this morning 40 :smile: I know for some of you that's warm - but for a desert rat like me it's cold..

Well gotta get dressed... I will ck back after the gym...Hugs - Janet

Well, I'm just about to get my Christmas cookies!! DD brought me some but too tired to unpack her stuff last night! They flew in to Vegas about 10a.m. and drove here. Then we went to dinner at our restaurant, opened presents and they went to bed. They are staying at a friend's trailer a few streets away.

YES, it is COLD this morning!! I second that!! Too cold for the desert! Promised DD & SIL some warm weather!! They're tired of the Seattle snow!

Good morning. Oh do I ache this morning. My rec center (gym) closes down each year from Christmas to New Years for cleaning and maintainance. We reopen on Jan 2nd. Well since I now work there, guess who does all that cleaning and maintainance? We do! So I still go a workout. My job yesterday was windows. Some are very high up. So my legs got a stair (ladder) stepper workout. Up the ladder, wash a window, down the ladder, move it, back up for the next window, you get the picture. So my legs really hurt as does my shoulder I guess from all the window washing motion. I never want to see another window! We get the weekend off and then clean Mon and Tues. The goal is to finish on Tues. then we can have Wed off and of course New Years, before we go back and get ready for the rush of New Year's resolution workouters. At that time we will open at 530.


That sounds like quite a "workout" in itself!!

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Well back from the gym... 3.2 miles 48 minutes - did 4.2 speed with a 4 incline - I beat my usual time by 4 minutes..

burned 300 calories - you see once you lose your weight it takes more intensity or time to burn the same amount of calories - heck this work out 6 months ago would would have burned 350 calories and that was with just a little incline.

Yep Lori - it's funny about the aches - I know that when I deep clean - behind toliets etc my legs would hurt - but that's was pre-band - I can't say that I get to many aches from cleaning anymore. Yep come 1/1 you will have tons of new pple in the gym - but that will last about 2 weeks - 1 month..

A 24 hr fitness opened around the corner - so I have noticed that my gym has lost alot of pple - but 24 hr fitness is like $30 a month my gym is only $19 but it doesn't have classes - but I figure my trainer is better than the classes -so I will stay - my original plan was just to stick with my gym til 24 hr fitness opened - but cuz of my trainer - I am staying where I'm at...

Ya Phyl it's cold - well I am warm now cuz I have worked out but leaving for the gym it was cold - tomorrow suppose to be 60 - and no winds..

Enjoy the Cookies - it's not Xmas without them.. They are part of the tradtion of Christmas.. I am glad mine are gone - well I say that now - but in the middle of the night I might not think that :hurray: but in the morning when I don't have a sugar hangover I will be happy...

I gotta get my Water in today - that's my goal for the day - I have been really bad about my water and that causes tmi problems...

Well gotta put some clothes in the dryer - cbl in a few...

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Apples - Where are you - are you snowed in with no power??

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Good Morning Kids!!!! Been MIA the last couple of days. Had a nice Christmas with DH's family and friends. I have no family but fill my life up with very supportive and loving friends.

First off...Mimi....so sorry to hear that you lost your father. Sending hugs your way. Take care and take some time for yourself.

We've had one thing after the other going on the last three weeks. So many nice parties and seeing people that I have not seen since last year. Would get the jaw dropping look when I would walk in the door. Most of my friends I have had for 30 years or more have made comments like: It's nice to have the old you back and looking healthy. #1 reason for doing this was health. Want to be around to spend retirement with DH....hopefully there will be some grand babies thrown in there too. My boys better get busy! One of the best things with Christmas celebrations is the children. We have a lot of great nieces and nephews and it so much fun when we get together with them.

DH and I decided that this year we would not do the gifts under the tree and in the stocking thing. We were just going to buy each other a Garmin GPS and that was it. Well, he was naughty. I had a new diamond ring under the tree and a new DVD player for our lake place (the other one died) Am not complaining...just felt bad I had nothing for him.

Janet...great Christmas photo!!!!

In my life I have never hit the stores the day after Christmas. I ventured out this year. Wanted to get in on some of the good clothes deals and the Christmas cash was burning a hole in my pockets. I got some great stuff for very little. $13.97 for a cute dark green hooded suede coat, 2 jean jackets, a $299 suit for $45...some tops to go with jeans, etc. All of it loves being in my closets.

Cold, icy day here today. DH is already napping in recliner with 100# lab on his lap. I need to head to town to get arm exrayed. Fell down the steps and think I might have cracked a bone in my arm. Rear should have been broken also but somehow it's OK. Going to wait a bit to see if the ice melts off the roads some. Not worth the risk of driving 15 miles on ice.

You all have a great day. Stay warm.....especially Phyll and Janet who are not used to cold weather.

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Apples - Where are you - are you snowed in with no power??

LOL...Just booked with so much Christmas stuff...gone from early morning till late night. Most of our nights in the last week have been about 1pm getting to bed. It's all so nice though.

I hear you on the sugar hangover, Janet. Have never been much of a sweet eater but decided that I would try out every treat...made me feel icky. :hurray:

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Good Morning Kids!!!! Been MIA the last couple of days. Had a nice Christmas with DH's family and friends. I have no family but fill my life up with very supportive and loving friends.

First off...Mimi....so sorry to hear that you lost your father. Sending hugs your way. Take care and take some time for yourself.

We've had one thing after the other going on the last three weeks. So many nice parties and seeing people that I have not seen since last year. Would get the jaw dropping look when I would walk in the door. Most of my friends I have had for 30 years or more have made comments like: It's nice to have the old you back and looking healthy. #1 reason for doing this was health. Want to be around to spend retirement with DH....hopefully there will be some grand babies thrown in there too. My boys better get busy! One of the best things with Christmas celebrations is the children. We have a lot of great nieces and nephews and it so much fun when we get together with them.

DH and I decided that this year we would not do the gifts under the tree and in the stocking thing. We were just going to buy each other a Garmin GPS and that was it. Well, he was naughty. I had a new diamond ring under the tree and a new DVD player for our lake place (the other one died) Am not complaining...just felt bad I had nothing for him.

Janet...great Christmas photo!!!!

In my life I have never hit the stores the day after Christmas. I ventured out this year. Wanted to get in on some of the good clothes deals and the Christmas cash was burning a hole in my pockets. I got some great stuff for very little. $13.97 for a cute dark green hooded suede coat, 2 jean jackets, a $299 suit for $45...some tops to go with jeans, etc. All of it loves being in my closets.

Cold, icy day here today. DH is already napping in recliner with 100# lab on his lap. I need to head to town to get arm exrayed. Fell down the steps and think I might have cracked a bone in my arm. Rear should have been broken also but somehow it's OK. Going to wait a bit to see if the ice melts off the roads some. Not worth the risk of driving 15 miles on ice.

You all have a great day. Stay warm.....especially Phyll and Janet who are not used to cold weather.

Apples - OMG hope that arm is ok !!!! How nice of your DH - well you gotta go get him something... I got a Tom-Tom for xmas -and it's fun to play with... Not getting in til one - aren't your the party girl :hurray: You did really good on the shopping - I got a couple of summer dresses for 10 bucks - a top & capri for 10 each - and one blouse on sale but not 10 bucks-

Arent you going to florida soon?? Do you have warm weather clothes :laugh: - Going on cruise in March - going to need some summer stuff - most of my stuff from last summer is a little baggy.. Spring stuff should be comming out shortly..

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Apple sorry to hear about your fall. Hopefully your arm is ok. BBK had a nasty fall also on ice. She is at the dr. now.

Sorry Mimi about your dad. Do you have a sister named Carrol, deals in Mela?

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Yep...would really suck to have a cast on this arm and with our trip coming up. We leave Jan 13 and come back Feb 16. Wish we would have stuck to the original plan of 2 months in FL. Will just have to take a trip end of Feb or March to somewhere warm.

Hey Long...speaking of FL...are you still planning on being with your folks in FL during the time we are down there? Would absolutely love to meet you. Let me know if the above dates work for you.

We decided to use our airline miles and fly instead of driving. We love to fly but thought it might be fun to road trip...next year. We have been looking for a little Toyota mini. Would most likely just be used for our trip in the winter to get us to our destination. We figure that our dog would be more comfy in the motorhome. Hope we can find one b/4 next winter. They all seem to be in FL and CA. I was able to jockey and get First Class round trip tickets for no extra points. I only had to whine a little! LOL

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Apples, sorry to hear about the arm. sorry about the font yesterday. Once in awhile I go to change it and the screen goes away and then it's stuck and I can't unchange it. I didn't mean to hit that big and every time I'd shut the window to go back and try again there it was! When you are in FL will you have internet access?? Our trip, if we go, will probably be last minute. now with working, not sure about time off. I am afraid to ask so close to just having started. Plus I need lots of time this spring, I will be going to FL in May probably so am leaning towards not going, but will let you know if I do. My grandma turns 100 on May 1st. Also, Dh & I are cruising sometime, some place in the spring. We fly standby with his job at the airlines and also get deals on cruises, generally more last minute.

Speaking of cruises, hubby is a tad bit worried. About 2 or 3 yrs ago he told me if I ever lost 100 lbs. he would take me on a European cruise and he would even go to Paris (he hates the thought of Paris though he's never been there for some reason). I was always going on about needing to lose 100 lbs and being very down on myself about it when he made that deal. Well I have 9 more to go (that was before my holiday gain though). So I've been watching some deals. And it's our 30th anniversary in April so that would be a good time to go. I can lose 9 by then!

It's cold here too. I did get a nice warm sweater (Columbia) at Bass Pro Shops yesterday on clearance for $14 down from $100. Not too shabby! Today I was at Kohls and they had a 90% off rack of summer stuff. I was so tempted but have no idea of sizing by then. Seems to be lots of bargains out there.

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It's 64 in the house - my hands are freezing - I was hungry a bit ago - was going to make egg beaters but saw the leftover prime rib - oh my - I had a stuck !!! It's almost down but I don't want to eat anymore but I am hungry...

Maybe I'll go to Khols today - I really need to keep my butt at home -bills are due 1/1 and Ihaven't even opened some of them - like my qvc card - but I guess I will have to do it in a couple of days..

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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