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Good afternoon. I got me some sunshine today and a little outlet mall shopping and am feeling better. LOL I think this inversion crap gets me down sometimes. Today DH and I went for a drive to the mountains, we went up to Park City and it was beautiful and sunny and warmer than down here. We went to the outlet mall where I loaded up on baby stuff at the Carter store and then also bought myself a new gray Coach purse at the Coach outlet. From there we drove through the mountains through the little town of Heber and around Deer Creek resevoir and down through Provo Canyon back into the 'muck'. But it was a nice day and enjoyable ride.

Jewel, good job on the school work. As for your dr, sounds like you maybe going in there prepared for the worse so that is what you are hearing. If you are happy losing at the pace you are (which is good) then keep on doing what you are doing with the carbs. However, if you want to lose faster, do what he says and cut back the carbs. Depends on which is more important to you. Sometimes some of us would rather eat more balanced and have some carbs and lose slower while other times we want quicker results or break a plateau and then it's no carb. We all gotta find what works best for us at where we are at.

Julie, are you supposed to go back to mayo at all? Go and tell them it's not working, what else can you do for me??

Well I got dinner cooking (baked chicken) so we can eat early and watch the Packers beat Atlanta tonight! GO PACK!!!

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Cheri~ It wasn't drinking any wine or anything like that when the band was too tight, it was after. I know how it feels when it is too tight now and this was definately that "feeling". After I was so sick with my band too tight and having reflux every night for that month, I never want to feel like that again. It caused that partial slip that I had. It's only when I'm too tight that I get reflux. I have never gotten it from food. I don't consider myself semi-vegetarian, I just sometimes don't like the taste of meat. It depends I guess. Usually my salads will have chicken on them. Yesterday it did. But I don't do much dairy. It makes me have gas. TMI. I do love cheese, but I limit it very strictly. The dr just took out a super small amount, he said almost "unmeasurable". I feel like I make better choices when I am able to eat a wider variety of foods.

Eva~ Thanks girl. Its tough, but I know I can't beat myself up over it. I have come to the point where I'm ok with the weight loss slowing down. I'm wanting to have it off by my 2 year bandiversary which is June 26th. I feel like that is realistic. Right?

Linda~ Once again, thanks to you too! I needed you girls and your positive feedback. I do make much better choices now. Its amazing compared to what I would have eaten before. Good point!

I'm going to take a little nap now. Just got back from the shower not long ago. It was very nice. Open house style.


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Question about freezing food

I made chicken salad using a Rotisserie chicken. It turn out to be a big batch. I premeasured 1/4 cup sizes and put them in tiny containers.

Can I freeze them? I won't be able to it all of it in a week so I was wondering if freezing would hurt anything.

Advice please

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I freeze the Rotisserie chicken with sauces or add after taking out. If you put celery in it or uncooked veggies they might not be very nice after thawing out. Maybe leave those out and add after you thaw the chicken?

Meredith, so glad you're getting some Protein in those salads. Do you do Protein drinks? Some are made with soy not whey so its partial not whole Protein, but it's still protein. How'd the shower go?

Jessica, I thought it was you with the protein-promoting Dr. He's the one who doesn't eat all day and only eats protein at night, right? So that he'll stay in ketosis? Hardly anyone can do straight protein every day for the rest of their lives. As long as you're losing steadily and happy with yourself, good for you. Great is right, all protein, no or low carbs, is great for breaking a plateau or getting yourself losing again if you've been gaining, but maintaining it all the time is not realistic. Frankly, I think showing no affect around your Dr. is probably self-defense against how controlling he seems. I pull on that no affect mask with certain people with whom its not safe to show what I'm really thinking or feeling. I will simply refuse to react to people who are trying to make me react or who seem determined to control me. I can see where you're very scared to reduce your medication. You have good reason. You know where it can lead. I'd be cautious, too. You're doing so well, you don't want any setbacks. Wierd about the teeth thing. Ouch.


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I freeze the Rotisserie chicken with sauces or add after taking out. If you put celery in it or uncooked veggies they might not be very nice after thawing out. Maybe leave those out and add after you thaw the chicken?


Thanks so much for the info

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Hey Gang! I went to my mother's today and took her the new clothes I bought. I have to take back most of them because they won't fit over her cast. She was confused this morning. She is on Cipro again and it makes her foggy in the head. Poor thing, she told a new aid she couldn't see her call button because she is blind and she said"Yes you can.....you wear glasses." B___h!!! Wait till I tell management on Monday. So, after that stressful visit Dh and I went to see Dilemma with Vince Vaughn. It's funny and yet the subject matter is not funny. Then we went to a steak house where I ate a salad and sirloin steak. Well, I brought half of it home and just finished it.

Meredith, don't feel guilty about a treat. It is not like you ate a pan of brownies. You are doing great!

Lori, freeze chicken salad. I don't know. I would be afraid the celery would be soggy when it thawed. If you do try to freeze it let me know if it works out. I would like to do that too.

Jessica, I had heard that meds can cause facial changes. I hope coming off of them won't make you slide into depression again. HUGS!

Eva, so Glimmer and Tanker had a play date? Apples , you must be in heaven with that warm weather.

Julie, I wish they could find an answer for your pain. I still think it may be your adhesions from all of your surgeries. The only way they would know is to go look.

I put the movie on pause so I could post. I better finish it. How many of your are old enough to remember "The Way We Were" with Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford. It is on OWN. I loved that movie ....gotta finish it.

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Thanks Great

And Cheri, It is so nice to have someone understand me. I was thinking the Flat affect might be me disassociating when I get around him. I feel really powerless around men expecially when they are controling. I feel like I have to choose between trusting him and trusting myself. I have learned to question myself alot because of the mental illness. My judgement can get clouded but I am relatively healthy right now and don't feel that is the case. His point of view makes sense to me but it also makes thing near impossible. He says carbs are an addiction for me. I use them to deal with my emotions and it's unhealthy. There fore I need to cut the carbs and develop a healthy way to deal with my emotions. Just as it is impossible for an alcoholic to control alcohol I cannot control the carbs and must abstain. I need to do some serious thinking about wether to continue with him or use the fill center. My first year is over now so I gotta decide which way to go. Either way my success is in MY hands I need to take the reigns.

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Lori - I can't believe the "nerve" of DD's MIL to ask to include more of her friends. Yikes - what bad manners. I LOVED Karen's way of handling it - here are the invitations, please send them out to your friends. Very empowering. Your friend (the hostess) is a true friend, to be so very gracious. She obviously cares for you and your DD.

Cheri - you are so strong. Love to hear the way you manage your food.< /span>

Linda - your granddaughter is so very lucky to have you. And she is gorgeous - saw pix on FB.

I'm experiencing horrible acid reflux today. Went to a friend's WL support group meeting today. She has invited me for the past three months and I'm so happy I finally went. I'm going to change doctors. $400 to transfer my file and set me up as a new patient. Their fills/unfills are more expensive - but, I don't care anymore. There is no support with my current doctor and I like what I hear from the new practice.

My husband wants me to have the band removed.

I shall reserve an opinion on that until I see what the fluoroscope shows and have expert advise from the physician.

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Oh man! Wish it was warm here! So envious of your weather right now Apples, Eva, Janet, and Phyl! Its about 7 degrees here and will stay that way all week. It was sunny out today, so there are icicles hanging from the eaves. They are pretty, but sheesh its cold!

So, I've been so obsessed with why I'm caving in and eating things that I normally would not when I'm on the train. Well, hello Meredith! It's going to be that time of the month on Monday or Tuesday I crave the sweets at this time! I just cannot obsess about it because every TOM I gain about 3 lbs Water weight and then it disappears! Thank goodness!

Ok, sorry, TMI. Looks like everyone is doing well. The shower really was so nice today and it really got me excited for the arrival of the baby.

Watching a special about Celiene Dion on OWN. Its pretty good. I'm up very late because I fell asleep after the shower, now I'm wide awake! Of course.

Melissa~ I always think that I would like to freeze stuff. Especially chicken. So I do, then I forget about it and 6 months later when I'm cleaning out the fridge, I find it and get so angry because I'm wasting. I would so much rather have fresh. But, in the case of making chicken salads and such, I can see where you would want to put it away. Cheris right, veggies in freezer do not fare well. What did you put into the salad?

We are supposed to go to a 50th birthday party tomorrow. This is going to sound bad, but frankly, I'm kinda sick of going to all of these events for people. It makes me sound selfish, but there never ends up being any time for Andrew and myself. He works so much, so the weekends are our only time to have "dates" and we haven't had time to do that lately. I just want a day for us, but there is always something in the "plans". Sorry about my rant. I know many of you can identify.

Night~ love to you all!~ Meredith

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Jessica, you have accomplished so much this past year. I want you to count all of them up. Here are a few things that I know of but I am sure there are more. You have lost over 60 pounds. You not only got into nursing school, you are rocking it! How many A's did you get this year? I lost count. You started exercising and then you ran a 5K!!! You moved out from your in-laws and set up your own place. You have been an awesome Mom to your son and have advocated for him throughout the year. You have done so well and accomplished so much. Maybe if you list all of the good things you have done you will gain more self confidence and see what we see.

I don't know if your doctor intimidating you is good for you or not. Maybe his sternness has helped you to stay on track. On the other hand maybe you now need a different doctor with a mentoring personality rather than a stern fatherly attitude. What would it hurt to try a new doctor? If you like him or her you can stay; if not, go back to your current doctor. Sometimes when you try new things they work, sometimes they don't, but it doesn't hurt to try. If you didn't try nursing school you wouldn't almost be a nurse. If you didn't try exercising you wouldn't have run a 5K. You get my point; don't be afraid to try something new. If you don't like it, go back to what you have or try something else.

Joyce, I hope the new doctor can resolve your acid reflux and give you the guidance you seek. Since you liked the support group you may find this doctor and staff to be a better fit for you.

Linda I saw your granddaughter's photos on Facebook. What a cutie. You are lucky to have her and she is lucky to have you. Your SD does have a lot of medical issues to deal with unfortunately she seems to be in denial about what she needs to do. I have diabetes too. Controlling it takes a dedicated persistence but it can be done. I wish I didn't have to deal with it, so I understand the issues however, I also understand, and am trying like heck to avoid, the consequences of uncontrolled diabetes. I pray that one day she "gets it".

Apples, I am glad you, DH and Tanker are enjoying the warm weather. It must feel great to be wearing sandals at this time of year. I can only think and dream about capris and sandals. Oh, but it is nice to think about.B)

My Dad is doing better this week. It seems like the PT is really helping. He is able to get himself dressed now. He still needs help getting into and out of the tub but that is improving too. It is such a relief. I am glad he is recovering. I will be sure to keep in mind all of the services you guys told me about that I didn't know existed. Even though he is getting better, he is 85 so I am sure he will need some help in the future.

I just bought a plane ticket to Cancun for a week in March. Sooooo excited! My friend has a timeshare there and will be spending 3 weeks. Her kids are coming out the 3rd week but there will be an empty 2nd bedroom for the other 2 weeks. She asked if I wanted to come. It took me less than 2 seconds to say yes. DH can't get the time off work so he will be at home in case Dad needs him. I did something I have never done before – I told my sister when I was going and that if Dad wasn't 100% I was dropping him off on her doorstep for a week. She looked shocked but said ok. I can't wait. All I want to do is sit in a chair and suck down margaritas. I have been there a couple of times before so I have already seen all of the sights and taken all of the tours. This week will be a restful resort week at the pool and beach.

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Good Morning! .....just a check in.

Lori, I googled freezing chicken salad. You can freeze it for up to four months. They said to use less mayo and add it after in thaws in the refrigerator. I am going to try it.

Joyce, so sorry you are having acid reflux. I think changing doctors would be a good idea. All these doctors have their set rules. It is hard to get them to see you as an individual with a unique problem. A second set of eyes is a good thing. HUGS!

Sndy....so glad your dad is better. I talked to my mother this morning and the fog has lifted today. I just hate that she has to rehab in the nursing home, but she insists on doing so.

Janet.......miss ya! I guess you are gone for the weekend. Phyl, where are you?

Okay, off to church. Today is our 10 year anniversary of the church. We are having a dinner to Celebrate. I hope they have chicken and veggies. It makes it so much easier for me.

Have a great day!!!

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Morning everyone. It's 7 degrees here too, Meredith. Not complaining (yet) just stating facts.Those of you in sandals and capris -- ENJOY!!

Sandy -- yeah!! So happy you bought that plane ticket - you so deserve a week to suck down margaritas!! WTG -- I'm proud of you for choosing YOU first. And I do hope you get to drop your dad off at your sister's doorstep -- that should open her eyes. Glad he's doing a bit better.

Meredith, yes, your TOM makes it really tough -- I do tape the doctors every day and skim through them and I remember seeing one where the doctor recommened eating one ounce of dark chocolate every day no more no less to help those cravings around TOM. They say it that amount will do more good than harm when you're having those cravings -- just make sure it's the dark chocolate and stop at one ounce (which is not much). Let it melt slowly and enjoy it. Of course, I eat sugar free puddings and sugar free fudgesicles and that seems to help me, BUT I no longer have TOM so I'm no help with knowing if it would help that situation. Try to stay positive. As Sandy said to Jessica (which was a wonderful recap and I strongly second it Jessica you've accomplished so much this year). So have you Meredith - look what you've accomplished this past two years -- 100 pounds!! Graduating college!! Buying a home!! Etc. Etc. the list goes on and on and on - you both are doing so very well and you just need to get confident within yourselves. Both of you need to be proud that you took care of this disease NOW while you're both young and are saving yourselves from many of the medical problems many of us older gals have -- like bad knees, hips, backs, diabetes, kidney problesm, etc. etc. Be proud of that!! You both deserve to be proud of your accomplishments.

Not much else going on here -- hope you all have a great day. I bought some turkey sausage yesterday and am looking forward to having that for Breakfast (it's the little things that are important to me lol.)

Arelene, are you kidding about remembering the movie? Wow, it seems like yesterday doesn't it?

Great - thanks for the reminder about the King's Speech - I saw all the promos for it but with the holidays and everything had forgotten about it -- definitely want to go see it.

Apples, come on girl, we want to hear you brag about theat nice weather!! What are you wearing today? I need to live vicariously through you!

Have a great day!!



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Good Morning...about ready to hit the shower (should have done it hours ago but lolled around eating bf). Heading up to see FIL today. Taking Tanker as FIL is tolerent of him. He is not a dog person but likes Tanker and we do not want to leave him....even though he handles being here alone just fine. He adjusted to his new digs quickly.

I had my first public PB last night at dinner. I never really knew what ppl were talking about when they explain having to quickly find a RR. Eva took us to a steakhouse (best steak I've ever had) and I order a filet. No problems whatsoever eating it. (I always drink when I eat) Had one bit of my steak to go and took a drink and KNEW I'd better run. TMI....the only thing that came up was Water and little bit of lettuce. It must of rearranged things down there cuz after that happened I was perfectly fine. I guess after almost 3 yrs of being banded, I could expect at least one episode like that.

Sandy....I bet you are soooooooo excited about Cancun. You've been pretty booked lately and deserve some time to relax. Happy to hear your dad is doing better.

OK...I have to hit the shower so we can head out. Excited to see the little man (FIL). Have a great Sunday...I know we will.

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Wow Merideth, you have had quite the year too!!! Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you out but I just don't know that much about you. I started here during a time that you were taking a break. I am so glad Linda did a recap to bring me up to speed.

Well, I am off to Kohls. I saw a frame there that looked perfect for a print I bought for my bathroom but I wasn't sure of the size I needed. I am just going to take the print with me so I can make sure it fits and that the frame goes with the print like I think it will.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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