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Sandy, hugs on the dad issues - I know my DH and I both had home physical therapy after our hip replacements cause we couldn't drive -- so I'm sure your dad would be eligible for that, And the Meals on Wheels is a great idea - you need to just tell him that's what's going to happen - it sounds mean, but you gotta take care of YOU. It's YOUR turn.


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So I was called late last night to ask if I wanted to work today. I was tired of being at home I said yes please. Well I worked today which was nice to get out of the house. School was canceled again for tomorrow. Since the kids have missed a week of school due to the weather I think they are adding a make up week to the end of the year. The roads are still icy but not too bad near my house but still really bad in other areas. I work tomorrow I supposed to close hopefully the roads will not be to bad tomorrow night.

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Arlene, it is Cherry Blossom that I got, haven't even opened it yet, normally I don't like their fragrances as I dont' want to smell like a fruit, but will have to check it out. Sorry I won't post about my trips, I know I have gone a lot but it was still disappointing to get the news I couldn't go. I was so looking forward to some warmth and sunshine. Still hoping to break freezing today, but to no avail so far.

Great, you post away! I think it is awesome you get to travel so much......I was just teasing you! I think that Cherry Blossom is what I have .....I like it! I don't care what my pup thinks about it. How is DD and the shower situation?

We went out and I had fajitas. That is my beef for the week. I eat so much chicken I should be clucking by now.

Brrr! Props to all of you in the North. I know I couldn't live in the cold weather.

Sndy, call your dad's doctor and tell him to get your dad some home health and Pt when he gets that cast off.

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Great, yes, you keep posting about your trips. We all enjoy hearing about them and yes, you will probably get teased. So it's not exactly Hawaii here, but you can come to Tucson and enjoy our nicer weather. It was very nice mid afternoon today and we had to turn on the air conditioner in the car because the car got hot. Sorry folks that are freezing....but it's why I live in the desert. Glad you enjoyed your WLS group. It's really nice to find people you can connect with.

Had a very pleasant afternoon with Apples. We left her DH at home and went shopping. I took her to my sushi bar but she didn't get too adventurous there, then we went to La Encantada which has our nicer shops like Pottery Barn, J. Jill, Williams-Sonoma, etc. We didn't hit all the stores because we have to save some for later. Then we went to Trader Joes, the Sausage Shop, and the farmer's market. It was a full and delightful day.

It's really nice not having project looming overhead right now and I think I'm going to enjoy the next few days.

Linda, sorry to hear the Katie is sick again....it is strange how that works. Hope you do get to change your hours.

Arlene, I have some of that Cherry Blossom lotion. I really like it, but it is rather strong and sweet smelling. Glad your mother was so loving and see how much easier it is for you to deal with her now. It is great to hear how well your relationship is even when there are problems like she is having now.

LauraK, I love your attitude. Yep, you get to pick them now and don't let anyone use you.

Okay, I've got to put something together for dinner. Later folks,


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Hi all,

Hawaii, the Caymans, can't even imagine myself there. Not as cold here right now. Almost 30. Heat wave. One thing about Illinois, if you wait long enough you'll experience every kind of weather.

I'm still thinking the June date for our Chicago get-together. Were we talking June 11? That really works the best for me. I'm really excited about seeing as many of you as can make it. Janet, if you can't make it that would really suck. Unfortunately, I can't afford the cruise thing. At least not this year. A number of you can drive here. I actually thought the Apples road trip idea sounded wonderful. There's nothing like driving together to get to know each other. Stop off at interesting sites. Thought it might be worthwhile to fly somewhere so Apples could pick me up too. LOL.

The secret to avoiding entitlement and refusing to grow up comes from making our kids earn things. They can have things--they just have to earn them. Chores. He who does not work, does not eat. If you're a part of the family, you're expected to contribute. Emphasis on getting jobs as teenagers. Refusing to bail out. Not without pay back.

However, some of the not growing up comes because of the availability of good contraception and, unfortunately, abortion. Nothing like wanting to have sex and believing it wasn't right to have it outside of marriage (another huge change in societal values) that made you wait for sex, at least till you had a ring on your finger, but marry early in order to scratch that itch. Getting married in our late teens and early 20's and popping out kids made most of us grow up much faster than today.

The sexual revolution is hugely responsible for the fact that our kids don't grow up. They don't need to. Most of us did.

Haven't heard more from my parents on any final decisions. I got the ball rolling with my mom which triggered her going to MI with my dad and my baby sister. We'll see what happens. But my parents were very loving, involved parents, though my dad was very rigid religiously. We had firm structure but no real abuse. So the kids are all very involved with our parents as are the grandkids. My parents travelled to all their children's homes and would take care of the grandkids so my siblings could do things. I lived close as does my baby sister so my parents were very involved in our kids lives. But parents do get wierd in old age. My mom has been very secretive about her finances and has had to be confronted with the fact that someone needs to have power of attorney because if something happens to her, my dad is not capable of handling the finances. They've been tight all their lives which is why they have enough to move into that retirement village. They never made much, but my mom was a phenomenol money manager. Giving up control is extremely hard. They knew how to live within their means but were always hospitable. They always had newcomers from church over for cake and coffee, had people over for Sunday dinner, helped sponsor and host Ethiopian and Morrocan refugees and immigrants, and exhibited incredible interest in all kinds of people and their lives. I may complain sometimes, but, overall, they've been wonderful.

This is my fourth day with almost no carbs, just a few veggies and what was in my Nyquil and in my zinc. Started Monday morning.This morning I was down 6 lbs after only 3 days. Back to my range but 4 more to get to the bottom of it. Cravings are pretty much gone. I've eaten a lot of meat and a few Atkins products and a small amount of veggies. So, right now, my train is chugging along quite well. It's amazing how little you can eat when you stick to dense Proteins first.


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Good Evening Gang...

Lori - Come on you need thicker skin LOL you know we are razzing you ;0) - We all understand - heck I would love to be in the position to hope on a plane and go where ever.. Glad you had a good time at the support and were there to help someone else - being a mentor really give you a standard to keep - at least it does for me.. It helps me practice what I preach

Eva A/C in the car - OMG it's not that hot here - I think we got to 73 or 74 - sure not a/c weather. Sounds like a wonderful day,,

Linda - Hugs on Katie and never getting a weekend for yourself - but at least DGD has you - where would she be w/o you.. Being a single parent my DS had chores and loves telling the story about Patches on his jeans - I would Iron on Patches on the inside of new jeans - hoping they would last longer.. We had our struggles - My DS knows how to shop on a budget and save $$$ but he's still of the generation of wanting it now and not waiting - reason for his involvement w/drugs - fast easy $$ - Well not really easy - almost got him killed..

Charlene - WTG on counting points !!!!

Cheri - once we get a solid date I will know better - it's pretty expensive to fly now a days - and I don't know like I said for $1000 I could have a full weeks vacation w/food included in a tropical paraside - Maybe something will turn up... Not a defenit no yet.. WTG on that train...

I don't get on the scales every day mostly because if I weight 135 -136 then I figure I can eat more treats cuz that's the low end of my 4 lbs max weight - so as long as I don't get on the scales - I think oh I bet i weight 138 so I can't afford that extra treat..

My Uncle say single parents is the reason for the down fall - and I think not having family values like we use to have - but again - with parents who stuck together but never told their kids they loved them - hell - it's just all messed up - who know why the world is the way it is - I guess it's the plan.. All we can do is the best that we can..

LauraK 27 yrs 2 men - OMG - well I guess that's why I'm not dating from the age I lost my virignity to today - well I would never admit to how many there have been ;0) - I was hot to trot when I was younger - but responsible only had 1 child ;0) Enjoy...

Jodi - We have Sherman's deli in Palm Desert - Montery & Country club I think - so you can still eat Kosher..

Well gang - i'm pooped - don't feel like typing - am hungry - had legs tonite - good work out ... Cbl maybe food will give me some energy...


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Another beautiful day here in Tucson. Had a wonderful time with Eva. Nice to spend time with her and also appreciate her williness to show us the sights. Love our house and love the fact we have so much at our fingertips. Tucson offers so much and looking forward to the weeks ahead.

Great...sorry to hear your trip was canceled. Bummer. And, as others have said, keep posting about your trips flitting around the country. Let us live vicariously through you. And, when we give you crap, smile and know it's just that. Your new WLS group sounds great. Hope it is something you will enjoy. I know you were quite involved with the one in Denver when you went. And, you can be an inspiration to ppl just starting out on their journey.

Arlene...your mother sounds like such a sweetheart. She sounds like my "Mom" Lucille. You are so lucky to say that you grew up with such love from her. Love I got from "Mom" was unconditional and it made up for what I missed out on prior to meeting her. No question how much she loved me and everyone in her life. I miss her every day and will till I leave this earth. My birth mother was a hateful and selfish person. I pains me even to write these words about her. But, the truth. I know you are thankful.

Joyce...I've been so hit and miss here the last week. I missed the post of your travels. Have a great trip.

LauraK...good to hear of your plan to do the choosing this time when it comes to a man. If there's none that fit into what you expect and need from a man, best not to have one. This is going to sound awful....but the way I feel...DH throws the question at me sometimes on what would I do if I ever lost my dog. I have told him that I compare it to if I ever lost him (God forbid). No dog or no other husband would ever compare. My dog is not perfect and neither is my DH but a new one could never measure up. Pretty bad to compare DH to dog. No new dog...no new DH. Just me roaming the countryside with my blue-haired friends.

Hey Laura....how's it going? DH make it back from the icebox yet? Hope he still has most of his body parts and did freeze them off. DH's favorite saying when it's bitter cold is "It's so cold it could freeze the balls off a brass monkey".

Sandy, hope you can get some of the services others have mentioned lined up for your dad. I, too, am surprised your dad's doc did not prescribe some help. But, as you mentioned, maybe thought you were handling things for him. There are so many services available through so many agencies. And, if medicare covers it, his supplemental policy should pick it up. I know a person can get home health and even have minimal housekeeping done. Bathing, weekly health checks, etc. Worth looking into. Hugs on everything you have been through lately.

Linda....hope your boss is smart enough to give you the hours you are requesting. Is there a possiblity of doing a rotating schedule for the couple of hours with all of the staff? And, pat yourself on the back for being a single mom and raising a son that is so responsible. Question....does Katie say she is sick, leave you with DGD and go out and party? All wrong if she is doing this to your guys. As I've said b/4, it's so good Alyah has you and DH in her life.

Arlene...fajitas are my "go to" food when we eat at Mexican restaurants. Youngest DS and I went out to one a couple of weeks ago. He ordered the fajitas for two and had plenty to take home for dinner that evening.

Cheri...road trip? Let's plan one! You get to be Thelma. Also...nice to hear you had a loving environment growing up. Mine sucked big time....just had it in me to know that I could not carry on that tradition of abuse. It worked.

TX...good going on the 5lbs. Hope your dad does not have to have the surgery and they can fix without cutting. Take care.

Well, got cable and internet hooked up today. Was actually nice to not have tv for a few days. DH and Tanker are on the couch reading a book. I think I am ready for a shower and bed. Or, as soon as I stand up I might get my second wind.

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Hey Janet....pats on the back to you to for being a single mother. I've always thought that would be the toughest job in the world....well, that and teaching. Hugs. Hope you make the Chicgo trip. If not, whine.

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Quick check in... Very busy week! And the weather has warmed up again... so out enjoying it in the daytime!

Keep up with the posts by reading them on my phone!

I don't know about the Chicago trip in June.... we have to go back to NY in August for our 50th high school reunion, so don't know if I can do two trips that close together.

Mom is much better... hard hit by the flu and had a hard time getting over it even w/antibiotics. But they watch her very closely at the assisted living facility, so nurses checking on her a few times a day, doctor there saw her, and he ordered x-ray... which they came in to do so she didn't even have to go out.. very cold and snowy there!

Will be looking forward to seeing you next weekend, Jodi!

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Phyl, sorry you're mom is under the weather again. Hope she'll be feeling better today.

Katie is sick again because she refuses to try to change her diet in any way to see if it would help her. She refuses to take readings and take insulin properly for her diabetes. Then she also uses drugs which complicates matters even more. Her body is basically shutting down. Even though she was on a ventilator jsut 6 months ago on critical care she went back to al her old habits, including smoking. There's just nothing more the doctors can do for her -- until and unless she wants to start taking readings and proper insulin. Every time she is admitted to the hospital for a few days and her diabetes is brough under control and she's been eating a proper diet, she comes out feeling great, all symptoms gone. You'd think by now she'd "get it". She wants a magic pill to "cure" her and like our disease, there just isn't one. It's time for her to grow up and become a responsible adult and she refuses to do it. She has nausea and diahhrea continuously and keeps losing weight because her body isn't getting nutrients. Her stomach is no longer digesting foods properly because of her out of control diabetes - she has neuropathy of all of her organs because of it They have run every test in the world, scoped her, etc. and find nothing else. This has been going on for 1-1/2 years and it is exhausting. Okay, enough whining. Sorry, it's just that I can't really talk about it with anyone else except you guys.

On the other hand, Aylah is a joy and we loved having her overnight. Unbelievable how much love she brings to our world.

Melissa, good for you going to work -- felt good to get out of the house I bet.

Sorry to hear the airfare is so high -- I know it's getting worse all the time. That's going to be a problem no matter where we decide to meet.

Cheri way to go on the weight loss I've been good all week too but alas, I only lost about 1/2 lbs. Funny how our bodies are so different. Oh, by the way, I bought some humas and has really enjoyed it with my chicken for lunch this week. I bought a 3 layered one -- roasted red pepper, cilantro and garlic layered together-- really a yummy combo with chicken. Thanks for that tip.

On my way to Water aerobics.

CBL Happy TGIF everyone!


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Linda.......so sorry your SD is so self destructive. Thank goodness Aylah has you for love and comfort. Hugs and Prayers for you!

Good going on all the exercise. I am anxious to get back into an exercise routine. My biggest problem is getting sidetracked. I plan on walking today and I will go to the gym tonight. I set up my mom with all her needs for a few days. We talked last night and she has decided to stay in the nursing home for two or three more weeks. Then she is going to hire a lady to help her in the mornings.

Cheri.....WTG on the loss!

The fajitas sure were good, but the sodium in them has me back up a lb today. Well, Miss tea toter here found a wine I like. It is a sparkling sweet white wine from Australia. I drank 6oz the last couple of nights. I am sure that doesn't help either.

Gotta go babysit for a couple of hours. DD needs to get some warranty work done on her suv. Later!

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Morning everyone,

Linda, I'm so sorry SD isn't taking care of herself and her daughter. I'm sure it just breaks your heart to know she has a daughter to care for and doesn't. Sure wish there was a magic pill, but there isn't, it's reality. My heart and hugs to you and DH.

Along similar lines, my DH calls his Mom almost every day and when he called the other morning, she could barely talk and when he asked if she was okay, she said no and said she would call back later. She didn't so DH called his sister and found out that his Mom is in Stage 4 renal failure. At Stage 5 they put you on dialysis. He also thinks she's in the hospital or was in the hospital, but hasn't got a straight answer about that yet. The point of this is, MIL has diabetes and doesn't always keep it under control along with all the other stuff that goes with it. She is overweight and just sits. I think she has decided she has nothing to live for and is killing herself via disease. There isn't anything we can do to help her take care of herself because she refuses to do anything. It just breaks my heart to see this happen again. I had to watch something similar with my father. I love my MIL, she is a bright and loving woman and the world will be a sadder place without her. However, we can't give her enough love to make her love herself.

Soap box time: we all got banded (or dieted) to get healthier because we do love ourselves. We have to do that in order to take care of ourselves. Please remember this as we get older and continue to have issues like FM, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. We can take care of those things and should. I'm praying for all of us and all our families that we can continue to share love and support.

As for my life....Apples and I had a great time and I'm looking forward to doing more stuff with her while she is here.

I got a kindle reader for Christmas from DH and finally bought a book for it. It turned out to be a short story and I finished it already. So I bought a couple more yesterday. It's so easy and you can change the font on the screen which is nice. I don't have to wear my glasses to read. Also, you don't have to hold the book open like a regular one. I'm liking it more and more.

I suppose I need to do something constructive today, so maybe I'll wash sheets. LOL...that darn housework stuff keeps popping it's head up.


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Good morning, we officially got above freezing yesterday to about 33 only for it to snow some more. GRRR I just hate this inversion stuff, I need sunshine! Maybe DH & I can go for a drive to the mountains this weekend to get above it.

Just got done with my workout. I am really liking that Sports Active for the XBox Kinect a few issues with the sensor not seeing me sometimes especially when I have to improvise some moves for my knees but overall it's been great. However, my hip is really bothering me. I know i have arthritis in it but the ortho doc said I had a good 10 yrs before needing replacement. I am going to be all bionic parts one day.

Janet, it wasn't so much needing a tougher skin as it was that I was afraid I was coming across sounding like a spoiled brat. I wasn't hurt by the comment just afraid of how I was being perceived. That's always been one of my issues, so afraid of what others are thinking. I had a really really bad day yesterday (some personal issues) and then when Hawaii cancelled it was like the last straw. DH was so concerned he even came home from work early yesterday and took me to dinner so we could talk. Things will be okay and if I can get some sunshine maybe that will help me out of my 'funk'.

LauraK, no worries, I took no offense to any comment and really don't remember you making one. LOL Sounds like you are having fun on the dating scene. I can't imagine what it would be like. I met DH when I was 16 so it's fun reading of your and Jodi's adventures.

Laura, did I read that your DH was in Wisconsin? My home turf!

Cheri, way to go on the loss!

Arlene, now that you are getting your mom more taken care of time to get back to you. Sounds like you are doing just that.

Apples, have you defrosted from the MN winter yet there in AZ? I see pics of Tuscon on the news and it looks so nice out.

Eva, yep that housework never goes away. I wonder how I got it all done when I did work and/or had 2 kids living with us too. Can't believe how much there still is with just 2 of us.

Linda, so sad to hear how destructive Katie is being. The one that would really be paying hte price is your GD, she's lucky to have you in her life. Sounds like you are really working out these days! How's the hip liking it?

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Hey guys.

I am so sorry I keep doing flybys. I have been so busy, just trying to keep my head above Water. Yesterday at work one of our state senators came to "tour" the clinic. You would have thought God or the health inspector was walking in the doors the way management ran around throwing everyone's coffee cups in the trash and straightening up. I stay up to date on current events, but I don't memorize each and every politician's face. He shook my hand... I introduced myself and he said "nice to meet you". I sooooooooooooo bad wanted to say, "And your name is?" But I bit my tongue (b/c my boss was standing right next to me).

My DH will come home tonight from Wisconsin. He managed NOT to freeze any of his body parts off. Thank goodness. I will make sure he is thoroughly thawed out when he gets home. wink wink. I need to finish straightening up around here, go grocery shopping, pick up the boy, etc... Not enough time in the day. : )

Hi to everyone. will try and read posts soooooooooooooooooooooon. xoxo peas

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I just went out and bought my mother three pair of PJs and five blouses that will go over her cast. I was looking for a bed jacket with a bell sleeve. I may go check Kohl's and JCPenney. She gets so cold at night.

Lori......looks like my "me" month will be February or March. The weather is warm enough to walk. I still will have to wear a coat......but not complaining......I could live up there will all of you snowbirds.

Eva, sounds like you are getting into the "semi retired" groove. Sorry about your MIL. It is tough being so far away when they are sick. Doesn't she live in Arkansas?

I got Subway on the way home shopping. I ordered DH a 6 in sandwich and me a kid's sandwich. I took the bread away and ate the veggies and meat. Now, for my daily large ice tea.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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