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Morning Ladies and Gent,

The site was down last night by the time I got here, so I didn't read all the posts.

Phyl is back in the desert. Welcome!! Now you can rest up so you can go play some more.

Lori, I really like the idea of your can organizer. I may have to go look at costco to see if I can find one. Of course one costco doesn't necessarily have the same stuff as another. I too buy my paper goods there and some meat, like salmon. I only go maybe 4 times a year though, when I run out of toilet paper or paper towels...LOL. I hope your daughter can hang out for the remainder of the time. I bet it will drive her crazy, but the longer that baby cooks, the better. Keeping my fingers crossed for her.

We bought our new TV at Costco and it has a gremlin. The volume bar appears and the volume decreases to 0, all by itself and not just during commercials. It also fights you trying to raise the volume. It does this many times then stops for a while then starts again. So I call the Costco concierge service and he had me reset some stuff, but it did it again that night so I had to call again yesterday. The Costco people finally had to call the Vizio people and we went through some more menus and reset something else. Well it worked just fine last night, so maybe it's fixed. I was impressed by the service people at Costco, they were helpful and nice and they were American. I'm really am not prejudiced, but I do have a bit of a problem with companies sending our work to other countries. It may help the company's bottom line but it sure doesn't help America.

Enough of that soap box.

Linda, I'm amazed at how dedicated you are to your life style. I'm so glad you are there for your GD because she needs someone stable in her life. I'm sure her mom loves her but she seems to want to take the easy way out a bit and that isn't a good example for Aylah. I haven't seen laughing cow cheese but I haven't really looked for it either. Might have to do that.

Meredith, good for you. Passing by all that good stuff does take determination.

Arlene, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. Guess it's your time to sit at the hospital, your friend and now your Mom. Hope she recovers quickly. I've noticed my "old lady" friends getting more and more stubborn as they get older, like my parents were. It is hard to deal with sometimes.

Apples, are you on your way? I better get my backside in gear because I don't have the bed set up over there yet....don't even have it moved over there yet.

LauraK...Mr. Filet Mignon? Sounds interesting.

Joyce, are you going to have time to call when you are here? I'd love to meet up with you or you can just come over. It will make me clean my house.

Janet, thanks for the recipes. I love stuff cabbage rolls, but DH isn't so fond of them. Maybe for those of you that don't care for cabbage, you can substitute zucchini.

Jodi, I've been to a couple of bar mitzvah's for my friend's boys. I even got to participate in one of their ceremonies. Both of them had big parties, expensive parties, but that's what they do. I've always been impressed by the ceremony and the community involved. Enjoy this time, as I know you will. So you have a date?

Going off of memory and I can't.....remember that is. Hello everyone else.

I worked on the computer yesterday and fell off the wagon. I guess I needed to understand it is my choice to stay focused and today I'm back on. I didn't even get all that much done on the work I needed to do, but at least it's started.

I made chili....just regular old ground beef/turkey with no Beans. It came out wonderful. DH even ate two bowls. I ate too much last night, but as I said, back on the wagon today. Working on my coffee with Protein powder.

I have to get moving and get more stuff moved over to the house. DH left me his truck and is perfectly happy letting me move stuff....hahaha, he's still going to have to assemble the beds whether he likes it or not.

I'll try and check in tonight


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Apples, there is a strike through button just below the "other styles" bar. It's the S. I'm sure someone will help with the junking process.

Joyce, it's warmer here, but not that warm, at least not early in the morning. It will warm up today and is supposed to be nice and that includes sunshine.

I've been typing my messages just normally in Fast Reply, then go back and highlight the entire thing or portions of it and change the Font, Size, and Color afterward. Seems to be working.

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Eva....I know you won't listen to me on this but it's worth a try. Leave the bed....we can set it up....no problem. Your chili sounds good. I'm on a Soup and chili kick this winter. You are so right in your statement about we alone have to get that "Aha" moment where we realize the choices we make and how they affect us. Good going for getting back at it right awaythis morning.

I see the option you are talking about where I did the strike through the letters. Oops. I thought it was a site problem. When all else fails, blame LBT.

Not sure when we will be able to leave. DH had a problem in town when trying to find the right filter. I can hear him swearing in the basement as he is trying to get it put back together. As soon as the Water is back on I will need to wash his mouth out. The unit he is working on is a female...can tell by the horrible names he is calling her. Bad and I bet he does not know I can hear cuz that word is not allowed. He must be terribly frustrated.

As I stated this morning, we have somewhat of a blizzard going on. Visibility is not good so going to wait it out a bit. No big deal....we are ALMOST on vacation. Got my contracts done and signed (whew) and waiting on DH. Just heard an announcement that all schools are closing at 11am. I know DH will think we can drive in this crap. He will need to drive till we get out of it. Makes me tense especially when I have semi trucks on my tail. Chris probably swears at ppl like me when he comes across them on the road.

Just taking the opportunity to keep the junking going on as long as I can.

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[Okay....another day no work due to SNOW A COMMING.....has started. So,,,have some time to post so going to junk up the thread....lol

So. date was okay. Just okay. He was nice....but he was a little nerdy? Which might not be bad...he was a normal guy...but perhaps he was nurvous..and seemed a little nerdy but....not sure....he didnt swoop me....but that also might not be a bad thing. lol.....we shall see.....He actually lives across the street and down the block....lol cutting across the park....five minutes. lol. Funny never saw him before.

welll....have two dated on Sunday....one afternoon and one Evening...lol two different guys! loll.

Tomorrow night going to Single parents get together...with a friend. Dassi will be going out for the shabbat and she will be staying till Sunday morning...and then come home shower and dress for bat mitzvah....for the afternoon. SO...pretty much free this weekend....thats a new thing lol. So..figure might as well....use it....or loose it!

Today.....just hanging at home...need to recoup for weekend and week to come up.....have a holiday party on Wednesday..and Thursday support group. It will be a busy week. Monday late afternoon meeting so be home later....and karate for Dassi Monday and Tuesday.....good lord. hmmm

Exersize....planned for mornings this week....and thats that....no excuse this week back on plan!!! Started this past week went twice. slow start but back to something!!!! Next week 4x goal.

quote name=Apples2' timestamp='1294345274' post='1555874]

Jodi...just relax and have fun on your date...unless he's a freak and then excuse yourself to go to the restroom to figure out an escape plan. LOL You know, you just do what you think is right for you and Dassi when it comes to giving gifts at the party. Sometimes ppl get just ridiculous when it comes to things like this. You are a single mom and working hard to pull off a very nice party for Dassi. Go online and type in "Kate Aspen" . I was helping with an event about six months ago that I needed to get some thank you gifts. I found some really nice quality things on their clearance that were just put with each place setting. And, got them each for $2.99.

To answer your question. We are heading out in the morning to drive to Tucson. Will be back around March 5-6. Ready to blow this pop stand! I will be able to be online some during the trip (will have to wrestle DH for the laptop to get him away from being glued to his "Ag Talk" site).

AHH....okay then...didnt get that post...you did say you were going somewheres but didnt catch where!! Now ive got a visual....have fun, safe driving....and enjoy!!!! Keep us posted and up to date...we shall miss your daily posts, support and encouragement in your funny sensitive words and manner!!! Send some occasionallly try not to be a stranger!

Good afternoon. Just got home from costco, eye dr and pedicure. First eye dr, not good. The spot is still there, he now doesn't think it's a dot hemragge, but instead a micro anueryism (my medical term spelling is not good) it hasn't changed so good news, it didn't get worse, bad news it's still there. I need to get it rechecked in 6 mos and watch for any warning signs of floaters, flashes of light or worsening vision. It has me a little freaked out but am praying it's just gone next time. Maybe I will go to specialist next time to be sure.

Linda, yes I know you were joking about my travel. But then I thought I hope I didn't come across as braggy.

Jodi, have fun on your date tonight. Wow those bat mitzvahs are sure expensive. Reminds me of the 'quincineros' parties the Mexican culture around here (more in Denver) have for their daughters 15th birthdays, huge affairs, formals, etc. When DD was an event planner she said they costed as much or more than a wedding.

Joyce, nice to see you posting again. Hope your knee is better soon.

LauraK, well I think you are special too! Any more dates with Mr Filet Mignon??

Yes, they are very simular to the "quincineros" Our community has a large Mexican population so we have seen some beutiful ones here....the best is watching all the family and friends who come all together and take pictures in the park gazebo across the street. The dresses and tuxes that all are wearing and matching for everyone is just gorgeous! Yes....they spend alot of money for those events...just as much as weddings. Bat Mitzvahs are the same....there are parties that people throw that are just like weddings some more then others! $50,000- 75.000. Ridiculous but.....true. My wedding was about 50,000 to 75,000 and we had about 300 people...that was Soup to nuts lol. That was the middle or the road. Nothing extravagent or out the ordinary.

Apples......im going to check out that "Kate Aspen" site...just as I get off this thread....Thank you so much

any other ideas appreciated...no matter how crazy you might think!!!

Again....the theme is "masquerade" as it is purim time....the theme is reveling oneself....as is in the story of Queen Esther in the purm story...there was alot of revealing needed to go on there.....down to her true identidy and then the plan to save the jews...so one reason for wearing masks is to remind of us this concept of the hiding and reveailing in the end....so hence the "masquerade" idea.....

so....any ideas for centerpieces???? Gifts?? where I can get masks...to give out at the door?? So far I have Oriental trading that has a set of rfeathered Mard Gras masks per dozen. They also had these mardi gras centerpieces...that might work and somehow put a mask around each.....Dassi wants a special mask to wear that I saw online...one that was about $15 dollars....but Im not buying 55 of these for each girl...if they were $5 a piece then that might be nice. lol..less would be even better!

We will be packing goody bags to give out...so need bags and goody foods...probably from costco. bulk...givng these out on Purim to the rusian students at Brooklyn col that do not know what purm is...so thats one project that she is doing....in the invitation we have put a card that we are colliecting costumes for an organization that will give them to chilldren to wear on Purim who cant afford to buy them....the are also putting an add in the paper for people in the community to come and bring their costumes to the place we are having party to add. She also would like a table to add to where everyone can make cards for children in the hospital ...to put on their beds and are giving them to her pediatrician to deliver to all the kids on the peds floor. Wew...thats plenty to do and Plenty to buy for!!!

hmmm......Eva...you make your own cards.....perhaps you can give me some suggestions as to what I can get to put out on table to have the girls make these cards....simplem easy, fairly doesnt take long and not to expensive to buy for 55 girls.

btw backeberrys has a lot of fiber!!! Im watching the Today show.....and they are having a whole day of fitness and nutrition and its really very interesting and educational!!! We should all be watching this one....very practical and sooo many great ideas...for exercize, foods and nutrition.....each segment a different idea....so one is showing you a three different foods....and asking which foods do you think has more calories, or Fiber or Protein???

like....I never knew that my 16 oz latte has just as much Protein as two eggs!!!???

Was just counting grms for the milk. hmmm feel better now...and tht wasnt Decaf ....But it was all about ideas and demonstrating each one!!! I love it...check it out on Utube if you can.

okay...fashion.....always have your bra fitted and cup up!! Wear a dress....Always wear a shaper......from under bra to to thighs....and Spanx tights always.....they make your legs look longer and thinner and high healed shoes....waalah instant thinnner look for tonight!! lol. Love that!! I never wore dresses but last week I went and bought two sweater dresses with belts.....firsts!!! Wow. of course havent worn them yet.

Oh wait heres a new one maybe....for me for sure!!

Protein shakes......add cinamin?? Interesting never would have thought that....add strawberries, blueberries and blackberries and banana...with your scoop of protein,...millk or almond., soy, rice what ever you use and blend it all with some cinnamon.....Ive tried all the above without cinamon,,,know im spelling wrong...now...cant see straight with this font...This show is for us gals.......band friendly plans for all of us!!!!

cottage cheese and granola bar....toasted miuffin with Peanut Butter and bananna

I dont eat wheat but for those who do....

a ninety ten food stratergy....a 150 cal a day treat....for a sweet treat work this in your plan if you need too!!! They call it the 90/10 lol. like that.....and the 150 cal could be healthy friuts or...um something like chocolate....dark.....or two little snickers....hmmm?? no not that for me but chocolate yes thats me!!!

NO GYM REQUIRED.. a book by Someone "Cohen" for great ideas for workouts at home!!! WOW...creative ideas.....using dishtowels, towels, jumping over obstacles and then a workout with just your body.

I take a class at the gym like that......nothing else but body.....cool....think I will check out that book...

what great a great show today....hmmm should snow some more often!!! Id get thinner if i didnt go to work at all...but then just watching doesnt really do it does it? lol.

Apples, I think you did the right thing the way you handled her. You can't argue with someone like that and they need to have their own "Aha" moment. You can't force them. She has her own reasons for not believing you.

I remember when I was going through my divorce and my ex would call me and start to yell at me for the things I was asking for in the settlement-things which I was entitled to by law. I would tell him I wasn't going to talk about that and hang up. He would tell the kids about it and they would start to yell at me for asking for those things, particularly my one son, who would tell me I hadn't done anything to earn them. I would tell him it wasn't his business and walk away. One time, my ex was in the driveway when i came home from a walk and he started telling me I was acting like a victim in the divorce and I looked at him and said, "John, I love you, I forgive you, and I am not your victim." And I walked away and went in the house.

That was a very liberating moment for me. I really should have added, "Bless your heart." I have to remember that in the future.

Taking a lot of Zicam and zinc cough drops has really limited the impact of this cold. Nyquil gave me a good night's sleep which is just essential to getting better.

Funny thing happened when I was dealing with an ADHD oppositional child today. I laughed at him and told him that during the time he took to argue with me he could have learned all his times facts and he started to tell me he knows them and I laughed and said,"I love you Colby." Without thinking, in the middle of his argument, he responded,"I love you too." and kept arguing for a second and then looked like he wanted to to take it back and said, "Wait a..." The other kids burst out laughing and it was the highlight of my week.

Chew! Chew!


AWWW Cheri that must have been a "you made my year" moment!!!! How often does that happen? Keep that close to you!!!

Okay go watch it im done.....looking outside to see if I can run to Supermarket before the storm hits hard!!

Have a great day...and weekend.


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Jodi...the majority of the Kate Aspen gifts that I found on clearance were not all purchased from that site. Check out Herbergers or Bon Ton sites and then type in Kate Aspen. I looked a couple of weeks ago for something and they had a good variety of things. Nice and good quality gifts.

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Workout done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joyce, good job on going to the gym 3 times this week.

Jodi, a website my daughter got lots of ideas for her wedding was www.etsy.com, I've heard it has lots of neat stuff haven't checked it out much myself. I was so blessed that she was an event planner at the time as I was so lost at what to do. DH & I gave her a budget and she went with it. Since she was actively event planning at the time she got so many good deals, the florist did a superb job and just charged cost of the flowers, etc. cause she gave him so much business. Funny on your comment about the date being nerdy. My daughter laughs now because I used to tell her in school always be nice to the geeks/nerds, you might marry one some day. And she did! LOL

Well I've cooled down, time to hope in the shower and get on with my day. We had a one day reprieve from this inversion yesterday and actually saw blue sky and proof that the mountains really do exist, but it's back today with 'freezing fog'. They say it will blow out tonight with an approaching storm. Why does it have to take another storm to get rid of it? I don't mind the cold or even the snow it's this darn inversion that gets me. I need sunshine.

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Jodi, I had masks for my wedding and I got them through a mardi gras site...they were under $3/each, but I'm not sure you have time if you are talking about this weekend. Just do a search on Mardi Gras masks....or try a costume shop or party shop in NYC, they may carry them. You can see some of the masks on Face Book in my wedding album.

A arts/crafts type store like Michaels or I can't remember the other big one that we don't have here will have stamping supplies. You can buy an inexpensive stamping kit with ink and cute stamps for the girls to use. Cut a piece of regular card stock (what ever color you like, but probably a lighter shade would be easier to read) in half, then fold the halves in half. This will make a "tent" card, each sheet makes 2 cards. You can print what ever you like on the computer and then use double sided tape and tape it on the inside and outside if you want to do it that way, or have the girls stamp something on the outside and hand letter it?

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Jodi, try ebay for the masks. There is a hugh selection under mardi gras masks in the $5 price range. I used this for Halloween one year.

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Good Morning Girls...

To nite I am not getting on the computer till my house gets cleaned - between lbt & fb - i don't get stuff done - plus - I've been not in the mood - I need some pep... I have been good taking vitimans all week - how long does it take - I've had 2 cups cofffee could go to sleep.. I just need motivation

Lori my legs & abs are killing me from working out this week - I've gone 4 time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed..

Jodi - Yep nothing wrong w/nerdy - better than iresponsible bad boys...

Cabbage dish was so so - I don't think I like cabbage w/tomato sauce - I love cabbage but it was just ok - wouldn't make it again - mine came out a little watery - more like a one pot wonder instead of like Lasanga..

GF Karla is ok - it's just an ulcer - nothing wrong w/her band..

Well gotta get back to work - sorry about the drive by

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Janet, I am in good company then. I worked out 4 days Mon, Tues., Thurs, and today and my muscles hurt too! Today is a little better. Maybe it's time they just stopped hurting, maybe it's the extra Water, who know's but I'll take it! Oh and I have done my Vitamins every day this week too. LOL

I am supposed to be cleaning the house but instead here I am. LOL

Apples, must've left, hope they get out of that blizzard ok.

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Janet, I am in good company then. I worked out 4 days Mon, Tues., Thurs, and today and my muscles hurt too! Today is a little better. Maybe it's time they just stopped hurting, maybe it's the extra Water, who know's but I'll take it! Oh and I have done my Vitamins every day this week too. LOL

I am supposed to be cleaning the house but instead here I am. LOL

Apples, must've left, hope they get out of that blizzard ok.

Lori - Muscles hurting is GOOD it means you have worked out - you are building more muscles.... Moving is the only thing that helps mine - but I am still at desk then get up to go to scanner or whatever - just to get moving I look like an old lady LOL but once moving feel good till I have to sit down again - Yep the computer can be a big distraction when you need to get things done..

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Well...don't think we will be getting out of here today at all. It's going on 2pm and the snow and wind have whipped up quite a blizzard. Has gotten worse. Bummer. DH is still chomping at the bit to go. Not very excited about riding for a number of hours and cutting up my dash with my fingernails. I want to just see what the morning brings. Ugh...and the reason we are getting the heck out of here. I cannot count the number of days just like this one where we cannot see across the yard because of blowing snow. Whine

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Karen - sorry about the blizzard and delayed trip to get into the warmth. At least, you are ready to go and can relax.

Eva - I'd love to see you in Tucson. We are staying Jan. 24th to 27th @ J.W. Marriott Resort & Spa then spending afternoon of 27th & 28th with my friends daughter & spouse. Leaving on the 29th for K.C. Friend has never been to a spa, so will enjoy showing her the ropes. Would love to meet up with you, Janet, Phyl, Karen and all who are interested and have time.

BTW - thanks for the suggestion about selecting size/font & color after writing.

Jodi - sorry about the nerd - hope next two are a better match.

Janet - after work out, signed up with trainer for two of my three workouts per week. Knew you would be proud of me.

Lori - way to go with the sore muscles. Proves how hard you are working.

Made a $50 bet with my training buddy - however loses the most by Feb. 28th gets the money.

Time for a shower.

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Went and put jammies on and decided to have a crossword marathon and then maybe play monopoly with DH later on. I have absolutely every done in this house and with all the books so don't want to get bored. Not good at being bored.

Wish I had figured out earlier how to post a picture on the thread. Really storming and most likely will have to wait for the plows to get out and get some of the road cleaned off tomorrow. All packed and no where to go.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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