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Darn...hit post b/4 I was done. At least I didn't lose my post.

Laura...hope you can make the Chicago trip. I have been missing your posts. Just happy you had a wonderful Christmas and so cool your dad was feeling independent enough to fly to FL. That makes my heart happy.

Well, our storm has subsided but the plows have not been by yet. DH was anxious to find out if our elevator got the train in yet so that we can get after the corn hauling so he took off for town with the plow in front of the truck. If we can get this wrapped up in the next few days, we might be able to leave a day or two early. I have spent most of the day packing and it's going pretty good. Don't want to be at the point I was last year trying to decide if I had enough room and having to decide between taking the DH or the dog.

I should have internet access each night in hotels. DH thought it would take four days of travel to get to our destination. That seems like a lot of time in the vehicle. He's figuring 500 miles a day. I don't think any of you live along our route. Would be fun if there was and could throw a lunch in there with one of my fellow bandsters.

We have another wake/funeral this week sometime. Still pending. One of DH's classmates and our neighbor passed away. Not sure of the circumstances yet. He was 56. Just a blurb on the radio. Young.

OK...gotta force myself to complete the packing. Not much left.

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Darn...hit post b/4 I was done. At least I didn't lose my post.

Laura...hope you can make the Chicago trip. I have been missing your posts. Just happy you had a wonderful Christmas and so cool your dad was feeling independent enough to fly to FL. That makes my heart happy.

Well, our storm has subsided but the plows have not been by yet. DH was anxious to find out if our elevator got the train in yet so that we can get after the corn hauling so he took off for town with the plow in front of the truck. If we can get this wrapped up in the next few days, we might be able to leave a day or two early. I have spent most of the day packing and it's going pretty good. Don't want to be at the point I was last year trying to decide if I had enough room and having to decide between taking the DH or the dog.

I should have internet access each night in hotels. DH thought it would take four days of travel to get to our destination. That seems like a lot of time in the vehicle. He's figuring 500 miles a day. I don't think any of you live along our route. Would be fun if there was and could throw a lunch in there with one of my fellow bandsters.

We have another wake/funeral this week sometime. Still pending. One of DH's classmates and our neighbor passed away. Not sure of the circumstances yet. He was 56. Just a blurb on the radio. Young.

OK...gotta force myself to complete the packing. Not much left.

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So lets do this - I am going to put your name down - quote the post and insert when you can make it to Chi Town..

Apples -

Charlene -

Great - prefer the April dates that Cheri mentioned, prefer no holiday weekends, prefer spring/early summer vs later summer/fall

Cheri -

Laura -

LauraK -

Julie -

Phyl -

Tina -

Eva - I'm in class from mid-January to mid-May, so any time after that will work for me. I might drive again, but depends on what is going on.

Janet - Open I can go w/the flow (except for 7/15)

Linda -

Joyce -

Sandy - I am open to anytime

Jodi -

Melissa -


Meredith- May, or spring/early summer is best. Might be going with my aunt to FL in April and summer time gets crazy around here. But, will be able to adjust schedule to fit it this trip.


Candice - She's gone for 2 weeks

Am I missing anyone ????

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For those of you who posted while I was posting, I took my grandson's to see "Tangled" at an old theater in downtown Crown Point. Only $4 per person. We had fun. I babysat them for a few hours before the movie and played with them afterwards, too.

This morning I went to church for the first time in the whole vacation. Unfortunately, the minister chose to say that in this New Year we should also be grateful for the difficult things that happened last year. I had to get up and walk out. I will never be grateful that one student was shot in the face with a shotgun and another was stabbed in the eye and body several times. I believe that God will bring about good from this tragedy for those of us who turn to him, but I will never be grateful for the tragedy itself. To me that showed a shallowness of belief and of thinking and was just plain bad theology. I started crying and walked out of church. My husband went home and went to bed but I went to another church where my parents and daughter's family attends. The music was so much better than our church's has become and the minister had a much deeper message to which I could relate. Hugged my grandkids and came home. Now, to do laundry and start putting away Christmas.


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Back from the gym - got bills paid - it's freaking cold - it's 65 in the house...

To all of you who are recommitted to your band GOOD FOR YOU... Nope Charlene - I'm not giving up on anyone - I know that for me I have been very lucky that I had my AH HA moment the day I went to make the cream gravy while on mushies stage... I said to myself that day - did you have major surgery to continue to eat unhealthy... No I didn't... I was very very afraid of maintenance - we all have gotten the weight off before but it always comes back on - Again - FINALLY got that this is NOT A DIET - But a real LIFETIME LIFESTYLE CHANGE .. I know that everyone here has heard me PREACH these words over and over again - Why cuz it's what I want you all to realize... Again I am no diff than the rest of you - I have days that I want nothing more than to make homemade chips dripping in grease to eat with bean dip loaded with a block of cheese - There are days that I don't want to go to the gym.. But why do I go - Cuz if I want to keep this healthy body - I have to go to the gym - I have to have my snack pack popcorn instead of the chips/dips - My old life got me fat - it kept me fat - it limited my life - it lowered my self esteem -

Have you seen that cruise commercial - that says Wow Mom caught air - We that's me - except it's Wow Grandma caught air !!!! And that's what I love so very much that I can zip line - I can scuba dive - I can go para sailing - I can walk for miles - I can do something as simple as clean house - I can do anything now a days !!!! I can live my life and am no longer limited due to my weight !!!

I want this for all of you - You don't know how bad that I want you all to feel as good as I do... I love you all and want the very best for you all - want you to know that you deserve it - you are worth it - you just have to do the work - but once you get in the groove it's not that hard - just quick making so many excuses as to why you can't - cuz yes you can !!!

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oops......junking up the thread

Apples.......when are you leaving? In January?

So far, I have had a coffee flavored Protein drink......protein shake w/ 50 calories of strawberries......and two oz of brisket. Chew! Chew!

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For those of you who posted while I was posting, I took my grandson's to see "Tangled" at an old theater in downtown Crown Point. Only $4 per person. We had fun. I babysat them for a few hours before the movie and played with them afterwards, too.

This morning I went to church for the first time in the whole vacation. Unfortunately, the minister chose to say that in this New Year we should also be grateful for the difficult things that happened last year. I had to get up and walk out. I will never be grateful that one student was shot in the face with a shotgun and another was stabbed in the eye and body several times. I believe that God will bring about good from this tragedy for those of us who turn to him, but I will never be grateful for the tragedy itself. To me that showed a shallowness of belief and of thinking and was just plain bad theology. I started crying and walked out of church. My husband went home and went to bed but I went to another church where my parents and daughter's family attends. The music was so much better than our church's has become and the minister had a much deeper message to which I could relate. Hugged my grandkids and came home. Now, to do laundry and start putting away Christmas.


Hugs Hugs Hugs

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For those of you who posted while I was posting, I took my grandson's to see "Tangled" at an old theater in downtown Crown Point. Only $4 per person. We had fun. I babysat them for a few hours before the movie and played with them afterwards, too.

This morning I went to church for the first time in the whole vacation. Unfortunately, the minister chose to say that in this New Year we should also be grateful for the difficult things that happened last year. I had to get up and walk out. I will never be grateful that one student was shot in the face with a shotgun and another was stabbed in the eye and body several times. I believe that God will bring about good from this tragedy for those of us who turn to him, but I will never be grateful for the tragedy itself. To me that showed a shallowness of belief and of thinking and was just plain bad theology. I started crying and walked out of church. My husband went home and went to bed but I went to another church where my parents and daughter's family attends. The music was so much better than our church's has become and the minister had a much deeper message to which I could relate. Hugged my grandkids and came home. Now, to do laundry and start putting away Christmas.


Hugs Hugs Hugs

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I'm thinking the weekend after Easter, April 9th might be a good time for people or the June 11 weekend. I've combined people's posts. If I got you wrong or missed someone hit reply at the bottom of this post, put in your data, and hit post.

Apples - Anytime

Charlene - Can't commit yet. You decide

Great - prefer the April dates that Cheri mentioned, prefer no holiday weekends, prefer spring/early summer vs later summer/fall

Cheri - April 2-11 I'm off work so that's two weekends. Can do it weekends of June 11 & 18. May be available July 16 or first two weeks in August. Waiting to find out when my niece schedules her wedding.

Laura -prefers the April time but may be able to do it early June as she's going to Turkey late June and early July.

LauraK -can do it any weekend except last weekend in March

Julie -

Phyl -

Tina -

Eva -not till after May, in class till then

Janet - Open I can go w/the flow (except for 7/15)

Linda -

Joyce -

Sandy - I am open to anytime

Jodi -

Melissa -


Meredith- May, or spring/early summer is best. Might be going with my aunt to FL in April and summer time gets crazy around here. But, will be able to adjust schedule to fit it this trip.


Candice - She's gone for 2 weeks

Am I missing anyone ????

hit reply - or hit multi then add reply it should quote this post - bump

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So, I added Eva's. I'm thinking June 11.

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Cheri....wish you could see my frustrations with trying to change even my font size. For some reason, I can only use 1 or 2 and I have tried going back and highlighting also....so I give up. There are others on other threads that have the same thing happen.

On the subject of intimacy.....and thanks for being concerned about our sexuality...LOL. Everything is fine at this house. Was just fine when I was fat...nothing changed. I chalk it up to feeling it is a very important part of a relationship and also give DH a lot of credit for ALWAYS and EVERYDAY telling me how much he loved me and how beautiful I was. He never allowed me to make negative comments or to look down on myself because of my weight. He wouldn't hear of it. He just wanted me to be healthier. And, your statement about how most men don't care is so true. If they truly love us, they just plain love us. Fat or thin. I was also one to never let myself go even when heavy. Was a chore doing those toenails and shaving the legs sometimes but they got done and I got up every morning and dressed nicely. Even if I was just working on the farm. It has always made me feel frumpy to dress frumpy.

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oops......junking up the thread

Apples.......when are you leaving? In January?

So far, I have had a coffee flavored Protein drink......protein shake w/ 50 calories of strawberries......and two oz of brisket. Chew! Chew!

Arlene....original plan was to leave this coming Wed. If we are lucky it will be Friday or maybe Saturday. Not soon enough for either of us. We should make it back home here around March 5. Brisket is something that I never make. Is it like a tri-tip???? I have always thought of brisket to be stringy and tough like corned beef. Am I once again wrong??????? Good going on what you have eaten so far today. Good girl!

Cheri....I just happened across your post about church. I had scrolled back. So sorry you were upset by your preachers comments. I know you have been struggling. Maybe time for a change in church you attend. Sending hugs.

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Sandy, I really enjoyed reading your post. Satisfaction and complacency are easy once you get to a spot where you feel good. I guess I'm there too and not willing to do the work necessary to get more weight off. It is very important to be happy with yourself.

I really enjoy reading your posts to each other and the support you give. I've been on other internet group sites but you guys are really "there" for each other. Lori, I get the "not being good enough" feeling because I suffer with it too and I do let people's comments get to me sometimes. Of course my sister's aren't too much of a problem but I have a couple of friends that sometimes treat me like a brainless idiot. I'm pretty sure they don't realize they are doing it, but I still feel that way. Janet's strength and determination is always available to lean on and she is very practical about her advise. There's no BS there. Apples always has an insightful comment for anyone. Cheri is our little encyclopedia and I really like that she doesn't hold back on how she feels. I can go on and on but you guys get it. Happy New Year, here's to another year of support and friendship.

Got the tree "hung" up in a place where it should be out of the way. Still need to pull everything out of where I store the X-mas stuff and go through it so I can get rid of the tree box and some other stuff. It's finally warmer. It's in the 50's today and I'm happy about that. Tomorrow should be in the 60's. Yeah back to normal.

Tried to clean my oven today and the heating element went out again so no oven. Boohoo. It's a 10 year old oven but it shouldn't be breaking down. I'll get it fixed again, but really don't want to replace it. It was an expensive oven and is a large one and I use it a lot. I'd have to remove tile and it would be a major problem to replace it.

Guess I'll go tackle that storeroom while the sun is out and warm. Talk to you all later.


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I took Charlie for a one hour walk in the forest preserve. Boy, it was cold. 27 degress here. I dressed warm and went out to face it. I am so glad I did. Nothing better than walking in the sunshine. Those of you who live in cold weather climates know how to dress for it. I do too. Unfortunately, I don't do it often enough. I use the too cold excuse. No excuses today. It sure felt good. We both needed that.

I have read everyone's comments and am digesting what was said. There was so much in what you had to say that hit home. I will have to think on it, reread the posts again before I reply. Don't misunderstand, I am not upset in any way. I just need to think it over to see how to best apply the collective wisdom. You guys are better than a weight loss therapist. You have been there, done that.:)

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Oh Eva....I read your post and the comment about a couple of your friends making you feel like a "brainless idiot" is just the opposite of what I have always seen you as. They must be lacking something if they could ever see you that way and to somehow intimidate you into feeling like one. I guess we don't tell each other often enough some of the things we see in others. You are caring and kind and intelligent and with our first meeting, you verified that. Gee, wonder how you got so far in your career if you were a "brainless idiot"??? Far from it. Mean girls.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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