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Ok as usually trying to get everyones schedules to blend it going to be hard.

So lets do this - I am going to put your name down - quote the post and insert when you can make it to Chi Town..

Apples -

Charlene -

Great -

Cheri -

Laura -

LauraK -

Julie -

Phyl -

Tina -

Eva -

Janet - Open I can go w/the flow (except for 7/15)

Linda -

Joyce -

Sandy -

Jodi -

Melissa -




Candice - She's gone for 2 weeks

Am I missing anyone ????

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Ok as usually trying to get everyones schedules to blend it going to be hard.

So lets do this - I am going to put your name down - quote the post and insert when you can make it to Chi Town..

Apples -

Charlene -

Great - prefer the April dates that Cheri mentioned, prefer no holiday weekends, prefer spring/early summer vs later summer/fall

Cheri -

Laura -

LauraK -

Julie -

Phyl -

Tina -

Eva -

Janet - Open I can go w/the flow (except for 7/15)

Linda -

Joyce -

Sandy -

Jodi -

Melissa -




Candice - She's gone for 2 weeks

Am I missing anyone ????

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Ok as usually trying to get everyones schedules to blend it going to be hard.

So lets do this - I am going to put your name down - quote the post and insert when you can make it to Chi Town..

Apples - Anytime works for me. I do have a friend's daughter's wedding in May but I can choose Chicago over it...she would understand.

Charlene -

Great -

Cheri -

Laura -

LauraK -

Julie -

Phyl -

Tina -

Eva -

Janet - Open I can go w/the flow (except for 7/15)

Linda -

Joyce -

Sandy -

Jodi -

Melissa -




Candice - She's gone for 2 weeks

Am I missing anyone ????

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You are a fab dresser and a beautiful woman

I think being a mentor would be good for you - to help you get back on track... How's your restriction?? I know that during your weight loss phase - you were pretty tight - if I remember correctly only able to eat 1/2 cup ..

You deserve to be healthy and happy..

Cheri - I don't think we want to come to close to when you leave for vacation - I know I have tons of things to do before I leave

Tina - come back an junk up the thread..

Ok it's 9 - I think I am turning off the computer - want to read some - but when it's on - I keep coming back to see who's posted ;0) -but if I turn it off then it takes too long to reboot up - I say forget it - it can wait till tomorrow..

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Apples, no problem on the bluntness. Gave me somethings to ponder. Pardon the pun, but I am starting on Monday THIS Monday back to basics. DH is going to with me. As for the feelings of inadequacy, that's sortta it. I guess I have had these 'not good enough' or 'I'm not worth it' feelings a long time so it goes beyond the recent weight gain but that sure didn't help matters. In some ways I think I may have sabotaged myself in my little pity party of having to move to Utah and used it as an excuse and also to tell myself, 'see you really aren't good enough'. I felt like a fraud at goal weight, but as Janet has pointed out in the past, I still am that fat girl inside a thin body. In some ways I think this recent struggle though has been good for me, it's taught me that I can never become complacent, but also that I am worth it. It also showed me that it's some place I never want to go back to. I have a great life, a great husband and even though I whine about missing Denver, I have it pretty good here in Utah. I'm not working, travelling like crazy, many good friends so am 'blooming where I am planted' and it's time to focus on that vs on wanting to be in Denver. I'll be back there one day. So thanks for the blunt talk!

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Apples, no problem on the bluntness. Gave me somethings to ponder. Pardon the pun, but I am starting on Monday THIS Monday back to basics. DH is going to with me. As for the feelings of inadequacy, that's sortta it. I guess I have had these 'not good enough' or 'I'm not worth it' feelings a long time so it goes beyond the recent weight gain but that sure didn't help matters. In some ways I think I may have sabotaged myself in my little pity party of having to move to Utah and used it as an excuse and also to tell myself, 'see you really aren't good enough'. I felt like a fraud at goal weight, but as Janet has pointed out in the past, I still am that fat girl inside a thin body. In some ways I think this recent struggle though has been good for me, it's taught me that I can never become complacent, but also that I am worth it. It also showed me that it's some place I never want to go back to. I have a great life, a great husband and even though I whine about missing Denver, I have it pretty good here in Utah. I'm not working, travelling like crazy, many good friends so am 'blooming where I am planted' and it's time to focus on that vs on wanting to be in Denver. I'll be back there one day. So thanks for the blunt talk!

Ok...so a hit post, then wanted to delete my post cuz I was worried about you taking it hard and crying yourself to sleep. Janet's statement has always hit home with me. Just cuz the weight comes off does not mean that everything is "fixed". We'll all be here cheering you on with your new start. Love you lots and sleep peaceful in knowing that you have a lot of friends here and that we cannot wait to see you posting your accomplishments.

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Apples, no problem on the bluntness. Gave me somethings to ponder. Pardon the pun, but I am starting on Monday THIS Monday back to basics. DH is going to with me. As for the feelings of inadequacy, that's sortta it. I guess I have had these 'not good enough' or 'I'm not worth it' feelings a long time so it goes beyond the recent weight gain but that sure didn't help matters. In some ways I think I may have sabotaged myself in my little pity party of having to move to Utah and used it as an excuse and also to tell myself, 'see you really aren't good enough'. I felt like a fraud at goal weight, but as Janet has pointed out in the past, I still am that fat girl inside a thin body. In some ways I think this recent struggle though has been good for me, it's taught me that I can never become complacent, but also that I am worth it. It also showed me that it's some place I never want to go back to. I have a great life, a great husband and even though I whine about missing Denver, I have it pretty good here in Utah. I'm not working, travelling like crazy, many good friends so am 'blooming where I am planted' and it's time to focus on that vs on wanting to be in Denver. I'll be back there one day. So thanks for the blunt talk!

Lori - I watch what I eat almost 24/7 and treats are rarely unplanned.. Nope you can never be complacent - but hopefully you will get to a place where you don't have to worry about it 24/7 - cuz you are eating healthy 98% of the time

Yep your move had to be hard especially with the baby coming - but hell girl you can fly when ever you want - so it's no biggie..

The baby on the way is just that much more reason to get back to the basics..

Hugs & Love I really am getting off the computer now ;0)

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I can go with the flow except for Memorial Day - I already have a vacation planned and we are leaving on Memorial Day. Except for that, I can probably make it at any time.


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Bumping so it doesn't get lost

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For a long weekend in Chi-town I can do just about any time it works for the rest. I think the end of March I am going to NV to see my DD, that would be the only time.

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snapback.pngIndioGirl55, on 01 January 2011 - 11:57 PM, said:

Ok as usually trying to get everyones schedules to blend it going to be hard.

So lets do this - I am going to put your name down - quote the post and insert when you can make it to Chi Town..

Apples -

Charlene -

Great - prefer the April dates that Cheri mentioned, prefer no holiday weekends, prefer spring/early summer vs later summer/fall

Cheri -

Laura -

LauraK -

Julie -

Phyl -

Tina -

Eva -

Janet - Open I can go w/the flow (except for 7/15)

Linda -

Joyce -

Sandy -

Jodi -

Melissa -


Meredith- May, or spring/early summer is best. Might be going with my aunt to FL in April and summer time gets crazy around here. But, will be able to adjust schedule to fit it this trip.


Candice - She's gone for 2 weeks

Am I missing anyone ????

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Janet~ Not sure how to quote and too sleepy to figure it out, so I just cut and pasted my availability in the post prior to this one. Hope you get it! I'm excited!

Apples and Lori~ Thank you to you both. The both of you were helping me and not even knowing it! Lori, I know that the both of us kinda did the same thing with weight. Monday is the day in this house too. I was on the right track again, then Christmas and New Years came and what a disaster that created. So, we can do this together. Apples, when you were talking to Lori about her not posting about working out and eating plan, I felt like you were talking right to me!!!! So, thank you for that from me too!!! I am heading back down the right path, but just needed the extra kick in the rear. Oh, and Janet, as always, thanks for the reinforcements! You are all awesome!

Tina~ I've been doing some thinking about your situation and didn't want to comment until I really thought about it. I understand a lot about addiction and bi-polar disorder, and I especially understand about the weight. My boyfriend of almost 5 years is bi-polar. If he is not on meds, forget it. He has resolved himself to this fact, as have I. It has made our lives so much better. IMHO, I think you need them. Especially to help you get your life on track. If you can swing from mania to depression easily, you need to adjust that and get your mind on track before you get banded. I suffered from depression and was medicated for years also. Secondly, maybe you can earn the trust back that you perhaps betrayed when you were addicted by starting small like some of the others have been saying. Well, how can you start small and help yourself? The very best thing.... get out and WALK! I know what you are going to say already, you are too big. Well guess what, we have been there. I am a hairstylist. I stand on my feet all day long and at 278 pounds I was standing for 12 hours straight and not able to walk after to get groceries or whatever. Now after work I park in the furthest spot available at the store. It didn't just happen overnight. I had to start somewhere. So, when I decided to get LB, I bought new shoes, and I started to walk. Everywhere. It gets easier. Plus, it is sooooo good for you in every way. You are getting exercise for your body, and it helps to clear your mind. At the same time, you will start walking in increments that are only a few minutes and building up time and distance wise, so your partner can start building trust again. Just a thought. I hope this didn't come off as harsh, I just want to keep it real with you as to what it takes to get the weight off and get your mind clear. Like I said, I've been thinking about how you can go about doing this for awhile, so I hope that I could help.

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snapback.pngIndioGirl55, on 01 January 2011 - 11:57 PM, said:

Ok as usually trying to get everyones schedules to blend it going to be hard.

So lets do this - I am going to put your name down - quote the post and insert when you can make it to Chi Town..

Apples -

Charlene -

Great - prefer the April dates that Cheri mentioned, prefer no holiday weekends, prefer spring/early summer vs later summer/fall

Cheri -

Laura -

LauraK -

Julie -

Phyl -

Tina -

Eva -

Janet - Open I can go w/the flow (except for 7/15)

Linda -

Joyce -

Sandy - I am open to anytime

Jodi -

Melissa -


Meredith- May, or spring/early summer is best. Might be going with my aunt to FL in April and summer time gets crazy around here. But, will be able to adjust schedule to fit it this trip.


Candice - She's gone for 2 weeks

Am I missing anyone ????

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I would like to talk about complacency and settling because I think that is what has happened to me. Here is some brief background. My highest weight was 260. I am now 193-195 and have maintained that weight for one year. I have gone from being incapable to do much physically to being able to do anything. I work with a trainer 2 times a week and have learned so much. I ran 3 different 5K runs this fall. In short, physically I feel incredible. I have been able to come off of 3 out of 6 prescriptions I took for diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Physically, I look better, feel better and I am greatly improved medically.

BUT….......According to the BMI chart I am still obese. I need to get less than 185 to be considered overweight and 150 or less to be considered normal.

Here is what I think has happened. For so long it was a dream to be less than two hundred pounds. I reached that goal last February. I really pushed hard to get there and the reality of reaching that goal was hard to "wrap my head around". I still saw 260 when I looked in the mirror. I didn't see the changes, I felt them but I just couldn't see them. A big surprise to me was that I found maintaining my weight at 193 to be not very hard to do. With all of the exercise I do, I could pack a little more food in my day or maybe even a sweet or two. AND I LIKE IT.

Over the past year, while maintaining, I have been exercising a lot. Even though my weight loss stopped, the changes in my body didn't. I have lost a pant size even though my weight stayed the same.

The positives of maintaining at 193 for the past year are numerous and I don't mean to discount them. I can now "see" the weight loss and I have become proud of it. When I first got under 200 pounds I was proud but not in the same fashion I am now. I didn't feel as good about myself as I do now. Also, that time gave my head time to catch up to my body. I have gained so much physical strength this last year I still can't believe it. I never, in my wildest dreams, would have believed it possible for me to leg press 175 pounds and do lat pulls at 50 pounds. In short, I feel so alive! I had lost that feeling and didn't think I could get it back. I thought I was destined to live the rest of my life not being able to do things. I couldn't have been more wrong. That is the reason I am so grateful for where I am.

Junking up the thread here and going long.

Back to complacency and settling. These two words describe where I am. While I am grateful for where I am, I realize I am not where I could be. It has become easy to be 193, eat more food and basically feel pretty darn good.

Has this happened to any of you? Are any of you in the same spot as I am now? In your journey, did you become complacent and accepting of where you were to the point of staying? How did you motivate yourself to start reaching for a new goal when you no longer have the physical motivations you once had? By that, I mean, not being able to do things was a huge motivator for me. There isn't anything I can't do anymore so that motivator is gone.

I know I am rambling but I just tried to let my thoughts flow and see where they take me. Am I making any sense?

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Ok as usually trying to get everyones schedules to blend it going to be hard.

So lets do this - I am going to put your name down - quote the post and insert when you can make it to Chi Town..

Apples -

Charlene - I can't commit yet. Y'all decide.

Great -

Cheri -

Laura -

LauraK -

Julie -

Phyl -

Tina -

Eva -

Janet - Open I can go w/the flow (except for 7/15)

Linda -

Joyce -

Sandy -

Jodi -

Melissa -




Candice - She's gone for 2 weeks

Am I missing anyone ????

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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