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Good morning, afternoon for some of ya. Taking a break from taking down Christmas stuff. We usually do it on New Year's day but are going to a football party tomorrow and DH is home today. Having a hard time with it as it was weird not to be home for Christmas. Tis a new phase of my life and I don't see myself actually being home on Christmas for some years ahead with us living away we will always go to Denver to see the kids, and it's easier for us to go there, than them to come here.

Happy New year to everyone if I don't get back here. May 2011 be one of the best ones yet and may all your dreams and goals come true!

Melissa, I got some tiny bowls at Target that hold 1/2 cup they are more for like sauces or dipping, but I know just what they hold and it helped me a lot in the weight loss phase.

Tina, why can't you drive? I was over 300 lbs and could always fit in a car, heck DH's aunt was 500 lbs and she could drive.

Chicago, would love to do a get together. Personally I would prefer it not be over a holiday weekend, much harder for me to get flights and also to schedule it as we usually go camping as a family on those. And I'd prefer sooner than later in the spring/summer since it will be so long since Vegas if we wait til closer to fall. Just my opinions of course, take or leave them. LOL

Speaking mind: I find as I get older I do it more and more. I used to not speak up at all and then let people walk all over me or come across as wishy washy and actually I think garnered less respect than now when I do speak it. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, what's that saying: Stand for something for fall for anything??? However, with my family it's caused some rifts as they are used to me not speaking up so now I am the bitch or the difficult one. No, I am just not your puppet any more to walk all over. Take it or leave it. By family I mean extended family not my DH and kids. LOL Though my kids would like it if I spoke my opinion less which I do try to do at times. Pick my battles. DH says save your bullets for the big ones. LOL

Eva, I'll trade you cold and take your 20's! We are close to zero and very white outside! Have fun at the PJ party!

Well better get back at the dismantling of Chrsitmas. Anxious to have my lobster tonight! Happy New Year, stay safe and warm!

I have trouble with shoulder checks...i cant turn around. And im a compulsive shoulder checker...its terrible and our car is very small and tight. I scare myself but scare Jeani more. haha.

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Morning.............. Up most of the night and then slept in so am still in my nightie... Not hurting right now, so that's a blessing.... I haven't caught up on all the posts yet, but sounds like we are going to Chicago............. I'll have to go back and read all about it..... Don't know about making it or not.....will have to see what the future holds for me.....

For those of you who go out to party tonight, have a wonderful, safe time... and for those who stay at home like we do, just enjoy your quiet time with your loved ones.... I really have to believe that this year of 2011 is going to be better for all of us.... I NEED it to be better for me...... So, that's my prayer.... Have a wondeful New Years Celebration, dear ones...... Hugs and prayers to all..... Julie

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Okay, it's warmed up to about 40 now. Still a little cold for me. I'm going to pack away some of the Christmas stuff and try and stay warm. I'm having a hard time doing that for some reason. Oh, wait, I need to get up and get moving instead of sitting here reading the thread.

Tina, I would definitely look into finding a therapist if I were you. You are going to have so many many changes both good and bad with the weight loss that having a professional to talk to and already set up would be helpful. Your "not having enough friends" comment is a little scary to me. We all need friends outside of our relationships even if it's only one or two of them. On line friends are great and the men/women on this thread are very important to me, but I still have friends off-line that support me through thick and thin.

Linda, I know what you mean about having to go back to work a full week after working short weeks. I remember that last year. Ug. How's the GD? Hope you do get to go to your casino tonight.

Apples, glad you are staying home in the bad weather. Be safe lady.

We are going to have scallops for dinner (posole which is a hominy soup) is for much later. I have broccoli and maybe a baked potato...we'll see as it gets closer.

Later, ee

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Because it's so cold, we are having aerial acrobatics from the hummingbirds. I have a feeder right in front of the kitchen sink window and watch the birds regularly. They are competitive little buggers and usually won't let more than one bird maybe two feed at the same time. Last night I saw 5 hummingbirds on the feeder at the same time and this morning it was up to 6. There are only six holes on the feeder. Now that it's warmed up they are trying to drive each other off again so there are hummingbirds flying all over the place. They are very cool to watch.


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There are hotels near me in the South Suburbs (check Homewood, South Holland, and Lansing) and we could spend time in my house for just sitting around and talking. I've got the big basement room and my living/dining room holds a lot of people, too. I'm near the train station for trips downtown or if some of you arrive in vans we could carpool. Or we could stay in a hotel downtown near the action there and walk to everything. However, where I live we can easily go to the Indiana Dunes or to Lighthouse Mall (outlet) in Michigan City. So many things to do here, you guys could be here for a week. Just Michigan Av N and S of the river is wonderful. Buckingham Fountain, the Art Institute of Chicago, Millenium Park, Water Tower Place. Navy Pier is close by. Can take an architectural tour down the river or go on a dinner Cruise along the lakefront. They usually have dancing, too. All kinds of shopping and places to eat. Old fashioned hotel like the Palmer House, very elegant. Or newer ones like the Sheraton on the River front. Don't think there are any cheap ones however. Those of you who are experienced travelers could maybe research that. Probably would be cheaper on a non-holiday weekend, but I wouldn't know. Definitely cheaper to stay by me in hotels but not nearly as convenient or pretty. Also, you'd have to figure in parking and/or train fares, but weekend passes on the train are cheap. I think we should do more planned sightseeing than in LV. Just sitting around when there's so much to enjoy here would be a shame. Maybe those who are here for a longer time could stay in hotels by me for a night or tow and then spend a night or two downtown.

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Just got home from the gym - 45 minutes on treadmill and then some floor exercise. Feels great. Just wanted to be able to report that I'm going. No knee pain.

Have not read the posts. Busy day ahead.

Happy New Year to all my friends here at LBT. May it be a year of health and reaching our goals. rolleyes.gif

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Eva, intimacy is great but orgasms are better. Think toys to help jumpstart your libido. Also, my DH is a guitar player and guitar players strum it better. LOL. TMI again, but a healthy sex life fits the Live, Love, and Laugh Yourself Thin motto.

And guys, I'm not talking about speaking your mind when I say I put my foot in my mouth. Here's an example. My mom and dad were playing "Catchphrase" with us on Christmas. My dad just plain couldn't get how the game was played. My mother was terrible at giving clues because she can't think that fast anymore or get the words out. So they were both on my team and I said that the next round we shouldn't have them both on one team. The instant it came out of my mouth I knew I shouldn't have said it, and sure enough, my mom brought it up when I was with her the other day. She was hurt to be put in the same category as my father. I just don't think things through before they pop out of my mouth. That's the lack of having a filter. Someone might be showing off their diamond ring and I'll say that I don't really get diamonds. It puzzles me why they're so popular. I never notice them on people because most people can only afford small ones and unless you're in a jewelry store which is lit up specifically to highlight diamonds, they don't really shine. The big ones stick out so far they catch on everything and are constantly dirty (especially with my sweaty hands) so they don't really shine. Now, that's my taste, but not appropriate to mention when someone is showing off their huge diamond ring. So, now you can maybe see why I wish I could band my mouth. LOL.


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I just got home from having lunch with my friend. My mother called to tell me our city is on CNN. Some robbers are holding hostages in the Chase Bank. That is about three miles from me. I just pray everyone gets out safe.

I had a chicken tequila lime salad. It was good, but I could only eat about a cup of it. Now, that is still Choo Choo food. For tonight we are having 4oz steak , salad, and a veggie. No dessert. See........I am going to CHOO CHEW into 2011. HAPPY NEW YEAR to All my LBT buddies. I will try to check in later!

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Hi.....hope all is well....

I wanted to wish everyone



Enjoy all your celebrations!


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I just got home from having lunch with my friend. My mother called to tell me our city is on CNN. Some robbers are holding hostages in the Chase Bank. That is about three miles from me. I just pray everyone gets out safe.

I had a chicken tequila lime salad. It was good, but I could only eat about a cup of it. Now, that is still Choo Choo food. For tonight we are having 4oz steak , salad, and a veggie. No dessert. See........I am going to CHOO CHEW into 2011. HAPPY NEW YEAR to All my LBT buddies. I will try to check in later!

Arlene...I heard a couple of hours ago on the radio (about 3 hours ago) that the bank manager was shot, taken away by ambulance, and that there were still being hostages held. Horrible. Hope it is still not going on.

Enjoy your evening with DH.

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Just got home - Will have to turn on CNN.. Pray that everything turns out ok - Stay in the house Charlene - I bet you got helicopters over head

Cheri - I think staying outside the windy city would be best (cheaper) I've never ridden a train ;0) - 1st we need to ck out the hotels for cost and Pick a date - I think we are all on board to come and see you ;0) OMG aren't you going to be a wreck LOL

- I stayed in Homewood Ste in MN liked them had a kitchen& everything... Great for left overs

I say things like that too - my filter isn't great...

Charlene - WTG bring in the NY on the train ;0)

Eva - I don't know our temps - again haven't watch the new - but it's cold... I can tell you that..


partlycloudy.gif56° F | 29° F

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chancerain.gif58° F | 38° F

partlycloudy.gif61° F | 40° FPartly CloudyPartly CloudyPartly CloudyChance of Rain

20% chance of precipitationPartly Cloudy






You guys have to understand 29 is like being at the South Pole for us desert rats LOL - I know I talked to Candice (Peaches) last night - it was 2 above zero - I can't even imagine that - Apples White outs - OH HELL NO our retirement village is going to have to be in FL - We will be near Laura & Jessica :0) at 6 tonite its suppose to be 42.... Well I know my gas bill will be high next month - the fire place will be on ;0)

Is your pisole going to be your hangover remedy like menudo ;0) - My sis doesn't like tripe so she makes pisole too ;0)

Jodi - HAPPY NEW YRS TO YOU TOO - I guess you broke Shabbot ;0) got on the computer LOL Dassi musn't be home...

Joyce WTG at the gym - I think my hip issue might be a little arthiritis - cuz it's bugging me today..

I'm have you all - I have my here gf too... I think friends and outside interest are important in any relationship - you can't be together 24/7 and become so dependent on each other that you have panic attacks when they aren't around or that you can't even take care of you... I know that my sis to a degree is too depended or doesn't trust DbIL - cuz like when they are here in the desert and he goes sees his friend and isn't back when she thinks he should be she's calliing looking for him..

Well gotta finish some stuff around the house cbl


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Apples, they just took the suspect in custody, and all the hostages are safe. The bank manager was beat up, but he is okay. I swear this city has more drama.....good and bad.

I just had a snack of beef Jerky. I almost bought Turkey Jerky. How does that tastes. This jerky is made at a restaurant. I did check this prices on the internet and Sam's Club has the best price on the brand I like....Jack's Links Jerky.

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Cheri, you ought to check into Diamonique on QVC. I have a couple rings from there and earrings. That way I don't worry about losing them either.

Janet, I'd take your weather forcast right now. I'm not one to mind winter but we've had so much snow already and as I've mentioned before what I hate about Salt Lake winters are the inversions. Now that we have snow on the ground and these super cold temps, when a high pressure does come in the cold air will trap at the valley floor and we will get this blanket of yucky haze over us for days. It will actually be warmer and sunnier in the mountains. That's what I hate the most about winters here.

Arlene, good job on the choo choo today!

Jodi, happy New Year's to you too. You must've been getting on the computer just before sundown? I think I'd love to see a NY New Year's eve once but not sure I could stand being in a crowd of that many people.

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Just got home - Will have to turn on CNN.. Pray that everything turns out ok - Stay in the house Charlene - I bet you got helicopters over head

Cheri - I think staying outside the windy city would be best (cheaper) I've never ridden a train ;0) - 1st we need to ck out the hotels for cost and Pick a date - I think we are all on board to come and see you ;0) OMG aren't you going to be a wreck LOL

- I stayed in Homewood Ste in MN liked them had a kitchen& everything... Great for left overs

I say things like that too - my filter isn't great...

Charlene - WTG bring in the NY on the train ;0)

Eva - I don't know our temps - again haven't watch the new - but it's cold... I can tell you that..


partlycloudy.gif56° F | 29° F

partlycloudy.gif54° F | 31° F

partlycloudy.gif54° F | 36° F

chancerain.gif58° F | 38° F

partlycloudy.gif61° F | 40° FPartly CloudyPartly CloudyPartly CloudyChance of Rain

20% chance of precipitationPartly Cloudy






You guys have to understand 29 is like being at the South Pole for us desert rats LOL - I know I talked to Candice (Peaches) last night - it was 2 above zero - I can't even imagine that - Apples White outs - OH HELL NO our retirement village is going to have to be in FL - We will be near Laura & Jessica :0) at 6 tonite its suppose to be 42.... Well I know my gas bill will be high next month - the fire place will be on ;0)

Is your pisole going to be your hangover remedy like menudo ;0) - My sis doesn't like tripe so she makes pisole too ;0)

Jodi - HAPPY NEW YRS TO YOU TOO - I guess you broke Shabbot ;0) got on the computer LOL Dassi musn't be home...

Joyce WTG at the gym - I think my hip issue might be a little arthiritis - cuz it's bugging me today..

I'm have you all - I have my here gf too... I think friends and outside interest are important in any relationship - you can't be together 24/7 and become so dependent on each other that you have panic attacks when they aren't around or that you can't even take care of you... I know that my sis to a degree is too depended or doesn't trust DbIL - cuz like when they are here in the desert and he goes sees his friend and isn't back when she thinks he should be she's calliing looking for him..

Well gotta finish some stuff around the house cbl


Heck, Janet....I have a panic attack if I know I am spending TOO much time with DH. We get a long great but too much time together is just that.....too much time together. 9 months out of the year we are not together much. Then as soon as harvest is over I have him almost 24/7. A BIG adjustment. I'm not used to hovering and it takes being tactful in figuring out ways to get him out to the shop for a few hours a day. I love my independence. That's why these snowstorms have been so tough. I feel caged.

I do understand where you are coming from on feeling just as cold with your weather as we do in ours. It's all what you are accustomed to. Not sure what the low was during the night but it was 1 degrees this morning at 8am. The older I get, the less I tolerate the cold. I used to go out and skate with the kids and build forts and spend hours outside just 15 yrs ago. Now I run from the car into the supermarket and leave the car running.

Have a good evening with your friend. Enjoy your lobster.

Jodi....I was wondering the same thing when I saw you pop on. I figured Dazzi was not looking. LOL. Happy New Year!

Great....did you ever figure out what you are going to take to your party tomorrow???? I don't think I saw where anyone answered your question on what would go good with spaghetti.

We are watching the news...Arlene....sounds like that hostage situation is still going on. Looks like a small little bank branch. They are stating that one suspect is in custody and one is still in bank with 2 hostages. Hope they make it out safely.

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Apples, no no one answerwed with any ideas of what to take to the party tomorrow. So I took an easy way out. I got a bagged Ceasar salad that I just have to mix up and for an appetizer I got some turkey roll ups at costco. Not sure what I will have as I don't like spaghetti, maybe a meatball or something. LOL

Regarding the desert rats handling the cold, it would probably be just as hard for some of us accustomed to colder climates to deal with their extreme heat in the summer. What I have the most trouble dealing with though is humidity. I am so used to dry climates. When I lived back east in Delaware the humidity drove me nuts, I felt like I was suffocating all the time and it's one of the things I hate about FL when I visit my folks especially in the summer. I hate that when you pick up your glass with a cold drink and it sweats and drips condensation too. Though my skin is nicer. LOL

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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