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Cheri, I work at the Water Reclamation District. It is pretty well camouflaged. If you look on the north side of 130th you will see an access road across the street from Rosebud. There is a small, inconspicuous sign that says Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. If you follow that road back behind the berms and trees there is a rather large sewage treatment plant. I am the assistant lab manager there. I have worked for the District for 19 years and have spent 13 of those years at the Calumet Plant on 130th street.

Thank you for the information on the retirement village. I don’t think my Dad will be interested but I figure I will try anyway. Heck, you made it sound so good I want to sign up. I like Janet’s idea of all of us going to the same retirement village but somewhere warm. I have lived in the Chicago area all of my life and I can tell you I have gotten tired of our winters. Some place warm sounds wonderful!

I hope you enjoyed your day. Like I said, when my life slows down a bit we can get together for some kind of fun outing. We saw the doctor today and they took x-rays. The doctor said it was healing well for a man of his age (85) and he will start physical therapy next week. I have my fingers crossed on his recovery. I know he wants to stay in his house and hope to be able to let him stay. Time will tell.

Janet, I had a flash back when I read your post about how it felt to try to clean house before your weight loss. I am still amazed at the increase in energy level. Before I would be exhausted from grocery shopping and need a nap. Nap is no longer in my vocabulary. The exercise has also made a huge difference. I truly feel great now and so strong. I am so grateful for this change and appreciate this second change and how much fun I am having. It is sad to say but when I was heavy there was very little fun in my life.

LauraK, you must like this one if you are underwear shopping. You go girl! I hope you have a spectacular night.

All this talk about skin makes me want to share. I have loose skin and have grown to love Spanx. It holds it all in place and keeps it from taking on a life of its own. It is a must for exercising. If I try to run without it my skin flaps from side to side and feels awful. I am planning on a Tummy Tuck this summer or fall. It depends on when my slush fund has enough slush. I have been saving as I do not want to take a loan for it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!

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I too was an athlete in high school. I was actually considering training and trying out for the olympic softball team. It was still kinda new then. I ran 3 miles a day on top of practicing. Then I got injured and it took the doc a year and a half to figure out the problem. Put me out of commision because I was in a brace the whole time. I asked the doc to do exploratory surgery. He asked me not to because I was so young he didn't want to scar me for life. Too late, I was already scarred. (But my eyes were diverted from my sports onto my hubby.) I had the appetite of an athlete without the metabolism. Not to mention I was the manager of an ice cream shop. Things just started to roll down hill. Depression took over and I ended up in a pit. A great life but unable to enjoy it. The past few years expecially this one have helped me climb out of the pit. I love my life and most the time love myself. I gave up on everything but have hope now. That was the biggest thing I got from the band HOPE. All the promises of being thin and seeing all the examples on LBT and YouTube to think I have the ability in me to do that too. I just needed to reach the pit so I could learn to do these thing for myself. Exercise because I need it not because coach is pushing me or there may be a scout, or college money. This is for me not my family, or my team. Eat right because it not only makes me look better but feel better too. Instead of eatting right because someone is looking at my plate, weight or laughing at me. Not letting my guilt decide my actions but my confidence.

Tina, I am so glad you found us. These ladies have helped me so much and now I get to see the same transformation happen to you.

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OMG it's going to take all night to respond :0)

BRRR typing with frozen fingers, stupid me thought I didn't need my gloves just to clear a path on the deck for the doggies by the back door (tired of them tracking in so much snow). WRONG! Bitter cold out there. But it stopped snowing. I just got home from my excursion to costco to get my lobster for tomorrow night. That's the calmest I've ever seen costco. I've been to Costcos in all the states i've lived in and have never seen a crazier Costco than the one here, I think it's due to the large familes here and buying in bulk, plus the Mormons are very big on food storage. Roads were okay however, the on and off ramp of the freeway weren't plowed and very treacherous, saw a pickup on top of a chainlink fence, of course the fence crumbled but how it got on top of a 6 foot fence?

Retirement villages: My grandma lives in a nice one, she is in the independent living part and goes down for meals. They have so many activities she can be as active as she wants, plus vans that take them shopping etc. If/when the need arises they also have assisted living, nursing home, hospice and even a memory unit. If cost is an issue look into the PACE providers for your area. https://www.cms.gov/...w.asp#TopOfPage It stands for Program for All Inclusive Care for Elderly or something like that. My Grandma supported herself for 100 yrs but at 100 her money started to run low, she went on to this program and it's been wonderful. I believe all states have them but not sure, you can either take aid and go on it or you can pay for it I beleive, I don't know lots about it just how it pertained to her situation.

Wouldn't that be fun a bunch of lap band gals in a retirement village? oh the fun we could have! Not Florida though LOL too close to my parents. LOL

Saggy Skin: each person gets it differently. Mine is mostly in my legs, but like others have said I'd take that over the fat any day! I'd rather be deflated than inflated!

Social Anxiety: I have that a little too. I tend to get very quiet in large group settings. OH and Cheri, I was so nervous when you and I were the first 2 to fly in to Vegas and meeting you one on one as well. I can hide in group settings but not one on one though I do prefer one on one once I get to know someone a little. Thank you for being so gracious when meeting me. I enjoyed our time together waiting for Karen, Julie and then Arlene.

Dogs: I so worry about my dogs when DH takes them hunting. Lucy who is the better hunter of the 2 always stays close at hand and is a true retriever and will bring everything back to DH, but Hunter (who isn't the best hunter and is part Australian Shepherd) is much happier trying to herd something up and takes off running sometimes. She's always come back but gets herself into more trouble, like an encounter with a barbed wire fence that required numerous stitches, etc. When DH and I talk about getting our 'grandma condo' one day in Denver it's the dogs that are making it most difficult cause if we divide our time in living in 2 places where do the dogs live? We fly all the time and it's hard to fly with them, boarding gets expensive and I hate to board my dogs. They are my constant companions and would never consider getting rid of them.

oh and for those that asked, DD is having fewer contractions today so that is a good thing. The dr visit went well yesterday and she is to continue being a couch potato and call if they worsen again.

Great by the time we need a retirement home - Your parents most likely won't be w/us :0) well don't know about that your GM is 100 so you got longivtiy in your blood ;0)

Glad DD is better..


You guys crack me up. I am as giddy as a school girl and I got another whole day to get thru. Geez Louise how am I going to make it. I told my DD I have to go shopping tonight for underwear. lol She's like why Mom? Too funny.

Totally amusing myself today but I did get some work done too.


LauraK - That's a good feeling ;0) Have fun and enjoy !!

Whoa peeps!!!!!! y'all are burning up the thread today. I haven't read all of it yet. I got back from taking my mother to the neurologist. Her glaucoma is worse.....not a brain issue. She has decided not to have an MRI. There is nothing they could do for her anyway. At 87 and a bad heart..she doesn't want to know if her aneurysm is back.

Who is on the Choo Choo today? I did have a Protein Bar for Breakfast and Chick Fil A nuggets for lunch. Lori, I ate most of them. I guess you would say I might need a fill in a few months.

Cheri, so glad your mother wants to move in a retirement place. It sure will take the stress off the family and them too. I hope your dad goes along with it. Enjoy your Birthday.

Later! gotta get some stuff done around here.

Charlene - I thought you were on the train - why didn't you have a salad !!!! Girl - I'm on my way to TX ...

I guess for me - I would rather not eat than eat at fast food place - I am just not a fast food person - never was.. Like when I drive up north or in the airport - I just don't eat (or I take popcorn w/me & jerky)... Well when Eva and I were in DFW we had ck salad but it was at a reg restaurant - but when you like have 1 hr between planes - I would rather just not eat - I will get some popcorn..

That's a classy looking outfit, Great. Love it. I need to get this stuff done and off my desk so that I can get a look at my clothes and decide what is going south with me. DH just rolls his eyes when I start pulling things out. Nothing wrong with taking a couple dozen cute jackets, is there? LOL

Yep you need jackets - Glad DS got home safe... I would worry to - White out - I couldn't imagine - well have had sand storms like that back in the day - now a days we are so built up we don't get them like we use too..

Happy birthday Cheri. You share birthdays with a very special person. My wife is ## today, but she says she is only 39. She had to change if from 29 cause her oldest turned 22 this year.

Deb, my DS and I are in Shreveport, LA for NYE. We just got here a few min ago. Reception here at her parents isn't great so I will check in as I can. Just wanted to tell everyone to have a safe and wonderful New Years.



Chris Happy NYE... Oh so you married an older woman ;0) - Tell her we send Happy Bday wishes... Enjoy NYE remember make good food choice ;0)

Lori, love that outfit -- very nice -- I bet it looks great on you too. Glad to hear you DD is doing better today.

We saw Little Fockers on Sunday and I agree with Lori -- not as good as others, but watchable. Maybe we'll go see True Grit this weekend. But I'll have to pass on the popcorn this week -- I was really pretty ill Monday and Tuesday from my overinduling and since the last thing I overindulged on was the popcorn with butter I think I'll pass this time and do as I usually do -- pop up my 100 calorie stuff and sneak it into the movie in my large purse. LOL. One of these days they are going to look in there and tell me I can't go into the theatre. But, I can't drink soda so I take a bottle of Water too. What's the harm?LOL.

Cheri, you did very well in Vegas - I didn't realize you were uncomfortable at all -- it was a bit overwhelming with so many of us --and I was disappointed I didn't get to spend much time with several of you as I'd have liked - but there's always next time.

All the talk of Chicago -- maybe we could meet there in the spring/summer or fall this year -- it would be driving distance for many of us and it's a wonderful city to visit. I know some of you want to cruise, but I don't have the $ for that and I can't go on a cruise without my DH as he would feel too left out - poor man is alone most of the time anyway so he needs to be able to at least do the expensive vacations with me. I'm very happy cause I hit my 5 years at work this year which means I get 6 more days vacation/personal time -- yay!! happy about that.

Melissa, glad you are going to go to the party -- I think you'll be happy you did afterwards. I used to have a big crowd over every NYE for a NYE buffet -- I miss those days -- now I can barely stay awake until midnight much less prepare food and serve guests between 10 and 1:00 a.m. LOL.

Apples, my Merry is just like your Tanker - she always puts her little chin anywhere where we hurt -- last night she never left my side -- slept next to my shoulder all night comforting me - and she usually doesn't like to sleep with us - I think our bed makes her too hot or something. My pets are always family members and when they pass away and have to grieve just like if a family member passes. It's always tough for me.

Been very slow at work - not many people needing our services today -- I just should have taken the day off.

Katie is sick and DH picked up Aylah so we'll be spending our long weekend entertaining her which is okay. I hope her uncle Bryan will babysit tomorrow so we can go to the casino for our special meal but sometimes he's a brat and refuses -- we'll see.

Yes the retirement village MUST be somewhere warm -- I don't want to be in snow country after I retire. I'm already freezing to death all the time -- just imagine how cold I'll be when I'm 90. I remember my Great Grandma wore a heavy cable sweater ALL summer - we used to be in shorts and sleeveless tops and be swimming and she'd be in her sweater and even have a crochet shawl around her shoulders sometimes. She's the one I'm built like - very tiny bones and short.

I made a talapia fillet on my George Foreman grill at lunch - just seasoned it up with some garlic, salt and pepper and lemon juice and a little spray butter and threw it on there for a couple of minutes -- didn't take very long and was very yum. Why I never thought to use it for fish before is beyond me - -just never did -- it was so quick and easy.

Apples, I forgot yesterday to mention your lap band friend's badgering of you. I cannot fathom talking to someone that way. You handled it very well, but it's so ridiculous that you are forced to listen to this woman's tirade. Sorry that happened to you.

Phyl, so sorry about your friend's husband. How is your friend handling it all? Hope Earl's in a better mood today too.

Eva, you are making me wish I could retire -- sounds so nice to have time to do all the things you are doing -- I love making homemade soups/sauces, etc.

Okay everyone, I think I'm all talked out for now. Will CBL


Linda - Chicago fine w/me - now we just gotta get dates that concide w/each other - I agree - That we didn't have time to visit w/everyone - but next time we can ;0)

I worry about the skin but i havent been fat my whole life so idk if that has anything to do with it. Only for about 5 years. Genetically i dont know if skin runs in the fam. Who knows. I feel the way you do. I would rather have skin than be fat and unhealthy any day. We dont have obese people in my family so i dont know about my genetics in that way. Im not too worried about it. I was told the lap band is slower than bypass so the skin is less with lapband. Still counting the minutes/hours/days to my surgeon meeting on Monday!!!! WOO HOO!

Tina - your Mom is most likely our age (50+) how's her skin - does she have wrinkles - how about your dad - that's where you can get an idea about your DNA -

I agree w/Great - I lost 100 lbs in 11 months 1 week - (just found that post the other day) My doc said that I lost weight like a bypass person - but what's it really about is calories in vs calories out - that's all weight loss is - bypass pple don't have to learn to eat healthy - hell they will lose the weight due to the malabsorbtion issue - they don't have to work as hard in the beginning - but if they don't learn to eat healthy and change their diet they will put it back on cuz after about 2 yrs their intestine starts adapting and start re-absorbing calories again..

Cheri, I work at the Water Reclamation District. It is pretty well camouflaged. If you look on the north side of 130th you will see an access road across the street from Rosebud. There is a small, inconspicuous sign that says Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. If you follow that road back behind the berms and trees there is a rather large sewage treatment plant. I am the assistant lab manager there. I have worked for the District for 19 years and have spent 13 of those years at the Calumet Plant on 130th street.

Thank you for the information on the retirement village. I don't think my Dad will be interested but I figure I will try anyway. Heck, you made it sound so good I want to sign up. I like Janet's idea of all of us going to the same retirement village but somewhere warm. I have lived in the Chicago area all of my life and I can tell you I have gotten tired of our winters. Some place warm sounds wonderful!

I hope you enjoyed your day. Like I said, when my life slows down a bit we can get together for some kind of fun outing. We saw the doctor today and they took x-rays. The doctor said it was healing well for a man of his age (85) and he will start physical therapy next week. I have my fingers crossed on his recovery. I know he wants to stay in his house and hope to be able to let him stay. Time will tell.

Janet, I had a flash back when I read your post about how it felt to try to clean house before your weight loss. I am still amazed at the increase in energy level. Before I would be exhausted from grocery shopping and need a nap. Nap is no longer in my vocabulary. The exercise has also made a huge difference. I truly feel great now and so strong. I am so grateful for this change and appreciate this second change and how much fun I am having. It is sad to say but when I was heavy there was very little fun in my life.

LauraK, you must like this one if you are underwear shopping. You go girl! I hope you have a spectacular night.

All this talk about skin makes me want to share. I have loose skin and have grown to love Spanx. It holds it all in place and keeps it from taking on a life of its own. It is a must for exercising. If I try to run without it my skin flaps from side to side and feels awful. I am planning on a Tummy Tuck this summer or fall. It depends on when my slush fund has enough slush. I have been saving as I do not want to take a loan for it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!

Yep Sandy - little things like cleaning house - walking up a flight of stairs - walking the mall - so much diff now adays

Not working out tonite ;0) it's Thursday and it's against my religion to work out on Thursdays :0) - it's been my day off since I started exercising 3.5 yrs ago - OMG I have been exercising that long.... That's a 1st - a FANTASTIC NSV....

At 2:45 they send an email saying if our work is done we can go home at 3 - why didn't they say that 1st thing then maybe I wouldn't have goofed off in the morning LOL... My stuff was done - stayed till about 3:20 then went to post office to drop off QVC returns - then to Costco - OMG pple are pigs - they bring out food and pple rush to get it then just freaking stand there and eat it - they don't care that they are blocking the isle..

Saw a couple girls I know - Got lobster for tomorrow - asparagus - and Lemon Cooler cake - That's my new yrs treat.. will end up throwing it away - or maybe I'll freeze it and bring it out when the kids come at the end of Jan - but hell no they don't need it either.. In the trash it will go - will have a slice or 2 then will be done..

it's 65 in the house - just turned on the heater my feet are freezing...

Food today...

Brunch - ate omelet (egg beaters & 1 oz hamburger & salsa and green onions) around 10ish so wasn't hungry for lunch...

Dinner - chicken on top of a green salad w/avocado & red onion - bolt house yogurt dressing (got rotisserie ck at costco)

Snack ?? Had 2 cups of coffee when I got home - so might not have any..

Well 10 pple most likely have posted since I started this... so will cbl

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Chicago in the summer is fine with me. I will swing through and pick up Linda and whoever else along the way. Now, none of you take this wrong....you guys start mentioning not getting to visit much on that Vegas trip and I get the guilts over the meltdown and crap. Yes, this next trip will be sooooooooooooooo wonderful and Cheri's world for all to see. Love to all and hope you had a wonderful bday, Cheri. You are special. (in a good way...heck, everyone is special in their own way).

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Chicago in the summer is fine with me. I will swing through and pick up Linda and whoever else along the way. Now, none of you take this wrong....you guys start mentioning not getting to visit much on that Vegas trip and I get the guilts over the meltdown and crap. Yes, this next trip will be sooooooooooooooo wonderful and Cheri's world for all to see. Love to all and hope you had a wonderful bday, Cheri. You are special. (in a good way...heck, everyone is special in their own way).

Apples - Don't feel bad - it wasn't you - there was just so many directions to go in and so many pple to talk to - I seem to gravitate to the pple who were just sitting around me... So those are the ones I had conversations with - I didn't get up to go to the other side of the room and Hell that wine went to my head too - had a little buzz going on.. Plus we didn't have much time could have added another day - 2 nites and 1 day just wasn't enough time...

Need to have at least 2 full days and 2 full nites - (4 day weekend) come in on Thursday - Leave on Sunday... That's usually enough time for me

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Sorry, sorry.......... I am here...... Unfortunately my pain has come back and I've been crazy trying to understand just why...... Started last Sunday evening..... for no known reason..... I've been up most nights with short little naps and then groggy all day.... This morning I actually woke up from a nap and had half chewd Cheerios in my mouth.... Weird...... So, I have not been on the computer much... have been trying to ready, but have a few pages to go......I have been thinking of Cheri all day and am finally getting to send my wishes for a wonderful birthday...... Cheri I hope you had a great one..... Sorry for being so late.......

We celebrated Bailey's 3rd birthday yesterday...... and I fell asleep in the chair at DD's in-laws place... How rude.......I did call the doctor to see what I should do... Can't do that medrohl pack very often so he gave me something called Daypro..... Haven't looked it up on the computer yet, so don't actually know, but presume it is an anti-inflammatory... I see the doctor on the 13th now so hope to make it until then.....

I hope you all are doing well and are ready to ring in the new year.....We aren't good at celebrating the New year... Will probably have Laromi while the kids go out.....

Well, I'm going to try to go to bed....... Again, Cheri, happy birthday to you..... Love you all ........... Julie

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Janet, the Choo Choo hit a snow bank yesterday and stalled. Yes, I did a Protein Bar, chick fil a nuggets, and now are you ready.....don't have the big one......low fat chicken enchilada casserole!....1/2 cup. I had made it a month ago and put small squares of it in baby bowls in the freezer. I've cleared the track this morning and getting ready to fire up the engine. My DD is having a Mommy's Club meeting at her house and needs some help. Maybe it will take my mind off my FM pain. One of those West Coast fronts is moving in this afternoon. I did not sleep last night. My legs and back were aching. Well, my engine is ready to roll.......CHOO! CHOO!

Apples, saw your posts about Chicago.......is that where we are going to meet in the summer?

I'll check in later!

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So Sandy, you added live to my line so I think our thread motto should be, Live, Love, and Laugh Yourself Thin.


Cheri - I 2nd this motion. :)

Okay on to me so I did get a nice shirt for tonight. I have to work 10-6 today then my DH will pick me up I will get ready and we will go to the party. I found out we are not actually spending the night (yeah). However my son with be at my parents for the night. So yesterday was my DH friend's 30 birthday. We met her whole family and some friends at a resturant i got a little panic when I realized I had not seen one girl since my wedding 10 years ago and I remembered I was much smaller then. But then as Apples says " I put on my big girl panties" and had a good time. Last night when we went to Walmart to find a shirt for me I found some waterproof shoes for my job (my feet get soaked everytime I clean the chicken room) I struggled to tie the shoes I felt so bad on the inside. I can't help but to feel fat and ugly but I am going to see the Dr on the 4th and get my much needed feel. I will get better I know it "1 Day at a time right, 1 hour at a time 1 minute at a time. Do what it takes. I am saying it but don't feel it. I am going to fake it till I make it.

New question who eats out of small little cup size or smaller bowls or plates. I currently eat on a small salad plate or a small coffee cup but I think I need smaller bowls like kiddie size (correct portion sizes for my LB journey) any suggestions what do you guys use. I saw Alrene mentioned kiddie bowls.

In case I can't get back on today I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year's

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Cheri - I 2nd this motion. :)

Okay on to me so I did get a nice shirt for tonight. I have to work 10-6 today then my DH will pick me up I will get ready and we will go to the party. I found out we are not actually spending the night (yeah). However my son with be at my parents for the night. So yesterday was my DH friend's 30 birthday. We met her whole family and some friends at a resturant i got a little panic when I realized I had not seen one girl since my wedding 10 years ago and I remembered I was much smaller then. But then as Apples says " I put on my big girl panties" and had a good time. Last night when we went to Walmart to find a shirt for me I found some waterproof shoes for my job (my feet get soaked everytime I clean the chicken room) I struggled to tie the shoes I felt so bad on the inside. I can't help but to feel fat and ugly but I am going to see the Dr on the 4th and get my much needed feel. I will get better I know it "1 Day at a time right, 1 hour at a time 1 minute at a time. Do what it takes. I am saying it but don't feel it. I am going to fake it till I make it.

New question who eats out of small little cup size or smaller bowls or plates. I currently eat on a small salad plate or a small coffee cup but I think I need smaller bowls like kiddie size (correct portion sizes for my LB journey) any suggestions what do you guys use. I saw Alrene mentioned kiddie bowls.

In case I can't get back on today I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year's

I dont yet but its a good idea! I may start eating on the small little side plate i have. Good idea!

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Wow! I never thought you guys would ever agree to Chicago. How about Labor Day Weekend? I could add a personal day either the Friday before or the Tuesday after. Memorial Weekend is another possibility, less hot usually, but frequently rainy. Of course with all the crazy weather who knows what it'll be like. I'm also free the mid-weeks in July and the first two weeks in August (I think my niece is planning her wedding and the family reunion the last week in July and I'll be in Europe the first week in July and teaching summer school in June. However, I do not teach summer school on Fridays and I do not teach afternoons, so June could work.

Woke up this morning to thunder and lightning with pouring rain. Yuck!. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I went and got a good book and spent most of the day reading or talking to relatives on the phone. Also a little evening delight before my husband went to work. Believe me, he does not mind the extra skin. We had some other issues to work out, though, psychological issues. This is the one where I out passive-aggressived him after a few unfruitful confrontations. Now all I can say at our age is, "a good man is hard to find and a hard man is good to find."

TMI I'm sure, but we are all sexual creatures and it wasn't until I found someone safe with whom to talk about my husband's issues that I was able to get that train back on the track. All I can say is, "Choo Choo."

However, I have not been able to get back on the Protein train. Too many parties and events and treats in the house. They're pretty much gone now. The damage is 3 lbs out of my range, 5 from the middle of my range which I want to get back to. So, choo choo on that track too. I've been talking to you all about some heavy duty personal issues--mostly my social anxiety. I don't think I've ever fully expressed the impact my ADHD has on my social life before. I really don't think non-ADHD people understand what its like to not have a filter in your brain between a thought and it coming out your mouth. I don't know how many times I've wanted to take something back the second after it comes out my mouth. This has definitely limited my ability to sustain friendship over time. Writing about it stirred up a lot of feelings that seemed to demand chocolate. Hopefully, now that that's out, some of my cravings will diminish.


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Cheri, I have never been to Chicago. I would love to meet Y'all there. I just have to pay for this cruise first. I also have a trip planned to Canton, Tx. It is a huge flea market with hundreds of vendors. People from all over the the country come to shop. I am going the first weekend of March for my sixtieth birthday. I plan to take my DDs. If voicing my opinion is ADHD......I have a little of that too. My kids are really quick to remind me they don't appreciate some of my comments. I call it MOM's tough love. We love you!

Okay, I just walked about 2 miles. I feel good. My legs are not hurting now. I am off to visit a friend and have lunch........Salad with dressing on the side. Then tonight I thawed out a 4oz Kansas City Steak I bought on QVC. I hope they are good. Quite pricey!

Warm HUGS for all of you caught up in that nasty snow storm. We are just having rain.

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Cheri...I think we have all blurted things and wanted to have the ability to shove them back where came from. I am not discounting the fact that this might be intensified for you because, as you stated, you don't have the time to "filter" b/4 the damage is done. If you are in a situation where you feel you have offended someone, you can always explain it's just you being you, apologize and let them know you were born without that "filter". LOL

You have really opened up and shared so much the last few weeks. It's been interesting and I, for one, appreciate getting to know you better. Not everyone has the ability to put it all into words. Get back on that Protein train today so that you are not kicking yourself. As far as the other train you eluded to....sounds like a good way to get some exercise. LOL

Well, there's finally a lull in the storm. Snowplows have gone by but most business' in town are closed. Going to send DH to the bank soon b/4 the next snowstorm hits. I am NOT going out in this stuff. Wrapping things up with the last deposits and payments and will be able to close out the books today and have our last tax appt on Tuesday and doing a cash analysis on Monday or Tuesday evening with our farm management person. DH has quite a few bushels of corn contracted that need to get to the elevator and then we are free to take off for the South. We could get delayed hauling corn if it storms. Will just have to wait and see what Monday, Tues and Wed are like and accept what comes our way. Can't set the plans in concrete during winter months in MN. Our weather is just too iffy....especially this year. My A$$ is so sick of this mess we have had. Have lost track of the number of snow and ice storms we have had. Whine....

Better get to work...will check in later. Melissa...have a great time at your party. Hold your head up high. Safe travels. Happy New Year to all that I might miss later today. Hope 2011 bring you all health and happiness. Make this next year your year to accomplish your goals. If you have those last lbs that are haunting you, make this next year the year to get rid of them. Hit it head on and don't look back. Love to all.

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WOW, it wold be awesome to meet everyone here in Chicago! :D Any time works for me.

Crazy thunder storms this morning. They were really loud and woke me up. One good thing though, with the warmer temperatures and all of the rain, the snow is almost gone.

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I love to read your posts. It is good that the "train is back on the tracks...choo choo!" :) I love to read ALL of your posts guys :)

I was telling my partner today that this group is one of the most therapeutic groups i have been in. I feel like I'm sitting around in a circle with a therapist (Janet) talking with you about some of my deepest darkest issues. Its very nice to have that and really honestly i dont know if i need a therapist lol. I really just needed to be able to talk and get things off my chest; get some advice and have people share their experience, strength and hope with me :) I am going to head to OA i think. I need to find a meeting for tomorrow. My partner wont let me go tonight she said she doesn't want to drive on New Years. Yeah right eh? She hates it when i go places. She has very little trust for me even after 2 and a half years of sobriety.

She said last week when we were having all our problems that she wanted me to form some friendships. Go for coffee with people and things like that. So i asked her yesterday if i could go with my friend for coffee. When i started to make the phone call she said, no i couldn't go and leave her with the kids. The "kids" are 14! They DONT need a babysitter anymore. I told her she is welcome to go somewhere too with her friends but she was adamant about not letting me go. So, my opinion is....dont tell me you are "over" your co dependency and act like you have it together when you dont. Thats just my opinion.

I'm going to the nursing home today to watch my sister play her guitar for the old folks and I'm going to paint some nails and visit with them. I think it will be good for me to get out and do some volunteer work :) I am very much looking forward to it :)

I will look some OA stuff up online later...like i said, im an addict and i need to get to the root of my addiction and i know the 12 steps have helped me tremendously in my past.

Sorry for the long post, just had a lot to share :) Apples sorry about your snow storms i know that is just terrible weather to get out and about in :(



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I would LOVE to come to Chicago guys?! Can i , if i can afford it? I dont know how far it is from Nashville though, does anyone know? tongue.gif

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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