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Cheri, happy happy birthday. I hope this year brings you all the joy and happiness you deserve. Hugs and kisses. Love you lots.


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Thanks Janet. Still trying to decide what to do on my birthday. My husband has to take my car in. Something majorly wrong with the steering. Hope its an easy fix and still under warranty. Tires also seem to have slow leaks. Especially one of them. But its in the back and shouldn't be affecting the steering. He's leaving me his car. I might go to Border's and get a book and just read. Take a bubble bath. I left a message for my sister about maybe going out for lunch. Ken has to sleep after he's done with my car because he worked all night and has to work again tonight.

One of the disadvantages of having only work friends and a life filled with relatives is that when I am off work I have no one to just go out and have a good time with. Limited funds doesn't help either. We pretty much blew our wad having all the parties at our house this year and trying to refinish the basement. Plus we're pre-paying my trip to Europe. And now, there'll probably be a family reunion in MI for my niece's wedding in late July which usually means renting group cottages for a week. I just might have to bow out and just come down for the wedding itself with just an overnight stay at a hotel. My husband hates these things and stays in his room the whole time. My daughter worries herself sick over the expense and everything else. My one son never comes because of the expense and the other son only comes for a day or two. I don't enjoy myself all that much because of my social anxiety, which is worse when my family is all together. It might be better now that the weight is off and I can participate in more of the physical activities.

I talk about my husband being a lone wolf, but in a lot of ways I am, too. I like people and being with people more than he does, but I like being with them one on one, not in large groups all the time.

In many ways, you guys are more my friends because I can use my writing to communicate. I wish we lived closer because I think you all understand me well enough now that we could just go out and have a good time. That's what I miss. Finding someone who can sit and talk and not judge me but who can also just go out and play. My job and remarriage has kept me from having those kinds of friends. My fault mostly. The job and my grandkids take up so much of my time. But, now that my daughter is avoiding me, I have more free time on my hands. All my parties are over so now I've got to make my own fun. I just have no one to do it with.

However, I do like to bury myself in books and always have. Maybe I'll write another children's story. I get ideas but then have no time to sit and work on them. So, maybe I'll do that today and the next few days. I've been going, going, going the whole vacation. Now its time for me. It just takes me time to adjust to that. I always have trouble in the summer, too. I work like crazy till July, and then I'm out of my routine for six weeks and don't quite know what to do with myself. I'm always actually glad to go back to work. Maybe I should just go by myself and come visit some of you next summer.


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Happy Birthday Cheri!!! I love your closing statement about living and laughing yourself thin. I think I will make it my new mantra. Have a great day!

If you have a chance would you send me the name of the retirement village you visited? If you don't feel comfortable posting it you could send a private message. It sounds like a great place. I don't think my Dad could afford it but I would like to look into it.

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Cheri, after I get my Dad back on his feet, and I have a little more free time, I would love to get together for some fun. I work about 10 minutes from you. I am at 130th between Indiana and the Bishop Ford.

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Good morning girls (& Chris) LOL,

Happy Birthday Cheri! I hope this year is filled with health and happiness! You must feel so good to be healthy. The retirement place sounds wonderful. I wish my parents would consider this. I think they plan on staying in their house for forever.

Chris~ WTG on the fill. They aren't bad. Hell, if I were a bit braver I would almost consider doing my own! kidding, too hard to keep the field sterile. But I think it is barbaric for anyone to do a fill without the numbing lidocaine first. (Unless someones port is so superficial and close to the skin). If the port is in correct placement is should be pretty deep. Hell, I almost considered anesthesia for my first one! I had a Fluid filled cyst (seroma) in my port incision. It took my Dr. 45 minutes to drain all the pockets and then do the fill. Funny b/c my entire surgery from 1st incision to close was 36 minutes! Now my fills take seconds. Prep is the longest. If your provider does not use a sterile drape and sterile gloves- then you must insist on this. The biggest risk is infection.

Melissa~ I read the other suggestions for the party. I agree with Janet. If it's b/c of feeling fat- not good enough reason. If the hassle of the drive and staying over, etc... then that makes sense. I guess we do have to accept ourselves no matter what. We are who we are. You teach your child a big lesson by doing things you aren't comfortable with. I have a friend who has had the opportunity to travel all over the world. Her parents take two trips a year- overseas flight and then a cruise. Well, she hates to fly. Her nephews have seen the world. Her son, has never gone anywhere. If you ask him if he likes to fly he says "no". He has never been on an airplane! He also hates his photo being taken. Why? B/c his mom does. So, I think as parents we have to realize that sometimes what we do or don't do is really a lesson we are teaching our children. Now, that being said... DH and I go to parties but don't love them. But DH and I made ourselves go to the Christmas party for the group this year. We had a blast!

This is the first morning that I have had more than 5 minutes to sit down and read my email and drink my coffee. Nels and I have derm appt at 130 but decided not to schedule anything else. DH is working today, on call the next 3. Will be off Monday (post call). So, no hot plans for me! (Unless I want to go alone and leave a 6 yr old alone..LOL). We just barely make it to midnight anyways on a good night. Most years DH and I will watch Dick Clark- once the ball drops, kiss kiss and say goodnight. We old fuddy duddies at heart. : )

Yesterday I opened 3 of the board games Santa got Nelson. I love that he is at the age that he "gets" them and enjoys them and has the attention span to sit through it. One wasn't so much a board, but the electronic battleship- so it mixes board with sound effects. He just loved that and we played 3 games! He did set ground rules since he was learning and I am "old and experienced" (no lie, his words)- I had to put my ships on the edges..LOL. Then we went on a playdate with some neighbor girls. (they are adopted from China, 6 and 8). It's so funny b/c Nels is a good foot taller than the older one and I think outweighs the 2 put together! They "get" each other. It's so funny how kids or adults- someone may try to hook two people together and if the chemistry isn't there, it doesn't work. The playdate we had day before yesterday is one of those. Nels just doesn't like this person very much. His face doesn't light up at the thought of a playdate. He goes b/c it's better than sitting at home. DH was tired from being on call and as a courtesy, I stayed away from he house with Nels ALL DAY, so he could sleep and chill. He appreciated it. We rode our bikes down to the Marina and one of my neighbors had gone via our canal to the ocean and caught 20 bluefish. He handed me a baggie with 4 fresh fillets. I had never heard of them but took them. DH googled it- they are a predator and are "gamey" tasting. Must be cooked the right way to be good. DH marinated them in citrus and olive oil and then put them on the grill- OMW they were good.

Christmas was absolutely wonderful. It was so nice having everyone I love in one spot. I felt bad for my parents b/c we had that cold front come in and they were really hoping for warm weather. My Dad felt so good he flew himself this trip! First time in a year and a half!!! I was sick Christmas eve with fever all day. Thank goodness I had thought ahead and wrapped all the presents and stashed them in the attic! My mom did all the cooking Christmas day, as I was busy with Nels and his gifts. We had a VERY simple meal. I had marinated the turkey with herbs for two days. We cooked it in the clay pot- so minimal marinating. Just two sides. Done. Everyone eats small amounts except DH. LOL. My parents and sister were snowed down here for 2 extra days b/c of snow in NC. It was good though. I took plenty of photos but not too many. Everyone even commented! Dad said, "guess since you don't think I am dying right away, you don't feel like you have to document every second anymore?" LOL. So I took 45 photos of him (on rapid shoot). He never said that again. My sister is feeling frustrated since gaining back some weight. She is overcoming her bypass. She has never stuck to the recommendations of her dr. I am amazed she lost the 100 lbs she did. I fear now that the rest will be gained back. She is drinking wine every night. Just so worried about her. But I decided that she gets enough criticism from my parents. I act like Oprah around her. "I am coming from a place where I am right there with ya girl, not a know it all" She responds better.

OK LBT is now not letting me see the last line I am typing! Perhaps I typed too much??? And what's the final verdict on adding pics? Unless you make it code you can't do it?? I have no idea how to do that and I am pretty smart. If you want to see my pics go to FB. : )

Love you all, wishing you all a safe and happy New Years! May we all continue to realize our many blessings!

Peas on earth. Love, Laura

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Have the BEST birthday ever. What are you plans for today? Anything special? Do something just for YOU. Sending birthday loves and hugs.

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Cheri, A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. You deserve everything wonderful to come your way.

I just wanted you to know I love your posts. You put it out there and say what you mean. That is how it should be no games.

I can't believe how close I feel to all of you here. Even though I have only met Linda. We understand each other better than some of our family/friends do. So thank you to all of you for just being you. We can all look for better things to come in the new year as we are all in a better place.

Meridith so happy they found your sisters dog. Where were they at? I know you said north.

Laura, I understand about getting Nelson back to school. Love my kids but want to get back to my schedule.

Well date is still on he is cooking filet mignon is what he asked if I like. I did tell him last time we went to dinner that I had a lap band & don't eat much.

My dr uses the floroscope to do fills. He does give you the option to numb it but I just feel why get two pokes when I don't need to.


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Sandy, what the heck do you do? There's some kind of depot there where Indiana ends at 130th, there's the market, and there's residential areas including Altgeld Gardens. Where do you work? I can't think of much else on that road. I usually drive down Indiana/State to 130th and cut under the railroad bridge and go to Michigan or State and take them to 111th.

I'd love to meet up with you. This is the website for the Retirement Village. . http://www.lutheranl...llage/programs/ I know there's more of them, one possibly in Elmhurst but that one's more expensive.

What I'm thinking might happen is that my brother might make that initial investment knowing he'd get 90% of it back. He could get the other 10% from the sale of their house or what's left of their estate when they die, and the rest of their estate (which is only whatever they get for their house which currently is not a lot) they could use to supplement their social in order to make the monthly payments and have spending money.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. It's warm enough outside that I think I'm going to go walk out there.



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Good morning! It finally stopped snowing but could still snow off and on today. We got about 8 inches I guess. I am so sore from my shovelling and snowblowing yesterday. Then playing my Kinect on top of that. That thing is amazing. I was playing games here in Utah with my son in Denver. And we video chatted. I am hoping the roads are clear at least the main ones, mine isn't and won't be til it melts. I want to go to costco to get some lobster tails for New Years eve. They didn't have the seafood 'event' yet the other day when I was there, it starts today.

Fills, I've never gotten a numbing agent for a fill, never realized that was an option even. But seriouly can't say it hurts, just a little prick.

Melissa, to me it sounds like you are finding lots of excuses not to go to this party so that means you should go. Face your fears, put on a nice outfit and have a good time. The more you get out there, the more confidence you will feel. No one is going to care if you gained a few pounds, they invited you not your weight.

Cheri, hope you have a wonderful day!

Janet, you can do internet from those ereaders? I thought they just did books, but then again what do I know about technology? LOL

LauraK, filet mignon, YUM!

Laura, so wonderful that you had such a nice Christmas. You'll have those memories a lifetime.

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Good Morning Again Gang

Cheri I too love that last line - Love Laugh yourself thin !!!! I would say all my friends except 1 works and all but 1 is married - so that too cuts into doing girl things at time - I have one GF candy - who has a great dh - we have done girl weekends - been on a cruise together - he doesn't mind. Also most don't have the $$ to be able to do extra stuff either. But again I am pretty much a loner too - I like my pple time but I like my alone time too. It's your Bday - so do what makes you the happiest.. Also were you anxoius in Vegas - you didn't seem it at all - I agree I wish we all lived closer so that we could hang out... I don't think you want to visit me in the summer ;0) Don't know if you could handle the heat ;0) - but welcome anytime - My #7 girls are coming to visit me in March ;0) Linda & Candice live in cold weather country so they will enjoy our spring weather and Phyl is still here in March ;0)

Linda - I agree we should all move to the same retirement community ;0) that would be too cool...

Laura - I LOL about the comment your Dad made about not taking so many pictures - ;0) That's great that he got to fly himself down there and that they stayed a little longer..

As to your Sis - I think we know from the beginning who will and won't succeed in their wls - I know Idrise doesn't get the whole being obese thing - but that's cuz he's such a disciplined person he just doesn't get it but the comment he made last night that we are such a quick fix soceity now a days and that's what most pple think WLS is all about he knows of someone who was trying to gain 40 lbs so she could have the surgery STUPID… The surgery doesn't fix us it's just a tool to help us once we get our brains in the right place.. These kind of pple are who give wls a bad name.

LauraK - What did he say when you told him that - I have read in the pass on the singles thread that pple are afraid to tell dates this info

We might get off early (3ish) gotta go to post office for QVC returns Need to clean house since Andrew has the 2nd job he hasn't had time to clean ;0) Need to go get some lobster for NYE … That's going to me my treat (the butter but I will use I can't believe its not butter spray cuz I really do like it)

I need to get my butt to work so cbl

Hugs everyone

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Morning guys,

Today i am trying to reform my diet a little to low carb. I hope i dont gain weight going from WW to low carb. I'm trying to get to 300 before my surgery. That is my short term goal. I dont know if i can do 23 pounds in a month though. We shall see. The low carb plan works though to lose weight a little faster than the other stuff i noticed in my past. I just want to get a head start on this weight loss. If i can get to 300 i only have to lose about 140lbs !! :) I am really excited and want to succeed with this. I am counting the days/hours/minutes until my apt with my surgeon on Monday at 12:15 :D I cant wait to schedule my surgery. The nurse there said they will prob schedule my surgery on Monday. Woo hoo !!!! :) Also trying to drink Water. I get the little crystal light 0 calorie drink powders for my water because i HATE water!

Im feeling so much better today. Day 3 on antidepressant. :) Yay! Im feeling like doing more...have more energy and whatnot not a LOT but a little which is progress. May be a bad thing for you guys though because i talk a lot when im happy :) haha!

Today i will prob just clean the kitchen and then maybe go to the grocery store if i have enough energy later. I have to go to the bank with my sister at some point today too. Blah, i hate going places because i get self conscious in public places..not sure what that problem is. Pride, vanity, whatever you want to call it. Plain ole self centered imo.

Well i hope you all have a great day today


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I love your motivation - but a word of caution - don't set your goals so high that if you don't acheive them you are going to feel like a failure - 23 lbs in 1 month is very very high. You are going to lose weight fast in the beginning cuz it's mostly Water weight - you have to find an eating plan that you can live with for the rest of your life... Again PLEASE DON'T DIET.... They really don't work... You have to focus on eating healthy - I eat limited starches - I sorta low carb it - but not to the point where I count carbs in veggies & fruit - they are healthy food choices - I stay away from bread - don't do a lot of cheese - but I do have rice - tatos - Pasta a few times a week - cuz I can't live without them - If you can low carb it for the rest of your life - go for it - but most pple can't - they will do it for a few days a week cuz our bodies really don't need those white starches and they do cause us to retain Water - but I would say most of us here haven't totally cut them from our diet...

When you read that pple are on the pt train - it's that they are cutting back on the unhealthy foods that they have been eating - starches - sugar etc.. They are focusing on pt which is suppose to be the main stay of our diet along w/veggies..

I am glad that you are feeling better.. Can't wait for your Dr appt Monday to get your date...

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Sandy, that's really nice of your neighbor and husband. I usually don't want my DH to cook....ugh...unless it's something on the grill and even then I usually have to prep it. You are a lucky woman to have a man that cooks.

Cheri, Happy Birthday! I don't think I can top what Janet posted. Hope your day is wonderful! I really like the idea of a retirement villa. I think they have wonderful services and help in the areas that are needed and you can take advantage of which ones you want. I hope your parents will see the sense in this because I believe they are very practical even if they are a little pricey. I'll take the 10 points on the IQ test over the hair. Oh, I'd love to take you out for lunch for your B-day....sorry we aren't closer.

Linda...that would be very funny if we all ended up in the same retirement community. There are many many really nice ones in the desert here. Just a suggestion.

Meredith...so glad you found your dog nephew. It is hard to believe he survived out in the cold, but dogs have been doing that for centuries. I believe they are tougher than we think. Hope you start feeling better soon.

Laura, school starts next week, right? Even when you think you are going to get me time you know you'll be busy doing other stuff. I don't think you know how to "take time off" either. So good to hear you had a nice visit with your parents and they did look happy. Hope your sister figures it out, but some people never do and it doesn't help if your parents are criticizing. You can't live her life and she does have to make her own choices. Maybe she needs a job.

Tina, your partner has lost faith in you it seems. The only way to fix that is to follow through with the lap band and do what you say you are going to do. It will not be easy and in the end, it may turn out that she is not the right person for you....or it may be the beginning of a new and more fulfilling relationship for the both of you. Only time will tell and that is one of the hardest things about this journey. Hang in there, you can do it.

Melissa, don't let the weight gain keep you from doing what you want to do. Now the traveling might be a different issue, but if you are spending the night there, go for it. Bring something to read in case you are bored and do leave early. You need to enjoy yourself however you choose to do it.

Janet, there are a lot of people that don't get the food addiction thing. Good thing you like your trainer and you can have those discussions with him. Not only do they help you with your workouts, they will help him expand his view and enable him to help future clients. Yep, it's cold. It was very windy last night and I didn't sleep well but it was only 50 degrees. Now it's 39 degrees and it's already rained but the wind has stopped.

Hello to everyone else I've missed.

I'm going shopping today. Need to get some stuff for the posole and I'm going to look for a new MP3 player. The computer doesn't see my old one anymore. I'm also going to look for some sunbella fabric. All the cushions on the front porch chairs have rotted away and I don't really like the replacement pads I've found. Besides that I'm not doing much today....so there....it's going to be a down day for me.

Talk at you all later.

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Good Morning All...Got a full night of sleep. Ahhhhhhhhh....just what I needed.

Melissa....I love most parties and to dress up. I have never been one to like to have my picture taken though. I have been going to update my avatar and profile photos for quite some time but just have a tough time with it. The travel time would be the clincher for me as to whether I went to the party or not. If you were staying over then it might be worth the miles traveled. Good luck making your decision.

Meredith...such happy news on Charly the dog. How was he found? Take care of yourself and get some rest.

Janet...when you mentioned the vacuuming and being exhausted with doing just one room, it brought back that it was that way for me also. I was in such bad shape. The fall prior to my LB surgery, I remember trying to get the lake place all cleaned and vacuumed in order to close it up for the year. It took me a week. I would clean for 10 minutes and have to sit down and rest. I felt like if I exerted myself more than I did that I was going to drop dead. Now it takes me about 5 hours and I work start to finish without a break. I am still amazed at the difference in how I feel from then and now.

Great....I can only imagine that you are on pins and needles and filled with worry over DD and Katelyn and wishing you could be with her. Try to relax a bit after the news she got yesterday regarding her cervix and trust that she will take care of herself. Hugs.

Chris...your doc was quite aggressive with your fill. So cute that you little guy was there to help you through it. Brave little man. And, no shame in having certain fears (needles). I can tell you that I am very proud of the fact that I faced a fear this year head-on and truly have overcome it. I would hyperventilate when I needed to go to the dentist. An extreme fear of dentists that went back to the creep childhood dentist that I had. He was rough and gruff and used NO numbing meds or gas. Well, starting in May I have had every tooth in my mouth replaced with a new cap. Just completed the work a couple of weeks ago. I actually got to the point early on where I had no anxiety prior to appts. It all had to do with the professionalism of the dentist and his team to make sure I was comfy with what they were doing. Maybe getting these fills will lessen your fears.

Kelly....ditto what Janet said to you about Christmas/holiday eating. It's normal to look forward to the traditional holiday treats and partake. I am lucky that I am able to eat more than the norm for a LB person. But, I get my cals from very healthy foods. I ate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many yucky/fatty/sweet things during the holidays and really paid for it. I felt like crap for days. Just a icky feeling and had no hunger because of it. I don't know how I enjoyed those foods prior to having the LB. Blech

Phyll.....got the old guy calmed down yet?????? I know the feeling of wanting to just walk when mine gets in a snit. He's a perfectionist and a workaholic....that should explain it right there.

Laura.....nothing wrong in stating you are anxious for little guy to go back to school. The structure of a school schedule is the best thing for children (and mothers). Sorry you were ill on Christmas Eve and happy you recovered to enjoy Christmas day. Hope Nelson does not have to suffer like mom did with the rash. Hugs to him

Linda...I think the last place I would want to be on NYE would be Vegas. It would be crazy. I like your idea of all of us in the same assisted living joint. My DH threatens that he would like to build me a house in town in the next few years. I would rather purchase some nice condo, etc. or a place like Cheri described. I would love to be taken care of and have no worries except who I was going to beat in the next card game.

Where are you, Julie??????

Icky day here. Roads are icy and it is now raining. We are in winter storm warning until Sat. DH wanted to go out for dinner on NYE but I opted out. Should have picked up the nice big lobsters that I saw last week while shopping. Went into our little supermarket yesterday and they were so tiny and very expensive for what they were. I picked up salmon and jumbo shrimp. Good enough.

Hope you all have a good day. I think I started this post two hours ago and many interruptions....off to make lunch.

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Janet, there are a lot of people that don't get the food addiction thing. Good thing you like your trainer and you can have those discussions with him. Not only do they help you with your workouts, they will help him expand his view and enable him to help future clients. Yep, it's cold. It was very windy last night and I didn't sleep well but it was only 50 degrees. Now it's 39 degrees and it's already rained but the wind has stopped.

I'm going shopping today. Need to get some stuff for the posole and I'm going to look for a new MP3 player. The computer doesn't see my old one anymore. I'm also going to look for some sunbella fabric. All the cushions on the front porch chairs have rotted away and I don't really like the replacement pads I've found. Besides that I'm not doing much today....so there....it's going to be a down day for me.

Talk at you all later.

Eva - Ya I like him a lot ... I quit trying to make him understand cuz he never really will - - He does to a degree(but again to him if we can do it w/the surgery then we should be able to w/o the surgery - cuz really it's about us making that lifetime lifestyle change) - and ya gotta rememember he's a man - and he really does think he knows everything... He has to always be right - I don't care what you come back with - he will twist it around - Vickie and him make big head jokes - he and I have serious conversation - but I gotta say he has helped me a lot in this journey - I am no longer afraid of maintenance - I don't feel guilty if I indulge on the holidays or vacation - and alot of this is due to him and that I do have control - when I thought I didn't or didn't give myself credit for the power I do have..

We had some wind last night - but I didn't go to bed till last and slept hard... but there is a foil container in the bottom of my pool that flew out of trash cuz of the wind - Car said 48 when I came to work - we had rain yesterday but clear skies now..

I need new cushions for my patio set - but they are so expensive and I have 5 chairs - I think during season they are like $40 each - that's $200 and at the end of season when they go on sale for $20 each - I can't find 5 matching one..

Pizole sounds good - I love it.. I thought about making Menduo - but just for me?? I've never made Pizole but figure it's the same as Menduo - just swap out the tripe for pork (or do you use beef) and have the cabbage.

Good Morning All...Got a full night of sleep. Ahhhhhhhhh....just what I needed.

Janet...when you mentioned the vacuuming and being exhausted with doing just one room, it brought back that it was that way for me also. I was in such bad shape. The fall prior to my LB surgery, I remember trying to get the lake place all cleaned and vacuumed in order to close it up for the year. It took me a week. I would clean for 10 minutes and have to sit down and rest. I felt like if I exerted myself more than I did that I was going to drop dead. Now it takes me about 5 hours and I work start to finish without a break. I am still amazed at the difference in how I feel from then and now.

Icky day here. Roads are icy and it is now raining. We are in winter storm warning until Sat. DH wanted to go out for dinner on NYE but I opted out. Should have picked up the nice big lobsters that I saw last week while shopping. Went into our little supermarket yesterday and they were so tiny and very expensive for what they were. I picked up salmon and jumbo shrimp. Good enough.

Hope you all have a good day. I think I started this post two hours ago and many interruptions....off to make lunch.

Apples - Glad you got some sleep !!! What a diff a good nights sleep makes.... Yep cleaning - going to the mall - trying on clothes when obese was a chore in its self - I use to sweat doing that too - I use to sweat doing any kind of phyiscal activity... Yep the amount of energy we have now is 110% more than we use to have

Great - My pandigtal ereader has wifi - so I can get on the internet - I am not super techie myself - doesn't look like I can play my Facebook games on it - but can post here and on fb and surf the internet... Still learning it really - just down loaded 2 books last night - so good to take on vacation - think of it as a bigger verision of your phone ;0) but w/o the phone...

I know if I hook my Wii up to the wifi i can play w/whomever else is hooked up too - I don't have mine hooked up - Hell I haven't used it in ages...

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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