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oh...and Lori, Soo soo very happy that your daughter was doing better and the medication has worked to stop contractions and she was home for Christmas. I hope you all had a peaceful enjoyable weekend.

Prayers are with you for throughout the season and she should carry until what we say....."a good time".

Well....just wanted to say....Merry Christmas was so glad you posted... I will keep her in our prayers.


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Great Christmas had here! From what it looks like, all of you had a great time!

Just a quick check in! More later.


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Well can't change fonts - don't feel like rebooting - that usually fixes it ..

Just got finished watching Swiss Family Robinson .... I remember watching it when I was a kid and wanting to live in that treehouse.. What a wonderful movie - no blood and violence was minimal especially compared to now a days - hell the pple who fell in the pit w/the tiger - could jump back out - now a days you would have seen them get eaten up.. Walt Disney was a great man !!!

Beans are done - I blended a few of them to make it a creamy soup...

Jodi - Ya know what I will take my days of boredom - over drama - I think it's just hard for us to relax - we think we need to always be doing something - well I know I should - I got clothes on the bed that need to be put away ;0) but watching movies is more fun ;0)

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Fly by.............. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!!!

Love you- love the cards you have sent! It's been CRAZY busy here, but LOVING my time with my family. I can't attach pics to posts : (

WIll catch up after they leave in a couple days. All is well here. : )

xoxo Peasout...Laura

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Tina, the easiest way I can say it "you have to be comfortable in your skin" I had that down pat for a while now struggling again. Janet you're right "men" ugh

I didn't over eat but I did eat all the wrong stuff. I can't wait to throw it all away or my DD is going to be taking it back with her. I could tell by the bloat also that I had lots carbs in the form of sugary crap. Now today I a tight, pb'd big time and it is swollen now. I can feel it. So only drinking liquids.

Jodi, glad you are enjoying all the Christmas stories and experiences. We sure enjoy learning about your traditions.

Peaches, loved the joke.

Take care all.


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I want to thank you all for listening to me talk about my ADHD and its impact on who I am and how it affects my food. Some of you have commented on how my posts have changed. Well, its not just me relaxing enough to show you who I am. I had to let you get to know me over time and accept me for who I am.

There are many people who are put off immediately by me because my vocabulary and knowledge about all kinds of things is extensive and they find it intimidating. I can also be deadly accurate (like a profiler) with my analysis of and insight into behavior and motivation and the necessary steps people need to take. A lot of people can't take that kind of truth and I'm not very good at sugar-coating. I will also stand up for myself and others like me who don't fit in the round holes, but have to follow different rules to be successful in weight loss. For example, I'm very open about the fact that I can't journal or keep a food plan or diary. Works for many but not for ADHD people like myself.

So by making myself vulnerable over time, and letting you see my funny side as well as sharing my pain, but also refusing to hide my giftedness which combined with my ADHD can be a two-edged sword that can cut others as well as myself, you have grown accustomed to me, and have learned to appreciate all the sides of me without judging me. Once I knew I was accepted I was able to relax with you more. So now when I post, I've done some changing, but you also read me differently than before.

That's the beauty of sharing on this thread. We have a chance to get to know each other and appreciate each other without judgement or gossip behind each other's back. I'm all about being open, warts and all. This is me. These are my weaknesses, these are my strengths. I saw something in all you regulars that kept me coming back. I was determined that you learn to "see" me as well so I kept coming back and posting until you did.

Thank you for letting me be me and learning to love me not just despite my pecadillos or idiosyncracies. but because of them. I love all of you dearly.


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Hi everyone, I, too, have had a great Christmas weekend.... lots of people around.... I cooked supper both Christmas night and tonight... Some was leftovers..... I have my kitchen all cleaned up and am ready to just relax.. I didn't have any major pain attacks, so was feeling very blessed about that.... All in all things went very well and can now just sit back and let this next week come... Bailey has a birthday on 28th... she'll be 3... so have a party on 29th as she is with her mother on actual birthday... Also DD has appt for ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby on 29th... Can't wait......

Lori, so glad to hear that DD is back on track.... must be a big relief for you all... Hope you were able to have a nice holiday after all....

I think maybe we all need a little rest up time now for a few days.... Cheri, I understand about the mixed emotions over the holidays... I have experienced that myself.... but you made it and that is important.... Now we look forward to a new year with lots of hope and possibilities...

Well, time for my recliner.... I'm feeling tired and ready to sleep.... Everyone take care and rest well.... We will get back to it all again tomorrow.. Hugs and sweet dreams... Julie

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Good Morning Gang!

Cheri, I am on the Choo Choo again. I did Protein and Water yesterday. I have lost 3lbs of Fluid. I plan on staying on the Choo Choo for two weeks. Are you traveling with me this week?

Julie, so glad you had somewhat of a pain free holiday. I can't say that for myself, but I was able to be proactive and take a muscle relaxer and Tylenol.

I was going to Water aerobics this morning, but it is so cold I would rather walk in it than take a chance on the pool heater not working properly. So, walking it is then I want to go see TRUE GRIT. I still haven't taken down my decorations. My older G-kids will come this week and help. They don't like me climbing the attic stairs. I am a little scared too.

Choo! Choo! check in later!

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Good Morning Peeps...

Charlene - the only decorations that I have to take down are my Christmas cards LOL - I'm w/you on being healthy !!!

Not much to report - work today - it's cold here 64 today and then Thursday high is going to be 54 lows 37 which is COLD in the desert - but will enjoy it while I can - I like remembering those days when it's 115 outside during the summer..

food yesterday - 1 small tamale - fish - veggies - popcorn - bean Soup.

Julie sure glad your pain isn't bad - maybe 2011 will be your healthy yr...

I have gym tonite ;0) tomorrow & wed ;0)

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My dad is in London Ontario area...

You are right. Next year is a new year! I hope my week gets better , today sucks too. Me and my spouse are fighting....again. Gosh seems all we do anymore, idk where that will lead. Thanks for your responses guys.



Tina; that is too much of a coincidence!!! Before we lived in Wasaga Beach, On. (10 yrs) we lived near London, On!! In a town called Strathroy... My hubby and I both worked in London... I grew up in SouthWestern Ontario... how weird eh??

Is you father still working or retired?? Do y ou ever get back to Canada to visit him?


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Definitely back on the choo choo today. Had a miserable few hours during the night. It felt like my meds before bed had gotten stuck. It may have been too long since I'd eaten when I took them, or my stomach may already have been swollen and irritated from chocolates, peanuts, and pizza (no bread). These are all reflux causers and on top of the couple of lbs I gained probably didn't sit well in my pouch.

So, today I am going to go walking at the community center (no question of being able to walk outdoors now--we've been covered with snow and ice for weeks). Then I'm going to get my butt out of the house. My husband is home and doesn't have to go in to work tomorrow. He should be caught up on his sleep. Maybe we can go downtown Chicago. I'm supposed to babysit Skylar tonight so maybe I'll go get her early and take her with us. Or something. This has been a working vacation so far in many ways. Visiting with family is fun but also nerve-wracking for me. I've got to plan something for my birthday, the 30th. We never do anything on New Year's Eve. My husband has to go in to work at 10:45 and we have no couple's friends anyway since he's such a loner. So no parties. I might go in to work this morning or tomorrow morning to finish that project and then tomorrow I've got two Dr.s apptmts. for medication refills.

One more party. Kids and grandkids come over for supper tomorrow night and I give them their Christmas gifts. They've already exchanged with each other at their dad's. My boy's can never make the party at my sister's on Christmas day so I always have to find a time after Christmas to meet with them. I think I'll get a book at Border's to help kill time this vacation. I have a hard time staying home with nothing to do and no place to go, but that's what the rest of the week looks like. My birthday is generally an anti-climax on the 30th. Maybe Ken and I will go out to eat. I should also call my parents and do some things with them this week. Especially my mom. She needs to get out and away from my dad, but she's been having a lot of trouble with her leg and isn't very mobile. We'll see. Once all the Christmas festivities are over, the rest of vacation is pretty much blah. No more parties. No relatives do anything for New Year's. Maybe one of my kids will ask me to babysit. That'd be OK with me. My husband goes in to work at 10:45 and we have no couple's friends to do anything with and our kids do their own things. Maybe I'll suggest that I'm available for babysitting or overnite stays by grandkids.

You can tell I'm bored because I'm spending so much time filling these pages with red ink. I'm generally glad to go back to work after Christmas.


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Tina; that is too much of a coincidence!!! Before we lived in Wasaga Beach, On. (10 yrs) we lived near London, On!! In a town called Strathroy... My hubby and I both worked in London... I grew up in SouthWestern Ontario... how weird eh??

Is you father still working or retired?? Do y ou ever get back to Canada to visit him?


My dad is a truck driver and he still works in Canada and does runs into the US. He will be here in Nashvillle next weekend. My dad lives in St Thomas he said. No i dont go visit i dont have my passport yet. I am working on my passport.

Well folks it looks like my marriage has come to an end. We both decided that all this fighting was making us both miserable. I'm tired of fighting thats for sure. Im really scared because i have been so dependent on her for all this time because of my weight...not being able to do much on my own. But i will soon be able to get on my feet. Surgery in Jan i hope! I have my consult with the surgeon on Jan 3rd. I am going to start going to AA again. Its hard though to get around and do things still though. I get worn out really quickly. Im completely sedentary so getting around is really hard for me. I went to the grocery store the other day and that was a chore.I just hope i can survive the next month until surgery in the same house as her. Im scared like i said, and want to start doing more for myself but its really hard. Physically im doomed at the moment. IM in a really scary spot.


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Morning everyone, I'm sorry to say that I had some pain during the night... but, it feels like I need a treatment on my neck at the chiropractor... different than my horrible pain.... Anyway, I have it under control I think and am ready to start my day... Just out of the shower..... DH and I are going to work on moving toys and etc. down to the basement living room. The girls are big enough now to be down there without me... there is no door, it's open and easy. I just have to kidproof my sewing machine cabinet and the laundry room.. Then they can have a play room complete with TV and DVD player for all of their movies... It will, however, be a plenty big job to get done... the girls are coming from noon to 3:00 today and then after we are planning a trip to Bismarck.... see if there are any good specials left on wrapping and bows and such.... DH does have to exchane a gift I got him.... too small.....

Cheri, sorry to hear that you get bored over Christmas vacation..... but your plan about grandkids sounds like a good one... We were posting at the same time last night, so didn't get to read it til this morning, but I'm happy for you that you have come to feel so comfortable with us and trust us with your private, personal feelings.... We love you, too....

Tina, sorry to hear about your relationship ending... but just keep doing what's necessary to get to surgery day and you will begin a whole new life. Who knows what wonderful things are in store for you.... take care..

Arlene, wish your pain would let up on you...... I do know how it just wrecks your whole day.... hopefully the weather will cooperate now and things will be better.... I will take my tree down soon, but leave the rest for a while yet... Usually til after the 1st......

Janet, have a good week at work... Do you get NY eve off......?? some do and some don't when NY falls on a weekend.....

Well, I had better get dressed and I feel the need for a popsicle.... You all have a great day.... Hugs.. Julie

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Cheri - How did you meet your DH - how long have you been married.. He must have been a bit out going at one time ;0) or you wouldn't have met ;0)... I usually stay home on NYE myself - don't like the crowds

Tina - Sorry for the struggles w/your partner - how long have you been together?? So she isn't moving out?

It's easy to become dependant on someone - and the more dependant you become the less you do - the harder it is to do it for yourself when you have to.. Once you get moving and doing for yourself - it will get easier..

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Julie - Yes I have NYE off since it fell on a Friday - Looking forward to another 3 day weekend ;0)

Your basement idea sounds good - and great exercise going up and down the stairs to ck on them :o) Since I didn't use any wrapping paper this yr - still have stuff from last yr I'm good - When I went to Target yesterday - just wasn't in the mood to shop - yep a 1st for me ;) - Glad your pain wasn't the horrible kind.,.. Have a safe trip,

Whens Lori getting back - Apples why haven't you been junking up the thread

LauraK - How did your Christmas w/DD Go

Eva - got the mess cleaned up yet

Jodi - Any Plans for New Yrs Eve.

Well gotta get back to work...

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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