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I was all color coordinated but now I share the tree decorating with my son. He picked out the tackiest star to go on top. I tried to convince him to go with another but he really wanted it so I gave in. Now the tree has some ornaments on it he made in preschool and kindergarten. It is neat to see when we pull out our decorations his little hands and pictures of when he was little.

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Have an appt. to orthopedic surgeon tomorrow, as knee is painful and swollen. Can't believe I have injured this perfect knee replacement. Yikes.

Relative to "what to call Grandma". Wish I had used GJ (Grandma Joyce). But - too late.

Dinner went smoothly with 10 present. Had warned all that only "light conversation and smiles" were allowed.

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Hello again

I kind of have a personal question. A pre-band question.

Did any of you go into a depression or have major episodes of mood swings where all you think about was "how the heck did i let myself get like this"? I am going loco on my family because of the way i feel right now.

I hate the way i look, i hate the way i feel and i hate that i did this to myself to the point where i cant even take a shower without it being a major event. I am also nervous that they will tell me that i cant have the surgery for some reason....like trying to sabotage the situation...thinking negatively.

My mother died of Cancer last Easter and i dont know if the holidays is reminding me of her and this is the cause of my mood swings but somethings got to give. All i can think about is how bad off i am...feeling sorry for myself i guess....

What do you guys think?



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Melissa, gas can push on that area and cause discomfort. Especially in the evenings. Then I fart in my sleep and feel much better in the morning. Also, stomach can be swollen and irritated and that goes down by morning. As you eat less and reduce your carbs and lose weight it may go away a lot. See what happens during the 5 day pouch test. Remember salty foods can swell your stomach and cause pressure.

Laura, sorry you're so physically miserable. One of my kids had that. Wierd thing.

Today was a planned station break from the choo choo train as will tomorrow. However, I had lost the 2 lbs this morning after 2 days on the train. Tomorrow I also have a party to attend. So Monday-Christmas Eve I'll be back on the train in preparation for being able to eat on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I don't try to be a martyr about food on days when I'm surrounded by goodies because I'll just end up craving those foods and over-eating later.

I will say this again for those who need to lose weight. I lost by doing no carbs for 2 or 3 days in a row and then adding some healthy carbs for another couple of days. At least once a week I would have a higher carb with some sweets day. I steadily lost weight doing this. It's what I do for maintenance also. And I follow the 2 lb rule. If I gain 2 lbs I get back on the Protein train. Two or three days of no carbs (and I include fruit and yogurt in the carb category for those days) was the key for me. It always brings my carb cravings back under control.

Sandy, I do not have it all together. I have binge days, but then I get back on the Protein train.

A word of encouragement for those still losing. My metabolism picked up after I lost the weight. I believe I reversed some or most of my insulin resistance (I was bordeline diabetic) and my metabolism picked up. With the increased activity I naturally did without the weight on, I can stay in shape with just half on hour of climbing stairs and walking hallways most mornings at work.The rest of the day I run up and down the stairs many times without even thinking about it. I stand up and move around to teach instead of staying in my seat. I'm doing more housework than I did. I roughhouse with my grandchildren and run all over with them on weekends. So I am able to eat more than I could when I was maintaining at a higher weight partly because I'm moving more. Not exercising more, moving more. I also take exercise breaks to give my joints and muscles time to heal and to keep shaking up my metabolism. Some of you who are extrememely carb sensitive and insulin resistant may not experience these results to the extent that I have, but you may be as pleasantly surprised as I was.

As always, you need to take what you like and leave the rest when it comes to advice on this thread. What works for one may not work for another. We share our experience, stkrength and hope not as mandates but as inspiration. You can do this.

I am an ADHD food addict. We are a subcategory of food addicts with the worst record of success in losing and keeping off weight. We are unable to journal food or pre-plan food and are ruled by our impulses. By accommodating my disorder instead of fighting it, I have made a success of weight loss. I got a tool, the lapband, which I felt would help me with the boundaries I lack. I have a support group on this thread to help keep me on task. I do not try to stick to a rigid food plan. I only do total no carbs a few days at a time. I don't count the carbs, I simply avoid them. I don't count calories. I don't count anything. I don't record anything. Those are the things that drove me right back into the food in the past because they force me to try to be good at what I've never been good at, thus inducing the guilt that used to accompany being ADHD. And guilt drives me back into the food. So I gave up guilt for Lent, not food. Instead of eating food to help me concentrate and the weight to weigh me down and keep me in one place, I allow my ADHD to get me moving and wandering. If I wander upstairs to warm up my coffee and forget it in the microwave its a great excuse to run up the stairs again and go fetch it.

So don't give up. If I can do it, anyone can.


Melissa, gas can push on that area and cause discomfort. Especially in the evenings. Then I fart in my sleep and feel much better in the morning.

hahahahahahahahahaha....that cracked me up!:D

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Hi everyone, Had a busy busy weekend. Did lots of baking and enjoyed it. Needed to have some things on hand for some special friends. I was on day 5 Sat. and did not even lick my finger -- it can be done. Had a nice moment on the scale yesterday -- down to my lowest weight and hope to maintain that now through the holidays. It was worth it to get that few pounds back off - I feel great.

Melissa, I did shakes and Soup the first day and sugar free Jello -- you are supposed to have as much as you want -- you aren't supposed to be hungry - with your work schedule I can see how that can be tough - especially working around food - but just try your very best and if you fall off on one day -- just forgive yourself and move on to the next day. I'm lucky cause I can eat at my desk whenever I want to and I don't cook meals at home for DH any more -- except for special occasions -- when I got the band I gave up daily cooking -- he's old enough to fix his own meals. I sometimes make things he likes and freeze it for him or make a roast for him to eat for the week, etc. But he's a big boy and can heat up his own plate. LOl.

Apples, sorry to hear about DH -- obviously you discovered it in early stages and that's a good thing -- more easily treatable -- they have come a long way in how they treat that cancer, but you just don't need this stress just now. Sorry and saying prayers for you. Sounds like your Christmas dinner was great - kids are fabulous -- just loved hearing about your day. I just sit on Christmas morning and smile as I watch Aylah's little face and then watch her play with all her new things - it's so wonderful.

Arlene, happy happy anniversary -- nice pic of you and DH on the card too.

Great -- I called my maternal grandparents (that I saw everyday) Gram and Gramps and my paternal grandparents Grandma and Grandpa. Aylah calls me "Umma" cause of the noise I make when I kiss her - and I wanted a "special" name so I kinda came up with it -- I also have the Lala nickname that my grown up kids call me now. Enjoy your Christmas in Denver - I bet you're excited. Glad your two parties went well - knew they would. You just need to do it more often and build up your confidence.

We actually have both Thurs. and Friday off - -so nice -- can't believe they gave us Thurs. too.

Julie, hope you continue to have a pain free week and it continues for a new pain free year in 2011.

chris, hope you dad's surgery went well -- hugs -- it's sweet you are so concerned.

Janet, hope your week goes smoothly and you get out of there early Thurs.

Laurak -- enjoy your DD's visit.

Eva, what's up with you? Are you cooking on Christmas day?

I'll be cooking both Christmas Eve and Day, but easy stuff - we do everyone's favorite appetizers on Eva and then have linguine with clam sauce too and on Christmas day just throwing a ham in oven and making cheesy potatoes in the crock pot -- I'll make a Breakfast casserole or do quiche for Breakfast that I can make in advance. Having a work potluck dinner here Wednes night - I'm making individual cheese balls -- thought that is band friendly and I can control what goes into it - using light cream chese, etc. That way I'll be less tempted to over indulge on carbs.

Cheri - enjoy your week - don't stress too much -- you'll get your project finished in time -- just try to think how much good will be done with those dollars.

Well, gotta run, just wanted to say hi. Welcome to Tina -- ask away -- we will be happy to help you. Love you all.


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I love the rain, but this is crazy....it has been non stop for days now, our lake is full, are roads are flooded.....and it's just too damn wet for me to walk. I know it won't last forever, and I know I said I would walk in it, but this amount of rain is crazy, and we are expecting more until Thursday! Oh well, it is not like I am quitting, but just taking a couple of days off. I hate the fact it may slow down my weight loss, but I am doing pretty good(if I do say so myself).:D

Anyway read all the posts, and crs too.

Happy Aniversary Charlene!

I have been sticking to dense protien, protien, protien. It really does work. And with all these chocolate commercials, have kinda had a hankering for a chocolate bar.....but seeing that I live "out in the country" I just GET OVER IT....and keep that turning 50 in May in my head.....

Well that's all folks,

Hoping everyone has a dry, warm, healthy eating, positive thinking kinda day!


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Tina I would suggest that you get yourself in for some counseling and possibly on meds. Otherwise I'm afraid you'll sabotage yourself even with the band. Many of us have had to use meds and receive counseling and some of us still do. Our obesity is often part of a broader syndrome of low self-esteem, abuse, failed relationships, and, in my case, ADHD. You want to be in the best mental state as you go through this process. Take your anger at yourself and channel it into fighting your disease. Tell yourself you will not let your disease win. Do whatever it takes to make that happen. We're here for you and we'll be your biggest cheerleaders. But getting a grip on this disease means getting a grip on the issues that are making us sick. You can do it. We're here to help.

Joyce, so sorry about your knee. I haven't had any trouble with my knees, but I had the surgery done by one of the best knee specialists in the country who put in a knee with some of his patented improvements that give me a lot more range of motion. You may need therapy again to rebuild the knee without injuring it.

My tree has the little white/gold lights and still has some old ornaments on it, but I threw out a bunch that were pretty decrepit a few years ago and when I went shopping I saw some really cool cranberry/maroon red ornaments and added more gold ornaments of which I already had a lot. I buy a lot of wrapping paper and bags at after Christmas sales at Target so multicolored presents. My tree is skinny to fit in the corner and needs lots of ornaments to fill in the gaps. I also have deep red wreaths and pillows on the couches. Multicolored lit ropes of evergreen draped here and there. Can also see the multicolored LED lights wrapped all over our front porch through the big picture window and its side windows. I love looking into my living room with all its lights through the porch lights and I love looking out.




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I'm actually already on meds for bipolar and we have established (me and my doc) that this is not related to chemical imbalance. That is why i was wondering if anyone had a state of depression due to their weight gain. I have gained 175 lbs in the last 6 years after a life of being an ideal weight. I'm a very proud person so some of the things that have happened to me since obesity have been devastating to my self esteem. I was just wondering if anyone had felt depressed or was beating themselves up about the weigh gain is a better way to ask/say it.

Found out i had hypothyroidism after 5 years of my doctor wondering why i was gaining weight and why none of the tests he was running could explain it. Finally at the last minute he did a thyroid test that was required by medicare for lap band and my thyroid tested in at 59 when normal is .5

Anyway, my thyroid isn't all to blame i also love food and hate exercise. So dont get me wrong im not blaming all of this on the thyroid. However it was a major factor.

Counseling would prob help,



[quote name='ifyourstomachoffendsyou' timestamp='1292891609' post='1548739']

Tina I would suggest that you get yourself in for some counseling and possibly on meds. Otherwise I'm afraid you'll sabotage yourself even with the band. Many of us have had to use meds and receive counseling and some of us still do. Our obesity is often part of a broader syndrome of low self-esteem, abuse, failed relationships, and, in my case, ADHD. You want to be in the best mental state as you go through this process. Take your anger at yourself and channel it into fighting your disease. Tell yourself you will not let your disease win. Do whatever it takes to make that happen. We're here for you and we'll be your biggest cheerleaders. But getting a grip on this disease means getting a grip on the issues that are making us sick. You can do it. We're here to help.

Joyce, so sorry about your knee. I haven't had any trouble with my knees, but I had the surgery done by one of the best knee specialists in the country who put in a knee with some of his patented improvements that give me a lot more range of motion. You may need therapy again to rebuild the knee without injuring it.

My tree has the little white/gold lights and still has some old ornaments on it, but I threw out a bunch that were pretty decrepit a few years ago and when I went shopping I saw some really cool cranberry/maroon red ornaments and added more gold ornaments of which I already had a lot. I buy a lot of wrapping paper and bags at after Christmas sales at Target so multicolored presents. My tree is skinny to fit in the corner and needs lots of ornaments to fill in the gaps. I also have deep red wreaths and pillows on the couches. Multicolored lit ropes of evergreen draped here and there. Can also see the multicolored LED lights wrapped all over our front porch through the big picture window and its side windows. I love looking into my living room with all its lights through the porch lights and I love looking out.




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Melissa - Ok if you can't do all day shakes - then do shake for bf - Soups for lunch & dinner (it's liquids) - Yep big girl panties & jank on those boot straps !!!! food isn't the answer - it really isn't... I know we all have the desire to turn to it - when we are happy, sad, angry etc - but all it does is makes us feel worse about ourselves. Once you accomplish your goal - you will be so proud of yourself - you will show yourself that it's doable - As your names says - One Day At A Time...

Janet - I know it is not the answer. I mostly eat cause of feelings not cause of anything I do at work cause the food I deal with is raw or frozen food so I am not hungry at work just when I come home. That is my weak point.


Im new to the site and just wanted to say im inspired by all your stories. I am in the process of having the lap band surgery and just playing the waiting game now since i turned in all my information to the surgeon. Im on Weight Watchers right now and am going through major food withdrawal. I was thinking of Over eaters anonymous but idk how they feel about lap band or about WW.

Im worried right now because i didnt really lose much weight in the last 6 months of the program that my pcp had me on for pre op that was required. I hope this doesnt mean i cant have the surgery. Like i said, im on WW right now.

IThanks for listening to me ramble. I appreciate all of your comments and support.


Tina - Welcome to our forum. There is much love here and a whole lot of information. There is some tough love but I need that. I did OA for a while when my work schedule allowed it and they knew I had the Lapband. OA does not give you a diet they just want you to find a plan that works for you. It is more about helping you deal with your issues with food. I hope this helped.

Best advice that was given me when I started my journey and it's the advice I parrott when ever I am asked..

The band is only a tool - it doesn't lose the weight for you - it doesn't make your food choices (you can eat around it) and it doesn't exercise for you either..

The only thing is does is make you fuller (once you get proper restriction) on a smaller amount of food.

It will stop you from eating 20 oz of steak but won't stop you from eating a 1/2 gallon of ice cream..

If you want to be successful in this - you really gotta get it - that this is a total lifetime lifestyle change in your eating habits - it's not a diet - it's about eating healthy - Diets don't work cuz when you go off them and back to eating normal - you gain the weight back - what you have to understand is that our eating normal is what made us fat in the 1st place.. It's not just about how much we consume - but the types of foods we eat - Preband - I ate high fat (love cheese, butter anything fried) - high sugar (candy Cookies ice cream) - high starches (pasta - bread - rice - potato) and sat on my butt 24/7 - that's how I got fat.. So to get healthy w/the help of my band (it did 25% of the work and I did the other 75% by eating healthy and exercising)

I give tough band love - so be prepared - but we are here fo you... Ask away...

Janet - I love your tough love actually everyone who has given me tough love it has helped me so much.


LOL Charlene that is funny. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH.

I kind of have a personal question. A pre-band question.

Did any of you go into a depression or have major episodes of mood swings where all you think about was "how the heck did i let myself get like this"? I am going loco on my family because of the way i feel right now.

I hate the way i look, i hate the way i feel and i hate that i did this to myself to the point where i cant even take a shower without it being a major event. I am also nervous that they will tell me that i cant have the surgery for some reason....like trying to sabotage the situation...thinking negatively.

All i can think about is how bad off i am...feeling sorry for myself i guess....

What do you guys think?



Tina - I had a couple of crying episodes after I had the surgery wondering what did I do to myself. I did not have any before hand. But seeing a Dr helps. Also I learned after surgery that the Food Network is like crack for us.

Melissa, I did shakes and Soup the first day and sugar free Jello -- you are supposed to have as much as you want -- you aren't supposed to be hungry - with your work schedule I can see how that can be tough - especially working around food - but just try your very best and if you fall off on one day -- just forgive yourself and move on to the next day. I'm lucky cause I can eat at my desk whenever I want to and I don't cook meals at home for DH any more -- except for special occasions -- when I got the band I gave up daily cooking -- he's old enough to fix his own meals. I sometimes make things he likes and freeze it for him or make a roast for him to eat for the week, etc. But he's a big boy and can heat up his own plate. LOl.


Linda - Thank you for the advice. I actually work around raw or frozen food so work is not the problem and Also I am to busy to worry about food. It usually happens when I get home from work that is my hard time

I love the rain, but this is crazy....it has been non stop for days now, our lake is full, are roads are flooded.....and it's just too damn wet for me to walk. Hoping everyone has a dry, warm, healthy eating, positive thinking kinda day!


Kelly - I hope it stops raining soon for you.

Tex - Prayers sent your way

Apples - Prayers for your DH and you Love you stay strong.

Joyce - I hope your knee gets better soon.

Julie - I am glad you are feeling a little better

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Charlene - Happy Anniversary!

Apples - Prayers for you and for DH

Joyce - I hope the knee is ok and doesn't require more surgery

Hugs to everyone. I am heading to bed early tonight. Just plain tired. My trainer kicked my butt tonight. She is such a little cutie. She made a framed certificate for me which says that I was her most improved client for the year 2010. I really have come a long way.:D

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That is why i was wondering if anyone had a state of depression due to their weight gain. I have gained 175 lbs in the last 6 years after a life of being an ideal weight. I'm a very proud person so some of the things that have happened to me since obesity have been devastating to my self esteem. I was just wondering if anyone had felt depressed or was beating themselves up about the weigh gain is a better way to ask/say it.

Tina - I did beat myself up before i had my LB. My highest was 283. My I had it moment was when I went to CA. for a vaca and went to an animal park with my Mom. You had to walk everywhere and it was long hilly walks. I had to get a ride back to the front of the park from a guy with a golf cart because I could not walk anymore I felt so ashamed. And I was sweating so much I felt like a pig. Also I was with my sister and my mom and they kept saying I kept them up from snoring so much at night and that was cause of my weight. I came back home and started the process for the LB. I orginally wanted to have bypass like my Mom however I had Liver surgery in the past and due to the adhesions it was safer for me to have the LB. I got my band on 07/03/2008 and followed my Drs plans to a T and my lowest weight was 211. Then I guess I got cocky and also got my band to tight and started gaining weight due to me not following my Drs rules.

So right now by my posts you can see I am struggling because my Dr took out alot of Fluid out of my band. He did this because I was to tight and had problems with reflux. So I am very open right now and I am having trouble staying on the plan cause I can eat anything I want. So Janet, Apples, Cheri, Charlene and the others are helping me get back on the band wagon.

Sorry to ramble but I thought maybe sharing my story could help you.

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Tina, I think most people that are obese suffer from some depression. For one reason or another we start medicating with food. Along with changing your eating you will need to get into a counseling or a support system........get down to the nitty gritty of why you overeat. The lap band will not stop head hunger......only real hunger.

I have a thyroid problem too. As I tell most new lap banders.....get a pedometer and start walking. You want to set a goal of walking 10,000 steps a day. I started walking 2,000...then 4,000.....then6,000. After a couple of months I was walking 10,000. I don't walk that much everyday, but I do exercise daily. You can do this!

Thanks peeps for all the Congrats!!! DH and I went out and ate...yes.....fajitas. No chips, no Beans, no rice, no tortillas......water with lemon.

Phyl, I showed your picture to Dh. You do remind him of his mother when she was younger. Somehow, somewhere I think Dh and you might be related. lol

Linda, are your crock pot potatoes the ones made with frozen hash browns? My friend has taken them to so many funeral meals.....she calls them funeral potatoes. I just love em......well, I used to. I like "umma" that is cute!

Okay, gotta go do some wrapping......if you call putting gifts in bags.

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I just can't explain how much it is................................there are "FLOOD SIGNS" ALL OVER AND SAND BAGS!

Pease out love you


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Have an appt. to orthopedic surgeon tomorrow, as knee is painful and swollen. Can't believe I have injured this perfect knee replacement. Yikes.

Relative to "what to call Grandma". Wish I had used GJ (Grandma Joyce). But - too late.

dinner went smoothly with 10 present. Had warned all that only "light conversation and smiles" were allowed.

Joyce - What did you do to it ??? Keep us posted - Glad dinner went well ;0)

Hello again

I kind of have a personal question. A pre-band question.

Did any of you go into a depression or have major episodes of mood swings where all you think about was "how the heck did i let myself get like this"? I am going loco on my family because of the way i feel right now.

I hate the way i look, i hate the way i feel and i hate that i did this to myself to the point where i cant even take a shower without it being a major event. I am also nervous that they will tell me that i cant have the surgery for some reason....like trying to sabotage the situation...thinking negatively.

My mother died of Cancer last Easter and i dont know if the holidays is reminding me of her and this is the cause of my mood swings but somethings got to give. All i can think about is how bad off i am...feeling sorry for myself i guess....

What do you guys think?



Tina - How old are you- Are you married - do you have kids?? I was a chubby kid - in 8th grade lost my baby fat was thin from 13 - 24 then it came back on - Got in a relationship where things were pretty settled - didn't work for 6 months and for me boredom is a big food trigger - gained 40 lbs - that was the opening of the flood gates - from there up and down for year.. Go on a diet - take fhen phen - lose the weigh - go back to eating normal - put it all back on then some -

Ok you did this to yourself - you can't change the past - so quit obsessing about it - ya it makes you made but all you can do is move forward and you are doing that by looking in to the lapband.. Holidays are hard for all of us who have lost our love ones -

You just need to love yourself enough to get healthy - Quit killing yourself w/food.

Counseling is a very good idea and some pple need it - and it's scary to give up your best freind (food)

Hell there are times I still miss it - but I know that if I ever go back to my unhealthy ways - the weigh will come back on - I feel too good to let that happen

Hi everyone, Had a busy busy weekend. Did lots of baking and enjoyed it. Needed to have some things on hand for some special friends. I was on day 5 Sat. and did not even lick my finger -- it can be done. Had a nice moment on the scale yesterday -- down to my lowest weight and hope to maintain that now through the holidays. It was worth it to get that few pounds back off - I feel great.

Melissa, I did shakes and Soup the first day and sugar free Jello -- you are supposed to have as much as you want -- you aren't supposed to be hungry - with your work schedule I can see how that can be tough - especially working around food - but just try your very best and if you fall off on one day -- just forgive yourself and move on to the next day. I'm lucky cause I can eat at my desk whenever I want to and I don't cook meals at home for DH any more -- except for special occasions -- when I got the band I gave up daily cooking -- he's old enough to fix his own meals. I sometimes make things he likes and freeze it for him or make a roast for him to eat for the week, etc. But he's a big boy and can heat up his own plate. LOl.

Apples, sorry to hear about DH -- obviously you discovered it in early stages and that's a good thing -- more easily treatable -- they have come a long way in how they treat that cancer, but you just don't need this stress just now. Sorry and saying prayers for you. Sounds like your Christmas dinner was great - kids are fabulous -- just loved hearing about your day. I just sit on Christmas morning and smile as I watch Aylah's little face and then watch her play with all her new things - it's so wonderful.

Arlene, happy happy anniversary -- nice pic of you and DH on the card too.

Great -- I called my maternal grandparents (that I saw everyday) Gram and Gramps and my paternal grandparents Grandma and Grandpa. Aylah calls me "Umma" cause of the noise I make when I kiss her - and I wanted a "special" name so I kinda came up with it -- I also have the Lala nickname that my grown up kids call me now. Enjoy your Christmas in Denver - I bet you're excited. Glad your two parties went well - knew they would. You just need to do it more often and build up your confidence.

We actually have both Thurs. and Friday off - -so nice -- can't believe they gave us Thurs. too.

Julie, hope you continue to have a pain free week and it continues for a new pain free year in 2011.

chris, hope you dad's surgery went well -- hugs -- it's sweet you are so concerned.

Janet, hope your week goes smoothly and you get out of there early Thurs.

Laurak -- enjoy your DD's visit.

Eva, what's up with you? Are you cooking on Christmas day?

I'll be cooking both Christmas Eve and Day, but easy stuff - we do everyone's favorite appetizers on Eva and then have linguine with clam sauce too and on Christmas day just throwing a ham in oven and making cheesy potatoes in the crock pot -- I'll make a Breakfast casserole or do quiche for breakfast that I can make in advance. Having a work potluck dinner here Wednes night - I'm making individual cheese balls -- thought that is band friendly and I can control what goes into it - using light cream chese, etc. That way I'll be less tempted to over indulge on carbs.

Cheri - enjoy your week - don't stress too much -- you'll get your project finished in time -- just try to think how much good will be done with those dollars.

Well, gotta run, just wanted to say hi. Welcome to Tina -- ask away -- we will be happy to help you. Love you all.


Linda - Glad the lbs came back off - WTG on not eating your baking ;0) - I may make Cookies Thrusday nite - if I do - I will budget for a few ;0) - but again might not make them - cuz Andrew's not here to put them in his room - Ya I could do that - but no one's here - but again out of site out of mind (well sometimes ;0)

I love the rain, but this is crazy....it has been non stop for days now, our lake is full, are roads are flooded.....and it's just too damn wet for me to walk. I know it won't last forever, and I know I said I would walk in it, but this amount of rain is crazy, and we are expecting more until Thursday! Oh well, it is not like I am quitting, but just taking a couple of days off. I hate the fact it may slow down my weight loss, but I am doing pretty good(if I do say so myself).:D

Anyway read all the posts, and crs too.

Happy Aniversary Charlene!

I have been sticking to dense protien, protien, protien. It really does work. And with all these chocolate commercials, have kinda had a hankering for a chocolate bar.....but seeing that I live "out in the country" I just GET OVER IT....and keep that turning 50 in May in my head.....

Well that's all folks,

Hoping everyone has a dry, warm, healthy eating, positive thinking kinda day!


Kelly it's headed my way - was dark and cloudy today - some rain but not much - News says that we are suppose to get hard tomorrow..

You can exercise in the house - do you have cable - they have an exercise channel -

Tina I would suggest that you get yourself in for some counseling and possibly on meds. Otherwise I'm afraid you'll sabotage yourself even with the band. Many of us have had to use meds and receive counseling and some of us still do. Our obesity is often part of a broader syndrome of low self-esteem, abuse, failed relationships, and, in my case, ADHD. You want to be in the best mental state as you go through this process. Take your anger at yourself and channel it into fighting your disease. Tell yourself you will not let your disease win. Do whatever it takes to make that happen. We're here for you and we'll be your biggest cheerleaders. But getting a grip on this disease means getting a grip on the issues that are making us sick. You can do it. We're here to help.

Joyce, so sorry about your knee. I haven't had any trouble with my knees, but I had the surgery done by one of the best knee specialists in the country who put in a knee with some of his patented improvements that give me a lot more range of motion. You may need therapy again to rebuild the knee without injuring it.

My tree has the little white/gold lights and still has some old ornaments on it, but I threw out a bunch that were pretty decrepit a few years ago and when I went shopping I saw some really cool cranberry/maroon red ornaments and added more gold ornaments of which I already had a lot. I buy a lot of wrapping paper and bags at after Christmas sales at Target so multicolored presents. My tree is skinny to fit in the corner and needs lots of ornaments to fill in the gaps. I also have deep red wreaths and pillows on the couches. Multicolored lit ropes of evergreen draped here and there. Can also see the multicolored LED lights wrapped all over our front porch through the big picture window and its side windows. I love looking into my living room with all its lights through the porch lights and I love looking out.




Cheri - As usual - very well said !!!!!

Janet - I know it is not the answer. I mostly eat cause of feelings not cause of anything I do at work cause the food I deal with is raw or frozen food so I am not hungry at work just when I come home. That is my weak point.

Tina - Welcome to our forum. There is much love here and a whole lot of information. There is some tough love but I need that. I did OA for a while when my work schedule allowed it and they knew I had the Lapband. OA does not give you a diet they just want you to find a plan that works for you. It is more about helping you deal with your issues with food. I hope this helped.

Janet - I love your tough love actually everyone who has given me tough love it has helped me so much.

LOL Charlene that is funny. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH.

Tina - I had a couple of crying episodes after I had the surgery wondering what did I do to myself. I did not have any before hand. But seeing a Dr helps. Also I learned after surgery that the Food Network is like crack for us.

Linda - Thank you for the advice. I actually work around raw or frozen food so work is not the problem and Also I am to busy to worry about food. It usually happens when I get home from work that is my hard time

Kelly - I hope it stops raining soon for you.

Tex - Prayers sent your way

Apples - Prayers for your DH and you Love you stay strong.

Joyce - I hope your knee gets better soon.

Julie - I am glad you are feeling a little better

Melissa - night is my hardest time too - as I have said before - I just and still do budget my calories for nights - also - spending alot of my evening on the computer helps too - between fb and here - I don't have time to eat - I can't eat and type ;0)

Charlene - Happy Anniversary!

Apples - Prayers for you and for DH

Joyce - I hope the knee is ok and doesn't require more surgery

Hugs to everyone. I am heading to bed early tonight. Just plain tired. My trainer kicked my butt tonight. She is such a little cutie. She made a framed certificate for me which says that I was her most improved client for the year 2010. I really have come a long way.:D

Sandy - Congrats !!!! That's so cool

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Debbie Downer here right now. I have been reading, but haven't been posting. SOrry. Everything was going great until yesterday. I've been losing weight and really happy about it all. 5 lbs away from my ticker!

SO....yesterday I went to the Russian Nutcracker Ballet with Andrews sister and her two kids. THey are adorable and I love them so much. THey are here from Vegas until the 17th of January so it will be so fun to be with the kiddies for Christmas. It was a great day.

On the way home from the Ballet my mom called and my sister called within minutes of one another. I knew something was wrong. Well, remember my sisters dog that had to have surgery that i love so very much? Well he went missing. My sister said that he has been acting really strange and hasn't been acting like himself. My sis and her new bf went to his familys hunting cabin and spent the weekend there. Things were ok. She was cleaning up yesterday morning and getting ready to go and let the doggies out. THe weiner dog came back, but Wallace, the black lab mix never did. She searched for him for 6 hours with her boyfriends family. Everyone was following all of the pup prints in the snow, but they couldn't find him. He would NEVER run away. Such a mommys boy. Sis thinks that he went into the woods to die. She went back to look for him but still, no sign of him. We are all distraught. I cried myself to sleep last night and woke up with tears in my eyes. Poor puppy. Ugh.

It only got worse. Andrew didn't feel very well when he went to bed last night so I sent him up with a "barf" bucket. He used it. LOTS. Throwing up all night. I slept on the couch and woke up today sicker than a dog. Achy, fever, the whole 9 yards. My stomach was upset, but never threw up. I think my band was holding it back. Ok, sorry, TMI. Slept all day and now have to work tomorrow. I am sooo busy at work. Hopefully I will be feeling beter tomorrow. I'm going to take a shower and hit the hay.

Lori~ So glad your parties went well! Awesome! I call my grandmas "Grandma Winnie" and "Grandma Angell" first and last names. I think that kids figure it out for themselves because we called my Grandpas "Grandpa Sunshine" because thats what he called me, and "Grandpee", because we liked it.

Arlene~ Happy belated anniversary!

Apples~ Sounds like you had a blast!!!!! So happy for you.

Cheri~ I saw something on the news tonight about this gospel group out of Compton. I will try to look it up on line so I can share it with you. I think you would enjoy it. IT was amazing. I thought of you.

I've been getting your cards. Thank you! I have all of mine addressed and sealed, but I keep forgetting to get stamps!!!! I will tomorrow. Hopefully you will get them before Christmas, but if not, you will know why. Today I was supposed to do all of my running around. NOTHING got done. I could hardly talk on the phone and this is the first on the computer.

Time for bed. Long week ahead of me.

Love, Meredith

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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