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Good Morning Gang

My Gosh you all were busy -

#1 I can't find a post from Brown Sugar ???

Melissa - I can get a pain behind my port sometimes when I eat too much - and yes girls I do eat too much some time ;0).. And maybe you are sensitive to the foods your are eating - maybe you have food allergies that are causing you to bloat. It's hard to pay attention to being physically full and band full and not eating around it.. Even when we eat around it - it can still be over eating... I know for me - when I look at the bowls I ate out of (1 cup) I think - oh I haven't eaten much - even now 3.5 yrs later...

I have never counted carbs/starches - I counted Protein & calories only - Some pple don't want to or can't for whatever reason - so what you have to be mindful of is eating Healthy & Exercising. You do the grocery shopping for your house don't you?? So you plan meals - well now you just plan healthy meal. Maybe working around all that food will make you sick of food ;0).. Pay attention to what you are eating or have eaten when you get the pain - Good Luck on your 5 day pouch test..

Eva - Hey there girl !!!!! Yep you are just like all the other retired pple I know - you don't know how you found time to work ;0)... A new year is starting - You are very active in your day to day life because off all the stuff you do around your house - What I think you really need to get control of is your food choices.. I hear you about the joint issues - my hip is acting up - but I remember last yr at this time my knee was - maybe it's the cold weather - if it's still bugging me in January - I'll get it ck'd you but right now I am modifying what I do like in boot camp - (do exercise on floor instead of on the step) But I refuse to stop - my pain is about a 3 so nothing bad -I know that you have more major issues w/back etc.. Is there any place you can do Water exercise?? 0- and I will only take aleve on an emtpy stomach so that it goes thru my pouch into my real stomach right away - Also this morning my back is a little sore from my hot hula class - but I will be doing it again on Wed.

Cheri - I just love you - you give the best advice As always, you need to take what you like and leave the rest when it comes to advice on this thread. What works for one may not work for another. We share our experience, stkrength and hope not as mandates but as inspiration. You can do this.

You are so knownlegdeable on nutrition and how it affect the body and so good in explaing it !!! Sure glad you joined this thread..

I love this one too So I gave up guilt for Lent, not food. Instead of eating food to help me concentrate and the weight to weigh me down and keep me in one place, I allow my ADHD to get me moving and wandering. So don't give up. If I can do it, anyone can. - But that being said - I think it's about having the Ah Ha moment - and for us who are older - I also think that we .understand that if we want a few more yrs on this earth - we must get the weight off..

Great - Sweetie you are one of the nicest persons I know - You have such a beautiful smile... I know your dinner tonite will be a success..

I just want for you to get over your feelings that you aren't good enough - cuz you are .. Your family isn't - not you... I don't know how to make you understand that you are perfect the way you are - Am so sorry that your family has done this to you.. I know that your immediate family (DH DD DS) are behind you 100% - So take their support and ours and run w/it .. WTG at leaving the fritos at the store - did you walk by them and say "forget you" Do it - cuss at them - look at them as the devil and tell them what you think of them - It really does help ;0) I do it almost everytime I go to the store (not fritos but candy Cookies and high fat foods)

Jessica - WTG on your B !!!! As to 30 minutes of exercise - it's time you bump it up.. Your body is now use to it - time to push it a little more - add 15 more minutes.. or 5 minutes each week.. As the weight comes off and our bodies get use to moving - it need more of a challenge..

Love the card from DS - that's so precious - I know that you will keep that card forever =Put it on the fridge so that you can see it every day and it will keep you motivated.. Linda - GF Hug of the family issues - I know we all want leave it to beaver families - but that's t.v not reality and if your really look around you -most pple don't have that kind of family (hell look at all of us here - who has a perfect family) We all have family issues - So you aren't in the minority - you are with us in the majority of having messed up families.. Forget DS & DD and concentrate on GD - that's what I did w/Andrew - I gave him all the love and attention that he didn't get from his parents/step parents - He was my project - He was always going to feel loved... I think that for the most part it worked cuz as a child he rather be w/me that anyone else.. So just focus on DH. You and GD.. Have a wonderful Christmas.. You are giving Alyeha wonderful memories - Your kids are the one who are losing out - their problem not yours...

Charlene - Yep Understand what you mean about SIL... I'll be going to Dollar Tree to get my bags too.. Will do that this weekend -

Make a deal w/yourself - no more getting off the train - til Christmas - or Christmas Eve (or both) then on 12/26 back on the train.. That's what I am doing

Apples - Phyl brought my babies some toys - they play w/them a bit - I have this basket that I keep them in - it's so cute to see Bella jump up in it and dig for toys..

One thing DH and I have noticed with the next generation (teens-late 20's) is that an awful lot of the ones we are exposed to feel entitled and be a bit disrespectful. Not right and not kind.

I think this goes for kids in their 30's too for the most part - Durgs, entitlement and gotta have it now has just ruined our younger generations

Sandy - Understand - Hugs on the aging parent issues - I have been there - it was pre-computer days - I know that I sure in the heck wouldn't have time for computer when I was taking care of mine - but remember caretakers need to take care of themselves too...

Joyce - LOL never cooking - girl I thought we talked about that ;0) you need to cook a little - ;0)

Kelly - WTG on your loss - quit thinkng negatively about being on plateaus - just go w/the flow - I am a positive affirmation person. Accept this weeks loss and don't worry about next week -

Well Gang I got to sleep in till 8 this morning ;0) went to bed late had the hebby gebbies - took a couple of Xanan and slept like a baby... Now I need to get moving

Not much planned for the weekend - Need to get some stuff for Xmas Even - bags at dollar tree and nails done - but that's about it since my Xmas is kind of minimal this yr - Got all my cards in the mail yesterday...

Julie - Hope you are feeling better and enjoying your new family for Christmas

LauraK - Hugs GF thinking of you..

Laura - When does the family arrive

Meredith - how did the test go

Chris - Where are you

Who am I missing - Well it's no on purpose - I have been on this computer posting this post for the last hrs it's now 9:30 and I need to get moving


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Linda...don't mind you being nosy and asking what is on the menu. The kids chose: little 5yr old guy wants me to make BIG pancakes with fried eggs for eyes, bacon for mouth and to rip a piece of bacon lengthwise for eyebrows and to make some hard boiled eggs so that we can cut in strips for eyelashes. This kid has been thinking! He also wants scrambled eggs on the side with ketchup on the top. NOT ON THE SIDE. (I screwed up once and put it on the side).

8 yr old girl wants my homemade breaded chicken strips with bread sticks and some other kind of baked bread (I am making asiago cheese bread loaf), plus she loves my homemade BBQ meatballs.

Little guy informed us that we HAVE to eat everything that is on the kids menu but I am going to sneak in some other things also. Other things I am making is terryacki (sp?) grilled shrimp (can't believe I found some nice ones here), meat and cheese tray, veggie tray with some nice dips, homemade mini chimichangas, and sesame chicken (cut in chuncks), and, as I mentioned in other posts, a garage full of sweet treats. Just texted kid's mom and made one statement..."Let the spoiling begin!".

You are so lucky, Linda, to have Alyah with you. Especially during the times when you probably want to wring the necks of your DSS and DSD. I am sure she brings you more joy than you could have imagined.

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Good Morning Janet...you are ray of sunshine today.

I was going to post something on the Brownsugar comment also but I just chalked it up to pre-entertaining jitters. I was also going to say that when I met Lori for the first time what I walked away with that she is beautiful, and oh so gracious. The time we spent together during our first meeting was so much fun and filled with conversation. (Yep, Lori, we are talking about you behind your back...but....we won't stab it ever). Thought the same of her in Vegas and also in all of her posts. All her guests need is to see her beautiful smile and they will feel comfortable.

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Oh my gosh, gals, you are making me cry. No one has ever said those kind of things to me before (well besides DH, DS and DD but I figure they have to LOL). Thank you. You are giving me encouragement and hope that I can do this. DD has called a few times to see how it's going. Poor thing is sicker than a dog, dr said as close as she can be to pnuemonia, she's on antibiotics but can't take much for the congestion being prego. Anyway I have the potatoes in the crock pot, house is clean, I have DH cleaning his 'man cave'. And I think I am ready. I went and bought a new Christmas table cloth at Kohls (can you beleive that stuff is 70% off before Christmas?) and am about to go set the table when DH brings up the leaves for it. I don't have a centerpiece, is that necessary? Since DH nor I drink coffee I am always worried about making it. I found a new fool way to do it. I found premeasured filter packs that you just put in where the filter and coffee go, that way I can't mess it up. LOL

BrownSugar posted a page or two back I think yesterday about how terrible her first fill was but didn't say how or why. Hope she's okay.

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Oh my gosh, gals, you are making me cry. No one has ever said those kind of things to me before (well besides DH, DS and DD but I figure they have to LOL). Thank you. You are giving me encouragement and hope that I can do this. DD has called a few times to see how it's going. Poor thing is sicker than a dog, dr said as close as she can be to pnuemonia, she's on antibiotics but can't take much for the congestion being prego. Anyway I have the potatoes in the crock pot, house is clean, I have DH cleaning his 'man cave'. And I think I am ready. I went and bought a new Christmas table cloth at Kohls (can you beleive that stuff is 70% off before Christmas?) and am about to go set the table when DH brings up the leaves for it. I don't have a centerpiece, is that necessary? Since DH nor I drink coffee I am always worried about making it. I found a new fool way to do it. I found premeasured filter packs that you just put in where the filter and coffee go, that way I can't mess it up. LOL

BrownSugar posted a page or two back I think yesterday about how terrible her first fill was but didn't say how or why. Hope she's okay.

Sounds like you have a handle on everything. As far as the centerpiece goes....not necessary unless YOU want one. What I do is take one of my serving bowls and put Christmas ornaments in it and get a couple of sprigs off the evergreen tree and I'm good to go.

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Apples, I am making your sauteed asparagus recipe. How far in advance can I do the sautee part and leave it in the covered glass dish to put in the oven? Can I do that part way ahead and then just put it in the over 30 min prior??

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Apples, I am making your sauteed asparagus recipe. How far in advance can I do the sautee part and leave it in the covered glass dish to put in the oven? Can I do that part way ahead and then just put it in the over 30 min prior??

You should be able to do it now and leave it on the stove top until ready to put in the oven. Some of the spears will look a little shriveled but that is the way it is supposed to turn out. Just make sure they are evenly spread out in the pan and no worries.

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Hi everybody...... I was away from the computer again for a bit and there was 5 pages to read..... and I guess we are all in the same boat as I can't remember much either... Lori, best of luck with your party, but you'll do great.... Apples, have lots of fun tomorrow with your kids... I'm sure you will have them feeling so special.... Melissa, be good to your feet... Jessica, wtg on the grades....... Linda, I know just how you feel about the kids... We only have Kayla's family.........the others don't care to be with us.... It's their loss.... Laura, hope you get help soon... Oh, there is so much more to say, but my homemade bread is just out of the oven and I have to get ready to go to a family potluck........... The hostess is making ribs, so I will take some of my goodies and fresh bread..... Should go good with ribs....

gotta run, but hugs to all.... oh, and I'm still doing pretty well..... amazingly.... DD doesn't like me to speak of it so as to not jinx it, she says!!!!! So just forget I brought it up, okay!!?? Bye bye............. Julie

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Lori, everyone is right about how beautiful you are and gracious your behavior is. You have a beautiful and very welcoming smile. You put people at ease quickly. Me, I tend to stick my foot in my mouth when I'm nervous or even when I'm having a good time. It's the ADHD. Thought in head comes out the mouth instantly without a filter. People who don't know me take offense and even people who do know me can be put off and I'm often not even aware of it. My make-up is such that most offensive things people say roll right off my shoulders or don't even register. When they apologize I have to think to even remember the incident. I also make it a choice not to take offense and not to assume the other person meant to hurt me. I often wish people would grant me the same grace. You, on the other hand, are so afraid of hurting others feelings and of making them feel good that you make the perfect hostess. Relax, and enjoy your guests.


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Melissa..what is the intensity of your pain? Is it just an irritating feeling or is it stabbing pain? If you have had pancreatitis in the past and it feels similar, don't let it go without seeing a doctor. If not, give it a few days and then see your doc if it does not subside. Good luck with your 5-day. Really want to see that post on day 5 on how you feel. (Like Linda's post of feeling so great because of having done it). Also, doing the test will not make you want to undo the good you have done over the holidays.

I am like Cheri in that when those holidays roll around, don't deprive ourselves. But, on the same hand don't get totally out of control with treats, mashed tators, gravy, etc. Tastes of your favorite things (a few tsps.) can be a wonderful things. Anything out of control can start a cycle within us where we beat ourselves up and feel defeated.

Apples it is an irritating pain but like Cheri said it could be gas or like Janet said over eating I will start paying more attention. I ended up getting called into work to help out I was there for like 3 1/2 hrs no biggy.

Melissa - I can get a pain behind my port sometimes when I eat too much - and yes girls I do eat too much some time ;0).. And maybe you are sensitive to the foods your are eating - maybe you have food allergies that are causing you to bloat. It's hard to pay attention to being physically full and band full and not eating around it.. Even when we eat around it - it can still be over eating... I know for me - when I look at the bowls I ate out of (1 cup) I think - oh I haven't eaten much - even now 3.5 yrs later...

I have never counted carbs/starches - I counted Protein & calories only - Some pple don't want to or can't for whatever reason - so what you have to be mindful of is eating Healthy & Exercising. You do the grocery shopping for your house don't you?? So you plan meals - well now you just plan healthy meal. Maybe working around all that food will make you sick of food ;0).. Pay attention to what you are eating or have eaten when you get the pain - Good Luck on your 5 day pouch test..

I should get some 1 cup bowls that is a good idea. Yes I grocery shop for the house I buy good things my DH goes out and gets the bad stuff. I will pay attention more to what I am eating and how my body feels afterwards.

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Good Afternoon Gang! Dh and I ate Breakfast. I ate a quarter of an omlette . Anyway, then we came home and DS called to say make some dessert for the dinner tonight. I made two kinds of Cookies and then my fav......Pecan Pie Cake. That thing is so easy......better than pecan pie. I also make these little candies, small twisted pretzel, hershey kiss, and a M&M. Melt the kiss on the pretzel at 200 degree oven . When the kiss is soft take them out and put a m&m on it. I put them in the frig so they would get hard real quick. Yep, I had on pretzel and a small taste of the cake. I forgot to eat lunch, but we are having Fajitas for dinner. All Protein for me tonight....maybe just a dab of guacamole. We are off the Meet the Parents. I'll check in later! Lori.......best wishes...on the dishes!!!!!

Melissa, it could be adhesions. They tend to bloat my gut when I do a lot of moving around and I am anxious. It always go down during the night. Go to the dr if it does not subside!!!!

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Aargh! My son came to work a little more on the downstairs bathroom. He installed a fan. Then my husband took a shower in the upstairs bathroom which we'd had Bathfitters redo two years ago. The drain was cracked and leaking which we wouldn't have found out if my son hadn't been down there when Ken took his shower. I've been watching my son's daughter and her cousin while Tim did the work. But now Tim has decided he'd better fix that immediately. Its raining down on the new drywall in the downstairs bathroom. So I called my other son, Jon, and told him to come over, too, and he can help his brother and baby sit his own daughter as well as Tim's daughter. Ken and I have been waiting for Tim to finish so we could go to a party tonight. I just sent Ken out for a bucket of chicken for my sons and their daughters and handed a hunk of $ over to Tim to pay for parts. But we are going to blow this pop stand and go to this party. We look forward to it every year. My friend and his partner throw this party every year. We used to head up an Alateen group together so this is a no booze party but the food is incredible.

This house has been an albatross in recent years. When something new happens, all I can do is laugh. It beats crying.


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Ah, thanks Cheri, that means so much! Hope your bathroom is good as new soon.

Well the prime rib is in the oven, the garlic mashed potatoes are mashed and on warm in the crock pot, the asparagus is sauteed and ready to go in the oven, the table is set, I think I am ready. As ready as I am going to be anyway. I'm pretty nervous and not sure how much I will be able to eat LOL One couple is bringing salad and the other dessert.

Arlene, you are too funny. So have you had an all Protein day yet? LOL I've done good today but may have a spoonful of taters tonight. Maybe not.

I will let you know tomorrow how dinner went tonight. I hope it helps me conquer my demons!

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Aargh! My son came to work a little more on the downstairs bathroom. He installed a fan. Then my husband took a shower in the upstairs bathroom which we'd had Bathfitters redo two years ago. The drain was cracked and leaking which we wouldn't have found out if my son hadn't been down there when Ken took his shower. I've been watching my son's daughter and her cousin while Tim did the work. But now Tim has decided he'd better fix that immediately. Its raining down on the new drywall in the downstairs bathroom. So I called my other son, Jon, and told him to come over, too, and he can help his brother and baby sit his own daughter as well as Tim's daughter. Ken and I have been waiting for Tim to finish so we could go to a party tonight. I just sent Ken out for a bucket of chicken for my sons and their daughters and handed a hunk of $ over to Tim to pay for parts. But we are going to blow this pop stand and go to this party. We look forward to it every year. My friend and his partner throw this party every year. We used to head up an Alateen group together so this is a no booze party but the food is incredible.

This house has been an albatross in recent years. When something new happens, all I can do is laugh. It beats crying.


I'll say it for you, Cheri...DAMN! You were so happy to be almost done. I hope it did not ruin the drywall. Have fun at your party. You deserve some fun and relaxation after the last couple of months you have had. Hugs

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Melissa, it could be adhesions. They tend to bloat my gut when I do a lot of moving around and I am anxious. It always go down during the night. Go to the dr if it does not subside!!!!

It could be. I have had several Abdominal surgies prior to the LB. I am keeping up with the times and othe info regarding my pain so i can call the Dr.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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