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Arlene, nope don't do Laura Geller, I am strictly Bare Escentuals kind of gal, but I did get that TSV a couple weeks ago, 3 of them in fact. One for me, one for DD and one for DS's girlfriend for Christmas. Love it! What is a Franciscan Apple?? My new dishes aren't that heavy, lighter than my last ones anyway. Had to go back to costco and return one box, the plates were all broken. GRRRR but have the second load in the dishwasher now ready to take their place in my cupboard. We decided to box up and save my old stuff just in case we get that Grandma condo one day.

Julie, glad you are getting somewhere on the pain? Are you done with mayo? ??

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Julie, I am so glad your docs are paying attention. I hope you get relief soon.

Lori, the Franciscan Apple pattern is an old pattern. I don't know when the first ones were made, but my MIL's are from the fifties and sixties. My aunt got her's in the forties.

Melissa, you already sound so much happier at the new PT job. Good for you!

Janet, where are you tonight?

I am taking my mother tomorrow to the eye doctor. Time to get the ingrown eyelashes removed. I think they are going to dilate her eyes too for a retina check. I'll check in tomorrow.


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Arlene, so is it a ceramic apple like a centerpiece? a cookie jar? Still confused what a Franciscan apple is. I am picturing little glass apples???

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Well... this is interesting!! Trying to post on "7's" thread and the "I'm here" quotes showed up!! We'll see where the post goes!! LOL! I wasn't done reading and wasn't ready to post, but..... this website is seriously disturbed!!

Anyway, Julie... glad you're finally getting some answers!

Laura, enjoyed the field trip photos.

Had a great time at Janet's yesterday, and so did Zoey!! She loved playing with Bella and they chased each other around the pool a bazillion times! dinner was great. I drank too much wine and slept all the way home!

Have Christmas with our little family on Sunday and want to be prepared ahead of time. First year with our "fake" grandchildren and I can hardly breath with all the excitement. I could have gone way overboard on the gifts, stocking stuffers, etc., but didn't. Appropriate gifts for what they are into and interested in. Have a fun day of letting them cook the meal (they got to pick out the menu) and MAKING the adults eat what they cook. Have a line up of age appropriate board games, etc. Could it be? Could I maybe be a real "fake" grandma in the near future????? No pushing on my part but, oh my.

FAKE GRANDMA, indeed!! No way. Grandkids don't have to be related by blood!!

Just claim them if you want them!!

15_11_4.gif 7_13_4.gif

First of all, don't worry about the conversation or if it lulls....Great trick....everyone loves talking about their kids or their pets. There's always that question to ask. That could fill up an entire evening with some ppl. Just be gracious and listen. Be prepared for "brag books" pulled out of purses. Try not to yawn as the stories of their pets and children go on and on and on.....

You asked about drinks. Depending on how many ppl you are serving....pick up 3-4 bottles of wine to serve. No wine glasses? Good time of year to get a good deal on some. Other than that, just have ice Water in some goblets on the table and a pitcher of Water ready for refills.

I know who can give you good advice on what kind of wine to buy...our resident wine expert. I am sure Phyll will be able to give you some suggestions.

LOL!! We drink "TWO BUCK CHUCK" from Trader Joe's or box wine from Walmart or RiteAid!! Yellow Fin is good. There's one that Target & Albertson's sells that I like htat I believe is called Red Diamond.

Well prime rib it is, Smiths (Krogers here) had it on sale for $5.99/lb. I am comfortable making that and it always turns out yummy. Plus I am getting an early visit from Santa! I've been wanting new white dishes ever since DD got some for her wedding (she has the square food Network ones from Kohls if you know them) but it was just a want and not a real need. I tend to tire of dishes easily and always want new ones, but my thinking is white will be so versatile and I can always change up colors to go with it. Then I saw my exact dishes (cheapies from Walmart) on the news one night for having lead in them so I've wanted them more lately. Well seems DH was thinking of getting me some and we saw some at costco sortta like the Kohl's ones but a little different and are going to go pick them up this afternoon. What a guy! Now do I want service for 8 or 12? Usually do 8 but with the family growing, HMMMM??? They are really cheap so may go with the 12.

Sounds like you've got this dinner well under control.

I'm sure everything is going to be FINE!!!

My motto with dishes and cookware....more is better. I have a service of 24 and did all the serving dishes to add to it little by little. I have a mix of ruby and some celery green. By buying more and you plan on using them for a very long time, buying extras allows for breakage, etc. And...when I buy dishes, I use them for every day life. Makes me feel special to set the table every meal. Makes my family feel special too.

That sounds like a good philosophy to me! When we moved to our condo a few years ago, we didn't have room for all our dishes. So we got rid of our every day dishes and we use our good china when we're home.

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The main thing for a hostess is to provide the setting. Most people are quite capable of entertaining themselves. However, having a game like Catchphrase or Outburst can help break the ice, especially with a large group. We played Catchphrase at the work party at my house. Teacher's got to show off how smart they are. But people are happy just eating food and talking. Like Apples says, a question or two and most of them are off and running (off at the mouth).

Julie maybe this is your turn around. Was August 2009 when they manipulated your frozen shoulder under anesthetic? Glad they're taking you seriously.

Melissa, you're back on the horse, big girl panties and all.

I was surprised how deeply my thoughts on aging parents affected so many of you. I guess many of us are going through this.

Sometimes I'd love to be a columnist. Write about what takes my fancy or stirs my passion on that day. Listen to people's responses. Talk it out until the next topic occurs. I could see myself doing that.

Just watched Nanny McPhee. Love that movie.


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The main thing for a hostess is to provide the setting. Most people are quite capable of entertaining themselves. However, having a game like Catchphrase or Outburst can help break the ice, especially with a large group. We played Catchphrase at the work party at my house. Teacher's got to show off how smart they are. But people are happy just eating food and talking. Like Apples says, a question or two and most of them are off and running (off at the mouth).

Julie maybe this is your turn around. Was August 2009 when they manipulated your frozen shoulder under anesthetic? Glad they're taking you seriously.

Melissa, you're back on the horse, big girl panties and all.

I was surprised how deeply my thoughts on aging parents affected so many of you. I guess many of us are going through this.

Sometimes I'd love to be a columnist. Write about what takes my fancy or stirs my passion on that day. Listen to people's responses. Talk it out until the next topic occurs. I could see myself doing that.

Just watched Nanny McPhee. Love that movie.


Cheri...you could be our Frasier Crane....I would love, love, love that!!!

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Hey everyone. I'm still around just involved with too much stuff as usual.

We've set up the new TV and moved the old stand and refigured the living room, now I just need to clean it. Also got a call from my cousin that I haven't seen in decades. She's in town, so I'm going visiting tomorrow.

I'll catch up again one of these days. Take care and talk to you later.


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Great~ Cool dishes!!! I love those. Perhaps I will go to costco and find some for myself now? I am currently using some fine china from an estate sale as my every day dishes. I'm sick of them and my sister says they are ugly! Haha! When I have people over I usually get 2 bottles of red (whatever they drink, I don't drink red anymore) and 2 bottles of white. My new fave is called Fish Eye. I like Pinot Grigio. Yellow tail is good too!!!

Phyl~ Glad you had fun with Janet. I love that you guys are so close in proximity when you are at your winter home.

Melissa~ So happy to hear you are liking your new job! That is awesome! Keep it up girl. I was in the same frame of mind like u have been lately. After I went to the dr I said "thats it!" I've lost 3 pounds since saturday!!! I think when we are obsessed it stresses us out and makes it harder on us.

Apples~ We are feeling your pain here weather wise!!!! We had about 7 inches of snow here yesterday and today the wind and the snow drifts made conditions really bad for driving. I just went a few miles to several stores and came right home. I HATE driving, especially in this weather. I have a blazer and the back end is too light and it fishtails in the snow, i need to go get some sandbags to put in the back now!

Laura~ Um, girl, I'm nervous about this rash business! Go to a dermatologist!

Julie~ Glad you have probably found the right track! It's got to be so discouraging. Just be positive and you will get it figured out, I'm sure.

Ok all, time for bed. I have a dentist appt tomorrow at noon to have my teeth sealed in some spots where they have the potential to form cavities. I've only had one cavity, and that was last year. I don't want any more! Then I'm going to stop at my gf's who lives 8 doors down and see my "niece" real quick. My gf decided to work from home tomorrow, so that will be a nice break in her day too. Then I'm going to finally pain the back bedroom and get that in order. I've been planning on doing it for about 2 months, but have been putting off doing that and the office. Office will get done on Wednesday. I need to have most everything done before our nieces and nephew get here from Vegas. So excited to have Christmas morning with them! We are going to sleep at Andrews moms house Christmas Eve since they are staying there.

So fun!

Night, Meredith

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Good Morning Gang! I am up early to get ready for the day. I have to take my mom to the doctor. Then on to get the two DGDS and go see Santa for a picture. I will miss my WW meeting. I know I haven't gained, but did I lose? I'll know when I weigh at WW. I have to see if they have another meeting this week.

Laura, I just loved the pictures of Nels and the class. Oh, I wish we had beautiful beaches like Florida. I hope you get to the bottom of your rash problem. I also became very allergic to stuff when I was going through menopause. It just sends the body in chaos for a while. Take care of yourself!

Lori, Google Sculptured Apple by Franciscan .....you will remember then. Everyone had a set back in the day.

Phyl, I wish I could have been with you and Janet. You two are a riot when you get together.

Cheri, yep, I call it OPP......Old Peoples Problems.......Hey, I have a few of those too.

Meredith, I must have missed the post.......what is the doctor recommending for your band?

Tx......are you doing ok?

Eva......This time of year is busy,......enjoy your visit!

Joyce.....are you still doing Water aerobics. We do have an indoor pool at the gym, but they have been having thermostat problems. I have been a little concerned that it will be too cold right now so I did not go.

Apples......how's the weather today?

Janet......did you get the Laura Geller special?

Okay, gang.......gotta get in gear for the day. My mother needs groceries too so I am the grocery man, the banker, the driver. Busy day......talk tonight!

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Good Morning Gang

I had an upset stomach yesterday - didn't go to work - and slept on and off all day and even slept through the night last nite.

Had a great time w/Phyl & Earl - Zoey & Bella had a great time too.

Lori - you will do fine

Apples - fake grandkids just as good as real one ;0)

Julie - Glad you like the doc's - hoping these meds work for you.

Laura - Love the pic's as usual

Cheri - Yep you are our Fraizer ;0)

Eva - Enjoy your visit

Charlene - nope didn't get this TSV - have her other stuff and and last forever - I like the baked stuff better than bare minerals

Well that's all I remember from scaning

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Melissa, you sound so much more positive today. Keep up the good work. Are you carb sensitive? The Pasta might not be a good choice if you are. Some people can eat it and some can't. I can't. Walmart sure has been good to my son. He's been there since the summer between HS and college and he's 27 now. They worked around his school schedule etc. and I believe like to promote from within. He started part time as well. His benefits are good too.

Great - To answer your question I am carb sensitive- so it was not the best choice but that is okay I am working on getting better with my mind and my eating. Sam's said they promote from within as well. I probably will be part time until after my 90 days then I pray FT will open up. Sam's and Walmart are for the most part the same company but in Orientation I learned that some policies are very different.

Hi there, we got home from Bismarck about 4:00.... Things did happen today... First, I got a shot of morphine from NP here and talked to her about medications and how the hydrocodone doesn't work for me anymore... She felt I should change pain meds....but have to do that with my pain doc..... Then we left for Bismarck and I saw the rhuemetologist... I do not have Sjogrens Syndrome...... My bloodwork says that is negative... but do have serious inflammatory issues.... We were able to consult with my pain doc and I came home with a new pain med and some meds for the inflammations... I was able to take the new meds right away and did get some relief so that I slept a bit on the way home and then napped in my chair for awhile.... pain is there, but not driving me crazy right now.. The inflammation meds are a pack with pills for 6 days... very strong to start and then gradually down... I do feel a bit like this is a new journey now and people are paying attention to me.... We'll see how this goes... I'm hopeful again and frame of mind matters in all of this... Let's hope I can sleep some tonight..... That will be like heaven......

Julie - I am glad you got some relief and someone is paying attention. What does it mean when they say you have serious inflammation issues? How do you get that? Just wondering I will google later. I am so happy you are getting somewhere keeps us posted. Love you

Melissa~ So happy to hear you are liking your new job! That is awesome! Keep it up girl. I was in the same frame of mind like u have been lately. After I went to the dr I said "thats it!" I've lost 3 pounds since saturday!!! I think when we are obsessed it stresses us out and makes it harder on us.

Night, Meredith

Yes that is me in a nutshell. That is why I try not to way but when I realized my clothes where not fitting I knew I gained sortof did not think it was as much as it was but with my BIG GIRL PANTIES on I am working through this.

Laura - is your rash painful or just annoying with itching??? I forgot is your husband a DR? If so I guess you have it under control I hope you get better soon.

So today I go to work at 2pm until 7pm. I woke up and my upper stomach (under my breasts) is all bloated and hurts what the heck is that? I am on my period but it the end so I should not be bloated maybe it was something I ate last night. So this morning I am drinking my coffee. I am going to get ready and do my Zumba on the WII and get in some exercise before work. I plan on eating my Greek yogurt shower and get ready with the day. Next week I work 7am - 3pm which will be great but this week and the week of New Years my shifts are all over the place. So it is 14 degrees outside right now going to warm up to 32 (So hot LOL) I so miss living in Fl sometimes (I was born in Miami and lived in Kissimmee til I was 19). I mention the temp because I found out when I actually move to my dept. to train my work enviroment when I make meals is 41 degrees but when I am not making meals it will be warm if not hot in other areas how the heck do you dress for that??? I giess I will put a pullover sweatshirt in my locker.

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Hi everyone~

Thanks for all the well wishes. Rash is WEIRD. It's not following a typical pattern for anything. It's not a usual allergic reaction- and it seems it's not my old guttate psoriasis (that I once was on chemo for). Initially we doctored it oursleves- but after 2 days called my dermatologist. I was upset with her front office- I called and they said her first available appt is Feb!!! I hate pulling the "this is Dr. A's wife" card, but I had to. But I am still waiting for her nurse to call me and say when I can come in. I've had 6 days of steroids and antibiotics. I've taken benadryl several times a day and used a whole tube of high potency cortisone cream. I haven't used any new cosmetics, soaps, or household cleaners. No carpet in the house- we have wall to wall tile! No new foods or environmental exposures. It looks like a drug reactions but not on any new meds. (except what I am taking for the rash- and the rash was there before I took the new meds). Hopefully we'll have an answer today. ITCH! urrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh

It's cold here- was 27 degrees this morning. That's just too cold for me. Not sure how you guys do it in the colder areas. This weather makes me want to stay in bed!!! I have a lot of work to day and errands to run- but just cannot handle being out and about in this weather.

Hi to you all- I will respond to posts later today. peasout..Laura

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Good morning. Still a nice day out here (well not by you warm weather climate folks but for us cold weather climate folks it is in the 50's). I need to run back to Kohls today, I hate it when you buy something and then the next day it's on sale or they are giving Kohls bucks. Wonder if they will price adjust or if I have to return everything and repurchase? Will find out. I got my new dishes all washed and put away in their new home, my cupboard last night. Used a plate for Breakfast this morning.

Arlene, so it's dishes? I could not figure out what a Franciscan apple was and had no idea you were talking a dishware pattern. Nope never seen that pattern before. I've seen something similar with pinkish flowers on it though.

Meredith, happy painting. What colors are you doing?

Janet, hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the vote of confidence in my entertaining, I think. Any pointers??

TX, where are ya, how's the shoulder and the hunger been?

Karen, are the fake grandkids gonna call you grandma? Enjoy they are at such fun ages.

Laura, I just itch reading about your rash. Hope you get some relief soon.

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Good morning all......

OK on the fake grandma thing. I just want to feel it out, out of respect for the real grandparents that are the best in the world to these kids. DS and GF are serious and have been seeing each other for quite some time. Will just let it all fall into place and do what comes natural. No worries...just fun and are enjoying their personalities. I am sure I will have stories on Monday after our day together.

Lori....love the simplicity of the dishes and the fact that they are different shapes. I know I have said this b/4 but I have never seen a costco let alone been in one. I remember asking someone on her a couple of years ago what they were. Sounds like a Sam's Club??????

Meredith...Ugh...I really dislike painting. I'd rather clean toilets. I do not have a steady hand and always need someone to do the trimming anyway. Hope it turns out to be the way you want it.

OK everyone...let's do this for Melissa. I think she might be struggling with what her menu should be. I think you have parts of it down, Melissa, but might need some ideas from us as to some ideas. And, like Great said, try to steer away from the carbs for now to see what it can do for you without them. I am just going to start with some snack and meal ideas. And, you know what, you don't HAVE TO eat what the family eats. If you have a differenet meal than them, it's making your own statement. Showing that you do care and that you are determined to make this work.

OK...low carb snack ideas.....

2 hardboiled eggs

Beef Jerky

1/2 Protein bar and put the other out of sight for another time

soy nuts (no more than 1/4 cup and they can be very satisfying)

Cup of cut up raw veggies in a baggie

Couple slices of turkey or deli meat with a LF cheese stick

Low carb meals...

Just really try to stick to 4oz of good hard protien (fish, chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon at least once a week) and a serving of veggies if you can fit it in.

Try to stay away from anything "white". My LB doc swears that his patients that have the most success totallly cut these out during the weight loss stage and tend to really watch them during maintenance. No white potatoes, rice, flour. Alot of breads say whole wheat but they are made with white flour. Try to eliminate all pastas, bread and cracker. None if a good rule if you are carb sensative. Just don't buckle and have them once in awhile right now. Not worth it and could make the scale go the other way.

OK....the rest of you guys jump in with some ideas. Might help everyone and will be a bit of a refresher course with the upcoming holidays and the banquets that will be set b/4 us.

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Karen, while I have not been to a Sam's club I believe costco and Sam's are very similar, they are both warehouse type stores. I've been told that costco carries nicer things, not sure how true that is. My friend here has a Sam's club membership and has promised to take me there if I take her to Costco so sounds like an outing in the future. I love Costco and it's always a treasure hunt as the stuff changes so quickly there it seems. I've never seen such a busy Costco as here, must be the large families and everyone buying in bulk. We usually get our electronics there, I get some clothes there (very tempted to try the Seven jeans LOL) and quite a bit of food items, my dog food, Water softener salt, paper products, etc. Of course, gotta check out the samples sometimes LOL and get a $1.50 hot dog and coke on the way out (no bun of course). LOL

This Facebook thing is so amazing, just got in touch with a cousin, growing up we spent summers together in Wisconsin but since adult hood or mostly since that set of grandparents died haven't had much contact. We are busy emailing photos of our families back and forth. Her sister (of course my cousin too but not the one I was as close to) lives in Minneapolis. Couldda run into her at the mall last week and not known it. LOL

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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