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Arlene, I keep forgetting to mention your friend. So sorry for her -- I hope she makes a full recovery and will learn how to stay healthy - I've said many times that I'm so very thankful that I saw that first ad on tv and made the decision to get lapband -- I truly believe it was a message from God to save my life. I really think I'd either be very sick or even dead right now if I hadn't done it when I did. I'm very thankful my wake up call wasn't like your friend's. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Jodi, glad you and Dassi are enjoying your Hannukkah -- it's probably about over or is over and if so I apologize for my late greeting. That was a wonderful thing you did for Dassi saying that gift was from her father. So many women wouldn't be that generous to an ex spouse -- just shows how loving and kind you are. You deserve all the best in your life. Speaking of that, what's up with the deal Jeff was working on? Any new news on that?

Arlene, I don't know if it was the Corvalen but I was so hungry yesterday -- was tough on me not to snack - but I made it -- probably all in my head. I'll keep you posted if it happens again today. Knowing me it's just my imagination.

Okay, really gotta go now. Would rather stay here and chat with all of you. :o:unsure:


Linda - I know half my hunger is in my head 95% of the time.. As long as I am busy I can ignore it - its when I'm home watching t.v. or reading that's when it strikes - or frustrated at work - I just make sure I don't have anything dangerous around to eat -

Janet, I guess what I meant is it is not working because I am not taking the recommendations. They recommend eggs, meat, and a fruit for Breakfast instead of carbs.......Duh! It sounds like WW is coming over to our way of eating. Really, you could have helped them make up the point system. You are "right on" on the new point system with your sample menu.

Charlene :0) - I could be a diet/nutrintionest - I have really found that limited the starches works - and if you really think about it - our bodies weren't made to eat all that junk -I really look at what our bodies were designed to eat - Protein & veggies are what the 1st pple really ate - all this processed food is what has made us fat..

On WW I always saved by starches for dinner - cuz on the exchange system you had like only 3 starch exhanges - and that's how I have eaten for the last 3.5 yrs now - I have a starch most days - but if I need to get so lbs off - meat and Veggies - Today was weigh in day 136.5 - WTG Janet - this is after having treats in Mx - but when I got home - stuck to most meat/fish & veggies for the last few days and my scale reflexed the getting back to eating healthy..

I didn't care for the pt system - but again just like this new format here on LBT - you just gotta get use to change - at least I can multi quoate again !!! Found topic - so that I can get back here a little easier - but still missing the subscriped threads..

Well gotta get back to work - just a quick ck in


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Good almost afternoon here (1145am). Just got home from dropping DD off at her training near the airport not too long ago. Got turned around coming back and ended up downtown SLC, not sure where I went wrong. It's so weird as roads I knew 10 yrs ago don't go through like they used to etc. They rebuilt some freeways etc. around the time the Olympics were coming here and exits are different etc. So I feel like I know where I am going but don't half the time. Same is true for life I guess. Sometimes I think I know the direction I am heading and then God may have other plans. LOL

Arlene, glad to hear you are going to consider giving up your oatmeal in the mornings. You seem extra sensitive to carbs and that's gotta have a lot. Glad to hear WW is going over to our way of eating! LOL My friend is real nervous about the changes though. She knows the old program so well and is successful on it so may stay with it, though she did buy the new point calculator thingie. But you've only been doing WW a few days, give it some time to work.

Janet, that's exciting that your DIL may get surgery as well. Is she not interested in the band? I was over 300 and it worked well for me. Though the sleeve sounds interesting to me. Don't think I would ever do the bypass. But that's just me. Something about rerouting my innards. LOL

Linda, I am watching Biggest Loser and Survivor. I can't believe how far Elizabeth got. I don't think Bob or Jillian are thrilled either, they've been pretty hard on her for relying on others. All she ever says is how she deserves it but she does nothing to deserve it. Well she has lost weight but compared to the others. She just doesn't get it and is one I don't see being successful in the long term. I doubt she'll get the votes to stay. As for Ada gaming it, I dont' think so, this is the only time she's ever been below the yellow line and it does her no good to sandbag as the finale is by total weight loss from week one not from this week so it will be overall percentage. I just love that show. I didn't see Survivor last night but last week when those 2 gals quit was awful. How many people would give anything to be on that show and to just quit. Jeff Probst seemed pretty disgusted too. And then the one, Naonka, still taking that reward challenge when she knew she was leaving and letting the other girl give it up to get a tarp and stuff for the tribe was so greedy.

Laura, hope the rash is improving. I hate steroids but they do seem to do their thing. My email notifications take me to the thread but not to the post, it just takes me to the end of the thread and I still gotta scroll around for the post where I left off on my last visit.

Apples, where are you? How was your girls getaway??

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Great - I don't know if my DIL can follow the rules - she made a coment to me when I said a bander gain her weight back "how" that right there tells me she thinks it will do the work.. Sleeve seems to be the new wls of the moment - don't know if insurance is covering it.

Also - I don't know if she would get in the exercise mode - she's a nurse works a lot of ot - and after 12 hrs on my feet - I don't know how much I would want to exercise either - but really it doesn't matter which surgery she has - if she doesn't get it mentally - then none of them are going to work.. I don't know if she's really there yet..

I think the dumping (getting sick) when eating sugar food (which would incl starches) would be a good deterrant ---

Surivor - Nanako - she is so freaking stupid - I disliked her w/a passion she was so crude and rude - she should have been kicked off - I don't think either of those girls should be on the jury - I taped last night haven't watched it yet..

back to work

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Yes I agree, neither of them should be on the jury -- it is a weird situation for sure. She was the rudest and crudest person I've ever seen on there!

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Hey Gang! I just got home from the hospital. My friend did not have any blockages so she will be going to rehab tomorrow. Oh my goodness, her mind is intact, but her emotions are all over the page. I hope when she gets out of that room then she will get better. She stays angry with the staff......and kind of paranoid. I told the doctor in front of her that she was depressed. He tried to prescribe her some medication, but she refused. I told her it was not normal to cry every time someone talked to her about anything personal. I also told her she had an eating problem because she has been depressed for years. She told me she thinks she has had diabetes for years. Duh! I guess it took a stroke to get her to a doctor. She is so stubborn. Sorry, just venting.

I had lunch late. I ate another bowl of WW veggie Soup. It is so yummy. Then I had Carbmaster yogurt.

I wish I had seen Biggest Loser this season. When is the final? I want to see it.

Okay peeps, I have to go cook dinner. Low cal Taco salad. Later!

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Charlene can you post the Soup receipe? Do you know if there is away to buy the books with out joining? Just wondering

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Charlene - Glad your friend is doing better - yep sure hope she wakes up to her health issues - I know pple who think they are weak if the go on meds.. Some pple rather be misable than happy..

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Good Evening....damn this site. Was able to select font and color now I can't. Ready for a change.

Just popping in. Busy last couple of days. Had a nice overnight with my friend. Lots of time to talk. Did a little shopping. Only a couple of hours. Another pair of boots to add to my collection. Fun.

Hope you all have a great evening! Talk to you all tomorrow.

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Good Evening....damn this site. Was able to select font and color now I can't. Ready for a change.

Just popping in. Busy last couple of days. Had a nice overnight with my friend. Lots of time to talk. Did a little shopping. Only a couple of hours. Another pair of boots to add to my collection. Fun.

Hope you all have a great evening! Talk to you all tomorrow.

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Surprise, I'm back and it hasn't been a week.... I finished reading all the pages I've missed.... it was a lot to absorb...... going to try to respond to as much as possible....

Janet, welcome home..so glad you had a nice time.. I haven't been to Facebook to check the pictures, but everyone else says it looks like you were so happy... That's how a vacation should be... Too bad you lost that vanilla.... I've had that as a gift one time from my sil...... I personally wouldn't be a good candidate for scuba diving... glad you enjoyed it...

Apples, it's wonderful that you are so happy with your new teeth... all that time and pain is over and now you reap the rewards... enjoy..... Sorry to hear of more death in your life.... It's part of life, but it seems you've had so much lately.... Was good you had your day out with a friend to shop and giggle..... I could use that.....

Phyll, congrats on the new golf cart... We have friends who just bought a used one for a song, but had to get new batteries... WOW.....Have you had closure on your issue with Starbucks???? Sounded messy.... and you've really done well on the walking... good for you....

Jessica, so proud of you and all your accomplishments.... You just keep growing in all the good ways..... congrats.... I, too, understand about your feelings about your father's weight problem.... I have 2 brothers and one sil that are in dire need of a change, but can't do it for them... I pray they will see the light before it's too late..

Cheri, you, too, have had so much to deal with death...... It's a good thing God made you so strong.... You are the kind of teacher that children remember best when they are adults.... You should be proud to be blessed with such a gift... I haven't heard back from the doctor yet about the Sjogren's diagnosis.... She ordered in depth blood tests and said she would be in touch, but no word yet... It's so nice that your concerts turned out so well... It's easy to see and hear how much this singing means to you... I love to sing, too, but don't have the opportunities you do here in my little town.... Occassionaly there will be a community choir for some special event and I try to take part....

Lori, glad your trip to CO and MN was fun.... do you ever get jet lag or are you so used to flying that it rolls off your back?? I haven't experienced this new security thing you all talk about.... don't care to fly anywhere anytime soon,so won't worry about it I guess.... I wanted to comment about the toast issue.. I love bread and toast with butter..... my biggest downfall.... but since I've had this terrible dry mouth my tastebuds have changed.... It doesn't taste the same any more.... I'm still grieving my loss as I love my bread... but when it doesn't taste good I don't eat it.... that goes for everything.. In my fatter days I used to eat things and then realize I didn't enjoy it.... Don't do that anymore...

Jodi, so glad your holiday has been a good one for you and Dassi... Sorry to hear that you are sick... the flu bug has been going around here....DD and SIL and the girls have all had it and now DH has it, so I suppose I'm next... I'd rather not, but I guess we'll see....

Melissa, congrats on the new nephew and the new job.... I didn't know you were looking.. I remember you saying you weren't getting the benefits you thought you were supposed too, but didn't realize you started looking... Hope this is a better fit for you...

Meredith, have you made any decisions about your band yet??? I totally get why you are taking a break from school.... Just be sure you go back!!!! It's good you were able to lose that pound and feel better about things again....

Sandy, sounds like you are very busy with Christmas preparations and such??? And I have to ask what a TRX is... haven't a clue....

Kelly, you are really getting into this walking thing... It's so good for a person... wish I could get into it.... but walking outside in ND in the winter is a challenge I'm not willing to take....

Joyce, so sorry you are sick, too.... and I'm envious of the Water aerobics.... glad you are enjoying it so much.... Hope you feel better soon..... Happy Hanakkah to you and yours, too.....

Eva, you're back home again.... glad you had a good trip even if it did get a bit cold at times.... You asked why I had both girls now..... SIL got a job here in our little town... one with benefits.... this is very good for their family... So now he isn't driving back and forth to Bismarck everyday so they had to work out a new schedule for Bailey...... He and DD have her S-M-T and every other W.... the mother has her every other W- Th-F-S..... that way they only have to drive once a week..... so it mean on M-T and W they are both needing to be here..... It's been okay so far.....

Linda, glad your computer issues are fixed and you are back online...I'm sure you are busy doing fun things with Ayla for Christmas... How is her mother doing now?? Better I hope...

Laura, so glad to hear that your parents are coming for Christms... It will be a good celebration for you all... Gosh I hope you can get off that prednizone soon.... It's some nasty stuff in my experience... Nothing worse than a bad itch, though.... except maybe this damn pain....... but that's another story.....

Laura K, it's good to hear you are doing well..... Your daughter will be able to be home for Christmas.......that's wonderful..... will you have your whole family then??

TX, how is that shoulder..... You have been having some troubles I hear... better be careful..... Do you get a fill anytime soon??

Arlene, girl, so sorry to hear of the troubles your friend is having... You are such a good friend.... Good luck with the weight watchers..... It may be just what you are needing to get you over the hump........

Well, I just got some drop by company so will post this so it doesn't get lost... I'll be back later to tell you about me...... Hugs and pragers for all.... Julie

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WW veggie Soup..... and my version.

1/2 cup sliced carrots 1 cup chopped spinach( I used frozen)

1/4 cup diced onions 1 Tbsp Tomato paste

2 minced garlic cloves 1/2 tsp dried basil

1/4tsp salt

3 cups fat-free chicken broth 1/4 dried oregano

1 cup diced green cabbage 1 cup diced zucchini

Spray a large saucepan with nonstick cooking spray, heat. Saute the carrot onion, and garlic over low heat until softened, about 5 minutes. Add broth, cabbage, spinach, tomato paste, basil, oregano, and salt; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, covered about 15. Stir in the zucchini, and cook 3-4 minutes. Serve Hot.

My version: following directions except for tomato paste, dried basil, and oregano. I just added a can of Rotel chopped tomatoes and chilies then ADD 1 Cup of chopped chicken breast.

Yummy 0 pts without the chicken breast. I figure 3pts at the most.

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WW veggie soup..... and my version.

1/2 cup sliced carrots 1 cup chopped spinach( I used frozen)

1/4 cup diced onions 1 Tbsp Tomato paste

2 minced garlic cloves 1/2 tsp dried basil

1/4tsp salt

3 cups fat-free chicken broth 1/4 dried oregano

1 cup diced green cabbage 1 cup diced zucchini

Spray a large saucepan with nonstick cooking spray, heat. Saute the carrot onion, and garlic over low heat until softened, about 5 minutes. Add broth, cabbage, spinach, tomato paste, basil, oregano, and salt; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, covered about 15. Stir in the zucchini, and cook 3-4 minutes. Serve Hot.

My version: following directions except for tomato paste, dried basil, and oregano. I just added a can of Rotel chopped tomatoes and chilies then ADD 1 Cup of chopped chicken breast.

Yummy 0 pts without the chicken breast. I figure 3pts at the most.

Thanks Charlene

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Saw a special on ADHD on public TV last night. Had a comic doing a lot of the demonstrativing and talking about his own ADHD. Very well done. Saw myself in almost every sentence. I'd love to make parents of suspected ADHD kids sit and watch this video. Not very likely to happen. I'm thinking about going in and trying medication again for the ADHD just to help me not get back into medicating the ADHD with food. ADHD people are the least likely to succeed with maintaining weight loss. I'm struggling with the call of the carbs and needing them to help me focus and stay on task. The Joi situation has really triggered the craving for comfort foods which are always carbs. Went to Walgreens and picked up some Zicam and Zinc lozenges. I have good immunity and if I catch a cold and take the Zicam and zinc lozenges I can usually get away with a mild version. Constant exposure to snot nosed kids has kept my immunity very high.

Arlene, I wondered when you were going to give up the oatmeal. Figured you'd figure it out sooner or later.

Wanna go back to school tonight to see the Christmas program. Trying to decide what to eat for supper. I'm doing an all Protein day. If I can, I'll do it tomorrow too. Should make up for some of the carbs I've been eating.


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Cheri.....lol.......I confessed so you would know I came to my senses. Really, oatmeal takes too many pts. I can eat oatmeal or an egg, toast( which I don't eat), fruit, and a yogurt. 6pt for oatmeal or 6pts for all that food.

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Sorry everyone I haven't gotten back to you all sooner. Going ok around here. Shoulder is doing ok. Went to dr tuesday. I am off work till at least the 28 of Jan. That Just sucks. Oh well I was expecting this when I had the surgery. Haven't been sleeping much here lately. Still having trouble sleeping. I am scheduled for my next fill on the 29. Deb and i are going to my support group meeting on monday evening. I am going to talk to them about being a little more aggressive with my fills. I feel like I am in bandster HE!!, that I have been hearing about. I have gained back some of the weight that I had lost. I know it is a slow process,but this add 3 drops and come back in a month and we will add 3 more is crap. I know I am doing my part. My quantity has decreased and the quality is so much better than what I was eating. I know that I need to get out and walk more. When I can get back to work that will help also. I guess I am just sick and tired of being unable to do much,and feeling a little bit sorry for myself. Ok enough with the pity party.:(

Hugs to all


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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