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Good afternoon, I'm back. Actually I got back very late Friday night and yesterday was on the go so much I never got to the computer. The nice thing about getting email notifications for every post is I was able to read my email while away from the computer and sortta keep up here and not have pages to read when I got back. The bad thing is, I can't remember what I read over the past few days to personally respond to everyone. LOL

I had a good time the day I was in Denver with DD and Grandma. Grandma was in a much better mood and felt much better and went out shopping and to lunch with us. She was pretty ornery and down when I was there the previous week for Thanksgiving. I think she was depressed over my mom. Mom had just finally informed her that she wasn't going to come for Chrsitmas from Florida. I think (though she won't admit it) that Grandma is very hurt by this. Mom (who is talking about going on a cruise) said she was in too much pain to travel. DD & I then went shopping to that Charming Charlies store I mentioned last week and a movie, Due Date. Friday morning we got up at 3am to catch a 6am flight to MSP and our day of shpping at the Mall of America. We even got to the mall before it opened, amazing when you think about it, that we got up in Denver, drove to airport, flew, took a light rail to the mall and it still wasn't open. LOL WE walked and shopped every level completely. I was disappointed in the Loft store, not so disappointed I didn't find a sweater to purchase but for some reason expected a much larger, nicer store. It wasn't much different than the store here. I also bought a top at Coldwater Creek but that's all I got. DD got some maternity clothes. We couldn't decide if we should hurry and take a 5pm flight home or a 9pm and shop more and get dinner. But when we saw the weather we opted for the 5pm. I am glad we did as they were both late. Then after deicing for so long, my flight took off to SLC but her's to Denver was just a few minutes later than mine and she got held up due to that plane sliding off the runway. Our flights both didn't get home til about 10pm and the later flights it was like 2am. I am so glad that I opted to go when DD asked at the last minute. WE had a wonderful time.

Janet, glad you had a good time and are back. You were very missed.

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Woohoo! Janet is back! Sound like you had a great time. Cannot wait to see your photos. Made some great family memories and hopefully they will always remember the gift of this trip.

Great...I think you got out of MPLS at the right time. Was concerned when I heard you were sitting deicing and then after that plane went off the runway, worried you would be stuck there. I guess I was more concerened for you tired little pregnant daughter. I am not a Loft store fan and only been in one or two so cannot compare. I like the Ann Taylor shops better (of course).

Has anyone else noticed.....when you scroll down to view who is reading the thread? Well, there's nothing there. Noticed it yesterday.

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Hey Gang..........Yay! The Sheriff is back in town!!!......and the posse too!......Lori glad you made it back safely.

Well I just talked to my friend's daughter. She said her mother's sugar level is 400. No telling how long she has been this way. May have contributed to her stroke. Her daughter said she has been acting stressed for several months and she thinks it is due to the fact her husband has been offered a job overseas. My friend was stressed over living on her own. Her daughter is going to reassure her that they will take care of her. Yep, this was a Ah-hah moment for the whole family. I am going Tuesday to sit with her for a while. This all has made me want to eat "clean" and exercise daily.

I am off on a Christmas tour of homes. Several ladies at the church opened their homes to show there Christmas decor. I hope to get some ideas for next year.


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Arlene - Holiday home tour sounds delightful. Enjoy.

Lori - shopping with DD also sounded wonderful.

Welcome back Janet. We were missed.

Phyl - think I have your cold. Very sore throat, hurts to swallow. Warm liquids are soothing. unsure.gif

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Welcome Back Janet we all missed you!!!

Arlene - makes me think to about your friend and her sugar being 400 I take my meds but I get lazy about checking my sugar

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I guess I used the term "flash mob" incorrectly.

Apples description of their impromptu lake parties is what happens around here, too. Sorry that made you sad, though!!

Wikipedia says: A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual act for a brief time, then disperse.[2] The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] The term is generally not applied to events organized by public relations firms, protests, and publicity stunts.[5] [9]

So.... after walking that mile yesterday, most of which was UPHILL, I got up this morning with my back hurting agin!!


Not as bad uas usual, though, and not going down my left leg... just in my lower back. Cold stll not completely gone either, so I'm dragging a bit today. Went to church, took Zoey for a golf cart ride and just watching football now. DH is operating on his remote control airplanes! I think it's also called "cannibalizing"! He has both good and bad parts on two different fuselages, so he's trying to make one functional airplane out of them.

Glad to see you back, Janet! Sounds like you had a GREAT time!

How are you doing, Arlene?? So sorry about your friend's stroke.

Where's Julie?? Who else are we missing?? I figured out where Eva went... Ohio, right?

Chris, sorry about your Dad's health problems. Hope he's okay. Saw you on FB so sent you a friend request.

Where's Lori??? Did she get out of MPLS???

Jewel.... I wish the only thing I had to confess was 2 Margaritas!! I'm afraid I was quite bad last night, but we won't talk about it! ;) Let's just say I couldn't stay awake past 9:30 pm and that is REALLY early for me to go to bed! Earl kept filling up my wine glass! And then he brought everyone coffee and Bailey's after dinner. He really fixed us all quite a nice dinner. I didn't do too badly there.... 1 grilled chicken thigh, 1/2 baked potato w/low fat sour cream, some peas.... oh, yeah... I split a personal size pizza with someone.... Schwann's. Didn't eat much the rest of the day, though. Small eggbeaters omelet for bf, and lunch was 145 calories.... 100 for a boca burger, and 45 calorie slice of Sara Lee bread. I won't count the ketchup... wasn't that much, and a little bit of onion.

Hugs to all those I missed!! Kelly..... I had something to say to you, but I forgot!!

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Apples, Oh I found the Ann Taylor store too! It was smaller than I expected too. I like it too, but it generally seems to be more businessy type clothes but I have some things from there, the quality is better too.

I have been so tired since my little trip. I think I am getting old. LOL Two days of getting up at 3am and it takes me forever to recover. Heck, I used to have to be at work at 4am every day. Not sure I could still do it. LOL Sounds like DH will be in and out of town a lot between now and Christmas so I'll have lots of time on my own to rest up. LOL

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Somehow I missed a whole page of posts before my last entry!

Good afternoon, I'm back. Actually I got back very late Friday night and yesterday was on the go so much I never got to the computer. The nice thing about getting email notifications for every post is I was able to read my email while away from the computer and sortta keep up here and not have pages to read when I got back. The bad thing is, I can't remember what I read over the past few days to personally respond to everyone. LOL

I had a good time the day I was in Denver with DD and Grandma. Grandma was in a much better mood and felt much better and went out shopping and to lunch with us. She was pretty ornery and down when I was there the previous week for Thanksgiving. I think she was depressed over my mom. Mom had just finally informed her that she wasn't going to come for Chrsitmas from Florida. I think (though she won't admit it) that Grandma is very hurt by this. Mom (who is talking about going on a cruise) said she was in too much pain to travel. DD & I then went shopping to that Charming Charlies store I mentioned last week and a movie, Due Date. Friday morning we got up at 3am to catch a 6am flight to MSP and our day of shpping at the Mall of America. We even got to the mall before it opened, amazing when you think about it, that we got up in Denver, drove to airport, flew, took a light rail to the mall and it still wasn't open. LOL WE walked and shopped every level completely. I was disappointed in the Loft store, not so disappointed I didn't find a sweater to purchase but for some reason expected a much larger, nicer store. It wasn't much different than the store here. I also bought a top at Coldwater Creek but that's all I got. DD got some maternity clothes. We couldn't decide if we should hurry and take a 5pm flight home or a 9pm and shop more and get dinner. But when we saw the weather we opted for the 5pm. I am glad we did as they were both late. Then after deicing for so long, my flight took off to SLC but her's to Denver was just a few minutes later than mine and she got held up due to that plane sliding off the runway. Our flights both didn't get home til about 10pm and the later flights it was like 2am. I am so glad that I opted to go when DD asked at the last minute. WE had a wonderful time.

Janet, glad you had a good time and are back. You were very missed.

Glad you had such a good time and got out of there relatively easily!! Did you go to the QVC store??

I agree with you 100% about the emails that are coming. I always used to keep up with the posts on my phone when I was away from my computer before they changed everything. That's probably the thing that bugs me the most!

Hey Gang..........Yay! The Sheriff is back in town!!!......and the posse too!......Lori glad you made it back safely.

Well I just talked to my friend's daughter. She said her mother's sugar level is 400. No telling how long she has been this way. May have contributed to her stroke. Her daughter said she has been acting stressed for several months and she thinks it is due to the fact her husband has been offered a job overseas. My friend was stressed over living on her own. Her daughter is going to reassure her that they will take care of her. Yep, this was a Ah-hah moment for the whole family. I am going Tuesday to sit with her for a while. This all has made me want to eat "clean" and exercise daily.

I am off on a Christmas tour of homes. Several ladies at the church opened their homes to show there Christmas decor. I hope to get some ideas for next year. CBL

WOW! 400 is pretty high!!

You'll have to tell us all about the tour of homes!

DD put up her tree yesterday... I posted it on my profile page... beautiful!!

Then they went to bed! And the cats had a GREAT time! They put the tree up against their staircase going upstairs. The cats discovered they could dive in to the tree from the banister. Apparently the tree wasn't looking quite so pretty this morning when they got up!

Arlene - Holiday home tour sounds delightful. Enjoy.

Lori - shopping with DD also sounded wonderful.

Welcome back Janet. We were missed.

Phyl - think I have your cold. Very sore throat, hurts to swallow. Warm liquids are soothing. unsure.gif

Yep.... that sounds like my cold!! Started with a very sore throat and sneezing. The sore throat only lasted about a day though. Low grade fever off and on all week, sniffles, achy and a little coughing. Almost gone now, but not completely. An especially soothing warm liquid is coffee w/Bailey's!! LOL! See how bad I am!!!


DH is out in the desert flying his newly renovated RC plane. However, I don't see it flying out there beyond the palm trees. I hope there hasn't been another disaster already!!


Those of you on FB.... if you can endure almost 8 minutes of video, I just posted a really cute video of 5 yr old grandson, Thomas' Christmas concert! So darling! He is in the back row in a red polo. He keeps waving... and clapping enthusiastically after each song until you can see this little red headed girl standing next to him say, "STOP clapping, Thomas!" HAHAHA! I think it's just before the 6 minute point.

Photos.... #1.. Zoey curled up on my pillow not wanting to get up yet.

#2.... Earl working on his laptop and watching football.... with his eyes closed

#3.... Working on airplanes

#4.... two RC airplanes

#5... DD's Christmas tree before cat attack

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Somehow I missed a whole page of posts before my last entry!

Good afternoon, I'm back. Actually I got back very late Friday night and yesterday was on the go so much I never got to the computer. The nice thing about getting email notifications for every post is I was able to read my email while away from the computer and sortta keep up here and not have pages to read when I got back. The bad thing is, I can't remember what I read over the past few days to personally respond to everyone. LOL

I had a good time the day I was in Denver with DD and Grandma. Grandma was in a much better mood and felt much better and went out shopping and to lunch with us. She was pretty ornery and down when I was there the previous week for Thanksgiving. I think she was depressed over my mom. Mom had just finally informed her that she wasn't going to come for Chrsitmas from Florida. I think (though she won't admit it) that Grandma is very hurt by this. Mom (who is talking about going on a cruise) said she was in too much pain to travel. DD & I then went shopping to that Charming Charlies store I mentioned last week and a movie, Due Date. Friday morning we got up at 3am to catch a 6am flight to MSP and our day of shpping at the Mall of America. We even got to the mall before it opened, amazing when you think about it, that we got up in Denver, drove to airport, flew, took a light rail to the mall and it still wasn't open. LOL WE walked and shopped every level completely. I was disappointed in the Loft store, not so disappointed I didn't find a sweater to purchase but for some reason expected a much larger, nicer store. It wasn't much different than the store here. I also bought a top at Coldwater Creek but that's all I got. DD got some maternity clothes. We couldn't decide if we should hurry and take a 5pm flight home or a 9pm and shop more and get dinner. But when we saw the weather we opted for the 5pm. I am glad we did as they were both late. Then after deicing for so long, my flight took off to SLC but her's to Denver was just a few minutes later than mine and she got held up due to that plane sliding off the runway. Our flights both didn't get home til about 10pm and the later flights it was like 2am. I am so glad that I opted to go when DD asked at the last minute. WE had a wonderful time.

Janet, glad you had a good time and are back. You were very missed.

Glad you had such a good time and got out of there relatively easily!! Did you go to the QVC store??

I agree with you 100% about the emails that are coming. I always used to keep up with the posts on my phone when I was away from my computer before they changed everything. That's probably the thing that bugs me the most!

Hey Gang..........Yay! The Sheriff is back in town!!!......and the posse too!......Lori glad you made it back safely.

Well I just talked to my friend's daughter. She said her mother's sugar level is 400. No telling how long she has been this way. May have contributed to her stroke. Her daughter said she has been acting stressed for several months and she thinks it is due to the fact her husband has been offered a job overseas. My friend was stressed over living on her own. Her daughter is going to reassure her that they will take care of her. Yep, this was a Ah-hah moment for the whole family. I am going Tuesday to sit with her for a while. This all has made me want to eat "clean" and exercise daily.

I am off on a Christmas tour of homes. Several ladies at the church opened their homes to show there Christmas decor. I hope to get some ideas for next year. CBL

WOW! 400 is pretty high!!

You'll have to tell us all about the tour of homes!

DD put up her tree yesterday... I posted it on my profile page... beautiful!!

Then they went to bed! And the cats had a GREAT time! They put the tree up against their staircase going upstairs. The cats discovered they could dive in to the tree from the banister. Apparently the tree wasn't looking quite so pretty this morning when they got up!

Arlene - Holiday home tour sounds delightful. Enjoy.

Lori - shopping with DD also sounded wonderful.

Welcome back Janet. We were missed.

Phyl - think I have your cold. Very sore throat, hurts to swallow. Warm liquids are soothing. unsure.gif

Yep.... that sounds like my cold!! Started with a very sore throat and sneezing. The sore throat only lasted about a day though. Low grade fever off and on all week, sniffles, achy and a little coughing. Almost gone now, but not completely. An especially soothing warm liquid is coffee w/Bailey's!! LOL! See how bad I am!!!


DH is out in the desert flying his newly renovated RC plane. However, I don't see it flying out there beyond the palm trees. I hope there hasn't been another disaster already!!


Those of you on FB.... if you can endure almost 8 minutes of video, I just posted a really cute video of 5 yr old grandson, Thomas' Christmas concert! So darling! He is in the back row in a red polo. He keeps waving... and clapping enthusiastically after each song until you can see this little red headed girl standing next to him say, "STOP clapping, Thomas!" HAHAHA! I think it's just before the 6 minute point.

Photos.... #1.. Zoey curled up on my pillow not wanting to get up yet.

#2.... Earl working on his laptop and watching football.... with his eyes closed

#3.... Working on airplanes

#4.... two RC airplanes

#5... DD's Christmas tree before cat attack

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I guess I used the term "flash mob" incorrectly.

Apples description of their impromptu lake parties is what happens around here, too. Sorry that made you sad, though!!

Wikipedia says: A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual act for a brief time, then disperse.[2] The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] The term is generally not applied to events organized by public relations firms, protests, and publicity stunts.[5] [9]

So.... after walking that mile yesterday, most of which was UPHILL, I got up this morning with my back hurting agin!!


Not as bad uas usual, though, and not going down my left leg... just in my lower back. Cold stll not completely gone either, so I'm dragging a bit today. Went to church, took Zoey for a golf cart ride and just watching football now. DH is operating on his remote control airplanes! I think it's also called "cannibalizing"! He has both good and bad parts on two different fuselages, so he's trying to make one functional airplane out of them.

Glad to see you back, Janet! Sounds like you had a GREAT time!

How are you doing, Arlene?? So sorry about your friend's stroke.

Where's Julie?? Who else are we missing?? I figured out where Eva went... Ohio, right?

Chris, sorry about your Dad's health problems. Hope he's okay. Saw you on FB so sent you a friend request.

Where's Lori??? Did she get out of MPLS???

Jewel.... I wish the only thing I had to confess was 2 Margaritas!! I'm afraid I was quite bad last night, but we won't talk about it! ;) Let's just say I couldn't stay awake past 9:30 pm and that is REALLY early for me to go to bed! Earl kept filling up my wine glass! And then he brought everyone coffee and Bailey's after dinner. He really fixed us all quite a nice dinner. I didn't do too badly there.... 1 grilled chicken thigh, 1/2 baked potato w/low fat sour cream, some peas.... oh, yeah... I split a personal size pizza with someone.... Schwann's. Didn't eat much the rest of the day, though. Small eggbeaters omelet for bf, and lunch was 145 calories.... 100 for a boca burger, and 45 calorie slice of Sara Lee bread. I won't count the ketchup... wasn't that much, and a little bit of onion.

Hugs to all those I missed!! Kelly..... I had something to say to you, but I forgot!!

Phyl....did I read it right that you live in Desert Hot Springs part of the time? I used to live in Palm Desert and Twenty-Nine Palms.....Go Figgur! There is a great thrift store in DHS I used to love to go to!

Getting ready to go on walk number two.

This might be TMI for some of you, but do you know what I got on my 4 month bandiversary? I got my period....after a year of not having one! I read somewhere that loosing weight can cause your hormones to go crazy, Is this true? That was one thing I was NOT missing. Well ladies some feedback would be helpful!:thankyou:

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Phyl....did I read it right that you live in Desert Hot Springs part of the time? I used to live in Palm Desert and Twenty-Nine Palms.....Go Figgur! There is a great thrift store in DHS I used to love to go to!

Getting ready to go on walk number two.

This might be TMI for some of you, but do you know what I got on my 4 month bandiversary? I got my period....after a year of not having one! I read somewhere that loosing weight can cause your hormones to go crazy, Is this true? That was one thing I was NOT missing. Well ladies some feedback would be helpful!:thankyou:

Don't know about the hormones! Could be!

Yeah, we have a condo in Lake Stevens WA but RV down here in DHS in the winter.... not far from Janet. Are you talking about that Angel View store?? I've seen it but never gone in. My friend, Jacki, finds so many great things at "Grandpa's" in Farmerville. And when we were there last weekend, this lady was there delivering tamales to the owner so we bought a dozen, too. I've never been a big fan of tamales, but those were GOOD!! I do want to hit some of the 2nd hand stores in this area. I just don't have as good an eye for the good stuff as Jacki does!

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Just caught up with posts (double by some...LOL...must be the Baileys....well, maybe the wine). I am up to my eyeballs in cutout Cookies and doing the runny drizzle frosting where it coats the entire cookie. What a mess. Why did I start/??????? I also have a batch of ginger sandwich Cookies ready to bake. Why did I start?????

Anyway....just a question for Pyll....I want to know what "unusaul acts" your mob did before dispersing?????

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Kelly....I'm not sure about the hormone thing....mine left in the truck about 8 years ago. But, I WOULD see your GP just to be sure things are the way they should be.

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Phyl, yes there was a QVC store there. DD bought a ring there, I didn't buy a thing. Wanted some Dr Denese but will wait for a TSV for that. I really really miss my discount. LOL

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Hey Gang

Well got wash done - went and dropped off pic's to get developed (water camera pics) still need pic's from Joseph but here are a few that I posted on FB ;0) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=97926&id=1478202311&l=bb8d9b1e5d

Time to feed the dogs ;0)

Kelly - Losing weight causing your body to change ..

Apples - Drunk ;0)

Great - I need QVC discount - should get one cuz of all the $$$ I spend there ;0) I don't know how you can fly so much - Security is enough to deter anyone from traveling ... They took my vanilla & habenaro sauce in Phoenix - bought it in the Airport in Cancun (after security) didn't think to stick it in my ck'd luggage after picking it up at customs - they were little bottle stupid "b" took it - the guy at the metal detector was really nice - my sliver earrings made the machine beep - had to go back and forth a few times - but he was so nice I couldn't complain - but the whole lines - put all your stuff in a bin - take off your jacket, hat, shoes all after you just got off a plane from where you went thru security had to wait at the airport for 4 hours (in Cancun once you go thru security you have to stay in the terminal) then a 4 hr flight - then customs, then some other ck point - I was ready to scream !!!

I ate ok - didn't really worry about it - walked so much... Poor Melissa (my dil) was worn out when we were shopping in Playa del Carmen - I remember those days (pre-band) where walking like that killed me - we had to stop and get a taxi earlier than I wanted to cuz she was so pooped.. I haven't gotten on the scales yet - waiting for all the salt & sugar to get out of my system (ate dessert every nite ;0) - going to have fish and veggies for dinner - gotta say the food at the buffets was ok - veggie not cooked like I like (well done) and not alot of choices either and salads were lettuce leaves not chopped up - never even got a buzz from the cocktails - think they Water down the booze.. Didn't really drink that much - I guess I just wasn't in the mood and we had such a full schedule that didn't want a hangover either..

The speciality restaurants were good - we went to 2 steak & french - We all agreed the french place was the best - filet migon, lobster - and for me escargo ;)

Well, need to really feed the dogs they are looking at me and guess I need to start my dinner too..


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