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Thanks Apples......Yep, I don't try to protect my kids much anymore, but let them hurt my G-kids........I am all over them......usually. When I say hurt I mean emotionally. I don't interfere with the discipline.

The electric company said they know the problem is theirs. Yay! It may take a few days to zero in on it.

Tx......that is a good fill. I usually got .5 a month for almost a year. I never had to put a pillow under me. I bet that did hurt. I hope you do well.

I just talked to my DD with the two babies. She joined WW a few weeks ago and yesterday they launched their new program. It is geared towards counting, carbs, Protein, and Fiber. I think I may check out the website. I might join with her. She said like they give 100snack 3pts and fruit 0 pts. Sounds like a way of encouraging clean eating. I just need a place to weigh every week. You know....the accountability factor!

Lori, I am going tomorrow to Kohl's. I will use my bucks on the DGDS. I bought them sweater dresses.....now for the tights.

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I just talked to my DD with the two babies. She joined WW a few weeks ago and yesterday they launched their new program. It is geared towards counting, carbs, Protein, and Fiber. I think I may check out the website. I might join with her. She said like they give 100snack 3pts and fruit 0 pts. Sounds like a way of encouraging clean eating. I just need a place to weigh every week. You know....the accountability factor!

Hey that sounds like a good idea about WW

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Hi Everyone,

I am reeling from some terrible news. Another student was killed sometime Monday evening along with her 17 yr. old sister and mother. A boyfriend of the older sister or ex of the mother is suspected. The three were stabbed to death multiple times. My student was another 6th grader whom I've taught since 1rst grade. That class and the whole school are reeling. I somehow got through the day at work and am currently engaging in chocolate therapy to take the edge off the pain. I saw this child everyday. She was an exquisite young lady. Touch of attitude but what do you expect in sixth grade? She was an incredible praise dancer. Graceful and beautiful. The older sister was a graduate of RCS. Both had been with us since pre-school.

Please pray for us.


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Hi Everyone,

I am reeling from some terrible news. Another student was killed sometime Monday evening along with her 17 yr. old sister and mother. A boyfriend of the older sister or ex of the mother is suspected. The three were stabbed to death multiple times. My student was another 6th grader whom I've taught since 1rst grade. That class and the whole school are reeling. I somehow got through the day at work and am currently engaging in chocolate therapy to take the edge off the pain. I saw this child everyday. She was an exquisite young lady. Touch of attitude but what do you expect in sixth grade? She was an incredible praise dancer. Graceful and beautiful. The older sister was a graduate of RCS. Both had been with us since pre-school.

Please pray for us.


OMG Cheri...that's awful. I am so sorry. That's all I can say and that I will be thinking of you as you deal with yet another horific incident. That poor family.

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No one ever tells you that when you lose weight, your brain stays the same!!!! Duh! My thinking was "thinner" for over a year, I don't know how or why it switched back?

Love ya!


Meredith missed seeing you post I can agree with you saying your thinking was "thinner for over a year than it switched back. I wish someone could answer that for us.

I got to tight and had bad acid reflux my Dr just took half of my saline out and now I am as wide open as when I first had things done. I have gained 3 pounds I am mentally hungry all the time but I can eat fruit and drink frozen or ice cold drinks with no problems (which I missed so much). So I am in banster hell right now until Jan. Also dealing with job stress at my new job I have been there for 3 months and supposed to get what I was told was group health coverage but turns out it is a discount plan which I can't take cause I am Diabetic still and it will look like I have no insurance so now I am trying to find another job.

I am going to be Debbie Downer now. I am 34 and did not go to college I finally got out of retail , supermarket jobs and have been either customer service over the phone or most recently have become an Admin Asst. now it looks like the only jobs I can get is back at retail or supermarkets. I was trying to get into a supermarket in the bakery so I could learn to be a baker or cake decorator so I could have some kind of skill I feel so useless right now. We are kind of hard up money wise with Cobra costing us 1300 a month and when I am at my crappy job which pays good I am so bored cause there is nothing to do. And becuase I am bored I eat I tried journaling than was afraid my boss's wife would find it. Only cause I think she goes through my stuff when I am not at my desk. Not the computer (which is their's I don't do things on it) but my actual bag or my purse but I can't walk around the whole building with my purse in my hand. Sorry I am so depressed lately.

When I get to play on my son's Wii and playing my Zumba game it is fun but he unhooked it to hook up his playstation and now I can't get my Wii working and of course he is not here.

Also more knews my sister is in labor right now but does not want anyone coming to the hospital yet. It is her first one and she is only 3cm dialated and took her an hour to get there but I so just want to be at the hospital. She is supposed to call my mom when it gets close and then I can go. It makes me want to have another baby I was hopeing she was going to let me in the delivery room. They actually let up to 3 people in the room when you give birth. My sister thought it would be weird. Okay sorry for the long post I guess I had alot to say. So this time tomorrow I will have a Nephew. :D

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One Day~ Girl, I hear ya on more levels than you think!!!!! I am up about 10 pounds. I would be too tight and lose a ton of Water weight, muscle and fat. Then they open it back up and here we go again. With the brain thing, its like we were "deprived" of certain foods and drinks for so long that as soon as we can have them again, we go right back to them and it turns into a vicious cycle all over again! I don't like this word, but the only phrase for it is that it "sucks". Big time. I liked the way the band worked before it was tight. You could take a bite or two of somthing and be satisfied. That is the was it is supposed to work. Also, I understand about work. I am a hairstylist and didn't have any education beyond high school. Well, it took me a bit, but I figured out that I needed to make a career change eventually. So, I decided to go back to school 4 1/2 yrs ago. It was the best decision I've ever made. I still am doing hair, but I have a bachelors degree in my back pocket for when I decide to take the leap and make the change. Just an idea? There are lots of grants and loans available too. If you are interested, go to www.fafsa.gov to find out more about them.

Chris~ So glad your fill went well! Sorry about the discomfort. Sometimes at first they have a harder time finding your port, but as you lose it becomes easier and easier for them to find. So happy for you!

Apples~ I missed you guys so much and I am so happy that you are all here for advice, guidance, and love. It's amazing. I am going to make a point to go on the next trip for sure. Is there one planned yet?

Cheri~ I do not know what to say. I am so so sorry for what happened to your student and her family. That is absolutely horrible and my heart and prayers go out to you and all of those who knew and loved them.

I was going to decorate today, but only ended up going to the craft store for stuff to make a wreath. I made it when I got home. Its cool. I made a low fat, lower calorie version of chicken pot pie that I saw on the Dr. Oz show about 2 weeks ago. It was pretty delicious. Andrew loved it. He really does appreciate me so much. He is an amazing man. Here is the link to the recipe: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/divalicious-chicken-pot-pie

Ok, well, time to hit the hay. I have aerobics in the morning and probably will decorate some in the afternoon before going to my support group, then will finish decorating when I get home. If I don't get it done tomorrow, I won't be able to get to it again until Sunday and I want to spend my Sunday with Andrew enjoying one another and our decorated home. Plus, he is on 24 hour call next week and we don't get to spend hardly any time together then. Looking forward to this weekend. Have a nice night everyone. Love you all.


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Good evening, I can't sleep for some reason tonight, could it be DH's snoring (he usually doesn't). I couldn't get to this site for most of the afternoon or evening so thought I'd check in. Looks like it must've just been me by all the postings.

Cheri, oh my, how awful. I don't know what to say but sorry for your loss. How tragic.

One Day, why can't you do the discounted health plan? I'm not sure what that is, but we have a HSA (health savings account) and it's very high deductible but after that it's 100% coverage, and the portion until that deductible is met is discounted via the insurance company. Is that similar to what you are being offered? In the long run I think we are paying less for it. At $1300 a month you are paying, it might be worth looking into??? Though I am sure you may have already. Nothing wrong with retail or grocery work. There's lots of opportunity there. My DS started at Walmart in school and has worked his way up and they've been very good to him and the benefits are wonderful.

TX, glad you made it through your fill. Now you know what to expect. Weird about the pillow, though they always had me arch my back so makes sense. Sounds like a small fill, but then again you may have a smaller band, more conservative dr. or may be close to good restriction already. Don't rely on the numbers too much, it's good to know what you got, but don't compare to anyone else.

Meredith, so good to have you posting again. There was talk about a cruise in April or May but there hasn't been any lately so not sure if that's still a possiblity or not, it was going to be from New Orleans.

Apples, if my sisters wanted a relationship in the future I'd be there. But I am no longer going to beg and be someone I am not to make it happen. They can either love me or leave me. No more trying to please them, etc.

Anyone watch Biggest Loser? I can't believe they allowed Elizabeth to get to the final 4. She's been below the yellow line 8 times but I guess she is someone easy to beat. Be funny if some how she gets it together and wins this thing. I hope Ada wins though.

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Good Morning Peeps! Brrrr!!!!! It is in the thirties this morning, but should be sunny and 70 this afternoon. I will walk before lunch today. I don't do Water aerobics on Wen. because the trainer is Hard Core. She doesn't get it that we are in Water aerobics because we can't do spinning or floor aerobics. She also teaches those classes.

Cheri......how tragic . What is going on in your area that is causing all these murders. Is it gang related? HUGS and PRAYERS for you and the school.

Melissa, I journal on just a small pocket spiral notebook that would fit in your pocket. I have always wanted to take cake decorating classes. Have you considered starting college online? It will give you something else to focus on. Hang in there!

I have decided to join WW next week. I am going to tell them that I cannot eat over 1100 calories a day and see how many points I get. I know they will work with me. I decided to go there for me and my DD. We can work together. She needs the support.

Lori, I am going to Kohl's today and spending those bucks.

Apples, have you finished your dental work?

Meredith how is it going on the journaling?

Kelly.......WTG on the three lbs!

Joyce......Props on the good food choices!

Tx......How is the fill going?

I will check in later! Have a great day

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Good Morning!

Got the sneezes on the way home from Three Rivers Sunday, then sore throat, sniffles, etc. Not too sick... just mildly miserable. Think I might have a low grade temp, too. And coughing a little. GRRR!! So... no Water aerobics so far this week!

Have to see the "Pain clinic" guy today and they'll probably do a epidural block. Seems pointless because I haven't had any pain in the last couple of weeks. But never know when it will come back. So... we'll see what the doc thinks.

Went to beading yesterday despite not feeling to well. We missed two weeks because teacher was sick and then out of town for Thanksgiving. And just two classes in Dec. because she's going to Florida for Christmas. So we did a kind of complicated Bracelet yesterday. So I'm no where near done. May work on it later today... after Dr. appt.

While at beading, Earl surprised me by buying a used golf cart! He's been telling me no, no, no for at least two years! But he saw one at the used lot here at the park that was the right price... $350 but needs new batteries ($500). Needs a windshield, too, but guy has one he's going to give him, and I'm going to look for seat covers. First he called me and told me he needed the check book to buy propane... which puzzled me because I'd just said to him the day before... "Have we bought propane since we got here?" And he said we didn't need it because we are using a small electric heater and just use propane for cooking. But... he came up and got the checkbook from me. Then he came back about 1/2 hr later and tells me I need to take a break and come with him. So he takes me over to the window and points outside and says... "that's your new golf cart"! I was totally shocked!

Cheri... hard to know what to say!! So very sorry to hear about another tragic death of one of your students. That is so sad! So senseless! Hugs to you, girl! That's just terrible news any time, but especially during the holidays.

This time when I logged on... it did take me to the last post I read... I think... but still no emails. I liked reading the posts in my email and then coming here to respond.

I am sorry to hear about the job frustrations, 1Day! No fun for you! That lady should NOT be going through your purse! That's terrible!

Janet always journalled on a little spiral notebook she carried with her, too.

Well... I'm brain dead, and I have to get in the shower and get ready for Dr. appt. Love you all!

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Kelly ,, WTG girl on losing 3 lbs. You go girl. So proud.

Apples, Yeah I know we just deal with the weather here too. Can't change it just can complain about it. lol

Your DH is so lucky to have you.

Arlene, sorry about your drama and your aches, You'll get thru it.

Chris, keep up the good work.


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Hi Everyone,

I am reeling from some terrible news. Another student was killed sometime Monday evening along with her 17 yr. old sister and mother. A boyfriend of the older sister or ex of the mother is suspected. The three were stabbed to death multiple times. My student was another 6th grader whom I've taught since 1rst grade. That class and the whole school are reeling. I somehow got through the day at work and am currently engaging in chocolate therapy to take the edge off the pain. I saw this child everyday. She was an exquisite young lady. Touch of attitude but what do you expect in sixth grade? She was an incredible praise dancer. Graceful and beautiful. The older sister was a graduate of RCS. Both had been with us since pre-school.

Please pray for us.


So sorry for you loss!

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Good Morning Peeps! Brrrr!!!!! It is in the thirties this morning, but should be sunny and 70 this afternoon. I will walk before lunch today. I don't do Water aerobics on Wen. because the trainer is Hard Core. She doesn't get it that we are in Water aerobics because we can't do spinning or floor aerobics. She also teaches those classes.

Cheri......how tragic . What is going on in your area that is causing all these murders. Is it gang related? HUGS and PRAYERS for you and the school.

Melissa, I journal on just a small pocket spiral notebook that would fit in your pocket. I have always wanted to take cake decorating classes. Have you considered starting college online? It will give you something else to focus on. Hang in there!

I have decided to join WW next week. I am going to tell them that I cannot eat over 1100 calories a day and see how many points I get. I know they will work with me. I decided to go there for me and my DD. We can work together. She needs the support.

Lori, I am going to Kohl's today and spending those bucks.

Apples, have you finished your dental work?

Meredith how is it going on the journaling?

Kelly.......WTG on the three lbs!

Joyce......Props on the good food choices!

Tx......How is the fill going?

I will check in later! Have a great day

Thank you very much Charlene!

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Good Morning!

Got the sneezes on the way home from Three Rivers Sunday, then sore throat, sniffles, etc. Not too sick... just mildly miserable. Think I might have a low grade temp, too. And coughing a little. GRRR!! So... no Water aerobics so far this week!

Have to see the "Pain clinic" guy today and they'll probably do a epidural block. Seems pointless because I haven't had any pain in the last couple of weeks. But never know when it will come back. So... we'll see what the doc thinks.

Went to beading yesterday despite not feeling to well. We missed two weeks because teacher was sick and then out of town for Thanksgiving. And just two classes in Dec. because she's going to Florida for Christmas. So we did a kind of complicated Bracelet yesterday. So I'm no where near done. May work on it later today... after Dr. appt.

While at beading, Earl surprised me by buying a used golf cart! He's been telling me no, no, no for at least two years! But he saw one at the used lot here at the park that was the right price... $350 but needs new batteries ($500). Needs a windshield, too, but guy has one he's going to give him, and I'm going to look for seat covers. First he called me and told me he needed the check book to buy propane... which puzzled me because I'd just said to him the day before... "Have we bought propane since we got here?" And he said we didn't need it because we are using a small electric heater and just use propane for cooking. But... he came up and got the checkbook from me. Then he came back about 1/2 hr later and tells me I need to take a break and come with him. So he takes me over to the window and points outside and says... "that's your new golf cart"! I was totally shocked!

Cheri... hard to know what to say!! So very sorry to hear about another tragic death of one of your students. That is so sad! So senseless! Hugs to you, girl! That's just terrible news any time, but especially during the holidays.

This time when I logged on... it did take me to the last post I read... I think... but still no emails. I liked reading the posts in my email and then coming here to respond.

I am sorry to hear about the job frustrations, 1Day! No fun for you! That lady should NOT be going through your purse! That's terrible!

Janet always journalled on a little spiral notebook she carried with her, too.

Well... I'm brain dead, and I have to get in the shower and get ready for Dr. appt. Love you all!

That is a spiffy golf cart!

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Kelly ,, WTG girl on losing 3 lbs. You go girl. So proud.

Apples, Yeah I know we just deal with the weather here too. Can't change it just can complain about it. lol

Your DH is so lucky to have you.

Arlene, sorry about your drama and your aches, You'll get thru it.

Chris, keep up the good work.


Thank you for the compliment!

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Once we get to December we just concede. We accept what comes our way and deal. We make our own fun. You should see all the fun we are having today. Counting corn and bean bushels for crop insurance yeilds. (No claim...just sets the tone for next year). I am SUCH a patient person. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have a hubby. He would have maybe made it 2 yrs. Love him but wants to do this himself. OMG...I recheck and try not to ask him if he pulled the figures out of his rear. Takes him 5 hours what I can do in 30 minutes. Gotta let him be proud and do it. I just change his final #'s and all is fine. Gotta love him!

That is too funny about counting corn and bean bushels!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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