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Evening Ladies...

Back from the gym - and have a load in the wash - checking in on my Girl Friends...

Phyl - we don't have much wind here in Indio - a little breeze and my work is about 3 blocks from the Marriott and we didn't have much at work either - you know you live in the center of the wind tunnel.:frown:. I get the tail end here..:angry_smile: Heck for Kathy - this is summer - she came from all that snow :w00t:

Becky - Be careful on all that shopping - I bought a lot as I was going down - and some things only wore once or twice before they were too big - heck by your bmi - you started like maybe 5 lbs heavier than i was - so you can get to a 6 or a 4 too.. I didn't lose 3 lbs a week - there were some weeks that I only lost 1/2 lbs - others 2 a week or maybe 1 - all those losses are going to add up and at the end of a year you are going to be so surprised at what the total it..

Trust me - I have been there done that - we focus on the smaller number - cuz the one to goal seems so far away - but all those 1 lbs losses do add up... It's not a race anyway the most important thing is that you are changing the way you eat and adding exercise into your life - I bet your 2.4 miles is easier now than it was in the beginning..

I think I am done shopping - it's the part I don't really like - well I do if I have a list - but the kids just want gift cards - had fun shopping for 4 yr GD - went way over broad.. I ended up doing more shopping for me than anyone else:scared2:

Well off to but dinner in the oven ... CBL :w00t:

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Good morning. What a productive morning so far it's been. Today was the first day of my 'mini-job'. I start at 550am and am off at 830. I think I will like it. It is very slow and easy work and the rest of the time I get to sit and gab with a good friend of mine that got me the job there. She works full time and I am just there for the early hours to help her open and check in all the early birds that use the gym, go to the aerobics classes etc. There's a lot to remember on opening, it will take a time or two before I learn where all the keys go and what opens what, etc. And all the computer programs to open etc. Then afterwards, I was a good girl and changed into workout attire and worked out before coming home at 930. So here I am at 945 when I'd just be thinking of going to the gym and I've worked, worked out and am home with a whole day ahead of me. I am used to sleeping til 7 so getting my just before 5 will be tough at first. When that alarm went off this morning I was like, 'do I really wnat to do this?'. :angry_smile: Tomorrow I will go straight from there at 830 to my volunteer stint at the hospital at 9, might be a few min. late if the roads are still icy.

Becky, I wonder what size I'll get to as well. My doc mentioned a 10 once, that sounds so far fetched to me right now. But then again 16's are fitting and even some 14's but other 16's don't fit. And I am still about 40-50 lbs from goal, I think. Not sure where I want to get on the scale either, a normal BMI sounds nice, but right now I am shooting for just an 'overweight' one and to no longer be obese. It was a huge deal for me when I was no longer 'morbidly obese' and now to just be overweight soon is almost normal to me. :frown:

How old are your twins? boys, girls, one of each?

Janet, I love to Christmas shop as long as I know what to shop for. I hate wandering trying to come up with something for someone that I feel I should get a gift for but not sure what or how much to spend, those type of gifts I hate shopping for. It's so hard to have control when it comes to new clothes for me. It's like a whole new world out there. But so confusing. I hated shopping in Macy's and Dillards (found some Jones NY stuff to try on though) as I am used to one tiny 'Women's' dept where everything is all together. The normal sizes are so spralled out and if you don't know what brand or designer you like it's confusing. And what if I like pants in one dept but not the top and then have to go all over looking for something to match etc. For this newbie to Misses sizes it's overwhelming. I haven't been there for over 25 yrs. and it seems to have changed. But then again 25 yrs ago I was a young mother with younguns and my clothes didn't come from a Macy's or Dillards.

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As to size & bmi - it will work it's self out your body will find it's happy weight - my goal was 160 still had me at an overweight bmi - I just kept eating healthy and exercising and with the help of my band - I am 138-140 size 6-4 and have had absolutly no problem maintaining this weight...

You are so right about having a whole department store to shop from now instead of one tiny section.. What I do is go to my fav sections and look in that section pick stuff then walk around to the other section and pick more stuff and when I have a few outfits - I go try them on - the problem is when I need a diff size I forget where I got something and have to walk around looking for that dept. But after a while you will get use to it..

Congrats on your new job and yes it's nice to have your exercise out of the way early in the day - it gives you the energy you need to get thru you day..

Becareful on those icy roads... Welcome to the new shopping experience - it is a reward in itself.:)

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I am sure eventually I will get used to shopping in the Misses departments. Right now I find it so overwhelming. Even though I hated shopping in 'Womens', it is my comfort zone. I know how to shop there, still feel I belong there etc. Yesterday while walking around the 'normal' sizes, I felt like such an imposter. Especially when I found myself in Petites, I know that means for shorter people, but I used to think of it meaning skinny people. I don't fit either category at 5'9". I felt like everyone was looking at me thinking, what was she doing here, especailly as I went to fitting rooms. I guess I just need to shop more often so I get more comfortable and less overwhelmed. :)

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I am sure eventually I will get used to shopping in the Misses departments. Right now I find it so overwhelming. Even though I hated shopping in 'Womens', it is my comfort zone. I know how to shop there, still feel I belong there etc. Yesterday while walking around the 'normal' sizes, I felt like such an imposter. Especially when I found myself in Petites, I know that means for shorter people, but I used to think of it meaning skinny people. I don't fit either category at 5'9". I felt like everyone was looking at me thinking, what was she doing here, especailly as I went to fitting rooms. I guess I just need to shop more often so I get more comfortable and less overwhelmed. :)

Long...I have been at goal for two months now and I still feel like I do not belong in the "normal" section even though I am wearing small-med tops and 6 slacks. It takes awhile to wrap your head around what has happened to our bodies.

I worried that I would come out of this with a poor body image. I guess I didn't cuz I promised myself I would just embrace my good health and accept what Mother Nature gave me in the end. I have to say that I am happy as I could be and thankful every day for the lap band.

Gotta get back to the books. Volunteered at the hospital for 4 hours today and now have to catch up with computer work at home. Hope everyone is having a nice day. Will catch up with you all later.

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I am sure eventually I will get used to shopping in the Misses departments. Right now I find it so overwhelming. Even though I hated shopping in 'Womens', it is my comfort zone. I know how to shop there, still feel I belong there etc. Yesterday while walking around the 'normal' sizes, I felt like such an imposter. Especially when I found myself in Petites, I know that means for shorter people, but I used to think of it meaning skinny people. I don't fit either category at 5'9". I felt like everyone was looking at me thinking, what was she doing here, especailly as I went to fitting rooms. I guess I just need to shop more often so I get more comfortable and less overwhelmed. :)

Lori - It will come - I am ok now in department stores - don't feel too much like an imposter - but went into Cachet (a boutique store in the mall) now there I really felt like an imposter and on El Paseo too (it's the rodeo dr of the desert - but they have Ann Taylor Loft and a Black & White store Chico's & Coldwater - all stores that I love - but have only ventured there once)

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Lori - It will come - I am ok now in department stores - don't feel too much like an impostor - but went into Cachet (a boutique store in the mall) now there I really felt like an imposter and on El Paseo too (it's the rodeo dr of the desert - but they have Ann Taylor Loft and a Black & White store Chico's & Coldwater - all stores that I love - but have only ventured there once)

It'll be a while before I venture in to any of those, but I AM getting comfortable outside the PLUS dept! Still need to get my pants there... 1X or 2X, depending on style, but I'm now wearing some L/XL tops. I found a brand of pants at Target that I like because they fit right! If I get the cropped pants that are supposed to ride below your waist... fit so much better than anything else I've tried. When my weight is down and stable, maybe I'll get out of Kmart, Wal-Mart and Target!!


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Joann and Teach,

Congratulations on your surgeries! Hope your recoveries go easily and that you enjoy this start of your new life. :)



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It'll be a while before I venture in to any of those, but I AM getting comfortable outside the PLUS dept! Still need to get my pants there... 1X or 2X, depending on style, but I'm now wearing some L/XL tops. I found a brand of pants at Target that I like because they fit right! If I get the cropped pants that are supposed to ride below your waist... fit so much better than anything else I've tried. When my weight is down and stable, maybe I'll get out of Kmart, Wal-Mart and Target!!


Phyl - you are too funny - I still shop at those stores... and you will be there before you know it ...

Joann and Teach,

Congratulations on your surgeries! Hope your recoveries go easily and that you enjoy this start of your new life. :lol:



Ellen - How are you doing - How are things going?? I was thinking about you this afternoon...

53 lbs gone in 6 months 32 to go - hey - you might have your plate full with a bunch of stuff - but one good thing is happening - you are losing weight..

How's your DH - Parents - etc...

We are here for you...

Hugs Janet

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Here' a Picture from a slide I found at my Brother's house..

Take maybe 59 ...

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hi to everyone tonight! How is all of the new surgery patients doing? Hope to hear you are all doing well. LONG, my twins are now 23 in Feb 2009. I also have dd 24 and dd 34. I got remarried after many years and had three kids in two half years. :tt1:. It was hard back then but they are all good kids so I am lucky. I went out tonight looking to see how the deals are coming along. I think more people are shopping than we think. I noticed alot of stuff missing out of the stores and the craft stores today. I ordered a sweater from Coldwater Creek and got it today. Haven't tried it on yet but will tomorrow. I also ordered a gorgeous belt from Chicos but they can't find any more of those so I guess I won't get it. Right now I am interested in Western clothes (like Indian Blanket coats, sweaters, etc) and some nice cowboy boots. I love tooled leather purses. Brahmin made one a while back and I sure wish I would have gotten it. Keep looking for things on Ebay. Bought a beautiful red Indian blanket coat off of Ebay. Like I said, things fit me beautiful in the shoulders but my stomach causes me to have to go up sizes:mad:. I have very small shoulders so I could wear a large now if it wasn't for that. We had the Jrs. rodeo here a couple of years and boy I loved all of the rodeo clothing at those shows. I collect Swarovski crystal ornaments so I have a skinny lighted tree in my bedroom with all of my crystal on it. Man, is it ever gorgeous. I like that Soft Surroundings catalog also. I want that Pink or Teal silk plaid velvet boyfriend shirt in there. I still can't hardly see myself as anything other than plus. Why do I keep going up into that part of the stores and looking. Janet is right, I am still fat chick in skinny body:tongue2: except I not skinny yet. Enough for tonight:biggrin:

Love ya all


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Joann and Teach,

Congratulations on your surgeries! Hope your recoveries go easily and that you enjoy this start of your new life. :tt1:



Ellen!!! I miss you around these parts, you've become scarce. I know you have a lot on your plate (no pun intended) right now. Are you finding some time for yourself? Have you talked to our friend lately? Got a correct email for her if you did??

Looks like you are doing well on the weight loss.

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Hi Indigo:

I can never understand these forums sometimes. The last post I saw on this kind and generous forum you statrted was from May 08, but I know once I enter this I will see more current posts. So waht I'm saying is I'm in the dark right now and you may not even have kept this up?

O ;p I love what you said about LBT being your transfer addcition....as far as addicitons go I guess this would be a healthy one? I wish I has a new "treadmill desk" though as I feel guilty sitting for so long! :tt1:

Well justed wanted to put my two cents in here. I can't believe I'm only 1 week post op?!?! It feels like a lifetime:lol: First the roller coaster of decision making....took me 3 years to get the guts to do this. Then the year long frustrating insurance coverage fiasco that never panned out. Then the pre op nightmarish test subject weeks. Then wheww....the actually surgery ....worse than I thought.....a lot worse but the pain and nausea was temporary thank goodness. :tt1: Now it's the easiest part for me ....losing weight and eating healthy! THis part i thought would be the Hardest!!? This is cake....I love eating slowly, methodically and being aware of what I put in my mouth. My skin and hair glow with health and I feel like my body is morphing into a woman 10 years younger. That is my body is looking like it did 10 years ago before I became pregnant at 40 and became obese for what I thought would be permanently.

Did I tell you I like to write also...:whistle:..youll have to put up with my ramblings ...sorry:embaressed_smile:

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Yikes excuse what looks like very poor grammar in my last post!....I should have checked it before submitting, I really don't talk like that.

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Hey Apples:

WOW....128 lbs. amazing!! And ..I have to throw this in...at our age! Did you ever dream this could be a possibility at this age....it's almost impossible to lose weight after age 50 period. I'll be 50 next year and before getting the band I just thought I was doomed to increasing obesity, lowered metabolism with wrinkles and menopause thrown in to really send the message home. wrong...my metabolism is defintely getting a boost from eating this way esp. during this "mushy" stage....eating small meals every few hours. It is such a healthier way to eat. Before it was eat till my insulin spiked then look for some sweets!!

best to you,


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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