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Cheri....you have the right attitude with not sweating the small stuff. I'm doing a bit of that myself. I would rather have a nice, relaxed time with family than to be stewing about what I did not get done. It is what it is. But, the food and entertainment and time with family and friends is what it is all about. You have a great Thanksgiving.

And to all....same goes.....Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope everyone's travels are safe. Have a few treats if that's what you feel like doing and get back on the horse with your next meal. But most of all, enjoy the ones you are with and think of those who cannot be with you. Love you all.

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Just when I had the other all figured out. Well at least we are back on.

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Evening ladies,

Am ensconced in my room in Athens, OH and am by myself for the first time in a week. My sister has her own room. DH will be here tomorrow and I'm looking forward to seeing him.

The new forum will take a little getting used to.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and doesn't work too hard!

Happy Turkey DAY!!


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Thanks Cheri! That is so much easier.........yeah, I always sweat the small stuff until Wednesday before Thanksgiving......then I think "who cares".....it is about the fellowship......well, and the stuffing...lol!

I made a Pecan Pie Cake and had a taste......as good as Pecan Pie. I cut it up and sent it to my neighbor and and DD. Eating out tomorrow ......then maybe a movie and shopping. I want to see about four movies that are coming out this weekend.

Oh, I did walk today and then cleaned my DD's bathrooms. She cleaned the rest. She is exhausted from being sick and taking care of two sick babies. Her husband is cooking Thanksgiving dinner for them and his relatives. We opted out.....would have eaten too much.

Once again, I hope you all have a Thankful Holiday full of love. HUGS! to all!!!

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I just finished my baking for tomorrow and just sat down to relax.:rolleyes: I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoys their family.

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Apples, take a look at the page #, they ripped us off. I want our 1000 pages back. lol

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.


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Well I don't know about any one else but I signed up to get my notifications just like before and I have not recieved one single e-mail. Mind you I am signed up to quite a few,,,,that I went and re-registered to. Nope not an e-mail to be found....Oh well, I really want everyone to have a calm ,warm, happy, and fulfilling holiday....notice I did not say filling:D !

P.s. my emotocons don't work either,,,,maybe 1/2 the time!;)

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okay much to tired to play around with this new...site. I have just only begun to get used to old one boohoo. Maybe sometime soon will figure this one!

Wanted to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving day! We are going to my sisters house where I will be looking to escape the cat allergies olmost as soon as we arrive. lol. Cant wait to experience some drama....but after this weeks drama at work......well I can handle my family I think.

Am making "pumpkin soup" well....actually Dassi is making "Pumpkin Soup" I will be assisting.

Have been extremely busy this week with um kind of everything that isnt what should have been busy with. lol I hope that scenario ends tonight.

Tonight we helped with Thanksgiving dinner at an organization that Im involved with that hosts Thanksgiving dinner for several homeless shelters at the center that houses all the jewish student organizations that I was involved with when in college. I am an alumni so am invovled with several events that occur yearly. Thanksgiving dinner for the shelters is one of them. Dassi loves going and so....weve been going every year for the past three. She really outdid herself this year....she brought three friends of hers with...and the three of them really made the day...they worked so hard and were so pooped after they all fell asleep on the way home. It was good evening. I got to see some friends who havent seen in a year and it was enjoyable to do something good for others with Dassi together.

This week...finially the scale started moving again...its been two months at 148 finaiily down to 144 this past week. Ive been really trying and being tight....well that helped im sure as well because im just not eating alot and im not hungry. Im not as tight as I was two weeks ago when I thought about an unfil....I guess those four pounds made that difference jsut like you all said it was....perhaps this is what restriction really feels like?! As long as im not getting stuck all the time and no Pbing, sliming or thank god or anything like throwing up after that one time that second day after fill...I guess its all good. If I feel stuck at all this week however...next week I go to Surgeon and will think about a slight unfill.

Well...it is way late so best be getting to sleep. Will be meeting with a party planner for ideas for Dassi Bat mitzvah....which she has allready planned out...so better get moving before she spends all the money herself on it by herself. lol. Shes allready got the budget down....hmm. Her head counselor at camp is the party planner....she has refused to take any money from me...so ill have to figure out how to pay her.....even if she just helps with ideas and such I need to do something for her....I hate it when everyone wants to do for us because of "our" situation. I understand this is their chessed....charity project....but im used to be the one to do the chessed projects for others...I hate being a chessed project myself. It reminds me that yes....I am also a widow, divorcee etc Yes Dassi is a fatherless but um i hate being reminded of that...and would love to be able to say oh no I can well afford to pay you....and so thats that...but its not as if I have that luxery to say that...and even not needing a party planner she has insisted on offering her services....so why should I deny Dassi something that perhaps she can think of that I cant...as I aint no party planner!! lol. and I really dont know anything about this party type of the neighborhood we are living in now....just because im too proud! She deserves to have a great party and if I can do that using a planner that will allow me to get ideas that will not only inspire but will save me money in the end....Ill take it and find a way to pay her...if not with money with something else!! Doing this in the AM then off to my sister in the PM. Long day!! So must go to sleep.

Have a good one all.....and remember


Gobble, Gobble

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Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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Hello Everyone! Well, it is 1:43 am here and I am sitting on the couch watching the 2nd showing of todays Oprah with color on my hair. I had zero time at work this week to have anyone else do it, so, here we are, last minute!

Tonight was awesome. I went with my mom to Downtown Detroit where they line up all of the Thanksgiving Day Parade floats the night before. They closed down the entire main street downtown and had all of the floats on display. It was so fun! We don't go to the parade because we eat dinner at 1:30 on TG, but we watch it on TV every year. It was neat to see them up close and personal. Plus, I got to spend so fun time with just my mom and I.

I don't have to make a single thing for tomorrow. It's a miracle! My great-aunt who is 87 years old, and my 91 year old Grandma make the dinner and Desserts for us every year. I have no idea how they do it, but it is absolutely delicious. After we eat and have dessert, we will go to Andrews moms house. Apparently she is having dinner at her house at some point. She is so unorganized. But sweet. She has no idea what she is having, when she is having it, or who is going to be there. So, I guess I will just have to go with the flow on this one. I love her, but somtimes she is a bit much to handle because I grew up in a household where everything was extremely organized and planned. I am glad that I inherited that trait from my family!

Ok, well, its been at least 45 minutes with my color on, so I'm going to get in the shower, wash it out and hit the hay. I've decided that tomorrow I will eat what I want and not fret about it, Friday is going to have to be done in similar fashion because I will be having cocktails (probably many of them) at my highschool reunion, so it's back on in a serious way on Saturday!

I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends, family and loved ones!


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Hello Everyone! Well, it is 1:43 am here and I am sitting on the couch watching the 2nd showing of todays Oprah with color on my hair. I had zero time at work this week to have anyone else do it, so, here we are, last minute!

Tonight was awesome. I went with my mom to Downtown Detroit where they line up all of the Thanksgiving Day Parade floats the night before. They closed down the entire main street downtown and had all of the floats on display. It was so fun! We don't go to the parade because we eat dinner at 1:30 on TG, but we watch it on TV every year. It was neat to see them up close and personal. Plus, I got to spend so fun time with just my mom and I.

I don't have to make a single thing for tomorrow. It's a miracle! My great-aunt who is 87 years old, and my 91 year old Grandma make the dinner and Desserts for us every year. I have no idea how they do it, but it is absolutely delicious. After we eat and have dessert, we will go to Andrews moms house. Apparently she is having dinner at her house at some point. She is so unorganized. But sweet. She has no idea what she is having, when she is having it, or who is going to be there. So, I guess I will just have to go with the flow on this one. I love her, but somtimes she is a bit much to handle because I grew up in a household where everything was extremely organized and planned. I am glad that I inherited that trait from my family!

Ok, well, its been at least 45 minutes with my color on, so I'm going to get in the shower, wash it out and hit the hay. I've decided that tomorrow I will eat what I want and not fret about it, Friday is going to have to be done in similar fashion because I will be having cocktails (probably many of them) at my highschool reunion, so it's back on in a serious way on Saturday!

I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends, family and loved ones!


Meredith it is so nice to here from you I am glad you are doing well.

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:DHappy Thanksgiving Everyone. No Regrets !!!! :D

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Hi all,

Happy Thanksgiving. Just taking a break from cooking and cleaning. Today I am thankful for all of you. I am thankful that God is a God of second, third, fourth, and so on chances. I surely know that I have made major mistakes in the past and continue to do so. But I am forgiven as long as I acknowledge my shortcomings, change my behaviors, and forgive others theirs. What a relief and what a release.

Jodi, you may want to consider that you are blessing those who make you their chessed by receiving their blessing without trying to "pay" them back. Receive with a grateful heart and pass the blessing on to someone else.


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Happy Thanksgiving !!

I need to go back to work - hell I had more computer time when I was working !!

Yesterday - grout got cleaned - my floor looks brand new :0) - while they where here doing that (9 a.m) I went to Target got dog food then over to Marshall's cuz I saw these towels I just LOVED !! So I got them and then back to Target to get bedspread for Andrew's room (it will always be his room) but I am redecorating it to my style/colors - purple/lavender/light green/dark green - when it's all done I'll send pics. After Target flaked on the gym as I was really really tired and have discovered that I think I have a right hip issue - my hip really doesn't hurt but I get a pain that runs from my hip to my knee - so when I get back - I guess I will get it check out..

Went and got fake tan - had a personal spray -didn't do the booth ;0) warned the lady - me naked wasn't a pretty site ;0) but you know what - it wasn't bad - she's in her 40's so it wasn't like some young ck was doing it and it is what it is and who gives a flip - I know that I look better now w/saggy skin that I did w/114 extra lbs on my body - the way I look at it the skin is my badge of honor - oh ya -

I had a Dr appt at 2 w/the clinic - Nope not getting surgery

But did get rysteline (sp - its a filler) & botox !!! They filled the bags under my eyes and the lines between the nose & mouth (this is immediate results) then botox in the forhead to give me an eye lift and help w/the crows feet & 11 - this is goint to take a while to work (about a week I think) and then got some face stuff Obagi that's suppose to help w/the texture of my skin - which is awful..

Also - The Chorpa (sp)doc just gave a body lift to Dan from the biggest loser - may have him look at my arms ;0)

I will post picture later - I do have a little burising and swelling but not bad.

My bff Kathy who I've known since 3rd grade and is Joseph's Godmother goes to this doctor and she looks great - not over done - no surgery just filler & botox - her neice is the one who cuts my hair (and the one who's mom & dad just passed away)

so I see her every month and asked who she went to- Well she called and got me squeezed in yesterday.. We will see if the kids or anyone when I go back to work notices

Well after all that then had to go to bed bath & beyond to find a shower curtain -

Didn't get home till like 4:30- Candice/Peaches had called so called her back - (LOVED TALKING TO YOU ;0)

Then had to feed dogs - unload the car - put ice on my face - wash and treat it with the new stuff - hell - I didn't get on the computer at all - bet all my crops have died ;0)

Never got the lobster - so guess I will be eating lasagna today an Italian Thanksgiving :0)

Today - do the bedroom and bathroom - wish me luck on hanging curtians :0) hope there aren't to many holes in the wall..

Gotta start packing too - only 1 more day.. Weather as of yesterday in Playa Del Carmen - Rain !!! but the rain in that region- rains then the rest of the day is nice - hopefully that will be the case ;0)

Well need to get moving - I will be cking back later


Jodi- It will all work out - don't sweat it..

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rolleyes.gifLovely Thanksgiving dinner at J. Gilberts restaurant with 18 guests. Great service and food and NO DISHES. Time to enjoy the family and friends. Focus was on the conversation and NOT THE food. Life is quite different without food being the focus and how much I could stuff in my face.

Great to have NO FAMILY DRAMA - only guests who enjoyed being together.

Love to all of you.


Happy Thanksgiving !!

I need to go back to work - hell I had more computer time when I was working !!

Yesterday - grout got cleaned - my floor looks brand new :0) - while they where here doing that (9 a.m) I went to Target got dog food then over to Marshall's cuz I saw these towels I just LOVED !! So I got them and then back to Target to get bedspread for Andrew's room (it will always be his room) but I am redecorating it to my style/colors - purple/lavender/light green/dark green - when it's all done I'll send pics. After Target flaked on the gym as I was really really tired and have discovered that I think I have a right hip issue - my hip really doesn't hurt but I get a pain that runs from my hip to my knee - so when I get back - I guess I will get it check out..

Went and got fake tan - had a personal spray -didn't do the booth ;0) warned the lady - me naked wasn't a pretty site ;0) but you know what - it wasn't bad - she's in her 40's so it wasn't like some young ck was doing it and it is what it is and who gives a flip - I know that I look better now w/saggy skin that I did w/114 extra lbs on my body - the way I look at it the skin is my badge of honor - oh ya -

I had a Dr appt at 2 w/the clinic - Nope not getting surgery

But did get rysteline (sp - its a filler) & botox !!! They filled the bags under my eyes and the lines between the nose & mouth (this is immediate results) then botox in the forhead to give me an eye lift and help w/the crows feet & 11 - this is goint to take a while to work (about a week I think) and then got some face stuff Obagi that's suppose to help w/the texture of my skin - which is awful..

Also - The Chorpa (sp)doc just gave a body lift to Dan from the biggest loser - may have him look at my arms ;0)

I will post picture later - I do have a little burising and swelling but not bad.

My bff Kathy who I've known since 3rd grade and is Joseph's Godmother goes to this doctor and she looks great - not over done - no surgery just filler & botox - her neice is the one who cuts my hair (and the one who's mom & dad just passed away)

so I see her every month and asked who she went to- Well she called and got me squeezed in yesterday.. We will see if the kids or anyone when I go back to work notices

Well after all that then had to go to bed bath & beyond to find a shower curtain -

Didn't get home till like 4:30- Candice/Peaches had called so called her back - (LOVED TALKING TO YOU ;0)

Then had to feed dogs - unload the car - put ice on my face - wash and treat it with the new stuff - hell - I didn't get on the computer at all - bet all my crops have died ;0)

Never got the lobster - so guess I will be eating lasagna today an Italian Thanksgiving :0)

Today - do the bedroom and bathroom - wish me luck on hanging curtians :0) hope there aren't to many holes in the wall..

Gotta start packing too - only 1 more day.. Weather as of yesterday in Playa Del Carmen - Rain !!! but the rain in that region- rains then the rest of the day is nice - hopefully that will be the case ;0)

Well need to get moving - I will be cking back later


Jodi- It will all work out - don't sweat it..

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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