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Hi everyone - Yesterday I received the bill for my first fill - $1600!! I was shocked. I didn't think the fills were going to be that expensive. I've had two so far so the next bill should be arriving soon. I called the doc's office and the business manager said that I could expect to pay between $1000 and $1600 each visit. Is everyone paying this much? Our fills are done in the hospital out-patient under floroscopy. This could be a big deter to future fills.

Hope I didn't already comment on this!! I was just reading through the last few posts again. I think that is outrageous!! All my fills are done in radiology at the clinic where my surgeon has his office and under fluroscopy. So far it's all been covered by my insurance, but still I think the radiology charge is less than $200 and then I get charged a dr. office visit. I'll have to look up my bills again. Since it's covered, I have to admit that I don't pay a lot of attention to the amount, but I know the total is not more than about $300, if that!

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JoanMarie...I was back to my energetic self today...thanks for asking. I took the Tylenol PM because I had not slept the two night previous to that. I had been really sore because of my hernia repairs. Never going to touch it again. I can count on one hand the number of times I have taken any king of sleep aid. I am sure I will still be able to take reg. tylenol. Doc thought it was what was in the sleep aid part of it.

All is good today. Will visit more with you girls tomorrow. Sunday night is reserved for DH!

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Hi all tonight (Sunday). Apples, I sure would like to be on the farm with you and all those Cookies. I cook alot also, I made a chocolate cake with frosting today for dh. I haven't had any of it either. I am crabby again today. My neck has been hurting for about a week now. I think I need an adjustment or something. I've tried resting it and everything. I have a bad disc in my upper back and I think that is what is causing this neckache. Anyway it is making me feel really bad with a headache and all. Today I took my long walk and ate pretty normal. Stayed around 850 cal. Weight is pretty much staying the same so far this month. Gotta keep focused on this plan. Joanmarie, you will be banded before you know it and you don't have to worry about a thing. You are going to do great on the plan. You are doing great right now with your thoughts and being focused. See ya all tomorrow.


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Thanks for the information, Apples. It's good to know the doc thought it was the sleep aid in the Tyelonol. I was kinda half joking with the headache remark. Prior to the decrease of estrogen in my system I had severe Migraines - due to cyclical hormonal changes. I sure know what a headache can be and absolutely do not want to minimize the effect they can have. Pain is pain and it's tough to deal with. I hope you have been able to get some sleep. It seems there are always lots of upsets to the system when we undergo the kind of changes you have had. Congratulations on your weight loss, though. You must feel fantastic about that! You have done a great job. I can't wait to join all you "banded people."

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I just want to thank you all for the great information and support you have provided. I am going through the process of WLS, am currently doing my classes and labs. These messages have been so inspirational. I wish you all continued success and may God bless you for all the good work you are doing to help one another.

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Hi everyone, just checking in for a few seconds. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I am doing okay, just tired, can't sleep very well at night and haven't been able to for a while now. I am going to take this week and slowly get back into the swing of things with my weight loss journey and then jump back in with both feet. I really need to get up the nerve to contact my surgeon for a fill. It feels like the band isn't even there any longer and I can eat anything I want just like I did before surgery so something needs to be done. If he won't help me, I did find a doctor that is covered by my insurance that isn't that far for me to travel so i'll give them a call and see if they will help. Hope everyone has a great week and hopefully i will be able to check in more often.


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Good Morning Gang - Sorry I wasn't around this weekend - but Saturday morning started cleaning the garage - was going thru boxes with pictures and decided I needed to get them in albums (never finished the garage but did get it clean some and the front of the house and a couple of halloween decorations) - with my new Supertarget 2 blocks away :) I ran over there and got some and started - I have 4 albums done - now I need to go get pics that are on disc made in to photos - Oh but what a back killer (the middel where your bra hooks)

Also, my GS and I (mostly him with instructions from me:wink:) replaced my kitchen faucet.... Pretty good he is a natural handyman - love it since so many guys now adays don't know how to fix stuff..

Good morning. Just a quick check while I have a break. Visit with the folks is going pretty good. Mom's not feeling well today which is putting a kink in our plans but other than that, they've been pretty supportive overall of my weight loss. And it helps that I seem to be on a fast track while they are here. I've lost a pound a day so far. YAHOO!! 74 now. We were going to go up to Estes Park today but may not due to mom not feeling well, but if we do, we drive right by the Coach outlet and DH said we could stop and get my 75 lb reward which is the matching wallet to my purse I got at 50 lbs.

As to portion size, I do eat the 1/2 cup most of the time. And I am usually very satisfied with it and feel full. The only times I'd say I didn't is in social settings when I want to sample different foods etc. and I can't. But then again, that's a good thing as I would tend to graze way too much. And I always eat my protien first to be sure I get that in.

Lori - Congratulations - did you get your wallet - I am so glad that your visit with your Mom & Dad is going well... In making my albums - I miss my Dad & Stepmom, Real Mom & Brother - Looking at all those pictures made me miss my family - I have a big Sis who lives in Northern CA and my baby Bro who lives 20 miles away..

Janet, thanks for this site and for being here for us. You're the best. I come here every evening and read what everyone has to say, it helps me alot.

The pictures you posted in your different outfits were sooooooooo nice. You look Awesome.

My next fill is Oct 22nd, hopefully it will be the one I've been waiting for.

Thanks again for all your help, you're such a sweetie.

PJ thanks for the props... I feel so good - Like I said before - I don't know why I wasted so many yrs fat - but gotta say I hate the saggy skin (that being said I still will take the weight loss over the fat anyday) I was trying on clothes Friday - OMW - in that lighting - I looked awful - Yes having proper restriction really does help..

Thanks Janet, Each and everyone of my meals include at least 3-4 oz of Protein that comes from meat with the exception of my Greek yogurt that I eat in the morning because I just plain have to get it in and I am a little tight. It has 15g Protein and I know it probably goes right through but as least I am getting my nutrients. I will take your advice and schedule a fill. Been on the fence long enough

I have heard about the greek yogurt - I haven't tried - what's the calories.. You are so close to goal I hate saying that you need a fill - but if you are saying you are doing this mostly on your own - then the safety net of your band will keep you there.

Ended up in the ER for half the night last night. Took a dose of Tylenol liquid PM about 9pm. We went to bed about 11pm and right off the bat I knew I was not going to get sleep last night. My tongue got thick and I could hardly get my words out. Then started the extremely anxious feeling throughout my chest. That feeling would then spread down my arms and then they would jerk uncontrollable. This would happen every 10-15 seconds. After awhile I called into the nurses station and she had me come in.

They think is was an allergic reaction to the liquid Tylenol. They kept me for a few hours, gave me something to calm the episodes down and knock me out. Well, made the 15 mile trek back home and they started up again. Did not settle down until 5am. Weird! Today I feel like I've been through the mill.

OMW - I am glad you are ok - I haven't seen the PM stuff - do you think it's the PM meds part or the tyenol itself...

Hey apples, hope you are feeling better tonight (Saturday). I used to have similiar attacks like that and they always happened at night. It turned out to be anxiety attacks for me but got rid of it and I don't have them anymore. Janet, I just want to say that I don't think I could get through this program so easily right now if it wasn't for this thread. I went and walked today 2.4 miles. I am getting that in every day but I am fighting this hunger thing, This morning I made egg beaters with a slice of fat free cheese on it. That helped some but then I cleaned, etc. etc and then walked and was hungry again. Had a hamburger patty with no bun for lunch and a salad. tonight went out for dinner and had salad and a 5 oz piece of grilled chicken. I had protein three times today and it is evening and I am hungry again. I am going to talk with Dr on Tues but he is the boss if ya know what I mean. What he says, goes. We will see. I think that walking is helping me alot also and believe it or not it still makes me very tired. there is a really steep hill that accounts for 1/4 of the 1.4 mile walk and I do it twice. That hill kills me. Sometimes I walk fast,slow, fast, slow and man does that do me in. My daughters think I am doing good though.

See ya later friends,


Becky - I think you are doing wonderful with your eating healthy and exercise - You are suppose to be hungry at meal time - that's normal...

That whole eat protein thing to curb hunger is bs to me - I don't find that eating protein stops me from being hungry - I do find that eating hard protein (meats) do stick with me longer and keeping busy is a main factor for me...

Janet, I am just checking in. I have been enjoying navy Beans again. That is my new favorite food. I did try to eat a piece of toast today and it got stuck. I can eat hamburger Buns, biscuits, rolls, and tortillas, but not bread. I have one more week until a fill. I really need one.

Charlene - how funny toast got suck but not the other stuff but that's our band for you - I haven't tried a hamburger bun - but when I came back from LV in June - I did have a hot dog and could eat the bun and this was getting off the plane..

I just want to thank you all for the great information and support you have provided. I am going through the process of WLS, am currently doing my classes and labs. These messages have been so inspirational. I wish you all continued success and may God bless you for all the good work you are doing to help one another.

Howluckyami - Welcome !!!

Hi everyone, just checking in for a few seconds. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I am doing okay, just tired, can't sleep very well at night and haven't been able to for a while now. I am going to take this week and slowly get back into the swing of things with my weight loss journey and then jump back in with both feet. I really need to get up the nerve to contact my surgeon for a fill. It feels like the band isn't even there any longer and I can eat anything I want just like I did before surgery so something needs to be done. If he won't help me, I did find a doctor that is covered by my insurance that isn't that far for me to travel so i'll give them a call and see if they will help. Hope everyone has a great week and hopefully i will be able to check in more often.


Gail - I am glad you are feeling better - as the saying time helps - and it really does -

Yep I think you need a fill and hope your doc give it to you - why wouldn't he??

Well, off to work gang - Will ck back later:thumbup:

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I'm just now catching up with fills after several problems all summer long (he couldn't find port -- then he put in 3cc all at once and overfilled and had to take it all out so my stomach could rest etc). I went in last Thurs and he put 1cc in to make a total of 6cc in a 10cc band. Now I'm wondering if it's just right or too much. I had liquids and Protein Drinks the first 50 hr. Then I started with a bit of egg salad. I only ate about 3-4 tablespoons and it felt like it was a bit stuck. I have been eating mostly egg salad. Yesterday I had a pickle. I didn't PB but slimmed something fierce for about 2 hrs. It just felt like it SAT there. I got up this AM and tried one of those Jimmy Dean cheese omelets. As soon as I took the first small bite (which I chewed, chewed, chewed) I could tell it wasn't going to go down if I ate more so I stopped and drank 2 hot cups of coffee. After doing that -- I was able to eat more of the omelet but it was somewhat uncomfortable for a few hours (no PBing or slimming). Later in the AM I had a Protein Drink. It went down but I had to REALLY take it SLOW and it did seem to cause "mini-slimming." This afternoon -- I had 2 of those small Cracker Barrel cheese Snacks. They went down but I had to take it slow. I still haven't dared to try any solid Protein. I've got chili on for dinner. I really am getting very little food. I don't think I've had more than 30g of protein a day since last Thurs. What do you think? I know you always say it good to be tight -- but is this too tight or is it normal for new fill? Is this just an adjustment process for a new fill that will loosen in a couple more days? I called to schedule the MD to take out .5 on Weds but now I'm wondering if this is just normal. Thanks!

Edited by Desdemona

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Good afternoon. What a weekend. First on Sat. my mom got a stomach flu, then on Friday my dad got it and he got it so much worse. he passed out and had me so scared. He said he hadn't been that sick in years. So we have just sat and sat and sat around the house. Friday I had to sit and wait for my stove to be delivered. So no I didn't get my wallet yet. Hopefully next weekend. HOWEVER, we did get out to the mall a bit today, and.............


Tried on the 20's, nope too big. No 18's, so tried a 16 and it fit and on clearance for $17.99 better yet!! They are a tad snug but will be loosening up. I heard my mom telling my sister on the phone and she said 16 WOMENS right? and my mom said no regulars at the GAp. I think she's worried I am no longer willing to be the fat sister!! LOL Weird though I tried on 3 different styles of jeans and some fit and some didn't. I liked the $88 ones better but am not ready to spend that on something til goal weight. I will be wearing them tomorrow when my sisters come over for dinner!! LOL

Ok better get back to my company, but I knew folks here would understand my excitement.

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Tried on the 20's, nope too big. No 18's, so tried a 16 and it fit and on clearance for $17.99 better yet!! They are a tad snug but will be loosening up. I heard my mom telling my sister on the phone and she said 16 WOMENS right? and my mom said no regulars at the GAp. I think she's worried I am no longer willing to be the fat sister!! LOL Weird though I tried on 3 different styles of jeans and some fit and some didn't. I liked the $88 ones better but am not ready to spend that on something til goal weight. I will be wearing them tomorrow when my sisters come over for dinner!! LOL

Ok better get back to my company, but I knew folks here would understand my excitement.


I have three sisters!

Wonder what they're going to think!!

I love them dearly and I know they are happy for me. One of them gave me a shirt of hers that is too short for her and it fit!!!

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Good afternoon. What a weekend. First on Sat. my mom got a stomach flu, then on Friday my dad got it and he got it so much worse. he passed out and had me so scared. He said he hadn't been that sick in years. So we have just sat and sat and sat around the house. Friday I had to sit and wait for my stove to be delivered. So no I didn't get my wallet yet. Hopefully next weekend. HOWEVER, we did get out to the mall a bit today, and.............


Tried on the 20's, nope too big. No 18's, so tried a 16 and it fit and on clearance for $17.99 better yet!! They are a tad snug but will be loosening up. I heard my mom telling my sister on the phone and she said 16 WOMENS right? and my mom said no regulars at the GAp. I think she's worried I am no longer willing to be the fat sister!! LOL Weird though I tried on 3 different styles of jeans and some fit and some didn't. I liked the $88 ones better but am not ready to spend that on something til goal weight. I will be wearing them tomorrow when my sisters come over for dinner!! LOL

Ok better get back to my company, but I knew folks here would understand my excitement.


I could be 180 and have to wear a 16. Oh well, I will get there. I am glad the visit is going well. I'm sorry your parents got sick. I know they are proud of you.

Well, my daughter is having back surgery on Oct 23rd. I will have to take care of her and my new grand daughter for at least 3 weeks. I know this will jump start my weight loss. I am not used to getting up every 3 hours to diaper and feed a baby. I hope my back holds up. This will be a challenge and a blessing. I just want my 32 yr old daughter to get some relief from pain. She is my baby.

One more week till my 4th fill. Boy, do I need it!

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Lori, happy for your continuing losses! You will be past this interim goal when you get your wallet! What's next?

I should start thinking about rewards... hmmm...

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Janet...I buy the Greek yogurt at Walmart (which is 60 miles from us so I buy for at least a month at a time). Brand name is Oikois. 90 cals. There is a vanilla flavor too for 110 cals. I like to squirt a couple of shots of my DiVinci SF flavorings in and put some soynuts. I look forward to it every morning.

I do know now that I need a fill and thanks for being a sounding board on that subject. I am hungry all day again today. Like I said, my surgeon does my fills and he is very conservative when it comes to fills so know he won't over fill.

As far as the liquid Tylenol PM...doc thought it was the PM ingredients. I never want to feel like that again. Almost had DH call an ambulance (I even scared myself...I am one not to panic about much of anything). All behind me now and almost afraid to try reg Tylenol again.

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Hey Long...Thank goodness you didn't get the flu. Hope it passes you by. Woohoo.............size 16 jeans and from the Gap!!!!! Way to go!!

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Sorry to have to share this, but Janet just called and asked me to let you all know that she won't be online for a while. Her baby brother just died suddenly and she is quite devastated. He was ill briefly, apparently bronchitis but did not go to the doctor or take care of himself- no insurance, overweight, etc.

Please keep her and the family in your thoughts and prayers.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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