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Janet, you hot sexy thing you!:(

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Janet, you hot sexy thing you!:(


Thanks so much!!! I feel so great now a days... I don't know why I wasted so many years being fat... It's such a waste - our lives are so limited by our obesity - we might not admitted - then - I said I was happy fat - well if that was happy - they haven't made a word to desciribe how I feel now...

This is my wish for all of you - to feel as good as i do today...

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Janet, I'm going to get a bit personal here... why is such a hot, sexy babe not dating? I never hear you mention a BF so I'm making an assumption.

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Hi Janet,

I have been "lurking" for quiet some time now. I really have appreciated your advice and support. It is so inspiring to see your success.

Saw the pic for the commercial and just wanted to say that you really look fabulous! The outfit fits to a T and is really a classy!

My date is Oct 9. I am both excited for the possibilities and nervous about the surgery. I am self pay so didn't have to jump thru the hoops for the insurance co plus the process has been so much faster.

Keep writing. I'll keep readin'



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Janet you look amazing!! I want white jeans now!! I always thought I was a happy fat too for the first several years of my fatness. But then as I got the ailments to go with my 'happy fat' I lost some of that. But what I feel now already just halfway to goal is ecstatic then!

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Janet, I'm going to get a bit personal here... why is such a hot, sexy babe not dating? I never hear you mention a BF so I'm making an assumption.

Donna - You can be personal - not problem about that - The reason I don't date - #1 no one's asked me :cool2: That being said - I really am not out and about much cuz I don't think it's attractive for a 53 yr old women to hang out at bars ;) - Most of my friends are married.. I have 1 gf who isn't but she is sorta a stuck in the mud sometimes.. And I gotta say when I am out - Recently when I was at the Rock Yard with a group of pple this guy started talking to me at the bar about a drink I was ordering for friend - I was like shocked - you are talking to me - I forget I'm not fat so I gotta say if a guy would flirt with me I wouldn't notice cuz I don't think guys are going to be cking me out :laugh:

Another reason and most likely the main reason I don't date - is I don't want all the drama that goes with meeting someone new - I haven't always made the best choices in men - My babies daddy like to hit - got out of that - said never again - and never again did that happen - then had bf for almost 8 yrs who used drugs - nice guy we got along great we would have his daughter he accepted my son and when my GS was born he was such a proud papa - but I just couldn't take the drug use - I was 36 then and finally realized that no matter how much you loved some one that love wasn't going to change who they are..

Then met my xdh - he didn't drink (well socially) do drugs - he had his own house and car - I thought finally - we got married (my 1st marriage at the age of 40) Well things I had ignored in the beginning just got worse he was very jealous of my son and gs and controling.. Since I have always been in control of my life since I was 16 (I have been living on my own since that age - that's when I had my son) I don't take well at pple telling me what I can an can't do.. So we parted - We are great freinds - I love him to death - he as some great qualities - but he likes drama - I have had enough drama in my life to last a lifetime... I don't want or need it..

You will find alot of women my age saying that if something happen to their DH's then wouldn't get married again. As far as the sexy part goes - I think I used up all those hormones in my 20-30-40 - Really don't miss it if you catch my drift :tt2:

So bottom line is - if a really great man fell in my lap - I wouldn't turn away - but I gotta say that most men my age like the younger ones:wink2: - and they have a lot of baggage to deal with and I don't want others bs.

I enjoy my life - I can do what I want to do when I want to - I really don't want to take care of anyone heck if I want to eat dinner at 8 - I can - I don't have to worry that bf wants or needs to eat before 6 or he gets reflux - this is my time - I have spent my whole life taking care of others - and I am done doing that - I am taking care of me.. I am happy and content with my life..

See I don't mind telling my story - and there is a whole lot more in between those lines... :eek:

Hi Janet,

I have been "lurking" for quiet some time now. I really have appreciated your advice and support. It is so inspiring to see your success.

Saw the pic for the commercial and just wanted to say that you really look fabulous! The outfit fits to a T and is really a classy!

My date is Oct 9. I am both excited for the possibilities and nervous about the surgery. I am self pay so didn't have to jump thru the hoops for the insurance co plus the process has been so much faster.

Keep writing. I'll keep readin'



Hey Linda - Welcome to our little thread - Will say prayer for a safe surgery and speed recovery on the 9th.. It's normal to be a little scared - in fact it's healthy - you are having MAJOR surgery in order regain control of your life - this decision isn't to be taken lightly - In fact - I think it was my Ah Ha moment - if I was going to go thru a major operation - I was going to make the lifetime changes that are needed to be successul -

Thanks for the completements - it's much appreciated.. Again - looking forward to having your as another member of our happy little family...'

Janet you look amazing!! I want white jeans now!! I always thought I was a happy fat too for the first several years of my fatness. But then as I got the ailments to go with my 'happy fat' I lost some of that. But what I feel now already just halfway to goal is ecstatic then!

Lori - Thanks - Ya ESTATIC would be a good word to descirbe how I feel

Yep as fat chick's we really can be in denial about our weight...

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Janet, as usual, your explanation is right on point.

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I think that is so great of you to want to help others on this struggle to be slim and healthy! I was just banded last week, 9/24/08, so I am so excited to be able to have yogurt and oatmeal today! I have a long way to go, but feel that I have just begun my start of a "new life"! I would appreciate any help and encouragement I could get, especially with what food to add and when. Also, is it true we can never use a straw again? I have an appointment with the nutritionist in 2 weeks, but it would be nice to have someone who has experienced this surgery and can give advice on what works and what doesn't. I'm so glad to have found this website!!

Have a great day!

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I think that is so great of you to want to help others on this struggle to be slim and healthy! I was just banded last week, 9/24/08, so I am so excited to be able to have yogurt and oatmeal today! I have a long way to go, but feel that I have just begun my start of a "new life"! I would appreciate any help and encouragement I could get, especially with what food to add and when. Also, is it true we can never use a straw again? I have an appointment with the nutritionist in 2 weeks, but it would be nice to have someone who has experienced this surgery and can give advice on what works and what doesn't. I'm so glad to have found this website!!

Have a great day!

Welcome NewLife :w00t:

9/24 - Great Day - My Dad's Bday :)

Yep we all look forward to moving on to each stage of your post op diet.

What are your doc's orders as to foods and when can you move to each stage - As you will find all our docs are diff - On full liquids my post op included puddings & yogurt :redface: - Oatmeal was mushie stage.

Have you ck'd out the food thread ?? Go to the forum section above and look for food thread - it has great receipts for each stage. Sounds like you are on mushies which can include tuna - shredded chicken mixed with lite mayo / mustard - baked fish can also be on mushies - refried Beans - I had grits - mashed tatoes made with skim milk to boost the Protein. zuchinne and really any squash that's cooked well done - they are mushie..

The straw thingie I think is in the beginning - cuz I went an got a fill and when I left they (the doc's office) gave me a Protein Drink in a little carton with a straw..

I still drink with a straw - not often cuz I don't drink sodas (well not often and not thru a straw as they have to be on the flat side to drink) but if I get an ice tea - or lite mocha frapaccino I use the straw...

Yes - LBT is my transfer addiction - it keeps me honest and I want everyone to feel as good as I do with the weight off... It always has been my support..

Look forward to having you in our little group - we have a great bunch...

Hugs - Janet

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Janet -

The before and after pics are true inspiration! I look forward to the same success. (Notice I didn't say hope - "hope is not a strategy"!)


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Ok...I am going to jump into this group. As Long said, our June, 2008 group is not very active and we do not stay in touch on a daily basis. I just kind of bounce around on this board and have been feeling like I don't have a place to belong. I want to touch base each day with people I feel I KNOW. Don't get me wrong....love the girls in the June group, just need more contact.

I get your addiction transfer, Janet. I, too, rely on LBT quite a bit but feel that it is a healthy, informative and positive addiction! Loved your "commercial" photo, Janet. Those white slacks and top looked great on you. I have been having fun lately filling up my closet with winter clothes and also been getting some great deals on summer ones (heading south for a couple of months this winter).

Last week I was 4# from goal but had surgery on 9/30 and gained 7#. Not worried though. Figured that would happen. Other than being extremely sore from surgery, and very swollen, I feel like a new woman. I have had so much energy. ALL my aches and pains have diminished. A year ago I could hardly get out of bed without wincing. I am wearing size 8 jeans and will need to order size 6 soon as I can pull the size 8 down without unzipping them. So many NSV's over the last few months.

I have a problem....don't ever want to feel like I'm bragging so most of the time I am afraid to share. Weird, huh? Guess it was the way I was raised.

Anyway, want to join your thread....I feel the need to have more contact on a daily basis. You guys go ahead and take a vote...let me know if I made it in?

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Ok...I am going to jump into this group. As Long said, our June, 2008 group is not very active and we do not stay in touch on a daily basis. I just kind of bounce around on this board and have been feeling like I don't have a place to belong. I want to touch base each day with people I feel I KNOW. Don't get me wrong....love the girls in the June group, just need more contact.

I get your addiction transfer, Janet. I, too, rely on LBT quite a bit but feel that it is a healthy, informative and positive addiction! Loved your "commercial" photo, Janet. Those white slacks and top looked great on you. I have been having fun lately filling up my closet with winter clothes and also been getting some great deals on summer ones (heading south for a couple of months this winter).

Last week I was 4# from goal but had surgery on 9/30 and gained 7#. Not worried though. Figured that would happen. Other than being extremely sore from surgery, and very swollen, I feel like a new woman. I have had so much energy. ALL my aches and pains have diminished. A year ago I could hardly get out of bed without wincing. I am wearing size 8 jeans and will need to order size 6 soon as I can pull the size 8 down without unzipping them. So many NSV's over the last few months.

I have a problem....don't ever want to feel like I'm bragging so most of the time I am afraid to share. Weird, huh? Guess it was the way I was raised.

Anyway, want to join your thread....I feel the need to have more contact on a daily basis. You guys go ahead and take a vote...let me know if I made it in?

Apple - No votes needed :redface:- we aren't like that :) - You were just banded in June and already a size 8 - you go girl !!!

In my Lucky #7 we started out with like 50 - and we have dwindled down to about 6 or 7 who post regularly - infact 5 of us met in July at the Mall of America..

Your project is to pratice on say something postive about yourself every day - I want you to post something good about you - there is nothing wrong with talking up your accomplishments and good point.. We have enough negitivie stuff in our lives and talk crap to ou selfs too much - there is nothing wrong with bragging about achiving your goals. Heck I do it all the time - if I don't who will :wub::w00t::eek: I am proud...

We don't get much of a winter - but I have now sweaters or coats - well I did just order a leather jacket from QVC (i"m a qvc girl) Bradley Bayou - but right now that's my only coat for winter size pettie meduim :thumbup:

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Apples!!! Good to see you here!! I post here and 50's for the daily support as well since our June is pretty quiet. If we voted, I'd vote you in!! But they let me in, they'll let anyone. ha ha Right now size 6 or 8 aren't even in my radar, I'd be happy with a 12 but maybe one day who knows????

Janet? QVC girl? Guess who used to work for them when she lived in Delaware? It was the most fun job ever. I worked at the studios did events, tours, hosted in the audience when we had live events, and worked in the studio store. And got an amazing discount! It's the only thing I miss about my east coast living experience. AFter having that job I am so picky about what I want to do again. I want my job to be fun. So after 2 yrs I'm still unemployed. LOL

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Janet, just joking about the vote thing. And, I do feel good about myself and I stay positive. I was banded in June but lost over 50# on my six month medically supervised diet. That's what got me to so close to goal so soon after surgery. That's why I stated that I'm almost afraid to say things like what size I now am. I don't want others that had surgery in the last few months to think they are losing too slow, etc.

Being from MN, coats are a necessity. Leather is usually for spring and fall and not heavy enough for winter unless it has a thick lining. It's been so much fun shopping for form fitting clothes instead of black elastic waist pants and baggy tops. You stated you are petite? I am 5'7" but need to special order slacks. I have at least a 34" inseam. I usually order on the internet. Can find exactly what I need.

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Janet, just joking about the vote thing. And, I do feel good about myself and I stay positive. I was banded in June but lost over 50# on my six month medically supervised diet. That's what got me to so close to goal so soon after surgery. That's why I stated that I'm almost afraid to say things like what size I now am. I don't want others that had surgery in the last few months to think they are losing too slow, etc.

Being from MN, coats are a necessity. Leather is usually for spring and fall and not heavy enough for winter unless it has a thick lining. It's been so much fun shopping for form fitting clothes instead of black elastic waist pants and baggy tops. You stated you are petite? I am 5'7" but need to special order slacks. I have at least a 34" inseam. I usually order on the internet. Can find exactly what I need.

Apples, where do you order your pants from? I'm 5'9 and have a 34 inseam as well. For now I got talls at Lane Bryant but I am already out of their sizes on top and slowly getting out of them on the bottom. Well I know they have 14/16 but as soon as I can find stuff elsewhere I am done with them after having only them to shop for so long. My daughter who is 5'10 likes Gap Long and Lean jeans and gets xlongs in those. Oh and I am originally from Wisconsin so understand your cold very well!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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