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Hi Mia - it sounds to me like you have answered your own question... Janet does not seem to be around right now, but she would tell you - "weigh once a week" always on the same day. If you can't stand the suspense and decide to weigh in between the weekly dates, you can't count that mid-week weigh-in. Weight fluctuates so much from day-to-day. Sometimes the body just has to catch up with itself. Nine pounds in a month is great. I believe Janet would tell you to keep doing what you've been doing and be kind to yourself. You deserve it.

Joann says you are doing great!!

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Thanks for stepping into Janet's shoes - much appreciated! I think the thing is that we all want to lose weight SO badly (otherwise we wouldn't even have begun to think about surgery!) and when it doesn't do what it's supposed to and you've been trying really hard, its easy to get demotivated.

It has passed now and I don't care if I don't lose anymore this week, I will just keep plugging away at it, and try to move more next week.


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Janet - help.

I have not lost anything for 5 days. Is this a plateau - or am I overreacting? ( I think I am overreacting, and just want someone to tell me that!):unsure:

I continue to be good with the food (although yesterday I just felt SO hungry), and eating 200 less cals a day on the days I cannot exercise or do any physical activity (this is normally the amount of exercise I would do).

As an NSV - I was also able to fit into a pair of jeans which I bought 3 months ago, but could not make meet in the middle to do up!

I suppose my question is, do you just weigh weekly, or look at your monthly total. If I go on monthly totals, I think 9lbs in one month is fine. Its all a bit fits and starts, and i suppose I am looking for reassurance.

Everyone - please feel free to give your views too - I would really like to understand how this works for different people so that I can educate myself and not lose hope.

I've been here before where things slowed down, so I think, oh..a bar of chocolate can't hurt, because I'm not losing anything anyway... and suddenly its all gone down the pan, and I'm still fat and unhappy.

Hope you can give me some wise words - I think the answer is not to weigh everyday and to review what I did if I do not lose by my next weight in date...:thumbup:


Hi Mia - it sounds to me like you have answered your own question... Janet does not seem to be around right now, but she would tell you - "weigh once a week" always on the same day. If you can't stand the suspense and decide to weigh in between the weekly dates, you can't count that mid-week weigh-in. Weight fluctuates so much from day-to-day. Sometimes the body just has to catch up with itself. Nine pounds in a month is great. I believe Janet would tell you to keep doing what you've been doing and be kind to yourself. You deserve it.

Joann says you are doing great!!

Thanks for stepping into Janet's shoes - much appreciated! I think the thing is that we all want to lose weight SO badly (otherwise we wouldn't even have begun to think about surgery!) and when it doesn't do what it's supposed to and you've been trying really hard, its easy to get demotivated.

It has passed now and I don't care if I don't lose anymore this week, I will just keep plugging away at it, and try to move more next week.


Mia - JoannMaire - gave you the exact advice that I would have :D

" Relax take a breath :drool: Yep I only weigh 1x week on Thursday's and if the scale is calling me inbetween - I will get on but that number doesn't count until my actual weigh in day" This is how much my weight flucates in a week 142 - 143.5 - 144 - 142 - 145 - and no if I am not losing then no candy bars - If I am losing then I say ok 1 and only 1 candy bar will be fine... But truthfully - I didn't eat too many treats while in my weight loss phase - the only time I did was if I went to a party or celebration (Oct 1 piece of cake - Nov (1 piece of cake) - Dec(only sweet where when I made xmas Cookies w/GD) - Jan (my bday but was too tight to eat) 2 cup cakes - March (GS Bday 2 cup cakes - April (1/2 piece of cake)

Also - there were weeks that I lost ony 1/2 lbs but all those half pounds added up - so what I do is take the average 100 /12 = 10 lbs a month but some months I lost 6 - 8 - 12 - or 15 - but it all averages out to 10 a month... As long as you aren't gaining - and even if it's a small loss it's still a loss.

You are right - just keep doing what you are doing - move a little more eat healthy and you will win the battle of the buldge :)

JoannMarie - I princess you !!!! (instead of knighting) You too are a Jedi Warrior:thumbup:

Sorry gang - I had company last night till 8 - and have been swamped at work :crying:

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Thanks Janet

What was your calorie limit when you were my weight - 212lb (if indeed you ever were as I can't remember how much you started out at!) and how did you set your calorie limit? Also, do you snack between meals - on healthy stuff obviously? Or do you really only have 2/3 meals a day and thats it. I am getting hungrier - not sure why, my Protein intake is the same, and I am packing in the fruit and veggies. btw, I only record the once a week weight, but I like to keep an eye on the scales for encouragement. They are not going up, they are just not moving!!


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Wow Janet! A Jedi Warrior?? This is putting a lot of pressure on me. Now I will have to perform. (guess I have to anyway...)

My board review was scheduled for this morning. The coordinator promised to call me this afternoon with the outcome. I'm waiting.

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Hi Janet and everyone,

I went to the Dr today for what I thought was going to be my third fill. My first wasn't enough and I went back two weeks later for a bigger fill and today was the third. The doctor asked a few questions and decided I didn't need a fill at this time and that was what I thought he might say. I do have good restriction and have been losing about a pound a week since the last fill. The Dr says that is all he is expecting and that I was doing real well. I would like to lose at a faster rate but he told me to have patience--I seem to be doing real well with eating the correct portions and calories. I am trying to exercise 3 times a week. He said to schedule another fill in a month.

I was real happy that I have lost 6 inches in my waist and although I have only lost 26 lbs (I know I should be more excited about the 26 lbs but I wish it was 40) I am wearing smaller clothes and a lot of people have started to notice the weight loss. My surgery was June 10th and the 26 lbs is since then.

I also have a lot more energy. I can tell a major difference in keeping up with the grandkids and even grocery shopping is a lot less tiresome.

I am so glad I had the surgery--and now since I know it is working I can concentrate on losing more weight so I will look great next June (9 months away) when my DH and I plan on going to Manchester, England for a family wedding and then on to visit with family in Ireland. It will be 1 1/2 years since most relatives in England and Ireland would have seen me so hopefully I will be a NEW person by then and surprise them. It is a double goal worth working hard for. :thumbup:

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Thanks Janet

What was your calorie limit when you were my weight - 212lb (if indeed you ever were as I can't remember how much you started out at!) and how did you set your calorie limit? Also, do you snack between meals - on healthy stuff obviously? Or do you really only have 2/3 meals a day and thats it. I am getting hungrier - not sure why, my Protein intake is the same, and I am packing in the fruit and veggies. btw, I only record the once a week weight, but I like to keep an eye on the scales for encouragement. They are not going up, they are just not moving!!


Mia - I started @ 250 :D During my whole weight loss phase I kept my caloires around 800 - 1100 - sometimes 1200 - I would vary them

one day eat i would eat 800c - next 1000- then 900 etc

I eat 3 meals & sf snack

Breakfast - usually around 100 to 200 caliores oatmeal 160 cor Yogurt & furit or granola, egg beater omelets

Lunch around 200-300 caloires 1 cup 1 pot wonder meat & veggies (rarely any startch)

Dinner 300 -400 Caloires (protein/rice/veggies)

I saved my Snacks for night 2 sf puddings 120 c - 1 sf fudgelcicle 80 c

if you add the lite # it equals 800 and the higher ones equal 1100

Plus I was going to the gym walking on the treadmil 4-5 days a week for 2 miles..




09/20/2008 143.0 08/07/2008 145.0 07/24/2008 145.5 07/17/2008 148.0

06/26/2008 150.0 06/10/2008 151.0 06/05/2008 153.0 05/28/2008 153.0

05/22/2008 154.5 05/15/2008 157.0 05/08/2008 158.0 05/01/2008 161.5

04/24/2008 164.0 04/17/2008 165.0 04/10/2008 166.0 04/03/2008 166.5

03/27/2008 169.0 03/20/2008 169.5 03/13/2008 170.5 03/06/2008 173.0

02/28/2008 174.0 02/21/2008 175.0 02/14/2008 177.0 02/07/2008 177.0

01/31/2008 180.0 01/24/2008 184.5 01/17/2008 188.0 01/10/2008 190.0

01/03/2008 190.5 12/27/2007 191.0 12/20/2007 191.5 12/13/2007 194.5

12/07/2007 196.0 11/22/2007 198.0 11/15/2007 201.0 11/08/2007 203.0

11/01/2007 206.5 10/25/2007 207.0 10/18/2007 210.0 10/11/2007 211.0

10/04/2007 213.5 09/27/2007 215.0 09/13/2007 217.0 09/06/2007 221.5

08/30/2007 223.5 08/23/2007 225.0 08/16/2007 227.0 07/30/2007 231.0

07/19/2007 242.0 07/06/2007 250.0

This is my weight loss history... I gotta say I worked hard and really didn't vary too much from eating healthy...

I was very lucky never hit a plateau .. I really contribute that to the exercise - In March I got a trainer at the gym and started working with weights...

Eat foods that have more substance you will feel full longer - At dinner if i was extra hungry I ate extra veggies

Also try this take a diet soda - pour in a glass and let get a little flat - then take a tiny sip - the carbonation will make you full.

On the weekends - I was out and about so I didn't think about food - it seemed like every month I was buying new clothes in a smaller size.

Attaching menu - and picts.

Wow Janet! A Jedi Warrior?? This is putting a lot of pressure on me. Now I will have to perform. (guess I have to anyway...)

My board review was scheduled for this morning. The coordinator promised to call me this afternoon with the outcome. I'm waiting.

JoannMarie - You are just going to do so well - you have this thing down pat and you aren't even banded yet...

Prayer - fingers crossed for your review - let us know ok - Hugs

Hi Janet and everyone,

I went to the Dr today for what I thought was going to be my third fill. My first wasn't enough and I went back two weeks later for a bigger fill and today was the third. The doctor asked a few questions and decided I didn't need a fill at this time and that was what I thought he might say. I do have good restriction and have been losing about a pound a week since the last fill. The Dr says that is all he is expecting and that I was doing real well. I would like to lose at a faster rate but he told me to have patience--I seem to be doing real well with eating the correct portions and calories. I am trying to exercise 3 times a week. He said to schedule another fill in a month.

I was real happy that I have lost 6 inches in my waist and although I have only lost 26 lbs (I know I should be more excited about the 26 lbs but I wish it was 40) I am wearing smaller clothes and a lot of people have started to notice the weight loss. My surgery was June 10th and the 26 lbs is since then.

I also have a lot more energy. I can tell a major difference in keeping up with the grandkids and even grocery shopping is a lot less tiresome.

I am so glad I had the surgery--and now since I know it is working I can concentrate on losing more weight so I will look great next June (9 months away) when my DH and I plan on going to Manchester, England for a family wedding and then on to visit with family in Ireland. It will be 1 1/2 years since most relatives in England and Ireland would have seen me so hopefully I will be a NEW person by then and surprise them. It is a double goal worth working hard for. :thumbup:


8.67 lbs a month - you are doing great girl -:) yes I know you wish it was faster but look thats 2 lbs a week - more energy - and just think where you will bee next yr on your vacation - what a great incentive to keep moving forward..

Keep up the EXCELLENT work..

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Wow! You look fantastic - and so much younger now!! No offence meant btw - although fat keeps the skin plumped up - it doesn't do much for your style does it? I love your dress in the final pic, really nice. :thumbup::)

Your regime was superstrict wasn't it? Although I can see the advantages - I am really not sure whether I could stick to it. I might try for a week at some point and see how it goes.

A usual food day for me is

cereal, low fat milk and a banana approx 275cals

mid morning 100cal snack and some fruit approx 200 cals

lunch is tuna, onion on some low fat crackers approx 250cal

afternoon fruit or ricecakes approx 100cal

Dinner one pot wonder approx 300cal

Low fat hot drink and A 100cal snack approx 200

Altogether that's about, and always below, 1400cals, and according to nutracheck (my dailyplate) that should be enough to lose 2lb a week and get to a 20% loss by february.

Do you think it's better to go for a more agressive diet like you did? I am just not sure I could go down to that yet without completely losing heart. It seems like the weight came off really quickly though, which is probably why you didn't plateau, and also achieved so much in such a short time.

Can you also explain whether there was any method in your zigzaggin calories, and whether you always went in that order ie 800,100,900 or whether it was random? I've seen a lot of discussion about zigzagging and people say it really works.

More words of wisdom please!:D


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Wow! You look fantastic - and so much younger now!! No offence meant btw - although fat keeps the skin plumped up - it doesn't do much for your style does it? I love your dress in the final pic, really nice. :bolt::tt1:

Your regime was superstrict wasn't it? Although I can see the advantages - I am really not sure whether I could stick to it. I might try for a week at some point and see how it goes.

A usual food day for me is

cereal, low fat milk and a banana approx 275cals

mid morning 100cal snack and some fruit approx 200 cals

lunch is tuna, onion on some low fat crackers approx 250cal

afternoon fruit or ricecakes approx 100cal

Dinner one pot wonder approx 300cal

Low fat hot drink and A 100cal snack approx 200

Altogether that's about, and always below, 1400cals, and according to nutracheck (my dailyplate) that should be enough to lose 2lb a week and get to a 20% loss by february.

Do you think it's better to go for a more agressive diet like you did? I am just not sure I could go down to that yet without completely losing heart. It seems like the weight came off really quickly though, which is probably why you didn't plateau, and also achieved so much in such a short time.

Can you also explain whether there was any method in your zigzaggin calories, and whether you always went in that order ie 800,100,900 or whether it was random? I've seen a lot of discussion about zigzagging and people say it really works.

More words of wisdom please!:thumbup:



No offense taken - Thanks it's a complement in my book and I do feel 10 yrs younger...:tongue: For me I did this for my health - the look is icing on the cake.:tongue:

I really don't think it was super strict... I truly didn't and still don't find it that hard - I feed my hunger and truly don't feel deprived..

I zig zag as some days I was/am more hunger than others.. I have good restriction too. But there are times I am hungry - especially during the day at work.. But i just drink my Water - or maybe have a v8 (veg juice).

By the time lunch comes - I am ready for it - after work I have gym so I am not hungry til around 7 ish - Normal/skinny pple get hungry too when it's time for a meal.

You aren't that heavy 212 - so yes I think 1400 is too much to lose 2 lbs a week - most healthy weight loss programs are 1000 to 1200

If you just cut your Snacks to 100 max that would save you 300 calories that's 2100 calories a week - to lose a pound a week you have to reduce your calorie intake by 3500 calories - by either food or increasing your exercise..

How tall are you?? I know you say you exercise and that you burn 250 calories - what do you do and how do you know you burn 250 calories.

Also your carbs are up there a little - Increase your tuna decrease your crackers - eggs for Breakfast instead of Cereal

Eat 250 Cal for Breakfast - lunch - dinner = 750 3 Snacks at 100 = 1050 total

Then 100 for BF - 200 Lunch - 300 dinner = 600 c + 500 snacks = 1000

zig zag like that - and once you tell me what you exercise is I can give some more advice along with how tall you are and do you work or stay at home - what kind of job

Also you have to change the way you think about food - this isn't a diet but your new healthy eating style and commit to exercise..

I hate the saying that nothing taste as good as thin feels - cuz damn it food does taste good - for me nothing can compare to how I feel now.

I have so much more energy - i now can see my toe - I can walk up a flight of stairs - and you know what - even now when I have an occasional treat - it really doesn't do that much for me - now I think - was that 500 calories really worth it - that's 1 1/2 at the gym (I walk 3 mile vary speed and inclines and will burn 300 -350 cal in the 52 minutes that it takes to walk those 3 miles)

I don't know how to explain it - but food doesn't control me any longer I control it - and eating it wasn't worth destroying my body and mind -

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Thank you for your encouragement, Janet. I really appreciate all your help.

I heard from the coordinator this afternoon. My case was presented to the board this morning and apparently they think I am a good candidate for surgery. My chart was headed for the scheduler this afternoon and she will coordinate with the hospital, anesthesiologist, etc. and call me with a date. I should hear early next week. You can bet you will hear from me! (Probably will actually HEAR me in Indio, CA!)

My second sleep study is tomorrow night. There was some question about medicare covering it since my apnea is so mild, but it was straightened out and I will be snoozing in the sleep lab. Anything to get this thing done!

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Thank you for your encouragement, Janet. I really appreciate all your help.

I heard from the coordinator this afternoon. My case was presented to the board this morning and apparently they think I am a good candidate for surgery. My chart was headed for the scheduler this afternoon and she will coordinate with the hospital, anesthesiologist, etc. and call me with a date. I should hear early next week. You can bet you will hear from me! (Probably will actually HEAR me in Indio, CA!)

My second sleep study is tomorrow night. There was some question about medicare covering it since my apnea is so mild, but it was straightened out and I will be snoozing in the sleep lab. Anything to get this thing done!

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DO YOU HEAR ME YELLING !!4_1_201.gif




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Edited by IndioGirl55

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I say Congratulations to you also JoanMarie!!!. You will be a great lap band patient and plus you have a sense of humor so I hope you stay on with all of us. Well I measured today and from August 26 to September 26, I lost 7 1/2 inches. I have not joined a gym yet but I have been walking 2.4 miles almost every day for a good solid month or month and half. I was happy with that also except we all know where it comes off of the first so thats where I lost the most inches first (2 1/2 in).:thumbup: Anyway I keep plugging away at this. You girls are my inspiration. I went shopping tonight with my sister and when I looked in the mirror at the Mall I did not look as thin as I think I look at home. Anyway it kind of bothered me but it is too soon to be bothered. I am loosing weight and inches and I will win this issue just like everyone else. Janet, that was nice to see what your weight loss history is. That helped me tonight also to rethink. I think us newbies just loose so much in the beginning that it spoils us to loose faster. This does take time and it will work.


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CongratsJoannMarie - you will do really well as you have such a positive attitude.

Well done Becky on losing 7.5 inches - that's so much!

Janet - my calorie intake for the day should be 1400, if I do a minimum of 200 exercise - so it is really 1200 - which is roughly what you say.

I just recalculated my foods, and without Snacks, and by having eggs and a banana for breakfast, tuna and onion with no crackers and grapes for lunch, and then one pot wonder for dinner I am at 873 cal. I have included the fruit in the main meals instead of snacks, as I think its really important to have good nutrition which should mean 5 portions of fruit and veg a day.

Re eggs - do you eat the whites or all of it, and what do you do with them? I struggle with eggs in the morning, but maybe I am preparing them wrong. Cereal, milk and banana goes down slowly but nicely, and I feel full after. I also need to eat whatever I have at work, as I have to be in early in the mornings, and can't find the time to eat at home.

I am short - 5ft1!! That's why every pound makes a difference. I also do a desk job with little physical activity and often very long hours. I used to buy my lunch, but now I make it and take it, as otherwise I have no way of controlling the food.< /span>

Re exercise - I have my own cross trainer and try to get on that at least 5 times a week for 20 minutes. According to my site, that's more than 200 cals of exercise. I assume their calculation is the average calorie burn of someone of my size. The machine cannot be set to show your weight, so that doesn't really tell me anything. I also take my pulse and make sure I am always working out at between 60-80% of my max heart rate.

I do have good restriction, but restriction does not stop you from feeling hungry, and I need to really get my head around that. I guess the key is to not make food so important!

Thanks for explaining all of this. I know that your plan may not work for me, but I would really like to understand it and see if I can do it, as its clearly worked for you! You are right this is not a diet, but at the minute, I am more focussed on getting the weight off than looking too far into the future. But I do know the more I lose, the less I can think of going back to the bad old ways!

Thanks for your patience:thumbup: I hope I'm not too annoying!


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Mia, you are certainly not annoying to me! I'm out here trying to get all the information I can, and I appreciate hearing from all of you. From what I understand about the whole process, each of us has to find the dietary plan that works for us within the lapband guidelines. Considering that each person has likes, dislikes, issues with carbs or Protein, etc., I find it helpful to hear lots of ideas about how successful bandsters work all these things out. Janet keeps telling us this is a lifestyle change, and only you can decide what your new lifestyle is going to be. As Tim Gunn says, "make it work!"

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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