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Hi, I was banded Sept 12th, 7 days ago. Today I woke up and cried for about 30 minutes for no good reason. I am having the hardest time taking my regular medications, crushing and mixing with Jello or tea. It is still YUCK! I still have quite a bit of pain where the port is. I called the surgeons office and they said someone would call me back. It is 8pm and no phone call.

I just wanted to find others who are making it through the first few weeks.

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Hi, I was banded Sept 12th, 7 days ago. Today I woke up and cried for about 30 minutes for no good reason. I am having the hardest time taking my regular medications, crushing and mixing with Jello or tea. It is still YUCK! I still have quite a bit of pain where the port is. I called the surgeons office and they said someone would call me back. It is 8pm and no phone call.

I just wanted to find others who are making it through the first few weeks.

Hugs rshrn - as each day goes by you will feel better - yes your port site hurts the longest - if I remember correctly 2-3 weeks - but discomfort more than pain

Are you on Clear liquids only?? How big are your pill?? If you are on full liquids - I would cut meds up and put in pudding - My Antenol was tiny so I didn't have to cut but did have 1 blood pressure med that I had to cut up to take - it was the size of a vititman..

I forgot to look for your age - but could your aunt becoming to visit - you are tired and don't feel super hot..

All I can really tell you is that each day you should be feeling better -

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Hey Bandsters! My internet just came back up and guess what?? I have power!!!!!!!!! Thank you God!!!

I went to see Dr. Davis and he gave me another fill. I guess I was wrong about the amount in my band. I only had 1.5 cc and he put 1cc. It didn't do much, but I would rather take it slow. I am going for the next two months for fills.

Once again, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

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Hey Bandsters! My internet just came back up and guess what?? I have power!!!!!!!!! Thank you God!!!

I went to see Dr. Davis and he gave me another fill. I guess I was wrong about the amount in my band. I only had 1.5 cc and he put 1cc. It didn't do much, but I would rather take it slow. I am going for the next two months for fills.

Once again, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.


Glad you have power - that has to be wonderful !!!

Sometimes it takes a while for a fill to settle in.

Well TGIF - Anyone have any great plans this weekend?? I don't that I know of - need to clean but that's about it...

Well just cking in..... CBL:tongue:

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Glad you are back, Charlene, and that there are no more hurricanes this season.

Weekend plans? Let's see today just going to the gym nothing else planned til tonight. A few gals in our small group at church are starting up a 'Young at Heart' group and it's for folks our age and each month will have an activity or potluck. Tonight we are bringing Snacks and just getting to know each other and may play some games. Then in the morning we are leaving for Estes Park. We will meet up with some dear friends from High School all 4 of us met in high school, actually the other gal and I have known each other since 6th grade. They camp in Rocky Mtn Nat'l park we hang out all day through the campfire and night then go 'camp' at the Holiday Inn. LOL Since we don't have a camper and I refuse to tent it. It is elk bugling (mating) season and all the elk come down to lower elevations and the males are bugling like crazy and at dusk they start fighting for their harems. It's fascinating really and so gorgeous as the aspens are turning yellow as well. There's so many elk and they come right into town. Estes has to close down the golf course as the elk take over. I should get lots of walking/hiking in. I'm anxious to see how much better shape I am in this year. It is at such a high elevation that one gets winded easier but last year I could hardly walk a block.

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Glad you are back, Charlene, and that there are no more hurricanes this season.

Weekend plans? Let's see today just going to the gym nothing else planned til tonight. A few gals in our small group at church are starting up a 'Young at Heart' group and it's for folks our age and each month will have an activity or potluck. Tonight we are bringing Snacks and just getting to know each other and may play some games. Then in the morning we are leaving for Estes Park. We will meet up with some dear friends from High School all 4 of us met in high school, actually the other gal and I have known each other since 6th grade. They camp in Rocky Mtn Nat'l park we hang out all day through the campfire and night then go 'camp' at the Holiday Inn. LOL Since we don't have a camper and I refuse to tent it. It is elk bugling (mating) season and all the elk come down to lower elevations and the males are bugling like crazy and at dusk they start fighting for their harems. It's fascinating really and so gorgeous as the aspens are turning yellow as well. There's so many elk and they come right into town. Estes has to close down the golf course as the elk take over. I should get lots of walking/hiking in. I'm anxious to see how much better shape I am in this year. It is at such a high elevation that one gets winded easier but last year I could hardly walk a block.


Sounds like fun - I would tent it as long as I had an air mattress :thumbup:

I bet you will see a great improvement from last year...

Have fun !!!

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Hi there

I got banded in September 07 and although I started well, I have spent the last 7/8 months losing and gaining the same 11 pounds.

I never got my head straight when I had the op, and although the surgeon's team all talked about it, I think I was desperate for the surgery, as it would all be SO easy once I'd had it done.

I am in the UK and don't think there is as much of a support netork as the US, and so people can get a bit stranded.

Anyway - I think I might have cracked the head stuff now. We have a really good site called nutracheck which is like fitday, and I am sticking to 1400 calories or less and doing a minimum of 250 calories worth of exercise everyday.

I am only up to reading page 15 of this thread - so I have some catching up to do.

I feel really positive though, as I have lost 6 pounds since the beginning of the month, which is when I really sat down and thought about things.

Thanks for all the sensible advice indio - kep going! When I found your thread - it was like I was hearing someone say all the things I knew but hadn't been doing. It isn't easy - but we'll all get there!

Mx :thumbup::thumbup::)

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Hi there

I got banded in September 07 and although I started well, I have spent the last 7/8 months losing and gaining the same 11 pounds.

I never got my head straight when I had the op, and although the surgeon's team all talked about it, I think I was desperate for the surgery, as it would all be SO easy once I'd had it done.

I am in the UK and don't think there is as much of a support netork as the US, and so people can get a bit stranded.

Anyway - I think I might have cracked the head stuff now. We have a really good site called nutracheck which is like fitday, and I am sticking to 1400 calories or less and doing a minimum of 250 calories worth of exercise everyday.

I am only up to reading page 15 of this thread - so I have some catching up to do.

I feel really positive though, as I have lost 6 pounds since the beginning of the month, which is when I really sat down and thought about things.

Thanks for all the sensible advice indio - kep going! When I found your thread - it was like I was hearing someone say all the things I knew but hadn't been doing. It isn't easy - but we'll all get there!

Mx :mellow::thumbup::cool2:

Welcome Mia :)

Glad to have you aboard with us...:tt2:

Yep for me it's really more a head game than anything else... Don't get me wrong - I love my band cuz without it I wouldn't be where I am today - but it's all about our choices and our heads make the choices not the band :thumbup:. The band is the tool for me to accomplish all the things I know about being healthy.

I am glad you are exercising as you will have found out from my past pages I am all about the exercise - And that's a shock in itself - that those words are comming out of my mouth. Keep it up - each week or every other week increase your time and speeds and make sure you add some weights in if you can..


- Gotta question ask - want to vent feel free..

Look forward to chatting with you :w00t:

Hugs - Janet

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Thanks for replying so quickly!

Ok -first quesstion....

Did you/do you ever get that mad hunger where you could eat everything and anything in sight - and if you let yourself - you could eat our entire caloried intake for 3 days?

If yes - what do you do? I know about distracting yourself etc, but my stomach really rumbles and reminds me I haven't eaten - do you have that too?

Would love to know - because I have it right now - and I am typing furiously so that I can't hear my stomach gurgle. I am trying to have a low cal day, as we are going to the cinema tonight, and I want to have a treat without feeling guilty.

Can't stand that feeling when you've eaten something you shouldn't, so you get all depressed and frustrated, so you go and eat some more! :mellow::):cursing::thumbup:

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Thanks for replying so quickly!

Ok -first quesstion....

Did you/do you ever get that mad hunger where you could eat everything and anything in sight - and if you let yourself - you could eat our entire caloried intake for 3 days?

If yes - what do you do? I know about distracting yourself etc, but my stomach really rumbles and reminds me I haven't eaten - do you have that too?

Would love to know - because I have it right now - and I am typing furiously so that I can't hear my stomach gurgle. I am trying to have a low cal day, as we are going to the cinema tonight, and I want to have a treat without feeling guilty.

Can't stand that feeling when you've eaten something you shouldn't, so you get all depressed and frustrated, so you go and eat some more! :mellow::eek::cursing::thumbup:


Ya I missed eating - and ya there were and still are times that I think and want to eat like I use to - I can be straving and out and order a plate of food like I use to eat - taco, enchillada, releno, rice and bean - but I am lucky my band won't let me eat like that - I can eat 1/2 taco to 3/4 of my taco - a bite or 2 of the enchilla and Beans and that's it..

Do you have good restriction?? If not go get a fill.. Your band is a tool but for it to work properly you gotta maintain it..

I am a nite time eater - still am - but my secert is to budget my calories to eat that way it works for me.

So when you are hungry have a little something like a sf pudding or snack pack popcorn, a piece of fruit - a bite or 2 of meat/fish.

I have rarely ever felt deprived - if I go to the show (cinema) - I have a small popcorn without all the butter (I use to drown my popcorn in butter) I stay away from real sugar pretty much cuz the more you eat of it the more you want.. I will have a candy bar (just one regular size not king size) every now and then 200 calories - but again they were within my budget - and I gotta say in my weight loss phase I really didn't do it too often - I wanted the weight off and getting it off was more important to me than eating that candy bar.

If you have a treat and are above your calories for the day then you gotta exercise more the next day and reduce your calories.

Don't beat yourself up for your little mistakes - just think about what you are eating before you eat - no more mindless eating. For me it's more about fueling my body with good healthy foods not junk - junk has no nutrition and we need good nutrition to be healthy...

This has never been a diet for me - but a lifestyle change in my eating and getting healthy..

Yesterday food was - 1 lf string cheese & 5 cracker for Breakfast - lunch - stuffed pepper (small) stuffed with ground turkey rice corn & tomatoe sauce - dinner 3 oz of lamb a few carrots & 3/4 red potato - snack pack Popcorn - 2 sf choc pudding - and 1 sf fudgecicle

Say you have eaten 3 cookie - don't say ok I f'd up so I might as well keep eating - Say - OK I screwed up - I realize that - now I am going to make better choices -think about why you did it - what were you really upset about - what feelings where you trying to drown with food... Then move forward - you can't change the past - so don't fret about it - all you can do is be more aware and move forward.

Also for me it's always been and still is "avoidance" of foods that I have no control over - brownies - I don't have them in the house I don't make them cuz if I did even with my band I would eat the whole damn thing - maybe not in one evening - but I bet I could make a pretty good dent it it - So don't keep stuff around that you know you can't control - If I want a treat - I go to the sweet shop (bakery) and buy 1 cookie - I enjoy that cookie - I don't by 12 - just one..

I dont know if you went back and read all the pages on this thread - I know I have attached a menu - if you want it let me know - it will show you that I did eat..

Good luck at the cinema tonite - just eat light for Breakfast or lunch so that you can have a treat without feeling guilty about it..

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Wake up ladies...

I am back from the gym - did my 3 miles - my foot/ankle was ok - I haven't been on the treadmill since 9/6 - I didn't go on 9/9 cuz I went to my new grocery store - then hurt ankle on 9/10 so I didn't go on 9/13 or 9/16 to give it a chance to heal..

Lori was going camping this weekend - What about the rest of you any great plans..

Hows your restriction and hunger issues going - What's up with the exercising..

Well, just cking in - will cbl - :thumbup:

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I did well! I took 2 low cal Snacks with me (had to sneak them in as our local cinema sometimes checks people to see if they have their own fodd - because apparently you can only eat the high fat, high sugar shiz which they sell!) and chomped my way through the film. Actually i didn't feel really hungry at all today, and only had a can of baked Beans and one low fat sausage aa day. Strange. No fruit and veg though - which is not good news.

I totally understand why you avoid the food you have no control over - that sounds like a plan to me. My downfall is chocolate, and I really cannot stop once I start. i am therefore no longer biying anything chocolaty and keeping it in the house - even the low cal stuff, as it is too easy to keep eating it, thinking its not so bad.

This might sound weird, but I am also a bit scared of myself and my ability to FAIL! i've given up so many tmes, i keep thinking that my new-found positivity will give up in a few days, and I keep worrying about it! Stupid I know - but see where being fat can get you! Any views Janet?? Some tough band love perhaps?! :eek:

Finally I am taking a 2 week holiday with my parents. Its a tour, so there will be v little control on food. I am really worried about how I will calculate what I am eating when i am there, and how to count my calories. What do you do on holiday??


ps Is there anyway you can make and keep settings for what font and size you want your posts to be in? I am FED UP with having to highlight and change everything all the time...:thumbup:

pps thanks for listening!:mellow:

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I did well! I took 2 low cal Snacks with me (had to sneak them in as our local cinema sometimes checks people to see if they have their own fodd - because apparently you can only eat the high fat, high sugar shiz which they sell!) and chomped my way through the film. Actually i didn't feel really hungry at all today, and only had a can of baked Beans and one low fat sausage aa day. Strange. No fruit and veg though - which is not good news.

I totally understand why you avoid the food you have no control over - that sounds like a plan to me. My downfall is chocolate, and I really cannot stop once I start. i am therefore no longer biying anything chocolaty and keeping it in the house - even the low cal stuff, as it is too easy to keep eating it, thinking its not so bad.

This might sound weird, but I am also a bit scared of myself and my ability to FAIL! i've given up so many tmes, i keep thinking that my new-found positivity will give up in a few days, and I keep worrying about it! Stupid I know - but see where being fat can get you! Any views Janet?? Some tough band love perhaps?! :cursing:

Finally I am taking a 2 week holiday with my parents. Its a tour, so there will be v little control on food. I am really worried about how I will calculate what I am eating when i am there, and how to count my calories. What do you do on holiday??


ps Is there anyway you can make and keep settings for what font and size you want your posts to be in? I am FED UP with having to highlight and change everything all the time...:embaressed_smile:

pps thanks for listening!:mellow:

Mia - You hit the nail on the head - everything we seem to eat while out is high fat high sugar king size - no wonder the pple of the world are fat.

I went to the show last night too (don't go see lakeview terrace to slow to long) I took my fiberone bar :cool2:

I'm with you on the choc stuff - even those 100 calorie snack thingies - if I love it then it turns into 2 or 3 of them - so if it's something I can't stop at I don't buy it... candy reese pb cups - are the devil food for me - if I bought a bag - I could eat the whole thing - so I don't buy it - I buy one reg size (no kingsize) and enjoy..

I get you on the will this new found positivilty fail - but I gotta tell you for me it hasn't and I'm 14 months out - don't know if you would still call this the honeymoon stage or not - but I really feel I got it this time and have realized that we can't worry about what food choices we are going to make tomorrow - we have not control over tomorrow - the only thing we have control over is the here and now - worry about today only - as the saying goes for addictions - take it one day at a time .... In the beginning I worried about where I would be in 5 yrs - well - I finally figured out that I had to stop that.. Today and today only :tt2:

I haven't been on vacation too much since being banded did a couple 3 day trips and I do ok - not perfect but ok - not perfect cuz I gotta be honesty I tend to eat sweets on holidays not alot but will have some but I don't do it at home so I really don't worry about it too much - but again I am no longer in weight loss phase -... Am going on a cruise next March - that will be my 1st big vacation/holiday since being banded

You just gotta make the best choices available to you - and your band should provide restriction on things like pizza - Pasta - etc - just watch out for the slider foods.

On the stupid font thingie no - I don't think there is a way to set it - I agree with you - I hate haveing to select each time - sometimes i do it sometimes I don't - it'a a pain the in butt

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Hi friends. Today is Sunday afternoon. I could not get on for some reason last night. Nothing spectacular this weekend. Went to a couple of juried fine arts fairs. Bought some gorgeous earrings. I love jewelry that is artist made. I love to shop also. Well since I had my little fill on Tuesday, nothing is any different. I went 24 hours on Clear liquids and then on to fulls and mushies and now regular. I got 05cc put in and it did absolutely nothing for me. Yesterday I made pot of chilli with extra lean ground round, I had Protein drink, coffee Cereal for b, lunch was nothing, early dinner I had bowl of chilli with a handful of oyster crackers. Then about an hour later, I had another bowl of chilli with no crackers. Felt satisfied then so at bedtime I had a sf pudding. I got on the daily plate last night and fooled around with that. According to them, I need to eat 1250 calories (thats with no exercise) a day for my weight in order to loose 3 lbs a week.I do try to walk every day. Today is Sunday and again, I am starving right now. I am going to call the Dr office tomorrow and see what they say. Anyway still trying to behave but am frustrated since I am so hungry. See ya tonight.


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OMG OMG OMG!!! I am so thrilled!! I just got home from my weekend trip to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park. We were at about 8 to 10 thousand feet elevation. The past 2 years when we went I could hardly walk or hike as I would get so winded and my chest would just burn. It was a pain just to walk to the 'comfort stations'. As we pulled into the town of Estes by the lake there was a huge bull elk with his harem and another bull trying to steal some of his ladies. So we pulled over and hiked around to watch these bulls. I got all the way down by the lake and I realized, I'M NOT OUT OF BREATH! We walked all over and never did get winded. Then we went into the nat'l park and met up with our friends. She wanted to go for a walk around the campground. IT WAS HILLY! I was a little panicked but too embarassed to say no I can't, so off we went. I DID IT!! Got a tad winded on one hill but no more so than anyone else. Then we went 'elk viewing'. From 5 to 7pm or so they all come out to feed and the bulls start fighting for the ladies. It was fasciniating to watch these massive bull elk ram their heads and antlers, etc. And we did a bunch more walking, in and out of the car etc. I truly didn't think my cardio exercise was much to improve my stamina but it's a whole lot more than I did before (nothing) plus I am carrying 63 less pounds around. Hubby said strap on a 63 lb backpack and see how winded you get. All in all a very good weekend, we had a fabulous time, cooked a healthy meal of wild salmon over the fire and I did have 1 s'more. The gal we met struggles with weight as well so I told her all about my surgery. She hadn't seen me since before surgery.

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