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Hi tonight, I went to the Dr. today and my second fill was.05cc. My first was 1.2cc. I think that this fill was very conservative if you ask me. I am going to wait a few days and see if this helps my hunger issues. I guess some people do get that small of a fill but I really expected more. I sure hope this helps me. He said that this much can really make a difference on some people. We will see. I was kind of dissapointed today but four more weeks. I got to give it a chance ya know. Okay Becky, be patient!!! Like I said I do just fine most of the time except when I am starving. Enough ranting and raving for now. How is everyone else doing so far?



Yes that is conservative.... Does he do it blind or under fluro (I know I most likely have asked berfore but you gotta remember my age:wink:)

I agree give it a couple days and if you don't have any restriction then call and go back and tell him you want more - that your tool is useless if it's not properly tuned...



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Finally some scale movement!!! I am down 1 more for a total of 62 today!

Becky, do you know the size of your band? Maybe you have a small band and that's why the fills are smaller. I know I have the large which they told me is 14cc's. My first fills were larger but now they are usually .5.

Editing to add a special message to Charlene! Hope you are okay after Ike. Please check in when you can and let us know!

Edited by Great2BThin

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Congrats - Lori - WTG !!!!:)

Healthy Eating + Exercise + Band = Success

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Ok everyone - can I whine a little? I'll preface my comments by saying I know the band is only a tool, I have to do the work....

But, I can eat absolutely anything I want, anytime I want and as much as I want. I was doing so good until I realized that. Now, I seem to be returning to very bad habits. I'm so disappointed with myself. My first fill last week did nothing. I can't have another one for a month. I'm so discouraged.

Any ideas, help, suggestions, kick in the pants?

I did hear this great quote the other day: "Hope is not a strategy". I guess my hoping I'll loose weight isn't going to do it. I need to do it!


Dear Kathy,

Janet's answer was amazing and so right on that I printed it out to have nearby for my bad moments.... First, yes, yes, yes, call the doctor. If the fill didn't work and your insurance company is the reason that you can't have a fill for another month, then most doctors and their office managers can fight for you and word the documentation in such a fashion as to get it through. They just have to be willing to fight for it. If it's the doctor himself who's saying you have to wait a month, then please listen to Janet and call, call, call.

Either way, I'll bet anything that you will feel empowered if you get in there and do battle for yourself. Isn't that what we did by having the band surgery in the first place? We came to a place in our lives when we said that our health and our lives were worth fighting for.

I wish I had the right words to make you feel better when you're fighting food. I do know that for me, coming here, even if it's a hundred times a day, helps me break the cycle. If I want to eat and I'm not hungry, then I come here. I truly believe that that night I had the binge, I would have eaten less if I could have logged on. I also know that I have to find additional ways to deal with my "hungerS." Janet's so right about a lifestyle change. Yes, watch food. Yes, exercise more. AND yes, deal with the feelings. For me that's the hardest.

Please know that I'm thinking of you.



P.S. You're not whining. You're being real.

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Hi everyone,

I haven't written for a while as I have been at a convention for 10 days and now haven't had any power since Sunday--I live in Louisville and we got the hurricane Ike winds and mass destruction of trees, power lines and poles. Most of our electric company guys had gone to Texas to help them. They are returning today to help us. It is amazing how spoiled we are and how much we take for granted when it comes to our comforts of life. I have been doing pretty good--although my loss is slow it is steady. I knew from the start it would be slower than some but it is not difficult--just frustrating. A friend of mine has lost 12 more pounds than me and she had her surgery 2 weeks later--she is half my age but she has the bragging rights as biggest loser so far.

Beckyo--I know what a horsehoe is as you know I grew up in Springfield--I don't think they are served anywhere else in the country--unless some person from Springfield opened a restaurant and put them on the menu. They are very tasty and we always called them a "heart attack on a plate". There is an Irish restaurant in Springfield that serves all kinds of them and my brothers always take me there when I get back home.

My "first" fill is doing great--that is, after I went back after two weeks and got my first fill adjusted. I have restriction and I am not hungry most of the time. I have my second official fill on the 28th.

Janet, Congratulations on the commercial. Where will it be shown--i haven't read your original post about it so don't know the particulars.


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It's good to hear from you, Jill. I think we are all concerned about Charlene - have not heard a word from her since before Ike, and she was evacuating. Here in KC area we had lots of rain from tropical storm Lowell (from southwest) and the next day lots of rain from remnants of Ike. There has been a lot of flooding around here, but at least here in western Missouri we did not have the high sustained winds you had east of us. The crops of many of the farmers around here have been flooded out for the 3rd time this year, obviously this time it is too late to replant yet again. It has been a crazy weather year.

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Hi everyone,

I haven't written for a while as I have been at a convention for 10 days and now haven't had any power since Sunday--I live in Louisville and we got the hurricane Ike winds and mass destruction of trees, power lines and poles. Most of our electric company guys had gone to Texas to help them. They are returning today to help us. It is amazing how spoiled we are and how much we take for granted when it comes to our comforts of life. I have been doing pretty good--although my loss is slow it is steady. I knew from the start it would be slower than some but it is not difficult--just frustrating. A friend of mine has lost 12 more pounds than me and she had her surgery 2 weeks later--she is half my age but she has the bragging rights as biggest loser so far.

Beckyo--I know what a horsehoe is as you know I grew up in Springfield--I don't think they are served anywhere else in the country--unless some person from Springfield opened a restaurant and put them on the menu. They are very tasty and we always called them a "heart attack on a plate". There is an Irish restaurant in Springfield that serves all kinds of them and my brothers always take me there when I get back home.

My "first" fill is doing great--that is, after I went back after two weeks and got my first fill adjusted. I have restriction and I am not hungry most of the time. I have my second official fill on the 28th.

Janet, Congratulations on the commercial. Where will it be shown--i haven't read your original post about it so don't know the particulars.



Glad to hear you are doing so well - that's fantastic !!!!

The commercial is for my Doctor - it was suppose to be filmed today -but got moved to 10/1 - it will be shown on our local station.

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It's good to hear from you, Jill. I think we are all concerned about Charlene - have not heard a word from her since before Ike, and she was evacuating. Here in KC area we had lots of rain from tropical storm Lowell (from southwest) and the next day lots of rain from remnants of Ike. There has been a lot of flooding around here, but at least here in western Missouri we did not have the high sustained winds you had east of us. The crops of many of the farmers around here have been flooded out for the 3rd time this year, obviously this time it is too late to replant yet again. It has been a crazy weather year.

I just got internet back a few minutes ago, but no power....we are on generator....bought that for Rita three yrs ago. It is devastating. Three or more towns were wiped out. They were east of Galveston. Many have died.....the first responders have not finished going through Galveston and the other towns. The eye wall went past us....high winds....a few tornados. Praise the Lord, we only had a little roof damage. I came back on saturday, but did not have a phone or internet until now. They put up new poles today, maybe we will get power tomorrow. Gas is hard to find and food , well, it is slim pickings. Lines are long, but the people are strong. Thanks for prayers and keep them coming.

So, needless to say with all the drama I did not stay on program. I ate what we could find, and of course, I drank alot of Water. Before the storm came I had lost 4lbs ....only to find them when we got out of town. I am going for my 3rd fill tomorrow. I am hoping this will give me the help I need. I did Pb today on a low fat cheese stick with thin sliced ham. Boy, that hurts! Once, again, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. I missed all of you!:)

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I just got internet back a few minutes ago, but no power....we are on generator....bought that for Rita three yrs ago. It is devastating. Three or more towns were wiped out. They were east of Galveston. Many have died.....the first responders have not finished going through Galveston and the other towns. The eye wall went past us....high winds....a few tornados. Praise the Lord, we only had a little roof damage. I came back on saturday, but did not have a phone or internet until now. They put up new poles today, maybe we will get power tomorrow. Gas is hard to find and food , well, it is slim pickings. Lines are long, but the people are strong. Thanks for prayers and keep them coming.

So, needless to say with all the drama I did not stay on program. I ate what we could find, and of course, I drank alot of Water. Before the storm came I had lost 4lbs ....only to find them when we got out of town. I am going for my 3rd fill tomorrow. I am hoping this will give me the help I need. I did Pb today on a low fat cheese stick with thin sliced ham. Boy, that hurts! Once, again, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. I missed all of you!:)

Thank God you are all right and didn't have any worse damage than your roof - We have been so worried about you... Heck in times like these you really just gotta do what you have to do to survive - it's life..

I am glad you are back !!!! Hope the power gets restored - omw that would be difficult.. Is it hot there?? It's still hot here in the desert I couldn't imagine no a/c...

Hugs - we have been praying for you...

xoxoxo Janet

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Well...to update you guys. I had my gallbladder taken out July 14th and 3 weeks after that I got my 5th fill which put me from 7.5 cc to 8.5 cc. I've been at 8.5 for 6 weeks already with no restriction and eatting way more than usual and alot more often. So, yesterday I was able to get another fill (self-pay) and he charged me $125.00. So now I'm at 9.0 cc in my 10cc band. I do feel some restriction now and I'm still continuing my exercise as well. Hopefully, I can start losing weight because it's been 2.5 months since I've had any weight loss.

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Thanks Janet. Yes, it is still warm, but a front came in the day after the hurricane, so it has been in the sixties at night and eighties during the day. I know, I am so thankful. It just breaks my heart to see all the devastation. I have been through hurricanes before, but I think this was the worst as far as damage. Not one signal light in our city of 60,000 is working. Power poles are laying in the streets. 8,500 power people have come here from all over the US including Canada. Surely things will get better in a few more days. There are over 2 million customers without power. Thank God, I bought that generator.

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Charlene, it is so good to hear from you. You and all the folks on the Gulf coast have been in our prayers. It is good to hear you did not have significant damage, but the pictures of the devastation are simply terrible. I hope you are able to get your power back and everyone can begin to put their lives together again soon. God bless...

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Well...to update you guys. I had my gallbladder taken out July 14th and 3 weeks after that I got my 5th fill which put me from 7.5 cc to 8.5 cc. I've been at 8.5 for 6 weeks already with no restriction and eatting way more than usual and alot more often. So, yesterday I was able to get another fill (self-pay) and he charged me $125.00. So now I'm at 9.0 cc in my 10cc band. I do feel some restriction now and I'm still continuing my exercise as well. Hopefully, I can start losing weight because it's been 2.5 months since I've had any weight loss.


I am glad you go your fill and feel some restriction :mellow:

Are you eating hard Proteins - tracking your food. What is a typical days food for you??

Remember we don't hope - we do - we will !!!:)

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Hi friends tonight! Charlene soo glad to hear you made it through the hurricane ordeal. Man I sure wouldn't want to be in one of those. Long, my band is a size 10. I have read on other threads that this size only actually holds 4cc. It could have been you that I read that about. Is that true? My Dr. believes that you need to learn how to use this tool by relearning eating, excercise, etc. In which, that is fine, except I want my tool to help me so that I am not soo hungry. I really do work hard at all of this program. Ellen, arent those horseshoes good. Can't really have those anymore. I think the Dublin Pub or D'arcys Pint both are Irish and both serve them. Janet, I am getting along today. I am on Clear liquids so basically I am having Protein drinks, Water, crystal light today. I walked 2.4 very fast miles today which has a nice steeeeeeep hill. Its hard but I keep doing it and it keeps getting a little bit easier every time. Thats all for tonight. Glad to hear you are all doing well tonight. Keep up the good work


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I'm sorry Ellen. I meant to say Jill knows about the horseshoes in springfield. My old mind is fragile. tee hee


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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