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Janet - I am having the same trouble you had with posting. What's going on?? I posted this morning and it was lost in cyberspace somewhere, happened again just now. Kicks me out completely both times.

Phyl and Janet - thank you both for your kind words. I am sooo looking forward to joining the banded people. I should get a date later this month, and am hopeful for late October/early November. I can't wait to join all of you great losers - and be among the BEST!

Lori - Congrats on your better day today. You are so together. It sounds like your sister is either a bit envious, or looking to make a lifestyle change. I hope she makes a good choice. She couldn't have a better role model.

gonna try again...

JoannMarie - The process you are going through now is what I did - I didn't have to wait as long as you for my surgery - but I was here on LBT learning all I could so that I would be prepared when I got my band..

Hi girls tonight (Friday). Joann, you are going to be a great bandster. You have the whole concept down correctly. Janet, glad to hear you are going to be a movie star:thumbup:.You deserve to do that commercial with all of the work you have done, not just with yourself but with all of us. I havent had too much cheating going on at all throughout my band process. My problem always happens about a week before I am going to go to the Dr. which tells me I must be ready for a fill again. I have been eating those Quakers Rice Cakes minis in Ranch. They are good. Sounds like everyone is doing okay so talk with ya all later.


Thanks Becky - am a little nervous - and I am hyper critical of myself .

It's not cheating - it's not a diet - they are treat but not like the kind of treats that we use to treat oursleves to (whole cake)

Thanks, Becky. Many days I feel like I am full of talk and NO experience... I think I know the rules now in my head - but I am actually very nervous about putting them into practice! DH has commented on the fact that I am leaving food on my plate and taking home doggie bags (don't tell the dogs) from restaurants. I am happy about that but I am dealing with "last meal syndrome" every day. I am concerned about the exercise component. It's pretty painful right now and I am having motivation issues because of that. I have never loved exercise, although I have had periods in my life when it was more of a priority and more enjoyable (funny, that was during the child-rearing years and times when I was slender --- hmmmm). Right now I am trusting that this component will fall into place and become less painful as I lose pounds. I know once I establish the habit I'll be okay with it.

So I am here and waiting for word. I think I've taken care of everything I can do for myself. Not much left but keeping contact with surgeon's coordinator and watching calories in and calories out. I will say I am absolutely not worried about the surgery, liquid diet, mushies -- I know these are just the steps I have to take to get to the result. I know I can do anything for a few weeks, for me it's the long haul that gets tough, boring, frustrating, etc. That's when the weight can start creeping back, and that's when the band will really be the tool I need. That's also when support from the banded people here will pull me back and administer a little tough band love...


I serouisly doubt that you are going to need tough band love - cuz I think you got it.. but if you do - I will be here for you..:)

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I know you can't read this right now - but just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers...

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JANET, YOU LOOK FABULOUS:tt1:. I like the outfit in frame 3, the first outfit. I like all of your clothes though. What size are those clothes? I will be glad

when I can look like that. It seems like forever to get there but we are all trying hard. Sometimes I get discouraged. This is day two that I haven't walked (rain):wink_smile:. I haven't lost any weight for 9 days. Keep going up and down. I go Tuesday so I hope I get a fill. Tonight went to dinner. Didn't have good choices. I chose baked chicken, salad and mashed potatoes. I ate all of salad, one whole piece of chicken and half of the other piece and half of potatoes. That was way way too much ya know:unsure:. I am full now but I hate myself for eating that much. I was starved when I got there so thats what did it. Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day. I sure hope I get a fill soon.


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JANET, YOU LOOK FABULOUS:tt1:. I like the outfit in frame 3, the first outfit. I like all of your clothes though. What size are those clothes? I will be glad

when I can look like that. It seems like forever to get there but we are all trying hard. Sometimes I get discouraged. This is day two that I haven't walked (rain);). I haven't lost any weight for 9 days. Keep going up and down. I go Tuesday so I hope I get a fill. Tonight went to dinner. Didn't have good choices. I chose baked chicken, salad and mashed potatoes. I ate all of salad, one whole piece of chicken and half of the other piece and half of potatoes. That was way way too much ya know:unsure:. I am full now but I hate myself for eating that much. I was starved when I got there so thats what did it. Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day. I sure hope I get a fill soon.


Thanks Becky

I wear a solid 6 (that's the size I pick off the rack for my pants) I do have 1 pair of 4s and even one 2 - I have 3 pairs of pants from the same maker Not Your Daughters Jeans (NYDJ) the black skinny leg pants are a 6 - a pair of brown cords 4 - and the wide leg black in the last picture are 2. It really depends on the style I think - today I tried on a 4 it was just a little to baggy - tried on the 2's they fit but due to the thin material - the dimples showed and they were $$$ some designed I never heard of Tharidat or something like that.. I bet that with a pair of support hose underneath they would have looked good. Tops a meduim -

Becky it's taken my 1 yr to get where I am - it' didn't happen over night

I started out 18/20 pants and 22/24 tops.

Yes you need a fill but you really didn't do bad - you ate salad & protien and just a little of your tatoes.. What would you have eaten pre-band

The bread basket - the salad - something higher in calories and would have eaten the whole thing plus dessert... So darling it will come you made good food choices (baked chicken)

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Man Janet, you are small! If I get to a size 8 I would be thrilled. It seems impossible now but my daughters already say I look much better. I am walking as much as I can stand though plus all the other things I do. Before banding I would not have even ordered baked chicken. I would have ordered a big ole horseshoe with white cheese. It feels like I ate alot tonight but really I didnt. I know this takes time. Anyway, I love your clothes and style. As soon as I learn how I am going to post some pictures so everyone can see my progress. Its nice to see a face with all of the conversation. Its good to see someone who has had that much success with this band. Good job:thumbup: .


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Man Janet, you are small! If I get to a size 8 I would be thrilled. It seems impossible now but my daughters already say I look much better. I am walking as much as I can stand though plus all the other things I do. Before banding I would not have even ordered baked chicken. I would have ordered a big ole horseshoe with white cheese. It feels like I ate alot tonight but really I didnt. I know this takes time. Anyway, I love your clothes and style. As soon as I learn how I am going to post some pictures so everyone can see my progress. Its nice to see a face with all of the conversation. Its good to see someone who has had that much success with this band. Good job:thumbup: .


Becky - When I got my 1st size 12 - I was in hog heaven thought I would be happy there - then the 10's came - then the 8's and I figured oh this was it - I would never get any smaller - well just kept living the life of a bander eating healthy and exercise - well the 6's came..

But GF when I look in the mirror - with my size 6's and Med tops - I will say oh my - I look fat in this.. Then I YELL AT MYSELF" STUPID HOW CAN YOU BE FAT THOSE PANTS ARE A SIZE 6" Heck a size 12 -10 -8 arent' plus sizes -

Whats a horseshoe??? Another thing - I will think I have eaten tons = when in reality - I still eat less than most normal pple - but to me it's alot - our mind does change in what we consider alot..

It's not hard to add pictures - hit new reply - go down and you will see button Manage Attachements - hit it - go to browse and go to place on your computer where you keep your pics - pick on - then hit up load..

It's pretty easy...

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Ok Gang - It seems that you think I lost this weight over night - well I have done progress pictures to show you all my progress from 7/07 to 7/08 The pic's have the date and weight on them

Well the PreBand pic doesn't have weight - but it was 245 - 250

You guys need to take pics every month or at least every other month

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That is really nice of you to offer to be a buddy and a mentor and to show your hard work and success. I am a nervous wreck right now. I was banded 6/30/08 and have lost 25.5 lbs so far without having any fills yet, but the more I read on this website the more nervous and discouraged I am getting. My original struggle was that after I got the band I began to feel hungry and I realized that I have been obese and over eating for so long that I was unfamilar with hunger and do not know how to cope with it. I seem to be able to eat regular amounts of food but I make myself eat less than I did pre-band. Since I got the band I have not thrown up even once and I have not had the urge or any feelings of nausea, is that normal? I want to get a fill because I want to see some real progress, I exercise 5-6 days a week, walking a mile or more, but now I am really scared, people are talking about things getting stuck and vomiting and having to have corrective surgery or be rebanded. I really am so confused right now. I know that all I want is to be healthy, no more high blood pressure, no more GERD, I don't want to be the biggest thing in the room anymore but I'm so nervous now.

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That is really nice of you to offer to be a buddy and a mentor and to show your hard work and success. I am a nervous wreck right now. I was banded 6/30/08 and have lost 25.5 lbs so far without having any fills yet, but the more I read on this website the more nervous and discouraged I am getting. My original struggle was that after I got the band I began to feel hungry and I realized that I have been obese and over eating for so long that I was unfamilar with hunger and do not know how to cope with it. I seem to be able to eat regular amounts of food but I make myself eat less than I did pre-band. Since I got the band I have not thrown up even once and I have not had the urge or any feelings of nausea, is that normal? I want to get a fill because I want to see some real progress, I exercise 5-6 days a week, walking a mile or more, but now I am really scared, people are talking about things getting stuck and vomiting and having to have corrective surgery or be rebanded. I really am so confused right now. I know that all I want is to be healthy, no more high blood pressure, no more GERD, I don't want to be the biggest thing in the room anymore but I'm so nervous now.

Welcome! It's a little early on Sunday morning for a lot of the folks who post here, but I'm sure you will find comfort and support as more of them read your note. I don't know how much you have read on this thread, but the majority of these banded ppl are doing well with their new lifestyles. You have lost 25 pounds in just over 2 months - and you are just getting started. I've never been able to do that on any diet program - even the Optifast type liquid diets - so I'm pretty impressed with you. I can't speak for a banded person since I am still waiting, but I know from the experience of others on this and other threads that you are absolutely normal in the amount of weight you have lost (maybe a bit better loss than many) and you are just getting started. Janet (IndioGirl) is a great role model and mentor and she will have very good advice for you. Meanwhile, IMHO I think you need to be patient with yourself, relax, and know that this tool is going to work if you help it along. You are already doing the right things - keep going and you will be successful. :smile:

p.s. - I'm here for support and knowledge. I've read about the bad things that can happen and what to watch for, and my surgeon will have advice for me about those health issues. I know people have trouble with getting stuck, vomiting, etc. However, many of the eating issues can be avoided with the right amount of restriction, and following the rules about small bites, chewing to oblivion, eating slowly, etc. I am choosing to expose myself to the positive aspects of this process, and I'm no longer reading more of the same negatives over and over. I know there is a lot I can do to have a positive outcome, and for my health it is imperative that I do just that. I also know there are a lot more banded people who are successful than there are those who are not. I'm going to be successful, and so are you. Concentrate on the positive and don't worry about anything else.

Edited by JoannMarie

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Ellen - 48 lbs gone in 2 months - that's 24 lbs a month - that 6 lbs a week that's .86 lbs per day - almost 1 pound a day lost on average

HI Janet! Hi Everyone!

I just got back from a weekend at Disneyland. The scale better show something amazing tomorrow after all the walking I've done since Friday!!! Had a great time, but I'm pooped. I just logged on and started reading the posts I've missed and I'll answer them as I read them.

Janet, I wish my weight loss were that great. I've lost 48 pounds since last January. I've lost 15-20 pounds since mid-July, when I saw the Dr. pre-surgery. That's about 2 months. I say 15-20, because last week was AWFUL! I know the 15-20, depending on the day, is not horrendous, but it shows that my pre-fill committment had a bit to be desired.

Post-fill, I've had a few minor nervous breakdowns, but am doing better. Will talk to you all later. Hubby's computer is having its own nervous breakdown and I'm going to be cut off.



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just got a call from my doctor...

Guess who they want to use for their new TV Commerical

guess - guess

ME !!!!!

Oh My - what am I going to wear !!!!!

Janet, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You are a true star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Pie Update:

The evil monster has been ground up, the dishes rinsed completely free of any pie residue. Challenge overcome!! Thanks so much everyone for the words of sanity. I can't believe how fast I let myself start spiraling downward in the head. And you should've seen my piece of pie. In my former pre-banded life, I wouldn't have even called it a piece, it was a mere sliver with one scoop on a Tablespoon size spoon on my plate. So I did good. And it tasted oh so good! Also, I went to the gym and worked up, upped the intensity but at that intensity I couldn't go as long. Which was fine as I was running late to meet my sister for lunch. And I met the challenge there. She wanted to go to Wishbone which is this fried chicken diner that is to die for. I thought oh no, what do I eat? why did she pick this place? Well as she sat there with her number 8 which is 3 thighs, fries, texas toast and gravy, I got the KIDS number one, they let me order from the kids menu but when an adult does they add $1.50 to the price, I was okay with that. I had 2 pcs of chicken one of which is in my fridge now, about 4 fries and no toast. I was stuffed. Do I eat fried chicken every day? No, between that and my pie last night I probably consumed a few more calories than normal, but I kept it in control. I used to eat that number 8 too and still want more! Sis, by the way, is asking a lot about my lifestyle and diet and now. HMMMMMM and was very complimentary on how I looked and discussed how mom will react. I left that place feeling pretty smug about myself. What a difference a day makes. What's so great about the band is even when I get in those self defeating modes and in the past what have said what the he$$ and eat the rest of the pie, or the other piece of chicken, the band won't let me, or if I do there's a high price to pay! And then the stinkin' thinkin' passes and so does the urge to binge. Okay I've rambled enough. Thanks so much for the understanding and support!

Lori, YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION TO US ALL!!!! I do battle with that kind of thinking too often. I just hope that I can "grow up" to think like you, Janet and some of the others on the board.



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Hi Janet and everyone -

Back from a weekend of camping. The good news - we took a 4 mile hike and I was able to do it and it wasn't horrible. In fact, I never got out of breath. I did still sweat like a faucet, but that's ok.

I am a little disappointed in my first fill experience. It's been six days and I don't feel any different. I can still eat anything (except bagels) and just about as much as I want. Yes, I know it's still all about me and good choices. I can make it happen!

Ellen, how are you doing your first week after the fill?

Janet - I am so excited for you - on TV commercial!!! You look fabulous. I have to say looking at your pictures are true inspiration.

I'm home for awhile. I'm happy not to travel. It keeps me grounded.


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Ellen, Kathy you girls are doing fine since vacation. I too had a first fill on August 18. Today is September 14 and have lost 7lbs. I go on Tuesday and am hoping for a fill since I think I can eat more than I should. I do try to be careful but even with being careful, a person can eat too much. tonight I went to Steak and shake for dinner. I had a double steakburger, only ate the meat (no bun or anything else) and half cup of chilli. I felt like that was way too much to eat but it really wasnt horrible if you think about it. For once tonight I felt satisfied with my meal and I am not hungry one single bit tonight. Hey Janet, a horseshoe or ponyshoe(smaller version) is bread or toast on the bottom, then a meat of your choice (chicken, hamburger, ham, pork loin, bacon, whatever), then frenchfries, then that is all covered in either white or yellow cheese sauce. Very fattening but very delicious. They became famous here in Springfield. People make them as Breakfast shoes also. Very popular here. I cant eat that any more. Out there where you live is probably alot of mexican huh:thumbup:Beckyo:lol:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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