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I also tested negative for rheumatoid arthritis and am thankful for that. Lori, you are doing the right things for better health and it will come. As you lose weight your knees and ankles will be less painful and exercise will be easier for you. I think you are right to postpone the replacement until you are close to goal. By then you will have established such good habits the physical therapy will be much easier, you will be exercising sooner after the surgery, and you will continue to lose the rest of the weight you want to lose. AND THEN - you will have new left knee, improved prospects for right knee and ankles, a cute tush and a whole new attitude (attitude already in place!) haha!

you go, girl!

Ah, thank you Joann for the encouragement. I did go to the gym this morning, did 20 min on the bike and did the 2 weight machines that did quads, didn't do too heavy of weights though til I get clearance from my surgeon. I really liked the part about the cute tush!! Now why did that stick out over all the other benefits? maybe because it's been a long time since it's been cute!! :cursing:

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Welcome ...

The size of my clothes is icing on the cake - the way I feel (which is 10 yrs young) is the reason I got banded - I did it for my health...

My feet and back use to hurt all the time - I had no energy - now I am up early every morning - I am almost the energizer bunny - well that would be a tad of an story - but have 10 folds more energy.

They say something like for every pound you lose you take a considerable amount of pressure off your knees - I can't quote the exact amount.

What is the cause of your leg pain - do you have bad knees - hips arthritis??

Harmony - I can tell you that you will be improving the quality of your life when you get your weight off - I can't promise all your aches and pains will be gone cuz we have done damage to our bodies from being overweight but I can tell you that most likely your symptoms will improve dramatically.

I can tell you that this is the best thing that I have ever done for me. I would do it over again in a heart beat.. My band is the tool I needed - it's my interior motivator.

I have gone from a total slug bug to a women who is at the gym 4 days a week and sometimes more often (like this week I will go as I am on vacation and can go in the morning and energize my day)

I have gone from a women who ate high fat - high sugar - high carbs to a women who eats healthy 98% of the time who allows for treats 2% of the time and who is enjoying life..

LBT is a great place for info and support - read all you can - and understand that everyones journey is a little diff - but for me it has been a blessing - it's given me back my life..



Thank you so much for your words of encourgement. I failed to mention that I had vein surgery last year.The doctor alway says "If you lose weight it would help you" I hate going to the doctor I have heard that so much. But I know that I am going to do fine and in a few months I hope to feel 10 yrs younger also. I want to be able to play with my Grandchildren and enjoy life again. Thanks to all who also responded, I feel much better.

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Hi to all tonight! It is Wednesday evening and I did not have a very good day. Had coffee, Protein bullet, lunch was 2 oz chicken and a Tomato cucumber salad. then about hour after that I proceeded to get out the chips and dip:angry:. then I left for a while, went and had nails done, got a new drivers license, etc. , came home at 7pm and made fish (had 5 oz of that) and cauliflower with light cheese on it. I drank all my Water but I didnt walk today. I was kind of drifting around today. I started thinking that this is hard, but for me, it really isn't that hard, but it can be boring. Plus, I have been queezy lately for a few days off and on. Don't know what thats about:crying:. Does anyone else have problems with that? Plus, I do seem to have alot of bm's. Is that normal? I think thats why Im queezy. Its not that bad, it just feels like morning sickness. God knows it isn't that! I got to realize that this takes time and patience. I have been doing soo good. I cant believe I ate chips today. I don't even crave chips at all. Only had a handful though. Enough of this. Hows everyone else doing?:biggrin2:


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Hi to all tonight! It is Wednesday evening and I did not have a very good day. Had coffee, Protein bullet, lunch was 2 oz chicken and a Tomato cucumber salad. then about hour after that I proceeded to get out the chips and dip:angry:. then I left for a while, went and had nails done, got a new drivers license, etc. , came home at 7pm and made fish (had 5 oz of that) and cauliflower with light cheese on it. I drank all my Water but I didnt walk today. I was kind of drifting around today. I started thinking that this is hard, but for me, it really isn't that hard, but it can be boring. Plus, I have been queezy lately for a few days off and on. Don't know what thats about:crying:. Does anyone else have problems with that? Plus, I do seem to have alot of bm's. Is that normal? I think thats why Im queezy. Its not that bad, it just feels like morning sickness. God knows it isn't that! I got to realize that this takes time and patience. I have been doing soo good. I cant believe I ate chips today. I don't even crave chips at all. Only had a handful though. Enough of this. Hows everyone else doing?:biggrin2:



A handful of chips isn't going to derail you - it's life - you are suppose to have these things every now and then -but just not the whole bag or container of dip like we use to do - a few is normal...

Remember this isn't a diet.. Please don't beat yourself up over it... it's not that handful that's going to add 5 lbs - but it's eating the whole bag and container of dip - I was never a big chip eater - but if I ate them the most of the container of dip would be gone.. Now if I have the urger I have a few and a little dip and put it away - again it's a food I can control - I wouldn't have a bag of reese's pb cups in my pantry - those I would be into too much -

Boaring - ya that's a good way of thinking about it - cuz we use to fill up our time by eating now we aren't so we are bored and dont know what to do with ourselves...

I don't have tummy problems - I have a cast Iron stomach - and usually don't have any bm problems - you may just have a little bug..

Sorry I wasn't around yesterday - got my gray covered :smile2: and Andrew wanted to go shopping but changed his mind - so I just watched the DNC - went to the gym and read...

Well, cking in - CBL :lol:

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I've reading the postings to glean as much information as I can to make the decision to move forward with the lap-band. I've had an initial consulation and I'm schedule to talk to the surgeon Tuesday morn. I've read the literature they provided. I think my biggest concern is can I do this? Each diet I've tried - I don't last more than a couple of months and give up. Then gain back all plus some.

Are these 'normal' concerns??

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I've reading the postings to glean as much information as I can to make the decision to move forward with the lap-band. I've had an initial consulation and I'm schedule to talk to the surgeon Tuesday morn. I've read the literature they provided. I think my biggest concern is can I do this? Each diet I've tried - I don't last more than a couple of months and give up. Then gain back all plus some.

Are these 'normal' concerns??

Very normal concerns or then again, maybe I'm not normal. :lol: I was banded in June and I still wonder can I do this. I'm down 57 lbs. and my big fear is still failure and gaining it back. I think it's my past dieting history talking to me and it's hard to forget all those failures. Just yesterday I was bagging up a bunch of too big clothes to take to Goodwill or possibly a clothing exchange my hosptital is talking of starting, but part of me wants to ask DH to just put them in storage for a bit. But then the more rational part of me says, STOP THAT STINKIN THINKIN!! :smile2: I paid big bucks (self pay) to have this done, I have a band in place to control my hunger and all the support in the world. I am not going back and I need to replace that thinking with more positive thoughts. Hopefully as I continue down this road the negative thoughts will become less frequent and positive ones will take over. Not sure my rambling helps but just wanted you to know, yep I think it's normal.

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Katieq - I know your thoughts are absolutely normal and very difficult to deal with. I have also dealt with that, but over these last months of research and decision-making, I've decided to look ahead instead of behind me. I don't know of any obese person who has not failed at the diet/fail/regain merry-go-round (what's merry about that?). Every person on this thread has "been there-done that" many times. I've made my choice based on the science behind the lapband. If I do things right and follow the rules I will be successful. It means a total commitment to new habits of eating and exercise. It means if I stray from the eating and exercise plan and get off track, the tool is still there and I can regroup and begin again. This is the only way I can feel confident that I will lose the weight and keep it off.

Good for you, Lori, getting the larger sizes out of your house. Me - I've already been looking at these size 20 jeans and planning how I'm going to cut them up and re-sew them into some great purses - dare I say tote-bags!?!

DH and I went to the baseball game with friends last night. All those stairs and walking - with my cane and my knees - and 120 extra pounds to move up and down through the stadium. I was miserable. Every time I go through an experience like that, or have my picture taken with my normal-weight family, I feel this way. This is not me! I am a healthy, beautiful, vibrant, slender person inside this morbidly obese body. I will not spend the rest of my life feeling this way.

Katieq, I've decided this is the way for me. You have to make your own decisions, but focus on your future, not your past. You are the only person who can decide what your future will be.

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thanks, i'll have to browse that thread when i get some spare moments.

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I've reading the postings to glean as much information as I can to make the decision to move forward with the lap-band. I've had an initial consulation and I'm schedule to talk to the surgeon Tuesday morn. I've read the literature they provided. I think my biggest concern is can I do this? Each diet I've tried - I don't last more than a couple of months and give up. Then gain back all plus some.

Are these 'normal' concerns??

Katie - First Welcome - LBT is a great place for info and support - as you can see by the responses you have already gotten from Long2bthin who is just a little more than 2 1/2 months out and Joannmaire who should be banded in October..

1st thing you have to do is take diet out of your vocabulary and replace it with healthy eating and physical activity...

I have not dieted since I was banded on 7/17/07 - As you have most likely heard me say before - diets don't work - what happens when you go off of them and return to your normal diet - you gain the weight back.. So if you want this to work - take diet out of your vocabulary and replace it with I am eating healthy..

What I have done is learned to eat healthy - I eat to provide my body with nutriants. I don't eat to soothe my feeling - to self medicate - to calm my stress - I eat my 3 meals and 2 or 3 Snacks - I eat good healthy foods that are low in fat and sugar... I exercise..

Very normal concerns or then again, maybe I'm not normal. :thumbup: I was banded in June and I still wonder can I do this. I'm down 57 lbs. and my big fear is still failure and gaining it back. I think it's my past dieting history talking to me and it's hard to forget all those failures. Just yesterday I was bagging up a bunch of too big clothes to take to Goodwill or possibly a clothing exchange my hosptital is talking of starting, but part of me wants to ask DH to just put them in storage for a bit. But then the more rational part of me says, STOP THAT STINKIN THINKIN!! :tt2: I paid big bucks (self pay) to have this done, I have a band in place to control my hunger and all the support in the world. I am not going back and I need to replace that thinking with more positive thoughts. Hopefully as I continue down this road the negative thoughts will become less frequent and positive ones will take over. Not sure my rambling helps but just wanted you to know, yep I think it's normal.

Lori - Yes Yes my jedi warrior Positive Thinking - I am not on a diet - I am learning to eat healthy to provide my body with the foods it needs to give me life..

Katieq - I know your thoughts are absolutely normal and very difficult to deal with. I have also dealt with that, but over these last months of research and decision-making, I've decided to look ahead instead of behind me. I don't know of any obese person who has not failed at the diet/fail/regain merry-go-round (what's merry about that?). Every person on this thread has "been there-done that" many times. I've made my choice based on the science behind the lapband. If I do things right and follow the rules I will be successful. It means a total commitment to new habits of eating and exercise. It means if I stray from the eating and exercise plan and get off track, the tool is still there and I can regroup and begin again. This is the only way I can feel confident that I will lose the weight and keep it off.

Good for you, Lori, getting the larger sizes out of your house. Me - I've already been looking at these size 20 jeans and planning how I'm going to cut them up and re-sew them into some great purses - dare I say tote-bags!?!

DH and I went to the baseball game with friends last night. All those stairs and walking - with my cane and my knees - and 120 extra pounds to move up and down through the stadium. I was miserable. Every time I go through an experience like that, or have my picture taken with my normal-weight family, I feel this way. This is not me! I am a healthy, beautiful, vibrant, slender person inside this morbidly obese body. I will not spend the rest of my life feeling this way.

Katieq, I've decided this is the way for me. You have to make your own decisions, but focus on your future, not your past. You are the only person who can decide what your future will be.

Joannemarie - You got it girl you are going to be a great success..

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I am waiting for an appointment to be banded too. It should be any time. I have told my two daughters, my husband of course and I figure anyone else can figure it out for themselves. I kind of figure it is no ones business and I really don't want negative feedback. I haven't talked to my son at all because I know he disapproves. I do talk to other people who have had weight loss surgery and I get the problems and the perks... I am happy with the choice I have made. If someone asks I will talk about it but if they don't I just get on with my life. I am a happy person, I am afraid of the surgery but I have made a positive choice to be well and that is what is most important to me.

Hope this helps.


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I am waiting for an appointment to be banded too. It should be any time. I have told my two daughters, my husband of course and I figure anyone else can figure it out for themselves. I kind of figure it is no ones business and I really don't want negative feedback. I haven't talked to my son at all because I know he disapproves. I do talk to other people who have had weight loss surgery and I get the problems and the perks... I am happy with the choice I have made. If someone asks I will talk about it but if they don't I just get on with my life. I am a happy person, I am afraid of the surgery but I have made a positive choice to be well and that is what is most important to me.

Hope this helps.



Before surgery I didn't tell anyone besides my kids and husband. Since then I have when they started noticing my losses, that's family. Most friends and acquaitances have no idea nor have they asked how I am losing. In fact at 50 lbs they just started noticing. However, I still have not told my parents. They live out of state. My mom would've been real negative beforehand. And now after, I just want to surprise them when they see me next. They are talking about an October visit so we'll see.

And, you are so right in that this is a positive choice for your health. I think us 'more mature' gals tend to be successful with it because we get that part so much more. We are approaching the age when all the health issues that go with the weight really start becoming more apparent. In my younger years, I was so what if I am overweight, it's not affecting my health. Little did I know how much it was affecting me, it just compounded and saved itself up to appear in my 40's. And by saying that I mean no disrespect to the younger folks. Many are very successful as well, and if they do this now and lose the weight, they will have so many more healthy years ahead of them. how I wish I did. I speak from personal experience, when I was younger to lose weight my motivation was to look good, now it's to feel good and be healthy. I've had a few health scares and it was enough for me to move on and take care of the weight once and for all.

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Long 2 b thin,

I could not agree more. My motivation is twofold for the surgery.... I want first of all to be able to be more mobile in playing with my grandkids and secondly I want to be able to avoid knee surgery. It is funny because my doctor about had a fit today saying that the knee surgery is no more invasive than the lap band. I have to disagree. AND I know that if the weight is off I can be more mobile and opt never to have knee surgery. I just know this.

Don't you think that most parents are always going to be upset with this kind of choice with any of their kids? If my mom were alive she would be having a fit. I simply would not tell her and let her draw her own conclusions,,,, probably it would be that I was deathly ill... which actually I was, deathly ill with FAT!!! hehehe


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Janet et all -

First welcome to the newcomers. This is a great thread for support.

I had a reality check at the Dr's yesterday. I was complaining about slow weight loss, hunger, etc. He reminded me that it's only been 5 weeks, that I am still healing and that hunger will be normal until the first fill. I've lost an average of 2.5 lbs a week since surgery which is about what is normal. He encouraged me to try to get in more Protein and Water. He also said that if I needed to up my calories to 1500 that was ok. My first fill in 9/8. He said that things will get better then with my hunger. It was great to have an appt with him. I head out on another trip today. I'm shooting for a better mindset than last week's set-back in Chicago. I'll check back in when I get back.

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Janet et all -

First welcome to the newcomers. This is a great thread for support.

I had a reality check at the Dr's yesterday. I was complaining about slow weight loss, hunger, etc. He reminded me that it's only been 5 weeks, that I am still healing and that hunger will be normal until the first fill. I've lost an average of 2.5 lbs a week since surgery which is about what is normal. He encouraged me to try to get in more Protein and Water. He also said that if I needed to up my calories to 1500 that was ok. My first fill in 9/8. He said that things will get better then with my hunger. It was great to have an appt with him. I head out on another trip today. I'm shooting for a better mindset than last week's set-back in Chicago. I'll check back in when I get back.


You are doing GREAT... I really give you props on how you have done with your traveling obislility you have been making good food choices.

Also, for me my band is hasn't taken all my hunger away -for me it's still really hard to distiguish between head and real hunger -

What I have done is said to myself that I am going to eat healthy I am not dieting.. So I just make healthier food choices.

Have a productive and safe trip - today is Friday -ou work on the weekends ??

I guess I was happy with my - That would be hard for me.. I was out shoppping w/Andrew yesterday for school clothes - I was hungry - food court was the only thing to choose from - didn't want a salad at 11 a.m. had one piece of a quesidilla (sp) not the best thing to eat but the band provides me with restriction not to eat the whole thing.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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