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Hi Lori,

I don't think I can answer your questions about pills, but as I sit here sneezing like crazy, I can sympathize with you about your allergies.

My doctor prescribed liquid allegra, which has helped a lot. Zyrtec also makes its allergy meds in a liquid form. Claritin has a tablet that melts under your tongue.

My daughter, the doc, feels that allegra and zyrtec work better than claritin, which didn't help me at all. Zyrtec was pretty good, but raised my blood sugar level. (I don't know if that would happen now, post banding, and maybe I'll give it another try.)

Hope this info helps. I can't wait til the season changes, which here in sunny L.A. is going to be a long time away!!!!

Be well.



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Just curious and I am very confused now. What exactly are we allowed to take medication wise and in what forms? At first I thought it was no pills only liquid forms of medications, then was told some pills were okay but not capsules. Now I am so confused. Iplan on asking at my next dr. visit this afternoon, but am going crazy the past few days with hayfever. Can I take allergy pills?

I take a chewable Vitamin but my Calcium is a 'petite pill' that I swallow. When I took b/p meds the nurse told me it was okay to take that in tablet form. I don't know why or how I got this so confused, maybe because most of it at the time didnt' apply to me and I didn't pay close enough attention!! :)


It's about the whole get stuck issue mostly I think - I got liquid gold (vicoden) after surgery - and was told to cut up big pills and eat with pudding or apple sauce. Also no NAISID period - due to stomach irriation.

I take the petti calicum pills - I take a vit b that is small and will take tyenol rapid release gels when away from home and I have the liquid stuff too at home - If I am taking pills I try and do it on an empty stomach so that they don't sit in my pouch.

I think most meds are going to go thru just fine if you take them on an empty tummy - event with restriction - plus I don't think they want the meds sitting in your pouch..

I took some allergy pill - but I just did it - I forget about my band most of the time - I just know that I am suppose to stay away fron Nasid - Per ellen's post they do make liquid and when in doubt call doc office the nurses should tell you - is there anything in your book about it??

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Thank you for your words of tough love. It really made me sit down and think about things. I think that most of my problem with the eating healthy is I don't know how. My mom was ill due to her weight problems all my life. Growing up it was my sister who prepared the meals and if she didn't make something, gramma just ordered fast food. I don't really like any types of fruits and vegis besides corn, beets, and bananas. Go figure, the ones with all the carbs in it. I can handle baby carrots, but have to have some sort of dip on them and not sure if there are any LF or FF ones out there. I did though, start tracking my food on "The Daily Plate" every day. Hasn't been great, but at least i'm tracking it. I am trying to get things in order and figure out how to incorporate new vegis and fruits into my daily menu, but just not sure how to do that and which ones I would even like. I need to start to plan out my weeks and go from there. I haven't started exercising formally yet, but that will come too. I just wanted to thank you for your words and look forward to all the help and inspiration I can get from you and the other women on this forum. I have to stop weighing myself every day too and chose a day to weigh in on weekly. I really need to get these extra 5# off so I can call the doctor back up for a fill. He wouldn't do one back in June because I gained 3# and some of that was my fault, but some was Water retention due to TOM. That sent me in a downward spiral and I actually gained back 10#. I desperately need a fill and he won't do one until I get these extra pounds off. I also need to increase my Water intake again. Sorry this is so long, but this seems to be the only place I can vent.

Thanks for listening,

Gail :)

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Thank you for your words of tough love. It really made me sit down and think about things. I think that most of my problem with the eating healthy is I don't know how. My mom was ill due to her weight problems all my life. Growing up it was my sister who prepared the meals and if she didn't make something, gramma just ordered fast food. I don't really like any types of fruits and vegis besides corn, beets, and bananas. Go figure, the ones with all the carbs in it. I can handle baby carrots, but have to have some sort of dip on them and not sure if there are any LF or FF ones out there. I did though, start tracking my food on "The Daily Plate" every day. Hasn't been great, but at least i'm tracking it. I am trying to get things in order and figure out how to incorporate new vegis and fruits into my daily menu, but just not sure how to do that and which ones I would even like. I need to start to plan out my weeks and go from there. I haven't started exercising formally yet, but that will come too. I just wanted to thank you for your words and look forward to all the help and inspiration I can get from you and the other women on this forum. I have to stop weighing myself every day too and chose a day to weigh in on weekly. I really need to get these extra 5# off so I can call the doctor back up for a fill. He wouldn't do one back in June because I gained 3# and some of that was my fault, but some was Water retention due to TOM. That sent me in a downward spiral and I actually gained back 10#. I desperately need a fill and he won't do one until I get these extra pounds off. I also need to increase my Water intake again. Sorry this is so long, but this seems to be the only place I can vent. Thanks for listening,

Gail :)


You can post 3 pages if you want - never apoligize for telling your story that's what this place is about... Heck I am a long poster too so don't worry about it - it takes me alot of words to say what I have to say:biggrin:

Ok 37 my Son's age :eek: Don't like veggie - oh that's familar :cool2: My son is a total meat & tatoes kind of person - he didn't get if from me as I have always eaten veggie and when he was growing we didn't have $$$ for fast food - fast food was a treat and I don't think we got fast food here in the Desert until like 1978 or 79.. But now he is a big fast food eater..

Have you ever joined Weight Watcher?? That truly is a great place to learn about eating healthy.. Ck out one in your area... I attribute most of my knowledge from when I was in WW...

Ok how to try out veggies - go to the store buy 1 zuchinne - come home slice it up - boil it in water until done - about 15 minutes - drain well - put in a bowl spray with I can't beleive it's not butter spray - add salt & pepper - eat :w00t: or go to a friends house who serves veggies and ask to taste them - have them put aside some for you when they cook dinner

Or here take that zuchinne - slice it along with some onions bell pepper and fry in a pan with a tablespoon of oil add a little corn (frozen) a little tomatoe sauce & water cook until done and eat..

If you lived closer I would have you over for dinner so you could try out diff veggies - but since we don't all I can think of is ask your friends for some help..

Yep once a week on the scale - move move move - slow and easy - bake don't fry and keep on tracking those calories you are moving in the right direction..

Well gotta get back to work - We are here for you... Anytime...

Hugs - Janet

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It's about the whole get stuck issue mostly I think - I got liquid gold (vicoden) after surgery - and was told to cut up big pills and eat with pudding or apple sauce. Also no NAISID period - due to stomach irriation.

I take the petti calicum pills - I take a vit b that is small and will take tyenol rapid release gels when away from home and I have the liquid stuff too at home - If I am taking pills I try and do it on an empty stomach so that they don't sit in my pouch.

I think most meds are going to go thru just fine if you take them on an empty tummy - event with restriction - plus I don't think they want the meds sitting in your pouch..

I took some allergy pill - but I just did it - I forget about my band most of the time - I just know that I am suppose to stay away fron Nasid - Per ellen's post they do make liquid and when in doubt call doc office the nurses should tell you - is there anything in your book about it??

You mean I have to read the book they gave me? :) I have skimmed so far and don't see anything about pills. However, I am fresh home from my g/b post op appt and he said I could take allergy pills. He said my g/b was in rough shape and good thing it came out it was infected and inflammed and stones. All the ducts were clear though. He wants me back in 6 weeks with 6 more lbs gone. He said I was doing fantastic and called me 'a star'. Made my day!

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Kidder, I don't know how you have tried veggies, but lots of ppl who don't like veggies don't like the texture of cooked vegies. You might try some of them raw -- VERY SMALL bites and chew well to try it out. My youngest daughter was a vegetable hater until late teens when she tried them raw. She eats almost all vegies now - cooks them crispy and loves them. Might be worth a try.

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Gail -

I was looking at the recipe thread earlier today and they have some good recipes with spinach and spaghetti squash. Look at the Baked Spaghetti Fake Out and the Creamy Spinach chicken salad. There are many more, just browse through it and try some. Here is the link to the thread I am talking about.

Cooking, Baking and recipes - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum

Good luck! Gail (yes, I am Gail, too) :)

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Hi to everyone tonight! Well I am on day two with Clear liquids. I am glad I got on here early and looked to see what you all had to say about that. I am STARVING:cursing:. I went and walked 1.2 miles today and just didn't feel like going around again. Plus, my throat hurts and I am not feeling well because ragweed season is here. I am going to have some Tomato Soup tonight cause I can't stand it any longer. I went two full days on Clear Liquids. This is hard but I keep going. The good news is that I am down 31 lbs. Every time I get on the scale I think it is unbelievable and it is going to go up but so far so good. I am thrilled with what I have accomplished. As far as vegetables go, alot of the time I get a bag of frozen mixed (brocolli, cauli, carrots) vegetables, add a little olive oil, some Mrs. Dash and bake. Man they are good that way. My whole family likes them that way. I have been eatin a fresh cucumber and tomato skinned every day for lunch with a little spray dressing. Gotta eat those fresh things while in season! thanks for all the good advice. Talk with you later.


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thanks everyone for the tips on the veggis. going to have to give that zucchini, peppers, and onion stir fry, sounds yummy... I actually walked down the street and around the block tonight...



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You mean I have to read the book they gave me? :tongue: I have skimmed so far and don't see anything about pills. However, I am fresh home from my g/b post op appt and he said I could take allergy pills. He said my g/b was in rough shape and good thing it came out it was infected and inflammed and stones. All the ducts were clear though. He wants me back in 6 weeks with 6 more lbs gone. He said I was doing fantastic and called me 'a star'. Made my day!

Yes Lori you gotta read the binder :lol::lol: - Glad your appt went well and great news on being his Star :thumbup: Yep those kind on complements from your doc and others really does help you keep your motivation.

My doc calls me his Star Lapband patient too and I know how great that makes me feel - Also at the gym when the pple behind the counter say hi and call my skinny (yes they were talking to me - shock) These are the things that really boost your confidence..

6 lbs in 6 weeks so doable... now you have a goal

Great News !!!

Hi to everyone tonight! Well I am on day two with Clear liquids. I am glad I got on here early and looked to see what you all had to say about that. I am STARVING:cursing:. I went and walked 1.2 miles today and just didn't feel like going around again. Plus, my throat hurts and I am not feeling well because ragweed season is here. I am going to have some Tomato Soup tonight cause I can't stand it any longer. I went two full days on clear liquids. This is hard but I keep going. The good news is that I am down 31 lbs. Every time I get on the scale I think it is unbelievable and it is going to go up but so far so good. I am thrilled with what I have accomplished. As far as vegetables go, alot of the time I get a bag of frozen mixed (brocolli, cauli, carrots) vegetables, add a little olive oil, some Mrs. Dash and bake. Man they are good that way. My whole family likes them that way. I have been eatin a fresh cucumber and tomato skinned every day for lunch with a little spray dressing. Gotta eat those fresh things while in season! thanks for all the good advice. Talk with you later.


Becky Congrats on the 31 lbs loss :) - This band thing really does work as long as you do your job.. I was like you too in the beginning - I just couldn't beleive it - and then you are going to feel so good about yourself and say - oh my this isn't that hard - this is doable..

I will have to try those veggies - I love roasted carrots - though I have to becareful with broc - i pb'd on it once and haven't eaten it since.

Also my Mom was from the south - so I like all my veggies WELL DONE.

But I take after my Dad who's from NY - I love my meat bloody :biggrin2:

I am glad you made the choice to have a little Soup for dinner i really don't think it's going to hurt you - you are going to feel so much better

Great on the exercise... WTG :lol:

Kidder, I don't know how you have tried veggies, but lots of ppl who don't like veggies don't like the texture of cooked vegies. You might try some of them raw -- VERY SMALL bites and chew well to try it out. My youngest daughter was a vegetable hater until late teens when she tried them raw. She eats almost all vegies now - cooks them crispy and loves them. Might be worth a try.

JoanneMarie - Great idea cuz I can't give alot of info on how to like them since I always have eaten them even as a kid.

Gail -

I was looking at the recipe thread earlier today and they have some good recipes with spinach and spaghetti squash. Look at the Baked Spaghetti Fake Out and the Creamy Spinach chicken salad. There are many more, just browse through it and try some. Here is the link to the thread I am talking about.

Cooking, Baking and recipes - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum

Good luck! Gail (yes, I am Gail, too) :lol:

Thanks for that info Gail ...

Thanks Janet. I can't wait to see how you progress through the maintain stage and teach us all that too.

Katarina - Yep I will keep you all posted on how things go... But like I said - I eat the same for the most part - today had yogurt (sf) with 1/4 c granola - turkey meat loaf sandwich on lite bread (only ate 1/2 of the bread but all the meat) dinner - well I don't know yet - but something with hamburger and veggies.. today may be a light calorie day.

thanks everyone for the tips on the veggis. going to have to give that zucchini, peppers, and onion stir fry, sounds yummy... I actually walked down the street and around the block tonight...



Gail - just experiment until you find what you like - I just make stuff up - I look in my frigde and start throwing stuff together - most of the time it comes out pretty good..

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Janet, you cook like I cook - "most of the time it comes out good." In our house if you complain you get to cook. Nobody's complained yet. I do like to experiment and I like one pot wonders. They are so easy to do and they are good leftovers as the flavors tend to blend even more the next day(s). Tonight I cooked orzo, added a can of diced tomatoes, a little olive oil and basil - then mixed that with sauteed shrimp, garlic, onion and yellow pepper rings. No complaints so I guess I will cook again tomorrow.

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HI, Thanks for all the words of wisdom about veggies. I love them and have been afraid to try more than canned asparagus. Since I was banded July 21st, I think it's finally time to get over the "petrified about what I can eat stage." Wish me luck.

I also have a question about timelines. I know it's just a matter of semantics, but when do you start counting your post surgery weight loss. Is it the day of surgery, after you've been "emptied out," which I kind of think is an unrealistic weight to start from? Is it your highest weight? Is it the weight from your doctor's appointment the week before? I know this question sounds ridiculous, but everyone asks how much I've lost and I usually just say, "This is how much from my highest weight..." Oh, well, just wondering what everyone else does.

Have a great day. We're taking my grandson on a special outing today, so we're off and running. Have a great day.



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I too find myself qualifying with 'from my highest weight' and 'I've only lost ##pounds since surgery'. If I say 'since surgery' I mean since the morning weigh in on the day of surgery at the surgery center. I don't know how others think of it.

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AS to what weight loss to count, I figure you lost it all count it all. In my ticker though I put my highest, then my preop weights. And I almost always say...I've lost 57 lbs but 10 of it was before surgery. I qualify it too.

So far I seem good from my fill yesterday am so worried about getting over filled but he said I'd know if I was. So far doesn't seem much different other than I am burping some??? I had solid Protein for lunch and it went down just fine.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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