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It's two week today and all is pretty good. I am having two issues I wanted to ask you about. One is I cannot figure out where my port is but if I turn a certain way or bend a certain way I do get a sharp pain in the area I think it is. Would the sharp pain be normal? Also, I seem to be having a hard time getting to sleep. I thought it was because I was exercising and my muscles were rebelling but Sunday night it happened again and I didn't do any exercising. It seems my arms and legs just won't relax and all I do is constantly move around. I haven't gotten to sleep until 4-5 in the morning. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I am going to mention it but is this something that you have heard of before? I am not in pain or have any gas.


You should be able to feel your port - it's where your big cut is (2 nches)

Mine is left center 4 inches below my boob but above my waist - I can feel it - its a hard plastic knot. and yes port site hurts the most after surgery

As to the restless legs - no not normal - Talk to your doctor about it - you just may have developed restless legs syndrome and it's just a coincident

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Okay I have a really silly question. I'm still on mushies, I was banded 6/5 and get solids in 2 more days (lucky duck Cathychatts!! getting them before me!). Anyhoo, last night I made some instant mashed potatoes and put some condensed cream of chicken Soup on for gravy. I put 1/2 c potatoes in a bowl and then spooned some of the soup over so over all it was probably over my 4 oz portion I've been eating. Well as I was eating, I began to feel full. I had about 2 or 3 bites left. I stopped, but the phone rang. I answered it and while talking, I finished the taters. DUH!!! mindless eating Lesson #1!!!

My question is this: about 20 mn later I started burping and a few of them tasted like throw up in the back of my throat, is this what is referred to as PBing???

In a way I am sortta glad it happened (I felt like a stuffed turkey for an hour or two after) as I had been wondering if I was really listening to my body til this point of if I was just having amazing self control and lack of appetite as I'm getting really tired of mushies. I guess now I know my band is working!! And even though only just under 3 weeks post op I have some good restriction (I got a 4cc prefill in a large band as the small band was too small and the large too big).

Long - a real bp is sorta throwing up with a little more force than a burp - I would do what you did pre banding - but yes it was a sign that you over ate and where full - can you beleive we say you over ate on only 1/2 c tatoes:lol::sad_smile::lol:

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Hi everyone,

It sounds like Janet is really giving out the kudos to everyone. Everyone is working very hard. It is a complicated journey and even though we were banded to help, its more work than I think most of us realized.

I saw my doctor today and I told him that I was fine but I did not think the band was communicating with me. I thought I was able to eat more than I should be. He looked at my weight loss since the last visit on May 19 - 10 lbs. He said - no adjustment today. His rule - if weight loss is 5 lbs or more in a month, no adjustment. I was a little disappointed and told him that I didn't feel anything. He said, if you feel something, its too tight. He said that I am working the system the way it is supposed to be worked and I would not have lost 28 lbs in 11 weeks before this. He's right. He also asked me if I could eat a Big Mac. I really don't know because I haven't tried, but with how I have been eating for the most part, I'm not really sure I can. I tried a filet of fish sandwich a few weeks ago and it didn't go down very easily. I didn't finish it. He used that to show me that the band is doing its job. I guess my band is talking to me, just not shouting at me :w00t:

So, I am going to keep working at it everyday - healthy food choices, exercise, Water and lots of positive self-talk.

Good Luck everyone.


Banded April 8, 2008


Hi Alice - Congrats on the 10 lbs - That's great :sad_smile:

I had my 2nd fill in Oct and when I went back in Dec my doc wouldn't give me a fill either cuz I had lost 17 lbs. I think that this is wise imho - I think there are pple who abuse their band by keeping them so tight that they can't much of anything - This is forced bulimic which I don't think is healthy - we got our bands to become healthier pple not skinny pple (well that's why I was banded cuz I wanted to extend my life and the side effect of that has been to become a thinner person which I love to- but the reason for banding was healthy not looks)

I know that there is no way I could eat a sandwich made of thick bread - I have had grilled sandwiches made on lite sandwich bread - but a hamburger roll no way - I know I could not eat it even if I haven't tired it.

I think we can become physiologically addicted to fills and I was worried about that in the beginning - but then I was too tight for a week and that was enough for me.

You are doing excellent - keep up the great work - good food choices, exercise and positive talk - you are the road to a successful band experience.



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Hi, my name is Donna and I live in the UK, I have just had my first appointment so have a long way to go. Congratulations on your weight loss, I would love to hear your story, ups and downs and I am also interested in what tests you needed for your OP, hope you can help, x

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Long - a real bp is sorta throwing up with a little more force than a burp - I would do what you did pre banding - but yes it was a sign that you over ate and where full - can you beleive we say you over ate on only 1/2 c tatoes:lol::sad_smile::lol:

KEWL!! That is so exciting to me to know the band is working. I mean knew it was there, I have the scabby scars to prove it, but to hear it talking to me was confirmation that I am learning to listen and luckily have always stopped before too full, until those few bites of potatoes last night. But now I know. And I am especially encouraged to have good restriction in this post op period. 48 hours and counting til solids!!!

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Hi, my name is Donna and I live in the UK, I have just had my first appointment so have a long way to go. Congratulations on your weight loss, I would love to hear your story, ups and downs and I am also interested in what tests you needed for your OP, hope you can help, x

Welcom Donna

You being in the UK and me being in the States and I am 9 yrs older - I had tons of preop test cuz I never when to the doctor - heart -lungs - colon- mamo - pap - shrink - xrays - sleep

Can't say I have had any downs - for me having major surgery was the ah ha moment in need - it's not longer a game (losing & gaining) I made up my mind and it's been history since then..

For me my band is the tool i needed to feel full on smaller portions - the surgery made me change the way I ate (i hate high fat - sugar - starches prior to band and absolutly no exercise)

Now I eat heatlhy - and exercise 4 days a week

Good luck on your journey

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Hi Janet,

Went for my first post-surgery checkup today and doctor was very happy with my 12 pound loss. He also located my port for me and told me my "restless" legs/arms situation is totally unrelated to the lapband. Since I have been exercising it could just be muscle related. He said to mention it to my family doctor it if continued. I also got scheduled for my first fill which is July 25. I noticed on your menu list that you eat a lot of catfish--how do you prepare it--is it fresh or frozen--do you spice it up??

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Hi Janet,

Went for my first post-surgery checkup today and doctor was very happy with my 12 pound loss. He also located my port for me and told me my "restless" legs/arms situation is totally unrelated to the lapband. Since I have been exercising it could just be muscle related. He said to mention it to my family doctor it if continued. I also got scheduled for my first fill which is July 25. I noticed on your menu list that you eat a lot of catfish--how do you prepare it--is it fresh or frozen--do you spice it up??



I figured your rls was unrelated - and am glad you know where your port is :lol:.

I eat catfish most likely 5 nights a week - fresh from the grocery store

I fix it 4 ways

#1 Put a little olive oil (evoo) in a baking dish - role the fish in in season with a salt - pepper - garlic powder - bake 20 min @ 350

#2 Same as the above but top with El Pato Sauce (spicy mex Tomato sauce in a yellow can with a duck on it)

#3 Same as #1 but add Parmesan cheese on top

#4 Roll fish in eggbeater then roll in corn meal - spray with pam and bake.

I have used talipa the same way - I veggies zucchini's & yellow crooked neck squash - spinach - Brussels sprout - fresh green bean - frozen french style green Beans & 1/2 c rice that has been my dinner 95% of the time for the last 11 months

I will have salmon sometime - scallops - chicken every now and then - ground turkey meat loaf or use it to make stuffed bell peppers minus the cheese.< /p>

I really have cut 98% cheese out of my diet - I will have 1/2 of a cheese enchilada when I go out or 1/2 taco.

I have also reduced my fat intake by 90% - prior to banding I ate very high fat - I liked fish then too (back from the days that we had to eat fish on fridays - yes I am dating myself :lol:) but it was always fired - i love the fat off a steak - I may eat red meat 2 or 3 times a months and I loved butter like I was Paula Dean's daughter :biggrin2:.

Also prior to banding every few months I would go on a sweet binge and eat a bag of candy - a thingie of brownies - also another fav pig out food was home made bean dip made with a whole block of cheese and homemade fried chips dripping in oil.

Now - 1 cup refried Beans sprinkle of cheese and 8 tostidos - I still get fav dish with 99% less fat.

Sweets - the sugar free stuff satisfies me...

7/25 I will be on my way to Minnesota to the Mall of America to meet up with my Lucky # 7 gang - It's our 1 yr anniversary in July and 5 of us are going to meet there and get to know each other in person...

OK I gotta get back to work - TTYL - Again Keep of the good work :tt1:

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How fun to meet up with your fellow bandsters. I bet lots of new clothes shopping can be had at that mall!! It's huge! I can't wait to shop normal stores, a mall might even be fun then, if I have more options than Lane Bryant!

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How fun to meet up with your fellow bandsters. I bet lots of new clothes shopping can be had at that mall!! It's huge! I can't wait to shop normal stores, a mall might even be fun then, if I have more options than Lane Bryant!


It's intimating to go into the regular stores - 1st of all you feel like a fraud and that everyone is looking at you knowing you don't really belong there.

Then there are so many more choices - before I had 4 stores Macys JC Pennys - Avenue - Lane Bryant - well now you have to venture into stores that you haven't shopped in before and discover like at Macy's that the have a whole floor for regular sizes (well 3/4 of them are to high priced but you still have more choices)

When I first ventured into regular stores looking for 14's all I could find were 12's - well then went looking for 12 & 10 - found nothing but 16 14 8 6 now that I am looking for 8's & 6's all I can find is 14's 12's & 16's go figure - they never have what you want whatever your size :)

Also, We have a street called El Paseo in Palm Desert - It's the Rodeo Drive of the Desert - My reward to myself once I got to goal was to go shopping there - well you know what - I still haven't been - It' like they will know that even though I have a thin body that they will see me as a fat person.. So gang please know that the fat chick is still in my head..

Yes it will be fun - I have already met Phyl who is a lucky #7 as she winters here in the Desert and lives in WA during the summer months

but I am going to get to meet 3 more of us..

But you know what I think is funny - here is a group of women who met on the Internet getting together to meet each other - Isn't this what we warn our kids against doing :thumbup::lol: Do as I say not as I do :tt2::lol:

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It's intimating to go into the regular stores - 1st of all you feel like a fraud and that everyone is looking at you knowing you don't really belong there.

Then there are so many more choices - before I had 4 stores Macys JC Pennys - Avenue - Lane Bryant - well now you have to venture into stores that you haven't shopped in before and discover like at Macy's that the have a whole floor for regular sizes (well 3/4 of them are to high priced but you still have more choices)

When I first ventured into regular stores looking for 14's all I could find were 12's - well then went looking for 12 & 10 - found nothing but 16 14 8 6 now that I am looking for 8's & 6's all I can find is 14's 12's & 16's go figure - they never have what you want whatever your size :lol:

Also, We have a street called El Paseo in Palm Desert - It's the Rodeo Drive of the Desert - My reward to myself once I got to goal was to go shopping there - well you know what - I still haven't been - It' like they will know that even though I have a thin body that they will see me as a fat person.. So gang please know that the fat chick is still in my head..

Yes it will be fun - I have already met Phyl who is a lucky #7 as she winters here in the Desert and lives in WA during the summer months

but I am going to get to meet 3 more of us..

But you know what I think is funny - here is a group of women who met on the Internet getting together to meet each other - Isn't this what we warn our kids against doing :lol::lol: Do as I say not as I do :lol::lol:

I walked around the 'normal' sections at Macys not long ago. It was so darn confusing. Not used to having to shop by designer/brand. So much to learn.

I have met a LBT person here in Denver for lunch already. It was strange. My kids (in their 20's) gave me a bad time for just that reason, me telling them not to meet internet strangers and here I was off to lunch with one. :eek::embaressed_smile:

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Good morning gang

I know that I am your guys mentor - so I thought I would share this little bit of info with you to let you know that if you work your band it does work. I am proof of that - as of today (my weekly weigh in day) which is 11 months 1 week post op.

:embaressed_smile::biggrin2:I have lost 100 lbs:lol::biggrin2:

Pretty darn good for a 53 yr old grandma of 3.

Just goes to show you age isn't a factor in losing the weight - it's all about using your brain to make good food choices and exercising your body...

Just had to share with my girls... If I can do this anyone can do this as I am no diff than any of you ..

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Thank you Janet for all your uplifting support, and congrats on your 100lb loss!!!! I am at the hurry up and wait stage. I am afraid to "loose" any weight for fear of going under 35 BMI. I have my info meeting July 17th then I can make my first appt. I just want to get started. It took me a long time to research and make sure this was for me. I can't wait to be able to report my one year out success! Kimberly

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Thank you Janet for all your uplifting support, and congrats on your 100lb loss!!!! I am at the hurry up and wait stage. I am afraid to "loose" any weight for fear of going under 35 BMI. I have my info meeting July 17th then I can make my first appt. I just want to get started. It took me a long time to research and make sure this was for me. I can't wait to be able to report my one year out success! Kimberly

Thanks Kimberly

I was lucky my first consult was 5/31 (I have ppo so I went directly to surgeon) and due to age and never going to the doctor I had a million pre op test - heart (3 appts failed the treadmill test had to have a nuclear stress test), sleep, lungs (2 appts breathing & visit to lung doc), mamo, colon, pap, shrink, 14 vials of blood - but I was approved and got my date on 6/20 my last test was 7/13 and had surgery 7/17 - so all in all it didn't take long - I gained 5 lbs between 5/31 and 7/6 (my pre op) the last meal mentality :embaressed_smile: which put me at 250. So all in all I didn't have too much of a wait - and I gained didn't lose - I would becareful not to go under the 35 bmi - do you have any other problems like high blood pressure - diabetes - sleep apnea??

It is doable (losing weight) with the help of my tool - but imho I did the work by making healthy food choices and exercising...

Thanks for the props...

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Good morning gang

I know that I am your guys mentor - so I thought I would share this little bit of info with you to let you know that if you work your band it does work. I am proof of that - as of today (my weekly weigh in day) which is 11 months 1 week post op.

:Angel_anim::biggrin2:I have lost 100 lbs:lol::biggrin2:

Pretty darn good for a 53 yr old grandma of 3.

Just goes to show you age isn't a factor in losing the weight - it's all about using your brain to make good food choices and exercising your body...

Just had to share with my girls... If I can do this anyone can do this as I am no diff than any of you ..

WOO HOO, Janet!!!! Way to go!!! When I grow up in bandster life, I wanna be just like you!!

Today is 3 weeks post op!!! THE DAY MY SURGEON ALLOWS SOLIDS BACK INTO THE DIET!!!!!!!!!! Oh what to have for lunch???? I'm going to Red Lobster for dinner!! (no biscuits) I've not lost a pound in 2 weeks (lost 22 from preop through one week post op though, plus 10 I lost before that). My nurse said this was very normal in this phase as I'm eating so few calories my body thinks it's starving. She assures me this will change when I get my first fill. Also, I'm sooooooooo constipated (sorry if that's TMI), nurse told me to get some milk of magnesia or suppositories. I'm already taking Metamucil and colace nightly.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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