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Melissa, hope you get the full-time position. Take care of your back. One Day at a Time. Your Mantra.

Linda, praying for your DB.

Janet, glad you're able to exercise again. Can't believe the vertigo issues on this thread. You and Linda exercise more than anyone on here and Apples runs around doing stuff beyond anybody I know. Gets more natural exercise than anyone on here. Makes me wonder if there's a relationship.

Jewel, the new thing in your life is your BC pills. Could they be causing fainting as well as other issues? Are you getting enough Protein and eating it frequently enough? I had trouble during my concert because I went too long without Protein.< /span>

Great, blood pressure meds and other meds can cause pharyngeal reflux. (One of the side effects of my daughter's chemo) So can your band. I would also see another specialist on that node and not take a chance. Any lump is nothing to fool around with. Ask my daughter.

Who, by the way, is miserably sick from the chemo. So hard to watch her suffer. One more dose of this heavy-duty chemo, then she switches to "chemo-light." It will attack the cancer from another angle. Tumor continues to shrink rapidly. The best outcome is for the tumor to be completely killed by the chemo by the time of the surgery. Her cancer is so aggressive that that will improve her survival rates to 80%. She has done research on her type of cancer and its amazing to sit and listen to her talk so matter-of-factly about her outcomes. Her cancer has very few estrogen receptors making that line of attack (eliminating estrogen from the body completely via complete removal of ovaries and tamoxifen) not at all effective for her.

Laura, how is your dad doing?

Apples, I'm so sorry. Hope some of your issues get resolved.


No, Cheri...I just think of you and how you are handling all this with your Rachel (it seems as if you are dealing but it's gotta be so tough on a daily basis). Anyone that knows me, knows I deal. Sometimes it just takes me a bit to re-group and not feel so devastated. Life just sucks sometimes and then...a person realizes they don't control on how much it sucks. That's when a person needs to pull those bootstraps up (thank you, Janet) and keep on keepen' on and hope for the best.

Here you are thinking of me and here I am thinking of you....go figure. Anyway, the best to both of us!

Hi to all...sending the love.

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Melissa...good luck on the full time position...hope you get one of them.

Janet, not a work horse, but when I get the urge to do something...I have to do it because otherwise the projects sit for years and nothing gets done. I like to see progress but it tends to kick my butt....my shoulders and arms are tired and sore today. Who knew sewing could be so difficult....LOL.

My back hurt when I got up this morning but I didn't feel a thing after I worked out with the blocks and all that feels okay now. I took drugs for the shoulder (Ibuprofen) and now feel good.

Back to Easter cards and homework.


I need to start this cuz I will be gone all day tomorrow taking care of FIL stuff....






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Lori, have you had an MRI on your neck? My DGS had a lump in his neck a couple of years ago. The MRI showed it was an angianoma or something like that. It is a genetic thing and when a cat scratched him it caused the swelling in his neck. It went away on its own without treatment. I would get a second opinion. My DS has Barretts Esophagus from acid reflux. He has to get scoped every two years. He is being scoped in a few weeks. Even though he has lost 100lbs he still has reflux. Both of his parents had reflux. I am sure all the spicey food he eats is not good for it either.

Janet, too funny, but you are right.....the packaging is the same for the hair and body wash. I might have to mark mine too.

Melissa, I sure hope you get a full time position. It would take a load of worry off of you. HUGS!

Cheri, I really believe your DD is gonna beat this. She seems tough like her mama. Prayers and HUGS for you!

Eva, I didn't know you sewed. You are so talented! I hope you can post pics of your new cushions.

Apples........Love ya bunches! HUGS!

Linda.....how is your DB?

OK, Arlene and Janet...gonna make it easy for you...I used to have a hell of a time with my Shampoo and conditioner bottles in the shower (no glasses on my head). I took a permanent marker and did "S" on one and "C" on the other. Problem solved.

Melissa...a whole lot of crap for you to deal with right now. Fingers crossed you get the job....some prayers for you too. You deserve a break.

Have not heard a thing on the panni....hopefully soon. Would be a good diversion for me. Again, love to all.

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Hi everyone, Can't sleep. Got word late this afternoon that there's nothing that can be done for my brother - they told the family that to survive he'd need a lung and heart transplant but that he's too weak so isn't a candidate. They will be meeting with the staff tomorrow to start the process of taking him off life suppport. I don't know a lot - just know that the family waited all day for news and then this devestating news came late this afternoon - so they are still in shock and trying to deal with the situation. It's very sad. His son will graduate from college in a couple of weeks -- his youngest gs was just born in November. Very sad. But we will Celebrate his life. I have wonderful memories and am so grateful we had our vacation together last summer.

Melissa, I am really really keeping my fingers crossed for you - I do hope one of the jobs comes through for you - would help you so much to have insurance. Think positive.

Eva, tomorrow is your b-day? Since things may be hectic for me tomorrow, wanted to tell you to have a very happy birthday tomorrow - and many more. Take a day off tomorrow from all the hard work -- you are one amazing woman!! Love you very much.

Lori, sorry to hear of your health issues -- hope it's something that can be fixed with some meds. I can't believe the baby is 6 weeks old already!! OMG time sure flies!!

Janet, glad you are getting back to your regular workout routine. My vertigo is better since I had the procedure, but I'm still careful when I lay down to stay on the one side. What a pain!! I have another 4 nights of this. Cheri, I've had vertigo episodes for about 20 years -- long before I started exercising daily so don't think it's related - I do think stress can make it worse though.

Apples, hugs to you I know it's been a tough week. Thinking of you.

To all of you - thank you all for your prayers and support and just love I feel from each of you. You each mean a lot to me and I couldn't have gotten through the past few weeks without you all. Thanks so much.

Moved our office today from one building to another - have a much nicer area and much larger desk space -- think I'll like it better. I'm planning on working tomorrow -- until I hear what the plan is, I might as well work and keep myself occupied. I'll be flying to Pittsburgh for the funeral, whenever that ends up being.

Thanks again to all of you.


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Thanks Everyone,

I will let you know as soon as I get an interview for the postitions. I was alternating Ice and Heat when I was laying down alot. I have been using a heating pad cause it was easier. I will switch to Ice and possible alternate. I wish I could figure out why this time it is the worse than it has ever been before; meaning now it is including all the way down my right leg to my foot. The right side of my foot is numb.

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Happy Birthday Eva !!!! Have a wonderful day !!! Any plans??

Cheri - I've been exercising 4 yrs don't know why it would show up now - and when it showed up I hadn't exercised all week (when my #7 where here) They don't know what causes it.. Had a spin last night when sleeping - but lasted only a second.. Prayers for you and your family - I know how hard this is on all of you..

Linda Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs - wish I was there to give you one in person - Know you and your family are still in our prayer...

Apples - I know how hard this is for you - been there - hopefully it will get better soon.. You don't have to be strong all the time - it's ok to lean on pple sometimes - that's what friends are for.

Not much to report - had dinner - ate too fast and you know what happens then LOL - watched a little tv and bed..

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Good morning sunshines,

Finally I have a few minutes to put a proper posting. Thank you for all the sweet comments on Meredith and I's pics! Really was such a nice time. My only complaint was we weren't able to spend enough time together. : ) Her cousin lives in Charlotte (near my parents) and we are already planning a reunion there. Hey, maybe we could make it a LBT meeting?! Charlotte NC is really nice folks! Just a thought. : )

Eva~ Happy Birthday!!! Wall E LOVES Eva

Janet~ Maybe Cheri's theory is correct about connection between vertigo and exercise. Since I fell off the exercise wagon I haven't had any BPV symptoms! Hmmmmmmmmmm... No exercise for me! ; ) LOL, kidding. But it is interesting. Glad to hear you are doing better. It's horrible.

Cheri~ Hugs for you and Rachel. Cancer Sucks. So glad her cancer is responding well to the chemo. Sounds like they are hitting it hard and that's good. The G.I. side effects of chemo are very interesting actually. Chemo attacks rapidly dividing cells, right? Most commonly, chemotherapy acts by killing cells that divide rapidly, one of the main properties of most cancer cells. This means that it also harms cells that divide rapidly under normal circumstances: cells in the bone marrow, digestive tract and hair follicles; this results in the most common side effects of chemotherapy : myelosuppression (decreased production of blood cells, hence also immunosuppression), mucositis (inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract), and alopecia (hair loss). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemotherapy

Many don't know WHY they get those specific side effects from chemo. It's that the chemo actually thinks the esophagus, hair and bone marrow are CANCER b/c the cells divide so fast naturally.

Thanks for asking about my Dad. He is hanging in there and still fighting. He is really having a tough week. He's been very weak and having some difficulty breathing. The fear is that the met. cancer that is in his lungs is really starting to effect his breathing. My guess is he will do chemo a couple more weeks and then stop. (just my gut instinct). I was hoping they would come down for Easter, but looks like we will be going up there. It's so tough to see him suffer. Just hope he finds peace in all this.

Melissa~ hugs on the back stuff. You have just been through it all lately! Good luck on the interviews.

Apples~ HUGS on everything with FIL and other stuff. They say God doesn't give us more than we can handle, right? Sometimes I think he overestimates. ; ) Slow down on Apples God! Her heart runneth over! HUGS.

Well, yesterday Nelson had a private baseball lesson from a retired MLB player. He was trying to get Nelson over the fear of being hit by the ball by making him catch balls in front of his face with his glove. Well, he was doing so well so he increased the intensity.... and Nelson caught one with his UPPER LIP! He looks like he was in a boxing ring for 2 hrs! His NEW front tooth was a little loose. (SIGH) It's better today but have to go to the dentist tomorrow for an xray just to keep an eye on it. He's not that excited about baseball practice tonight!

Time to go do my volunteering in Nelson's class today. : ) It fills my heart. LOVE LOVE LOVE being the class mom! I wish I could make a career out of that! It's national volunteer week too ! woohoooo!

peasout........ more later (didn't get to write all I wanted to) Laura

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Linda, hugs and prayers for you and your family. You are such a wonderful lady and have had to endure a lot this year. Hang tough.

Apples, I too have missed the green. We are here.

Eva, Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy yourself today.

Melissa, good juju for the interviews. I hope you get full time, it sure would take some of the pressure off you.

Cheri, your DD is sure a strong woman just like her Mom.

Janet, glad to hear you are getting over this.


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Morning.... just a quick hello before leaving for all day in Bismarck with appointments...... I tried yesterday to post, even took notes after reading and then DH needed computer so I gave it up and never got back to it.... Dang it..... I did get Easter decorations up!!!!

Anyway, Happy Birthday to Eva..... It is my grandson's birthday, too... He is 12 on the 12th....... Have a good one.....

Cheri, Linda, Apples, Lori, Melissa and anyone else who is having a not so good time these days with worries and woes............. God be with you.... It will get better....... Hugs......

Love to all................. Be back later..... Julie

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Utopian....keep posting and tell us a little about yourself. We may not always talk about weight and band stuff but we are all about support.

Laura, thanks for the very cute video on Facebook. Sorry to hear your father isn't doing so well. I do hope he finds peace through all of this. Sounds like you have.

Linda, so sorry to hear about your brother. I wish him and his family peace and all the love in the universe.

Cheri, same to your daughter. It's good that she is very informed about what's going on with her. I have complete confidence she will beat this thing.

LauraK, what's new with you?

Melissa, hope you find some relief with the back thing...that is what I have...herniated disc between L4 & L5 pinches the sciatic nerve which causes my foot to go numb or in my case tingle sharply which doesn't all me to sleep at night. The inversion table seems to be helping. When the foot starts to tingle, I spend a little time hanging upside down...have to do that slowly and gently, but it seems to help.

Janet, my plans are to run errands (we are out of everything again) go to school, and tonight we are going to a concert. Tish Hinojosa...she has a voice like an angel. It's going to be a one of the bars...Club Congress (John Dillenger stayed here) and it's a standing room only place. We are going to go out for dinner on Thursday because the timing works better.

Apples, take care and I texted your DH already...LOL....it's nice to share the day with someone. Just for everyone else's FYI, it's Apples DH's birthday too! Hugs to your FIL and to you.

Looks like my DH's mom's house is going to be rented out again. I'm not so sure it will be as easy as with Apples. They're already being a pain and they haven't even moved in yet. We have to take stuff out of the house now...not everything, but they are being picky as to what. See more projects.

I just drew a blank....duh....guess it's time to go do something. BBL


Thanks for the birthday wishes...you all are so sweet and nice. Love you all.

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Good Morning, All!

Cheri, hugs for you and your DD.

Good to hear the tumor is shrinking!

Linda, so sorry to hear about you DB. That is so sad!

More hugs to you, too!

And hugs to you, Apples,

for all that is happening in your life right now.


Happy Birthday to your DH!







Reluctantly packing things up and getting ready to head north! Reluctantly because folks are scraping ice off their windshields this morning at home, and DD says it was 36 degrees when she went to work this morning.


I am sitting in the RV with the door and all the windows open at 8 a.m.!!


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First of, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eva!!!! and also to Apples DH!!

Linda, so sorry to hear of your brother. Can you try to get out there and see him before he passes to say good bye? Hugs to you.

DD just called and I am going to do my first babysitting! She is going back to work this weekend and therefore works on Sat the 30th. We were going to be going to Denver that day anyway for my Grandma's 102nd birthday on the first so she asked if I wanted to babysit on Sat. as her DH has a class he is taking that day. So I jumped on it, it will just be from 8am til noon.

Regarding the few who said to get a 2nd opinion on my neck/throat thing, this was my 2nd opinion. I feel confident in the dr, he used to practice at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, etc. So I am going to go with the 4 weeks of Prilosec and follow up with him next month. I had just never heard of this type of reflux but did some googling, it's also called Silent reflux sometimes I discovered.

Melissa, good luck on the job interviews. meat cutting sounds like hard work. My DFIL is a retired butcher, lifting and moving those sides of beef around.

Janet, glad the vertigo seems to be improving some. I can't imagine feeling dizzy all the time.

Laura, poor Nelson with the ball hitting him. So much for conquering that fear or did it help anyway? maybe now that it happened and he survived he'll be okay?? I always hated it when my son wanted to play catcher, he was so tall and couldn't scrunch down far and got hit easily.

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Good Morning All...Back home for a bit and then on the run again to take care of errands, etc.

Linda...my heart goes out to you. So sorry about the diagnosis for your brother. I am sure it will be tough to keep your mind on work today. Just know I am thinking of you and his family and praying for you all as you try to accept what has come your way.

Phyll....hugs right back at ya as you pack for your trip North. Sucks, doesn't it???? We have already decided that next year we are NOT coming back to snowstorms and such. We will ride it out in warm country.

Happy Birthday again, Eva. DH appreciated the text. I am still amazed every time I think of his birth day. He was just a little perfect peanut, weighing in at 1lb 9oz 57 yrs ago and healthy as a horse his entire life.

Melissa...good luck...hope you get an interview and a full time job to relieve some of the pressure.

Laura...poor Nelson. One of my boys had a fear of the ball also. Not much you can do but have him try it again and try not to make too much of a big deal of it either way. Poor kid. Hugs on your father's issues. I know this is very tough for you and not being near him. Sounds like you will be traveling for Easter. Hopefully, DH will be able to go with you this time.

Great....I could read the excitement in your post with getting to babysit your DGD. Fun. I have also heard of "Silent Reflux". Hope Prilosec does the trick for you.

Janet....sorry about your dinner not staying with you last night. I hate when that happens. Doesn't happen with me very often...usually when I eat too fast or eat something too solid in the morning. Having fun babysitting our neighbor's pup. He reminds me of your Angel. About that size and just a sweet puppa. He slept with us the first night and after that I put his blanket on the chair in our room. He's just so sweet and Tanker is handling all this attention we give the other pup with a grain of salt. Anyway, we are trying to give him a lot of attention so he does not miss is momma.

Just spent more than an hour on the phone (mostly waiting) with the IRS. Hmmmmmmm....do you know how much trouble it can cause to put a wrong date when submitting electronic payments????? Got it fixed and will try to never make that mistake again. It was a payment back in Sept and now just catching up. Not was I needed this morning but done and over with.

Cheri...sounds like the chemo is causing some troubles for DD. I know this has to be so tough for you on a daily basis. Hugs.

Hi to all I missed. DS just came in and needs my computer for some of his work. Later.

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Go you! I am just starting down the path towards surgery and could use every buddy i can get :)

Utopian...where are you at in your process of getting the band? Have you had your initial appointment with your surgeon yet? There are quite a few hoops to jump through to begin with but so worth it all in the end. Tell us a bit about yourself and what stage of the process you are in. There are a lot of experienced banders on this thread that can answer any questions you might have. Wishing you luck!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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