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Hey gang, as I was reading my last post to yall I realized my grumpyness is probably related to PMS and the new BC pills I am on. I haven't been on the pill in 10 years. Guess I am a bit naive about their mood effects. Wondering too if they effect my concentration. As I was studying today the words were just getting all blurry and I found myself rereading over and over.

Julie, I remember when I first got my band I had to make a huge adjustment. Learning my new limits and reteaching myself what was a portion size for the band. Mentally I would get frustrated to see only 3 bites would fit before I pbed. I think that you are going through the same sort of "adjustment" period. Just in another way. You have been doing this for so long but now the net is gone and your worried your gonna fail. I have faith in you. Just get through this adjustment period and use it as a chance to prove to yourself you can accomplish this. When we take that leap without the net is when we feel the greatest sense of accomplishment. The band was only a tool. You did most of the work. You earned that 100 pound loss. Plus I know if I allow myself to worry I begin to eat. I really wish you didn't have to do this but I know you can. I am cheering for you.

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Good Morning Gang!

I am still doing boiled eggs for Breakfast. My pup gets the majority of the yolk then I cut up the egg into egg salad. I use a dab of light mayo and it goes down good. I will be eating brisket for lunch. Our church youth are selling brisket sandwiches for a fundraiser.

I hope everyone has an awesome Sunday!

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Morning to all. It's absolutely gorgeous here and we are sure enjoying ourselves. Aylah is out at her picnic table eating her bowl of Cheerios!! We got the swing set and patio furniture out yesterday -- she's in heaven. We woke up around 7:30 and she ran straight outside to her swingset - no tv for her this morning!! She loves it so much. Waiting for her mom to pick her up this morning and then we are headed out to go for a few hours to the casino and then come home for an early and relaxing Sunday.

Well, I better get going. Just wanted to pop in to say hi.

Love you all.


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Happy Sunday beautiful banders!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!

Finished the repairs to the fence yesterday. Hubby & I had plans to paint but have decided that we will hire a painter. As it most likely can be sprayed. Yippee!

Last night we went with friends to see George Lopez. Some great laughs!

Friday went to the Coach store. The purse I saw in January isn’t the current stock. I didn’t see anything I liked. Really not a Coach person. Not enough bling or pockets for stuff. Found a nice gold straw purse with a big bow for $50 – score! Got my exercise walking the mall. Ended with a nice pedicure for my horrible feet. Now purple toes!

I have to work a bit today as I have to scam my work into 3 days as I am attending a HR conference Thur/Fri. Not to mention fit in the dentist as I had an emergency – my overlay has come out. Temporary repair and $1000 with insurance paying for half.

CPAP machine that I hate so much. Thought it was $700 and the guy wanted my Visa as I have had it since Sept and $2,400. Not sure how much will be covered by insurance. So far it has been an expensive year!

Our townhouse needs a new roof this summer. Tax time... It goes on and one. Hmmm maybe I won the lottery last night? Off to work I go J.

Ø Jewel – 85 hours a week is a killer! It isn’t worth it. Is he being paid overtime?

PMS – get me every time. I have the new Minerva IUD – it helps with my PMS and pre-menopause as I am 44 and starting to have issues since I have been off the pill since I was 40.

Ø Cheri – Short are overrated. I love capri’s. You look amazing! I took get hot with the spanks. I like the suck in tank tops for the winter.

I have a hate for bras I am a 44DD and hate them! When I reach my goal weight I will bet a breast reduction & lift as medical will pay because of my back problems.

Have fun with the grand kids!

Ø IndioGirl55 – massages are king!

Ø Lori – hope all goes well with your upcoming crop!

Ø Julie – I know you can do it! Don’t be so hard on yourself! I agree with what Jewel said. The band is only a tool. My hubby is on the same plan as me without the band and too has lost weight almost pound for pound. He is down 27 lbs. And he still eats chips as a treat L.

Ø Charlene – I too love my eggs! I mix in blue cheese dressing and salsa with mine :)

Ø Eva – I love threading! It lasts forever and is only $7 for my brown & upper lip. The East Indians have walk in spa’s here. Not sure if you have that in your area. In Vancouver we have a huge multi-culture. I also get my facials and the Indian spa. Can’t beat the price. Nothing fancy but works!

Today is raining. Maybe I will hit the club for a swim, movie and big nap after I catch up with work and chores.

Have a great day!



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Let's see if this works.


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Thank you Jessica!!! Now I can post pics again.

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Good Morning Peep

Charlene - When did you get yours I havent gotten mine yet - did it come ups or mail - I havent ck my mail box since thursdau - I got summer grace I ordered the same time but don't love it - Pure grace is my fave

Great glad you are home - it's cold here for the last few days - should warm up today - I need the pool to be warm enough by Good Friday - the kids will be here..

PS not being satisfied is one reason I haven't gotten it - what if I am unhappy with it..

Apples must be having trouble at home..

Linda - want to go to pilos today - but am afaird too vertigo has been ok but am afraid to push it

Great I have positional vertigo there are 2 kinds positional & virus from what I gather..

Well I need to either get dressed for pilo or hit the tread mill - my weight is ok 136 w/just 2 days a week of exercise - but I dont want to push it - I don't want to get out of the habit and we all kmow how easy that can bee..

Well cbl

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Kristi, I've seen that threading somewhere...can't remember where. I'm sure it's here but haven't looked for it. I understand about the bra thing....am larger there too just not quite as large as you....I can see where you'd want to have a reduction. I only like one brand of bras and have never found anything else that works as well. Fence painting is very tedious...good decision on hiring it out. Yep the $$ is flying out of here too....taxes are very expensive this year.

Linda, glad you are finally getting a break with the weather...it's foggy and still a little drippy. Our high is supposed to be 66. Have fun at the casino and win lots of money.

Charlene, have a wonderful Sunday. I boiled a bunch of eggs yesterday too. We had egg salad for lunch (used FF greek yogurt and a little bit of regular mayo. Love that FF greek yogurt...vanilla, plain, whatever.

Jessica, we all get grumpy...it's okay. The trick is recognizing it and figuring out why. During my 10 year menopause I would get angry, grumpy, weepy, and mostly didn't know why...it finally dawned on me it was hormonal. I have to tell you...it's much better now. I still get grumpy since I'm a little grumpy by nature, but now I can usually figure out why. You hang in there, you are doing fabulous!

Hello everyone I've missed.

I'm trying to recover the cushions on my patio furniture. I couldn't find any ready made cushions I really liked (that I could afford-we have 6 chairs), so I bought fabric and thought, I can do this. I started the project months ago and got the back cushion made, but not the seat. Yesterday I worked on that and fixed the back things that weren't working so well. Once I had the prototype I cut all the other ones out and I've started sewing them together. I really don't like sewing. You quilting ladies are saints. I can sew, but I'd rather pull weeds.

Today we are going to a friend's little girl's first communion. Catholic church, so this should be interesting. She is a sweet little girl and is excited about this.

Hope you all have a great day.


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Happy Sunday to All,

I was banded 4.4.11. I am doing great and was wondering if you guys had the feeling to vomit when you get up in the morning? I have had watery mouth for the past 2 days. I spit it out, walk around and drink some Water.

any experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated. This is the only thing that has happened to me since the surgery that seems a little strange.

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Welcome Merrimish, my guess is that it is from being too tight or swollen after surgery. As you heal the swelling should go down and that go away, but to be sure you might want to call you dr and ask.

Good afternoon, well it stopped snowing so hopefully we will get some spring finally. I am very excited, DH & I booked our vacation yesterday. We are going on an Eastern Mediterranean cruise next month. Last year we went on a Western and enjoyed it so much so looking very forward to it. It leaves from Venice, Italy and goes to 2 places in Croatia, Izmir, Turkey, and Athens, Greece. We are going a day ahead and spending a day in Venice, it's been a dream of mine to ride a gondoloa. Told DH he had to seranade me. LOL He looked at me and with no thought at all said he had the song already, a country song, called something like Woman, you don't treat me no good no more or something like that and then he cracked up laughing. LOL We saw this cruise a week ago and then I didn't book it as this week was so hectic and when I looked yesterday it went down in price so I jumped on it.

Apples, miss ya, I've been gone awhile from the boards but haven't seen you post for awhile. Hope all is well.

Janet, hope that vertigo clears up, is it affecting your exercise? Do you get nauseous?

Eva, wanna do my lawn chairs? We have some that the hailstorm last May in Denver on our moving day destroyed. The insurance totalled them out and gave us money for them, but DH has it in his head he is going to restrap them, but there they sit in the meantime. They were so comfortable he doesn't want to get rid of them. I got a kick out of you saying it was too cold for sandals the other day. When I was in WI it got to the 50's and shorts and sandals were out everywhere. LOL

Arlene, soon you will have to color all those eggs you are boiling for Easter. LOL

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Good Morning Peep

Charlene - When did you get yours I havent gotten mine yet - did it come ups or mail - I havent ck my mail box since thursdau - I got summer grace I ordered the same time but don't love it - Pure grace is my fave

Great glad you are home - it's cold here for the last few days - should warm up today - I need the pool to be warm enough by Good Friday - the kids will be here..

I got my Chaz Dean on Thursday I bought some Eternal Grace at Ulta. I love it!

PS not being satisfied is one reason I haven't gotten it - what if I am unhappy with it..

Apples must be having trouble at home..

Linda - want to go to pilos today - but am afaird too vertigo has been ok but am afraid to push it

Great I have positional vertigo there are 2 kinds positional & virus from what I gather..

Well I need to either get dressed for pilo or hit the tread mill - my weight is ok 136 w/just 2 days a week of exercise - but I dont want to push it - I don't want to get out of the habit and we all kmow how easy that can bee..

Well cbl

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Janet, sorry....I tried answering your post on the ipad.....messed up. Anyway, I got my Chaz Dean on Thursday. I did buy some Philosophy at Ulta.....I believe it was Eternal Grace. Smells good!

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Well, update........ Had lunch with Meredith and her aunt in Marco Island, FL! Meredith is EXACTLY like she is on LBT! IMMEDIATELY we felt like old friends. We had such a great time and had to keep pinching ourselves that we really met in person! What a great day!

I'll write more later! Hope everyone is ok.... peasout... Laura







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Great photos, Laura! What's your secret for posting them??? Just so much harder since they made the changes.

Back from Cabo around midnight last night. Neighbor, Ruthie, who had Zoey, said she stood up on the bed when she heard our car pull in.. we're only two spaces away.... and then she ran to the door. When Ruthie didn't respond, she wouldn't go back to bed with her but pouted in a corner until Earl went to get her some time around 6 a.m. Today she is sticking to us like glue! sleeping on the couch right up against my leg now.... she missed some sleep last night! And she wants to make sure we don't go anywhere without her!

We had a great time with DD & SIL. Would gladly go to that resort again.. all-inclusive in Cabo San Jose.... 30 minute drive from Cabo San Lucas. We went twice... once for shopping and once for sunset dinner cruise. And we went to San Jose for shopping twice.... took a cab there and then walked back... well, I had to use my scooter.... back problems flared up before we left, and right knee is now begging to be replaced. No pain until a month or so ago, but the doc has been telling me for 3 years that the hardware was failing. He said loosening up because of the weight loss, he thought. So.... hope to get that taken care of ASAP so as not to mess up our summer plans!! We will head north in about a week if we can get ready that fast.... it's a lot of work.

Ate and drank too much in Cabo... afraid to get on the scale! And my feet, legs and ankles.... especially left leg, are swollen up like balloons! Not enough "up" time and too much sodium, I'm sure! Did do a fair amount of sitting in a chaise around the "adult" pool all week... it was right outside our room, but so was one of their little bars!!

blink.gif I'll post a photo later of our very own barmaid.... Alma!! I did keep her supplied with sugar free margarita mix for me and anyone else who wanted it. I found that at Walmart before I left, near the Crystal Lite.

Janet.... listen up..... my phone was OFF for 8 1/2 days!! And I only went to the lobby to the "business" area to use their computer like maybe three times for no more than 10-15 minutes, if that. Just had to keep checking to see if my sister welcomed her new grandbaby yet! Kid is now 10 days late! Spent a lot of time lounging around the pool and even did my Water aerobics twice, but very hard getting out of the pool... very BIG steps, so someone had to help me out, which was humiliating, and the second time... think I messed up my back a bit because next day I could barely walk... was doing the shuffle with my cane to the BR, etc.... baby steps. It loosened up a little as the day went on, but hurting pretty bad, and my knee, too, so I backed off a little so as not to spoil ALL my fun!! I had a pretty good strain the same day getting on and off that catamaran for the dinner cruise. I guess not so bad except when they decided we all had to go back for our food just as the boat was turning to go back towards the marina. Fair amount of wave action and very windy and very scary for me to walk along this narrow walkway even with one of the crew holding on to me and staying with me every step of the way. So I blame that balancing act partly, too, for my back issues the next couple of days. Really HAD to take some Alleve, against my better judgement.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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