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What a HUGE difference the picture of Kaye's Breakfast plate was from those people on Dr. Oz - Dr. Oz should have had Kaye Bailey on to talk about life after weight loss surgery and how to eat afterwards, not those two idiot girls. I'm still irked at that.



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Here's more from the same newsletter that I think you'll find interesting:

Serving: 2 Roma Tomatoes, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup baby

carrots, 4 medium button mushrooms, 1 cup fresh ripe

strawberries, 1/2 cup fresh black berries, 1 large kiwifruit.

Volume: about 5 cups.

Calories: 281

Carbohydrate: 63g

Protein: 11g

Fat: 1g

Sodium: 215mg

Cost*: $3.30

In comparison let's look at the top three processed simple

carbohydrate snack foods that WLS patients report including

in their diet:

Fig Newtons: 2 Cookies

Original Wheat Thins: 16 Crackers

Pretzel Twists: 10 twists

Total food volume: 1 cup

Calories: 489

Carbohydrate: 92g

Protein: 9g

Fat: 10g

Sodium: 1424mg

Cost*: $2.19

As you can see, with only three foods and 1 cup of food

volume we are 40 grams shy of our daily intake of

carbohydrate (92g of 130g RDA). In addition these foods are

frequently eaten as Snacks and most of us know we can (and

sometimes do) exceed the portion size without discomfort or

even awareness. We would only need to add one Fig

Newton, 8 Wheat Thins and 5 more pretzel twists to reach

our daily carbohydrate intake. In addition, these simple

carbohydrates fail to provide health promoting nutrients and

vitamins and they may adversely affect blood sugar levels

and weight management goals.

My current practice of awareness is knowing that if the

product is manufactured and labeled and I chose to eat that

product I must count and record the carbohydrate values.

You will notice when shopping that infrequently fresh fruits

and vegetables are labeled for nutrition; they are not

manufactured food. As a weight loss surgery patient with

limited stomach space it is highly unlikely I will ever exceed

the RDA of 130g per day when I chose fruit and vegetable

carbs over processed simple carbs.

The big bonus that comes from eating complex

carbohydrates is not calculated in weight and measure. It is

the freedom from self-loathing and moral judgment that so

often accompanies our food choices. In all my work with

weight loss surgery patients I have never heard someone

say, "I just couldn't stop eating fresh vegetables, I was out

of control, I am so angry at myself for doing that." Not

once. The same cannot be said for our top three simple

carbohydrate Snacks that quickly become slider foods

derailing our weight management.

And finally, when we eat these healthy nutrient dense fruits

and vegetables we stay full longer and report fewer cravings

for snacky-carbs. Our overall health improves, skin and hair

become radiant, we maintain steady energy levels, weight

management is achieved and we don't feel badly about


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Good Morning Gang

Its my ff ;0) - got bed stripped - sheets washed and now in the dryer - house vacuumed - floors mopped - go for massage at 10 - a/c gets serviced between 2-4 - not that we need the a/c right now - 65 today - 67 tomorrow - chance of rain.. Weather has been so weird.. Had 90 last week now it's cold again - but nice really - I love having the doors and windows open

Linda - I agree w/Pia great singer - but even her upbeat song sounded the same - I am pulling for Scotty - I think he has the whole package (and James too) but I just love Scotty and I'm not a super big country girl - I like all kinds of music but can't say I listen to country too much ;0)

Phyl should come home today I think - friends were watching zoey -

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Linda, I really liked seeing that comparison of carbs...makes it very clear the difference between processed and natural.

Cheri, I just don't know what to say. I think you are a strong and intelligent woman and even if the principal changes, you will manage to work out your program. You are keeping documentation so you can show what you are doing. As for your daughter....she is smart like you. Making plans for the future is what needs to be done, however, we will be optimistic those plans will not be implemented. She will make it as rough as it is now, she will conquer this disease. Love to you and your family.

Janet, enjoy your day off....busy day. I saw where it's supposed to rain here too...so I'm hoping to get this sewing project on it's way tomorrow. It will be a good day to stay inside.

Julie, I know this is easier said than done, but do what Sandy's done. Just eat like you had the band....you know the nutrition aspects. If you are eating more fruits and veggies, they fill you up and aren't going to sabotage your weight loss....of course I need to follow those instructions too!

Tuff shed people just showed up but have the wrong base...they are going back to get the right stuff. This morning I picked up dog dodo, raked and cleaned up the 2 foot space behind the future shed and the block wall. I hauled two wheel barrow loads full of gravel and leveled it out in that space and I'm going to lay 12 x 12 x 2 inch paver (patio) blocks behind there instead of pouring concrete. That way the Water will drain still and it's going to be a lot cheaper. The blocks are $1.14/ea and concrete costs a lot more and is a lot more work. I had 4 of the 12x12's and laid them to see if it works...it works perfectly. So I'm already tired, but I got in good exercise....the kind I like.

I took a bunch of pictures of my back yard. I'm going to document the progression of the yard. It's such a pit right now, but I foresee a useful and pleasant space.

I also have to get some papers notarized, buy another 12 x 12 tile sheet which I only need 1/2 of, pick up dog pills, go to FedEX. Not a quiet day for me.

Gotta run....later ladies...

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Here I sit stranded in Minnesot-tah, ya you betcha! Lol. Having troubles getting home. Most of the time my free, standby flight benefits are great but once in a while it's a real challenge. We got to the airport at 0-dark thirty this morning only to not get on. The flight filled up, no problem, the next one was wide open. That is until it had a mechanical and cancelled. Our choices now were very slim as all the cancelled people would be trying for the later flights in front of us. So rather than sit and wait for four and a half hours for the next flight we opted to rent a car and drive to MSP for three hours. Only to get here and have this flight full. We have two more shots or I might be shopping at the mall tonight. I'm exhausted too. This trip has turned very costly but I am very glad I came. It was good to see my aunt and cousins and pay my respects but also to reconnect with my roots.

I've been reading, okay, skimming trying to keep up. Sounds like I missed an interesting show on dr oz, though I generally don't like to watch those shows, Oprah, him, Dr Phil, etc.

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Great...you should extend your trip for a couple of days and go visit Apples....I bet she'd love to visit with you.

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Lori, I'm ONLY a 5 hour drive due south - come on down this afternoon!

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Good Afternoon Gang!

It has warmed up again so now I have a few more LBS of Fluid. I get so excited when my weight goes down then here comes the humidity and warmth. I like the warm weather, but i can do without the humidity. Anyway, I am still doing the boiled eggs for breakfast and Snacks. I lost five real lbs. The other few must be Fluid because they go up and down. I haven't given up though.

I just got back from taking my friend to get more PS. This time she is getting her midriff , thighs, and back liposuctioned. I think this will be a harder recovery than the TT and boobs. I think Spanx would have taken care of the problem, but she won't consider it. Whatever.

I haven't read all the posts , but I will this eve. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend. Later peeps!

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Gosh ARlene, your friend must be addicted to PT!! Or has a real complex about her body -- does she exercise? She must have tons of money.


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I mean PS not PT!! LOL I hate old age!

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Just an update, thanks for the layover offers but we finally got on an hour delayed flight and am in flight now headed home.

Gosh even if I had tons of money not sure I'd get that much plastic surgery not saying I'd never get any but that seems excessive to me any way. But if that's what she nneds to be happy then go for it as long as it does make her happy.

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Just an update, thanks for the layover offers but we finally got on an hour delayed flight and am in flight now headed home.

Gosh even if I had tons of money not sure I'd get that much plastic surgery not saying I'd never get any but that seems excessive to me any way. But if that's what she nneds to be happy then go for it as long as it does make her happy.

Nope, not tons of money......I think she is addicted to PS. She is the friend that is addicted to staying on the computer gaming all evening....you remember the one that had gastric bypass when I got the band. I think she is a very unhappy person. She has had life style lift ( really needed it), TT and boobs ( needed that too), arms ?, and now Lipo. I don't think this is the end. I think she will get her legs done next. Her husband will never get to retire.

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Hey Gang,

Thanks for the advice. I did talk to hubby and he is trying to work something out. He is working 85 hours a week and doesn't know how to handle the situation. He did put his application in at the anheuser-busch plant. I told him he needs to just put his foot down with his boss and tell him he won't work that many hours. I don't know if he will or not but I have to let him handle it. Jake is going to GM's. I did have some time yesterday and I got quite a bit done. I only have 1 more actual assignment and the rest is just preparing for my exam. When I went to clinical rounds on wed my professor was very understanding and said not to worry about the extra assignment. My other professor sent me feedback on my extra assignments and she was impressed. I can tell it helped because as I do practice questions I am getting more correct than usual.

I am also going for a Med check monday to see if my doctor can lend me any help with concentration. I am very frustrated and grumpy. Which is a tough state to be in when you are caring for a child. He will enjoy his time with GM this weekend and maybe I can reboot. Thanks for listening to me and not being judgmental.

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Hi everyone.

Got asked to babysit Skylar tonight so my youngest DS could take his wife out for their anniversary. Rachel is still sick as a dog (she now has horrible reflux, her throat and esophagus are burning with it) so I ran out by her and picked up David and Joshua and am having the 3 overnite. I was hoping to have my other DS's daughter, Leah, too, but she is with her mom's relatives because Mom is in labor. So, I may get a call sometime tonight or tomorrow. Last I heard 10 minutes apart but not hard. She's due the 26th but baby is a big boy and she is not a big girl. LOL. My son, his father, was 22 1/2 " and weighed 9lbs. 2oz. I remember when I was 7 1/2 mo along with him there came a day where it felt like he was pushing steadily in all directions (he'd been very active) like he was determined to make more room for himself. Maybe he was turning upside down and it just took all day and he was stuck crosswise but I remember feeling like I was going to split, and the next day I had a brand new stretch mark, the first one that reached above my belly button.

I have to say that, unless I inherit a few million dollars, I'm not likely to have PS. It's not just the expense, its the guilt over spending money on trying to repair what would never have happened if I hadn't gained all that weight. The one thing I would spend money on is getting my varicose veins repaired. They are embarassing, very visible (starting to cover my feet), and gross people out. I haven't worn shorts in year but my ankles and feet are totally visible in my flip-flops and capris. I'm just "vein" enough to want to vanish them.

I refuse to wear Spanx because they are so uncomfortable. They hurt my band and I feel like I can't breathe. I get cramps. Plus, they are way too hot. I am a heavy perspirer and being hot makes me swell and sweat at the same time and I am totally miserable. And I start to stink. So, I'm finding these really cute bloussy tops that cover the ripples and the mushroom cap from my waistband and disguise the little hanging roll of skin from my tummy. I would'nt need a TT just a panni to take care of most of it, but then I'd want to take the hanging skin on my underarms and then want them to remove or lifting the sagging skin on my sides under my arms (and give my boobs a boost in the process. And then I'd want a thigh lift. And then I'd want a lifestyle lift, etc. The reality is I'm 59 years old, I lost 75 lbs., I'll never look like a teenager, but, dressed, I look pretty good, and I'll settle for that. LOL.

Meanwhile all my extra $ go to getting my basement back together and to Roseland Christian School for financial aide to students whose parents struggle to keep them there.

OK. I'm done. David wants to play Fishville on the computer.


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Good Evening Gang

Eva you got your workout for the day...

Arlene - OMG that friend is addicted - Did you or anyone watch "I'm a food addict" on the Own (Oprah) channel - Need to watch that one - it's pretty good.

Great - Glad you are on the way home

Jessica- Hope DH understands DS needs him too

Cheri - Enjoy the grandkids..

Linda - I saw pt but brain new you meant ps ;0) - Did you say you sent me something on the vertigo - I ck'd email earlier this afternoon and didn't see anything..

Well got massage - think I foundly found someone at massage envy who gives a good massage - came home took a power nap - crochet - washing - about to jump in the shower - the chick massaged my head and it's full of lotion ;)

I would get PS if I had the $$$ a whole body lift ;0) and it was painless - I don't like pain - so that would keep me from doing it too.. Would like face but again I need the lasering and thats what suppose to hurt the most..

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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