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Good morning everyone.

Janet, i just went to the Dr. Oz website and clicked on contact us and sent the letter via e-mail. that's the quickest and easiest way. That's why I had so many faux pas -- cause I sneaked it in at work and didn't take time to really proof it. I had my treatment for vertigo last night at physical thereapy -- it's interesting -- he thinks I have two different ear canals affected -- that's why I get it looking up and down and when I lay down and look to my left -- so worked on the manuever on both sides - took over an hour -- and then told me I have to sleep in a recliner for 48 hours -- no laying down -- well I made it through last night, hoping I can do another night in the recliner -- interesting. Just wanted to let you know so you'll be prepared if you ever go and get it done. Not sure what people would do if they don't have a recliner.

Nothing new on my brother -- now they think it may be something with his heart condition and that may have been what it's been all along. Everyone is so frustrated -- how horrible it is to sit around a hospital bed and not know what is causing hte problems - I've been there before -- it's so agonizing. Feel so bad for my sister in law and the kids -- so hard on all of them.

Arlene, the farmers market sounds great - ours will start in June - it's my favorite Sat. thing. We also have it on Tues. nights - just love having all the fresh veggies.

My DH got the grill out yesterday and cleaned it -- whoo hoo - that's s sure sign of spring!

Eva, I'm sure you'll get a good grade on the writing class -- it's so subjective to so many things.

Well, time to get ready to leave for Water aerobics. Will cbl.

Have a good day everyone!


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Ughhh, still can't hear out of my left ear! When I was flying to NC, I knew I had Fluid in my ears but tried to clear them my nose etc before landing... but to no avail. POP, hissssssssss. I am on antibiotics, steroids and nasonex...... hoping it opens soon. Meanwhile the steroids have me feeling like I could eat a half a cow! Siiiighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lori~ Hugs. Hang in there. Funerals are so tough (to me). Know that we are thinking about you.

Linda~ Yes, after the Epley should try to sleep at a 45 degree angle. Doesn't necessarily have to be a recliner- can be propped up on pillows. You just don't want to be completely flat. Wishing your DB and his family comfort and peace. How terrible.

Janet~ How did it go not taking meds last night?

CRS either............... crap. More later.......peasout..laura

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Good Morning Peeps

Linda thanks for the info on the pt - I don't have a recliner ;0) not sure I would stay propped up in bed I have feather pillows.. Continued h ugs & prayer on your DB - I understand how hard it is..

Laura - Hugs on you ear issues - must be something going around about ears just like batteries ;0).. I feel ok this morning - keep your fingers crossed - will take my meds with me to work. Vertigo is a b - pills make you sleepy and I don't need that ;0) .

Great - Glad you got to see your family - Hugs & Prayers on Funeral today..

Not much to report started blanket - had to tear it out cuz I was making it too big.. I make up my own patterns ;0) so not lot of counting.. Listened to Idol and went to bed..

food - BF Jerky - lunch Fajita meat Beans rice - dinner fish & veggies - snack sf ice cream..

Have gym to nite..

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Hi Everyone....

Good Morning....another dreary blah day in NYC....yuch however....am very anxious to go to our support group meeting tonight to chat with our Dr. Sean Garber....about the Oz show. Im sure there will lots to talk about and outraged lapbanders there!!!

Firstly.......I watched the episode on Tuesday night and wow.....what a bad representation of what life after banding is really about.....Unfortunately the doctors who were on the show....were not able to respond to these woman on that segment...I know that had Garber been aware of what that presentation looked like he would have not done the show as it was deff misguided ill informed and totally purposterous. The woman on the left who showed at least real food and real Protein in each meal was much more realistic then the woman who is after a year or so eating like she just was banded a week or so ago......This is how we ate the first week...after that it was solids.

We are told over and over.....proteins first, veggies second and very little carbs if room for at all. 4-6 oz of some hard Protein each meal and at least 60 gr of protein a day and 64 oz of Water....3-4 days of exercize....where was that in the life after banding??? That girl was certainly not getting her protein in.....cant imagine her having enough energy to exercise...and if thats all she can eat as she said......or shel throw up...well damn girl you are tooooooooo wayyyyyy tight!!!!!

We are also told consistantly....that we need to eat healthy....not starve!!! The reason for getting banded is to get healthy not malnurished. We are told we are to be able to eat with the rest of the family at regular times regular food making good food choices. If I came to the office as I had done in the past..before having that last fill taken out.....and said.....I cant eat more then....x amt, Im geting stuck, I threw up once, I have reflux, I had the hicups, I cant eat with my family because i dont eat like them, I get sick, I am eating other times.....well....the answer is NO NO NO NO so not good, not healthy and they will take some out...do some tests, start with the ntritionist etc etc. They want us eatling three meals daily and skipping the Snacks. The philosophy is........if you eat three healthy meals daily and eat your 60 grms pt. drink 64 oz and exercise thts healthy living!!! When I told Dr, G I was eating soft foods that time for about a week thats all it took for them to insist that I was too tight.....and to do the barium to make sure no slippage occured. So.....

those woman were not from the New York Bariatric Center......that im sure about. Im also sure that they didnt give Dr.Garber more air time because he was probably going to want to talk about these things above and they didnt want him to......as he really wasnt included much and I saw he rushed to get all the positive basics in....the first two doctors were the ones Oz focussed on more him and the other refuting doctor. SO...have a feeling we will have a story here tonight!!!!

I would like to print out your letter to Oz Linda and share it with Dr. Garber and the support group tonight....btw you cant also contact him throught he website I gave posted as well and send him the letters and I know he will get them to Dr. Oz personally.....that might be something to think about as well.

I will let you all know what the outcome of this meeting will be when I get home!!!

If anyone wants to relay and questions or anything before I go....send me a message by email or Facebook or here....althought dont always get my posts forwarded sometimes.....the site is wacky like that! lol

Okay all have a great day!!


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Jodi, feel free to print my letter, but please fix my faux pas! Please change green yogurt to greek yogurt and change Protein to grams instead of ounces.

Would love for him to give that letter to Dr. Oz personally as I'm sure he won't see it at all otherwise.

Will be curious to know what happens tonight.



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Linda - your letter to Dr. Oz was very well written. Direct and to the point. Hope you receive a response.

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woops!! Made a mistake....the support group is next Thursday!! Not tonight...so peeved. I thought it was because its always the second Thursday of the month.;...well tonight is not the second its the first.....as Friday was the April 1st. Darn was all prepared and excited about it.....even have the babysitter!!! Now, What ever shall I do with the babysitter coming and all dressed to go out!!! lol

Sorry about that mistake but when speaking to office...they asked for the letter to be sent to them and Dr. Garber will deliver it to Dr. Oz personally.....so if you all want to add letters and such.....send them to me and I will bring send and or bring next support group to have them forward. I did speak to Dr. Garber briefly and he was not to crazy about that segment as suspected but said wed talk about it in the group next week. SOooooooo

will post after then.....its a crazy week next week for the support group before Passover on Monday as its not much time after that to get ready as things need to be ready for Friday for passover in the home. As I missed last months meeting due to Bat Mitzvah that week I didnt go so dont want to miss another one and certainly not this one coming!

Melissa, Hang in there......I know what it feels like to say "you are done" ive been there as well and It isnt a pretty site but the fact of the matter is.....venting really does help and even more so getting some validation helps even more so......you need to find a support group that you can go to to talk to people face to face as well as online.....that you can reach out to at a moments notice that doesnt cost anything and works like therapy!! You need to find outside sources to support you since you feel you arent recieving the support you need at home so that you can continue to live with the support that you do get whatever that may be......Good luck!!! Every morning I get up and say.......today is going to be a good day....I forget yesturdays trials and tribulations and say today Im going to do x,y,z.......and I try the best I can to do the things that need to be done.......and I do the same every damn day until they are done. Ive still got so many things that need to get settied but know that I can only do so much on a day and my expectations cannot be too high or I will fail miserably so I do what I can...and what I cant I do not get upset...I may be frustrated but I dont feel guilty or bad about those things that couldnt get settled or done...I just go to sleep and hope that then next day I will do better at trying to get whatever done done......Planning helps....I write it all down and cross each day something out until the list is complete......so far Ive created, deleted, added and crossed out its a working list and that in itself helps!!! You might try that.....the other thing is to pray.....pray and pray some more. Someone I figure is bound to hear and if God hasnt heard my prayers someone will have and get the message somehow to him at some point.......

The problem with this theory for me is that...its quite possible that I do get responses and answers but they arent the ones that I would have liked....they could have been totally different and my challenge is to see them even if they arent what I was asking but giving me something else...and accepting those things and the ability to recognize that!! Im stubborn but have learned that God is in charge ultimately and we are just have to go with him......or else life will be even harder! lol. The saying we plan and God Laughs always resonates with me big time on a daily basis!!!

I hope this give you some strength to get through this difficult time.

I had a visit last night.....Phyl came over for desert which he brought as well....not for me for Dassi and .....he brought his son so that everyone can meet.....he had dinner with his parents a few towns over and asked if this would be a good idea....and I thought well heck why not.....His son is adorable and sooo smart. Too smart lol. Not used to kids being "gifted" So that was a pretty interesting. Hes 3 and a half...Him and Dassi had a great time...They stayed for about an hour and half we played together and had desert....and it was nice. Phyl called latter at night to say that they both had a very enjoyable time with us and cant wait to see me again....with the kids and alone......hahhhehhehe....Nice. Might see him Sat night or Sunday. We shall see. Will keep you all posted.

Okay must run have a great day! Sorry again about the support group!


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Jodi, Well I think you answered your question on what to do with your evening since you had a babysitter.

Call Phil and ask him out for a walk, talk , drink , You Go Girl!!!

I made dinner last night and my new friend came over. We had a good time, he's so nice and sweet. Yeah I know ahhhhhh. lol


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Hello... I read all the posts and was all caught up and ready to post and then DH interrupted me to go up to see the insurance lady.... Now I suppose I won't remember much......

I remember Melissa needs a hug and needs to needs to start over.... hang in there girl....

Jessica, you will be fine, too... Sorry you missed that class or whatever....

Apples got her paperwork done.... Yeah............ I'm almost done with mine... and my office cleaned up some with things put away that needed it...... I hate having things laying around in my office.......

They say confession is good for the soul so I have to confess....... I'm having a hard time with this no band thing....... I have no restriction at all after almost 2 1/2 years... Doc said I should have some.... I thought the stomach would be all shrunk up and that would help... Now mind you I haven't tested it with any sort of binge or whatever, but I know that I feel just like the bad old days.... I ate chicken breast for the first time in all that time.... it always got stuck..... I can finish my order in the restaurant whereas I never did before.... I still don't order much, but I usually eat most of it now...... I am not snacking except on my popsicles... my mouth is some better so I have cut back, but last night I just got out of control with them..... probably 200 calories I didn't need at all..... My weight is the same, but the point is that I'm starting to feel out of control again because I know my friend isn't in there stopping me from doing something stupid....... this is such a big worry for me...... And I know what you will all say, I know what to do..... just do the band thing...... I'm just so very unsure of myself right now..... So, expect more complaining while I'm trying to get a handle on things... I'm praying that I will be able to do this.........Even if I just stay here where I am now, I can live with it... I just can't gain.... I can't........

Okay, enough...... gotta go meet my aunt at the cafe...... it's around the block from here, I should try to walk.....Don't know if I can make it that far...... If I go a certain way there is a place to stop and sit if I need to.... Feeling good still except for my knees and hip.... Doc says the muscles just have to heal... I asked about exercising them with the machines I have and got told, no, not yet..... So, hoping to improve there soon, too......

Have a great day............ I love you all............. Julie

OH, can't not remember Jodi and Laura K and their new men..... Yipee....

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Hello... I read all the posts and was all caught up and ready to post and then DH interrupted me to go up to see the insurance lady.... Now I suppose I won't remember much......

I remember Melissa needs a hug and needs to needs to start over.... hang in there girl....

Jessica, you will be fine, too... Sorry you missed that class or whatever....

Apples got her paperwork done.... Yeah............ I'm almost done with mine... and my office cleaned up some with things put away that needed it...... I hate having things laying around in my office.......

They say confession is good for the soul so I have to confess....... I'm having a hard time with this no band thing....... I have no restriction at all after almost 2 1/2 years... Doc said I should have some.... I thought the stomach would be all shrunk up and that would help... Now mind you I haven't tested it with any sort of binge or whatever, but I know that I feel just like the bad old days.... I ate chicken breast for the first time in all that time.... it always got stuck..... I can finish my order in the restaurant whereas I never did before.... I still don't order much, but I usually eat most of it now...... I am not snacking except on my popsicles... my mouth is some better so I have cut back, but last night I just got out of control with them..... probably 200 calories I didn't need at all..... My weight is the same, but the point is that I'm starting to feel out of control again because I know my friend isn't in there stopping me from doing something stupid....... this is such a big worry for me...... And I know what you will all say, I know what to do..... just do the band thing...... I'm just so very unsure of myself right now..... So, expect more complaining while I'm trying to get a handle on things... I'm praying that I will be able to do this.........Even if I just stay here where I am now, I can live with it... I just can't gain.... I can't........

Okay, enough...... gotta go meet my aunt at the cafe...... it's around the block from here, I should try to walk.....Don't know if I can make it that far...... If I go a certain way there is a place to stop and sit if I need to.... Feeling good still except for my knees and hip.... Doc says the muscles just have to heal... I asked about exercising them with the machines I have and got told, no, not yet..... So, hoping to improve there soon, too......

Have a great day............ I love you all............. Julie

OH, can't not remember Jodi and Laura K and their new men..... Yipee....

Julie, I am so glad you are feeling better! That has to feel wonderful after the last couple of years. I understand your concern however all you need to do is keep it in check. You can do this! You will gain confidence as you go along without any gains.

One thought for you - now that most of your pain has been relieved maybe, once you are healed of course, you can begin walking or doing some sort of activity to help burn calories. You might even be able to lose weight now!:D

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Hi all! Not sure what to post!. Just in one of those exasperated moods. My kids IOWA test scores are back and most made progress or stayed the same, but a few I had hoped would show some gains just didn't. I think one girl may actually have switched two of the tests and written her answers in the the wrong place. Her scores made no sense at all. In teaching, with kids who are below the average, you're hoping they at least stay even from year to year rather than continue to regress, which frequently happens in the regular classroom. They need help just to stay even. If they make progress its cause for celebration. I keep track of their percentile ranking from year to year to check their progress. Some of these kids I have their records going back to grade one. Often the biggest gains are in the early years when you can really make a difference. After that its just keeping them making slow progress and not sliding backwards. Over time, most do make progress through about the 5th grade. Then, despite our best efforts, the kids who struggle tend to fall further behind. Frustrating. I have some 8th grade girls who are just now starting to decode multisyllabic words. However, they've been avoiding or unable to read grade level material for so long that their vocabulary and knowledge base is still way behind. That's incredibly hard to make up for.

The school still struggles in so many ways. Next year a new principal with her own ideas. I've been my own boss in a lot of ways and I'm hoping she doesn't try to change or control my program. It's one of the things that really works at this school.

Food's OK, not great. Rachel has a really bad cold and her immune system is really struggling to cast it off. Her chemo combined with the shot that makes your bone marrow produce more white blood cells already makes her nauseous and her bones ache like the worst case of influenza and stomach flu and now upper respiratory infection you could ever imagine. Went with her the other day to IEP meeting for my grandson David to determine what the school would be doing to help him with his special needs. Rachel informed them that I might be meeting with them at future meetings if she couldn't be there. We discussed how the school could handle any meltdowns and emotional difficulties David might have due to the serious nature of her condition. They have a social worker who has already started meeting with him. He is in a very good school that is providing great services for him. It was humbling and encouraging to know my daughter trusts me with David's educational future, but also incredibly sad to think about why she needs to do that.


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Cheri, Thank God that you are strong, healthy and able to help your DD and David. Thank God that they trust you and that they let you help. Hugs.

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Good Evening Gang

Jodi I'll get you a letter - Phil - OMG meeting the kid & family- sounds like things are moving in the right direction

Julie - Hugs - you just gotta be more aware of your eating now - you can do it

Cheri - Hope your DD beats this cold - Continued Hugs & Prayers

Well had late workout tonite - just got home so need to get some things done...


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Morning everyone. Nothing new here.

Eva, I see on FB that your shed should be delivered today -- good for you -- you'll love it -- we love our shed.

Julie, you'll have to dig in deep and try to calm the hunger monster. I have discovered making sugar free, fat free pudding and adding Protein powder (when you mix it) really helps -- I use Isopur Zero Carb Unflavored Protein powder and it doesn't change the flavor or texture of the pudding. It really takes away that hungry feeling. I've also been eating the PB2 with celery as a snack when I'm really hungry -- and that helps too -- just make some wise choices and keep your caloies down and try to add in exercise. Also it really is true that if you don't eat carbs you don't feel as hungry nor have as many cravings -- really really is true. Even if you eat larger portions than you did with the band, if you choose the same foods and eat Protein first, you should be able to lose or at least maintain. Just start with 10 or 15 mins. of exercise -- like a walk -- but do it every day or maybe even twice a day. You'll feel better if you get some control back in your life - and what you choose to eat is the ONE thing you CAN control. Remember what you've accomplished -- remember why you worked so hard -- and then dig in and decide you CAN and WILL do it. Sandy has lost her weight without the band, you will too. I will be thinking of you and praying for you too.

Watched Idol last night -- was not too surprised as I was telling my DH during the performances that I thought she was in danger cause she doesn't show her personality on stage -- she is a great singer -- she'll have a career -- this just wasn't the right competition for her. I think James has almost got it locked -- he's just so appealing -- also that Scotty -- so much personality -- boy he sang that Elvis song so well -- he IS his generation's Elvis. But he's got that personality plus that makes him just so appealing -- you just can't help yourself but like him.

Well, gotta get moving -- spent my second night in the recliner -- honestly, I slept better there than in bed cause no snoring -- I feel pretty good this a.m. I've been trying not to move my head much but I feel like the vertifo is really gone. BTW, Janet and Apples I sent that sheet to both of you that I got from the Phys. Therapist with the instructions for the maneuver on it -- you have to decide first though which side triggers the vertigo -- then start and end with that side -- the one I sent was the right side - so if yours is triggered on the left start by turning your head left instead of right.

Jodi, OMG -- meeting the kid -- Phil must REALLY REALLY like you -- wow! That is moving quickly. Good for you -- when I met my DH it was very quick also -- when you meet the right one it doesn't matter how long you've known him -- if it's right, it's right. Happy for you. You need this right now.

LOL on the wrong date for the support group -- that's the kind of stuff I do.

Hope Phyl is having a great time in Mexico -- did they take Zoey? If not, where is she?

Gotta get to my step aerobics.

Will CBL Happy Friday to all.


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From Kaye Bailey's newsletter this week:

A major area of concern and sometimes confusion for us after

weight loss surgery is how many grams of carbohydrates should

we eat in a day. Have you been perplexed over the carbohydrate

question? Today in Cooking with Kaye we take a look at carbs

and the role they play our diet after weight loss surgery.

It is popular in the health and nutrition fields to describe carbs

as "good carbs" or "bad carbs". I prefer not to use those words

because they assign a moral trait to food and food does not

have moral traits. Food is food. When we remove moral

assignment from the food we eat we can be smart, thoughtful,

and rational with our choices. But if we assign morals to food

and eat "bad carbs" then we must be bad. You know the

self-blame cycle I'm talking about.

Instead of good carbs and bad carbs I prefer to use more

accurate terms:

Fruit and Vegetable Carbs or Complex Carbs

Grain and Starch Carbs or Complex Carbs

Processed Manufactured Carbs or Simple Carbs

I have them arranged in nutritional importance to us after

undergoing weight loss surgery. Like other nutrients

carbohydrates are measured in grams. A 2008 broad-canvas

study of bariatric centers revealed that few bariatric surgeons or

nutritionists give a specific daily quota for carbohydrate intake.

Most default to the 113g RDA recommended by the National

Academies' Institute of Medicine for people following a 1200

calorie a day diet. It takes roughly 8 to 10 cups of fruit and

vegetables to equal 113g complex carbohydrates and I do not

know any weight loss surgery patient who can consume that

much volume.

That is good news. While it is unlikely we can ever reach that

daily intake by eating fruits and vegetables it is also unlikely we

will ever over eat our carbohydrate allowance when we select

high moisture, high Fiber fruits and vegetables. A variety of fruits

and vegetables promotes good health because they contain

disease fighting Vitamins and nutrients. Fruits and vegetables

enjoyed with lean Protein improve the overall eating experience

for weight loss surgery patients because they are high in

moisture. This is a relief when we are following the liquid

restrictions and not drinking a beverage with meals.

Today we look at

complex carbohydrates

from fruits and

vegetables. We have

some great tips and

recipes to include them

in your diet for life-long

weight management.

Pictured here is a typical

breakfast plate for me

that included 2 ounces

white meat roasted

turkey, 1 hard-cooked

egg, 6 blackberries and

1/2 large kiwifruit. After enjoying this meal I will not feel hungry

or crave sweets for several hours. (Nutritional Count: 182


(44% Protein, 32% Fat, 24% Carbohydrate); 20g Protein; 6g Fat;

11g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber. 75% RDI Vitamin C, 25%

RDI Niacin, 5% RDI Calcium.) I consider this plate a perfect

breakfast and while I don't get it right every morning it is a goal

I aim for because on days when I get this right I am powerful

and in control.

The next issue of Cooking with Kaye will address grain and

starch carbs including Pasta. I hope you find this information

valuable and supportive of your WLS Living. Thanks for joining

me today in Cooking with Kaye.


Kaye Bailey

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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