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Melissa, like Laura said, we all care about you. Hang in there. Do you have someone nearby that you can talk to and spend some time with? Even though we are here for you it really helps to have someone to talk with over a cup of coffee.

Baby step # 1 - take a deep breath. It will be OK if you let it be OK.

Step # 2 each day when you get up write down something you are blessed with. At times like this it is all to easy to focus on the negative. By writing down something positive, it forces you to admit that good exists.

I don't have all the answers. But I do have a hug ((((:D )))).

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Hey to Everyone....

Linda...your bro's health problems break my heart. I cannot imagine how you are feeling. When you posted about jumping when the phone rings....Hang in there. You are always so positive and upbeat. I know you are processing everything and doing what you can at this time. I just with you would be able to go see him. Not saying that to put the pressure on you...saying that because that's what I wish for you.

Jessica...what wonderful photos. That little Jake is such a cutie...you are so beautiful and hubby also is quite photogenic. What a pretty family. So sorry you are feeling the pressure. Love your idea of sending DS to GM so you can have a weekend to concentrate on your studies. Maybe some time alone with DH would give you the opportunity to talk to your DH about needing a little extra from him. Speaking from experience here......I had a plate FULL for many years, expressed my feelings to DH and you know what he says now? Why didn't you put your foot down and make me see what I was doing with being a workaholic?...I thought I was trying to get through to him. We made it work but I now know I should have done the ultimatum. LISTEN NOW....not 25 yrs later. A lot of stress on me and contribute most of my weight gain to that stress. I can't go back to live it all over again....just advice from an old lady. Just try to take some time for you and DH that you can try to meet half way on responsibilities.

Julie...so happy you have come to the realization (and your doc too) that your pain was most likely caused by your band. You did it, you hung in there during the tough times and now you just have to figure out a plan that will work for you. You need some kind of support system. First, try to see if you can get some kind of support or someone to talk to that will be covered by your insurance. Even if it means going to your LB support group...it's someone to talk to.

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Melissa...I had a long post written and I went back and deleted...usually would not do that. I felt I was being too harsh....maybe not. I feel for what you are going through and the stress in your life right now. You need to find someone that can help you through this. If you and your hubby are having friction over issues...try to find someone to help you through this. You asked "What now?". The only advice I have is to go back and think about the reason you got banded to begin with. Go back to your initial instructions and menus from your LB doc. Do a start-over. There's gotta be something that you can pull out of yourself that urged you to do the LB to begin with. Think back and start again...

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Melissa, hugs. i sent you an e-mail. You're going to be OK.


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Sandy...OMG...what a beautiful photo of you and your daughter. Thank you for sharing. I really miss the photos on here. I need to buckle down and share photos again. Your DD looks so much like you.

Meredith...have a great vacation...you deserve it.

Been missing for a day or two...booking it on the computer. Setting up new insurance for new employees, helping DS with bids and layouts for the tiling business, helping DS and DH get ready for planting season. It's usually pretty overwhelming but always look forward to being this busy again. Gets the blood pumping again. No time to really think about anything but farming and tiling but love that part of our lives.

Lori...sorry about your uncle passing. Hope you have time to reconnect with relatives and are able to visit and reminisce. Safe travels.

Had a lot of unexpected "drop-ins" today that upset the "Apple cart" today...(DH"s friends that are retired and nothing to do". Soooooooooo, it pulled him away for many hours and just catching up now with questions on insurance crap that I had for him.....will start over with it all tomorrow and maybe will be able to submit my completed ins. applications. Why do guys just flit through life???? Because they have us to flit after them. Nuf said. Not complaining but after 33 yrs am still amazed by it.

OK...time for bed. Another big day tomorrow. Love to all.

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Melissa, one more thing. Nothing ever changes if nothing ever changes. You can't keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Some have called that the definition of insanity. You need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. Channel your anger into doing something differently. Pray, Eat Healthy, Love. Pray, Eat Healthy, Love. Pray, Eat Healthy, Love.

Linda, so sorry about your DB. Words aren't enough. Hugs.

Julie, glad you're doing better. I understand your fear. To control your cravings do what we bandsters do. Increase your Protein, decrease your carbs. Don't wait for your daughter. Do it now.


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Sandi, you and daughter quite beautiful together.

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Sorry, Melissa....forgot to add my HUG for you in my post. Big hugs...so sorry you are struggling. "They" always say things will be better in the morning. Hope tomorrow is a better day. Sending you some love.

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Hi Beautiful banders!

Eva – sounds like you accomplished a lot. Mental health days are importantJ.

Thanks for the heads up about Dr Oz – I watched it. Yah I look like a pig compared to what that one girl eats!

IndioGirl – Good job on the workouts! Tomorrow is my heavy weight day J. Get my muscles after post-op, man I have been sore. I am hoping to work only for the morning. Big plans for your day off? I can’t wait until Friday.

Laura – so sorry to hear about your dad. Nice for you to give your mom a break. I am sure both your parents enjoyed seeing you & spending time with you.

Angie – I can’t speak to the sleeve. But do you keep a food diary? That keeps me on course. Then I can choose my treats accordingly. My treat is my chocolate – sugar/fat free pudding with Protein mixed in, I also like Weight Watchers – Granola crunches with chocolate or Aitkin’s Peanut Butter cups.

Julie – there have been great benefits to our medical system. It still costs us $45/month/person or $100/family for basic medical. Then we have extended health through my husband work to cover drugs, dental, pysio... With all the baby boomers things will have to change as the wait times for surgeries are 2-5 years for some procedures.

Meredith – have a great vacation!

Lori – sorry about the passing of your uncle.

Sorry to hear about your esophogitis. What is the cure? Best of luck with all – big hugs!

I had a busy day and had to have a nap after work as I was non-functioning. I am already looking forward to the weekend!

Down another half a pound on the scale & hit my goal to get under 230lbs (229.6 lbs). Another pair of pants today too big and passed on. Feeling good & focused.

Have a great rest of the week all!

Big hugs to all!



Hi Beautiful banders!

Eva – sounds like you accomplished a lot. Mental health days are importantJ.

Thanks for the heads up about Dr Oz – I watched it. Yah I look like a pig compared to what that one girl eats!

IndioGirl – Good job on the workouts! Tomorrow is my heavy weight day J. Get my muscles after post-op, man I have been sore. I am hoping to work only for the morning. Big plans for your day off? I can’t wait until Friday.

Laura – so sorry to hear about your dad. Nice for you to give your mom a break. I am sure both your parents enjoyed seeing you & spending time with you.

Angie – I can’t speak to the sleeve. But do you keep a food diary? That keeps me on course. Then I can choose my treats accordingly. My treat is my chocolate – sugar/fat free pudding with Protein mixed in, I also like Weight Watchers – Granola crunches with chocolate or Aitkin’s Peanut Butter cups.

Julie – there have been great benefits to our medical system. It still costs us $45/month/person or $100/family for basic medical. Then we have extended health through my husband work to cover drugs, dental, pysio... With all the baby boomers things will have to change as the wait times for surgeries are 2-5 years for some procedures.

Meredith – have a great vacation!

Lori – sorry about the passing of your uncle.

Sorry to hear about your esophogitis. What is the cure? Best of luck with all – big hugs!

I had a busy day and had to have a nap after work as I was non-functioning. I am already looking forward to the weekend!

Down another half a pound on the scale & hit my goal to get under 230lbs (229.6 lbs). Another pair of pants today too big and passed on. Feeling good & focused.

Have a great rest of the week all!

Big hugs to all!




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Sorry for the double post I was playing around and didn't realize I did that :)

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Kristi wtg on the weight loss!! So happy for you - you're doing so great -- It's fun to get rid of those big clothes -- It's just a wonderful feeling -- i still get to see some of my old clothes as I gave them to co-workers and occasionally someone will wear something I gave them. It's kind of strange. The Canada heath care system is interesting -- and scary to think of having to wait 3 to 5 years for surgery -- very scary. I didn't realize you had to pay anything at all -- thanks for sharing information.

No news on DB -- nothing changed -- hoping for good new today. This state of limbo is very hard -- thanks for all your prayers and thoughts -- so appreciated - my ex sister-in-law wrote on FB about how many people are praying for him -- and when I think about it it's amazing -- probably in the thousands and I truly believe in miracles. I have hope and I have faith that whatever God's plan is will be the right one. Julie thanks for your little post about it being in God's hands -- I needed that reminder -- once I gave it back to God I felt much relief.

I found the Dr Oz episode on the dr. Oz website - Jodi -- I liked your doctor too but the food was ridiculous!!! OMG -- that is such a lousy portrayal of how we eat -- I too may write a letter -- we need to get on one of these doctor's shows -- they need to get cameras and follow each of us around to show what successful banders are really like -- need to get that done and then at the end reward us by giving us all free tummy tucks!!!

Melissa, start with your diabetes -- take your readings, eat properly for that -- keep your blood sugar under control and try to do at least 15 mins. of exercise every day -- not a lot just start out little steps -- you can do that -- take a walk around your neighborhood -- that's all -- just baby steps -- then gradually you can start thinking about losing weight again -- but start with doing those things so you feel good -- without controlling your diabetes you aren't going to feel good enough to do anything else. Also I agree -- talk to a minister -- visit some friends -- meet them at a park or somewhere where there's no food/drink (no restaurants or bars -- stay away from that when you are socializing -- try to socialize without eating/drinking). You CAN win this addiction -- trust me - it's a struggle -- not easy -- if it were 600,000 American citizens wouldn't have had bariatric surgery last year - you are not alone - we are here for you. Try to be positive -- think "I WILL, I CAN, I AM" and not "I'll TRY, I'm a failure, etc." I truly believe that any thing we think our brain picks up and reacts to --so if you can put only the positive thoughts in there you will get better results.

Jessica, hugs -- I know it's hard - especilaly this time of year -- you're so close to being finished with school for the semester -- hang in there -- you'll get through it -- get Jake to bed early and then hit the books -- sometimes if you stop and just spend a half hour with your little ones then they are more likely to not mind playing without seeking your attention - I see that so clearly with my GD and her mom -- of course, I was guilty of that when I was a mom too -- it's natural - but something you can try - say, "I'll play for 1/2 hour with you but then you need to let me study" and see if that helps. Just a thought.

Janet, I go to PT tonight and supposedly will get my firsrt treatment for my vertigo - I'll let you know how that goes.

Apples, sounds like spring in Minn. with the flurry of activity - enjoy it.

Gotta run -- CBL. Love and hugs to all of you.


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Melissa, start with your diabetes -- take your readings, eat properly for that -- keep your blood sugar under control and try to do at least 15 mins. of exercise every day -- not a lot just start out little steps -- you can do that -- take a walk around your neighborhood -- that's all -- just baby steps -- then gradually you can start thinking about losing weight again -- but start with doing those things so you feel good -- without controlling your diabetes you aren't going to feel good enough to do anything else. Also I agree -- talk to a minister -- visit some friends -- meet them at a park or somewhere where there's no food/drink (no restaurants or bars -- stay away from that when you are socializing -- try to socialize without eating/drinking). You CAN win this addiction -- trust me - it's a struggle -- not easy -- if it were 600,000 American citizens wouldn't have had bariatric surgery last year - you are not alone - we are here for you. Try to be positive -- think "I WILL, I CAN, I AM" and not "I'll TRY, I'm a failure, etc." I truly believe that any thing we think our brain picks up and reacts to --so if you can put only the positive thoughts in there you will get better results.

Melissa, I agree with everything that Linda said. You have to first do it for yourself.....then think of your children. And my age it is always on my mind that I don't want to depend on my kids. Prayers and HUGS! I hope you are enjoying the nice weather we are having. Get out and walk.....soak in some sunshine. We love you bunches!

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Good Morning Gang

Drive by cuz I'm at work.. Taking meds at nite for vertigo and it's hard to wake up ;0)

Melissa Hugs - I agree w/the rest - You just gotta pull up those bootstraps and move forward - 1 day at a time - maybe this is your rock bottom and you will start making the changes needed to get healthy - You are in control of the foods you eat and the exercise you get - so work on those things..

Linda - Totally agree about Dr Oz - I don't think they would let us on t.v. - mostly because we would say yep the band helps - but it's really up to you to do the work and I think that they want to advertize that the band is the reason for the weight loss - cuz they sure don't put enough emphasiziam on eating healthy and exercise -- Yep let camera follow you and me around all day - see the foods we eat - the exercise we do.. Maybe this weekend I will write that letter

Charlene - Yep I liked Jodi's doc too and the lady who said pple only 30 lbs overweight shouldn't get banded - I really think it's all about the lobbyist who are paying these pple to pass this.. You gotta change how you eat - it's not just about portion control...

Well like I said - at work and dont gotta get to it

Hugs & Prayers for everyone !!!

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Here's what I wrote to Dr. Oz:

I watched your show on the Lapband procedure. I am two years out, had my lapband in January, 2009. I lost 106 pounds (reach goal) in 11 months and have maintained that weight loss since December, 2009.

I enjoyed the show until you had the food segment. It is a grossly incorrect representation of how lap band patients eat on a daily basis. First of all, we eat Protein -- at least 70 to 80 oz. per day. The rules of lapband (which you NEVER mentioned) are Protein FIRST, drink 64 oz. of Water daily, exercise and no snacking!!! You even showed foods as "snacks" which is clearly breaking a lap band rule!!

The lifestyle changes include all of the rules mentioned above plus limiting carbinated beverages, limiting carbs, and limiting alcohol intake as well as learning to eat slowly, small meals (we use small plates and bowls to help our minds adjust to new portion sizes) we exercise. That's how the tool works -- not the way it was represented on your show.

I belong to Lap Band Talk -- there's a group of us who have been meeting on one thread for three years -- most of us are seasoned, are at goal and follow the rules and have for several years. There's also an expert on bariatric surgery by the name of Kaye Bailey who has a very helpful website -- google 5 day pouch test and you will find her site -- she's devoted her life the past few years to bariatric surgery patients and is a successful patient of bariatric surgery herself.

Here's a sample of what I eat every day:

Breakfast -- green yogurt with strawberries and blueberries

lunch - 1 egg omelet with turkey sausage, onions and peppers and sometimes sliced green olives and a wedge of laughing cow cheese. dinner -baby spring greens with onions, tomatoes, another wedge of laughing cow cheese and 4 to 5 oz. of grilled chicken breast tossed with Kraft low fat sesame/ginger dressing. I work 8 to 5 but don't have a lunch hour until 1:00 p.m. so I usually have a snack of PB2 (powdered peanut butter) with some celery sticks mid morning. In the afternoon or evening I snack on sugar free popsicles and to cure any sweet tooth or hunger I make sugar free fat free pudding with a scoop of Protein powder added in. I make it with fat free milk and portion it out. I exercise every day -- 60 mins. of cardio and 3 times a week I do weight machines although I have to be careful because of neck and back problems.

I've lost thousands of pounds in my life, but never learned how to eat until I had lap band surgery and found my on line support group at Lapband talk. Support group is necessary for accountability - those who belong to a support group and sign in every day and hold ourselves accountable are the ones who are succeeding. Feel free to check our group out -- www.lapbandtalk.com -- go to "mentors" forum and then find "I'm here to help" -- that is our group that's been together for years - we actually travel once or twice a year to get together personally - we've all become good friends and go through our journeys together - keeping each other motivated. That is what life with lap band is like - not how it was portrayed on your show. Any of us would be happy to discuss this further with you or any one from your staff. Feel free to contact me any time.

We love you Dr. Oz, but you need to get this information correct - it's too important.

Hope none of you minded that I invited him to snoop on our thread!

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OMG I had "green" yogurt instead of greek ROFLMAO! What will they think!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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