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Jewel - great family photos! You look amazing! xx

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Good morning all! Jessica - wow wow wow -- what great pictures - you look gorgeous - loved that dress and those shoes were stunning! Beautiful son -- what a cutie -- and handsome DH! Happy to hear you had a wonderful time -- jet skiing -- I bet you wouldn't have even tried that before your weight loss -- good for you! Also thanks for sharing how to post pics -- will try it soon!!

Sandy -- very nice picture -- you look fabulous and your daughter is very beautiful.

No further news on my DB -- hopefully today we'll hear something positive -- Apples, I would think they would have found that on the CAT scan if that was it, but will ask my sister and neice about it anyway - just in case - thanks -- many of you might not remember my brother is a testicular cancer survivor -- he's been cancer free about 38 years -- then had heart failure when he was 49 and has had many near deaths since with his heart -- has a pacemaker, etc. About a year and a half ago he had a lung collapse and it took them months and months before they got it inflated again-- had a couple of surgeries -- then about a month ago was readmitted with Fluid in other lung -- and they discovered some super bug and thought IV antibiotics would fix it -- now he's back in hospital and no one seems to have any answers. All very strange and scary. We have RNs and respiratory therapists in the family and my nephew (his son) who is studying to be a PA in heart care, and it makes no sense to any one. I have peace of mind if I don't see him and he passes -- although it will break my heart -- even thought we live far from each other, I'm very close to all of my family -we spent a wonderful week last summer together for my neice's wedding and had a great time. We had planned to visit him this spring/summer so if he makes it through we will definitely be heading that way fairly quickly to visit him.

Kristi - you are doing great - what impresses me is your ability to cook for yourself and your family -- I love to cook but found it difficult right after surgery -- you don't seem to have that problem -- good for you. I also hated anything pureed - yuck -- I just gag on that consistency, could not do that. You've adapted yourself so quickly and so well -- very impressed with that.

Janet, hope you're feeling better -- glad your gf took you to ER -- nice o fher -- and she was worried about you. Ii have a gf here who lives alone and her kids made her get that emergency alert thing where you wear the necklace -- she was embarassed about it at first but then had a fall and was happy she had it - -and she's not much older than me -- I think she was only 56 when she got the thing. LOL. My vertigo seems to have gotten a little better over the weekend - the PT did a few quick things and I think it may have helped -- you might want to ask your family physician to refer you to physical therapy to get treated for it -- to get the Epley procedure -- surprised they didn't do that in the ER. I also have always blamed mine on sinus problems -- I even did the nettie pot every day for a year to see if that woudl help -- didn't seem to do much so I now do it only a couple times a week -- but I never get colds. I read somewhere that people who exercise every day seldom get colds -- and there is ALWAYS someone at work who has a cold and I never catch it -- so maybe we're on to something there -- interesting, isn't it?

Cheri, hope Bob's note to you about the Ipad was helpful -- sounds like he uses his a lot in his classroom. Yes, I'd seen Rachel's pics on FB -- your entire family is also gorgeous -- how is she coping without the hair? Did she end up with a wig? My gf never wore a wig - she opted for hats instead and she always looked so stylish with her little hats/berets, etc. When her hair came back, it was completely different texture -- much thicker and curlier. She likes her new hair much better than her old hair - she calls it and her Tummy Tuck she got during reconstructive surgery her "cancer benefits" -- she's 3 years cancer free now -- she too is in her early 40s.

Well, gotta get going, time for showering. Thanks again for all the prayers and support. Will keep you posted. Oh -- yesterday afternoon we were feeling a little "warm" -- I checked the temp on the computer and it was 86! Wow -- we had no idea LOL. Great day -- we did get outside a bit with Aylah before she went home. Had a nice Breakfast - made homemade waffles with real buttermilk -- alas I couldn't get more than two bites down -- but those two bites tasted great -- first time I've tried waffles in almost 3 years.



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Good Morning Peep

Feeling better - these script meds are doing the trick didn't feel too great Sat a.m but as the day went on - felt better - Debbie came over to watch movie & dinner on Sat nite - she ended up stayed the night we were up till like 2 - she didn't call home to say she was staying - her DS was freaking yesterday morning lol - pay back is a bitch ;0) - She left around 8:30 - I went to marshalls got some candles and step stool (you know us short pple need them)

Target and then home to the t.v. - nap - clean - washed and ironed.. Feeling a whole lot better with these prescription meds..

Eva I have positional vertigo not the virus kind and feeling a whole lot better.. Didn't even get on the computer yesterday - well did sort of got on e reader and posted happy bday to niece.. I just need some major down time and I got it this weekend.. Well back to work - I think I have this friday offf my FF ;)

Great Pic's Jessica and Sandy..

Charlene - I got the tsv too - you have to use the wen like they say - about 5-10 pumps on your hair then leave it on for about 5 minutes - (put it on when you 1st get in the shower) then rinse really well - I love it - it's really good for your hair.. But you do have to follow the directions and use enough, leave it on for a while and rinse real well.. I can't wait for the body cleanser I use the hair stuff to shave my legs and I bathe my dogs in it too ;0) Well bella & angel..

Linda - Ya I should have that alert thingie - but not just yet ;0) The er doc suggested pt if it doesn't go away by the end of the pills - we will see - back a work today and gym tonite ;0) just arms = not going to bootcamp or pilo for a while - will be doing treadmil instead - Hugs prayers for DB

Well time to jump in the shower - cbl

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Morning ladies

Jessica - loved your family pictures. You look marvelous and such a handsome hubby and son.

Cheri - Lincoln Lawyer is about an attorney who drives a Lincoln. That explains the title - but he is a defense attorney with lots of connections. A bit of a scoundrel. Makes the character very interesting and he is "eye candy" too. The plot connects several different characters and really holds your interest. I truly enjoyed it.

Kristi - you have such a busy life, filled with lots of fun. Enjoy George Lopez - love his comedy.

Janet - so glad you have some resolution with the vertigo.

I'm helping DGD with her books today using Quickbook pro, then off to PT. I took the day off PT yesterday, as I overdid on Saturday and aggravated the arm. ohmy.gif

Forgot to mention - great picture Sandy.

Temperature back in the 50's today, so not quite time to take out my convertible yet. Had a hail storm here last night to bring temps down from that 90 degree mark,

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Joyce, you'll have that convertible out soon...glad your arm is recovering. Take it easy....no more damage, okay?

Jessica, great pictures...that's so cool. I'm glad you got your school work done...I'm looking at mine but haven't started anything today.

Janet, I hope the vertigo thing gets better...it's really hard to be dizzy. Sounds like you had a great weekend with your friend.

My cat is sitting between my arms while I'm trying to type...it ain't easy. She's not a lap cat, but does like a little affection now and then...when I'm on the computer. My keyboard is full of hair....amazing how much I can scrape out of it.

I need a shower and to change....check in later.


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Hey Gang, just checking in. I am still doing low carb, but it is slow going. Anyway, Dr Oz is coming on right now. It is about WLS, and I think the new guidelines for Lap-band. I know most of you are at work.

Sandy, love the pic of you and your DD!

I will check in later! Gonna watch OZ

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I use my iPad in class all the time. I take attendance on it. Keep grades on it. Do lots of keynote presentations with embedded video, music, text and photos. I can show YouTube and things on the Internet as well. It hooks right up to an LCD projector. My student love all the things I do with it and so do my admins.

Sounds like you're quite techno-savvy. I am not. I'd have to learn how to do presentations. I don't know Powerpoint. I don't need it for attendance or grades because I do supplementary reading and math for grades k-12. I take attendance off the school's site for Title I. I'd go crazy trying to keep up with it otherwise. I do small groups and a great deal of the kid's work is individualized so won' t need to do presentations. However, the LCD projector would allow me to project a downloaded book and the class could read it together and I could highlight things. I'm supposed to be getting a smartboard also and will have to learn how to figure that out.

I'm mostly looking at apps that will give kids practice and drill in skills.

Thanks for your suggestions.


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Cheri, so it looks like there will be uses for the iPad...the more you work with it, the easier it will be. It's always somewhat frustrating at first. Of course, I don't have an iPad, so who am I to talk.

Arlene, besides herbs and flowers, I only have 1 eggplant and it's not doing anything and some lettuce, not much there and the arugula has bolted. I've been resisting the tomatoes and other stuff because the beds aren't ready yet. Maybe next year I'll be ready.....yeah, right.

I was bad and played hookie today. I went to Home Depot and bought 1" tumbled marble tiles to use as molding around my sliding glass door. The door is set in burnt adobe which is not smooth, level, or anything near it. I had wood (or wood substitute) but it keeps buckling and the screws don't hold on the adobe. So this morning, I was getting sick of looking at the foam we sprayed in between the door and the adobe and came up with this semi brilliant idea. It worked...I just set 7 linear feet of tile on one side of the door and it looks okay. I'll have to pull the other pieces of wood down and do the rest of the door, but it looks good. I will have to grout it too, but what's another project....LOL.

Okay, that's my news...I did study Spanish. Now I'm going to write somethings beside LBT...later ladies.


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Eva - you are amazing. Would love to see a picture of that doorway. Sounds so creative. I can't even change the filter on the furnace.

Arlene - let us know what Dr. Oz share about WLS.

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Eva - you are amazing. Would love to see a picture of that doorway. Sounds so creative. I can't even change the filter on the furnace.

Arlene - let us know what Dr. Oz share about WLS.

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Good Evening Gang

Charlene - I recorded Dr Oz - will be interesting to hear what he has to say about the band...

Eva - It's ok to play hooky ;0) I would if I could but I'm off on Friday

Joyce - 50's - we were in the 90's ;0)

Well feeling good - had arm work out tonite - Wed will be treadmill Thursday Legs..

Not much to report - work - home - need to feed the dogs and watch some tv.

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Hello everyone~

I keep waiting for time to do a proper posting, and it looks like the right time will never come. sigh. Many of you know, I've been in NC for 8 days and returned Saturday afternoon. It was wonderful seeing my parents, it was sad seeing my parents. Amazing how it can be many emotions wrapped in one. Dad just finished 3 weeks of this 2nd round of chemo. It will be 3 on, 1 off for as many months as he can handle it. His hair is falling out, his neuropathy has returned, and he is weak... but he is a fighter! My mom is physically and emotionally tired. I think a week of having a break from cooking and cleaning did her well. I don't think I cook as good as her- but by golly, I gave it my all and had few complaints. It was tough entertaining Nelson and doing all I did, plus going with him to the Dr. 3 times that week. (for meds and IV fluids). He will have "off" Easter week and hoping he can come down.

Linda~ Hugs and prayers for your family. It's so tough when a loved one is sick. It sounds like he has been through the ringer the last few years. You are a tough cookie and have handled so much this year.

Janet~ Been there done that- bought the t shirt on the BPV. That's my diagnosis and it SUX big time. I remember the morning I woke up and first had it- I was convinced I had a brain tumor or something! It really gives you a feeling of being out of control of your body. HUGS. Wishing you a speedy recovery. you are my other tough cookie- if anyone can whip it, you will. Missed you.

Apples~ HI!~I never txted you back and feel horrible. Just so crazy here. LMAO on your april fools joke!

Eva~ Tile sounds nice. You remind me of a friend of mine who lives in Canada. She was snowed in her house too many days this winter and FINISHED her basement by herself! hardwood floors, framing and drywall. She's 5 ft and tiny little Chinese girl. WOMEN ROCK!

Jodi~ woohoo! Good luck with the cardiac surgeon! He sounds really nice. Dr's are great <smile> and they know anatomy! <blush> Keep us informed!!! Thursday I think you said?! wtg

Julie~ So nice hearing from you! You sound like you are doing better! So proud of you! Talk about someone who has been through the ringer! Tough times never last but tough people do!

Jessica~ Loved the pics from the cruise! Sounds like you had a great time! Hope that class goes well. You will get through it. What do they call the nurse who graduated last in her class? RN! Not that you will- but my point being, just get through and take your boards. There are no recognitions after school for making straight As. Just focus on learning as much as you can. You will do fine!

Joyce~ Wishing you luck with the PT. Hope you feel better soon!

Well, looks like Meredith and I are going to get together on Sunday! I can't wait to meet her!!! I will post pics (somehow), someway!!!

I need to run, more tomorrow! If I missed you, sorry! xoxo peasout............Laura

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Hi Janet,

You are definitely an inspiration. I was banded Sept 2004. Still not at goal. I am needing some help. I have done fills, unfills, exercise, triathlonsx4,half marathon, trainers... ate Protein Bars, shakes.. grilled everything... Sugar is my weakness. Love it. Crave it, but don't indulge regularly. I am in a funk.... Thinking about a revision to the sleeve. Any advice?



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How do you like the sleeve in comparison to the band? And how much did you lose with each?



Even though I am not considered a newbie, I still need your help Janet.

I read where you were around all those Christmas Cookies and didn't give in. Where do you get your willpower? I am sure I could be down quite a bit more if I didn't fall off the wagon with the sweets. food is not the problem, it's the sweets. It seems like I can go along for quite awhile and then all of a sudden, I crave them so badly I can't stand it.

The sugar free stuff just doesn't do the trick for me. Besides, sugar free candy has just as many calories.

I stopped getting emails to my threads for some reason so it's been harder for me to reply on my threads.

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Hey Gang! The Dr. Oz show today was the best presentation of lap band I have seen on TV. FDA has just approved lap band for people 30lbs overweight that have diabetes or high blood pressure. I think that is great. If people can get a handle on their weight before they become mobidly obese it will prevent them from other diseases. They had a couple of ladies on there that had lost a lot of weight with lap band. Dr. Oz was positive about the surgery too. The bariatric doctor and the ladies stressed that lap band is a tool to aid in weight loss......it is not a magic pill.

I had a successful low carb day. Boiled eggs, yogurt, tuna, chicken, and then my carb was a baked apple. I core the apple and use a little splenda with cinnamon. It is so good.

I am going to bed early and read. Night All !

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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