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I have lost 30 lbs now and in two months looking at getting banded but also having second thoughts. I can ignore the comments of friend and family who disagree with my descions but when my own dr. Suggests I can do this on my own since I am doing it now and really don't need the band. Hmmmmm! I have been over weight most my life and have many more years on my working ticket; 44 here soon and now at 242.6lb from 273.6lb 5'4". If I lose my job as we all know how the economy is then what do I do as far as paying dr visits for fills or complications? Should I just go through with the gastric bypass?

missavery, As the girls have told you whether or not to get banded is a personal chioce. I chose not to and would like to share with you why. I decided I wanted to be banded and went to the orientation and initial doctors visit. It sounded perfect for me. I especially liked that it was adjustable and that, if needed, it could be removed and my stomach would return to normal. To me, it seemed like a much less drastic move than bypass. My insurance required a 3 month medically supervised diet. I have read posts on LBT about people going through the three months and not losing any weight because they were afraid that if they did their insurance would not approve their surgery. I can tell you, in my case that was not true. I was approved within a week of the office submitting my papers.

During my three months I researched the band, the lifestyle changes that the band necessitates and went to my monthly meetings with the doctor, nutritionist and psychologist. I joined lapband talk. I tried to envision what being banded would feel like and tried eating 1-1.5 cups of food at meals (protein first with no drinking) and found that my hunger was satisfied. Now when I say my hunger was satisfied, I mean my stomach was satisfied, not my head. Of course I wanted more but I didn't allow it. You see, I had fully committed to this program and wasn't going to waste my three months I wanted to lose weight now! I figured that what ever I lost in those three months would only be frosting on the cake.

I lost 40 lbs in those three months and was approved by my insurance for surgery. I even went through all of the preadmission testing. When I went to my final doctor's visit before surgery we discussed my success and I made the decision not to have the surgery. Before making that decision I asked about my insurance coverage should I decide to change my mind. The problem I saw was that I was now under a BMI of 35 and thought that would disqualify me. The doctor's insurance person came in to talk to me and explained that the approval was good for one year no matter what weight I was. I opted to cancel the surgery and take a wait and see attitude. I am happy to say that my one year has come and gone and I am still happy with my decision. It was the right one for me.

In that years time I have fine tuned my eating and eat healthy most of the time. OK girls, I am being bad here in Mexico (the margaritas are the best) but I will return to my healthy eating the minute the plane lands in Chicago. I have made an additional lifestyle change; I now exercise. I am 54 years old and I had not exercised since high school so I was in bad shape. It is not an stretch to say I was very weak and even though I had lost weight I still could not do many of the things I wanted to do so I hired a trainer and got to work. I am now very strong and can tell you that my level of fitness has truly added to my life. I can walk my dog for hours, I can run a 5K , I can clean my house without huffing and puffing. Basically, life is good.

I am not trying to influence your decision one way or the other. I am just trying to point out that different things work for different people and there is nothing wrong with exploring your options. What ever your decision, you are welcome here as we all suffer from the same food addiction problem. We will support you either way.

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Yea! Janet's back. Sounds like you had a fun-filled but tiring week. So nice you could spend so much time with your friends. Hope you don't go back to a desk full of work. Missed you around here. Don't leave us again for awhile. We get scared without you. (Wink)

Missavery...Sandy put everything with her experience in such a nice/neat nutshell. Her decision was well thought out. LB is something that should not be an impulsive decision...it's a huge life changing experience and in order to be successful, a person needs to be educated as to what is to come. Ask yourself the question "If I can take off this excess weight, will I be able to keep it off without the help of the band or some other WLS?". Sandy has been able to maintain her loss with exercise and making healthy food choices. She has had the ability to jump right back on the wagon (re: margaritas). I believe when she says she will get back on track when she gets home from Mexico.

Most of us have lost the same 50-100lbs over and over prior to LB surgery. The problem most of us had was that it came right back on. For me, I knew I could most likely get some weight off....I truly felt I could not keep it off. It's a very personal decision. Do lots of research, read as much here on LBT as you can. Go back and read some of the thread. If you start from the beginning you will be able to follow some of us through the entire journey. Good luck making your decision. Also, fire away with any questions you might have. We here believe there are no silly/stupid questions and we are all willing to help you along the way.

Good morning everyone...busy day. Working on my "walk-in" closet again. Will be nice to have everything in one place. Meeting a friend at 4 at her place for coffee. She will be leaving for CO for a vacation and wanted to get together b/4 she leaves. Also working on board meeting minutes for our corp. Need to get it caught up. Have to document every $$$ decision on purchases over a certain amount. Not a bad job just one of those that is easy to put off. I am just about done with it and will have a feeling of relief when done. Laundry day also.

As I was typing the above paragraph, DH stuck his head in the door asking if I would make a trip for him to get a lift station pump. Nix the plans above, he's hooking up the trailer and I am off. 2 hour drive one way so better hit the road so I am back in time for visit with my friend. You all have a good one. Talk to you later.

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Janet, glad you had a good week. Sounds exhausting! I was lucky because Apples was here long enough and she had her own place that we didn't have to do everything while she was here. In fact we missed doing a lot of stuff.

Sandy, I knew you could explain the no band thing really well. Glad you are having fun on your trip.

Charlene, something Apples taught me while she was here was to take the yolks out of the hard boiled egg. I have the hardest time with them anyway and they have so many more calories than the white. So I've been cutting them in half and the dog gets a 1/2 yolk.

Julie, hope every day finds you stronger and feeling better!

Cheri, sorry you had the fainting thing going on yesterday. I rarely can go 4 hours without something to eat, of course except at night. Apples always has Protein bars around and I found that to be useful, so now I'm carrying at least one around too....just in case.

Got another huge download from my part-part time job, so now I really have to get to work...school today. 8 more weeks and then we're done.

I don't know if it's the weather or the inversion table, but my hips are talking to me today....storm front coming through too, however. I never believed that about the weather, but I'm really starting to.

Have a good day ladies!


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Good morning! On my way in a bit to meet my friend at McD's for one of our chats. Lots to catch up on. She wants to hear all about DGD, but she had a bad, bad weekend. Her DS tried to commit suicide, so want to be there for her as well. I just never know what to say in those type of situations but am a good listener. I pray he is okay or gets the help he needs. He's been diagnosed bipolar but refuses meds. He's 28. Also, my DS just called and looks like he is coming tomorrow for a short visit. WOOHOO!! He has to do some project for work. I know his store manager opened the Walmart that is within walking distance of my house so maybe he is going there for something. I don't know just that he's coming and I get to see him!

Apples, what type of corporation do you own? My you are busy! Is it to do with the insurance business you used to have? Have a good coffee with your friend today as well.

MisAvery, I can't really add anything that others haven't. Other than the reason I went with the band vs the bypass is that the band didn't rearrange my insides. I didn't have to worry about malabsorption, stretching my pouch, etc. Yes my pouch can still stretch but I can also get fills to keep my restriction, and, God forbid, some serious medical issue arises, etc. I can always have the band removed. Plus I was self pay so it was cheaper by $10,000. Good luck in your decision.

Well out of time must run, will check in later!

We missed you Janet!

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Missavery12901, Hi.....Yes, Sandy posted fabulously regarding her own experience deciding to band or not to band...this is a question everyone who is contemplating this surgery gets stuck on before and even after.....as after its the question of see I lost all this weight....perhaps I could have lost it all without having done the surgery. Every one is different.....and every experience is different for each of us....so no one can say whether you should or should not have this procedure......however, there are some key elements that can help you make in making this decision......I will post here....what my own experience before surgery helped me with making my decision to having the band....

I have had weight concerns my whole life....however I was never over weight until the last 10 yrs before banding last March. I was always within normal limits....for medical puposes not for American purposes....of course....after all if you arent size 8 your obese lol BUT being a medium boned and size 12 most of my life from teenager up....well that was not "thin". I never exercized and ate whatever I want.....then I got married and pregnant......hahha stress and pregnancy...now we are talking weight gain....but still I was happy...and content. It was only until my blood pressure began to rise, and choleterol levels began to creep up and not the good kind either.....Asthma began to get worse and sleep apnea began to disrupt sleep and that gave way to exhaustion and hence furthering the complicaitons above....which is when the weight began to really increase.....so when the weight began to get past 210.....my doctors were really beginnng to become concerned......and suggested the lap band surgery.....because my family history with heart disease and cancer....and weight wasnt going to get better for me with time....Soooo there was no question about pre surgery diet and trying to do this at all....it was a matter of getting all these comorbidities under control, stop using medications for them if possible as the side effects and its uses were more detrimental then having this surgery......so my decisiion was based in medical factors as opposed to just weight loss. If I didnt have these comorbidities I would care less if I weighed 220 lbs. If I felt fine and wasnt at risk for dying or having a heart attack, stroke etc etc. ..,...So, I had the surgery to help me with all of the above and the added bonus was being able to loose the weight rapidly enough to get all of the things under control so that I can begin to lead a healthier lifestyle and live longer and be here for my daughter as she grows up.

Yes, I do question whether it was possible to do all by myself without.....but heck I wouldnt want to find out.......so, these are questions that you and your doctors and family need to decide together.....this was my deciding factors....i hope I was able to help with some things to think about!!

Regardless of surgery or not......eating right and exercize, healthy lifestyle changes are pertinenent for any one persons success so if you are not committed for living and making changes.....no surgery or just dieting will help.......

Good luck in your decission.......we are here to give you all the support regardless of your decission!!!!!


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Hey girls!!! Just hanging out around the house today. Lots of stuff going on. Of course. This week, I had fun stuff, mostly St. Patty's involved (refer to FB photos!). I really did have a good time. But then, the girl I work with gets back on me about coming with her and her husband to this Monday night band gig her cousin has. It's not really my scene, and the girl is just driving me NUTS about it. After about 10 minutes of her literally harassing me Saturday at work (in front of clients!) about going, I caved. So, I'm going to go, after litereally being forced. I'm going to drive myself though. Part of the reason I don't like going is because I absolutely cannot stand her husband. He just is not a good person. Period. Anyhow, I'm going to drive myself, so I can leave when I want to.

Sorry about that rant! I tried to do what all of you told me and just say "no", but this didn't work!!!! Then what do you do? She is becoming increasingly pushy. St. Patricks day she TOLD ME that she was coming over for corned beef and cabbage! What?!?! Inviting yourself to someone elses house for dinner? Insane!!! I would NEVER! Plus, we had our meal the night before and I was saving the rest for Andrews family and the dinner we had yesterday. I really did just tell her "no" then! Wow, the more I write, the more I realize how very rude she is! Now what do you gals suggest? I have to work with her, so I cannot just ignore.

Linda and Arelene~ Since the two of you are drinking green tea a lot, may I suggest the Arizona "Diet" Green Tea "NO CARB"? You can buy it in the cans for 99 cents at the store, or you can do what I do and buy it in powdered form in the canister. It comes with 6 tubs per canister, and each tub makes 2 quarts. It is sweetened with splenda, so no calories! It is so delicious! Oh, I think that the canisters only cost about $3 each! Oh, and it's like iced tea. You drinnk it cold. Just an idea. Let me know if you try it and what you think.

Janet~ Whew!!!! You exhausted me just telling us what you did this week!!! Sounds so fun though! Glad you had a good time!

Apples~ You are always on the go!!!

Lori~ So glad you had a nice visit with that little one and DD. That is great. Sorry you had a tough time leaving, but how could you help it!?!?! She is so cute! Also, very sorry to hear about your gf's son! He is the same age as I am. So sad. Bi-polar disorder can be treated fairly easily with the right drug combos. Has he tried meds before? He might not like the way they make him feel or something, so then he refuses to take them. Poor guy. So tortured.

Julie~ Hang in there girl! I'm so glad you came to your senses!!!! We love you!!! Really though, feel better soon. It really does sound like the erosion was the cause of your pain. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Let us know whats going on.

Ok, sorry I forgot to post to some. I had a ton of reading to do, and these things stuck out for me. More later for sure. Plan for the week, tonight: forced blues band outing, tomorrow: visit my sweet little man and best friend and grocery shopping, wednesday: cooking, cleaning up house, and in the evening, going to a memorial mass for my friends baby that was a full term still born 6 months ago. They weren't able to handle doing it at the time it happened, of course. Tons of work for the rest of the week!!! Thats good!

Have a great evening!!


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Good afternoon. I think I may have screwed up my 5 day pouch test already. I went to Walmart yesterday to stock up on puddings, Jello, Soup, etc. and bought yogurt. Surely if pudding was on the liquid days, yogurt must be after all it's healthier isn't it? I had that for Breakfast, only 100 calories. Oh well I am going with it. It sure was hard meeting my friend at McD's and smelling those nuggets though! LOL Came home and had Soup or shall I say mostly broth? There was a little chicken in it, real stringy fine chicken like it was finely shredded.

Got a disappointing phone call, DS is now not coming, something changed at work and he can't be away. BUMMER! But I got a reprieve from cleaning house! LOL Actually have the vaccuum out and it's trying to say come use me. LOL

Weather is so yucky. Supposed to snow tonight, GRRRR Really? On the first day of spring, you do this to me?? It's so windy out now so I know it's blowing something in and the rain has started.

Arlene, my friend just got the 17 day diet too. She has diabetes so I think it will be good for her.

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Meredith, yes my friends son has tried drugs before. He is a real naturalist type person and says he refuses to take anything. He has tried lithium before since that was a 'natural' substance. He was to go to counselling this morning, she was really hoping he went. She didn't want to talk too much about it this morning as she says she will just relive it all and just told me bits and pieces. She is really hurting. She's also in denial and admits it that he actually is bipolar.

As for your friend, this book Boundaries, that I read, has really helped me. But warning, it is a so called religious book and bases a lot on scriptures so if that isn't your thing, you may not like it, but also some practical help too. You may just have to sit down with your friend and say while you value her friendship at work you also value your time with Andrew and your free evenings as well. That you just can't always be there for her demands. She isn't going to like it and may even get upset, but if you hold firm, she will eventually learn to either respect it and live with it, or leave you alone all together.

Julie, any test results yet??

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I'm back with time to spare. Quick trip.

Great...we are incorporated (C corp) for the farm and tiling business. I do my share of b___ching about the extra work brought on by being incorporated but the advantages outweighs my b___ching.

Hey Jodi...hope you got all rested up.

Meredith...sounds like you had another fun weekend. I guess I would just have to tell that "buggy" person the partial truth (whole truth would be telling her you cannot stand her DH....I've actually had to reveal that one to a friend of mine cuz it got to the point where DH and I could not stand to be around him SO...absolutely could not tolerate him..love her. He was a really sickening flirt with woman, including me (yuck) and paid not attention to her. Now we just do things together without him...I told her kindly and she understood...not everyone would). I would just tell her that you save certain nights for Andrew and you don't want to sway from that. Kind of what Great said you should do.

Sounds like she fairly pushy and rude. You could also go the route of not mixing business friends socially. Won't work if you do things socially with others at work. You can always take her aside and have a talk with her and let her know that one of your pet peeves is people not taking no for an answer and ask her to respectfully take your "no" answers as just that. Good luck....she sounds like a piece of work.

Cheri...I keep forgetting to comment on a comment you made last week that was soooooooooooo sweet. The "We always love you" comment. Thank you....it truly made my day. Thank you.

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Hi everyone,

Hope all is well today.......

Havent had time to post and respond so much.....but have a bit of time so thought ahhahh...time to post.

Lori that baby is just soooo cute, Im sure leaving was indeed hard to do. As far as gas goes.....just paid $3.71 with credit card. Usually I would never do that but needed to give Dassi cash for her Purim carnival at school and was on empty soooo instead of paying $3.68 I had to pay the credit price!! Was so peeved. Cost was 38 bucks to fill up a 17 gallon tank!!! Like you was not a happy camper.

Janet...been keeping up with the trip all week and what fun you guys had!!! Since ive just been out to there...was able to picture all your goings on and such.

Eva and Lori, Thanks by the way for all your suggestions and recommendations for the projects and the favors for the bat mitzvah you guys really helped out and i was able to go with all those ideas and work from them! soooo thank you thank you.....

Phylis I have been making that rotiserie chicken recipe every weekend now...and this past weekend passed it on to a friend and someone else now just called for it!! lol so thanks that was a great recipe and everyone loves it!!

Jessica you look fabulous!!! Great going on the movement of the scale again!!! You go girl.....you deserve that cruise!! Enjoy it!

LauraK....I hear you about the guy...I know its hard to say goodbye to those we know arent going to work out but ...the thought of starting all over again is so disconserting but.....we have to do it...otherwise we remain stuck and then start to feel badly about ourselves and begin to get depressed and then.............eat.....and self destruct so...you know what you need to do...so heres hugs on the strenght needed to say.....goodbye and to move on to find mr. right. (if there is such a Mr.) Im sorry however he wasnt what youd hoped for.

Julie nice to see your posting!!! glad your feeling a little better then!

So.........with all that has been going on with me.....didnt go to work today because....I have an ear infection! Yea....like what adult gets ear infections? well, I do.....woke up last night in pain....and decided that I realliy needed to go to doctor today! Ive been feeling klind of funny the last week with clogged ears and stuffy nose....but chalked it up to allergies but after last night....uh oh. no. so...went and now im on augumentum. lovely. Hopefully will feel better soon.

Havent been the greatest in food and exercize since CA....as you all know and well.....as you all know what happens to those who arent good about either of these things I gained five pounds. Cant say I dont know how this happened or why...I know very well how and why so.....the question is what am I going to do about it? I know its not an option to forgo the exercize and the food for sure not.....but gotta tell you....between the bat mitzvah and Purim preperations and the parties this past week for it......welll its just been a cookie here a chocolate there and piece of cake here....and theres the darn five pounds. sooooo going back to basics.....logging cal. Proteins and veggies........no more "whites" again and back to gym starting tomorrow!!! NO EXCUSE~

In any case need to go to pharmacy and pick up script before Dassi gets home and then.....the evening rush will start.

Have a great night all.....

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Good afternoon. I think I may have screwed up my 5 day pouch test already. I went to Walmart yesterday to stock up on puddings, Jello, Soup, etc. and bought yogurt. Surely if pudding was on the liquid days, yogurt must be after all it's healthier isn't it? I had that for Breakfast, only 100 calories. Oh well I am going with it. It sure was hard meeting my friend at McD's and smelling those nuggets though! LOL Came home and had Soup or shall I say mostly broth? There was a little chicken in it, real stringy fine chicken like it was finely shredded.

Got a disappointing phone call, DS is now not coming, something changed at work and he can't be away. BUMMER! But I got a reprieve from cleaning house! LOL Actually have the vaccuum out and it's trying to say come use me. LOL

Weather is so yucky. Supposed to snow tonight, GRRRR Really? On the first day of spring, you do this to me?? It's so windy out now so I know it's blowing something in and the rain has started.

Arlene, my friend just got the 17 day diet too. She has diabetes so I think it will be good for her.

I think this 17 day diet is a close second to the pouch test. My pouch is already smaller. You ought to try it. You can have yogurt twice a day, and two fruits a day before 2pm. Today I have had a chicken breast 4oz, two boiled eggs ( removed the yolk), and a yogurt. Oh, I did stop at Chick fil a and bought a small fruit with a large unsweet tea. We are having chicken breast and broccoli tonight.....with maybe a small salad.

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Arlene, I didn't get the 17 day diet book. Sounds like you eat a lot more on it than the pouch test though. LIke I've always known, I know what to do it's just doing it. LOL I rarely eat fruit, never was much of a fruit eater so don't crave it and just never think of having it. Glad you are having success with it.

Sounds like we are all paying the same for gas...TOO MUCH! LOL Egads, I hate to think of what it will get to this summer.

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Jodi, thank you I knew you would understand me. I just don't get the games they play. Make all kinds of future plans then not call or answer calls. duh. Sent him a note about how disappointed I was that he wasn't as honorable as I thought. All I asked for was the truth. So long to him that was my last communication to him. I'll keep going out and having fun and one day the one will be there. Not sure there is a Mr right anywhere.

Hey I'm going to Vegas on thurs any message you want to send your friend? lol

Lori, love the pics of Katelyn. Such a doll. I think G-pa is smitten.

Ok got CRS now so everyone else have a great night.


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Thanks for the advice girls! I think I'm going to have to talk to her about this and tell her what you recommended, please respect me when I say "no". I've been friends with her for a long time, going on 10 years. I've never seen her act like this though! She is quite a bit older than I am, but age doesn't matter. Her best friend and I were talking last weekend at the st. pattys parade and she cannot stand her husband either. Plain and simple, he is a liar. A lot of us at work are very close, we are like a big family there. But this is getting rediculous! She just sent me a text message saying "Mer, you are still coming out with us tonight to toast my brothers 'would be' birthday, aren't you?" Total guilt trip style. I was close with her brother. He has 4 children that are about the same age as I am, so I took his death, about 3 years ago really hard. So I sent her one back that said, " Ya, I am driving myself tho." She follows with, "Oh, we will drive you!" NOOOOOO! UGH! I will talk with her this week. I just needed to make sure that I was doing the right thing. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your advice. Really. I just felt worse now because Andrew just called and wants to go play tennis. Hopefully we will be able to tomorrow now.

Lori~ Oh my! That poor guy. On one hand I can understand why he wouldn't want chemicals in his system, but on the other hand look at what it has done to him. Poor guy, and your poor friend! I will have to check out that book. It sounds like something I need to read right now.

Jodi~ Holy moley girl!!! You never stop!!! Dassi really is such a lucky girl to have a mom that cares so much. Mine was, and still is the same way and she will appreciate and remember all you do for her for the rest of her life.

LauraK~ That man is not worth it! It sounds like you know that and aren't sweating it. That just happened to a friend of mine. This guy was her boyfriend for 6 months and she left his house to go home and take a shower. He was supposed to come pick her up later that night and never showed! It's a year later, and we now joke about how they have a "long distance relationship". It really messed with her at first though. Why is it so hard for them to just tell the truth? Men...... LOL

Ok, well, i'm going to get ready to go.


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Ok so its time to admit it, I am struggling in the course I am taking right now. I failed last weeks test and this week was right on the line of failing. After last week I really put extra study effort in for todays exam. I felt really confident in all my answers too. I thought I atleast had a B. ended up with the lowest grade I could get and still pass. My average for the class is still passing due to all the other assignments. Now as if I wasn't stressed enough, My teacher gave me additional assignments to ensure I learn the material for the next exam. Looks like my books are coming on my cruise with me.

Jake is also on new meds and I am having a hard time handling him. My husband is working night shift so he refuses to do anything around the house and I feel like I am raising my son by myself. I just wanna do anything right now besides what I need to do. I am close to just going to bed and accomplishing nothing. That is how I got depressed in the first place.

I can tell you right now, I am going on strike as far as hubby is concerned. I have asked him many times to pickup the slack and he just wants to wine about never having a day off. Shit, I never do. What grown up has a day off. If your not at work then there is plenty around the house to do besides battling some anonymous kids online for the most points so you can have a bigger imaginary gun. Maybe I should hide the cord to the xbox.

I tried to take jake for a bike ride to blow off some steam, get some exercise and spend time together. We got about a mile out and he threw a huge fit. He continued all the way home until I told him he was going to bed @6:30 cause that's when babies go to bed. Do you know how hard it is to get 2 bikes and a fit throwing 6 year old a mile? A few times I just wanted to spank him. I guess I got the exercise. My son was never like this until we started giving him these meds. Now he just won't be nice to us.

Sorry to vent here but I gotta get this ugliness out of me.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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