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Good evening. Well I got all my laundry done for the week gone now I just have a house to clean up. DS called and he may come out here on Tuesday for work. If so he'll stay with us, so hope so!

After reading so much about the 5 day pouch test and contemplating it many times, I have decided to start it tomorrow and give it a go.

Linda, it's definitely cheaper for me to fly than drive, considering the flying is 100% free. LOL It is an 8 hour drive vs a 1 hour flight. We drove this time because we wanted to have our car there and also to bring the dogs along instead of boarding them for a whole week, that gets costly too. Though with the price of gas these days, boarding would've been cheaper.

Speaking of gas, what are you all paying for gas these days? We are about $3.30 here, in Denver it was about the same, but got a kick out of Wyoming, in Rawlins right next to one of the largest refineries in the US in Sinclair, WY we paid $3.50 you'd think it would be cheaper.

Julie, also anxious to hear the test results.

Jewel, I agree with the others, you look great. A cruise sounds wonderful.

Sandy, glad you got away to MX.

Janet & phyl, anxious to hear about the week.

Karen, that little one sounds so much fun. I bet he loved his cake.

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I have lost 30 lbs now and in two months looking at getting banded but also having second thoughts. I can ignore the comments of friend and family who disagree with my descions but when my own dr. Suggests I can do this on my own since I am doing it now and really don't need the band. Hmmmmm! I have been over weight most my life and have many more years on my working ticket; 44 here soon and now at 242.6lb from 273.6lb 5'4". If I lose my job as we all know how the economy is then what do I do as far as paying dr visits for fills or complications? Should I just go through with the gastric bypass?

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Cheri, I wasn't sure if I should count Protein shakes. Thanks for answering my question even before I asked. My urine is on the light side so your probably right. When I first went to the surgeon (even before surgery) a staffer asked my weight and calculated that I needed 11 glasses of Water. No way. There is no perfect formula that works for everyone. I just gotta feel it out for myself.

I have an exam in the morning. I studied more this time cause my last test I didn't do too well. I hope it goes better.

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Great, gas prices here in Michigan in my area went up to $3.65 yesterday. Last week it was around $3.80 I think. grrrrrr


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Great...when I filled up on Thursday, gas was $3.53/gallon. We pay a bit more here than in Mpls, for example, because of living so rural.

Had a nice time with DS, GF and the kids. 6 yr old deemed cake sufficient. Whew. Little girl (8) begged her mom for a day at our place next Sunday. Good ole' farm fried chicken is on the menu. DH and I ordered pizza and kids and DS order what they wanted. GF made a very nice stir fry for herself and me. It was wonderful. DS is one lucky guy. She is the most loving and patient mother and a great person for him. I feel fortunate to have known and loved her long b/4 she became involved with DS. A friendship was formed first as it was with DS and her because they were high school friends. I also feel fortunate, as does she, that DS is sooooooooooo good with the kids. He leaves the parenting up to her and her ex and is not afraid to sit on the floor and play with the kids but also sets the boundries as what goes in the house.

Sandy...hope you had a great vacation.

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MissAvery, The decision has to be yours. Sandy who posts on this thread is not banded and has lost significant weight on her own. She is on vacation right now, but you might want to go back to earlier posts and see what she has to say. The band is only a tool and you still have to eat right to lose weight. I'm one of those that doesn't eat right and I lost about 40 pounds but haven't lost any in quite a while. There are many others that have lost more than 100 pounds and have kept it off for a couple of years with the band. They all say it's a tool. If you need the tool, then get banded. If you can do it by yourself, it's a lot cheaper.

My problem is sticking to anything. The band has helped me not gain the 40 pounds back. I am forced to eat smaller portions so I do not regret doing it, but I'm not using the tool like I should.

Cheri, thanks for the info. I think I finally found the spot that works for me and I can really feel it in and I think it's going to take a while to work up to some time.

LauraK, have fun on your trip.

Great, gas is around $3.22 here. Tucson has the lowest gas prices in the state and I don't know why.

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Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I saw my counselor last week and he said that saying I am emotional eater is a cop out. The reason for this is because everyone is. We came to the conclusion that I am undisciplined and scared that is why I am sabotaging myself. Anyways he was having me set my timer on my cell phone for two hours after I eat dinner so I can take my after dinner blood sugar reading. That has worked about 3 times so far. I run into the issue I eat late when I work late and fall asleep before the timer goes off. So this is still a work in progress, I see him again on Wed. I also was doing good with eating better until yesterday I ate 3 little debbie snack cake things in like 5 mins. By the time my head caught up to what I did it was to late. So again a work in progress.

Julie - I am glad you are back and healing

I hope everyone else is doing well sorry if I missed people still trying to play catch up on the reading.

Love to all

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Hey Gang!

Eva, WooHoo! My yellow squash is coming up! I love Squash.....raw, grilled, or steamed. Wow, what a good price on the inversion table. I have never seen one at such a low price.

Lori, glad you made it home safe and sound. I bought gas on Thursday and it was 3.30, but that was several days ago. I saw on TV it will go to 4.00 soon. UGH!

Apples, sounds like you had an awesome family time. Maybe GF will be DIL oneday soon. I thought my DS would be married by now. He is doing it all A$$ backwards. He moved in with her.....now they are buying a home together. I guess marriage is down the line. His divorce is still too fresh to jump into another marriage. Oh, well, it's his life.....I just don't want him to get hurt again.

Julie, I hope we hear from you tomorrow. Prayers and HUGS!

Okay Lucky Sevens.......we want to hear from you!

Linda......day 2 of 17. I ate a boiled egg for Breakfast, yogurt for snack, BBQ thigh and green Beans for lunch, Yogurt and boiled egg for snack, chicken breast for dinner. The Water with lemon is curbing my appetite. Oh, I did walk this morning before church.

MissAvery.....lap-band is a tool to curb your appetite as long as you eat healthy. Junk food slides right through. With gastric bypass you have malabsorption. You may eat 1200 calories, but you will only absorb about 600 of them. You will have to take Vitamin supplements the rest of your life. Have you been to a seminar explaining both surgeries? It really helps you make the decision.

LauraK, sorry he wasn't the one. He is out there. I bet you are excited about your trip to Vegas. I want to hear about it. WTG on your weightloss!

Jessica, My doctor and dietitian told me that half your body weight in ounces of Water per day. So, if you weigh 200 it is 100ounces. I count tea and coffee as water.

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Hi beautiful banders!

Thanks everyone for all the love & support! Right back at you!

Had a great weekend getting lots done around the house with projects. Caught a movie with DH – The Adjustment Bureau. Great walk yesterday and today went for a dip in the pool and hot tub at the club. Big nap this afternoon and prepping for the week.

Eva – I have a couple sips of coffee before Breakfast. My scrambled egg is no problem. I have problem with hard boiled as they get stuck. I am going to try them again this week.

Cheri – thanks for the info about hard boiled eggs so that explains a lot. They use to be my favourite pre-surgery L. Glad your concert went well but scary about you almost fainting! Take care of yourself. How about carry a small Protein bar in your pocket? Do you go for massage? I get neck and back pain so I go weekly or I am one bitchy chick with a Migraine.< /span>

Also just can’t do mini meatballs – stuck big time. I keep trying and eat slowly and no go. Funny as I eat hamburger no problem – go figure? I guess I can’t have it all.

Laura – have a blast in Vegas!

Everyone have a great week! I have a full one with lots of meeting and evening commitments. Is it the weekend yet?


Kristi :P

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As long as your urine is light yellow you are drinking enough Water -- that's what I was told by my kidney specialist and he should know. So I go by that - I drink a lot every day -- and I pee constantly so I don't count anything anymore.

Eva, great deal on the table -- hope it helps your back.

Arlene, so proud of you on day 2 - wtg -- good going -- have you tried the green tea yet? I bought some flavored ones -- pretty tasty -- but I have to put sweetner in them. I do prefer coffee -- but will try green tea -- I'll do any thing that promises to increase my metabolism. LOL. Well, I

Kids were over for the afternoon and early dinner - simple dinner -- I made them sloppy joes, french fries and green Beans (Aylah's favorite). There was a frozen sugar free blueberry pie in the freezer so I threw that in the oven. Bryan had a gf over too -- Aylah was fun as always. Katie did some laundry - our Water bill is over $250 for 3 months - and the kids wonder why we hate them doing laundry here. Grrrrr -- hate to be grouchy about it, but they sure do cost us money.

LauraK, so disappointed that the bf didn't work out -- but I still think my fantasy train trip meeting I dreamed up for you would be very romantic - maybe it really will happen. Hope so. Enjoy your visit -- tell your DD hi for me -- hope you both have a wonderful time.

To the newbie -- yes, Eva gave you good advice - the band is not a "magic cure-all" for losing weight - in fact I only got the band because I wanted a tool to help me keep the weight off after I lost it -- and so I'm pleased with it -- you still have to eat healthy and exercise to lose the weight. It's hard to make a decision -- do you know anyone locally who has had lap band or other obesity surgery? Have you lost weight on your own in the past and if so, how long did you keep it off? That might help you make a decision as well. I had lost over 100 myself and several other times large amounts of weight (50 or so pounds) only to keep regaining it plus more - that's why I thought the lapband might be a tool I could use to help me avoid that circumstance after losing the weight this time.

Apples, glad the cake was okay - he sounds like a great kid and yes, she sounds like a great gal. So happy you have these kids in your life -- you need them to help you lower your stress level.

Cheri, sorry about the fainting spell - but maybe you could carry something with you like someone suggested -- a Protein bar or some Jerky maybe?

It was hot here today -- about 75 and high humidity - had doors and windows open -- so fabulous!! Loved it -- even had a few ceiling fans going at times. Loved it all.

Lori, hope your DS does visit this week -- be a nice diversion for you. Is DH home this week or traveling?

Well, gotta get to bed . With the time change it's been hard going to bed on time -- hopefully by next week I'll be more used to it.

Hope we hear from Janet soon - have missed her so much.

Love to all.


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For those of you getting stuck on eggs, I do soft scramble and they are easy going down or also poached are easy going down as well. I almost always get stuck if I try to eat a plain, hardboiled egg. I sometimes dice it up and put just a smidgeon of low fat mayo in it -- like egg salad to help.


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I can't figure how the repuation rating works? Does anyone know? As I see some at 47, some not at all and others at 10...?



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Missavery - you need to make the best choice for yourself. I have a labband. I was banded on Feb 9th. I am 44 yrs old and have lost 30 lbs and will receive my fist fill this wednesday. The members on this page have been banded longer and have amazing success stories. I am so happy that I got banded as I have so much to look forward to and have the tool to success with positive work ahead.

Good luck.



I have lost 30 lbs now and in two months looking at getting banded but also having second thoughts. I can ignore the comments of friend and family who disagree with my descions but when my own dr. Suggests I can do this on my own since I am doing it now and really don't need the band. Hmmmmm! I have been over weight most my life and have many more years on my working ticket; 44 here soon and now at 242.6lb from 273.6lb 5'4". If I lose my job as we all know how the economy is then what do I do as far as paying dr visits for fills or complications? Should I just go through with the gastric bypass?

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Good Morning Gang!

Linda, Yes, I am drinking green tea at meals. I do get stuck from time to time on boiled eggs. In fact, I am sitting here stuck on one right now. lol I did not cut it up.....not good. I am getting ready to walk.....pups thinks I am taking him, but when kids are catching the bus he is a pill. He will have to go on the evening walk.

Julie......HUGS and PRAYERS for you today!


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Good Morning Peeps Haven;t read - will try to catch up later - I know it's going to take time cuz I havent been on the computer all week

It's Monday - Oh boy am I pooped.. It's been a good week but a long one - Trying to originize everything and everyone ;0) and think of intereting things to do, since I live here I think there's nothing to see or do ;0) I sorta gave up on originzing things by Friday - just too much work so we just went with the flow..

Sunday pickup up Candice - Monday had a nice lunch w/Phyl and her friends then picked up Linda home and dinner - Tuesday went to El Paseo shopped and had lunch (only bought bras ;0) Wed went to Temecula and had a great late breakfast - shopped got olive oil & a dress (jam world) drove home dinner - had a great dinnet at Phyl's (salmon) - Thursday - took Candice to Ross (Linda was w/Phyl Ipad & bead shopping) she loved the store - then met back up with Linda - shopped at Marshalls then of to costco for more booze then lunch at my fav mexican restaurant and too many margarita's - Linda & Candice buzzed pretty good - so we cancelled the night time street fair - I think I was in bed by 9 that night - Don't remember what we did friday during the day - but Friday night Candice singing at the Kareoke bar - omg she was the only good singer - one other guy was ok but all the others were so terrible - we left around midnite I had a headache from all those terrible singers - couldnt take anymore - Sat took Linda back to airport - Stopped by quilt shop - Candice really trying to get me to be a quilted LOL - gotta see if my sewing machine even works - came home and vegged I really was bushed by then - Yesterday went to the show - saw Lincoln Lawyer only napped a little good movie - home and vegged again and was in bed by 9:30 now work today..

Candice & Phyll will hang out today I think since I have work - then tonite take Candice to airport..

food hasn't been too bad really a couple to treats' (Andrew's birthday Cake on Friday) and no exercise - besides all the walking while shopping - have boot camp tomorrow

Well time to get in the shower -


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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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