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Back from Phoenix...got home at midnight and I am really tired. I'll have to go do something physical to get rid of this lethargy.

Had a good visit with my brother. As he admits, he's terrible about keeping in touch with the siblings so the fact he reached out was pretty cool. This brother is 18 months younger than me and has a master's degree in organizational development. He is talking about finishing up with his doctorate, but we'll see. I really enjoyed talking with him.

My other friend that I was going to see yesterday called and said she was sick, so I ended up going to Scottsdale mall and shopping. Not much in my price range there, but the Borders across the street is closing the store and all their new books were on sale for 40-60% off. I bought 5 books for $25. Three of them by authors I heard at the book festival. I did a lot of walking and stairs so I did get some exercise yesterday.

I also had 4 email from my part-time job so I need to get busy on that. Ug.

Hello to everyone, sorry no individual posts, but my brains aren't working right now.

Take care,


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Linda- I did receive the email. Thank you.

Julie- So glad to hear from you. It is encouraging to hear you were able to get out and that your gonna stick with us. You have such a way about you that's compassionate even when your "teaching" me. lol

I have lost 5 pounds since last saturday. I am so proud of the progress I made this week. Should I hope for another 5 prior to our cruise on the 28th? Wouldn't say it's outta the question. I can tell the more I lose the more willing I am to stick to the plan. I am being fueled with every pound I drop.

I am getting prepared for my cruise. I have already bought a couple new pairs of shoes/sandals. I plan on getting a pedicure tommorow. I am borrowing the luggage I need. Ordered some Water proof cameras. Also signed Jake up for the youth camp on board. We are all so excited. This is our first cruise and vacation without the inlaws.

Hope all is well.

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Jessica, how exicitng! You are going to have so much fun. Take lots of suncreen.

Linda, yes, we got your email. Thanks a lot,

Charlene, I boiled a bunch of eggs too after I ready your post.

Just got back from looking at trailers, pop-up and reg RV trailers. Interesting, but still not ready to buy anything. They are heavy and I wouldn't be able to tow it with my Jeep.

Okay, now back to work.


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Good Evening Gang!

We planted bell peppers and onions today. I am not so sure about my yellow squash. I went out to Water and my little Charlie had jumped into the garden......dug into the squash row. UGH!

Linda, I completed day 1 of 17. I had all the foods to start today so I just jumped in. I started with eggbeaters this morning, boiled egg and yogurt for snack, chicken for lunch, yogurt again for a snack....I just finished a large green salad with another boiled egg. It might have been too many eggs for the day, but DH did not feel like grilling the chicken I marinated. Now I am working on getting all my Water in.

Eva, Apples told me to boil eggs for a snack, but I quit doing it. This time I boiled a dozen eggs so DH and I can have plenty of Snacks.

Kelley, good hearing from you. Sorry you had some rough days.

Jessica, AH! a Cruise......how fun to go with the family!

Y'all have a great evening!

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Good evening, I am back home in Utah. It was a long but uneventful drive back, unless you count the tears I shed after saying good bye to DGB (darling grandbaby). The actual leaving was the hard part, once we got under way I was doing better. I knew I wanted to be grandma, I knew how much joy a grandbaby would bring, but never did I imagine it would be this much. And the joy it gives me to see my daughter being such an excellent mother. I guess in the back of my mind, I still see her as a little girl, etc. and she has truly blossomed as a mom. And the weather while we were there was awesome! In the high 60's or low 70's every day. Then as we crossed in to UT we got the inversion, mucky stuff and snow flurries. GRRRRRR I know one thing for sure, you are meant to have kids when you are young. I am worn out! I stayed up a few nights with her and am still exhausted. LOL

Seeds: many of you have been mentioning gardens you are planting. Just before leaving DH started some seeds indoors and has made some special growing lights out of LED's in red and blue, etc. He has big plans for a 'salsa garden'. Plus he is growing a zucchini plant (he's convinced if everyone planted one zucchini world hunger would be solved LOL), some bell peppers and carrots I think and some herbs.

Eggs: soon you all can color those eggs you are boiling for Easter LOL

Tummy Tucks: make sure you gals get some good before and after pics! Can't wait to see them!

There were many other things I thought I'd remember as I was reading posts all week to comment on but of course now that I am home and exhausted, I can't remember. LOL

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Love my eggs too! I start my day everyday with one egg, feta & spinach. Yummy & a good start to the day!

Cottage cheese & fruit for a snack

Veggie burger for lunch with cheese

Protein snack - bar or more cottage cheese, yoguart

meat & veggies for dinner

Fat & sugar free pudding with Protein for a snack

Lot of Water, crystal light & 2 cups of coffee.

If I have a drink when out usually caesar/bloody mary or 1 glass of wine

Treats - discovered Oh Yeah Protein Bars - like having a Oh henry bar with 20g of protein or Weight Watchers choclate bar minis

I love anything made by Veggie patch. They also make yummy meatless Buffalo bites 12g protein :)

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Morning everyone.

Jessica, you look so gorgeous in your new pictures - you will look great on your cruise -- that sounds like a wonderful vacation - just the three of you - for some reason I was thinking the inlaws were going too - so glad they aren't - it'll be a great time for you guys -- enjoy enjoy, Good going on the weight loss too -- I do think your previous doctor was not a good fit for you - proud of you for changing doctors too.

Had a big, noisy thunderstorm over night -- poor Merry gets all upset - she kept jumping up in bed with me - just enough to wake me up and then would run and hide in the closet again - we have a big walk in closet/dressing room which is between our bedroom and our bath -- it's a small room basically -- we have a set of low hangers for my blouses and jackets and she loves to sleep there where she's mostly hidden by the clothes - so cute but poor baby is so scared -- she litterally shakes during storms. When I know they're coming I usually try to give her a calming treat -- that helps a bit - but I didn't know it would happen over night. I think she jumps in bed to check on me or something - she's so protective.

Lori, glad you're home safely. You'll be wearing out the road between Denver and Salt Lake -- how long of a drive is it? With the gas prices you'll probably be better off flying. Glad you were able to be there and help your daughter -- trust me, any time you want to go she'll be happy to see you. Take lots of pics -- I'm having a hard time even remembering our Aylah when she was a baby -- I have to look at the pics - it seems so weird now -- it seems like she's always been the way she is now LOL.

Went to the casino and had crab last night -- got home and tried to watch Hurt Locker - I couldn't watch it -- too real for me -- even DH had a hard time watching it. DH had a bit of an upset tummy -- he ate a lot of things I didn't so I didn't get sick -- all I had was crab and prime rib. He's feeling better this morning thank goodness.

Sunny out now so hopefully will have a nice day -- already 50 so olooking good. I will do step aerobics at home -- went to the gym yesterday but am so tired of working out alone - thank goodness Zumba is back tomorrow -- I've missed it so much.

Julie, glad to see you post -- sorry about your friend. Can't wait to hear what your doctors have to tell you when you ask those tough questions this week.

Kristi - your eating sounds perfect - you're doing so great - congratulations!

Eva, glad you enjoyed your time with your DB - too bad your friend was sick -- kind of a bummer -- I know you must have been disappointed.

Well gang, I best get moving this morning -- slept in (until 9:30) and now it's getting late so need to move before I get too lazy. LOL.

Chris - was hoping to hear from you some time -- how are you doing?

Have a great Sunday.


Hope you all have a great day.

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Good Morning All....Dreary, windy, chilly, high humidity and dirty snow.....(what's outside the window this morning). Looking forward to a few nice days soon. A little sunshine is needed. B/4 we know it, it will all be behind us and forgotten about.

Kristi....sounds like you are doing great and good going on your weight loss so far. If you keep it going like you have, by this time next year the weight loss part of this journey will be behind you. Staying focused and planning are key.

Linda...poor little Merry. We go through that at our house with Tanker also. Only difference...he doesn't just wake me up when he jumps on the bed, he injures me with his load. He always tries to bury his big self under me practically pushing me off the bed. I have to go out by the door, get his bed, bring it back to the floor by the bed and give him his calming meds or he keeps up up all night with his whimpering and panting. Poor babies.

Glad to hear your DH is feeling better this morning. The risk we take with eating out...you never know how that food is prepped (or not prepped). What is Hurt Locker???? Never heard of it.

DS's (not DH this time) GF's little guy had his 6th bday yesterday. He had a poolside kid party yesterday and we are going into DS's house later today. Ordering pizza and chicken and bringing cake and ice cream and some special gifts. He ordered an "Iron Man" cake many, many months ago for this bday of his. I spent a few hours yesterday and sitting here hoping it is to his specifications. Anyway....made a homemade butter cake with cream cheese frosting. He wanted the cake to be red and yellow and to make sure that the trim was red, then yellow and then red again. Only wants Iron Man on the cake and no Iron Man gifts because he got enough of those last year. He is such a little character. Not bold disrespectful or bossy...just matter of fact. We enjoy every bit of time we have with him and his sister.

Julie...anxious to hear your test results. Please share them with us a.s.a.p. Hope each day is getting better for you. I am also anxious to hear if the neck pain has decreased or gone once you not longer need the pain meds. Hugs.

Eva...happy you got to see your bro and spend time with him. Nice.

Hope the Lucky 7's had a great week together. I know a "Little Girl" that is going to shed some tears while saying goodbye to her friends. Hugs, Janet. Love you.

You all have a great Sunday

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Jessica...just wanted to tell your your photos are great. You look so good. Keep it going and if those 5lbs come off by the 29th...fine and dandy. But don't sweat it. Just keep trying and they will come off in good time. Sounds like a wonderful vacation you have planned. Have the best time ever. Leave your stress behind and just enjoy your fun times with hubby and your little guy.

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Thanks everyone, You all are so uplifting. I am having a really good time eating wise. Eatting healthy. Need to get more Water in though. I am already peeing all the time but I still don't reach the 8 glasses. The hardest days are tues and wed which are clinical days. I don't have anywhere to keep stuff. They ask us not to bring things to clutter the break room and there is no Water fountain. So I have to start with it after I get out. Gonna get back to my running plan today. My calves were sore all week so I had to give them a rest. I think it's time to get back to it.

I also started the 5 day pouch test today. I am having a hard time judging when the restriction kicks in and someone said this helps.

I really wanna be at goal when I graduate so I am gonna be working hard at this. I can lose 70 by december. It's just gonna take some effort.

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Charlene, oh so cool you are going to have veggies! I'm keeping the veggie planting under control...not sure if I will be around this summer to tend them. I had a boiled egg for Breakfast today. I've been splitting the yolks and giving the dog 1/2.

Lori, welcome back. You mentioned driving through Wyoming? I had to look at a map to see why but then I saw I-80 might be quicker than any other route. Glad you had a good visit with your family even if your Grandma is losing it a little. The mind wanders. Your DH might be right about the zucchini...they're usually prolific once they're producing.

Linda, thanks for the emails...I just cut and pasted that to a document so I could keep it. It is basic stuff but there is some interesting things too. Poor little Merry, but a lot of dogs are that way. I don't know what we can do to help them. Glimmer is afraid too but she doesn't try and crawl in bed with me. 9:30 is late, at least for us "older folks". I used to sleep until 10 or 11...no way now.

Apples, I can just imagine Tanker trying to crawl in bed with you...big baby. Wishing you blue skies and warm weather. Glad you had fun with your kids. How'd the baby sitting go?

Kristi, sounds like everything is going so well for you. eggs are wonderful aren't they? I love them for Breakfast, but I tend to get stuck on them sometimes in the morning, so I'm eating them later in the day.

Jessica, I can't believe you don't have access to Water. I hope it isn't for too long during the day. Good for you in doing the pouch test. Everyone's restriction is different so it's hard to say what yours is.

I bought an inversion table (thing) today. It's harder than it looks but I didn't spend much $$. Only $87 for a $199 one that was on sale and the last one. So I got a 10% discount on the $89 sale price. I've actually done it a couple of times and the problem isn't getting upside down, it's getting back up. Need to work on that. I'm really hoping it will help my back.

I need to work on some work stuff that I've been ignoring. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.


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Hi all,

Congratulations Jessica. You are one hot chick. All you eating eggs, I have to say that I can barely eat one most days (per meal). If I could eat more than 1 I know I'd probably need a fill. Hard boiled are the worse. This is about the densest Protein you can eat.

Also, I have read now in more than one reputable place that you do not need to get 8 glasses of Water in addition to other liquids you drink. That's a fallacy. As long as you're drinking about 64 ounces of liquid it does not have to be Water. If you're peeing that much you're doing just fine. Just avoid liquids that are full of salt like pop and limit your caffeine. fruit juice is high in carbs. I count my Protein drinks as part of my liquid intake and my Decaf coffee with milk. I'm always peeing and have no desire to increase that.

Just got done with my big concert. Didn't eat enough before the concert and the weight of the music folder pinched my neck, not enough room where I was standing to shift my weight, and it got very warm, became sick and faint and had to bend over. Fortunately, another woman had a little stool which they shifted over to me and I was able to sit the last few songs. I was very discreet and kept myself from fainting but I'll have to do something different next concert. I'm going to need to eat Protein just before because we started practicing at 2:30 and were in concert till 6. I hadn't eaten since noon.


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Eva, there's a trick to getting back up. It's all in the arms. Try contracting your biceps only.

You'll get it. It took me awhile. My husband stood next to me for a few weeks to make sure I was alright and could handle it. I need to get on the table again for my neck. I can feel I need to relieve the pressure on my disc.


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Hi all,

I haven't been on much but have been keeping up on the reading.

I am getting ready to go see my DD in Vegas. I leave on thurs.

I've been a shopping fool, go some great deals today. Yeah me.

Julie, glad to see you came to your senses. We love and miss you when you are not here.

Jessica and Kristi, you are both doing so good. Keep up the good. work.

I have not been hungry so my food has been doing real good. One more pound to go to get to my lowest.

Love life not so good. He just stopped talking to me. So bye bye move on.


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Hi all,

I haven't been on much but have been keeping up on the reading.

I am getting ready to go see my DD in Vegas. I leave on thurs.

I've been a shopping fool, go some great deals today. Yeah me.

Julie, glad to see you came to your senses. We love and miss you when you are not here.

Jessica and Kristi, you are both doing so good. Keep up the good. work.

I have not been hungry so my food has been doing real good. One more pound to go to get to my lowest.

Love life not so good. He just stopped talking to me. So bye bye move on.


Good going on the weight loss, LauraK...and also for moving along without the guy. I think just by choosing to stop talking to you would qualify him as an A$$.....no one needs to have a person in their life that is that inconsiderate. You deserve so much better than that. Have a great trip.

Cheri...sorry you had the fainting spell. Try carrying some Protein bars with you.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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