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Cheri...good thoughts and prayers for your daughter. I am like you in a way. Kids lighten the load in life. I have a couple of little ones I am to take care of all day Thursday and Friday. Have activities planned and could give a darn if they mess up the house. They are 18 months and 4 yrs old and neighbors at the lake. Momma was in a panic cuz she has a conference and full-time babysitter needed those days off. It's going to get me through the week. Love the little ones. Teenagers and 27 yrs olds can put it to ya sometimes but those little ones are so honest and fun.

Tomorrow is a doc appt. (routine) and a trip to Walmart. Of course, (you all know what is coming) I need to drive 70 miles. Going to take off early (2pm appt) and do a little shopping for DH's bday which is about a month away. And, want to find something special for another friend that has a bday coming up. (No Walmart gifts for my friends). Going to find what I need to make the gift.

Sooooo....kind of have been in a bit of panic mode this evening. I have had many, many surgeries and just flew through them without taking pain meds home and managing just fine. I guess I should just keep my nose out of the plastic surgery threads. LOL. It will all be worth it. Heck, any kidney stone has probably caused me more pain than this surgery will. I don't have a problem with pain....I'm Super Woman when it comes to that. I just have a hell of a time looking at the incision. What's bugging me is that I know I will have bags again. I don't like looking at the drainage. It makes me gag. Silly, hug? I will just get used to them like I did with my GB surgery. Had to carry those suckers for a couple of months until I healed. I am sure you nurses that love gore are thinking "WTH"? I can't watch CSI, Bones or any of those shows because they might show a little blood. Whimp. I confessed...I'm a whimp. Still love me now?

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And...I have never had a surgery where I didn't wake up to see my sweet Lucille's face at the end of the bed and so happy to sit with me for hours. Gosh...I really miss her. So sweet. I just know she will be there and rubbing my feet from heaven

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Good morning girls! Well, I can breathe a sigh of relief... DH is home from his business trip to Wisconsin! : ) His flight was delayed in Detroit b/c some passenger went ape shit and started screaming! They had to bring him back to the gate and have police remove him. Then they had to wait for his bag to be found in cargo. Meanwhile, I didn't know why the flight was delayed...... he didn't get home until after midnight. yawn. so tired this morning. He got Nels a got cheese t shirt..LOL, a little cow stuffed animal and a dairy farm snow globe. I didn't complain about him being gone 4 days this time- aren't you proud of me?! (no applauds necessary)

Apples~ awww, I bet she is gonna be rubbing your feet from heaven! I hope insurance comes through. I remember hoping for insurance to come through with my LB and was crushed when it wouldn't pay. We refocused and said instead of a new car or a trip that year- let's get my surgery! It was the best "vacation" I ever did! So, even if it doesn't get approved, get it done! Panniculectomies aren't nearly as much as a TT. Hell, most offices have a way for you to finance them now. Have fun with your kids this week! I am sure you just eat them up! : )

Eva~ You are so busy piddling in your yard! Someone gave me a branch off their plumeria and I just stuck it in the ground near my garage and now it's blooming! I have no idea where to plant it- not sure how big they get. I don't have a green thumb at all. Wish I did. How is the writing coming? And hey, thanks for that comment about being on the train ride too. : )

Jodi~ So happy Dassi's celebration went so well! I love your description of everything. I think that is amazing how she really is growing into a young woman and how proud you must be! Congrats. Yes, now take a breath and relax. : )

Cheri~ Wishing your daughter the best of luck. Yes, many plastic surgeons don't want a potentially "dirty" surgery (anything done near poop or pee) to be done at the same time as their case. The risk of infection IS higher. And the fear is always if someone pushes to get them done at the same time, the surgeon will take no responsibility for a complication. It's a hard call. Had a friend who had to get some podiatry work done (bunion) and she wanted her nose done at same time- since she was under anesthesia. PS REFUSED for same reason. No dirty foot will be done while I do a face! Anyways, I hope she gets a plan of action from the group of specialists. I also pray she has the strength to fight the good fight. Just try to be there for her as much as she allows you- find that balance and find the peace in that amount. hugs.

Janet~ Having fun?!

Mere~ LOL, glad you didn't fall off a float! Happy St. Patty's day! It's the only holiday I don't get that excited about. I guess I should do something for the sake of Nels. Maybe I will go to the dollar store for something green. : ) So sweet that you are going to do a race in honor of your friend's baby. So sad that that happened. omg. can't even imagine. How's the restriction going? I think I told you I got the fill? I was doing PERFECT until day before yesterday and got stuck on a piece of chicken that was in some soup! Didn't even fully PB but felt like I was going to. Felt "stuck" for about 30 min, gagged once but nothing came up. Now yesterday was TIGHT the whole day! But was down another lb. But more b/c I didn't drink as much as I should have. : ) Gurgled some last night when I laid down and feared reflux but had NONE. Thank heavens!

Julie~ Glad you are home. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!

ok... sorry, that's all I remember and all I can see on this page! Such fear of losing a post with this dang LBT. I am going to go enjoy the day with my DH. : ) Everyone take care....TTYL...peasout..Laura

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Monring everyone!

Apples, you are too funny - just keep the prize in your mind and you'll get through the surgery, incision and drainage just fine. Don't remember if you had your GB out when you were heavy - but if so this surgery will be much different for you now that you are thin and so very healthy - I breezed through my hip -- being at normal weight makes a huge difference on every level. You'll be just fine and yes we all still love you even if you don't like looking at blood.

Julie, thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Arlene, thanks for taking the time to give Julie a call and reporting to us - that was very nice of you and I appreciate it.

Jodi, can't wait to see more pics -- saw the ones on FB -- Dassi's dress was gorgeous - she looked absolutely gorgeous as I knew she would. She's a lovely girl and you should be very proud - gosh even I teared up when I was reading your post about your ex not being there -- must have been hard on everyone but I'm sure he was beaming from heaven. Hope you can get back to your regular life now -- that was a huge event to plan and prepare -- glad it went off so beautifully and Dassi was happy with everything.

Lucky 7's hope you're having a blast -- every time I see a pic on FB I'm a bit jealous.

We had 61 degrees and sunshine yesterday - wow -- I loved not having to wear a jacket at lunch. Just enjoying the spring - it's so wonderful - love the longer nights too.

Lori, hope you're loving your grandma duties and I'm sure your DD is enjoying some help -- hope that bully MIL is behaving -- thinking of you guys. Glad your DH took time off to enjoy the family time too. What's your GM saying about the baby -- I bet she's thrilled too.

CHeri, happy your party went well and sorry your Dad is doing poorly -- it will be such a relief for you to have him in MI -- glad it's soon - hopefully nothing further will happen between now and then. So very sorry about your DD -- I cannot imagine how tough this is -- you've been through so much the past year -- my heart goes out to you. You are a strong lady -- I'm so glad you have your strong faith to help you through. Sounds like your DD will have the best of the best to help her make her decision. Thank goodnes she has a connection to get some answers. Will be thinking and praying for you all.

Gotta get to work. It's late. love you all. Have a great Wednesday!!


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Good Morning Gang!

Apples, I know you are excited about your new tummy, but concerned too. My friend had her stomach, boobs, and arms done all at the same time. She was up and moving around in a week. You wear that compression suit to hold everything tight. I think she had a couple of drains for a few days, but it all went well. I think you will do fine. Nothing is more painful than kidney stones, and you a pro. I wish I could be up there to take care of you. I will be sending prayers for your healing. HUGS!

Cheri, so glad all went well on the sixieth. I know it must be sad to see your dad going down. I wish my GS had a teacher like you. He needs a teacher with a firm hand and loving touch. He has a new young girl that has no experience. So she is always quick to punish and judge him. I hope he makes it through 3rd grade without being scarred.

Linda, how's the pain? Is your hip better?

Happy Birthday Joyce!!!!! I Hope You Have a Good One!

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Morning! I'm out in the garden again....transplanting, cleaning, etc. All those spring things that need to be done.

My plum tree is starting to bloom. I just planted this last year, so I'm excited. I may not get any fruit, but at least it's alive and doing what it should do.

Laura, yes, I'm still writing. I have a final project due by April 20th. I'm also thinking of submitting another story to a contest at it's due March 25th. Glad DH is home and yes, you were good and didn't whine. I think you appreciate each other more when there are absences now and then.

I'm going to Phoenix tomorrow and spending the night. One of my other brothers is in town and will have a few free moments on Friday so we (sister, brother that lives in Phoenix and his sister who is visiting her son) will be getting together Friday night for a little family time. Yes, the family is complicated, but what the heck, stuff happens and then you end up with a whole huge family.

My poor DH didn't realize what he was getting into when we got back together. The first time around it was me and my very older brother who I never saw. This time, it's him, his kids, and all my siblings (six others) from my biological side. Sure makes life interesting.

More gardening is calling.

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Laura, you may not have a green thumb, but you have the human touch and that is very special.

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Good Morning all......


Its a rainy dreary day in NY but im happy as a clam....lol. No organizing, planning, running and executing!!! So...even though have a day from hell....it will be a happy one!

Dont get me wrong...loved every bit of "helping" plan for this big B.M. the added stress was um stressful but....loved what the outcome of all those intricate details etc. Its one thing when you have lots of money and options to work with but...when you have neither you need to be both frugal and creative. Thank god for Dassi who appears to have both these characheteristics! oh and lets not forget faith in god!

So..this morning was really Dassis bday so..made her a birthday breakfast...Joyce you and Dassi share a bday!!! Then ran to work...where here I am sitting and writing....finially I have my lap band posting time back! Then I need to run to drop of the purim food baskets that Dassi made money from selling her bracelets and buying all the foods for that charity project. I need to bring them to the organization that will be distributing them on Sunday to those who dont know what the hoilday of Purim is about....then my day doesnt end there....have a three month mandatory meeting from work in the Manhattan so need to drive in during rush hour for an inservice that will have no benefit for me as it will be geared toward the school age population but is mandatory so...im a going. Wont get home till about 10 this evening.....but see above...as happy as a clam cause im not the one doing any of the organizing or planning hehehehe.

I know these few days of relaxing cant last because Sunday is Purim and tonight Dassi will be asking when will we be making her costume and making Hamentashen and putting together our baskets to give out to our friends.....not sure if anyone remembers last years dilema about what to give out......I ended up buying choc covered fruit from "Edible arrrangements" but cant really afford that this year so tomorrow will have to figure this all out and Friday....get it all together! lol. So, much for relaxing. Saving grace being we were invited out Friday night dinner and Sunday big meal that is recquired Dassi was invited to a bat mitzvah for....and I will go out to eat with a friend and we will pay for each other..lol.

anyways....my boy woke up must gooooooo ....

gotta go will finish later.....

Have a great afternoon.

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Hello my dear friends....... Sorry to be gone so long... I can't sit up straight very long so haven't been on the computer at all...... I don't know how to explain my pain..... I'm on pain killers for the incision most of the time so it's hard to tell if this has had any effect on my shoulder pain.... I'm praying that if I had to give up my band that at least something good can come from it and my pain will be gone, too......

I can't tell you how very sad I am that they had to take my band.... Guess I can't come here anymore cuz I don't have one............. It makes me cry...... Whatever am I going to do??????????? Will I gain all my 100 pounds back again??? Will I ever lose any more.....It is just such a worry...

I need to go lay down again, so I 'd better go for now... I'll try to be back again...... I knew it was Joyce's birthday and wanted to be sure to wish her a wonderful day.......

Lori, oh, how wonderful that you are there to be with that baby.......enjoy....

All of you ladies..... I love you.... and miss you........ take care...... Hugs... Julie

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Julie, who says you can't come here anymore because you don't have a band? You are just as much a part of this group as anyone. We love you and miss you. Take care of yourself and hurry back. You'll make it one day at a time just like you have been doing.

Joyce, Happy Birthday. How's the arm doing?

Very quiet here today, unusual.


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Thank you all for b'day wishes. Cast was removed on Monday and movement is great. Still in sling, but can shower and use my hand. Have some home exercise with sling on. Will see doctor on the 28th and begin PT. He approved trip to Grand Cayman leaving on April 24th - that's great news.

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Joyce, I hope you had a great B-day!

Julie, I just ache when I hear about all that has happened to you lately. HUGS!

NO WAY, you will always be a lap-band buddy! We need you to keep us straight on what's happening with who. You start posting when you are up to it. We want to know about the new grandbaby that is coming soon. Love ya!

Eva, I go my squash seeds and Tomato plants in the ground. Tomorrow it is the bell peppers. I am going to plant the jalapeno plant by itself. I bought some garden pots from HSN. They are on casters. I will plant the onions and maybe lettuce in them. Kinda liking this garden thing. I haven't done it in 35-40 years.

Apples, you have your little ones yet? My DGDs just left. DD has started a walking jogging club for moms and had to get her homework in for the week. We are going to walk for the March of Dimes in May.

Lori, how are you? I hope you are getting all your "sugars" from that baby doll. HUGS!

Linda......61? Yay! We are going to be in the 80's tomorrow. It is so nice.....60 at night.....80 and sunny during the day. Enjoy your week!

Lucky 7 must be having a blast!

Jodi, I bet you are exhausted. Happy Birthday to Dassi!

Laura......how is the weight loss going?

LauraK.....you feeling better?





I canceled WW. I went back to counting calories on Livestrong. I love WW , but it is too many calories. When I was walking this morning I had a talk with God. I asked Him "What should I do?"......He said in my heart ....."You have all the tools you need, use them." I know y'all may think that is corny, but sometimes I just have to "plug in" and listen.

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Hey guys,

Joyce~ Wished you a HBD on FB but what the heck... HBD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julie~ JULIE, julie! What will we do with you??? Since you are in pain, I won't spank you. : ) Of COURSE you are always welcome here! You are one of us. It doesn't matter band, no band- we are sisters. Hang in there. It gets better.

Arlene~ It's going. I'm down 4 lbs since my fill last week. I exercised for 4 days and then fell off the wagon. Need to get back to that. I need a trainer. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. I WAS telling myself I wanted to get back in some cardio shape at least before someone KILLS me........ but I think I just need to do it. It doesn't matter anymore. Just sad that I lost so much strength not being on the weights. Just gotta jump back in. Friday. Tomorrow is work and then appts all afternoon.

DH didn't get back until midnight last night. We were up talking and unpacking.. I am tired today. I've been tight the last two days- but ok tight. 2 nuggets as Lori would say. I'm ok with that right now. Tight but no reflux and able to eat hard Protein for evening meal. I've been doing Protein supplement or Soup for lunch.

ok..... sorry sorta a flyby. Eva..lol, yeah I have the human touch. Where do I put this plumeria??? how big do they get??? I see pics of bushes and TREES.. not sure which one i have.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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