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Melissa - Plan your menu for the week make a list and only buy whats on the list.. Yes you do have an addiction but the diff between our addiction and that of a drug addicti or alcholic is that we are not physically addicted (meaning we don't get sick phyiscally from not eating sugar/starches) Yes they make us feel good and calm us - so they do have that affect on use just like drugs & alcohal make others feel goo - but it's not like we are physically addicted to food - It's our choice to eat it or not.. We choose to eat it to deal with our issues - so yes it's an addiction but I feel more a mental one than a physical one..

I know pple don't like being on meds for their conditions - they think it makes them a weak person - that's not true - pple have chemical imbalances and needs the meds to stay at an even keel... Yep when surround by negative pple can cause you to be negative - next time they say some crap to you about trying to be happy - say - what in the helll is making my self sick over the situtation going to make it any better - it's just going to make things worse - I am doing my best to improve it and part of that is having a postitive attidute - the whole secert thingie ;0) Whats done is done - you can't change it - all you can do is move forward..

Janet - thanks for all your help and advice

OK............ did you guys know what date I forgot??????????? DUH. I had such a blonde moment 11 days ago............ OMW. I completely forgot my 2nd year Bandiversary! I was so busy with Nelson's birthday and my parents being here. I just forgot. DH just asked me tonight what the date was b/c he knew it was some time before his birthday which is the 25th. I guess I celebrated in my own little way... by getting back on track, starting to exercise again and getting a fill. : ) I FEEL good about getting my butt in gear! I don't want to harp on not being where I hoped I'd be 2 years out. sigh. Life is good. I am still on this little journey.......choo chooooooo!

melissa, hang in there!!! tough times never last but tough people do!


Laura - Happy late Band Anniversary

Melissa. I'm looking at your difficulty with food planning and remembering to test yourself 2 hrs after a meal. These kinds of things are often indicators of ADHD. You went nuts on your last job because you were tied to a desk, often alone. The job before that didn't seem to fit either. You like the Sam's job but you're already looking elsewhere. Your have a free association of ideas where your thoughts jump around. You remind me of me and many other ADHD people I know. I know you have a child with ADHD and its frequently hereditary. Anxiety and depression go hand in hand with ADHD and ADHD have more trouble than other people with maintaining weight loss, precisely because they can't stick with a plan or routine. You may not be ADHD. I could be full of crap. Just something you may want to be evaluated for.

From the reading I've done on food addiction, I've learned that it's not very different from alcohol addiction. We have a physical or chemical dependance on certain kinds of food. We go through phsycial and psychological withdrawal when we quit using it and having just a little of some of these foods can trigger an out of control binge. Alcoholics can never drink again safely. Unfortunately, we have to eat. If certain foods are trigger foods, most of us need to do our best to avoid them. Scientists are working on drugs that target the addiction center of the brain. Hopefully it will help all of us addicts.


Cheri - Thank you for all of your information and support throught this tough time

Melissa....wishing for you to be able to do the reconnect with your therapist. Don't hold back and accept the help and advice given.

Apples - I go in the morning I hope he can help me out and pull me through this

Melissa, its good to see you posting so much. I think it means you are in touch with what's going on with you and looking for help. You might have to find that 2nd job, maybe one as a receptionist for a few hours a day? Not great pay, but everything helps.


Eva - I am meeting with a job counsler Wed at the career center at the Dept of labor. I hope to find another part time job there

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I'm alive!!!!! And no, Apples, I didn't fall off of a St. Patty's Day float!!!! But, I wouldn't put it past me....

Ok, so I've been busy, busy, busy!!!!

Saturday I had to work, then wen to Old Navy to buy some sun dresses for my trip to FL April 5th. They were $9 each! I bought 4. I also bought a top, a skirt, yoga pants, and two pairs of flip flops. Maybe more, I don't remember. Then I had to rush to get home in time for church. My grandma was having a mass said for my late grandfather whose birthday whould have been yesterday, my late great grandmother, and my late great uncle. We went to grandmas house after and had corned beef, cabbage, rutebege (sp), carrots, and potatoes (none for me!).

Sunday was the St. Patricks Day Parade in Corktown here in Detroit. First, I participated in the 5k run/walk. It was fun!!!! Then we drank the free beer that was provided to the walkers and runners. Shortly after the parade started, and it was wild! I had the best time. Got home around 7 and was sleeping by 10:30.

Today I slept in (much needed!) and went to see the Lord of the Dance movie in 3Dwith my "SIL" and niece and nephew. They loved it. Little cuties. Late night for them though. I put them to bed and read bed time stories, ran to the grocery store before it closed, and here I am! Exhausted!!!

food, is so-so. I'm not being crazy about it, but I'm not eating like a pig either. Just eating the way we are supposed to. I did have a piece of bumpy cake on Saturday, and well, the beer on Sunday, but these were for special occasions.

Glad to see everyone is doing well, and that someone heard from Julie. I've been thinking about her. Hopefully her tests come back ok. Anyhow, I will read more and comment tomorrow. Sorry, just thought I would fill you in.

Night, Meredith

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Good morning everyone.

Meredith -- so much fun -- sounds great -- glad you had a good time -- nice way to Celebrate St. Pat's day -- wtg on the 5k. Wow, good deals at Old Navy - I've never shopped there -- will hae to check it out some time. When do you leave for Florida?

LauraK-- congrats on losing the weight -- I've been stuck at my 138 -- can't seem to get any lower -- not complaining -- just wishing I could get that last 6 or so off -- it's just a stupid goal hanging over my head and I want to reach it.

Saw some pics of Dassi's Bar Mitzvah on FB yesterday -- haven't been on FB since yesterday - Lori I'll look for those 4 generation pics today.

Gld to hear Julie is home, hope she gets results today.

Eva, I'm so jealous about the book festival - some day I will get to go to one -- we have a great program here at Iowa University in the summer -- but it's hard for me to take time off work to go. Keep up the writing -- I haven't been doing any -- some day I'll get back to it. need to get the book polished up and submitted - so sad really.

WEll, gang, gotta run to Water aerobics. Sandy have a wonderful time -- Apples - hope your weather warms up. Cheri how was the party?

Love to all.


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Linda, you don't have time to polish any books at this point. With work and GD, your exercise time, family time, it would be very difficult. Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it. I'm starting another story for my final project. I was going to expand the one I'm handing in next Monday but decided to start something else....using some of the techniques I've learned in this class.

Meredith, wow a 5K...good for you. Yes, you sound busy, but that's a good thing. Being active helps along with drinking Water. LOL. Sounds like you got some great deals for your Florida trip. The weather should be warmer then. The last couple times I've been in Florida, it was cold, but that was February.

I just dumped a huge pot of golden aloe vera and I'm pulling it apart and will restart it. A lot of the plant froze and aloe vera doesn't freeze well. It turns into nasty black mush. There are many small plants tucked into the big frozen ones that aren't damaged, so I'll repot those and give away a bunch of starts. Most of the common aloe blooms red/orange but this one puts up yellow stalks and tends to bloom a little earlier than the red ones. I'm also finishing my weed pulling around the back walk. That is so hard on my backside...all that stretching. Squatting doesn't work so well for me nor does sitting. It all aggravates my back/hip stuff. It'll be done today however, and that's something.

Janet, hope you are having fun.


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Eva, So envious of you getting to pull weeds and tend your gardens. I do have spring bulbs starting to poke through . I was outside last night surveying my queendom. lol


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LauraK...yes, it feels good to be out there. I'm hot and sweaty for a good reason...unlike exercise...lol. I just repotted the aloe and started 4 new ones in the old pot. I'm throwing away the huge old ones because they are so damaged from the freeze. I also started a bunch of the other ones that had good root and I'll give those away. I have to harden them though. They were growing in the middle of this huge mass of plants and didn't get great sun, so they're pale and a little spindly. I've got my new ones encase in shade cloth for a while. I should be able to uncover the first layer in a couple of weeks and they'll be good to go by summer. I moved the pot to a place where it gets full sun for most of the day until summer. It's going to have to take the heat.

My glads are coming up too. These are the ones I potted a couple of weeks ago. Now I have to get the asparagus in the ground and repot the iris's. Their pot broke because there's too much in there and it was an old clay pot. Enough gardening...I need a shower.


ps. the weeds are gone!!

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Hello Everyone!!!

Reality has sunk back in and life is beginning to take on its usual crazy twists and turns....but thats the usual so I know things are back to normal.

Thanks to everyone for their wishes....on Sunday. It was a great day!! It was beutiful. I was so proud of my daughter, not only did she behave like a real lady but looked like one as well. I posted some pics that people sent me from their cameras on Facebook. The photographers pics will come hopefully soon.

The restaurant did a beutiful job. The food was fabulous, the music was perfect, the kids loved the magician and everyone had a onderful time. Of course it was bitter sweet....as Ron wasnt there to Celebrate and experience with us the beuty of his daughter getting bat mitzvahd...and those who made speeches of course remembered him in them which made everyone teary eyed and there wasnt a dry eye from the adults esp during Dassis and my speech.

Yes....I did write a speech but cried through my part about those not being with us esp her father but knowing that he is hovering and smiling and is just as proud as we all are of her etc etc. alf....crying now just thinking of it lol. After all the speeches it was all laughs and smiles again....

Everything went exactly as Dassi planned lol. She was the real orchestration behind it all and she did a splended job. What I liked the best was watching the way she treated everyone special. She danced with every person at the party and made sure everyone was happy and taken care of....but mostly that she was visibly happy and you could see her shining. She pf course made us get our hair, nails and makeup done......that was the one extra but heck...it was her day and she never wants to do those things ever so was happy to oblige in all this once,,,,,,as they say once in a lifetime event.

She got lots of great presents, her friiends made very creative artwork, written work songs, memory candles, scrapbooks etc, The rule of the school is no presents...but all the girls do their own things anyway and they present those things in a ceremony at the end of the party. All the favors were graciously all taken and even the centerpieces were not left the girls were crazy about them...whod have thunk! Dassi did and she was right on the mark! From the invitatations to the colors, her dress and the favors....all were just perfect. SO.......

Im happy happpy happy!!!! Party over!! wew. and sooooo even more so because one of her gifts from grandfather was a MAC laptop....and so I get my computer back yea!!!!! She hogged this one so...that I could not even check emails any longer needed to use BB for everything.....

with all the preperations havent had time to even check posts...but was kept up to date basically when this thread went down.....sorry but was kind of happy about that for me. Now will be peeved like the rest of you.

My apologies for not being a good support buddy these last two months or so....not okay...but just didnt get a sec between work and planning and dealing with reg lifes goings on in between...so im sooo sorry for not being supportive and available....please know that you are all so very important and I did think about each and every one of you guys everyday.....esp happy when baby katelin was born all was good!!! I also said prayers everyday for Julie and Chery your daughter and Linda your daughter and granddaughter as well....so sorry about the medical troubles.

Well......just wantedt o post to say......IMMMM BAAACK!!!! and thank god...have my own computer back and the party planning over....so can junk now go back to junking up the thread again!!!

Have a great day...and those who are on vacation with liucky 7s I hope you are having a great vacation!!!


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WOOO HOOO......Got my font/color/size back!!!

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Hey all...I'm so excited. Just got back from my six month LB check and visiting with my doc about getting my panni done. I have all of my photos ready to submit to his office, he will write a letter of recommendation and I will sit with fingers crossed that this flys. If not, on to plan #2. It would be wonderful if I could get this done b/4 the end of April so that I can recover while DH is still around. I have had too many surgeries where I thought it would be OK to just do it on my own. (DH in the field and couldn't be around) I think this one will be a bit different and will need assistance for a few days. Can I say it again? I'm soooooooooooooooo excited.

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Hey all...I'm so excited. Just got back from my six month LB check and visiting with my doc about getting my panni done. I have all of my photos ready to submit to his office, he will write a letter of recommendation and I will sit with fingers crossed that this flys. If not, on to plan #2. It would be wonderful if I could get this done b/4 the end of April so that I can recover while DH is still around. I have had too many surgeries where I thought it would be OK to just do it on my own. (DH in the field and couldn't be around) I think this one will be a bit different and will need assistance for a few days. Can I say it again? I'm soooooooooooooooo excited.

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Meredith...great way to Celebrate over the weekend. The town I grew up in has a big hoohaw for St. Pat's day. Haven't been back for it in years. Not much around here celebrating the day. About as far as they go is to have green beer specials.

Jodi...sounds like a wonderful celebration for Dassi. Now you can just look back on the memories and enjoy some down time after all the work it entailed.

Eva...you are such a gardener/landscaper. I am looking forward to getting after my flower beds but it will be Memorial Day week at the very earliest. I usually start my plants in a little greenhouse I have but I think I am going to skip it this year. If I have my surgery this spring, I will want to not be bending a reaching. DH will need to get them in for me this year maybe. We are in the 40's today and have sunshine. It's a treat. I had not left the house since soon on Friday when I left for my appt at 11:30 today. The "Caged Animal" syndrome was starting to set in.

Hope the Lucky 7's are having a great time. Got a peek at the photos on Facebook.

Julie...hope you are healing and settling into being home and having your surgery behind you. HUgs.

Joyce.....how's it going with the splint off?

Well, cooking up some hard boiled eggs for egg salad and for just a quick grab of Protein. I just throw peeled eggs in a baggy. Love my eggs.

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Hi Peeps!

Jodi,......sounds like it was a wonderful time for Dassi. How thoughtful for her friends to make her gifts. I hope you get some rest this week. Thanks for checking in!

Apples........WooHoo, how exciting to get your skin taken off. Yes, you will need help for a few days. My friend had to walk bent over for several weeks.

Meredith......good to hear from you. Try to maintain during your St Patty Day celebrations.

Eva......I getting ready to plant tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers and squash.

Lori, How's it going?

I called Julie a few minutes ago. She sends her love and appreciation for all the prayers. She is still having pain in her incisions which is pretty normal. She said she will get more answers and results from her tests on Monday when she sees the lap band doctor. We love you Julie!!!!

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Jodi, welcome back...I'll go find you on FB...I want to see those pictures. I'm so happy everything came off as planned and that she was happy with everything. Don't worry about not being here. You know, life happens.

Charlene, I'm not going to plant much in the way of veggies this year (so I say now) because I might be gone for a chunk of the summer. I did pick up another little sage plant and a mint....meant to get oregano but lost my brain. I was very bad and bought a kumquat tree. I love kumquats and I sort of wanted a citrus. Okay, now I have one and don't know where to put it. Guess it will live in a pot for a while.

Went out for lunch to my sushi spot. Had to find out if the sushi chef's family was all right. His brother is in Sendai but lives in the mountains so he is alright. Now I'm trying to find out about my nephew-in-law's family.

Apples, keeping my fingers crossed for you and that insurance. Hope it warms up for you. It's in the 80's here again today. Just makes me want to be out there and digging around.

Julie, sending you hugs and speedy recovery. Let someone know how you are doing.



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Hope everyone had a great day!

Arlene~ Don't worry! I'm staying on track! I just had my fun time weekend, and now it's back to business as usual! LOL. However, I'm sure next week I will do the 5 day again to check my restriction. Thank you!!!

Apples~ I just love St. Patty's day. I just cannot help myself!

Jodi~ Yay!!! WTG on your successful party for Dassi!!! It sounds like she has a career as a party planner in her future!

Lori~ Enjoy that time with your little sweetheart! How is her jaundice? I hope it's better. I'm sure it will clear up soon. I went out to see my little one today. Cannot get enough of him. Cannot imagine how you feel as a Grandma. Enjoy!

Eva~ Oh girl! Heaven forbid they give out Water after the race! haha! And, don't let me fool you, it was not a real race for me! I just walked it casually with all of the others who had some drinks. It didn't take us long at all. We even had to take a potty break during the "race"! Next year I'm going to be more serious about it I think. The race part that is, after the race, I'm not making any promises! Anyhow, it was a great time! I'm planning on running a half marathon at the end of October. My friend gave birth to a still born baby after carrying him full term. His birthday would be around the time of the race, so, I'm going to do it.... I hope.

Ok, well, I'm going to make A's lunch, watch the news, and hit the hay. Hope everyone else is well. Thinking of you Julie!


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Hi all,

Party went well.People came starting at 12:15 and didn't all leave till 7 p.m. Was pooped.

Please pray for my daughter. The oncologist wants to get the ovarian cyst (because the pet scan is only 70% correct about ovarian cancer) out at the same time as the breast removal. But the reconstructionist does not want to do the reconstruction if they do the complete hyst. because he fears infection. The Dr.s aren't talking to each other and expect Rachel to figure it out for herself. She has a connection with the head of the women's cancer specialists at University of Chicago, a top research and teaching hospital. She is scheduled to meet with all their Dr.s in 1 or 2 days and they should be able to put together the best possible plan for her. We are all worried now that she also has ovarian cancer.

So she has every right to be testy. Just wish I wasn't the target. Rachel is incredibly touchy about everything I say, making it very difficult for me to communicate with her. I love her so much but she's really keeping me at a distance. It makes me very sad. I also had another wave of grief today over the deaths of my students.

Also, at the party I could really see the deterioration of my father's mind. He could not keep up with conversation, and with his cast and increasingly fragile body I felt so sorry for him. He's always been so gregarious and now the reality of his limitations is really setting in for him. My mom has taken the keys from him, since he can't drive with the cast and he's totally dependant on her to go anywhere. He's used to still being able to go grocery shopping and meeting his friends and now he can't. I'm so glad they're moving to MI next month and going where they can get the attention and care they need. His arm is still giving him pain. The cast itself is a strain on his neck and back. Grandchildren were the highlight. They loved playing in the finished basement. All the adults moved upstairs after eating and the kids had a blast. It was warm enough to take them all to the park on the next block, too. My grandkids love to come over and now I have a nice place and plenty of room for them to play.

Children are what get me through. I love my grandkids and I love the kids I teach. And they return the favor. I get to see students have "aha" moments on a regular basis. When they do, it's so gratifying. Their faces light up. This week we're back on schedule and back to reality after our IOWA (like I-Sat) testing all last week. Not all kids were happy about that which means I had to do a little whip cracking. But I've learned to do it without losing my temper or raising my blood pressure. Frequently I smile and say, "Oh that is so sad. Now I'm going to have to do something about that. At this point you have a detention. Whether it becomes a documented detention depends on what happens the rest of the period." I've had to have a few students go out into the hall until they can stop disruptive behaviours. All without yelling. All without getting sucked into arguing with them. Always keeping my relationship with them intact. So they know they're welcome back in my class and I'll continue like nothing happened. Only two rules I have. Work hard and don't cause a problem. If you cause a problem, I'll have to do something about it. Might not know exactly what but I'll get back to you on that. What I do depends on you and what you do. So we do a little dance, a few detentions get turned in, a few get torn up, a few students get escorted to the office, a few come back in from the hallway with sunshiney faces, and we get back into the grove.


Glad Julie's home. Hope she continues to heal and that some of her past complications don't develop. Hope this gives her the relief from constant pain.

Jodie, good to see you posting. Glad the party was so good.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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