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OOOPS...forgot to say...Good Night, sleep Tight. Sending the love. Might be missing quite a bit this week. Busy, busy but will check in when I can.

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Good Morning Gang! Is it morning or still night. My clock just turned 4am, but it supposed to be 5am.

Happy Bandiversary to Laura!

Joyce, just put a corner of your bathroom rug under the scale and you can achieve the same loss it did......lol! It sure felt good for a few minutes. DH and I were both strutting around like real "losers".

Apples........Brrr!!!!! Take care this week!

Janet and phyl have fun!

I'm off to exercise this morning then I have to make a meal for a young mother with kidney stones. She just got out of the hospital and has 3 boys under age 5.


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Morning -- I can't believe Arlene gets out of bed so early! If I didn't have a job I certainly would still be in bed! Ugh!!

Yes, it feels early but I so love Daylight Savings time that after a day or two I am in full swing and usually feel more energized in this time than in the other - I just love having the daylight longer at night.

Apples, wtg on the 12 doz. Cookies -- such a good cause too. Sorry about your weather -- as I said over the weekend looks like we are heading into spring and I'm so glad for it. I wish you could have planned the train trip too -- would have been fum - maybe another time -- I'd love to go back to Duluth some time -- lived there for one year 1970--1971. Haven't seen it since.

Janet you girls have a great time -- enjoy enjoy enjoy!

Arlene, wtg on getting up early to exercise - sorry about the scale episode -- lol.

Happy belated Bandiversary to Laura - I can't believe you forgot - you must have been just so preoccupied. Maybe that's a good sign that we don't dwell on it. I usually forget to include it in my medical history when I'm filling out forms -- when I list "surgeries" I just usually forget - then when I'm talking to the doctor or nurse remember to add it.

Sandy I haven't said much about Japan -- it's so devastating - just so painfujl to see -- unbelieveably painful - can't imagine living through a disaster like that -- just shows how strong humans really are. The nuclear meltdown is so scary.

Jessica - sorry to hear about your son's continued medical problems -- hopefuly he'll get his weight back up -- poor kid! Hope they can recommend a differnt med. Remember not to stress too badly about things you mentioned about not having enough time -- just do what you can and what's most important -- and leave the rest undone - i used to think the world would end if something went undone - it doesn't -- you'll be just fine if you don't have time to do a few chores - you have a lot on your plate - so do what IS absolutely necessary (like school work and taking care of your son) and leave the rest to do another day when you do have time. You sounded so stressed, so I worry.

Aylah spent yesterday with us too and then went home last night -- she is always a joy to have. When we got here Friday night, she called out to Merry "Merry I'm home" it was so cute - glad she feels so comfy here to call it "home". I miss her already.

Time to hit the shower -- my zumba instructor is on spring break so no class tonight. I ended up going to the gym yesterday for an hour of cardio - will hit it again after work -- just couldn't face the early morning today -- tomrorrw will do it though for my deep Water Water aerobics.

Have a great day all!


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Good Morning Everyone,

I had a really nice weekend with DH. My dad’s friend come to visit with him so DH and I were free to go out on Saturday. My sister met us at a German restaurant. We had a very nice time. Being able to go out with DH (without bringing dad) is such a treat these days. It is our time to reconnect with each other as a couple.

I am meeting my trainer after work for one last “butt kicking” session before I go to Cancun. I leave in the morning for a week with friends. DH will be at home taking care of dad and Charlie.

Speaking of Charlie – Apples, he is doing well. It is hard to believe that we have only had him since July. He had really come a long way from being the hyper, get into everything, nervous adoptee that he was. He has settled into our home well. Of course, he is still a lab so I don’t think the hyper part will ever go away. LOL. Sorry yours is being a poop head. Give him a few extra hugs and kisses. He is probably just readjusting to being home after his trip to AZ. Just like people, a change in their schedule is stressful – even if it is good stress. Hugs and kisses to Tanker and to you too.

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Hi Everyone, sorry to be MIA this weekend. Not feeling well, just usual spring time crap that won't go away. I did have a date on Friday night. We are having a good time together. Just laid low the rest of the weekend and got a few projects done. I am back on track and only have 2 lbs to get off then I'll be back at my lowest point. I really needed that apt with the dietician and the fill to get my butt moving again. Cheri and Linda advise about the liquids really helped.

Better get to work.


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Good Morning Peeps

Drive - just want to say hi

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Good morning, drive by for me too. I am at DD's on her computer with little Katelyn sleeping by my side while DD tries to get a little rest. She has a dr appt this morning to see if the light therapy lowered her jaundice levels any. Oh what a doll she is. Soaking up all the grandma time I can! AM leaving shortly to pick up my grandma to bring her down to see the baby, the nursury and also to take some 4 generation photos. We had a great drive, wonderful sunny weather the whole way.

Linda, thanks for your understanding about DD's MIL being a bully. That's exactly what she is.

Janet and Lucky 7's hope you are having a great time! As I said in my email yesterday, I want to be a 7!!! LOL

Sorry no time to post to everyone. Know that I am reading on my phone just can't post much when I am away.

Anxiously watching for word on Julie.

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Hey everyone~

I didn't get a chance to read all the posts... sorry.

OK............ did you guys know what date I forgot??????????? DUH. I had such a blonde moment 11 days ago............ OMW. I completely forgot my 2nd year Bandiversary! I was so busy with Nelson's birthday and my parents being here. I just forgot. DH just asked me tonight what the date was b/c he knew it was some time before his birthday which is the 25th. I guess I celebrated in my own little way... by getting back on track, starting to exercise again and getting a fill. : ) I FEEL good about getting my butt in gear! I don't want to harp on not being where I hoped I'd be 2 years out. sigh. Life is good. I am still on this little journey.......choo chooooooo!

Love you all!

Janet, hope you are having fun!

Julie, we are thinking about you and wondering how you are!

Apples, Thinking about you and hope all is ok.

Jewel, WTG on race. Look up hypothyroid- it might answer some of your questions. Need to recheck and if truly low, need to see why and see an endocrinologist. Don't let FP just throw med at you. IMHO

Arlene, LMAO about the scale! you both lost! omw... too funny! sounds like something I would do.

ladykc, hi & good going for one finger typing! : )

linda, hope you enjoyed your chill day

cheri, love your last couple posts.

melissa, hang in there!!! tough times never last but tough people do!


Happy Bandaversary. I looked up info on Hypothyroid it's just hard to tell what is causing the morning tiredness. Could be depression but I am not having the depressive thoughts. My tsh was just a little high. I have to go back for more bloodwork . Thanks for the info on going to an endocrinologist. I haven't been to mine in over a year. Maybe time to go again.

Good Evening All...You will all have to excuse me for being MIA...just a bit busy this week.

Jessica....way to go, Girl! You are on the move! So sorry to read your last post on how overwhelmed you are. Find more time to post....we will calm you down. It's tough. I remember those days. Hope they can find a med for DS that works without the weight loss. Hugs. Keeping up your pace, I'm sure, is quite the challenge. Just know you have your fans here. Looking forward to the day you are "pinned" (Graduation). You can do it. You have proven so far that anything is possible. We should all learn from you and what you have done for yourself in the last 18 months. I went back today and read your first posts. You should go back and read them....I almost cried while reading them....you have come so far. Hugs. Wouldn't it be fun to have a planned LB friends get-together around the time of your graduation? Hmmmm....something to think about.

Apples, That is an awesome idea. I would love to have yall visit around my graduation. It will be in December this year I know that can be a really busy time but I would love for any of yall to visit that can. I do need to go back and read my post. Everyone mentions how much I have changed.

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Good Monday Morning,

Have a load of laundry started, DH just left-it's his birthday today-so I made him a special Breakfast. He still has to go to work. Had a great weekend with the Book Festival. They are rebroadcasting some of the sessions on C-SPAN2, which is really cool. And I'm on spring break from school.

Cheri, it's nice that DH helps clean the house and truly amazing about your parents 60th anniversary. You know, I think my parents were approaching that too by now...we celebrated their 50th a while ago. I use Stevia in some stuff...but not my coffee...I use sweet-n-low in my coffee...it's the only thing that I've been able to adjust my taste buds to. I think all the artificial sweeteners taste like artificial sweeteners but they can be disguised. I just choose not to use too much of any of them because I don't trust their affect on our bodies over the long run. I also love asparagus, I think they are my favorite vegetable. Good thoughts for your DD, they will continue through out her ordeal.

Kristi, sounds like you are right on track. Glad the tsunami didn't affect you too much.

Charlene, Water is a big deal whether you are losing or not, you need at least 64oz to make everything work better. It's the one saving grace I've learned from all the dieting...getting enough Water keeps everything working better. I like shopping early at Wal-Mart too. The seniors are somewhat easier to deal with than the 30 little kids running all over and screaming. Funny about the 5lbs....darn rug.

Linda, glad you got through the MRI. They are just too close for me too. I really have keep a handle on the claustrophobia when I'm in there. Sorry you hurt so much this weekend after all that activity. I bet the bike pushing really did it. When do you get your MRI results? You GD is so sweet. It's a good thing you love each other so much.

Lori, so sorry for the trouble with your scan...I'm sure no one in the medical profession wants to claim responsibility for any type of screw up because they are afraid of law suits. Everyone is looking for fault so they can sue and hit the cash cow. We've created a monster with some of that. Hope DD and MIL issue gets worked out because life is too hard to have that sort of conflict.

Jessica, congrats on the run. I'm so proud of you. Don't let the stress of school get to you. Sit a breath a little and think relaxing thoughts.

Sandy, cool you got so much for your old jewelry. I don't think I have enough gold to sell for scrap...too bad. You should indulge in yourself. You are worth it and as for pedicures, they are wonderful. I can never do my toes as well as they can and they stay nice for so long. Have fun on your trip...when are you leaving?

Melissa, its good to see you posting so much. I think it means you are in touch with what's going on with you and looking for help. You might have to find that 2nd job, maybe one as a receptionist for a few hours a day? Not great pay, but everything helps.

Joyce, hope you regain your fingers again soon. Isn't that cast coming off this week?

Janet, you are not preachy... you are our rock, please stay that way. Have fun with the Lucky 7's. I really understand about the $$ and vacations. I'm really looking at alternatives for Chicago because I sure don't have the income I used to. Maybe next year...you all can come to AZ for gem show or the book festival, etc. Nice weather.

Laura, happy late bandversary. Yep, we are on the train, one way or the other. It's good to be busy, it keeps the mind engaged.

Phyl, have a great time with Janet and the girls. How neat to be able to take a vacation during your vacation. LOL. How's the knee feeling?

Apples, miss you too and I'm sorry your weather sucks. It's beautiful here and in the 80's. Next year, you can stay longer maybe and enjoy the nicer weather. I bet you're busy, that's the way it always is when you are home and have businesses to run. So what's up with Tanker...did I miss something?

LauraK, good job on the WL. Sorry you aren't feeling so well....allergies maybe? Glad you are having fun with this guy. You seem to be keeping everything in perspective.

Hello to anyone I've missed. Gotta go pull weeds.


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Eva, The gem show sounds great, espiecially if it is held during winter. Any excuse to get away from Chicago winters is a good excuse.

Thanks for the good wishes, I leave in the morning.

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Hi Peeps!

Lori, glad you made it safe to Denver so you could snuggle with Katelyn......can't wait to see the pictures of four generations.

LauraK, sorry you aren't feeling too well. Probably this dang wishy-washy weather. Yesterday was beautiful. Today t-storms and my Fibromyalgia has kicked in. I just don't know why it tightens my band. I ate some chicken an hour ago and just finished pbing. I need a fill, but days like this....no way!

Jewel.....I have low thyroid. You can't go to sleep at night and you don't want to get up in the morning. Also, weight gain especially Water weight. I think mine is a little high right now. I get really hot and have a hard time cooling down. Nope....not hot flashes, been there, done that!

Hi Eva....come plant my garden......please? lol

Apples, you are a busy lady this week. I just took a chicken pot pie out of the oven for a young family at church. The mother of three just got out of the hospital with kidney stones......you can relate. They told her she still has four of them in her kidney. So, tonight it is chicken pot pie, salad, and peach cobbler with ice cream. She is real tiny so she can use the carbs.

Sndy.....glad you got a break from caring for dad. Caregivers need time for themselves.

Hi Janet and Phy......you too Peaches!

Linda, My DH gets up at 4am for work. I did go back to bed for a couple of hours.......feeling achy today, but moving around makes me feel better. I am a morning person. They say when you get older you tend to even get up earlier. They upside is you can get all your stuff done before anyone wakes up(kids).

I hope you are feeling better.

Well, gotta go deliver a meal. Later!

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Too funny when things get a little switched around, Eva....I asked Sandy how HER Charlie was doing and I made the statement that MY

Charlie (DS) is a stinker.

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Too funny when things get a little switched around, Eva....I asked Sandy how HER Charlie was doing and I made the statement that MY

Charlie (DS) is a stinker.

LOL! Too funny, I thought you meant Tanker too.

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I can't believe no one has posted all afternoon.

I got some weeds pulled, some dead plants pulled out and chopped up for the compost pile. I've done laundry and have been writing on a story I MIGHT submit to a contest at school.

My butt is sore from pulling weeds. I don't like to poison them because the tortoises live in the same area, but these are Indian tobacco and the tortoises don't eat them because they are poisonous so they have to go. DH let one go to seed because he liked it. They grow to 10 plus feet tall and the one we had almost turned into a tree. They have pretty yellow flowers, they don't have thorns, but once they get started, they never stop.

The book festival was wonderful...did I mention this already. They had many hour long presentations by various authors and other speakers. Yesterday we saw Scott Simon and Frank DeFord from NPR. They were talking about how they get their inspiration for their essays and the constraints they have along with many other things.

I saw JA Jance, Diana Gabaldon, David Weber, Catherine Wells, Luis Alberto Urrea, T. Jefferson Parker, and several others. I want to go back and buy books and get them signed, but I didn't. I'm being fiscally responsible.

Linda, the book you sent me was by Ann Hood and she was at the festival but I didn't get to see her. They had so many programs running concurrently that you couldn't go to all of them.

dinner is started, so I guess I'll get back to writing.



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Hey All...got an email from Julie. She was released from hospital yesterday and was not provided with test results since it was the weekend when she was released. She stated she had an upper GI and waiting on those results. Stated that she has some pain but cannot detect where it originates. She expects to get some results soon.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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