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Melissa I had one thing to tell you. Do not accept that crap about why you're trying to kill yourself with food. Not one of us is trying to do that. If anyone lays that line on you you need to remember you have an addiction center in your brain that lights up when you eat food. For others its alcohol, or risk-taking, or drugs, or rescuing others. Do we have emotional issues that contribute to our addiction? Yes. Are they the cause of it? No! We have a chemical reaction to food that other people don't have, particularly to carbs. We don't hate ourselves so much that we're trying to kill ourselves with food. Anyone trying to peddle that crap is out of date and out of touch with the latest research. What a guilt trip to lay on you. Or are you laying it on yourself? You got the lapband because you want to live. You wanted a tool to help you get a fighting chance against that addiction center in your brain. So, make use of the tool. And reject any shaming message that tells you you're trying to kill yourself with food.

Gotta go.


My daughter was only really sick from her chemo on Weds. She's finally set up a calendar for people to sign up to help her out as things get worse. Her husband hasn't been working in order to do everything and be with her for every Dr.'s apptmt., test and procedure. He needs to go back to work. Yesterday was my carb day so back on the Protein band-wagon today.

Melissa, I hope you understood my rant about accusing yourself or others accusing you of trying to kill yourself with food. Will the excess food eventually kill us? Yes. Are we trying to have that happen? No. We have a disease, fatal, if left unchecked. We put it into remission by sticking to Proteins and letting the band help us limit our quantities. We are never "cured." We are never "recovered." We are always "recovering" food addicts. The carb monster is always lurking and we are rightfully afraid of him. Feed him and he grows and kills us a little more each day. Starve him and he shrinks and loses power over us.


Cheri -I am sorry your Daughter is now feeling the effects of Chemo. I am glad she has set up a calendar of people who can help her. Have you been getting my jokes I have sent you through email for her.

Neither of your posts bothered me. Any information is good. And it makes sense what you are saying. My DH said Iwas killing myself, however I feel that way too sometimes ecspecially because I am diabetic.

Melissa, hope you're doing good today -- have you been working pretty regularly? Have you heard from your friend's boss yet -- I think you sent a resume recently? Hope that works out for you but if not, Sam's should have some other openings soon so hang in there -- maybe an office job will open up -- it's tough right now so any job is better than none. Cheri is right that this is a disease -- but in your situation with your diabetes you got a double whammy going -- your diabetes can be so debilitating. Just like my step daughter being so sick all of the time -- part of it is caused by her diabetes - the other by her other disease -- drug abuse -- between the two of them she probably won't live to be very old. I know it's hard but you really need to make those good choices. How did it go with the counselor on Tuesday? Was it this past Tues. or next week? I hope you can continue to go and get some good help. My sessions last winter with the counselor helped me so much in dealing with my situation here with my step kids. Even though I only went a few times, she gave me some very good coping skills. We love you and want to get back on track so you can feel good both physically and mentally again.

I did send out my resume to two friends. One I worked with at my last job were I was an Admin Asst. He said I should expect a call next week. I still enjoy Sam's but they keep cutting hours. My recent sched. was only 20.50 hours. Who can live on that?? Anyways they know I want full time; maybe something will open up. I go to my first appt. with the counselor this Tuesday. Also the college I live near came out with a newletter showing some programs for some degree programs that could be worth checking into. However all are around $1000 and I do not believe I can use th HOPE scholarship on them. Since I have aloth of off days next week I am going to check into it.

Afternoon everyone. I did well this morning. Finished in 47.56. Now, time to refocus my eatting. My son told me he was so proud of me for running and he wants to run too. I am gonna work with him on doing a 1 mile fun run. I am hoping it will help him clear his mind and focus.

Jewel- Awesome on the run. That is so great your son wants to run with you. How is your foot doing? I am assuming it is better since you are running now.

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Cheri, I've already told DD about my Boundary book and have it packed. And I am just listening, I vent to DH. LOL You are right to a point about her MIL, I think sometimes she does think she is being helpful and isn't trying to slight my DD like in the unsolicited advice, etc. But it's hard for DD to not remember the times that her MIL told her she wasn't good enough for her son, that she was an anoreix _itch, that she was a compulsive liar, that she came from a bad family, that she would never support their marriage, etc. The MIL really poisoned the well before the marriage so it's very hard for DD to let things go in one ear and out the other. She does do a pretty good job of it though and calls me to vent sometimes. Supposedly DSIL was going to have a chat with his mother yesterday so I am hopnig he did at dinner. Others in the family have told her how impressed they are with the dignity and grace she is handling it all. And I guess as much as the MIL wants to protect her son, I want to protect my daughter but also would do nothing to come between her and her DH by bad mouthing and feeding her rage. So I come here to vent. Thanks for your insight.

Well just waiting for DH to get up to hit the road. He's being lazy bones this morning, think he's getting that extra hour sleep back.

Did you remember your clocks last night?

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Wow,Great, your DD's MIL really is a biatch. Good for your daughter to handle her with such grace. She had a good model in you when you handled your own family of origin's insanity. Now she has you modeling how to no longer let insane people get to you and how to stand up to them effectively.

Melissa, you may need to consider two part-time jobs while you prove yourself reliable at Sam's. Remember, they do treat you well and have a good work atmosphere. That means a lot. I wouldn't be too quick to give that up. There's that old saying, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Meanwhile, school just might be a good investment. My son, at 33, is taking classes in home inspection, something I urged him to get into years ago. It suits him perfectly.

Instead of running from pillar to post, use this time to think about what you really want to do. Jewel went back to school and works and is raising a son and is running in marathons. We've all had to reinvent ourselves over time.

When you see your counselor, maybe you could ask about ADHD. Being treated for that may be the secret to getting your life and your food in order.

Apples, I miss your green ink.

Gotta go. Getting ready for company. I'm not that used to it anymore. But now that my basement's almost finished and my parents are selling their home, I'll probably become more the center of get-togethers.

Everything in God's time.


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Good Morning Gang.....

Yes turned most of my clocks back last night before I went to bed - have 2 more to change - I love clocks I have 6... I got up at 6 - which was 5.. got house done - now just waiting for the time to leave to go pick up Phyl and go to airport to pick up Peaches @ 3

Yep Lori - your DD is the one you are suppose to protect - the MIL is a real BITCH (they don't sensor here ;0).. To bad they live in the same city as her.. Do you like you sil?? I know when my dil though cuz she has good cholestoral and DS doesn't that she was healthier than him - Told them both being over weight is unhealthy period - it's still doing damage to your body.. Skinny pple have high cholestoral .. It's about diet and your liver (dna)..

Cheri - I agree we are addicts - but we do have choices - we just can't say we are addicts and give up - that's what we did before " whats the use" Once you have gotten sober - you make the choice to stay sober. We just can't say we are addict and have no hope - there is hope - there is recovery - yes we will relapse but we have to make a concinese attempt to not let those foods control us - just like an alcholic doesn't drink.. And when we are having a hard time - we can't turn to food to soothe those feeling. Yes there are chemical reaction from our drugs of choice - but it you don't start then you won't have to deal with the relapse..

I'm luckier than you I guess - I can have some now a days (starches/sugar) and not go over board - but that's cuz I use control - I know what will happen if I go back to eating those things - I have had a few major things happen in my life since recovery - and I truly have to say - I choose not to turn to food to soothe those feeling. I can't do the all or none thingie - For me that will truly put be back into my addiction

Melissa Hugs & Prayers that a new job is in your future - and girl - why couldn't you get a scholarship - Postitive thinking !!!! Not negative thinking !!!

I like truvia - used it last night - it's super sweet to me..

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Morning to all. Just a quick note. I'm really in a lot of pain today for some reason -- back is terrible, neck is sore, shoulder is sore -- so going to take it easy. Did a lot yesterday -- cooking, cleaning, running around, step aerobics, etc. Then when we went on our walk I was pushign Aylah up hill on her bike as it was a steep hill -- that's probably what I did to cause the pain. Oh well, live and learn.

Has anyone heard from Julie?

Lori, your DD's MIL reminds me of my sister's MIL and she was a handful - always wanting things HER way, pushy, bossy, controllling, etc. My sister was fortunate in that she died a few years after they got married -- before she had her kids. That sounds mean to say that, but even my sister says that if she'd lived she doesn't know if she would have made it with her marriage and she's now been married over 30 years. My sister isn't a whimp either but the MIL was way too much. So I offer sympathy -- she and her DH may have to go to a counselor to figure out how to deal effectively with her TOGETHER because that's the only way to deal with people like that. Cheri, I do understand what you are talking about as well as I sorta was like that when I first moved here where my DS and DIL lived -- several times I was offended at things that I shouldn't have been with my DIL and it took me some time to adjust and realize she wasn't trying to offend me, it was the way I chose to react. But I do think Lori's DD's situation is different -- I think that MIL is truly a bully.

Janet, have fun with your Lucky 7's -- it should be a wonderful week -- the girls from the northern states are so going to enjoy your beautiful weather - you have perfect place to host there -- and nice that you all rotate areas so you always aren't having to fork out so much for plane fare. I'm sure those bars turned out great -- I use granulated splenda all the time in all my baking -- even in my fudge -- no one ever can tell the difference -- no one has ever said anything tastes funny. In baking I sometimes add a tad more liquid cause using the splenda does tend to dry things out a bit when you bake -- I made muffins yesterday -- they are a tad dry -- not that anyone here complains, they just looked dry to me -- everyone says they taste fine to them. Aylah and I made the muffins and a banana cake for DH - his favorite cake. I haven't baked since Christmas and he was missing something sweet - I made that cake last weekend for Bryan's b-day and DH didn't get "enough" of that to fill his cravings. LOL. I don't mind - I'm lucky that I can bake and I don't care about it.

Aylah is still here -- her mother sounded better last night -- so she'll go home today - I'm tired and need a good rest day. DH is making her some Breakfast and then we'll probably drop her off at home.

My plans for today - watching tv and relaxing.

Melissa, going back to school would be great for you -- keep you busy, give you something to do (besides worrying about eating) and would help you find a better job. Hope you can use that scholarship.

Have a good day everyone.

Love to all, I'll be checking back.


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Melissa, you may need to consider two part-time jobs while you prove yourself reliable at Sam's. Remember, they do treat you well and have a good work atmosphere. That means a lot. I wouldn't be too quick to give that up. There's that old saying, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Meanwhile, school just might be a good investment. My son, at 33, is taking classes in home inspection, something I urged him to get into years ago. It suits him perfectly.

Instead of running from pillar to post, use this time to think about what you really want to do. Jewel went back to school and works and is raising a son and is running in marathons. We've all had to reinvent ourselves over time.

When you see your counselor, maybe you could ask about ADHD. Being treated for that may be the secret to getting your life and your food in order.

Everything in God's time.


Cheri - Why do you think I might be ADHD? Is is cause of the jumping around I do. I am not offended just wondering. The counsler I am seeing made me take this long test that put me as having Anxiety mostly and a little depression. In the past I have tried coming off my meds for this and could not handle it.

Melissa Hugs & Prayers that a new job is in your future - and girl - why couldn't you get a scholarship - Postitive thinking !!!! Not negative thinking !!!

Janet - I guess because I have been used to my DH or family saying no all the time cause of money issues. So it is hard for me to be positive. When I act postive then people think that I understand what is going on in my life; like money, job insurance all those stressors. It is like a crazy cycle.

Melissa, going back to school would be great for you -- keep you busy, give you something to do (besides worrying about eating) and would help you find a better job. Hope you can use that scholarship.


Linda - I think school would be good I am stuck in this rut. Meaning I feel like I need schooling to have an actual career; I mean what I did before and do now is not really a career I think. I am going to call the school this week I am off work the first part of the week. See what options I have.

So I watched my 3 month old nephew last night. He sleeps through the night for the most part which is so much better. He is taking a nap at the moment so I have some free time. His Daddy will be picking him up in a couple hours. He is just too cute and kissable.

To those that mention the living after wls forum as a back up to posting here, I had joined that forum in the past but have not found anything recent as far as lapbands except for the 5 day pouch. And part of the website you have to pay for. I am not understanding that one. But maybe I am looking in the wrong place.

I am not eating too many sweets like I was but I am practically out of food in the house so I am going shopping tomorrow so I can go back to doing the high Protein everyone is suggesting. I need to stop my carb monster or lossen the grip because I know you will never kill it but at least maybe I can distract it.

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Linda - sorry for your pain today. Bet you are right, pushing bike uphill was the cause. Proud of you on MRI. I swore I would never do another one. SO claustrophobic.

Still typing with one finger on left hand, so posts are short.

Hugs to all rolleyes.gif

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Good Afternoon Gang..

Linda hugs on the pain... Yep I have flown to MofAmerica - Canada - Washington - Florida for my Lapband get togethers - and yes it's costly - air hotels shopping $$$ - That why I said Vegas when we last met cuz I could drive - we are doing our #7 get together early - normally in July but this just worked out that's when the girls could come - plus they would all die in the Desert in July LOL they couldn't take the heat LOL Another plus no cost it's at my house - and Canada was no cost for hotel either cuz we all stayed at Peaches house.. Right now I gotta watch the $$$ til another Ranch sells - and who knows when that will be..

I'm not a good baker - When I cook food - I don't measure - just throw stuff in and cook till it's done ;o) So all the measuring is a pain in the butt too me - the bars look a little dry - but I bet it's cuz I didn't use stick buttter and most likely didn't use enough spreadable butter - but a small serving of sf ice cream and the bars crumbled over it will be good - I know it's sweet..

Melissa - Plan your menu for the week make a list and only buy whats on the list.. Yes you do have an addiction but the diff between our addiction and that of a drug addicti or alcholic is that we are not physically addicted (meaning we don't get sick phyiscally from not eating sugar/starches) Yes they make us feel good and calm us - so they do have that affect on use just like drugs & alcohal make others feel goo - but it's not like we are physically addicted to food - It's our choice to eat it or not.. We choose to eat it to deal with our issues - so yes it's an addiction but I feel more a mental one than a physical one..

I know pple don't like being on meds for their conditions - they think it makes them a weak person - that's not true - pple have chemical imbalances and needs the meds to stay at an even keel... Yep when surround by negative pple can cause you to be negative - next time they say some crap to you about trying to be happy - say - what in the helll is making my self sick over the situtation going to make it any better - it's just going to make things worse - I am doing my best to improve it and part of that is having a postitive attidute - the whole secert thingie ;0) Whats done is done - you can't change it - all you can do is move forward..

Well almost time to leave to pick up Phyl ... Will be cking in and I know Phyl will be posting picks on fb :0)

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I just flipped through 500 photos of the destruction in Japan. Heartbreaking. It is so wide spread, recovery is an incredible undertaking. It is hard to comprehend the magnitude.

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Hi Peeps! I just finished walking for the second time today. DH is building me an above ground garden. I am going to plant tomatoes, bell peppers, banana peppers, onions, summer squash, and zucchini. We haven't had a garden since the 70's. It is a challenge, but it is going to be fun.

Lori, DD is handling the situation with grace. Props to her!

Cheri, you sure are a wealth of information. Are you taking ADD medicine? I told my shrink I thought I had ADD and she said she doesn't prescribe medicine to people my age because of potential heart side effects. She recommended counseling.

Janet, have fun!!!

Linda, so sorry you are in pain. Maybe it was the pushing the bicycle up the hill. Take some Advil. I hope you are better soon!

Boo, I stepped on the scale this morning and I had lost 5lbs. I told my DH about that loss and he said he lost 5lbs. I checked the scale and the bathroom rug was under one end of the scale. I haven't lost 5. Bummer!

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Hey gang, Trying to keep up with everything going on is hard. I wanna find time everyday to post because It helps me focus on myself a bit. Sorry If I miss somethings. My leg is doing better. Just taking it easy for now. My calves are really sore today from yesterdays race. My son and I did a mile in 16 min today. He would have gone faster but I made him stay with me. He really enjoyed it.

He has a psychiatric appt this week for adhd. He has lost 20% of his weight since being on the adderall and I want to try something different. His GI doc is really concerned about the weight loss too. She reffered us to a nutritionist. I have him drinking a Kid's boost everymorning with Breakfast and let him pick out foods he wants in his lunch box. I feel a little helpless about it. He just doesn't want to eat. He suffers from Constipation since he was 2 and I am wondering if he is thinking "if I don't eat I won't poop". He has to take a liquid med everyday for constipation and he hates it.

I ate well today and got in some exercise and family time. Did some studying but not enough. It is hard for me to concentrate then I remembered to take my meds. The past 2 days I took them late. I have been on them steady though so that part of me is doing well. I feel abit overwhelmed this week with school work. I just don't have enough time to do eveything I need to do. Hoping for an early dismissal one day to get this all done. I am still feeling tired. I feel more tired when I wake up than when I go to bed. I was tested for sleep apnea but they said I was fine. My last thyroid test was off. It was showing hypoactive. Wonder if this is related. Gotta read up on it.

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Hey everyone~

I didn't get a chance to read all the posts... sorry.

OK............ did you guys know what date I forgot??????????? DUH. I had such a blonde moment 11 days ago............ OMW. I completely forgot my 2nd year Bandiversary! I was so busy with Nelson's birthday and my parents being here. I just forgot. DH just asked me tonight what the date was b/c he knew it was some time before his birthday which is the 25th. I guess I celebrated in my own little way... by getting back on track, starting to exercise again and getting a fill. : ) I FEEL good about getting my butt in gear! I don't want to harp on not being where I hoped I'd be 2 years out. sigh. Life is good. I am still on this little journey.......choo chooooooo!

Love you all!

Janet, hope you are having fun!

Julie, we are thinking about you and wondering how you are!

Apples, Thinking about you and hope all is ok.

Jewel, WTG on race. Look up hypothyroid- it might answer some of your questions. Need to recheck and if truly low, need to see why and see an endocrinologist. Don't let FP just throw med at you. IMHO

Arlene, LMAO about the scale! you both lost! omw... too funny! sounds like something I would do.

ladykc, hi & good going for one finger typing! : )

linda, hope you enjoyed your chill day

cheri, love your last couple posts.

melissa, hang in there!!! tough times never last but tough people do!


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Laura - Belated happy 2nd band-i-versary. You are a winner at this journey.

Jewell - congrats on your time in 5K.

Arlene - please send bath matt to me .... I need a nice weigh in. ohmy.gif

Janet - have a great trip.

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Melissa. I'm looking at your difficulty with food planning and remembering to test yourself 2 hrs after a meal. These kinds of things are often indicators of ADHD. You went nuts on your last job because you were tied to a desk, often alone. The job before that didn't seem to fit either. You like the Sam's job but you're already looking elsewhere. Your have a free association of ideas where your thoughts jump around. You remind me of me and many other ADHD people I know. I know you have a child with ADHD and its frequently hereditary. Anxiety and depression go hand in hand with ADHD and ADHD have more trouble than other people with maintaining weight loss, precisely because they can't stick with a plan or routine. You may not be ADHD. I could be full of crap. Just something you may want to be evaluated for.

Arlene it's the Stevia, also known as Truvia that has a funny taste to me. I love Splenda. I just wondered if anyone else has that kind of taste reaction where it tastes bitter. Some people don't seem to taste that at all. Just like green peppers and grapefruit don't taste bitter to them.

From the reading I've done on food addiction, I've learned that it's not very different from alcohol addiction. We have a physical or chemical dependance on certain kinds of food. We go through phsycial and psychological withdrawal when we quit using it and having just a little of some of these foods can trigger an out of control binge. Alcoholics can never drink again safely. Unfortunately, we have to eat. If certain foods are trigger foods, most of us need to do our best to avoid them. Scientists are working on drugs that target the addiction center of the brain. Hopefully it will help all of us addicts.


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Good Evening All...You will all have to excuse me for being MIA...just a bit busy this week.

Joyce...too funny on the bath mat comment.....

Arlene....too funny on the bath mat incident....

Arlene's DH....too funny on the bath mat incident....

Just don't give ideas to those struggling! (Everyone running to bathroom to put mat under scale)!

So DAMNED cold and windy and snowy here. We had a full-blown blizzard on Friday night and Saturday. Major highways and roads closed for over 24 hours. We did make it to our wake on Thursday night and our funeral on Friday but make it home just in the knick of time. Been stuck in the house ever since. I really never liked it when my boys used the words " it sucks". Well, I forgive them. IT SUCKS! Agreed to do a day out with DH today but after stepping outside early on, I nixed that idea. Not worth traveling 70 miles and running while freezing from restaurant to car. Eva's ideal weather made a pansy out of me.

Jodi...hope Dazzi's Bat Mitzva (sp?) was everything you/she wished for. I am sure you are spent after the planning, etc. Once in a lifetime event and it sounds like you put your heart and soul into it.

Janet...have a great time with your Lucky 7's gang. Also, enjoy your time off of work. Wish I could call myself a Lucky 7's. Would have booked a flight out.

Julie...hope you are home and on the mend. Check in when you can.

Melissa....wishing for you to be able to do the reconnect with your therapist. Don't hold back and accept the help and advice given.

Lori...enjoy that babe. (Envious). I agree with others. DD's MIL has the bitch factor included in her personality. Sound like SHE needs to read the Boundries book. Maybe DD can just pass it onto her. I agree that DD and SIL need to be on the same page in how to deal with her. I see a broom and a pointy hat when you explained her last fly by.

No LauraK this weekend?

Cheri....Hope your 60th celebration was great and that you had a nice time with your company. You've done a lot of that lately. Good for you. Just read your last post on food addiction...true...we are so different than being an alcoholic...we HAVE to eat. That's where Janet's plan comes into play...throw the sh_t away. Let me back up on that....first of all, don't bring it into your house. Second, if you are exposed to trigger foods, have the man balls to walk away from it. Do the "boot strap" thing. Pull them up and walk away. Gotta, gotta, gotta put up the walls (boundries) with certain foods if they are a trigger. A person can give into them over and over and over or they can make the decision to put the wall up and say NO. It might be that a person has hundreds of food that are triggers to them. Lots of walls but once you can turn yourself off to them, much stronger. Not sure if any of you understand that, but so true.






Good thing DH noticed. Every time you post I sit and look at your signature b/4 and afters. Soooooooooooo amazing...the difference. Love ya.

Jessica....way to go, Girl! You are on the move! So sorry to read your last post on how overwhelmed you are. Find more time to post....we will calm you down. It's tough. I remember those days. Hope they can find a med for DS that works without the weight loss. Hugs. Keeping up your pace, I'm sure, is quite the challenge. Just know you have your fans here. Looking forward to the day you are "pinned" (Graduation). You can do it. You have proven so far that anything is possible. We should all learn from you and what you have done for yourself in the last 18 months. I went back today and read your first posts. You should go back and read them....I almost cried while reading them....you have come so far. Hugs. Wouldn't it be fun to have a planned LB friends get-together around the time of your graduation? Hmmmm....something to think about.

Phyll....have a great time with your girls. Do you plan on staying over at Janet's? I was quite impressed by your DH and how he fit in to our dinner at Janet's and was even more impressed by the wonderful food and the service he gave us when at your place. That was so fun, wasn't it? Something I will never forget. Think it should be an annual thing....I'll bring DH next time. He's such a girl. Let me define that. He just fits into so many situations and hangs with whoever. Love him for that.

Meredith...you didn't fall off a St. Pat's float at all, did you? Just checking!

Hey, Linda...hope you are feeling a little more "not stiff". Gosh...sucks when we think we are 19 and push bikes uphill. Bet that's what did it. Give it a day...bet it will be better. Ooops..forgot...you have FM...might take a bit longer. I bet that your FM is not as bad as it was since you have been so faithful about being active. Right? We should PM cuz I have been thinking about the Chicago trip and thought it would be so much fun to just drive down a day early and catch the train with you. It won't work for me cuz I need to be back in MN that Monday night to do a planned trip with my very best BFF. Heading to a resort up by Duluth for a few days.

Joyce...I bet you are looking forward to getting that splint off and onto full healing. Unfortunate situation for you.

Sandi....such the workout queen. And, yes, I too can hardly look at any footage of Japan. Makes me weep. How's your Charlie? Mine's being a little sh_t right now but I have faith or hope or something.

Eva...you must be resting and studying after having such a big/unexpected FNSC. Hope you were able to catch up and regroup b/4 tomorrow hits. Gosh...DH and I miss you and would love to jump in the car and drive just that 14 miles like we did and pick you up and go to a museum. Can I say it again? Our weather sucks. Whine.

OK...I have been so bad at this responding to everyone...just plain don't like it. I just usually say what I want to say. Sorry if I missed any of my girls on the thread. Wish Tex would check in. Was always nice to hear from "Our Boy".

Well...flew out of bed at 3:40 to push the "I want coffee now" button and realized it was OK cuz it was 4:40 so did not need to go back to bed. Was a little bit tired today but got 12 doz Cookies made for a special event (Habitat for Humanity) and fought a nap cuz knew I would sleep better if no nap.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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