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Good Morning Peeps

Can't beleive I'm the 1st one to post - either Charlene or Linda are here 1st thing in the morning :0)

Well I have a busy day - gym @ 8 - Dogs go to groomer @ 10:30 (you should see me with all 3 dogs - bear trying to mark everything - they get all tangled up - it's pretty funny) Need to go to Winco & costco - home put all the stuff up and chill I hope for a while..

I'm right behind you Janet!

Good morning Gang! DH and I went to Walmart at 6:30 this morning to get our Honey Milk Protein drinks. Ahhh! It is so nice when you have the place to yourself except for the employees. There were a few seniors like us that don't like crowds, but no kids. Anyway, we shopped then came home and walked. I think I found one reason I was not losing.......not enought Water. I drank 64oz yesterday along with my tea and this morning I started going back down.

JANET,........have a great time with the lucky 7's!

Lori, I hope your condition is not too serious. Do you think the stress over worrying about your DD could have caused the flare up?

Apples, I have missed your posts......you must be busy.....HUGS!

Laura......good going on the weight loss?

Jessica......Congrats on another 5K......you are a machine!

Cheri.....how is DD?

Joyce......been praying for your elbow. I sure miss your sweet posts.

Eva......get out of the vacuum!

Phyl.....let us know about the knee surgery. I saw your bead work on FB.....beautiful!

Melissa.....are you back on track?

LauraK.....WTG on going back down!

Sndy.....are you running again?

Kelley.....How's it going?

Chris.......check in when you can. I hope the band is keeping your weight from going up. Just stay away from starches and drinks lots of Water. I know it must be hard to not eat Fast food, but there are good choices out there.

Jodi......Has the event happened yet. I know this is a huge deal for Dassi. Congrats!

Linda, so what kind of shindig are you going to this weekend?

Julie.......praying for you! Miss ya ! Love ya!

Meredith.....What is the best thing to put on my hair before I use the flat Iron....I need something to make it SHINE?

I know I missed someone......sorry......CRS!

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Morning everyone! Had a busy day at work yesterday. Had my MRI in the morning - now girls this was a BIG deal for me as I'm very very very claustrophbic -- in the past always chose open MRIs. Well, here in our little town there's only the closed one and in order to get an open one would have to have waited too long -- my dr. is seeing me 3/25 -- and had to travel 70 miles and miss a lot more time from work (which I have to make up). So. . .I told myself I could do it -and I did. Had a little bit of a glich the first time she started to move me into the machine and had to have her bring me back out but I did it -- and I've proud of myself. It's good to face all our demons and get over some of our fears. They seem to make people to that on Biggest Loser so I'm trying to apply that to my life as well. Now that I've done it once and survived, I shouldn't have a problem with it in the future.

Wonder how long Julie will be in the hospital -- anyone know? I hope this resolves all her issues, really praying for that outcome.

Arlene, wtg on the walk. We had a lovely day here yesterday - got up to 61 and it felt so wonderful. I had to pick Aylaha up after work last night and she and i have big plans for a walk/bike ride later when the weather gets better. When I picked her up she was still in her pj's -- what a waste of our beautiful spring day. She definitely needs to get outside and get the "winter stink blown off her" as my grandma used to say. LOL. I looked ahead at a 10 day forecast and it appears (knocking on wood) that our winter is pretty much over. I sure hope. Can't wait to get the patio furniture back out and the swing set back in working order (took swings and slide down for winter). Just realized our camping trip will be in about 2-1/2 months -- can't wait - we always enjoy that.

Talked to my DB on his birthday. He's still on oxygen but says he's starting to feel better. His wife told me he's down to 117 oh my - in the pictures from the wedding last summer he was about 140 -- can't imagine how horribly thin he must look now as he looked pretty sickly then. Need to get to Ohio to see him this summer. Hoping the gas prices don't get too ridiculous.

Janet, you weren't at all preachy - I worry about that too - just trying to help the others here who are newer from experimenting from things that don't work to save them the time and energy.

Phyl, wtg on the loss -- it seems when we least expect to lose, that's when we do -- good going. Your jewelry on FB is so pretty. Is Zoey going to Janet's too?

Melissa, hope you're doing good today -- have you been working pretty regularly? Have you heard from your friend's boss yet -- I think you sent a resume recently? Hope that works out for you but if not, Sam's should have some other openings soon so hang in there -- maybe an office job will open up -- it's tough right now so any job is better than none. Cheri is right that this is a disease -- but in your situation with your diabetes you got a double whammy going -- your diabetes can be so debilitating. Just like my step daughter being so sick all of the time -- part of it is caused by her diabetes - the other by her other disease -- drug abuse -- between the two of them she probably won't live to be very old. I know it's hard but you really need to make those good choices. How did it go with the counselor on Tuesday? Was it this past Tues. or next week? I hope you can continue to go and get some good help. My sessions last winter with the counselor helped me so much in dealing with my situation here with my step kids. Even though I only went a few times, she gave me some very good coping skills. We love you and want to get back on track so you can feel good both physically and mentally again.

Laura,wtg on your food. I seem to remember you guys are going to visit your DH's family this year -- are you still planning that trip? Haven't heard you talk about it for awhile.

The earthquake and tsumamies were sooo terrible -- omg - the pictures are just so hard to see.

Lori, sorry about your drama at the hospital -- again, no one seems to ever take responsibility for making mistakes -- my DH and I comment on that all the time. They seem especially bad about it in the medical services area. We've had a lot of problems with that too -- they refuse to say "it's my fault, please forgive me for making a mistake" -- it's almost ridiculous. I have to tell you that in our company if we make a mistake, we own up to it witih our customers - I tell them, "it was our mistake, that shouldn't have happened and I'm very sorry it did." Sometimes they are upset -- but usually are forgiving when they realize it was "human" error. We don't do it often, but when we do we do own up to it and I think everyone should and it's so frustrating when they don't. Instead of treating you that way the girl who made the mistake should have called the hospital you were at and begged the tech to work you in quickly because it was HER mistake -- if she'd done that it might have turned out better -- they certainly treated you like you were the person who erred -- which isn't fair. My local hospital always sends out a survey card after each visit to get an assessment of our experience -- since they started doing that I've noticed they treat the patients much better. Enjoy that baby this week -- the lighted bed will do the trick -- my step son had to have that when he was a baby (I wasn't around but heard about it). Hope your neck problems can be easily resolved.

Well, I can't remember what anyone else had to say -- love to all - I need to get busy here and get my exercise in and then Aylah and I will hit the road with the dog for a nice walk/bike ride. Not much else planned -- just relaxing and cleaning house.

Cherei, hope the anniversary goes well, sounds like you have it well planned.

I think this is the weekend for Dassi's bat mitzvah -- will have to check FB for the pics. I'm sure it will be great.

Kristi, great weight loss - congratulations!!!

Have a great weekend all!!


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Good morning. Just got home from Breakfast (ate the sausage patty from a McD's sausage biscuit) and the cell phone store. I can now stop worrying so much about DH and his phone driving, he got a Blue tooth device. He gets so many work calls and he gets so distracted, he pulls over usually but still. Now to figure the thing out, he has all day driving tomorrow to work on it. We will leave early in the morning.

I am so thrilled with the clocks changing tonight to daylight savings time. I just love the extra daylight in the evening. And it makes spring seem here. It always lifts my spirits for some reason.

Linda, you are so right. Had the hospital just said yesterday that they were sorry for the mistake but were trying to make it right instead of making me feel like I was the problem that they had to work in and was making other patients wait, I'd have been perfectly fine and forgiving. Just take responsibility for it. She gave me the managers phone number and I think will call when I get back. By the time I got home yesterday he was out, now the weekend, and of course gone all week for me next week. I should have the results on MOnday though.

Arlene, I don't think this is a stress related condition, not sure how that would give me a sore throat/neck. I've had it since the holidays. I'm supposed to take Aleve, but am a little leary of that with the band, though my doc says I can take it for short term conditions such as this, it's when you take it all the time he said that is a problem. But still I just hate taking stuff.

Jodi, thinking of you today for the Bat Mitzvah.

Cheri, what a celebration for your folks. Congrats to them for 60 yrs!!

Janet, we have Winco's here too, thought it was a Utah thing. I have not been though as they aren't convenient.

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Hi Gang,

Another fly by...I'm on my way to the Tucson Book Festival. Plan on attending both Saturday and Sunday. They have some pretty big authors here and a bunch of hour long lectures (workshops?).

FNSC went very well...more people than I thought showed up and DH loved his gift (a motor for a bicycle). I made pizzas, several types including vegetarian, white, gluten free, and meat (for DH). Don't have that much left over.

I'm very tired because besides the cooking, I cleaned house and then entertained until 11. But all in all things are good.

Missed Apples and her DH last night, but maybe next year she'll be able to hang out for the B-day FNSC. There were three B-days we celebrated.

Okay....off to the book thing....lots of walking involved because its on the University of Arizona campus....huge campus covers maybe a mile square (4 miles around).



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Afternoon everyone. I did well this morning. Finished in 47.56. Now, time to refocus my eatting. My son told me he was so proud of me for running and he wants to run too. I am gonna work with him on doing a 1 mile fun run. I am hoping it will help him clear his mind and focus.

Nice to meet you Kiskis. Thanks for commenting.

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WTG Jessica -- we're all so proud of you too!! Eva, FNSC sounded fun -- happy b-day to your DH!

Lori safe driving to Denver and have a great time!!

Exercised, cleaned and ate and now Aylah, Merry and I are going for our walk. It's chilly, but sunny.



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Just had to post, DD's MIL strikes again. I can't believe. She came down to see the baby and then took DSIL out to dinner and left DD there alone. DD who hasn't been out of the house in a week, who's tired, doing it all (DSIL isn't doing much to help out) and her MIL thought he needed a break. DD is furious. How insensitive. She could've brought them both dinner and ate there, offered to stay with the baby so they could go out, etc. But worse is I am upset with my SIL for even going. Or do I am I being selfish? I just don't think if my son was married and had a new baby, I'd come down there and take him to dinner and leave my DIL home alone. I'd come cook for them, or something. Now DD has no dinner or has to make her dinner for herself. The MIL is also telling DD how she is doing everything wrong and that her dr is wrong on so many things. She being the expert since she's a NICU RN. DD is being very by the book in what her pediatrician tells her to do. Just had to vent, should be an interesting week! I'm so anxious to hold that baby!

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Jessica, WTG on the 5K and the grades. You have really put it all together!

Charlene, I haven't been doing too much running it is still to cold here. I run a mile or so inside at the gym as my warm up before exercising but I haven't done a 5K since November. I will pick it up again in April. My goal for this year is to finish an 8K jogging the whole way. My trainer says I am ready to take an 8K on. I have been doing TRX and kick boxing over the winter. It has been fun and a nice change of pace. Once the weather breaks I will take to the streets running. My trainer is going to be doing an outdoor boot camp beginning in May so I have already signed up for that. How fun that must have been getting the filler and botox. That must be a real pick me up.

Cheri, best of luck with the party. I am sure everyone will have a good time. It sounds like you throw some great parties.

I went for a manicure and pedicure this morning. What a treat! My daughter had given me a gift card last mother's day that I finally took out and used. I can usually do my nails pretty well but I can't even come close to getting my feet the way they do. I should really make a point of doing that more often. I guess I don't because I feel guilty about spending so much on myself when I am already spending quite a bit on having a trainer 2 times a week. I just need to get over the guilt and take better care of myself.

I had a fun day. I went to the jewelry store to try to find something to spend my store credit on. I found a beautiful tacori amethyst, silver and rose gold necklace and earring set. I don't remember if I told you all about selling my old gold jewelry so if I am repeating myself please forgive me. The jewelry store is buying old gold and the price of gold is pretty high right now. I went through my jewelry box and collected all of the stuff I no longer wear (some of it went back to the 70's) and took it in. I was more than shocked when she told me I could either have 800 cash or 1600 in store credit. DUH, of course I took the store credit and it has been burning a hole in my pocket ever since. DH went with me to the store and we spent a lot of time looking before I decided on the set. It is beautiful. I can't wait to wear it. I had no idea that that old stuff I have pushed around for years was worth so much as scrap. Hummmm, maybe I should clean more often.

Janet, I have to say that your outlook on eating is exactly what I have found works for me. I don't cut out carbs or fats. I find that too restrictive. I have learned in the past I can only follow a restrictive diet for about 6 months and then I can't do it any longer. What happens at that point is what we have all experienced I gain it back. What I follow is something my doctor told me she does. I eat half. I eat everything I normally eat but I take half of what I used to eat. For example, for dinner tonight (we went out to eat) I was served ½ duck, baked potato and spinach. I ate half of everything and took the other half home. This way I don't feel deprived. I had the duck, which is a huge treat for me but I didn't over do it. I even had 2 forkfuls of my DH's chocolate cake. Now, I don't eat that rich everyday but when we go out I like to indulge myself. I still follow the half rule at home. I will eat half of a chicken breast or half of a steak. I have either potato or rice most nights but I only take half of what I used to take. This system has worked well for me and I just thought I would share that. It may not work for everyone but everyone has to figure out for themselves what works for them.

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Good Evening Gang...

Taking a break - I have been on the go all day long - gym - groomers - costco - Winco - Target - home in between to but the stuff up picked up the dogs - moppes & vacuumed ... Going to have turkey meat loaf tomorrow nite - going to get it made tonite - still gotta fix me dinner and a few more loads (2) of wash..

Great - Winco is new to the desert - it opened 2 yrs ago - the 1st in the Desert - yes it's not convenent but it's cheaper than the regular grocery store - I've gotten good at bagging my own groceries ;0) - But if I just need a few things I run to Target - Both are within 2 blocks - Stater Bros is on the other side of town - but I still have to go there from time to time since neither Target nor Winco carry some of the things I like (lite cran grape juice for one)

MIL is protecting her baby... Was she wrong yes - but her son is her baby ... She was rude... SIL was insensative to your DD.. The whole baby thing - some men aren't good at it.. It's the women's job as far as they are concern especially if she nursing (another reason not to nurse imho ;0).. I don't think I would leave my week old baby with anyone... Maybe to go take a shower but not to leave the house.. As far as advice (hers) well - gotta say I'm that way too - now a days having a baby is so much diff than back when I had mine - they do things totally diff and of course if our kids came out ok - why change.. Hopefully they will bring her some dinner back - I would be pissed at my dh if he did that..

Cheri - I don't think all carbs are the devil food - it's just to learn moderation - I think you have to have a balance diet - which is going to include some carbs.. I think that's the secert learning that you can in somethings in moderation after you have the hang of it.. Carb to me Starch ;0)

Hugs on DD being so sick - good that she's asking for help.. Continured Prayers

Today's topic between trainer me & workout partner was about diet aka healthy eating not dieting as workout partner is trying to lose a few lbs..

We are spring in the Desert - 80 's this week - I'm glad cuz Linda is from Wisconsin and Candice Canada - they are going to really love the weather..

Well gotta go fix some dinner - glad I am on vacation next week - cuz losing an hr is hard when you have to get up 1 hr earlier and when the clock says 10 p.m. your body think it's 9 pm and it's not ready for bed

Charlene - that's the only time I would ever go to Walmart - I hate our walmarts on the weekends... WTG on walking and Water :0)

Oh Great - Did you know Patti Reilly??? (qvc) she left yesterday.. I liked her...

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Thanks Janet, I just think DD'sMIL was being rude and insensitve. I didn't mean that DD should leave the baby. I would hope that they would bring her dinner back.

No I didn't know Patti, she was pretty new when I was there. Did she say why she was leaving? I thought of getting the capris yesterday but didn't.

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Janet, I was just reading about Lisa Mason and Patti Reilly leaving Qvc. Lisa and Patti both wanted to pursue new interests. Lisa lives in Manhattan and the commute was also hard.

Lori, MIL is being so catty. Janet is right ......that is her baby boy. I feel sorry for your DD. When my baby boy had their baby I went and cooked, cleaned, and got up during the night to diaper my GS before handing him to DIL. DD knew she would be a handful......SIL isn't helping either. When are you going back to Denver?

Sndy.....kickboxing.....wow! You must be really in shape. WTG!

Jessica......Congrats! on the run! That would be fun the run with DS.

Linda.....another busy day with Aylah.......hope you had fun.

Anyone heard from Julie?

Cheri.......Awesome! Sixtieth anniversary.......Have fun tonight!

Well, I journaled today. In one column I put the calories count......in another column the WW pts. No wonder I can lose on WW. I am using way to many pts for my resting metabolism. I cut back today. I am going to continue with WW online for the e-tools at least for another month.

Okay Gang, going to bed to read. I hate losing that extra hour tonight although DH and I both have been waking up at 4am.....insomnia.....UGH! Goodnight!

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Thanks Janet, I just think DD'sMIL was being rude and insensitve. I didn't mean that DD should leave the baby. I would hope that they would bring her dinner back.

No I didn't know Patti, she was pretty new when I was there. Did she say why she was leaving? I thought of getting the capris yesterday but didn't.

Lori - I would never be that crude - the 1st night Andrew came home from the hosptial both Joseph & I stayed up with him that night so that his mom could get rest... Gotta say my son most likely wasn't the most hands on all the time.. But he still loved his babies.. He's very hands on w/Brooke - that's his road dog (pal) .. The problem w/Andrew living w/me when he was born is that I took over - but I was 36 not 56 so if it happend now - I don't know if I would be so hands on - age ;0)

I didn't mean if she did leave the baby w/the mil that it was a bad thing - I'm just old school that's all.. Kid's now a days take babies everywhere - when we were on vacation in nov/dec - there were family with 8 month old babies - Not me :0) - well at least not now LOL - I didn't have $ to go on vacation when Joseph was a baby ;0)

No she didn't say - Why I googled it - got just junk - moving to Los Angeles - getting married ?? Don't know what's true - They say she got Lapband... You know she was a lot heavier 11 yrs ago - she was real bottom heavy..

Charlene - I knew Lisa left - she's married to a hunk !!!! Yep important to know the calories vs points imho -

Well, got meat loaf made for tomorrow nite - salsa made then made these date/aparcot bars bakingng - who knows how they are going to come out... I use truvia instead of sugar and splenda brown sugar instead or real stuff and I didn't have stick butter so use butter spread... I got the recipe from those lite taste of home ones I got off qvc... 147 cal per bar - but since I cut the sugar I figure cal should be about 80-100 ??? Since I messed w/the recipe I hope they come out - it's dessert tomorrow nite

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My goal for my carbs would be to eat the low glycemic carbs in moderation. Unfortunately, when it comes to carbs, even low glycemic ones, my addiction center can get triggered. Frankly, most of the so-called low-glycemic good-for-you carbs don't appeal to me. Whole grains aren't very appealing. They need fat and sugar to make them palatable. Never been a huge bread fan. The only reason for pastry and breads is to convey mouthfuls of something gooey and sweet. So eating the good for you carbs triggers cravings in me because they don't taste good and I want to supplement them with something that tastes good.

You aren't triggered by limited amounts of carbs. I am. I am not at all satisfied by 100 calorie popcorn. It wakes up all my cravings. A few grapes leads to eating bunches of them in one sitting, just like popping M & M's.

Have any of you ever paid attention to how fast starches start tasting sweet in your mouth if you let them sit there? Put a "whole grain" cracker in your mouth and see how long it takes for your saliva to turn it into sugar. By the time most starches hit your stomach they have already turned into sugar which is going to trigger insulin response and all that bad stuff that makes you store your food as fat. I remember a science teacher making us do that in high school. Never forgot it. Your basic saltine cracker turns almost instantly sweet in your mouth.

Have a great Sunday.


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Lori, I know you empathize with your daughter. Her MIL is definitely a piece of work. However, different families have different ideas about what is rude. That's been really hard for me to accept. What's offensive in one family is not in another. What some people think is thoughtless insensitive behavior that leaves them highly offended wouldn't even raise an eyebrow in another family, and vice versa. There's a Bible verse that talks about choosing to not be easily offended. That really applies to in-laws. I've seen families torn apart over imagined or insignificant slights. It's a real trick not to take offense. Your daughter and her DH are going to have to find a way to deal with MIL. Together. I doubt dear MIL was deliberately slighting your daughter by taking her son out to dinner. She made an assumption that your DD couldn't go anyway, and she wanted some private time with her son. Probably didn't occur to her that your dear daughter would be offended. As a NICU nurse, she probably doesn't realize she's making your daughter feel inadequate with all her unsolicited expertise. She probably thinks she's dispensing important information. If she does realize it, then shame on her. If not, DD needs to learn to let it go in one ear and out the other. Sort of like we do on this thread. We have varying ways of dealing with our food. People have to take what they like and leave the rest. We share our experience, strength and hope. Sometimes we get a little preachy. That's because we want so badly to see people succeed. If we were in the same room with each other we might get upset or argue. Because we're online, we have a chance to curb those instincts. Right now your daughter's hormones are all over the place. You're going to have to find a way to be supportive of her feelings and to let her vent without feeding her sense of outrage. Hard to do and I'm not good at it. Maybe you'll be better at it than me. Give your daughter the book about Boundaries. Maybe she can learn how to deal with people like her DMIL at a younger age than we did. LOL.


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How many people like Truvia or Stevia? I find it has an extremely bitter taste, a lot like grapefruit or green peppers. Tried it in some tea and spat it out immediately. But not everyone tastes the bitterness in green peppers or grapefruit. Only some people taste or are sensitive to those flavenoids. I taste that same bitterness in asparagus, too, but a lot of people don't. So maybe for some people, Truvia doesn't taste horrible.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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