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Good Morning All...

Hadn't heard from Julie's DH after surgery and was getting concerned so I called on her cell phone and she answered. We did not talk long as the nurses came into her room to get her up to walk. Her band was removed. Her doc had hoped to do it with just a lap incision but doubted that he could. He needed to do a full incision and she also has the "hole" where they removed the port. There was on ulcer where the band had eroded. She is disappointed in losing her band but waiting to heal b/4 thinking of other options. Poor girl.

Her LB doc stopped in to visit and told her that he was very proud of her for maintaining her weight during all the crap that has gone on with her body the last many months. I am in hopes that removing the band will allow for her to live a much more normal life and the the band might just have been the culprit in some of this pain she has had. It's been my feeling since the beginning of her troubles.

Believe it or not, I am home for today. DH traveled a few hours to a machinery auction and DS is working from home doing bids and layouts on his computer. I am going to try to get some things in order around here, some bookwork done and make some chicken wild rice Soup. We have a wake this evening and a funeral tomorrow. (Adopted Bro's FIL passed away). I am still in my jammies and plan on not changing until I get my work done and then can hit the shower.

Hope you all have a great day.

Thanks for the update......I am just glad she is okay. I have had three laparatomies and there is a lot of recovery time for them. I think she can find other options that will work for her. Prayers and HUGS! for Julie

I look a little like a chipmunk today. My lines are filled in, but I am just puffy from the injections. Now, I am going to the nail salon to show them my battle scars from the waxing. Maybe they will give me a free Pedi. My girl Ann always blows on the wax before she puts it on my face. That wax was just too hot for my skin.

I walked this morning....ate a Protein bar....now off to the showers and a PEDI. Later!

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Melissa, so happy you have an appt. with your shrink -- as Janet says, we're more worried about your diabetes than your weight loss -- you need to figure out a way to get and stay healthy -- yes, we know it's hard -- but you need to do all you can to be here for your son -- you want to hold your grandbabies some day too.



Linda - I missed this post earlier. I am trying to make some small changes but with the help of my Diabetes Educator and my Shrink I see Tues. I know I can do it. I did it before I can do it again. I just don't want to be stuck in this cycle of losing and gaining anymore that is where I pray the shrink will help.

Melissa - Hugs on fight w/DH - but good that you did talk about it- I know that w/my own DH - - on needing a fill - if you eat 4 oz of hard Protein are you physically full... That's the test IMHO.. I think we all eat to a degree softer foods so that we can consume more food - not just junk but veggie too. Take tiny bites chew well and eat slowly and then sit and thing about your stomach - does your pouch feel full.. This doesn't mean you aren't still going to be hungry but your stomach is actually full.. Try it and let me know - OMG my post was really bad spelling ;0) I was too tired to spell ck LOL - I think you have to find out the reason you are killing yourself before you can get better - what's inside you making you eat things you know you shouldn't - I am praying that this shrink will be able to help you get to the bottom of your issues.. Hugs Hugs Hugs..

Like Melissa I truly believe that my eating was my control - it's what I did for me after doing for everyone else - Only other pple who have this issue understand - I know my trainer would say - why when you know it's killing you - I think we just put our heads in the sand - and after a while it's just to hard to think about losing the weight - ie this is where the band comes in play to help - but it's not the magic cure all - it's only a tool to help us - as I alway say the real work is up to us.. food is our drug of choice and a non food addict really just doesn't understand this.. It's what I controlled when I had no control over all that was going on in my life..


Janet - I decided to move my LB appt. That is not the problem right now anyway it is my head. I agree with this "I think we just put our heads in the sand - and after a while it's just to hard to think about losing the weight - ie this is where the band comes in play to help - but it's not the magic cure all - it's only a tool to help us - as I alway say the real work is up to us.. Food is our drug of choice and a non food addict really just doesn't understand this.. It's what I controlled when I had no control over all that was going on in my life..

" Do you think you changed your addiction from food to exercise or is food still your addiction you just have it controlled? Also is your eating automatic meaning you eat the same things for the most part everyday? I have your meal ideas you sent me, I was just wondering. I saw somewhere if you can automake 1 meal everyday that is less to worry about meaning having the same thing for Breakfast. I guess that would be boring but then you knew what you were eating and did not have to think about it that could help. My problem is planning food. I can plan dinner for the house but I forget about me when shopping, except I always by greek yogurt. That is what I have to learn to do plan for me in regards to food.

Good Morning All...

Hadn't heard from Julie's DH after surgery and was getting concerned so I called on her cell phone and she answered. We did not talk long as the nurses came into her room to get her up to walk. Her band was removed. Her doc had hoped to do it with just a lap incision but doubted that he could. He needed to do a full incision and she also has the "hole" where they removed the port. There was on ulcer where the band had eroded. She is disappointed in losing her band but waiting to heal b/4 thinking of other options. Poor girl.

Her LB doc stopped in to visit and told her that he was very proud of her for maintaining her weight during all the crap that has gone on with her body the last many months. I am in hopes that removing the band will allow for her to live a much more normal life and the the band might just have been the culprit in some of this pain she has had. It's been my feeling since the beginning of her troubles.

Somehow I miss the part where Julie's band was being removed. I agree I pray the band might have been the problem all along and having it remove might get rid of all her pain.

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Good Morning to all. I was so behind in reading that I ran out of time this morning to post. Finally finished reading just now. Everyone been busy.

I had zumba last night and then came home and had to get some more tax stuff together for DH for the tax appt. today and then had to clean two containers of strawberries he bought on sale yesterday. Strawberries are very good this year so far. Then made my dinner and sat down and it was after 8 already when I finally got to eat.

American Idol is just amazing this year - just love all the kids -- a few weren't as good but there's a bunch I'd hate to see go home too early. I think the girl Pia has a good shot at winning -- she is just so good -- also the guy who sang Joe Cocker -- Casey -- oh and the guy who did the Paul McCartner song -- OMG they were all three just amazing. I love all of them and any of them could win. I also love the 15 year old girl who did Smile. I thought they criticized her a little harshly - I liked it. She's so sweet. I didn't care for the guy who sounds like Rod Stewart -- I think Brad is his name. Sorry I don't know all the names yet, I'm trying. Steven Tyler continues to just crack me up. Love love love him as a judge.

So glad to hear Julie is doing okay. I can't imagine what could cause that, but hope this will be the end of her problems. Thinking of you Julie! Now that she's learned how to eat and has done so well maintaining maybe she can continue her journey by just eating properly instead of having another procedure done. I think if I lost my band I would try that. But of course, I'm not faced with that so it's easy for me to say. We''ll be here to support Julie no matter what she decides. I just pray that this is what has been causing all her other problems.

Lori, I can't remmber who your company was but now are you planning to go to Denver for the weekend? I'm sure it's hard to give you DD her space but I think she'll probably welcome some help by this time. Go and have fun!!! Enjoy that baby!

Melissa, I'm so happy you are canceling your LB doctor appt. for Monday -- as you know, it's more in your head than a need for a fill (see below).

Okay I need to chime in here too -- I have eaten both ways --being filled too tight and then eating sliders and carbs because that's what was EASY to eat and I never felt too tight when I ate that way -- and because I exercised religiously I didn't regain too much weight -- so I was lucky. Also during the whole first and second years I vastly reduced my fat intake and thought that was a good thing. But I was RAVENOUS between meals - I mean stomach growling LOUDLY and rolling and making noises, feeling kinda weak (because I wasn't eating enough protein) generally feeling really, really hungry. So I was supplementing my meals by eating Snacks consisting of carbs (pretzels, 100 calorie pack snacks like party mix, rice krispie treats, rice cakes, popcorn, etc.) Again, after a short while after eating my snacks I would again become ravenous and miserable until I could eat again -- which I had to white knuckle it out to control it cause I really wanted food in my stomach. All the while I was too tight and kept thinking, I'll be okay when I lose 10 pounds - well I never lost those 10 pounds cause I couldn't eat the right way -- so I had my surgeon take out .500 so I could try to eat and then I discovered the 5 day pouch test and then a few months ago when I started to eat no carbs and all Proteins and no snacking and and upped (way upped) the fats in my diet I started losing weight and don't have that ravenous feeling any more nor do I feel the need to snack between meals. You need the fats to satisfy your hunger -- you won't lose weight any more quickly by cutting them as I did -- I'm eating a lot of fat these days -- light salad dressings, hummus, real eggs, cooking things in olive oil, etc. I'm staying away from all carbs -- except for my tiny bit of fruit and yogurt in the morning. And believe it or not, I'm not hungry -- I truly get full and stay full until my next meal -- yes, I start feeling hungry before I eat but I feel no need to have a snack like I did before. So if you are hungry try eating more Protein and increasing your fats -- especially if you think by decreasing your fats will help you lose faster - I don't think it will -- it just seems to make you hungrier. Just try it and see if it helps before you run and get another fill. I think people are experiencing too many problems by getting filled too tight. One of the girls here at work was so tight she couldn't even drink properly - and she goes to my surgeon - she was throwing up all year and yes, she lost a lot of weight -- but she started to get kidney stones cause she wasn't drinking hardly at all -- ended up getting her band removed last month and guess what - she's gaining weight cause she never learned how to eat or deal with her food addiction. We need to face it, head on, not try to just say, oh well, I'll get so full I won't be able to eat or drink -- that's not what it's designed for. Okay, getting off the soap box now. Just hoping my past mistakes will help someone who's struggling now.

Apples, I agree, we all need that light bulb moment and unless we have it, we aren't going to change our eating or our lifestyle. One such moment we each have to face is that we are never ever ever going to be able to eat as we did before -- we were OBESE when we ate that way -- there's no way we can go back to those old eating habits. I lost 100 pounds back in the late 80s early 90s and kept it off for almost 5 years -- I was single, exercised all the time, lived alone and didn't have too cook for anyone - I'd occasionally over indulge but was able to keep it in check. Well then I met my now DH and after his kids moved in, we had less money, I gave up the gym (no money and no time) and ate what the family ate -- and gee, soon I was back in those 100 pounds. As I recall, it ddn't take very long. I thought I had it figured out -- well no, we can't ever ever go back to the "good old days" -- we must accept that. One day a week or a treat here and there yes, but not full fledge eat whatever we want, whenever we want it days. So that's an "aha moment" you need to face either now or when your done with the losing phase.

Arlene, wtg on getting your face done -- I'm soooo jealous --would love to see a before/after pic side by side.

Gotta get back to work, have been writing this all morning.

CBL - Linda

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Linda...you truly have that knack of hitting the nail on the head when you explain things and try to get your point across. I wish I had that ability. My mind is so muddled lately from other "forces" that I feel I have I do not come across with any message.

But, you do have a point with eating a "good/healthy/well-rounded" meal. If you include fats, Proteins and a bit of veggies/fruit, a banded person should feel some satiety. You talked about the fact that if you eat that way you are not ravenous and can push back the hunger monster. As I stated in my post last night....there's still some hunger.

In the last 2 yrs I could qualify as being the "Carb Queen".....this is self-inflicted as to maintain my weight. I can tell you that if ppl are eating way many carbs and trying to keep their hunger at bay, that's not the way to do it. With my carb-laden diet, I am hungry every hour by choice. When I eat a meal heavy in Protein, I feel too full to get all my required calories in. Reason being???? Most carbs are sliders. Now, I have never been a believer in the all or nothing attitude with our food choices. Some "good" carbs need to be in our daily menu...IMHO. A few days of kicking a plateau in the butt with loading up on protein and being very strict with carbs seems reasonable and then introducing a few to have a balance makes sense. We just need to find out what it takes for us individually and find the right combination.

There are so many ppl that are carb sensitive. I was one of those ppl until I got to goal. Bagels were not my friend....english muffins loaded with PB added to my demise when it came to all the weight I gained. But if a person is carb sensitive, adding "free" foods like green Beans, broccoli, aspargas, strawberries, is a great solution to being able to eat and keep the weight loss or maintenance in check.

Now...back to a life FILLED with drama and crap and crap and drama. UGH.

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Good afternoon. Sitting her awaiting DD to get home and we are going to video chat! Gonna see that DGB one way or another! LOL

Linda, we always were going to go to Denver for the week next week but I had friends coming from Denver for the weekend so depending on when they left was when we could leave for Denver. Since they aren't coming I am wanting to leave on Sat. or early Sunday. Though I was looking forward to their visit I am a little relieved they aren't coming.

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Hey everyone,

Wow, sorry to hear about Julie. I am glad she is doing ok. Sucks that she lost her band. If you type in Lap Band erosion causes you will see lots of information on it. In the past it was mostly due to technique- the sutures were done in a different spot or too tight. That used to be 10% of the cases (especially in Austrailia and Europe). Now it usually due to being too tight, having large fills done at one time, medications, drinking soda (or tea and coffee a lot), having recurring reflux and not doing anything about it. (this is just some of them). I know Julie drank soda (although she states she let it get flat) and she was on a lot of medications. Pain medications are VERY tough on the stomach. I don't know that these were her cause- just thinking out loud. Julie, we are all praying for you! You are a tough cookie and will be ok, I just know it.

I know you guys are dogging fills right now. But I got one today. : ) I was down to 4cc or less in my band. I was finding it too easy to eat larger amounts and things I could never eat since banding. (bread, etc.) I gained about 7 lbs since my unfill 5 weeks ago! ughhhh. That was more the ticket for go on the fill. I still only had .75 cc of a fill. I am still on liquids but already feel better. I think that's where I will stay if I don't have reflux or any side effects. I hope that are struggling- find their way. I know that I cannot be TOO TIGHT ever again. I need to stay on the side of loosie goosie, but being able to eat two slices of pizza is NOT ok for me. I wish it was.

Rainy cold day here (66 LOL)! But a low of 50 tonight is expected! dang, my pool is heated and EVERYTHING! Tomorrow night we are to get 42! Just CRAZY!

A bit of a fly by, will try to check back later. peasout.. Laura

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YIPPEE!! After my worrying about all the "food events" of the past week, I was down 1 1/2 lb this morning!!

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Hey Gang!

Linda, I agree about eating fats. Dr. Davis said the weight problem in America really started getting worse when everyone went on Low fat/no fat diets and started eating foods with low fat and more carbs.

Laura.....glad the fill helped. I feel ya on needing a fill. I am going when the cold fronts stop. My band tightens when the weather is cool. I think it has something to do with my Fibro condition. Our weather is like yours......Low 40's in the morning...... 70's during the day, but it is so nice.

Janet, I can tell my eyelids have lifted. I am like you...I would love an eye lift. I know insurance won't pay because they aren't bad enough. I guess we will have to save our pennies.

Phyl.....WTG! on the weight loss!

Jessica......where are you?????

Lori......Hope you have a nice video chat. I know you will be on that plane tomorrow.

Apples.......now what is a panni? Is it where you get the skin removed from your tummy? Git R DONE!

Praying for you Julie!

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YEAH Phyl!!!!!!!!

YIPPEE!! After my worrying about all the "food events" of the past week, I was down 1 1/2 lb this morning!!

My food today:

Muscle Milk 170 cal, 20 gm Protein

Tomato Soup with 1 mini babybel cheese melted in 140 cal, 7 gm Protein

Cabbage and beef Soup (none of the beef), ? 40-50 cal

McDonald's kiddie vanilla icecream (no cone, but couldn't find the calories for minus the cone), 150 cal, protein 4 gm

Protein shake made with GNC isolate 28, 1 cup milk, 1/2 banana, 5 frozen strawberries- 36 grams protein, 250 cal

Protein 67 grams, Calories 760

I am MAJORLY going into carb/sugar withdrawal and feel VERY hungry. This too shall pass. No exercise but worked all day.


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Linda - loved your sharing relating to being over filled & general steps to your success with the band. Thank you

Karen - also loved your sharing relating to hunger.

Hugs to Julie

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Charlene, you can wait to get your eyes done when you can't see anymore....I'll be right there with you. I could use lifters now to get those eyelids up.....LOL.

I'm probably going to be with the Sharpei crowd, at least for a while yet.

My Spanish test is over and the tax appointment done. Now I have to get ready for FNSC at my house tomorrow. We are celebrating a couple of birthdays so it should be fun.

I really hope Julie starts to feel better after this. It's so hard not to feel well all the time.

Phyl, good going!!

I feel like I'm in a vacuum. Need to get my backside in gear and clean house and starting cooking. Ug.

Will talk to you all later. Take care ladies.


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Ohhhhhh, Eva....what DH and I would give to be at the FNSC. Can you pick us up at the Pheonix airport about 4pm tomorrow???? We truly, truly miss you guys. Raise your glasses in a toast to us and say my Grandpa's favorite toast. "Over the lips and over the gums, watch out A$h__e, here it comes"! Then one more toast to Mr. M. and your DH for their bdays. (I don't have anything wise to share for their toast). My DH says that your DH needs to toast with one of those leftover Miller Lites

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Ohhhhhh, Eva....what DH and I would give to be at the FNSC. Can you pick us up at the Pheonix airport about 4pm tomorrow???? We truly, truly miss you guys. Raise your glasses in a toast to us and say my Grandpa's favorite toast. "Over the lips and over the gums, watch out A$h__e, here it comes"! Then one more toast to Mr. M. and your DH for their bdays. (I don't have anything wise to share for their toast). My DH says that your DH needs to toast with one of those leftover Miller Lites

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Good Evening Gang..

Melissa - I pretty much eat like I did from the beginning (healthy and not dieting) - diff is now that I think I eat other types of meat more often than I did that 1st yr - What I remember (you know it was almost 4 yrs ago) is that I ate fish, rice, zucchini 99% of the time for dinner - bf would change a little bit - oatmeal - yogurt - fruit - eggs - 1/2 sandwich - or just deli meat. lunch was always a one pot wonder or leftover fish & veggies (never the rice) and Snacks were sf pudding & fudgesicle, popcorn for the most part I kept my calories around 150-200 for bf - same for lunch - dinner 300ish - snack 300.. 800-1200 was my average calorie intake during my weight loss phase - I still watch my starches - but am not as sensitive to them as others - I still don't eat much of them but will have some .

Now to maintain - I really don't know an exact # of calories that I am eating - but about 300 for bf - maybe 300-400 for lunch - dinner 300-400 and Snacks 100 -200 juice that I drink at nite - SF Ice Cream 180 cal and another 100 for popcorn - I would say my average calories are about 1600-1900 cal a day - I really don't know - but what I know is that if say on Saturday eat more than usually say I I have a quesidilla for lunch then meat veggie starch for dinner along with my normal ice cream and popcorn - On Sunday I will watch my starches - I have a loaf of this great nutty bread in fridge - I will have 1/2 piece w/ butter every couple of days - but not every day - I don't really count calories I just eat healthy - I still go out and eat occasional - then I eat what I want - but it's not something I do 7 days a week - I eat out about once every 2 weeks so those times I eat out are my treat - I gotta say for me I just am more aware or have the understanding that if I want to be a healthy weight - I gotta eat healthy and exercise..

This is why I stress so much about the whole diet mentality.. That's what you have to get rid of - OK say DS has baseball game - you don't have time to cook - so you run threw Micky d's - well you know they do have salads and lite dressings - (any chain w/over 20 restaurants now has to post their calories) you can still eat healthy even if you eat out every day.. Like one day I went to Mexican w/gf - felt like I had too many unplanned treats that week - so I had a shrimp cocktail instead of an enchilada - it's all about your choices..

I am a planner - I think you have to be.. I always plan or should I say think a head somewhat as to what my meals are going to be when I go shopping - I always buy fish cuz I still eat alot of if - but now I will have lamb - hamburger - pork chops - chicken too I ate those thing occasional before but I think today I eat them more often -I always have veggies (well 98.9% of the time)

Last night - I didn't eat the pork chops that I took out - was planing to have the left overs for today's lunch - but instead last night I had tuna salad (lite mayo mustard onion lettuce) and lite pringle 17 for 140 cal - so I had nothing for lunch today - so last night was thinking what are you going to have for lunch today - last night I figured out that I would make another can of tuna and take it to work- Snacking during the day has never been a big issue for me- Even when I was 250 I didn't keep food at my desk cuz I know I would eat it and I knew I was eating too much anyway -

Am I hungry between meal yes some times and especially around 11:30 - I think I can't make it till lunch.. And some days if I have had my bf (200 cal) then between bf & lunch - I might have these pt snacks I get from bariatic choice (sour cream/chive thingies like cheero's 130 cal 12 grms pt) I may eat the whole bag or just half.. or some Jerky - I do have somethings at my desk - but they are healthier choices and they don't call my name when I am not really hungry like a bag of reese Peanut Butter cups would - and we have vending machines too - but no way in God green earth am I going to go eat 400 cal for a freak snack - that's a meal too me - So that's really where I do count calories - is for junk - I look at the serving size and calories and say do I want to waste my budget for them - the answer 99.99% of the time is no.

I save my snacks for nights - cuz I know I don't have the will power not to eat at night.. I haven't been doing too many starches w/my dinner - some nites its just meat/fish veggie - and the dessert a cup of sf ice cream (180 cal) and maybe popcorn. I don't feel deprived 99% of the time -there are times I wish I could pig out - I wish I would let myself buy a bag of candy and eat the whole thing - but you know what - I worked to hard to get where I am to go back to where I was.... I just won't do it.. So I do have will power - I know the extent of that will power and I work it..

I go on vacation I eat what I want and indulge in Desserts (real ones that have more that 200 calories) but when I come home - the buck stops - Just like when I go to our get together or my lucky #7 - I will indulge a little more than I do at home - but once I'm home it's back to my routine eating - so your question was - am I a routine eater - 2 hrs later yes I am.. Do I get bored with it yep sometimes - but hell when I weight 250 i got bored with what I ate then too.. I eat what taste good to me - I really do enjoy my healthy meals - just as much as I enjoyed eating high fat and high sugar..

OK Laura - Love here - but just cuz you could eat bread why did you make the choice to... I would be hungry too if I just had liquids - hopefully tomorrow you can have some healthy food..

I'm on a roll - I am sorry gang - if I am coming off too preachy -

I have perfect restriction and I know that I would not be the weight that I am today without the help of my band - but I also know that even with the restriction that I have today - it I chose to eat differently - it wouldn't matter if I had the band or not - I could weight 200 lbs again.. A lot of this has to do with your food choices and exercise, yes the band helps but it doesn't do the work.. I can eat bread - but I choose not to most of the time - I think if you can sit down and eat a 8 oz steak w/no problem - then yes you need a fill.

This is why my signature say - Eating Healthy + Exercise + Band = SUCCESS - I truly believe in this... It's worked for me and I am no diff that any of you... I want to enjoy the years I have left on this earth - and that wasn't happening at 250 lbs - So for me - I won't go back - if GOD forbid - I lost my band - I most likely would gain a few lbs - but I believe in my heart that I would never be obese again.. That's because I know that my old diet - high fat - high sugar and no exercise is what got me there in the first place -it wasn't just my portion sizes it also had a lot to do with the foods I ate - Would I be a 4 w/o my band maybe not - but I am sure that I wouldn't be shopping at the BBW stores anymore..

Ok enough preaching .... Beside I have to go cook my dinner - so I will have something for lunch tomorrow.. Pork chop cubed up with some onion cabbage bell peppers and soy sauce - Maybe a little rice don't kn ow yet will see how I feel when I start cooking - Food today - BF yogurt/fruit - Lunch Tuna salad w/lettuce - snacks so far 8 peanuts

Glad Julie is recovering - she will be fine... She's one of us with or without her band - no matter what size she is.. We love her no matter what

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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