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Cheri...would not be back in MN if it were not for wanting to be here for DS's bday celebration. The weather is not horrible this week though. In the teens.

How about a hot oil treatment for your hair every couple of weeks? You can buy it and do the treatment yourself. A good masque from your hairdresser that you do once a week is wonderful for dry hair.

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Posted by Rachel's best friend, Amy, whom she's known since 3.

You requested prayers for the chemo to attack the bad cells in your body, and your mom has requested prayers for laughter. Here is my attempt to combine the two.

Dear Lord, while the chemo is attacking the cancer in her body I have a few additional requests. Even though I think Rachel is skinny enough, I pray that the chemo attacks every cellulite and fat cell in her body. I pray that her butt gets smaller and smaller with each treatment and that eventually you can bounce a quarter off of it (if that is the sort of thing she and Jeff are into). Please also attack her mid section so she is left with a perfect six pack for bikini season, may her c-section scar reduce while her muscles expand. If she is to lose her hair I pray that the medicine only attacks the grays, strays, and everywhere she must pluck or shave (again Lord, bikini season is just around the corner). I ask that you take away every ditzy cell that has plagued her and fogged up her brain. She is going to need to focus on getting better and she can’t do that if she can’t remember why she went to the doctor in the first place. Finally Lord, I ask that you remove all the bad cooking cells so when she is back to 100% she can cook wonderful meals for her family, and so they won’t miss all the fast food and pizza they will be eating while she is sick.

In Your name AAAAAAAMEN!


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Thanks for all of the advice gals. Because I have a partial slip still, my band is different than it was before. The acid is INTENSE! I mean really bad, it woke me up in the night time 2x and I threw up only acid both times. It was horrible. Then, today I threw up my iced tea. That isn't right. There is no way in hell I could even think about eating any type of solid food at this moment. It's bad, and I don't want it to get worse. I don't know if I should even take the chance of waiting it out. I was at a good restriction after I did the 5DPT, so I think I should be ok getting th Fluid out. We will see how I do tonight.

Cheri~ The best "over the counter" product that I have found for frizzy hair is made by Suave. It is in an orange bottle and says "Compare to Matrix Sleek Look" on it. Use the whole system, Shampoo, Conditioner, and Leave in smoothing mask. There are other professional products available (that I use on clients daily), but they are far more pricey than the "OTC" types. Also, make sure you get your hair trimmed very frequently. I'm talking every 4-6 weeks. This way, you are keeping split ends away which will keep your hair in all around better shape. Another suggestion is to point the nozzle of your hair dryer from root to ends while you are drying. This will keep the cuticle closed and smooth on the hair shaft. At the end of your blow dry, use the "COOL" button for several minutes to lock in your style. Stay away from hairsprays and products with alcohol in them. This can cause damage as well. But, the BEST product I have ever used, by far, is called Redken Glass. It is a silicone based product that you put on after the blowdry and style. It is quite pricey to some, but just a drop goes a very long way, so the container lasts forever. I could go on and on. Try these things and see if it helps. Let me know.

Lori~ Oh girl! The shopping has begun over here too!!! Before I went to see baby, I bought a sliver Bracelet for mommy with a white gold and aquamarine charm (birthstone of march!), a short set for baby, and University of Michigan booties for him as well (those from uncle andrew)! It is soooo fun! How far away from you is the Carters outlet? I think we have one here about an hour and a half away. Also, I need some clothes too, so if you are feeling very generous feel free to shop for me too! LOL!!!! Love it! I just cannot tell you how very happy I am for you. It has got to be the best feeling in the whole wide world!

Ok, going to get ready for bed in a little bit. "Snore" is over here laying on the couch next to me.



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Good evening. Watching Biggest Loser, love that show.

Meredith, We actually have lots of Carters stores around here, must be because of all the huge families and kids. DD in Denver only has one and it's a ways from her. Here I have 3 of them withing about 12 miles or so. Fun stores.

Cheri, this is probably a dumb question that I should know the answer to but here goes. I hear the term a lot in todays world of co-dependent, but what is it exactly? Is it the same as someone playing victim? I suppose I could google it, but you have such a way of explaining things that makes such sense, if you don't mind answering.

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Melissa--I have a feeling you won't stop eating till you deal with some of your codependency issues. Don't be offended, we're all codependents in various stages of recovery. Standing up to your husband--but also giving him consistent messages will help. Ask him if he would wave a bottle of booze under the nose of an alcoholic. I also think he's placing enormous pressure on you to carry the burden of working full time and providing insurance in a time and economy where that's almost impossible. The reality is, you're not going to find a full-time job with insurance unless you go back to school and upgrade your skills. Or are you the one putting that pressure on yourself to provide that? Instead, you're so stressed out you're ending up costing a lot of out-of-pocket money on your medical needs. Maybe your DH needs to take an extra job to cover insurance. However, someone posted that ultimately you are responsible for your own health and what you put in your mouth. Are you sure you aren't rebelling against all the expectations on you by putting your own health at risk? Take control of your life and of your food. Easier said than done. But ultimately, it's the only way. Sorry if I'm being too up front with you. I'm just especially aware of how fleeting life is. Don't waste it.


Thank You to everyone that posted about what I am going through. Cheri I do not take offense to anything people say but you are correct I am rebelling against everyone and everything by putting my own health at risk. It is all I can control.

But the good news I have an appointment finally with my shrink I had before I got my lapband. It is Tues. I am so happy. He deals with eating issues and has helped in the past with my anxiety. Alot of work I need to do on myself but at least I already have a connection with him and I know he can help. And yes I need to stand up to my husband and other food pushers in my life. I am supposed to go to my LB Dr Monday but I think I will be wasting $100 cause my issue is my head a fill is not going to help. I mean it will give me restriction but we can eat around our bands if we want. If I go he will just see I gained weight or at least have not lost.

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OK...had to Goggle Fat Tuesday/Paczki Day. Had no clue and had never heard the term b/4 (sheltered in our own little world). OMG...they are nothing more than our "FAT" bakery rolls. We call them Bismarks. They are EVIL

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Happy Women's Day beautiful banders!

I am pooped today! My nephew & brother in-law arrive tomorrow from Shanghai for the week. Can't wait!

I tried Malatonin. I woke up at 1:30am and couldn't sleep so I took a tablet. The hangover the next day was brutal. Maybe I will try 1/2. I have no problem falling a sleep it is staying a sleep. Last night on my own I slet 6.5 hours which is amazing!

Have a great eveneing!


PS - down another pound - yipee!

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Good Evening Gang

It's already 8 and I haven't eaten and I'm Hungry - Had boot camp tonite - so this is going to be a run on and in no order post

Eva LOL on the turn my closet into a bedroom LOL I would but too many clothest LOL... Yep I have never had company for a week ;0) - I made up a spreadsheet of food and what we will or might do - and they are laughing at me - Well I like to be prepared that's all - I make up spreadsheets when I am going on a trip on what to pack - or I get all confused and mixed up - so I make list ;0)..

Fills - Band - Eating - IMHO I think that some pple rely too much on fills and not what they are eating - and the fact that we are only suppose to eat like 1 cup food - then we think - omg how can I survive on 1 cup food - I'm full yes - but I only ate 1 cup of food - hell normal skinny pple eat more than that.. I know I myself have a problem with that - Also finding sweet spot for some w/the band is almost impossible - that's one of the pitfalls of the band vs other WLS..

I think regardless on how tight we are or aren't we do know how to eat around it and most of us have at one time or another.. It's all about eating healthy

Melissa - Glad you are going to the shrink - I think you really do need to talk to someone in person - what I am the most concerned about is your diabites and your sugar intake - not your weight issues - your medical conditions are very serious and they are going to kill you - there was an artical in the paper the other day - diabetic have 10 yrs less life span than non-diabetics.. I don't want you dieing....

Ok gang - i was going to say more - but it's now almost 8:30 - I gotta put food in my tummy haven't eaten since lunch and that was chicken soup..

Meredith good luck at the doctors tomorrow - do they know iff your band went back in place.. Hugs I bet you are starving..

Oh I know pple who arent catholic and give up stuff for lent - I thought that was funny - but I'm Catholic - and I have never followed that give up something - I am going to curb my shopping though - it's out of hand..

What is codependency? What's the definition?

There are many definitions used to talk about codependency today. The original concept of codependency was developed to acknowledge the responses and behaviors people develop from living with an <A href="http://www.allaboutcounseling.com/dir/alcoholism-self-help/" target=_self>alcoholic or substance abuser. A number of attributes can be developed as a result of those conditions.

However, over the years, codependency has expanded into a definition which describes a dysfunctional pattern of living and problem solving developed during childhood by family rules.

One of many definitions of codependency is: a set of *maladaptive, *compulsive behaviors learned by family members in order to survive in a family which is experiencing *great emotional pain and stress.

  • *maladaptive - inability for a person to develop behaviors which get needs met.
  • *compulsive - psychological state where a person acts against their own will or conscious desires in which to behave.
  • *sources of great emotional pain and stress - chemical dependency; chronic mental illness; chronic physical illness; physical abuse; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; divorce; hypercritical or non-loving environment.

As adults, codependent people have a greater tendency to get involved in "toxic relationships", in other words with people who are perhaps unreliable, emotionally unavailable, or needy. And the codependent person tries to provide and control everything within the relationship without addressing their own needs or desires; setting themselves up for continued unfulfillment.

Even when a codependent person encounters someone with healthy boundaries, the codependent person still operates in their own system; they're not likely to get too involved with people who have healthy boundaries. This of course creates problems that continue to recycle; if codependent people can't get involved with people who have healthy behaviors and coping skills, then the problems continue into each new relationship.


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Melissa, I am glad you are not taking offence to our posts encouraging you to take better care of yourself. I was wondering about your diabetes (I am diabetic too). How often do you check your glucose? What are your results fasting and 2 hours after eating? What was your last A1C? It sounds like sometimes you are watching what you eat and sometimes not. Unfortunately for people like us, inconsistency can cause glucose highs (which can damage our organs) and lows which can cause us to bottom out (equally dangerous). This inconsistency makes dosing our meds very difficult. I would like to help if I can, so please don’t take my probing the wrong way. Since I have gotten my eating under control and started exercising I have been able to go from 3 diabetes meds to 1 and my glucose levels have become stable. For us it is about more than the weight, it is about protecting our feet, liver, kidneys and our sight. I would like to help you get things under control. Consistency is the key. First get consistent with your eating so your meds can work for you the way they should and then make small changes. All the while we have to monitor our glucose so we can, with our doctor, make appropriate changes in our meds. I love that you are going to talk to someone. You can talk to me too. If you want we can do it by PM or email.

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Morning to all. It's 36 and raining here -I'm just sooo happy it's rain and not snow as it is snow north of us. Sorry Apples, I'm sure you are getting snow.

Ended up working an hour late last night - I had time to make up from doctor's appt. Monday and they were short handed and super busy on the ngiht shift, so stayed and helped. Also worked through lunch so I had a long day. Watched Biggest Loser though -- Lori it's starting to get better I think. For awhile it was kinda boring. It seems to help me stay on track.

OMG the food at the office yesterday was out of control! In order to just go to the bathroom I ihad to walk past two department's buffets -- there are two ways to the bathroom and no matter which way I went I was confronted with food and of course everyone was saying, EAT EAT EAT! LOL. I didn't -- although someone brought these evil custard filled doughnuts from the Dutch bakery and all day they were calling my name but I did not give in -- just kept on walking by. In my head I go back to standing on the elleptical and remembering how hard I have to work to burn a couple hundred calories and then I quickly compute how many calories are in that food and that helps me walk away. Seriously, maybe I'm just addicted to losing weight -- but I know I do not want to start gaining again as I've been there and done that and it's just way to easy.

Apples, sorry things are still tough with your life -- so happy you got that break for a couple of months. Happy too that the lake is only 5 weeks away.

Janet, I have a similar closet and I have clothes in the guest room too. I also have three huge drawers full and I think 6 smaller drawers full of stuff (shorts, t-shirts, bathing suits,nighties, etc.) I could probably go at least 3 weeks and not wear the same pants and probably at least two months of not wearing the same outfit. But when something is on sale how can we walk away - -i mean $2.30 jeans? I can't walk away -- it's too good of a deal - it's cheaper than goodwill for heavens sake! So maybe say you're not gonna shop unless it's a super duper deal. But I have faith you can make it during Lent. I'm not catholic so I never do lent either. I had a good friend who used to give up sex for Lent every year. LOL. Her DH wasn't too happy with that.

Cheri, your DD's friend did a wonderful job -- a nice message for your DD. Have you ever read any Janet Evanovich? She writes humorous crime novels -- really laugh out loud stuff and easy to read -- I recommend any of her books for your dear daughter during chemo -- some of her books are numbered -- One for the Money is the first one, Two for the whatever, etc. I think she's up to 16 now.

Arlene, glad you had a nice b-day -- sorry about that wax -- I hope you did not pay her for the waxing. Hope you heal up quickly. I've very fortunate that i've never had to wax my face -- or worry about hair on my face. No, they keep telling my brother no cancer -but I was worried cause my best friend who died two years ago was told that too and then when they did do the surgery to scrape the lung they found out it was cancer. Sounds like my brother will be okay. He also has heart problems so at least for this moment, he's doing okay. Another reason I need to go back to Ohio this year for a visit. Have been bad about doing that.

Gotta run and get ready for work -- took me awhile to read and catch up. Melissa, so happy you have an appt. with your shrink -- as Janet says, we're more worried about your diabetes than your weight loss -- you need to figure out a way to get and stay healthy -- yes, we know it's hard -- but you need to do all you can to be here for your son -- you want to hold your grandbabies some day too.



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Good Morning Peeps

Well Linda I am in good company - I'm not really giving up shopping for lent - I am going to watch my shopping though... When my girls are here next week - we are going to Soma's (Phyl dh never lets her shop on that street -remember I told you all it's the Rodeo Dr of the Desert - but truly I got a pair of $138 pants for $19.95 so they do have sales) I am going to get a couple more bras - but that's it.. Like I said I want 1-2 more Jam World dresses for this summer too.. But after that - I'm done ;0)

Our weather is suppose to be like 82 and 86 tomorrow - our winter is over... Glad we are going to have good weather when my girls are here - they are from Canada (Peaches) and Wis - so they have snow and cold weather - they are going to love our weather

3 days to get my desk clean up - had meeting yesterday about our health insurance - we are lucky they still pay 100% of employee - changing to blue cross anthem - if I pay $24 out of my pocket my ded will be $500 vs $1500 and my max out of pocket would be $4000 instead of $5000 - the only thing is no brand names meds only generics - but I don't take any anyway (brand names)- so I think I am going for it - Great thing about Obama - now insurance companies have to pay 100% well ck's mamos paps colon flu shots etc - so that's all good it's no longer a part of your deductible - even blood test when given in conjunction w/a physical - a full blood test can be very expensive

Well it's almost 6 gotta get dressed for work - oh put gotta tell you this - remember that dress I got Saturday - well I wore it yesterday and one of my bosses who's like 43 (a kid to me the same age as my nephew) said what's up w/you and Diane (she had a new dress on too - she goes to bootcamp w/m and has lost 50 lbs - cuz of me;0) you too are looking good - a couple of Hotties !!!! Well that $77 was well worth the $$$ for a 43 yrs old guy to tell a 56 yr old broad that she was a hottie ;0) Made my day !!!!

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Good morning, on my way out the door so this is goign to be short. But, Apples just called me and asked me to post because she's on the road and not home til 6 tonight.

Julie called Apples from the hospital. They have run a bunch of tests and discovered that her band has eroded and they are taking her in for emergency surgery to remove it. Julie is very scared and nervous about losing her band. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers today. Will post if/when I hear more as will Apples.

Good luck Julie I am praying for you. Perhaps there's a connection to your pain and all from this? Love ya!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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